Christmas Angel (2009) | Full Movie | Bruce Davison | Kari Hawker-Diaz | KC Clyde

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[Music] - I am NOT getting up til the alarm clock goes off last Thanksgiving here's a Christmas song that you were gonna love all right all right [Music] the raindrops falling on my face [Music] as down the spread [Music] [Music] there's a phrase that's blowing past my door and let's bring in change like I have [Music] anymore [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi this message from extend ryx it's Ashley and my water went out again do you know when it'll be back on maybe mr. Hendrix could help please give me a call Thanks - I'm sorry I'll bring you home some bottled water ok I gotta go morning Nick what and Ashley get your Christmas tree yet barely December nothing wrong with getting a jump start only comes once a year so does hurricane season where you off to oh I gotta go to a friend's across town bus takes an hour and a hand you job interview at 8:30 well you better hustle meet you at the diner count on it [Applause] the bus [Music] because what force link is saying look I know what I heard I've got the tapes to prove it Claire did the fact-checking everything came back clean all right right around the corner I'm sorry are you are you yeah sorry it's okay for the day I'm having a train will hit me next Ashley Matthews jump on anything [Music] I guess it is nice to meet you [Music] oh hey you hello no she's not here right now I'll make sure she gets that message you selfish conniving jerk seen good morning see we're picking up right where we left I just can't resist the chance to slander someone ooh fancy lawyer talked actually counselor slander is verbal libel is right don't get me sidetracked your sling is not happy so you know I don't know why Bob continues to print your stories because they're good and they sell more magazines which I believe is the point don't you pat yourself on the back all you want you a screwed up screwed up please you act so innocent could you just be a man for once and own up to what you did I write what I want if you have a problem with that because it makes you do your job doing it have you even heard one word I've said now really I've gotten very good at tuning you out I see your problem with the story taking up with Bob he obviously felt it was fine enough to print you need to stop hiding behind him you're just taking on my back Bob wants to see you excuse me Bob wants to see me yeah that makes complete sense look I'll call you back William price have a seat what's going on call me by my full name we've had too much caffeine it's for Saline crime do they have a reason to Wow every time I read an article somebody cries yes and I'm beginning to wonder if that's a bad thing now what he's talking about I know Claire fact-checked your story and it panned out at first but she went back when we got the screaming complaints and threatened legal action legal they don't have a leg to stand on Francine agrees lucky you but Claire found something interesting when she went through the tapes of your interview your source said the company was lagging behind but he meant lagging behind in the so-called green areas you however implied the entire company's on the verge of going under it is and how about you you took the facts out of context you spun the story to slam force link are you firing me no but you owe me what do you want me to do Claire who feels like this whole thing is her fault bless her heart is gonna be taking maternity leave so we're down one fact-checker you'll do her job just so you can find out what the truth really looks like you benching me hmm benching implies that this is temporary when Claire gets back we'll reevaluate it then I'll do this mrs. Francine's idea I am a writer fine write all you want your spare time but I'm not gonna publish a word of it until you can prove that you can report and not invent hello how may I help you hi I'm Ashley Matthews I have an interview with the positions been filled we called you this morning oh I don't think you did are you sure we called because I have my cell phone right here and I would have heard it read do you think arguing about this is gonna change the fact the jobs already taken Oh miss Hendricks hello Ashley about the running water in my apartment oh it's little giving you trouble then this is like the fourth time it's gone out should I talk to mr. Hendrix he's away when will he be back very soon mrs. Hendrix I don't have any running water in my apartment and it seems about the worst times or maybe it'll come back up Goodman we'll get it fixed it's just as soon as we can [Music] okay we got tomato soup for Nick and three-alarm chili for Ashley thanks Stan my pleasure how we doing I manage you guys do it so how's your friend friend oh yeah he's telling me things that I want to hear how's your interview don't ask well yes I can't honey ask it did not go well stir in my life so what happened Nick I really you know I just anything about follow up