Falling For Christmas - Full Movie

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[Applause] on the ice now is Claire Benson who hopes her last three years with Julian king who has a fiamma's record for coaching champions since her that gold medal today [Music] [Applause] well it seems Claire has gotten the crowd into a festive spirit and why not the energy and emotion she has brought to the ice is incredible she can land her triple axel she may take that gold [Music] she's setting it up [Music] No a devastating technical error for Claire Benson looks like it'll be silver for Claire Benson tonight [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey there you are okay ah which one do you think for the front door oh yeah I thought so too okay about a Christmas tree um wanna go this weekend I have to train this weekend uh so I guess that means you forgot this Stuart Christmas brunch no Nationals are just a few weeks away for Christmas a baby you'd never stop I am fine and Julian's just trying to get me to where I want to go my dad hired him yeah well your dad pushed too hard too maybe if he hadn't he'd still be here look if you want we can go and get a trade this weekend absolutely that's not the point Claire what is the last time you went out with a friend I'm just saying there there may come a day when you regret that having lived more life outside the arena look the only thing I will regret is never making it to worlds eunuch chard oh Claire tow tow bring those arms in come on [Music] compress Twitter come on go focus okay arms it tight now Claire get up go over here you gotta keep that energy into it okay you're slowing it down all right you got to keep the energy going what is wrong with you you're distracted her I'm frustrated cuz they're not nailing the job hey what do I always say do a good frustrated get focused right I know but I can't have a repeat performance at Nationals in four weeks Claire we made a promise to one another after last Nationals what was it they promised that I wouldn't give up mm-hmm and I promised I'd get you two worlds now let's go again all right [Music] get up let's go again come on it's colder sitting down than it is skating I don't think I can well the good news is there's no sign of any fractures or Springs the bad news is your Achilles is in pretty rough shape what are we talking about here a sprain or a tear most likely a tear which isn't surprising I mean Claire you and I both know that you've been dealing with tendonitis for quite some time now and we've been supporting those injuries with cortisone what's the recovery time for six weeks apparently feel it when I walk how bad can it be come on Claire you know just because you don't feel it doesn't mean you should stress it which is why rest and and a lot um thank you very much doctor would you mind if we just had a few moments here yeah thank you I'm gonna have your medical records sent to Westridge rehab okay you can fly out the morning that's all the way open the mountains I don't need to go up there I loved your commitment Claire but we need you in top form for nationals and West Ridge has the best accelerated program in the country okay trust me we'll have you back in a few weeks for getting your skaters for the world championships it's clear any different absolutely not in fact I'll promise you not only will Claire make it to Worlds she'll get gold and Nationals well that certainly puts a lot of pressure on you Claire don't worry my girl will do it we should be at the West Ridge clinic in about 20 minutes enjoy the scenery okay thanks these are the terrible hand tight [Music] the roads aren't clear we could be stuck stuck got any chains excuse me nope no chains did you let's get back on the road please nothing I can do now without chains you'll have to wait for a tow I can barely get a signal on my phone up here coming in when I get back to town okay great long will that take it could be 45 minutes an hour and that's assuming he's not on another job there's one tow truck yeah yeah Joe is your man how far as it's the West Road rehab clinic it's 20 minutes by foot but I wouldn't recommend it not those Peter Pan boots I can give you a lift I'll be fine thank you careful of the wolves [Music] you sure you don't want to lift ok sure Ben didn't all these bags that would be great yeah right [Music] you uh you need a hand with your luggage same thing second manager I'll put that call in to Joey great thank you um Luke look and you are clear Claire well Claire welcome to West Ridge [Music] [Music] welcome to Westbridge we have a room already for you so you can warm up I mean we can you see a doctor well let's see your first physio pointman is at 10 a.m. tomorrow morning oh um keep it's someone new oh no it's after 4:00 time for a rest and recovery [Music] hot cider why not thanks [Music] y'all sailed in yeah I guess yeah well uh Joey made sure that your ride made it back down the mountain in one piece right you think's for helping me out with