Fake Soccer Jersey Market Zanzibar ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ฟ

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welcome to the secret location market hunt i have no idea where i am hello i have no idea where i am or why people are screaming at me i guess we'll find out but this um this is a mega market it's okay 30 minutes oh no now now he thinks i need help and i've decided to walk around here alone because it's very hard to to um to uh yeah to be with someone else who don't speak the language and so on when i'm trying to go shopping but i'm gonna buy some treasures and then hello guys jumbo and then we will see what the prices i can get do you have any football jerseys like this soccer jersey you anticipate no i want soccer jerseys for football like arsenal manchester united follow me oh you don't sell your show yeah you're my show all right blame it um okay already rookie mistake i'm following a man who's taking me to a shop that's not his um and we know what that what happens then uh prices go up okay there are people who want to be helpful but there's also uh generally when anyone brings me to a shop i think we all know that uh the prices change and i kind of want to stumble upon something here and kind of see what prices i'm able to get on my own hello jumbo have you seen a place where they sell soccer shirt this way yeah okay i just want to see what prices i can get here compared to stone town market which i think we can all agree with the prices were very high okay i'll turn the camera around a bit i'm so out of practice hello guys that is a nice socket jersey do you know somewhere i can buy an arsenal shirt manchester united solshar paul schools all right swahili swahili oh thanks let me see then hello guys you look like you speak english i know do you know someone who sells soccer shirt arsenal manchester united they are this way all right yes he looks nice actually he can uh he'll take me what is your search i am i am what what is a cheap pepper he is a cheap pepper okay wow this is a very very um hello hello oh they have food and everything here you know what hold on we are three minutes in i feel like this is some kind of weak ass daily ball the bald and bankrupt market hunter he doesn't buy anything he just walks around and says oh they have fan ceilings let's get the first purchase uh out of the way and then we're uh let me kind of get into the zone here he's your friend gambo ah yeah move i see so these are your socket ah so this is second hand that's pretty cool but i actually am not buying for myself so i kind of wanted something new how much is one shirt here then saint louis giuliani do you have uh arsenal manchester united i'm very curious to see the oh chicago bulls gears what's this the rams american football or handball because you you throw the ball around you don't kick it i think they already tired of me oh that's all right an nfl jersey how much is this one [Music] oh no 18 000 80 000 yeah you can't be serious yeah you are you said 18. one eight but it was just on the ground and it's second hand um what about 10. okay give me 15. 11. 15. 11 000 15 15. what about 11 500. [Laughter] okay pay 15. pay 15. yeah all right all right we have the sale is it new no it's new oh nice you find arsenal oh and to order everything but this is also second hand huh oh is this new it's a new one all right let's get this one first then okay hold on hold on let me see what we have here and i'm wasted [Laughter] he ran away with a shirt i bought yeah this is your shop the second hand what about that one i thought i bought like a soccer jersey i thought i just bought the socket what about this one what about this one yeah no uh it doesn't look very good i think what i have is already very good just uh oh all right yes i win thank you finally my friend yeah i'm going to continue up then i'm coming back this way two minutes okay so finally we got the first uh we got the the daily bald vibes off of this video can't just walk around looking at things like oh not buy anything so now we have one sale down hello what are you guys selling what you need uh i was looking for a football shirt arsenal manchester united i haven't you have no no real madrid huh where no no oh it's down there oh they're all coming flying out there with now with uh with shirts oh that's very nice is this this is manchester isn't it how much is this one then [Music] oh no i have three one two three oh you're just giving them to me like that who is this is it your shirt ah okay how much is one shirt are these newer second hand no is it new yes it is oh okay how much is one shirt then 35 35 35 ceiling tons on your mind no you can do better than that you can do better yes you can yeah yes okay what's your best one how would you pay what about 10 10 yeah what is 10 it's five dollars right yeah pay you 125. 25. that's 25 no no no maybe i got the exchange rate wrong here it's 10 ah hold on but it's not it's kind of it's not new you know it's not secondhand it's just a little bit dirty okay one two three all right so how much for three how much you want for three okay okay the best price for the for the world's greatest canadian seven five thousand shielding tanzania no how many u.s forty dollars for both for for three for sure for both both both both these two three yeah for all yeah for all how much for all for seventy five thousand what about forty five seven five thousand before five thousand seven yeah uh-huh yeah seven five all right then let me make one hold on ah four five forty five four four for all yeah forty five that's fifteen for sure same as this one my friend pay 20 20 no problem 20 20 20 10 20 20 10 how many 60 for for all 21 piece 20 still okay all right right all right let's come on come on here we get some i want to check out the the edge of the market here we'll make the deal then i can open uh kind of carrying around the federal reserves in the bags i want to be a little disagree hold on all right then we have one down okay yeah yeah just throw them in here one