Top 20 Hilarious Peter Griffin Moments on Family Guy

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hey get out of here this is my house oh my God Brian what happened who did this to you did you do this welcome to watch Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the Peter Griffin scenes that make us laugh the [Applause] most number 20 Shipoopi Peter's had a lot of jobs over the years including playing professional football in one season 4 episode he joins the New England riots alongside Quarterback Tom Brady we're really excited to have Peter I think he's going to make a great addition to a great team I want to thank God uh I want to thank the Lord God uh cuz it's not really up to me it's up to him however Brady who plays himself continually chides Peter for showing off after scoring goals this reaches its peak as Peter launches into a seemingly impromptu performance of Shipoopi a song from the musical The Music Man shipy shipy shipy but youn the audience players and everyone watching at home all join in as Peter belts out this classic number complete with choreographed dances it's the kind of grandio silliness that makes Peter such a fun character and all over a single touchdown all right I made a touchdown number 19 fashion faux PA y 2K I heard it from a chicken man with the Advent of the New Millennium people were concerned erned the whole Y2K thing was a very real concern at the time even if it didn't end up panning out haven't you heard at midnight every computer in the world is going to fail planes will fall out of the sky and all the world's nuclear weapons will explode annihilating the entire planet even so Peter starts panicking on New Year's Eve while Lois and the rest of the family get ready for a New Year's party Peter is nowhere to be found this leads Lois to recall how often he takes to prepare for parties in a cut away we see that Peter and Lois both wear the same dress to attend her cousin's wedding Peter we're going to be late for my cousin's wedding aren't you dressed yet oh crap well one of us is going to have to change to be honest we think he wore better number 18 the dance of life this next one is for all the ladies out there it should surprise no one that Peter is the jealous type after Lois reconnects with an old boyfriend Peter decides to do the most Peter Griffin thing imaginable and hires a lady of the evening to make his wife jealous Peter gford my God Dora my old girlfriend what a surprise that you would want to look me up you always thought I was so handsome after dragging Peter into a little scene room of the house Lois confronts him about his Envy Peter after rambling about Congress in the fifth commandment urges Lois to love as much as he does doing an absurd dance to emphasize his point Dance with Me Lois dance the dance of light yeah maybe you should call that marriage counselor however the end result of that dance is that he starts to see things her way the scene is a great distillation of Peter's theatricality and stupidity number 17 serial message clear clear you you saved my life doctor clear speak of Peter's stupidity this is an excellent example of it while on a trip Lois loses their car at a casino to win it back from the casino's Native American owners Peter is charged with going on a vision quest A Vision Quest is a sacred spiritual journey your husband must go out in the wilderness without food or water or shoes yeah yeah or shoes he must remain there until he can communicate with nature Peter claims to Lois that it will be easy as he's had Visions before whipping out out a cutaway we see him receive an eerie message in his cereal oh my God Brian there's a message in my alphabets it says ooh Peter those are Cheerios it's a short scene but it's a great example of Peter's idiocy we've had greater success interpreting Our Lucky Charms number 16 butt scratcher cool I don't have to go to school I can just pee in my bed all day Chris may be as Dopey as his dad but thanks to Lois's father he is able to attend a PR Academy unfortunately the high tuition fees mean that Peter is forced to take up his old job purveying tools to reach itches in hard to- hit places at baseball games butt scratcher butt scratcher get your butt scratcher here butt scratcher butt scratcher butt scratcher butt scratcher butt scratcher butt scratcher his repeated calls of butt scratcher will never get old he even brings his work home with him but Lois is less than appreciative I've been selling butt scratches butt scratcher no Peter butt scratcher Peter no butt scratcher no butt scratcher he'd make a killing if he sold to Family Guy fans but sadly that is an itch we cannot scratch number 15 narration Speaking of Chris when Peter's oldest son starts speaking differently than usual in the car he becomes convinced he's possessed Meg start at Psalm 41 and don't stop reading till I tell you the power of Christ compels you the power of Christ compels you after the rest of the family explains Peter calms down Brian recalls that Peter is prone to going through phases of odd behavior himself citing when he narrated his own life Peter speaks aloud his inner thoughts while Lois serves dinner criticizing her cooking and using more complex words than he usually does I walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table I looked with a Grimace at the questionable meal Lois had placed in front of me of course I'd never tell her how disgusted I was with her cooking but somehow I think she knew it's it still earns him a punch in the face from his wife though and even being knocked out for a while isn't enough to get him to stop I awoke several hours later in a days I concluded the 15th entry with my own narration but is it truly mine or merely what is written for me number 14 audition while at the drunken clam Peter drinks with news anchor Tom Tucker who has recently been replaced with a younger newscaster since he arrived our ratings have skyrocketed they're grooming Dallas which means I'm on my way out what we can't let that happen if that guy becomes the Anor every night he's going to be sary I still get a little dizzy