that that's what we do around here and we help each other out well how come I end up doing all the heavy lifting Claire's my good friend Lulu that's cute Peter Pan boots I just wasn't prepared for all this no I don't worry about it most city folk art we should get going we got a lot more wood to deliver well thanks rather hey gentlemen for tell you what use up as much as you like and don't burn it all in one place keep one thang [Music] how's it run those same things except those exclusions what was that oh those are just the charges they said I have to prevent an avalanche I believe don't worry we haven't had one not recently anyhow your tendons are suffering with micro tears and not just in the Achilles but in the posterior and anterior tibialis last have you treated with cortisone in the past I have to compete well unfortunately the muscles have been weakened and that's why you're getting these injuries well I feel strong do you I have to be in top form for nationals well we'll start with a combined program of IMS shock wave therapy the traditional physio and my favorite rest but if you find it I can still skate right you can but absolutely no jumps for what a week for for four weeks well that's impossible the Nationals are in four weeks I know just a junior skater I'm assessing and a walk isn't she my competition I'm not back on the ice so I'm gonna talk to your doctor or like Claire remember your strong [Music] you've been down on the lake checking out the ice lately yeah she's clearing off the snow this morning still too thin in spots for any fishing but that cold snap forget and should have it set in a couple days don't you worry excuse me Luke oh hey Claire hey do you know um what do you think pretty festive right yeah but I'm really nice do you know where I could get a prey skates sharpened yes at the tax Shack just across the square there perfect thank you welcome what cut it out well I guess Joey runs this place too Oh see you you're everywhere I was hoping it was whoever runs this place and we how did they expect us to wait for 20 minutes oh well sometimes you got to put things on hold to give a hand tis the season after all it's your job how can I help you I am didn't realize that's all right I can get it he's city folk don't like the wait now have those skits could use a sharpening but they don't you know the correct collar radius I'm guessing you'd prefer a three-eighths radius rather than a thicker one am i right yeah that's right okay I'll make sure they're nice and level so how did you injure yourself I fell while training beggar skater huh lucky guess and what are you like the town handyman why don't you say that well so far you deliver wood what of decorations and sharpen teeth all right I get it not to be honest I didn't have much time for anything before so now maybe I'm making up for that so I guess you'd be the guy to ask if there's a skating rink nearby you're looking for an indoor rink does that closed down a couple years ago there's an outdoor one though it's nothing fancy but it's ice and everyone skates on it but with the shadow I'll know where to drop me off yeah sure it's right by the clinic but it's closed today Oh why all the Patterson's booked it for their son's birthday party the whole rink is closed for a kid's birthday yeah that's right that should do it you got him a few Wow think you got these sharper than back home what would away are you I first ones in my house plus I did make you wait mmm-hmm have fun [Music] [Music] excuse me could you just let me off here [Music] yep yep thanks for covering me today no problem I know if you don't get a bad tree today you'll be in trouble with a little mess yeah you know I am stop by later for dinner let me pass up a home-cooked meal great we'll see you tonight you got it feels solid [Music] thanks again Phil we'll see you later [Music] you have got to be kidding me hey hey Claire get off the ice what what are they it's not safe breaking stay there stay right there don't move I'm coming to you stay right there do not move stay put look at me look at me just look up with me take my hands and don't let go I got you okay come with me okay all right here we go [Music] is your foot frozen [Music] so what are you thinking the rink was closed how close is an entire ring for our children's birthday party Claire did you not read this sign what's it of course because who would look for the danger sign well why wouldn't they put it where people can see it well because most people out here know where to look for it well obviously you have been enough trouble so I'm just gonna call the clinic no no let's get you some dry clothes my place is nearby beautiful that Meyer let's do you see right there okay let's get you some dry clothes here are you comfy [Music] [Music] daddy what are you doing here ah I am just a friend of your dad's hey sweetie how was the skating party fun we got [Music] what does Claire Benson doing here how do you know Claire dad dad she's a famous figure