Chocolate Covered Christmas (2020) | Full Movie | Malone Thomas | Jason Burkey | Alexandra Ficken

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[Music] squeeze the icing from the bottom and ever so lightly just glide along that's right so who taught you how to do this daddy my dad and someday you'll teach your children one day this will be yours sadie only if that's what she wants you can be anything you want sadie a doctor a lawyer or a scientist the sky's the limit maybe you'll be an astronaut i want to be a great chocolatier just like daddy [Music] so [Music] sadie maggie you wanted to see me come on in sit down we heard back from the client you did they were very positive they love your new ideas but they decided to stick with last year's campaign they said they wanted something fresh oh apparently freshman and you fought are new colors i know it's disappointing you put a lot of time into that project i can come up with something different you did a great job they're just not ready for a change so are you going away for the holidays no i'm staying here i mean not here but in town so if you need anything i'm 100 available that's what i like to hear merry christmas lady you two michael are you at the airport um no uh stuck at this christmas work thing can't you just sneak out i wish i could but it's a sit-down dinner can't just leave you're gonna miss your flight i can't help it should i check flights for tomorrow no no don't do that uh i was thinking i might just stay it's actually kind of nice here during the holidays but we made plans oh i i know but work's been so busy and you know i could really use some time off you get it no i know i've been busy too but i made my plans around you oh i hate that uh but i think this is best you know uh when i get back in the states i'll give you a call okay uh i gotta get back to the party i thought you said it wasn't a party all right i can't hear you uh merry christmas sadie you too [Music] hey hey you take up early there wasn't much going on today are you gonna eat the rest of the thai food no go ahead i need to finish packing what i'm going home or what cause michael's staying in europe for the holidays so there's no reason for me to stay you're leaving i can't believe you did that i'm sorry don't be he's not the one he made that very clear early new year's resolution no waiting around for boys to act like men agreed no more waiting around merry christmas are you gonna wear this it's a gift from my mom my boss said they really liked my ideas but they're sticking with what they already have at least i liked your ideas it doesn't matter if you don't win it's like a participation award i'm never using the products again thanks are you leaving tomorrow morning yep only one flight left good that means we can open presents tonight you're gonna love your matching christmas sweater [Music] oh do you remember this one i think it was third or was it fourth grade i remember making this i'm so glad you made it home decorating the tree without you just isn't the same i thought you'd already have enough by now yeah well every year christmas comes quicker i'm getting slower has the shot been busy that time of year i could help out if you want i have time that would be great your dad wants to tell you something what is it well we didn't want to tell you over the phone i don't like the way i look on those face calls what's wrong are you okay we sold the place we're retiring you're kidding it's exciting isn't it but you're not old why would you retire you love it that's sweet but we are older than we used to be that's what i thought but alex made us an offer just because someone wants to buy doesn't mean you have to sell oh honey we don't want to work forever your mother wants to travel before we get too old to enjoy it you remember my friend harry he retired and he plays golf every day but you've never once played golf well exactly now i'll have the time and we'll be able to visit you you never know when an opportunity like this will come again i just can't imagine us without anodore's especially this time of year you should meet him you'll like him come by in the morning yeah maybe you're happy i'm home weren't you yeah [Music] what are you gonna do while dad's playing golf maybe i'll take up a new hobby next time i come home you'll be doing yoga and dad's gonna be wearing white shoes sadie you know we didn't make this decision lightly annadores is like part of our family and i know it feels like that we're handing her off to a stranger who's the stranger alex mitchell he's very nice i think you will like him you just gotta give him a chance i'm meeting taylor first thing in the morning i can stop by after that that's a great idea you want some more sprinkles you don't have any sprinkles yes please i think it's sprinkle time [Music] we're decorating the christmas tree and all of a sudden they basically said merry christmas we've sold your childhood memories i don't think you can sell memories how could they sell anodores without telling me they probably knew how you'd react thought it was going to be mine maybe they thought you weren't interested anymore you did move away i'm still part of the family so you'd move back and take over the store i don't know but i'd like to be asked so tell them why it's already done you thought you were spending christmas in california but here you are with me when i was a kid i thought i was going to work at anador's forever when did things get so complicated i think it's called being an adult i have to go