two three so we have arsenal okay [Applause] what team is that is that manchester united as well 60 yeah okay okay hold on hold on let me see one two three four five six there we no that's not a manchester united jersey i guess the word is out that there's an uh there's a very nice one nice i guess the word is out that there's someone who who spends like uh what was the price of that jersey then um if i bought three for 60. that's kind of uh i think that's uh it's basically like almost 10 bucks a shower anyway i just want to give them some sales hello look at this oh those are your shirts are these new or a second second yeah all right it's a nice one good luck let's see if we can oh no long sleeve we need short sleeve short sleeve yeah my friend are we going to another shop okay hold on how long are we 13 minutes into this market hunt how much is this one two pieces three pieces no no how much is one now oh no why is the price going up i'm all right no i'm good thank you i'm okay thanks let's try i wanted to um i wanted to see if i can find some some new ones and then we'll get maybe uh 10 or 20 or something hello what are you selling some pants all right are these new second hand all right then it should be a good price how much is your pan stand this one 20 000 that's another i really should check the exchange rates before i go shopping like this i think that's eight eight bucks then oh it's a disney yeah yeah it's real real disney pants for me i know it's too hot here for the pants huh don't i don't feel them no thank you don't really feel the pants hmm let's let's wander a couple of blocks here we go i know so so far what do i paid 000 for the second-hand nfl jersey and then i paid 20 per soccer jersey uh basically it's going to be so funny to hear what um what uh what is his name again i can't say his name because the youtube algorithm is so crazy so the name that he likes to use uh the algorithm no approval of uh so uh but it's gonna be interesting to see what he thinks that i should have paid so hello there you're looking mighty chill okay interesting [Music] i must say i was kind of expecting there to be more jerseys here uh i actually do know of a market where i can get some football jersey every day i need to come here every day it's good it's good good for the market that i come every day every day come here all right for everybody oh for everybody okay that was your shop all the way up there wasn't it yeah yeah all right let's go check out your shop then i had a this is where i parked yeah so here's the the tvs bike so this is where we um where i started so i told him i was going to do a little lap around and then uh wow here they actually do have i found a place with justice let's see what they charge there the problem is of course now that that they just walk after me in and they will they will say uh in their language like this idiot pays uh basically 10 bucks for you sock jersey so i'm not going to be able to get a proper price is this yours yeah all right these are also old it's milan yeah but it's not new yeah or is it just a bit dirty because of the road you can try my friend oh it's not for me it's not for me ah you are children our boys i'm just buying for other people i saw some people play football yes and they didn't have jerseys so i spoke to them they like chelsea they like manchester how much is this one then this is twenty thousand twenty [Laughter] let's get uh do you have another one my friend yes hungry i want it for lunch you want to go eat some lunch yeah all right you have a bayern mansion or something as well the football yes that is very nice no no i'm not going to play bayern munich nice paris saint-germain so this one is the same yeah same thing all right let me get a paris saint-germain too is this your shop a different one all right three three how much same same same yeah all right guys hold on hold on let me see if um thank you so much yeah this is your big take this you are big yeah just chuck it in here hold on hold on every single cabin by my friend every day you'll come here tuck it in okay every day i should come here everybody i don't think i'll be shopping here again but it was interesting to to to see you know i i say you are speaking slow slow just i'm trying you can one day you come here easy speaking and then okay good luck good luck awesome bye bye okay so i guess the experiment to me getting rock bottom prices uh failed so but anyway it's it's all good where is old uh he's driven off oh there we are all good yeah yeah yeah oh yeah yeah all finished now where's the motorbike no mistake no mistake all good so good yeah hold on how much would you pay for a football shirt yeah how much would you pay for a football shirt like like um you know like a football like this how much would you pay money good morning good morning how are you hi how are you today what's that how are you good today i'm great how are you ah is that your friend he grabbed my hand he's like hello all right hi how are you uh do we have a cold one two water one two two yeah one two small no small small one yes the best hotel [Music] is he actually spoke his english is actually quite good that's good but he's very strict very serious yes serious very serious man okay bye bye the most expensive second higher hand market in the world very expensive yes yeah but okay it was interesting to see i guess it's just pretty much impossible to get uh great prices when you're uh when you walk around with a camera and so on like i am so but all right i'm gonna go for some food now might be signing off actually i think i am signing off bye bye yeah bye-bye we are now weaving our way through to uh another market that i went this morning with the false goals guy which i i know there that they have a bigger selection of jerseys and uh quite possibly a better price at least probably better quality although the ones i got i mean they're not bad sorry yeah the bus station bus station market let me see i'm not sure i know where we are all right we're a little lost but okay okay yeah i think the bus station is to the left yes yeah let's go left if that's possible yeah oh look at this an old cannon yeah there's a go here and then right again no idea really where we are but i'm trying to find the bus station because on the opposite side of the bus station there is uh there was a market this morning i think i think we're on the right track yeah uh hold on very confused it's good yeah yes we stopped here i'm we're gonna part ways here i'm gonna uh soldier on what do you think about them good quality yeah are you a bayern fan yes yeah do you want it so you want one yes yeah hold on is this your size okay good yeah yes for you yes okay okay all right all right how much would you pay for one you think good price five 25 yes oh okay yeah so it's not so expensive then yes i paid 20. yeah and 25. 