skater are you here training hmm no not really then what are you doing I am just staying at the rehab clinic did you hurt yourself yeah kind of can you still skate sure know you're a lot prettier in real life did you bring any skating costume okay stop interrogating our guests let's get washed up so we can start decorating okay can you make hot chocolate of course it's tradition sorry about all the questions now chemin EES aids and apparently that's an inquisitive age right here I brought your pants and socks not fancy but they're dry I think there's a spare room just down the hall angel on top isn't she the last one to go up please all right you ready here we go [Music] got it now she look beautiful I know I should probably how's my little angel look Claire says she's beautiful ooh well that it is Luke he found yourself a real looker out there the tree I meant yeah yeah Claire she just needed some help off the ice on fraser lake wait a minute you were out on the lake Claire's a figure skater you know I don't care if she's the Sugar Plum Fairy no one goes out on the ice yet didn't you warn her there is a sign Luke come on man no one reads the signs exactly Jimmy why don't you and uncle Lou get going on the tree and I'll start yeah Claire will you be joining us oh um no thank you I should get back in train okay I'll give you a ride back really I've been more than enough trouble no I've got to drop an invoice off at the clinic it's no trouble Haley I'll be right back we'll be here it was nice to meet you chemin e bye Claire I hope you get better think okay so let's try and find those other tangled balls of light shall we it's a shame we missed the sunset there they're really something up here they sure are miss Benson and Luke always a pleasure to see our most eligible bachelors this side of the mountain it's nice to see you too Patti hey could you pass along this invoice for the firewood please anything for you handsome so you're a famous bigger skater huh and you're a professional hockey player huh I saw the picture at your place hmm so who do you play for you know I don't actually play anymore no now I'm just a dad and the local handyman hmm well I should actually get back who's probably getting hungry right and hey thanks again and I'll make sure I get these back to you I don't worry I know how to find you and seriously watching the sunset behind the snow-capped mountains it's one of those things if you're lucky enough to see it you shouldn't miss it have a good night quick me he sure is a cutie such a good father to that little girl and shaman yzma I heard she left when shaman Ian was just four years old why anyone would leave that man and that's what you little thing is beyond me I guess we all can't see what we're blessed with can I help you with anything else tonight miss Benson oh um is the gym still open I know it's after 4:00 but your room key should unlock it oh good night penny good night [Music] hey mom hey sweetie pie what are you doing not much is that the oven timer cookies are you getting any rest not really frustrated I don't know feeling kinda Restless must be all this mountain there I thought the mountains were supposed to have a calming effect well I'm not so sure that's working you know what I was gonna send you a box of cookies but now I'm thinking I might just deliver them myself you shouldn't be alone it's almost Christmas month I'm fine honestly don't worry no I miss you I'm gonna get these cookies packed up and myself packed up and get there as quickly as possible now you just get some sleep and save your appetite okay mom no I love you I love you can't believe Claire Benton was in her house she's one of my favorite skaters she really I hope she gets better so she can compete in national in a few weeks is she a medalist uh-huh two bronze and one silver she hasn't won gold yet so she has to get better well hopefully she takes the time to rest and heal okay let's get you to bed [Music] [Music] Oh miss Vexin you're not planning on running today are you because we got some fresh powder last night it'll be in over your ankles well I can't exactly run in Boots no chicken ski hmm [Music] Hey trying to well I wouldn't suggest going down such a big hill in cross countries thank you I was actually put into bogging down it it really wasn't planning on tobogganing but you have to the best toboggan me on the mouth I don't know come on you think them up front with me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right that's the best Bogdan he'll ever [Music] so much fun [Music] oh oh just two against one [Music] [Music] exactly the work at I had planned yeah but I bet it was more fun Julian what are you doing here look at you I'm making sure my girl is being properly cared for believe this is Julian my coach oh nice to meet you Julia likewise Luke was just helping me out with the whole skiing thing it's great way to train in the snow right it's actually a really good workout mm-hmm well we should get going it sweetheart