questions what happened okay fine well first why I'm halfway through my shower the water goes out again so I have to wash my hair out and dashes water bowls I'm running late and I smell like dog water I get to my car and of course it doesn't start so I have to run and catch the bus and while I'm running I literally collide with some random guy lose my phone so I don't get the call that the positions already been taken and I don't need to get on the bus so the interview I'm already late for hey you wash your hair and dog water I'm so glad you focus on the important things that's pretty funny and to make it worse it's the most depressing time of year what do you mean in this Christmas yeah Christmas is this soulless commercial endeavor that encourages overspending and overeating oh please that hall no I mean the Christmas colors red and green even I know those don't go together what's with the Christmas carols the little drummer boy who's this boy and drums don't go Pahrump alone pump well there's more to it than that don't you think yeah Christmas is time to spend with your friends and family when you don't have that Christmas isn't all it's cracked up to me - yeah - when he showed up on my doorstep last year it was the best Christmas ever and before that it was all I know is that if I don't find a job I'm going to have to move out of my credit partment I won't be able to fix my car and worse I'm gonna have to give up - I know and the big scheme of things I'm like this big but is it too much guys break things will turn around listen I got the perfect job for you really what well it's seasonal but just because it's Christmassy doesn't mean you won't like it okay Baker's can't be choosers what kind of work is it it's a personal assistant you run errands odd jobs things like that it gets a little busier the closer gets to Christmas why'd you hear about it well I know the gut is hiring who is he you're looking at him I can't work for you why not Nick you can't afford a personal assistant I got money I'm not gonna take your money well it's not doing me any good sitting in the cookie jar Nick I I appreciate the gesture but so what's the problem [Music] [Applause] [Music] well you know Vicki how's it going man long time no see now christmas is coming you know I know crazy isn't it Santa's coming too any day that of course is last year he gave me $100 Wow you blow it on one place did you know I might be homeless but I'd stupid I invested it in what new set of wheels see you around Mickey can you start work tomorrow okay oh can I use your phone I need it call my cell and see if someone picked it up sure [Music] [Music] hello hi um this is my phone Ashley I am so glad you called how do you know my name you must be the guy I ran into yep well hopefully the one and only for the day oh by the way Tracy and associates called and they've already filled the position thanks I got that well better late than ever so can I get my phone back your phone right can you meet me sometime tomorrow yeah earlier the better about 8:00 the diner on state and 11th you know that is yeah I need all the time great we're gonna get some breakfast or something thanks I just want my phone back and you will get it at eight o'clock okay what was your name will night well right good news my phone is intact now we'll be getting it tomorrow good you know I think the guy was my phone tried to ask me out did you try to say yes you kidding you know him well isn't that the point I mean who do you know you know me and - shouldn't make an effort to get to know people Nick it took me like six months you and say hi to you yeah well I'm not gonna be around forever [Music] should try and get over your fear of people I'm not afraid of people I just don't trust them the difference yeah well I asked yeah I say you should go and I say you shouldn't worry about me I'm gonna go grab my phone and I'll be fine what time eat be late for your first day at work I'm sorry I totally forgot I'll let it slide I'll be quick I'll run down to the diner meet him and I'll get back as soon as I can okay [Music] well Ashley good morning how you doing fine I guess good good so can I get my phone back oh right to the point thank you yeah hey can I ask you a question okay it's less of a question more of an invitation you wanna go out sometime I don't think that's such a good idea for you or for me for both of us both of us why is there something wrong with you what no I I came out wrong nothing wrong with you that's a very valid point you know in the interest of full disclosure I haven't had a girlfriend for six months and a little hostile towards women plus my ex-girlfriend she didn't a number on my head and I'm oversharing I said a little pathetic here don't I hello but you know I'm probably worse so it's okay study yes what no no I what's your angle angle I don't have an angle I just want to take you out occupation journalist modern business weekly okay how do you feel about Christmas I love Christmas okay how do you feel about the little drummer boy person or