meet mr scrooge who's stealing christmas scrooge was stingy he didn't steal christmas that's why i didn't like playing christmas trivia with you we'll call me and we'll go christmas shopping i will [Music] oh you don't think you saw that do you no probably not maybe who cares you'll never see him again oh my gosh [Music] sadie you made it i think i missed the smell of chocolate most of all oh and i'm gonna sneak in just for the smell i can't go cold turkey where's ebenezer what the buyer oh alex he's not in yet he obviously doesn't have any idea what it takes to make chocolate the early morning's a late night try to be nice he's learning i will but he needs to know what he's getting into it's only fair good morning good morning alex alex i'd like you to meet my daughter sadie sadie alex hi hi nice to meet you nice to meet you uh i've heard so many wonderful things about you your dad goes on and on he has yes and i think sadie would be the perfect person to finish her training alex she was just reminding me of a few things she thought you might need to know right sadie me uh no i it's been so long i don't think i should be teaching anyone anything don't be silly you can make a perfect truffle in your sleep i'm sure of it well i'm a willing student fine where do we start well do you know what it takes to be a chocolatier chocolate yes and commitment okay it's long hours not just when the store is open you have to be here early and you're here late do you think you're up to that well i had to travel a lot for my last job so as long as i get to sleep in my own bed i'll be fine people don't realize chocolate's not all fun and games it's a lot of work i'm ready a lot of these recipes were handed down from my grandfather so i wouldn't want them to be given to someone that doesn't realize just how special they are it took years to perfect i realized there are plenty of competitors that would like to get their hands on our recipes i will guard them with my life okay i mean not literally obviously but uh i'll keep them safe do you know anything [Music] about chocolate yes about chocolate uh you know so far your dad's just showing me the business side of things so no um but i'm a fast learner it's not a race you don't learn chocolate fast right [Music] we'll start with truffles like mushrooms let's start at the very beginning works for me chocolate truffles got their name because they resemble a very expensive fungus found in italy and france and truffle sounds a lot more appetizing than fungus the chocolate truffle was discovered by accident really the assistant for a french chef accidentally spilled hot cream into a bowl of expensive chopped chocolate he was very angry but when he stirred it it became sauce and when it cooled it hardened he worked the chocolate paste with his hands until it formed a bumpy walnut-sized ball we rolled it in cocoa powder and it looked a lot like a truffle and that's where they got their name that's amazing now it's your turn all right here goes nothing you know uh your parents said you were natural at this i don't think they were exaggerating i grew up watching my father i knew how to make chocolates before i knew how to tie my shoe at least that's what they tell me i understand why you wouldn't want me here what i don't blame you i mean you're teaching me something that you've known how to do your entire life only for me to take it away from you you're not taking anything away from me okay guess i was wrong i'm happy for them why wouldn't i be nailed what's next that again you're tougher than you look you want to learn this online no no definitely not i'm kidding show me one more time please you can't skimp on the chocolate you have to chop the pieces really fine once you mix it with the cream wait for it to cool and roll it into balls got it got it now we can move on [Music] okay so how did today go a little bumpy with alex today she's concerned he's not serious enough no one's serious enough for sadie first she gave him the complete history of the truffle i'm not sure he needs that much detail did she get around to showing him how to make them we should have seen her it was like she never left [Music] i hear your dad coerced you into working with alex today you said to be supportive so i'm being supportive what'd you think of him change is never easy it's gonna be weird no anodores seriously what are you gonna do i don't know maybe we'll get one of those big motor homes and travel all over let's see where the wind blows us you really want this don't you and adores is just one piece of our life it's not our entire identity and now it's over i guess so i'm excited to see what the next chapter looks like you're right i i've only been thinking about me not you and dad and i'm sorry things with michael didn't turn out but i'm glad you're here me too it's gonna be a great christmas we should have a party a retirement party we don't need to add one more thing to the list i know but we have to celebrate what you and dad have done and what comes next that's very thoughtful sadie we can have it on christmas eve we used to have people over on christmas eve all the time but christmas eve is only a week away i'll take care of everything i promise sounds like you have your mind made up just like when you were a little girl good night honey night [Music] morning you're here early this morning chocolate doesn't make itself sir very funny no it's not i take chocolate very seriously i may have been a tad bit harsh yesterday i'm just surprised you showed up at all today