thanks for everything again yeah of course pleasure Julian Luke bye Claire thanks it tobogganing anyway we better get going at that Vizio appointment in ten I'm sorry I've only got really large bills let her know it's fine Z she'll be as good as new in no time and then you can say you run an accelerated program [Music] all right Carter get it on that rebound can't believe the clinic didn't invest in an indoor rink look at this it's like a pond there's snow all over the ice [Music] maybe we should come back in a little bit goodnight hey Skippy give me blue Krait yeah hey Oh easy I got it about how much longer before the ice is cleared practice will be over in ten minutes then you're gonna bring out the Zamboni and clear the ice finding Eva's am bony Steph shovels Wow Ryan nice shot loving it buddy Claire I'll be right back attaboy all right show us lining up oh he loves coaching those kids and they're lucky to have him not often a kid in minor hockey gets a former pro that coaches him how long ago did this play well he's been up here for three years so four years ago but he was the best when he played imagine every one of those kids as his poster on the wall yeah Hughes MVP three times of course I understand if you're not up on your hockey stats did you come to practice two national championships what I had no idea okay I understand you're not a date on your figure skating stats got me have fun I can't find anybody to clear this ice well that would be me but I won't get to it for about an hour come on you don't expect people to be able to skate on the studio maybe you can make an exception clear it off a bit early today for Claire right yeah or for Claire thanks my pleasure no problem all right boys keep it going thanks buddy hey hey you're right yeah of course let me guess the kilise yeah I have torn mine more times than I can count may I sure so how many times have you injured it good more times than I can count you find it's healing up as well slower than usual just frustrating because they need it to a hill faster yeah it's tough being an athlete know when your body's not keeping up anymore I guess it's something we all face just try not to be scared of it there's the other side it's not so bad their problem Claire no I was just putting my binding on oh let me help ya maybe she should take a break and not overdo it thank you but after coaching for ten years I'm pretty sure I know what Claire needs let's have a look it's Kay I've got it I think dudes are learn to skate like Claire sure why not come on let's go home you have to work through the injury Claire don't let it hold you back remember you're strong and the things they don't feel strong mind over matter Claire Julian I didn't expect to see you here lovely to see you down what Julian surprised me I couldn't let my girl work through this on her own god forbid you leave her alone for too long she might actually get a life oh ho ma um did you get your room I arranged one for you oh I didn't know I could stay here oh it's always quiet just before the holidays we have plenty of room oh and you shouldn't miss the annual Christmas tree decorating tonight oh that sounds lovely where's that happening in the town square everyone goes really everyone in town oh yes there's hot chocolate a bonfire caroling oh and of course the Christmas tree decorating mmm sounds perfectly Smallville well we're gonna have to pass well speak for yourself I'd love to go Claire and well maybe we could go for just a bit fine but I'm going to and we will return no later than 10 o'clock sharp okay Tata uh-huh it's been over 30 years since I've had a curfew hope we don't get grounded but this brings me back to when I was a little girl our town had a tree that everyone decorated as well what about you do in my town had nothing for me I left when I was 10 to live with my aunt so I had to pursue my skating career well like my father said second is only the first loser and I didn't want to lose one sec hello Anna Anna I can barely hear you just hang on one second alright she's trying to get me to coach her but don't worry you're my girl Anna Claire did you come to decorate we did but you don't have any decorations oh we we have plenty I loo this is my mom hi it's a it's a pleasure mrs. Vincent but widowed you can call me Dale and you are chemin E is your dad oh you bet I am daddy this is Claire's money Sam oh nice to meet you Dale glad you could join us well I couldn't leave my little girl alone at the holidays so um how did you all meet oh well Prince Charming here save your daughter from falling through the ice well then I guess she would be her knight in shining armor mum why don't we ditch she's not provider I happen to know exactly where it is it would be my pleasure well how can I refuse right this way daddy right uncle Liu acting goofy here got that new owner Wow did you make that aha hang our Christmas tree and make a wish I wished Clara gets better so she can become a world champion Thank You chemin E so I brought