25. okay i paid 20. so not so bad you're a bayern fan yes thomas muller thomas thomas muller all right maybe i'll go and find you a new helmet okay thank you so much thank you so much have a good day i miss you too take it where's the food the food fruit yeah do you remember we buy food banana we bought uh mango home home home ah you already put it in home yes okay let me see it it is super nice no it's for you it's for you not for me see you then bye bye thank you bye-bye uh this this whole area is like a maze i uh we drove been driving around here for maybe 10 minutes 15 minutes and just i cannot find where i ventured this morning uh there was a bus station and a big road and uh just lots of shops and the prices were way way better than what i've seen downtown here so i guess i'm just gonna have to start trekking in one direction and then we'll we'll see what we stumble upon uh because they had a huge selection of football jerseys there so wish me luck wow that was quite a walk but i think i think i finally found it it's down this uh this street right here anyway so the market i filmed before i mean this is more of a market this is what i wanted to go to a market like this [Music] so that's not where we went i mean obviously the market i went to it was just me there and yeah they're not making much money there and it wasn't very lively what i should have done is just gone to a place like this um where there is life and so on but i think uh i think the the driver whose name i cannot say because of the youtube algorithm misunderstood and i don't think he understood which market i want to go to but anyway this is where i was this morning and this is where i i saw this old soccer dresses right down here and i reckon they have a big selection and let's see what the price is i was in this shop here this uh this morning here big soccer jersey yes selection friend hey i'm looking for football jerseys football just yeah once what do you have do you only have these or do you have more i have more more insider yes how much is one jersey or maybe you can take a good quality for 55 troubleshooting and like that is such five thousand dollars 35 yes you can do a bit better than that or yes what's your last one for that or maybe one for you i just bought those for 15 15. yeah you wanted both for 15. no i bought one for 15. or maybe no problem let me see you can buy for 20 no problem for 20 no 15 50. 20. what if i buy 10. can you give me 15 per jersey what if i buy 10 10 shirts 10 yeah yes i can give you 415 yeah oh you want you want different club yeah different ones yeah okay okay so 10 jerseys 10 you want yeah okay size maybe size dip [Applause] i saw some playing football up there it's for them so uh yeah large is good yeah let's see what they have like juventus okay arsenal manchester chelsea like whatever you have this is manchester yeah and asthma i have this and this away and uh home what is the most popular team in uh for uh well what do you follow here what's your team my team is manchester united this is awesome so manchester is very popular yes in this country okay this oh you want manchester united oh that's a very profitable germany oh okay do you have the white one for paris hold on let's see here oh this is as well [Music] it's another juventus this one nobody likes crystal palace no barcelona yeah barcelona sure hold on let's bring out bust out the federal reserve oh my bag is open hold on okay so now we got it for 15 for sure that's pretty good price there we go yeah new here munich nobody likes everton hold on let's check let's see so it's good it's liverpool can you hold it up like this all right let's see so we got a liverpool can you just hold it like this so we can see oh you can see this is good okay little pool barcelona hold on let's see it's good yeah it's a nice one nice one [Music] it's a good team okay yeah from holland manchester city okay was good i think that was uh this would be good good nice shirts i like your shoes i won't shoot i was here in the morning and i couldn't find it i saw your shop and now i walk everywhere trying to find your shop okay or maybe you want to shoot right now no it's okay i was here in the morning in in this one all right awesome guys thank you so much all right good luck good luck bye-bye okay so now uh wow yeah this this obviously a more lively place for a market hunt but jumbo um but let's uh let's go and find some random recipients then for the shirt and then i'll probably come back here tomorrow and do another shopping rally because this is kind of kind of market that we really want to see isn't it this is more lively than uh your friend okay you know with random no i'm good i'm good yeah tomorrow i'll be back here every day yeah yeah yeah every day okay see you tomorrow yeah hakuna matata good time tomorrow probably same time same time more time see you then bye bye guys yeah this is what you want for uh for a market hunt isn't it all right see you guys tomorrow signing off look how chilly is whoa you're a not a morning person are you actually it's four in the afternoon why are you still sleeping didn't like to be waked up she's very angry what's happening who is this yeah i don't know what's happening some kind of joke like this