Zanzibar Market Hunt ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ฟ

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the stone town zanzibar market hunt haircut rally slash cat feeding rally slash seat food rally is upon us yes i'm back and i'm going to explore stone town today but before i begin i want to show you guys the cutest thing i've seen since my arrival last night [Music] hey there there is one two three four ah there's the mama hey look at this look at that let me see hey there hey mommy are you okay [Music] okay come down come down there we go hey do you know how old they are oh you got to cut it up [Music] how many weeks or months a day three three weeks yeah hey mommy are you proud mommy you're a single mom aren't you your daddy just left you here on the street the dangerous streets of sansiba hopefully that's something all right see you guys later love you bye-bye okay now the market hunt begins and the reason i'm carrying this big backpack is that i'm gonna fill it up with everything that i buy and everything that i buy just like when i did my uh market hunt in peru over a year ago i'm gonna send to one of you guys so follow me on instagram i'm just gonna pick someone random off of instagram and then um send okay i'm not gonna send the socks and all the other you know i buy a lot of idiotic things but uh the things that you guys want for example i see some pretty cool masks up here that is probably something that i know some of you will value and treasure hello this is your masks i'm interested in buying a mask what is there a meaning behind these masks just for decoration and is there a history behind the masks no just decoration okay what is your finest mask which which is the one you sell the most it's this one for the beads can i try it yeah we can try okay let's see do like hold on i don't wanna oh no this is like cow masks yeah can i have a little try yeah oh you're gonna be cameraman yeah yeah thank you so much so so there's no meaning behind this huh it's just decoration yeah it's just decoration i don't know it doesn't mean this kind of mask oh maybe you can explain a little bit a little bit maybe maybe like this kind of mask with a [Music] our village masters village masters mostly in mainland northeast mainland coming from mainland does it have to do with witchcraft or ceremony or just just for a symbol if the king of the village is staying here the mask must be a side view maybe on the wall or the wall okay yeah so you can see this kind of mask sometimes explain uh they change depending on the situation sometimes with uh when it's a piece of time they're putting some kind of mask if it's a sadly time they put in some kind of mask if there's wartime yeah this looks like a warrior master warrior mask you see like this one it's a warrior maybe i'll try this one then a small one could you take it off of me i don't want to i don't want to break any of them no why not you can try okay yes and hold the car i don't i don't see much what do you think guys yeah yeah is this an improvement upon my my uh my previous appearance how much is this one then in us dollars shillings for 150 150 that is your first price right yeah that's the last price for this but it's the last price first and last ah so you don't so you don't bargain here yeah i know we back in but not for this oh i see you see yeah maybe another one you can try to see it okay i like this one the bird mask bad mask this is for queen well the wife of the king maybe i could be a queen maybe you wish so i think i wish to let me give it a go i mean uh hold on can i take it off yeah all right i think this is more me is a good one huh i don't see anything let me show you guys the view from behind here here here's a good one i don't know how you see anything from there i can't see i see that's a little bit this is much better because then i can actually see what's going on yeah that's what you're going to see what's going on okay you know i think i found the one okay and so i think this is the best one and without the pearls so the ones with the pearls are more pricey i don't know it's different i have some very small masks but very expensive let me show you one show me your most expensive mask oh you actually have a lot of uh this is a nice one with shelves and everything i think i like that one is this the same shop together okay you work together let me yeah this is a beautiful one i like this one i mean somebody else has the shelves and you can actually you can actually see through this one this one is great for combat i think how much is this one that twenty three hundred three hundred three hundred thousand five three hundred and fifty thousand but they say three hundred so what's that in dollars that's about a hundred right 150 almost or 140. this is a very expensive master that's the most expensive one the most expensive one only this one is 500 us dollars 500 us yeah why is that i don't know why is it because of the the pearls or the stones on it the meaning of this i think so i don't know what the meaning of this uh we can get the few days to come because just a few days