i figured you had better things to do with your christmas vacation and spend it here with me that's where you're wrong i have absolutely nothing better to do you know what i mean there's nowhere else you'd rather be well i could go christmas shopping if you prefer it's up to you no please stay okay i thought we could start with peanut brittle this morning and then move on to toffee okay we only make peanut brittle around the holidays but everyone loves it so why not keep it in stock all year we like to keep what we make to a limited number of items that way we can make everything in store so why not outsource it then because that's not how we do it do you remember the story of the girl who asked her mom why she cut the ends off of her hand before she cooked it no well her mom said it's because that's how her mother did it so she called her mom and asked her why she cut the ends off of her ham and her mother said she didn't have a pot big enough to cook it in well have you ever heard the saying if it ain't broke don't fix it touche carry on okay are we done telling stories if i find a few ways to help the bottom line i don't think that's a crime okay forget peanut brittle someone else will make that how do you feel about toffee feel great about it okay both caramel and toffee are a process of caramelizing the sugar that's where you get that smoky taste and caramel is chewier right you cook toffee at a higher temperature that's what makes it crunchy now we let that cool and then we can cut it into squares and dip it in milk or dark chocolate dark chocolate definitely it's my favorite mine too throwing a party for my parents to celebrate their retirement it's christmas eve you should come really you are the reason they're retiring and you can bring someone if you want okay well do you need me to bring any food or anything no i'm hiring a cater and i'm making the dessert well if you change your mind i make a mean toffee i'll keep that in mind [Music] you need to go uh yeah i have to be someplace but just for this week um i promise i'm 100 committed to chocolate [Music] what about this one oh that's lovely looks good to me okay december 24th 7 pm can you send me your guest list today it seems like an awful lot of work for you it's fine i have everything under control you'll be too busy to finish alex's training no it's okay i can do it are you sure yeah of course thank goodness teaching new employees has never been my strong suit he's not going to be an employee dad he's going to be running the business so he needs to know everything he can sticky drunken pears blood orange souffles blood sticky toffee pudding what about figgy pudding [Music] this is it i could make everyone their own individual gingerbread house how many guests will it be not sure yet now i've always wanted to learn how to build a gingerbread house well let's do it now okay well i have we just used graham crackers graham crackers yeah use them as the building blocks and we just cover it all in candy a lot of people make their houses for structure and forget about taste but my grandfather's recipe is both strong and delicious so you don't have to worry about them falling apart why don't you just make one of those big castles or like one big skyscraper or something like they do in those competitions gingerbread houses are about tradition like the ones we make every year not a contest right besides there's no way to improve on a little cottage that looks like it's from a fairy tale yeah yeah if it ain't broke here it is the guest list showing alex how to make gingerbread the secret is just the right amount of strength to hold it together good to know we're gonna need a few more gingerbread houses than i thought how many like maybe 50 people i don't know i just have to make it work uh okay my mom just sent another list how many are that there's just as many or maybe more how many people won't even fit in our house well they won't all come they never do you sure yeah all right um why don't you just explain to them that they need to pare down their list tell them you weren't expecting that many i can't how do you tell someone to choose between friends [Music] what are you gonna do find a bigger place order more food buy decorations take out a loan the 24th yes this year okay thanks is there anywhere else you could recommend no you're right next time i'll plan further ahead any luck i want to have it next year you know i might know of a place you can have it really yeah let me make a call that would be great thank you of course it needs to be big enough to accommodate a hundred people but not too big either i want it to feel warm and cozy okay big but not too big warm and cozy got it anything else nope that's it okay i'll be back thank you [Music] hasn't this place been closed for years yeah let me get the lights [Music] do you know ernest hemingway sat right there by the fireplace frank sinatra bob hope even the beatles they all stayed here thanks for the historical tour but i can't afford this place just picture it filled with christmas decorations it's beautiful but it's way more than i can spend every other place is booked i'll keep looking there's got to be something hey if you like it it's yours how let's just say i have a friend that knows a guy just have to leave it exactly how we found it you're kidding you like it it's perfect we could put a big christmas tree over there with food stations keeps people moving and mingling huh i'll have a good food station you hungry always i know a place [Music] hmm [Music] on