song song then person both needless [Music] okay but if I'm gonna go out with you it has to be sooner than later why because if not I'll talk myself out of it okay how about sometime next week more like tomorrow oh yeah no I can swing that how about 7:00 yeah and oh we could go over to here here okay okay I'll see you tomorrow [Music] Oh 810 he must have made an impression mmm so what do you want me to do I want you to take a walk okay you're paying me to exercise yeah well it's more than that here I've drawn out a route I want you to take I'm not delivering drugs am i no you never told me what do you do mrs. Finley well trust me it'll all make sense pretty soon I just need you to take a walk here today no more questions on what time we spend here the less time we have first stop is the Sacred Heart homeless shelter talk to Harry bingum tell him Nick sent you so far [Music] is returned [Music] hi I'm picking something up for Nick Oh easy there you go [Music] [Applause] [Music] good to [Music] [Music] I understand thank you goodbye yes I'm hi I'm looking for Francine Miller let me see if she's available your name Ashley Matthews hi Francine yes there's an Ashley Matthews to see you mm-hmm she's busy right now oh um tell her Nick sent me hey Francine she says that Nick sent her okay she'll be out in a minute okay thank you [Music] Ashley yeah hey these are for Nick oh thank you hey well what are you doing here I work here oh I'm just picking something up you guys know each other yeah no we go way back we met yesterday if I were you I'd run I think Ashley can decide for herself who she sees Oh I'm not seeing anyone but um it's nice to meet you I gotta run Thanks see you mom hey so how do you know isn't it what's tomorrow dinner I know they victim already you ever think for her don't you we might be interested ends dinner he always I'm gonna look out for a future ex-girlfriend I think she's a bit of a challenge Oh what she doesn't worship the ground you float above not every girl I have a thing for leaves without looking you knew what you were getting into whatever so seriously how do you know si she picked up some stuff for a mutual friend and before today I had not seen her happy sufficiently so if you'll excuse me Bob's asked me to go over your screw-up again just to make sure the magazines are not exposed by the way don't you have some fact-checking to do [Music] are you back that's quite some walk yeah you want a drink of water sure have a seat Thanks waters out again huh yeah I got some bottled so how'd it go uh fine so what is all this anyway that's your work mine mm-hmm what am I supposed to do with it read it all of it well I'll help there's a lot in there it's gonna take me all night to reheat yeah well thanks go a lot faster than you think I made you dinner thank you Julianne Ryan age seven mother is in Iraq with the Marines lives with grandmother ROS Rose has diabetes and needs medication and a new hearing aid Julia needs new shoes she looks Barbie anything for me so who are all these people there are people that need help there's a lot of them there always are so what do you do we help them we hear my assistant now sure how do you help them this stuff costs money I got a little tucked away have you seen this pile it would cost a fortune help all these people where do you get the money you are dealing drugs I'll let you in on a secret but you mustn't tell anybody okay I'm rich how rich filthy if you're so rich why do you still live here well roofs the roof I'm warm I'm dry I'm good how'd you make your money well I was a good businessman really good at finances and I'm well enough of well enough off now if I wanted to I could own a couple of city blocks why don't you I don't believe in real estate I think people are a better investment which reminds me here's what we're gonna do tomorrow so is this what you do you find people to help well things are especially hectic during the Christmas season I mean people need help all year round but during Christmas things that they don't have in need or much more of their minds so you're like a philanthropist well I don't like that label this time of year it's sort of a Secret Santa have you ever done anything from me last year you gave me - minute I laid eyes on him I thought it was perfect for you how did you milk well when you first moved in yeah that little pendant you know that doggie yeah but no dog I thought it was a good match why didn't you tell me well that would sort of defeat the purpose of a Secret Santa listen to me these people need your help and I need your help now this is the perfect season for us to stop thinking about ourselves and start thinking about others you're asking me to abandon human nature it's a requirement of the job I don't know if I can Christmas is three weeks away we'll worry about the can in the camp when we're done [Music] alright - time to go to bed we've got a lot to do tomorrow [Music] okay what are we doing here people watch it what are we looking for who are we looking for people in need but we