you're a pretty good hockey player with your dad it's your coat I'm okay but I really want to learn how to be a bigger skater really uh-huh I watch all the competitions hey maybe you can teach me some moves oh I'm sure Claire's too busy for that are you kidding I'd be happy to you how about tomorrow we could get the Dixons boy into cover at the shop excuse me can I have everyone's attention please it's that time of the night when I I call upon all the bran of our men and women to help prepare for our annual Christmas Eve bonfire so grab an axe and let's see what you got Julien I know you said you won't be here but we could really use your help I mean I unless you can't wield an axe I can wield an axe after you all right come on Claire let's go [Music] well the man sure has a lot of brawn what about yours I really don't think Julian should do this I was talking about Luke and Julian is you sure is acting like a jealous boyfriend and you're allowed to have a man in your life Claire other than your coach [Music] Rumpy man stop you need a hand no no no I got this thank you yeah yeah yeah of course I'm okay okay it's time to go mr. tree lighting in the caroling some people have more important things to prepare for little girl besides isn't it past your bedtime hey you don't get the boss everyone around especially not my daughter Claire I'm sorry Jean let me I have to go but him I'll meet you tomorrow morning at the rink okay good night [Music] you okay good you don't have to worry about him [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] last time I heard you sing you were a little girl that's Julian he's lying down he'll be fine long as his ego heals how about you baby I've always been able to heal so quickly from a fall or a strain you know but it's the time it's like no matter how hard I try no matter how hard I push I just can't get there well what happened if you didn't compete maybe I'm not trying to upset you I promise it's just well at some point you're gonna have to walk away why not before you're you hurt yourself badly no but I just what I don't know what I would do if I couldn't skate do you remember what you wanted to be when you were four years old a veterinarian and a fashion designer well and a firefighter and a mom sweetie there's still plenty for you to do you have so much ahead of you no matter what hey how are you feeling good as new right ah Julian back I hear we have a new patient I'm good that's so fast not so fast I gotta train him in the middle of training oh right now you need to relax and let me take care of you okay Julian I'm gonna have to drink without you but feel whatever no it's okay I got this whoa that's like a what just leg of this thing over time you're gonna be just fine you're in great hands you can sit up a little bit over the show you sure you want these skates over your hockey skates yes I'm sure yes oh hey Claire look mr. nice they left the pink laces I got some from Santa last year but I never really use them daddy first hockey over figure skating oh really well maybe we should get you to add some pink laces too much okay okay it's time to hit the ice [Music] [Music] okay here we go I sure did you're a natural your dad's right you are a natural they think we should call it a day no but trust me nothing good comes from pushing too hard well right and I promise we'll come back again let's go daddy Claire says we can do it again sometime so when I yeah I'm sure we'll figure that out now why don't you get your boots back on so you're not late for your sleepover at my house okay thanks Claire oh you are very welcome you're an excellent pupil we are great coach thank you sure you probably took time out here on training to do this well Julie instead of Commission so all right how is Julia fine so see just your coach yeah he's just my gosh right yeah I'm just asking because it seems like he's very protective of me of course well look if if you don't plan on training today I'm gonna be hitting the ice doing some fishing if you want to come didn't you warned me to stay off the ice don't worry it's solid now you could just drop by the shop in about an hour and I could set you up with a rod well why not my ankle could use the rest and I'm sure Julian's in good hands [Music] Oh Julian you're up I am and feeling like an olympian again that woman is very strong how was training oh um it was good really great excellent well let's have a light snack and then get back at her oh um you know I think I might have overdone it just a wee bit so I thought taking the rest of the day off would be best just so I don't set myself back okay just a gym session then yeah actually I was thinking about experiencing some of the local culture like ice fishing really and who would you be experiencing this with Luke uh but just because he knows what he's doing mm-hmm local culture huh actually sounds like a really good idea it does yeah it does excuse me sunshine get us a shovel would you I don't know her name okay who's gonna