the first day of christmas my true love gave to me a partridge in a fair tree on the second day of christmas my true love gave to me [Music] that one's good that one's definitely my favorite that was my favorite too how did i not know that food tasting was the thing before this well last bite's yours are you sure okay that says a lot about a man what what's it say it means you're thoughtful you didn't just pop it in your mouth i guess you can blame my mother for that she always made me offer the last piece to my sisters how many sisters two i'm in the middle and pretty much everything you hear about middle child is true i'm none of the things you hear about an only child i'm not bossy i'm not i didn't say anything are you still close with your family mm-hmm yeah yeah i am i moved away for a bit i went to chicago after college then i came back here i like it here though it's home i didn't even plan on coming home for christmas this year really whatever it was it changed your mind i'm glad it did it was whoever he changed his mind so here i am enough said now i can't even imagine not being here for my parents for their retirement party yeah yeah the place is better than i could have imagined and the food is going to be amazing yep it will be everything will be so so i'll send out the invitations tonight okay give the final selections to catering and that just leaves decorations and dessert how long does it take to build one gingerbread house there's no way i can make and decorate that many gingerbread houses in time well if you make one big one i'm not making a silly skyscraper all right how about you order a bunch of pre-made ones and decorate those they'll look just like yours they won't taste the same everyone just eats the decorations anyway okay okay i'll take care of it don't worry it's gonna be fine it can't be fine it has to be perfect [Music] what do you think about this one it's too small it's not big enough i want a statement piece a statement piece you're really going all out they deserve it okay but why is the guy that's buying your parents place helping you with the party because there wouldn't be a party if it weren't for him are you sure there's not something in it for him he's just being nice maybe he likes spending time with you i don't think that's it we're just friends not really friends we're friendly besides he already has a girlfriend is that what he told you over dinner it was a food tasting did you talk and laugh maybe once some would call that a date or if you have a girlfriend a food tasting it's not my fault my dad asked me to train him the lady doth protest too much me thinks very funny that's the one oh that's definitely not going in my car he's pretty nice but you should ask him who that girl was in the coffee shop okay we have hot chocolate and cookies over by the fire pit great thank you i gotta go but you guys have fun okay bye hi well i could go for a cookie how about you you're always hungry that's true here you go thank you thanks i think that's a snowman sorry to bother you again oh no no any times i get called for emergency christmas tree pickup not too often i hope never actually can i ask you a question true why are you helping me with the party i don't know same reason you're helping me did my dad ask you to no no i mean it's nice you being willing to spend your time with me it's the least i can do exactly and you're a nice guy that's what i told taylor you talked about me not really that's that's all she's questioning my intentions i told her you already had a girlfriend why would you say that i assumed ah you know what they say i thought there must be someone you always leave at the same time it's impressive uh moonlight is a detective okay uh so i leave to go pick up francie my daughter she's a cutie you never mentioned her your wife my wife laura she she died a little over a year ago alex i'm i'm so sorry that's why i don't mention it to anybody right away people always feel sorry for me and they start treating me differently i would have been nicer well it's not exactly an easy thing to just come out and say i shouldn't have brought it up no i'm glad you did you two have your picture taken yet no that's okay yeah oh you should you two are cute together i i guess it's fisher time yeah okay you convinced us okay get in close [Music] okay there you go let's see i like it that's not bad so you tell taylor that the reason i'm helping you is because i like spending time with you okay then i'm a nice guy got it don't forget that all right hey hey you look nice thanks last night was fun yeah it was we start making hard model chocolates in summer why so early we get busy in the fall with halloween and thanksgiving then we have a small break and go into valentine's day at easter see work ahead smart and we always decorate early because if we don't we won't have time it makes sense you have your tree up yeah a tree uh does it count if it's less than a foot a foot that's that's not a tree that's a twig yeah you haven't decorated it have you no it happens no i wouldn't know where to begin honestly i could help if you want yeah yeah i mean i'll take all the help i can get [Music] i think we have everything we need i hope so francie's gonna love it she is you know i don't think i've successfully decorated a tree before really yeah like successfully surely look daddy why is yours so much better than mine sadie showed me are you sure you haven't done this before nope well you have a natural talent what about me do i have natural town it's questionable