already have a stack of names and people who need your our help that's just a small portion there's more yep yeah look around you [Music] who do you see the deeds help [Music] hmm Mickey it's a pretty obvious choice not a bad place to start who else do you see I don't know around who do you see [Music] everyone exactly say everyone carries around a herd of some kind this may not be as obvious as Mickey here but everybody needs to know that somebody cares so you just find them by watching mm-hmm so who should we help [Music] come on [Music] can help them both here [Music] mom [Music] isn't this great it's wonderful come on help me get this inside [Music] so how much money if he's been doing this oh I don't keep track you don't keep track no that would defeat the purpose so all those people I met yesterday they're like your spies and informants over the years I've developed a relationship with a number of trustworthy people they are my eyes and ears and they can keep a secret yeah you know I'm still not sold on this whole I love Christmas aspect of my job but I got a minutes pretty cool pretty satisfying yeah well it's been said that if you help someone you're the one that benefits the most is that what you do it that's one of the perks it's so much money well good deed doesn't have to involve money I mean you just have to open your eyes be aware of others take stand for example do you notice that something different about him something's off not as chipper his son died just about this time last year I didn't even know he had a son yeah that's his name yeah he drowned helping someone in an accident Ashley well I'm sorry I'm late I am so sorry I'm so sorry I completely forgot yes he really made an impression on you our first date you already seeing another man I'm well Nick is it okay if we reschedule no no nonsense no I'm gonna order mine to go besides I gotta talk to you left stand there nice to meet you it's okay how late am I have you have you eaten yet no is that zanuck Anderson yeah how'd you know I've seen him in some photos really yeah my magazine I mean he used to be the king of the corporate world and then one day he just up and left I love to know what he's doing now hey how you doing good I got a little water for you here I'm gonna take this far what can I get you oh um you know um whatever she's having are you sure yeah okay I'll get that right out to you I'll be right back Thanks what are we having Stan's three-alarm chili great perfect so um what do you do I'm a personal assistant we're just for my neighbor that's cool you're a journalist yeah no really I'm a fact checker at the magazine okay here we go nice enjoy thank you this looks good live for the stuff hmm he's good it's not he'll be hot for three lime chili give it some time so how do you know Nick do you wanna see if picking up better with you no I'm sorry it's just I can't are you curious and we Kelly's hot how was your milk number your dumb good it's good chili oh I'm gonna be honest with you next time I'm totally ordering something different three-alarm chili you didn't think you would be hot good I thought you'd object to next time maybe we do something later this week sure good I'd like that interrupts hey Nick you guys are neighbors yeah Ashley you work for Nick well just some odd jobs so it's harder for me to get around these days okay excuse me good night well thank you again that actually [Music] okay so you know I think that looks really good if we can good work on this way okay thanks Ashley a NIC fit together really know what I'm busy I'm not gonna give up on this yeah why do you need to know it's Nick Anderson he's a legend in my book ended this magazine even Ashley are on something it's not your business Francine no well please just back off oh you never told me how your date went what's to tell we met at the diner both had the chili he nearly burned his face off we went our separate ways yeah you going out again um we don't have anything actually set up but probably won't happen and you want it too maybe seems it was easier to find someone special when I was your age I'm sure it was always hard well that's true but with all the distractions it's easy to forget what's really important [Music] Nick Merry Christmas Harry hope this will hold you for a while sure will hey you stay put Nick it's icy out here [Music] [Music] the G story check out yeah but it's not why I'm here apologizing welp I apologize you mean giving you a great story a great story will be sued over it's inspirational I ran into Nick Anderson the CEO of yeah okay he's getting into the holiday spirit by doing some charity work okay not groundbreaking but secret charity work let me see the story I haven't written it yet I wanted to make sure that if I did you'd consider it and possibly give me our fact-checking duty no promises franciene wheels on to a story about Nick Anderson now I know he's retired or whatever but make sure will doesn't step on any toes legally you can't believe how many people need help Sacred Heart was almost out of