dressing like the grim reaper wow is he a trap is he a trap you just enjoy just having fun okay all right oh he's a seller what does he sell he sell this abaya do you see anything through there can can you see anything through there like a face oh okay he sees faces interesting guys maybe you can help me i am yesterday i was here playing football somewhere in the street but i can't find it where i don't know i was walking around here and suddenly in the square people were playing football and i was playing football the back of this alley down to okay thanks i have to ask are you two a couple he's a young boy he's a young boy why does he look like a 50 year old man all right enjoy guys which one is the bigger field this one or this one this one is bigger i'll have a look there then cheers all right i like it the people here they do uh they do like to joke around this way this way the first place goes great okay all right cheers no people they like to joke around they're funny let me see am i filming yeah i yeah [Applause] it's been a long day it's about four o'clock i started started shopping at 10 so well he told me to just go straight i couldn't find um hey how are you okay enjoyed the shirt i couldn't i couldn't find the uh where i played football so they started playing here and then these guys got some shirts manchester united false goals and then this guy came and he said hey you walk in the wrong place so i told you that's right you told me straight you go straight okay i don't care this way we can see that well i have still have many shirts so okay still have many left first of all i have two this way oh okay this way yeah straight today all right all right all right you're a life saver what happened what happened to your so i saw you again that's it he missed the way what happened to your girlfriend the man in black many yeah the man in black the man the man before you know what happened which man just make funny yeah he just made fun he took that to a buyer yeah he just dressed okay that's you you take a picture all right all right so if i don't film he's not like that all right he's an old man what team do you like me no they like okay you didn't get a shirt yeah you just take one just fine what's your team liverpool liverpool i'm not sure how many live that's manchester city a jets yeah wow there's a lot of liverpool sharks in there are you all liverpool fans ronaldo who wants to be ronaldo nobody [Music] ah he wants to he wants to be dutch he wants to play for ayax just going to fix it okay all right are you ayax okay good luck bye-bye this way now [Applause] [Music] now when i come to the football pitch i'm like hey guys i don't have any shirts left ah there we go but today nobody's playing no time's not it it's too early just too old now i was here yesterday i don't know five or something it's not here i was playing here yeah the big place yeah ah here we go there's a football coming out of the alleyway let's kick it back and see if anyone kicks back to me is that okay oh nobody let's go there so i went to the football pitch and there's actually nobody there today so let's just but when you walk around these alleyways there are people playing football so okay hello are you playing football yeah what's your favorite team we can go there what's your team arsenal would you like arsenal jersey would you like your jersey juventus that's american why everyone wants liverpool this is man city no paris center man neymar that's pesg as well all right all right all right are you playing too let me take to my my chart ah how many you have two okay take two then all right and then there's just one left that's for me the american soccer jersey okay okay what's up give me one my friend you want a jersey yeah i only have one left it's an american football jersey it's nfl i don't have any foot i don't have any soccer left it's amazing do you want to be mcfadden yeah all right good luck okay i guess no jerseys for me then you want the bag too all right let's do it okay that's the end of the video guys sign it yeah wow actually it's played an integral part of the video so resemble each other what's that yes street [Music] every street looks the same to me yeah that's why i'm walking around in circles all day okay let me congratulate you for what you did because i see them playing football they don't have the jersey you know yeah it's a very good time i was in two different markets today to buy shopping but this is called this way no i like this it's it's uh it has charm i know it looks it looks broken and it looks but exactly i mean it does have have a certain charm to it that's very cool town house uh beautiful day so many years ago that's why it's so interesting to walk around all right geraldo still here just wanna i just had a little walk with that guy turns out he's a teacher it was very interesting i was listening about his salary and so on he says as a teacher he makes 300 here in um in a uh in a month and then sometimes he buys electronics here and then takes the boat to the mainland and sells it in darius alum so just walk with him now about like a quarter of the way to the hotel he was going back to his uh to a shop close to his school but anyway uh i guess this this video is probably a bit all over the place i think i'm just going to include all the scenes from from markets from motorbikes and whatever and then it's one of those chaotic uh videos without much structure as far as what the actual prices are for for things i guess i'm still at a loss but uh okay 15k for a for a football jersey isn't isn't all that bad then so from uh yeah from whatever the name of this video is geraldo is signing off
Channel: Harald Baldr
Views: 973,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zanzibar Market, Shopping Zanzibar, Shopping in Tanzanian Market, Village Market Zanzibar, Fake Soccer Jerseys
Id: 2zY6HkcFWzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 56sec (2576 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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