you'll get there thank you i love this one do you have a favorite this one wow is that your hand i like this one too so francie wants to know if you'll come to her christmas pageant at church yes i would love to tell her what you're going to be angel with the crown with a halo i can't wait uh-oh what seems to be a problem with these ornaments they keep disappearing how don't eat them daddy don't eat them that one this one right here okay good choice what else looks yummy to you [Music] oh this is one of my favorites [Music] there you go and remember we have candy making demonstrations every saturday at 10 o'clock right over there thank you absolutely bye-bye don't forget to keep your inventory turning right yeah got it you know what it will all come in time i've been doing this my whole life yeah maybe that's why i feel like such a klutz around you why are you doing this why anna doors well when i was about francie's age i would stand outside the window to the candy store that was by her house and just watch him make fudge for hours and i thought that's something that i want to do one day you know i want to do something that makes people happy i get that then when i got out of college i got a sales job i traveled a lot so when i became a single dad i needed something close to home so i can be there for francie's activities pick her up from school you know if she's sick or bringing to work if i have to that was my childhood and i absolutely loved it they could hardly keep me in school because i wanted to be here so why aren't you doing this instead of me you'll laugh promise i won't my freshman year of college i entered a gingerbread house competition thought you hated those i didn't win so i thought it was perfect but the judges didn't so i quit changed my major in marketing you changed your major over what some judges said [Music] it wasn't perfect i know that now so what no one's perfect it can't be you just have to do your best customers don't want to buy your best yeah well they also won't buy anything if they don't come through the door what follow me they don't even sell chocolate no but they're giving out hot spiced cider and they have all sorts of gifts to sell you're handing them your customers you mean your customers not until january 1st christmas is a big part of your revenue for the year how do we get them back well you're the one in marketing but could hand out samples what was it you said there's chocolate but then there's anodores anador's are special you can taste it in every bite no you need them to taste it but before we can give them a sample we have to get their attention keep them moving from their doorway to ourselves [Music] she's got red merry christmas hey guys thank you so much we've been here so long i just assumed everyone knew about us i forgot about marketing yeah sometimes it takes a fresh set of eyes to really see what's in front of you [Music] i'm not sure who did all of this oh definitely well you make a good team this is great glad you like it thanks of course oh merry christmas you've been good this year what you want for christmas francie [Music] you look good you ready that's cute go ahead met him francie oh she loves it [Music] it's cute deck the halls with boughs it's going to look amazing i don't know what i would have done if alex hadn't found this place sounds like the scrooge isn't so bad to have around after all he's different than the guys i've dated before he's responsible and he doesn't get so absorbed in his work that he doesn't think about anyone else and he makes me laugh that's what i want for christmas i haven't told anyone else this but i might not want to go back need some help hey when did you get here just now good i'm glad you're here well i hope you still feel that way after what i'm about to tell you okay um you know the gingerbread houses i ordered to save you time are they here no they hit a small snag how small well there's a large snowstorm covering the southern part of the country okay so so the truck that your houses are on they're stuck somewhere when will they be here best case scenario christmas eve and worst case around the 26th your best case doesn't even work i can't decorate 100 gingerbread houses in less than a day i know i know that's why i'm gonna help so will taylor no i need an assembly line of 20 people okay uh so we think of something new something even better that's not how it works i have to plan and shop it's it's a process well you have a store full of chocolate already it can't be what we do every day it has to be special hey look i've got this you go figure out what to do thank you yeah don't worry about it it'll be amazing whatever happens how do you know because i know you thanks taylor thank you okay i have two days to think of an idea and execute it yeah i'm sorry i messed up it's not your fault it's a snowstorm oh yeah if i weren't trying to cut corners and make things easy on you you know i can't talk about this right now i have to go back to the shop i'll go with you no that's okay i need to think at least let me drive i have my car okay i'll walk you out what can i do i think we've covered all the basics and i'm sure you'll outsource a lot of product anyway i said i was sorry it's fine i'm just really behind now so let me help that's okay why don't you take the morning off and spend it with francie i'm sure she'd love that okay why couldn't sadie come oh she's working why because daddy made a mess of things and sadie has to clean it up yeah it looks like it we could go help her