join us fishing oh well I'm glad to see we didn't put you out of commission I'll just uh I'll get the snowmobiles ready you do know how to drive one right yeah great I will clearly need to get you suited up in something different I got a few things for you too and I'll grab you a helmet I'll be right back something different [Music] I hello boys just this time the fish are just starting to bite well maybe for you but I haven't had a nibble all day oh stop your belly ache you know man I'm just worried because the wave told you if you don't come home with fish don't come home with anything at all looks like you got the girlfriend with you oh all right stalled must be holed let's do some fishing oh here let me uh let me get some bait on there for you okay Julian uh actually no I'll just I'll stick with the lure there now now boys when I first got up this mountain I didn't know much about ice fishing either you got that right we let it slide what with him being so great on the ice and other ways yeah young how so young man you are sitting with ice royalty okay come on guys who was one of the best hockey players in his day it wasn't for that dang injury he'd still be one of the best so he quit no I didn't quit I chose not to put my body through any more abuse all right well sometimes as athletes we need to push ourselves in order to achieve greatness I myself won four gold medals even while my body was tired because unlike you I never gave up you definitely got one there all right just check the line a little bit okay there you go and quick tuck it's a nice one is it George hit wishes he could get one half that big you know what George you can bring this one home to your wife Oh Oh got one - I got one - I got this okay all right oh it's big when I can feel it you know you're talking too hard yeah oh yeah here it comes here it comes Oh [Music] Dallas now see ya how's the fishing going make sure I get that hankie back I'll take the machine back you got it it'll be okay Julian they'll take good care of you at the clinic I don't worry sweetie he'll be fine you just enjoy yourself Lou and I'll make sure he gets set to lure pulled out his bag and when you get to the clinic up in page dr. Schmidt dr. Schmidt I'm sorry for what Julian said earlier sometimes you just can't see past the wind that's okay maybe the chance to check it any the scenery yeah I'm kidding really well c'mon then [Music] [Music] it's so beautiful I just wait for it you know first time I saw the sunset over these mountains I thought maybe there is more for me than just hockey I mean I love the game but I lost a lot when I quit Schama knees mom she she walked out on us when shaman Eva's for I couldn't do it anymore peace in my body back together and pumping it with cortisone long enough so I could keep winning I knew eventually the pieces fall apart when I already starting to and I know you said not to be scared but I am so what's your story huh why'd you start skating my dad he worked a lot but the one thing he always made time for was skating hmm he'd take me to the local ranking movies just skate for hours until I chose her no I loved it made me feel like I was flying is my dad's idea to get me in the figure skating and I won my first trophy and that was it I was a doll I've known for 20 years 23 years that's how long I played hockey and like you I couldn't imagine anything else but when I let it go that's when I realized everything I'd be missing out on having more days to spend with Xiamen II watching the sunset shoveling my neighbor's driveway or just spending time with someone makes me smile Oh what are the chances that get a signal up here yeah what are the chances it's probably Julian they should come okay it was a really nice day well I'm pretty sure he made my daughter's day maybe I can cut company again tomorrow she would love that okay I'll meet you guys at the rink um after done yeah we'll be there okay we're gonna go inside okay good night Hey how's he doing happily sleeping thanks to some pain medication how are you doing taking it easy I hope actually I have been resting a bit good I'll see you tomorrow physio [Music] [Music] [Laughter] well thank you for for a wonderful evening thank you until we meet again good night good night all right one more time [Music] [Music] good wait I almost forgot I'm read you something nice moves out there there you go you can hang on your Christmas tree and make a wish unless you're here for Christmas maybe you can join in on our Christmas tree oh well I don't know it should be grab hot chocolates daddy I have an idea you should come skating with us oh I think that's a great idea oh no no no no I didn't bring my skates sweetie they always have spare ones by the rink how can I say no to that [Music] [Music] [Music] her police's it's all they had [Music] I guess I should give up on my dream of becoming a hockey player huh she'd probably prefer pink skating costumes over goalie paddy how about you do you ever play hockey anymore oh really