i'll both bring here have four of them i like this one with the shells this is nice so what is your best price for this one i shall represent the piece of zanzibar the peace of tanzania the peace of sanjiva peace what's your best price for this one then you can do how much you want to do you tell me you told me be honest i'm always honest all right let me uh a hundred thousand hundred thousand no it's not even buying price from that not even the buying price what is your buying price the buying price of that twenty is almost uh 210 maybe something over there approximately you need some profits yes yes i understand um so your best price then for this one you make 208 280 yeah [Music] just for you because we like you too you like me well thank you i like you too i like you let me see 280 do you what what mask do you have for 200 then 200 let me check let me see personally i like this one the best but if i was gonna have some decoration on my wall i think i would go for one with the feathers it's just a problem of sending like when as soon as you have like heathers and so on i don't know about customs in some of the countries like whoever's gonna whoever i'm gonna send this to i don't know who you you are where you live and so on so um i'm trying to look listen what the best you can do for this one from 200 okay from 200 from 200 for the best i want to give you the what to like yeah what about 2 30. listen 270 10 deals with you 250 260. okay 255. okay wow this is a very uh she's pregnant is this like a um hold on let me try this one on maybe some kind of fertility uh oh there's a big shop in here is this a fertility uh does it look okay yes yeah if i walk around like this people will what is this what is it for like a fertility thing or all right so what should we agree on 255 okay who who makes the artwork here uh you have mine over there ah this is the artist oh is he painting hold on hello mr nas oh you're making a line yes the king of judah by the king of judah the king of judah yeah the king of real life i've actually never seen this before how many hours will it take you to make a painting it's like three hours three hours thinking just thinking only three hours all this yeah so it is like wow how much will he sell this for we said you know how much will you sell this one for 250 like 250. yeah okay it's too much not if the work is good i mean this looks like great work that's the thinking okay i'll give you some privacy good luck so maybe maybe i'll come back in the afternoon and then i will see your your final work that's the finishes all right all right let's see can you count this let's see how they match this is the federal reserves are mighty swole after five months of hibernation [Music] okay and this give there we go all right my friend yeah that's 250. yeah yeah why didn't you take 250 okay yes 150 yeah yeah yeah three and there's three more three five so you need five from you how much more 50 more yeah i'm going to go shopping and then i'll come back and have a look at the lion yeah yeah the king of judah you know that is okay that is his signature yes mr nas all right yeah so when you'll be back awesome yeah give me a couple hours i'm going to fill this bag up with treasures yes oh that's aimed to break right yes when i come back it will be full of treasures and more yes maybe a painting as well yes what where do you think i'm from i'm from russia no from from alabama canada yes i'm from canada and i'm wasted from my favorite phrase where are you from i'm from tanzania uh okay i'm from toronto i guess i can be from toronto yeah but do you like another no not from canada but it's kind of like a running joke i'm from norway but i like to joke about being from canada so it's funny that that you said oh you look like a canadian and also you feel canadian yes all right guys have a good day good luck no more things maybe no i'm this is a huge area so i'm going to investigate all the shops thank you so much guys bye-bye bye-bye all right how many wow that was 15 minutes in um so what did i pay for that 250 i think that's about 100 i have no idea jumbo i have no idea if that is a good price or not i assume it's not because when when she counted and took um she counted up 250. oh so sweating she was kind of um you know she was basically ready i don't think she heard the first price be agreed upon so she was basically ready to say all right so you can probably get it for 150 maybe even you can get it for 100 who knows but geraldo is not here to uh to um bargain that much i'm here to spread the federalist i must admit i really do like the artwork here let's continue so this stone town area it dates back to the portuguese era hold on it's been a while since i vlogged i'm at a loss for things to say so let me get this straight i think the portuguese came here and basically muscled their way in they forced the sultan that was ruling this place to pay tribute around 1502 1504 i think about skudagama sailed past here in in 1498 and the portuguese extracted tribute from this place for a couple hundred years even ran it for a while and then they were ousted a couple hundred