i think she needs a little space right now can we buy her a present yes you can that's a great idea do you want to pick it up okay what do you think about this yeah hey want to give her somebody here put it right in the bucket merry christmas nice work bye good work come on let's go do it i think she's gonna love these gifts on the fifth day of christmas my true love gave to me five golden rings [Music] we brought you lunch you did promise we're not here to interrupt just thought you might be getting hungry did you clean up your mess what mess the one daddy made oh that mess no i'm still working on it hey francie why don't you go find sherry and she can help you pick out a couple treats all right two one for now one for later okay but no more thanks for the food yeah that's the least i can do i don't blame you i really don't but this is something i need to do by myself yeah i get that you making turtles for the party no we're just slow so i thought i'd get that done before i start on the dessert why don't i do this stay out of your hair you can focus on the dessert you think you're ready to do turtles by yourself i'm ready hi i got two cookies baby those are actually you want me to show you how to make them okay my daddy showed me how to make macaroons when i was just about your age he did uh-huh sitting right there like me my job was to put the cream filling on just like this i can do that okay all right slowly do you know what my favorite flavor was pink how did you know that that's my favorite cup voila very nice yeah learn for the best i don't know about that okay put them together just like i showed you nice slow and twist hey thank you for doing this this was a nice distraction i think they call it procrastination actually is it that obvious i don't know what you're gonna do huh not a clue well i find that inspiration strikes when you least expect it i hope so do you want to try one go in yeah is that good yeah all right baby it's time to tell sadie bye okay maybe you should take a few to share with your dad yeah yeah like that idea what do you think three here's a good one it's very you later generous um listen i i hate to bring this up um and don't feel obligated at all but tonight is francie's pageant no i know it's it's on my calendar i'll be there you don't have to honestly i'll explain to her that you're busy it's okay she'll understand that's okay you sure all right bye good luck and there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby keeping watch over their flocks at night an angel of the lord appeared to them and the glory of the lord shone around them and they were terrified you made it i wouldn't miss it besides it's the hottest seat in town do not be afraid i bring you great news that will cause great joy for everyone today in the town of david a savior has been born to you he is the messiah the lord this will be assigned to you you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger glory to god in the highest peace on earth let's go to bethlehem and see this thing that has happened which the lord has told us about so they hurried off and found mary and joseph and the baby who was lying in a manger [Music] jesus laid down his sweet head the stars in the sky look [Music] lord jesus asleep on the head oh i'm so proud of you good job baby you did so well do you like my crown yes i love your crown i'm thinking of getting one oh look at that how do i look like an angel are you coming to my house well baby sadie has something really really important to work on tonight but it was sweet of her to come wasn't it yeah it was thank you yeah of course it was nice to meet you both oh you too very good me too yeah we hope we see you again soon bye bye aren't these cute where'd you get these i made them look at this one oh you're supposed to wait till after christmas but daddy keeps eating them could you teach me to make some sadie could who wants peanut brittle i'll give it a try thank you hmm did you make this yeah you're surprised i know you're not official till after the first of the year but you think we could get some of this before then oh boy my profit margin's decreasing already a toast to francie the most convincing angel i've ever seen to francie you should invite sadie over for christmas yay sure that's something to think about [Music] [Music] do [Music] hi sadie hey beth how are you good what can i get you caffeine and sugar you got it anything else only if you have something that can help me come up with an idea i wish i did i think i'm trying so hard my mind is blank same thing happens to me it's the pressure to create i try to get my mind off of what i'm trying to think about and that's when it hits me it's like it's so obvious like it's been there all along okay my mind is a clean slate thinking about nothing [Music] there it is right in front of me what is [Music] you're a genius i've gotta get to work thank you you're welcome [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm never gonna get this all done i could use some help after all okay see you soon thanks i thought i could get everything done but the houses got stuck in the snow and there just isn't enough time oh we're glad you called you are yeah and it's nice to think you still need us once in a while how many nights have we spent right here valentine's day and easter trying to make all the chocolates so we could fill all the orders we always got them done didn't we well it's going to take a miracle this time even if you don't get every last detail done it's going to be great