food yeah well it's not good news for a shelter especially this time of year does it happen a lot more than you think that they're never completely out of food you wouldn't let it happen no nothing everything's set for your trust but one of the reporters here will price is writing something about you and I think he has an inkling about your little project I know your particular about this so give me a call I'll see what I can do tow Cody Nick I'm so sorry don't worry you used me Ashley you used me to get to Nick and now you're gonna ruin what he's doing ruin this is a great story it deserves to be seen that's not what he wants why not I don't know but Nick has a right to keep it quiet if he wants to I just put the pieces together it's not as if I sawed this out but I'm not gonna ignore it either you didn't look for it you sure then why did you tell me you were a fact checker you lied to me I kept things to myself so did you to protect what he's doing you're acting like this is a bad thing this is a great story it's Christmas I mean what better story can I write during Christmas time it's not about Christmas it's about him Nick is the most selfless person I have ever met and he trusted me with his secret and now there's some sick twist of fate you could hold my cell phone and everything is gonna be exposed because of me actually wait you're a real jerk you know that yeah I get that a lot listen if you would just let me talk to Nick you will understand I can't believe I started liking you I really thought you were interested in me I am interested in you are more interested in the story can I not be interested in both no because if you were interested in me you'd see why you shouldn't write the story [Music] Nik [Music] Nik [Music] next [Music] miss Matthews yeah you here with Nick Anderson he's stable and he asked me to come talk to you about his condition why don't we have a seat his condition has become a little bit more grave since last time he was here the cancer which has been in remission at this point he has returned and is starting progress it's moving through [Music] yeah I know you make you scared I scared me to you you talked to my friend [Music] you can be cancer Nick people do it all the time how I beat it twice already somehow I don't think that third time's the charm you know you can afford the best treatment I've had the best treatment cancer is back I don't think my body's gonna fight it this time why didn't you tell me don't worry what about Secret Santa it's yours yeah you're gonna take over no no I like it yeah you can't Francine is drawn up all the documents that you'll need to manage Francie for the magazine she's my attorney too you've been planning this well right no I had to pass it on someone you're it I don't even know how to start start good you doing it huh by the way it's a guy in the next room he's having trouble with his hospital bills who want you to check it out for me okay [Music] I'm gonna tell you why I started doing this you know several years ago I was a different person I was real good with money great with finances I had a beautiful wife who loved me very much I guess I didn't know how to love her my true love was chasing the dollar then I gave her everything she desired I thought her she wanted to meet it it wasn't enough to keep us happy when she left and I was angry I made sure she didn't get a dime in the settlement I figured I didn't need her few years went by and that was still the the same and I got a letter that said that she had passed away she was the one person who loved me in spite of who I was I mean I felt empty for years but after my wife died I felt useless alone so I I quit my job and gave away all the stuff I didn't think I needed which was practically everything and eventually I decided that this is what I should be doing [Music] that's why I want you to continue the work because I don't want you to ever feel empty or useless and I certainly don't want you to feel stop talking like you're not denial doesn't help money I just want to make sure that your bureau they promise me you'll still fight don't be afraid [Music] don't you go get some sleep Dean what you think they could do an interview mmm I'm gonna want a one interview could be good PR he doesn't do it for the PR besides with him being in the hospital right now he's got other things on his mind hospital I thought you knew we'll just don't skewer him with whatever you're riding he's a good man I heard about Nick I'm sorry Thanks so what are you up to just working which I should probably get back to so being Nick's assistant does that mean you have to do all the Christmas cheer by yourself try not to think about that that's a no why so you can spy on Nick just home okay [Music] so we're getting an early lunch before we start sandy no feed on your own dime what are we doing here I'm just making this up as I go so you'll have to wait and see number 34 I'll call you when it's ready thank you hi may I take your order yes can I get 50 burgers to go please 50 55 zero tada okay 