from the train Peter resolves to help improve Tom's image he claims he can do anything he sets his mind to citing the time he was on the singing competition show The Voice I'm doing this for my mother who taught me to sing when I was only seven she was my biggest inspiration and she was taken from me when I was 12 in a fatal car accident a cutaway shows Peter tearfully relating a madeup soab story lampooning how many talent show contestants Advance based on drawing sympathy from the judges instead of their merits and Peter's song of choice just seals the deal so tell me where you want what you really really want I'll tell you what I want what I really really want Viva Forever might have been a better choice given his Vibe but this is funnier at least number 13 Peter's Nails why are you making such a big deal out of this Lois I was just a little tired yeah well that's how it began Brian then the next thing you know I'm making Peter dig a hole in the yard and you're in a pillowcase Brian's a dog and dogs can't live forever except on TV when the family starts to realize Brian's limitations after a scare Peter decides he'll have to get used to the idea just as he got used to his acrylic nails we then see Peter apparently acting as a secretary at a law office sporting long false nails scanion Winestock and rean hey Londa Peter's Del deliberately paced typing and complete lack of concern for all the people he has on hold helped make this a hilarious stereotype of the unconcerned personal assistant the nails totally work on him too no I got four people on hold but I can't talk number 12 if at first you don't succeed family feuds come in a cog Peter we should try out a family can Win $5,000 on that show the Griffin family wins a spot on Family Feud throughout the game each of the Griffins delivers answers that are funny and often revealing about their personalities beater three answers on the board that can beat that name something you find in your bathroom finding your bathroom finding your bathroom Richard I'm going to go with fetus in the toilet bowl however it comes down to Peter in the bonus round charged with coming up with an example of something you sit in Peter says chair unfortunately Lois already answered this during her turn however that doesn't stop Peter who continues to say variations on the word with with no success hi chair that's still a chair cheer say something other than chair what if I can't think of anything you can pass how do I pass just say it say what say pass Che he may lose the Griffins The Game and his memory but this hysterical moment is a winner in our book number 11 Peter poops his pants who's texted me damn it stop it you guys you're ruining all my clothes as funny as Peter is in this case his reaction to something funny is arguably even funnier than what he's reacting to after Chris hears a dirty joke from Quagmire Peter wants to hear the joke himself however he soon regrets this decision as he finds the joke so funny he soils his pants oh God I crapped my pants it's funny when it happens to other people Quagmire and Joe after learning this decide to repeatedly tell the joke to Peter and laugh at his Misfortune using increasingly outlandish ways to deliver it Peter manages to get his revenge though hey those are my pants that's right thought I'd come by and see if you have any jokes to tell I enjoy a joke I don't know I want to tell the joke but I like those pants I'll tell the joke go ahead Joe I'm all anus we'd say it's too bad we can't hear the rest of the joke for ourselves but at least we won't spend as much on new pants number 10 can't touch me hey that's a good the law you're coming with me can't touch me can't touch me when Peter establishes his own micronation called ptor after learning his house is not technically part of the United States He also gets diplomatic immunity a power he naturally chooses to abuse just like the bad guy from Lethal Weapon to I've got diplomatic immunity so ham you can't sue during a night on the town Peter launches into an impromptu musical number based on MC hammers You Can't Touch This during which he flaunts all the things he's able to do without consequences I'm presidential Peter interns think I'm hot don't care if you're handicapped I'll still Park in your spot the song is an excellent microcosm of Family Guy itself showcasing its irreverence random humor and pop culture references in a short and catchy span while also showing off Peter's impressive dance moves you can't touch me what in God's name is he doing can't touch me I believe that's the worm stop Peter time number nine why are we not funding this I'd like to offer you a lifetime supply of mcburger town Burgers free burgers after winning a lifetime supply of free food at MC burgertown for saving its manager from a fire Peter proceeds to have a stroke after eating 30 burgers in a row half of his body becomes paralyzed so Peter eventually goes to a stem cell research center to speed up his Rehabilitation the scene then jumps to 5 minutes later when he exits the building back to his old self Peter then incredulously asks why stem cells are not being funded along with being an example of the show's social commentary this moment has become a meme demonstrating Peter's ability to help us give voice to our own opinions how long was I in there about 5 minutes why are we not funding this number eight Peter forgets something important sweetheart oh you're awake hey yeah can you hand me to pretzels when Peter hears that Mel Gibson has a rarely used suite at a fancy New York Hotel he decides to take Lois there and impersonate the famous actor to use the room you're M Gibson yes I've put on a few pounds for my next role I play Peter Griffin a heroic Warrior who defied the English to free England from the English the duo enjoys the extravagant luxuries they discover there however upon discovering Gibson's secret screening room and a trailer for an outlandish sequel to The Passion of the Christ Peter decides that it should never see the light of day pursu Ed by Gibson's man Peter relates the intensity of their Chase to the