but i wanted everything to be perfect for you oh sweetie it already is why don't you take a little break we'll keep working i'm not leaving you guys here we can handle it go get something to eat we'll be here when you get back go okay okay it finally came to me you were right what'd you say i said you were right [Music] you didn't have to come yeah i did i had to hear it in person i'm not saying it again that's right i recorded it play it back whenever i want do you ever get that hint of sadness right before christmas because you know all the anticipation is almost over i guess so yeah that's how i feel tonight excited with a hint of sad tomorrow's the party then christmas and you'll be the chocolatier honestly i don't know how i'm gonna do this without you i'm not ready yes you are sweet of you to think so but we both know i'm not you don't have to do everything yourself alex really that's the case why don't i come back and help you tonight i would say okay but i want it to be a surprise why you may have played a very small part in my inspiration i think you'll like it i played a part huh if you hadn't talked me into ordering the gingerbread houses and they hadn't been delayed i never would have been forced to do something else so i make problems and you solve them sounds like you're saying we make a great team is that what you heard wanted to thank you really made this a special christmas for francie she's an easy kid to like she really liked you she's going to miss you after you leave i'll miss her too she may want to come visit sometime she should i would have to be there of course she's too young to fly by herself of course and i'll come home too to visit my parents i bet they'd like that i hope so i'm sorry one second i have to pick up francie i need to get back too hi you reached sadie's phone i'm not here right now so please leave a message see i was able to get a flight after all uh so i'll be home for christmas so i'll give you a call when i get in maybe we can get together do you think she'll like it i think she'll love it okay to sadie from francie and alex you should write love and you should go get dressed go on i'll finish this remember to brush your teeth okay okay merry christmas hey lisa come in hey how are you good good how are you pretty decent pretty decent okay i can't stay but this is for francie oh great she's upstairs we were just finishing this gift for sadie this tree looks amazing yeah did you do this not entirely sadie helped who is this sadie her parents own anadors the place i'm buying it was very nice of you to buy their daughter a gift well that was entirely francie's idea she really likes her what nothing it's nice it's a business relationship and she's been helping me out at the shop so i'm helping her with her parents retirement party that's all you don't have to explain anything to me we're just friends lisa alex it's okay i want you to find somebody and laura would want that for you too not just you francie needs someone she has you it's not really the same well uh it doesn't matter she was only here for christmas well have you told her how you feel not in the exact words okay so use the exact words she doesn't feel the same and it's um women do not just come to your house and decorate your tree and spend time with your child because they have a business relationship with you [Music] they don't don't think so [Music] hi you reached sadie's phone i'm not here right now so please leave a message uh i'm not sure if you got my message but i'm back and thought we could get together uh call me did you know he plans on outsourcing his peanut brittle no i didn't know that that's not a bad idea since we only make it around the holidays but it's not just the brittle he's going to change everything well it's going to be his store really you don't care anymore i've cared for over 40 years sadie i've had my say now it's his turn alex can do whatever he wants [Music] i'll go talk to her why am i the only one who cares is it really the brittle that's got you so upset he has a girlfriend i asked him if he did and he said he didn't why would he do that are you sure i mean that doesn't sound like him that's what i thought too but i was wrong sorry oh i'm just so embarrassed hey uh if anyone's embarrassed it should be alex it's an early christmas gift what is it let's find out i thought you might want something new to wear tonight it's beautiful thanks mom sure it's beautiful on you you look pretty daddy pretty huh that's what i was going for it smelled good too oh thank you hey remember aunt lisa's coming to get you ready for the party daddy has to do something first but i'll meet you there okay okay jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way oh what's going on hi you've reached sadie's phone i'm not here right now so please leave a message so i don't know if you got my earlier message but i came back to see you what are you doing for christmas [Music] you're probably busy so just thought i'd say [Music] merry christmas sadie [Music] so what are you doing here i've been wanting to talk to you now's not a good time please it's important i'm afraid if i don't tell you this now then it's going to be too late i already know what you're going to say really i don't even know what i'm going to say you don't have to say anything i just wish you would have been honest with me i haven't been dishonest with you i asked you if you had a girlfriend and you said no i don't i saw you with her at the coffee shop the morning we met i mean the day you told