50 burgers your total is 149 52 change and I'll let you know when that's ready thank you [Music] see [Music] you better take it off force [Music] Merry Christmas good how are you sir spear you later bird speaking I thought don't worry there's more to do so you'll get some more no next stop toy store got the big red Santa bag discretion is important remember that's why what you're writing is so opposite of what Nick wants well let me talk to Nick myself see what he really wants yes yes I know I'm evil that sounds list uh yeah and you're not on it oh now there you we are in a toy store cute all right level with me forget the list I wrote it based on some helpful hints from who means they're like a whole network cuz he could Santa's are you asking because you're curious or because you want to write about it we have way more toys than are on that list so so what happens to all the extra toys [Music] [Music] they do good it takes a lot of energy huh hey can I get you guys any dessert no thanks I've gotta get to the hospital to visit Nick well listen I want you to tell Nick that I'm thinking about him and then he's in my prayers okay I guess I'm free tonight thanks you too what oh just something Nick said about Stan yeah he said a son died last year and Christmas and an accident I just can't stop thinking about it it's gonna be tough I want to do something but I don't know what yeah what do you buy that makes that pain go away right something I can do depends whatever mind I could do some digging see what I find out [Music] what do you really do for the magazine really do yeah I know you lied about being a reporter okay I'm a writer I wrote a story recently about a company my boss didn't like it so I took some stuff out of context did you not enough to give me any legal trouble oh you must be so proud makes you feel any better I am fact-checking stories now part of my punishment whatever so I didn't Nick pick you I don't know why you're the one to talk ouch he wants me to be happy I guess especially this time of year you're not normally let's just say Christmas isn't my favorite because okay I don't hate Christmas per say it's just a really hard time of year for people like me you'd like you okay I'm going to stop there because I'm opening up to someone I definitely shouldn't be opening up to and the wall goes up excuse me we haven't known each other very long but I think it's safe to say you avoid people I don't really you only interact with Nick and your dog it's not true it is okay to talk to people about your feelings you don't care about my feelings you just want to background for your story you think I'm asking about a story aren't you mister I got in trouble at work maybe I'm asking because we're friends we're not friends we're not No ouch again Ashley wait a second I mean I know women are supposed to be temperamental but I think you're taking this to the extreme what okay stop dinner okay I appreciate your help well I really do but I I just can't seem to shake this feeling that this whole friendship thing is a complete sham I've volunteered to help you remember I passed out burgers I help you buy toys plus I put up with your lovely personality and when I ask you a simple question why Christmas is such a big deal you accused me of working an angle because you are why else would you be here because I care about you know you don't yes I do no you don't [Music] [Applause] laughter speechless okay I think you're breathless - Oh get over yourself - you change anything right I'll see you tomorrow [Music] I spoke to mrs. Hendrix earlier today she ever gonna get a plumber to our apartment but I just found out that mr. Hendrix had a stroke about a month ago and she's hardly been to the apartment because he's at a care facility [Music] you never quit do you I ain't dead yet so how'd it go today um you know went pretty good good I'm gonna tell you this so I'm just gonna say it that reporter you got a phone call about one day just a story on you and I accidentally when I was he's helping me [Music] no that's interesting I couldn't do it alone and he knows how it works now he wants to interview you I'm sorry [Music] next day something you like I'm done yet [Music] [Music] indeed the couple certainly would have died if it had not been for the heroic efforts of Tom Manning [Music] and the and it proved fatal formatting [Music] Hey - I'll take you out in one second but I gotta make a call [Music] with the sinners yeah so we did everything you asked we fixed the problem with the pipes and we replaced all the hot water heaters all the plumbing seems to be in perfect working order now or anything else that we can do for you what I can't pay for this Oh everything's already been taken care of [Music] so do you want to talk about last night okay so whose house is this new it oh it's a little girl on her grandmother's I'll be right back [Music] [Applause] [Music] dear Rose I'm awfully busy this year and I wanted to make sure I didn't forget you and julienne toys for your granddaughter and money for your