time he forgot how to perform a simple action it's a short clip but it hits harder than Peter hits that chair number seven Electric Man Peter you wore those pajamas to your office hey at least I'm mixing it up a little bit on one occasion Peter purchases a pair of flannel full body pajamas and begins wearing them everywhere as he finds them extremely comfortable however upon being told he has to stop wearing them he drags his feet on the ground in disappointment and inadvertently discovers the pajama's ability to create static electricity what the hell was that naturally the spectacled Manchild goes overboard fast dubbing himself Electric Man and taking any opportunity to zap everyone in the house in increasingly elaborate ways Dad I am not your dad I am Electric Man Peter's childish joy and enthusiasm for shocking his family are infectious and had us giggling right along with him ow damn it Peter stop it number six Peter forces Meg to smell his gas dad why are we just sitting here just give me a minute Meg Peter is a terrible father particularly to his daughter Meg one of the more heinously amusing things he does to her on a regular basis is forcing her to smell his farts the arguably funniest of these flatulent fatherdaughter escapades happens when Peter tries teaching how to attract a boyfriend oh my god dad you farted that is so nasty part of his training involves keeping her in a locked car with him while his odor fills it this Peter insists will help mag get used to loving a future boyfriend's own gas the sexiest thing a woman can do for a man is learn to love his gas love the gas Meg love it the seriousness with which Peter treats something so ridiculous is hilarious while mag's discomfort is also very entertaining this is why we're here this is why we're here number five Peter Griffin trade you this for your cupcake upset at not being able to go on vacation Peter checks into a rehab Clinic after Brian attends one to overcome addictions he acquires as a police dog when one of the staff members becomes suspicious of Peter's behavior and asks him his name the big chinned doofus tries improvising a name from the things he sees in the room around him as it goes the things that catch his eye happen to be a pee a tiar and an actual Griffin flying inside the clinic showcasing Peter's stupidity bad luck and some of the show's most absurd humor this is a great Peter moment uh p uh uh uh t uh uh Griffin yeah yeah Peter Griffin a crap number four Peter's bad Falls what what is it I got a splinter after Stewie gets a splinter Lois replaces the stairs in the Griffin house however Peter finds their Slicker surface difficult to deal with to the point where he falls and hurts himself every time he tries to walk down from the second floor go his attempts to prevent falling and to Shield himself from harm become more complex and equally as futile as the episode goes on culminating in a refusal to go down them at all damn it I hate these new stairs reminiscent of classic cartoon slapstick Peter's tumbles are an equally classic moment from him the you'd think he'd have learned his lesson after trying to turn them into a water slide number three hurting his knee Peter does have a penchant for injuries but perhaps his most notorious one is when he injures his knee in this episode Peter runs home ecstatic to have won a prize however outside the house he trips and hurts his KNE knee cradling it while inhaling sharply and exhaling slowly this goes on for nearly half a minute in one of the show's most drawn out gags thereafter Peter as well as other characters often call back to this moment whenever they injure their knees making the same noises and posture number two Ernie the giant chicken fights you son of a after receiving an expired coupon from a giant talking chicken Peter develops a rivalry with the bird that spans Seasons following their initial bout Peter and the chicken whose name is Ernie engage in intense and intricately crafted fight sequences on a semi-regular basis and spanning various colorful locals these fights interrupt whatever's going on in the episode of the time and last for several minutes before culminating in Peter's Victory though Ernie always lives to fight another day while Peter's conflict with Homer Simpson was also quite well done his fights with his Aven rival will always be our favorite for their excitement and superb visual [Music] comedy before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one the bird is the word oh my God this is surfing bird by the trashman this is my favorite song of all time while eating at a diner with his family Peter rediscovers his love for the song surfing bird by the trashman after the tune plays on the jukebox thereafter Peter buys the record and proceeds to annoy his family with the song at every opportunity setting them up verbally to make a joke using the lyrics and even singing the song in bed bird the birds are bird bird bird the bird is your word although that particular record is eventually destroyed the song becomes Peter's unofficial Anthem which is fitting since it kind of fits him to a tea both are annoying Goofy and very memorable the word bird bird B bir the word is there a Peter Griffin moment that makes you laugh so hard you poop your pants share it with us in the comments the moment not the feces let's go home did you enjoy this video check out these other clips from watch Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Views: 47,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cartoon, TV, best family guy moments, best peter griffin moments, family guy, family guy butt scratcher, family guy chicken fight, family guy peter poops his pants, funniest family guy moments, funniest peter griffin moments, hilarious peter griffin moments, list, mojo, peter griffin, peter griffin moments, peter griffin stairs, watch mojo, watchmojo, watchmojo peter griffin, watchmojo family guy, family guy watchmojo, Hilarious Moments, Comedy, Animation, Top 20, TV Show
Id: WipgK0Iqp9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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