why not you said you loved it I guess after a while I just stopped thinking about playing because I was afraid if I picked a stick back up again I'd regret walking away well I know that when it's my time to walk away I'll always skate because when you love something that much you shouldn't let it go [Music] all right [Music] what you get [Music] [Music] [Music] Robley perhaps just a little unsteady in the last half rotation but other than that not bad Claire I see you've been using your practice time wisely I mean it's not like you've got a competition to be ready for in two weeks I didn't see any harm in it's my fault she was actually just doing me in Xiamen II a favor but she does have a real knack for coaching oh well when she goes on to win a championship like me then she can coach to her heart's content but until then she's all mine and as you're all warmed up I guess we should get started huh before the ice melts actually Julian I'm just gonna let my body rest besides I have that physio appointment in less than an hour anyway show money you'll see you later okay oh he was was he well I think daddy might have been showing off for a girl daddy Claire blue did did that ski wax we were coming she's real pretty daddy and she skates you like ski right daddy [Music] you know what Kevin II I think our good friend Lou here might have a little bit of a crush on Claire's mom uncle is that true yeah it's it I'm gonna go look for the ski wax are you gonna marry her no how old is she Cara she's gonna come live here [Music] ah tendons aren't as tight see that's what resting just for a couple of days will do good good we can finally get back to working on your triple axel oh I didn't say she was healed that will still take time we don't have time the body's on its own schedule not yours hmm unless we help it along a little bit I wouldn't recommend that it's fine it's okay Claire is used cortisone before let's just do it actually no I don't want it not anymore [Music] clear Claire what's going on what's wrong with you there's nothing wrong with me Julian really cuz you're not acting like the athlete I signed on with and I only agreed to coach you because you have the same Drive as me I won't let you ruin my record cutter well I'm sorry about your record but this is about me whoa hey whoa you this is about you I want this I do but I can't keep pushing if my body can't do it that's nonsense the ability to be able to do it is all up here no Julian it's here and my heart is telling me something different Claire you promised me you wouldn't give up oh Claire I was just coming to see if you could join me for dinner later I found this adorable little Creperie when Lou took me on a tour thanks mom I'm not that hungry I'll see you later okay sorry I was just closing up Julian can I help you with something I hope you can you see it appears Claire isn't quite as focused as she was before she got here and I'm guessing it has something to do with a retired hockey player I'm not telling her what to do that's what you're thinking clearly that's your job exactly it's my job to make sure she achieves what she's always wanted and being a world champion is what she's always wanted I mean maybe you gave up on the dream but believe me Claire will regret it she will regret it if she doesn't go for it I should know I've been training her for the last three years I've been there when she struggled when she's been so close she could almost taste it and when she soared because she got it and I just don't think that you can say the same in the few weeks you've known her and I'm sure you don't want to be the one who crushes her dreams because if you do she will never forgive you [Music] [Music] I know you do but sweetie your nose is turning [Music] [Music] hey hey can I bend your ear a bit maybe what about it's Julian yeah he wanted me to get a cortisone shot you know to help me along with this competition but I told him I didn't want it because I mean it's like you said there only so many times I can keep putting the pieces back together again so uh I have a feeling that after this competition that'll be it which means that I can go ahead and I don't know see what else was out there for me you sure about that I mean maybe it's maybe something right time to quit what makes you say that I know how this place can make you feel lost in the moment I think it's important you stay focused on your dreams daddy I got a gingerbread kid maybe you can help me do it you know I don't think so honey Claire's got a very important competition to prepare for and we shouldn't bother come on let's get you home it's probably just a school night wait yeah sweetie a couple more days of school and then Christmas break oh that's your bus [Music] hey you want me to charge Phil for this case sharpie yeah sure how much no no 15 20 and what about his real same thing alright what's going on what you haven't charged Phil for anything since the day we've opened so what's muddling that brain of yours was