medicines Merry Christmas love Santa [Music] you smooth of course I am yeah you better the secret santa thing than you think yeah he's taught you well thanks how's he doing anyway he said you could go see him that's not what I was getting that sure it wasn't [Music] he said he'd talk with me by the way how long you going to avoid eye contact I am NOT avoiding eye contact you're avoiding I got there I'm not okay look me in the eye and tell me you're not avoiding me fine all right when you run across him Nick [Music] I found some stuff out about Tom Stan's son please tell me it's not dirt want to hear this or not okay last Christmas a car lost control on an icy road crashed into a lake a young married couple was trapped inside Tom was driving by jumped into the water he got the couple out but he didn't make it back to shore I found him a few days later damn how awful for him I made a copy of the article if you want to check it out I thought it would help with Stan Thanks yeah [Music] hey swill in there yes hey girl hey you feeling oh great Ashley would you give us a few minutes are you sure begging him okay [Music] have a seat where you will thank you [Music] Wow I'm gonna record this if you don't mind how did you find out about me I'm a reporter I notice things oh really ask you few questions can I ask you a few questions okay gravy from Michigan where'd you go to school my question you like writing I love it like Ashley she's a very nice girl nice girl she's terrific he's a little hard-headed who isn't yeah I like her let me tell you something more she's had a very different life from you and me she's had to fight tooth and nail for everything she's ever achieved she didn't tell you about her childhood did she when she's a baby she was dropped off in one of those places she passed around foster care homes one to another like a dishrag she didn't have a normal childhood okay all she's ever wanted was to be loved unconditionally it's not easy to come by hmm it's not impossible say people let her down it's hard for her to open up yeah I picked up on that yeah but she likes you otherwise she wouldn't have let you in as far as she has thanks huh oh yeah yeah to be honest with you sometimes she won't even look at me you're not very intuitive for a reporter the reason she won't look at you she's afraid that if she does [Music] it's about time yeah sorry did you get everything you wanted yeah I'm gonna go check on Nick [Music] Hey what are you doing I just want to stretch my legs here oh can I help no no don't keep well waiting he can wait how long are you gonna keep him away as long as possible yeah you keep waiting you're gonna miss something special you go if I need anything I'll call the nurse yeah hey well we have a cover story that we're waiting for you to check preferably before we go to press yeah working on it still writing the Nick Anderson philanthropist story yeah let me see the draft when you're ready before we finalize the Christmas issue okay will do [Music] yes hi can I get the number for Nina and Aaron Walker please thanks Nick Anderssen business similarity to Santa himself he's old he's jolly if it wasn't the fact that doesn't have a beard I swear he's the real deal [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's worse [Music] [Music] [Music] hello [Music] um that's my apartment Ashley Matthews mm-hmm I have a letter for you sign here have a nice day thanks dear Ashley I had a hunch things were going south so I thought I'd write something before my buckets been kicked first I want no flashy funeral or any hoopla I'm dead I won't be around to enjoy the party so don't bother throwing one second my attorney will contact you about my will since you're the closest thing I've had to a family I want you to have it all I hope you'll use it to bless others and lastly get over yourself and tell what you love it remember the heart is a resilient muscle don't worry about the news story if he prints it no biggie it's not like I'm going to write an angry letter to the editor I'll miss you terribly while we're apart that I'm not going to lie I hope I see my ex-wife Holly and offer her the biggest apology I can [Music] [Music] [Music] Hey it's okay [Music] how's it okay it's not just something people say [Music] you can guess how you're holding on are you here I thought I could bring you some Christmas cheer never hated Christmas well I think it's time we change that [Music] sledding yep why Wow Nixon didn't have a very normal childhood so so you thought sledding have you ever been no stop complaining and hopper [Music] are you okay yeah Greta's that again Wow you're up George I'm gonna make this thing go faster [Music] [Music] we've enjoyed the time we can't change break stride and maybe [Music] [Applause] of the someone [Music] right now I'm on oh you're welcome thank you war man I'm much better okay how about a little pie on the house [Music] Stan you don't need to do that oh please thank you so how are you I'm good enough it's a little lonely around this time of the year