taylor i was the scrooge and i was stealing christmas you were listening to my conversation i couldn't help but you're sitting right next to me then you knew how i felt about anadors if i had known you then i wouldn't have bought the place that's just it you couldn't have known i didn't i'm sorry it's okay it's yours and i wish you all the luck she's my sister-in-law your sister-in-law um lisa laura's sister [Music] i've got to get this to the hotel so let me carry it please let me drive the roads are getting sick okay [Music] did i tell you i like your dress no you didn't i do you look nice so do you thanks francie picked out my tie where is francie she'll be there i hope people will still come in this weather well if they don't you're gonna have a lot of leftover food you're always thinking about food i have a question um the first time we met you acted like you didn't recognize me why didn't you say anything i hoped you hadn't seen me trust me i saw you and uh the reason i showed up at annadore's earlier i i wanted to uh i wanted to maybe talk about this later i just want to focus on the party yeah yeah sure [Music] this is great isn't it oh i love this place hey i'll be right back okay here's your receipt i i think there's been a mistake i i can't pay for this it's already been paid thank you thanks so much oh yeah thank you thank you [Music] i don't think you're ebenezer not even close that might be the nicest thing you've ever said to me you're not at all who i thought you were going to be so what'd i tell you wow it looks incredible yeah it does i can't believe it you did all of this for us it's absolutely beautiful well there's all sadie no it wasn't i couldn't have done any of it if it weren't for all of you taylor helped me decorate alex found this amazing room and mom and dad were here to help me finish i have a surprise oh wow anadors that's brilliant it was your idea to do one big gingerbread house all along i can't think of anything better than making a gingerbread house out of the place that brought us the most joy and with the people that have brought me even more joy shall we toast to sweet endings and new beginnings for all of us wait uh wait sorry i don't think i can do this you guys have such a wonderful business but i'm not the right person for it sadie is christopher hey congratulations we must be getting old you know what you can't back out sadie this has been your dream from the beginning i'm not taking that from you what's going on alex thinks that i want anadors so he's backing out what's wrong alex thinks that sadie wants anodores and that's why he's backing out is this true i'm sorry daddy i told him not to it was always my dream that you would take over out of doors i didn't think you wanted it daddy we just want you to be happy i am i can't do this to you yes you can i can find another business one that needs to change and grow not one that's already perfect we're not perfect we need new equipment and we can open a new location and expand our existing product line are we still retiring i need a partner i'm listening 50 50. i promise to listen to your ideas if you listen to mine i love you that's what i've been trying to tell you is that a yes we got you something to me and daddy you did uh sadie this is lisa lisa sadie hi it's very nice to finally meet you i've heard a lot about you from both of them open it it's you and daddy she picked it out herself thank you remember christ our savior was born on christmas day to save us all from satan's power when we were gone the streets [Music] and i get everybody's attention tonight is special and not just because it's christmas eve but because we're surrounded by all our friends we got quite a surprise tonight not only are we retiring but our dear sadie is coming home to run anodora's with her new business partner alex mitchell alex francy welcome to the annadore family and sadie welcome home we couldn't be happier [Music] have you been a good girl this year francie what do you want for christmas [Music] we wish you a merry christmas we wish you a merry christmas we wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year good tidings to you wherever you are good tidings for christmas and a happy new year we wish you a merry christmas we wish you a merry christmas we wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year we wish you a merry christmas when i was a little girl i was sure that anna doors was a magical place and if you look in the window that's me and i'm going to teach you just like my dad taught me and his dad taught him and you taught daddy [Music] up [Music] lean your ear this way don't you tell a single soul what i'm about to say christmas series coming soon now you dear old man whisper what you'll bring to me tell me [Music] down that [Music] you'll be sure to know [Music] johnny you
Channel: ACI On The Go
Views: 1,288,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: American Cinema International, ACI, Flims, Movies, TV, Entertainment, Full Movies, Sandra L. Martin, Malone Thomas, Jason Burkey, Alexandra Ficken, Chocolate Covered Christmas 2020, Chocolate Covered Christmas Movie, Chocolate Covered Christmas Full Movie, Chocolate Covered Christmas 2020 Movie, Chocolate Covered Christmas 2020 Full Movie, Chocolate Covered Christmas, hallmark movie 2020, hallmark movie, hallmark christmas movie
Id: wzc6ibrchYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 58sec (4918 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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