it Peter Pan boots again no no I am beside this long she's ever gonna come back here or anything well not unless you ask her to why would I do that Lou I mean she's got a career and it's just like her coach said just because I quit doesn't mean I should be convincing her to the same thing what does that scarf wearing troll know anyway he knows Claire a lot more than I do he may have known her longer but you know exactly what she's going through come on when you first came to this mountain you were a wreck I mean heck even today you won't pick up a stick or place Ginny or nothing so she's gonna get to the other side of this she's gonna need someone like you who's been through it before besides if you ask me you two were meant for each other so what are you doing here mom I'll close up you go tell her how you feel so I don't have to pull you out of the doldrums again listen to me go okay come on get out of here you sure yes I'm sure okay thanks no problem [Music] chop-chop ladies we got a plane to catch [Music] there there is this what you really want mom let's just go ladies first Nationals and then we're off to the World Championships hey paddy just tell me where to find Claire oh sorry Luke you just missed them miss Benson and her party already checked out she's going that's right miss Benson left you something [Music] he sprang to his sleigh to his team gave a whistle away they flew like the down of a thistle but I heard him exclaim ere he drove out of sight merry Christmas to all and to all a bad night daddy Oh Clara ever come back I don't think so sweetheart but we can get you another figure skating coach not like Claire come on let's get you to bed miss get some sleep christmas is just a few days away sweet dreams [Music] [Music] okay that's it good time time let's go down okay bring it that's right that's my girl okay let's go again you got a tree of course it's Christmas how was practice it's fine hey give me a hand do you remember the Christmas you got your first pair of skates yeah they are the ones pink laces that's right oh my goodness your father was so excited he couldn't wait to get you out there on the ice to teach you to skate and then when you came back from the rink he was beaming with pride you caught on so fast and you were glowing you had so much fun and if it ever stopped being fun I think I think that would have broken his heart [Music] okay when you're set up for your triple axel I want you to bring that energy okay that power we talked about this is no time for hesitation yeah [Applause] okay clear it's the same this is our time and now on the ISIS Claire Benson who cinched silver at last year's nationals after failing to land her triple axel costing her the gold that's right but if she can nail Clare's on TV [Music] [Applause] you can do this Claire she looks crazy doesn't she [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh wow okay now we train for worlds right actually Julian I'm done sure yeah of course we can take a bit of a break a couple of days over Christmas no I mean I'm done competing what are you talking about you just you just secured a spot at Worlds I'm sorry you're sorry klaren this is what you always wanted you can't walk away now it was what I wanted but I told you I can't keep putting my body through this and as scared as I am to walk away I know it's gonna be okay what what am I supposed to do now [Music] I think there's a new skate around the circuit the Gees coach like you [Music] Anna great job out there perhaps more extension [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was a cool spinning yeah it was Merry Christmas where you came back the better I did do you have to leave again I'm gonna want to what I really wanted to be here skating with you I'm sorry Claire thought I was holding you back you've nothing to be sorry for you're not holding me back from anything besides my dreams have changed you're just the one that showed me up I think you'd be afraid of I just know how you work for it and how bad you wanted it interests me this is what I want leave so much more to look forward to I hope you do [Music] got us some more from me well I got a some more and a whole lot more hey lover boy what a play what's happening I just invited a few of my old buddies out for a game of pickup oh you're gonna play sure why not I love the game and you're right if you love something you don't ever let it go I don't know how to play hockey well it's my turn to T to you because I see you hold it with your good hands alright when you get the puck you go back toward try again yeah what you do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Johnson Production Group
Views: 3,333,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Johnson Production Group, Tim Johnson, JPG, christmas, romance, holiday, sports, skating, winter
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 10sec (5230 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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