without Nick down I said Tom did you ever get a chance to meet my son down no but Nick said some really great things about him that's pretty good about that talent a lot of potential he's got a chance to go to Harvard Business School a scholarship you graduated at a job lined up hey listen going on down you guys enjoy your pie okay thank you [Music] I found the walkers a couple Tom say yeah they sent me a letter to give to Stan really hmm why what did it say well I didn't read it but I bet thank you it was in there somewhere yeah but what do you say to the father the guy who died saving your life yeah I think it was really hard for them so where's the letter but over there by the register they had a baby and they named him Tom it's not alike that [Music] thank you for finding that article in the first place from something so when does your story come out Christmas week anylock just so you know nick was okay with you writing something it was I mean in the big scheme of things it's just words and it a lot on his mind here's a good man so any plans for Christmas you know I want to do something no that's okay I don't want to take you away from Christmases besides I've got some last-minute things to do it's not even my birthday these are for you I'm shocked you have that story ready sort of deadlines coming up I thought you wanted to prove you deserve to write again I said to make a few last-minute changes Uli's got a craft I can look at well it's not what I expected I'll let you know Thanks oh and try to make sure this one won't give Francine any more headaches yeah blue flowers for the front no yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right - I know it's Christmas Eve but I won't be long oh you shouldn't have what are you doing here it's been Christmas Eve with you that's all right okay well I'm on my way out where - I will show you who does this go - I thought you guys already covered everyone I gave you up it's for you Merry Christmas Christmas thank you you didn't have to we couldn't have done it without you [Music] Merry Christmas thank you Merry Christmas to you Merry Christmas thanks for coming by [Music] I have to admit I was pretty cool I never really thought about it before but I mean elves deserve presents too yeah Nick taught me that everyone needs something including you Oh Christmas present I can't rap but it's what's inside the counts thank you you survived your first Christmas Secret Santa yeah first and last for the secret part yeah about that I wanted to apologize no don't I should apologize actually for what for how I've been treating you you've helped me so much and no matter what you've done even writing that story thank you you're welcome open it Merry Christmas thanks this it's all my Secret Santa tapes and notes I didn't submit the article what I knew it was gonna be harder for you and you were right Nick would've wanted that as we've been doing this project of his I realized that it wasn't just a Secret Santa he was it's more of an angel Christmas angel and being an angel isn't about the recognition or getting the glory [Music] it's about helping others [Music] I thought you were writing something [Music] [Music] one Christmas down yeah and who knows how many to go huh if he could get bored of it yeah you know keep me too busy you know I was in elf forms what yeah when I was 16 I was short for my age and the ball needed help with their Santa display so you were not enough all right I might stretch the truth there a bit a point is I can help you know next to you how do you know what you'll be doing I mean you might be covering some big breaking news story I can make myself available you want me to just Christmas I don't get to see you till then no it's not gonna work either I mean the way I see it Christmas crucial but people need help the rest of you too you know I think I can handle it [Music] then again those presents get really heavy [Music] they're Christmas [Music] your turn thank you for a walk yesterday [Music] why are you getting up guilt [Music] okay I'll go with you [Music] you know we both don't have to take I know but I want to see the Christmas decorations they're going up early this year I thought you hated that stuff not anymore when - we have a lot to do today [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: SunWorld Pictures
Views: 312,464
Rating: 4.8316045 out of 5
Keywords: Movies, TV, Film, Entertainment, Christmas Angel, Christmas Angel - Full Movie, Bruce Davison, Kari Hawker-Diaz, KC Clyde, Brian Brough, Scott Champion, good family movies to watch, romantic comedy movies, good drama movies, good lifetime movies, Movie, family comedy movies, top lifetime movies, good comedy movies to watch, best family movies, best family films, Christmas Angel full movie, K.C. Clyde, feature trailer, Christmas movie, full movie, christmas movie, full film
Id: YNYdKcn_lWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 57sec (5397 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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