years later by the sultan of oman in 1698 hello good morning morning oh here we go it's so confusing i have i have not um i haven't been walking around here because i've been jet lagged and i wanted my first time wandering around here to be on camera because that ever then everything is very genuine i'm genuinely surprised about the artwork the things i see and so on this is a nice one hello is this your artwork yeah it's me can you send this overseas i see how much is this one then in local chilling oh it's beautiful do you have more inside yes okay i will have a look but this is my this is my favorite so far yes how much you pray for him better is me this is his name let me see inside do you have more yeah hello guys is he the painter of everything here all right it's very similar to the to the other one yes but this you go for background with the white background okay so how much is this one then this was 60. 160. what about what's your best price for two for one i give the best price but we thought you talk is the change this is not the turkish man or the dollar the dollar is money the dollar is stronger than the shilling yeah is that what you're saying yeah you're more happy with the dollars than the shilling yeah because i'm carrying only chilling you know okay 155 154 you give me 5 000 discount i'm just joking with you you're an artist i'll pay you 160. 160 is okay yeah i like it so this one yes yeah this is gonna be uh man i'm jealous at whoever is gonna get this one this is so beautiful this is the name that's your signature how long have you been painting this one yeah per five days for five days yes how many years have you been painting now for 25 25 years you are from sansiba yeah from zanzibar it's beautiful it's uh i'm very jealous it's for my friend not for me this way yeah it's for a friend who's your friend yeah this way yeah but i'm jealous because i want one too but like that one i like that one better with you are with me the sunset one yes no only one only one of my friends i cannot travel with painting you know let's see so how do we um like this remove you remove this the staples as you remove out we roll them and move inside this and there's no problem sending this out from we're washing water sanding is no problem with everything it is so which which ones are yours in here what's your section which one did you paint with me yeah it is this one do you have a website or email or email is okay yeah if someone wants to buy from you you can send to you give for email with the joomla okay yes do you have a card i don't have a character because it's not sure i understood that again okay like people always um in my videos people always ask me how can i send the email this is the smaller i like the wider one better that was much better yeah right yeah the white one better this is not white maybe this is color gotta be careful so you don't step on uh yeah you're a great artist i like your uh noticing the things you get every day so but it's a color painter how many paintings do you paint in one day one no no one day picture i was different detail is painting maybe a picture of 21 days but it's a fast so what picture you paint is more than terrorist but you paint is a slow slope so the painting will take you many days to make one yeah yeah it's very days but it's not only it's not dependent with me we think of the three people with me there are guys now and that guy we have the town and do you sell one a painting every day or thanksgiving every day we set out today but businessman we buy him many pieces especially the tourist you know we come here we take many pieces yeah we go the shop with the tourist somebody we go another shop we make money on the tourist we look like a different team but he told us to buy him for the best price is the cheaper the sharing is so but he's not too high with the dollars but he's a workshop this is a painting you know yeah so okay different to the businessman businessman i wanted to manage the business no so but you come here mail for the cheaper price do you own this building are you renting with your friends this building are you how does it work you pay rent yeah or you you own the building you buy the building you have right tax like a government government taxis and everything so that is a government so i want to tax the capital you have to pay taxes and it's too expensive i think high okay it's very high yeah yeah okay so but the easier so the 160 is not just for you you have to to expensive no no no expensive so but is that a yes tea just you take it material perspective so but it's not used your business is a touristy this one realistic business use the tourism for 200 dollars okay realistically business two hundred dollars somebody we say now is a loss season so you give me a low season price yes slow season price now all right i appreciate it now his loss is on the price here we go it will be fine like this remove remove look remove it yeah so you will be fine you're rolling it up yeah yeah no problem removed yeah this is no problem we're washing water but not washi machine no no washing machine or painting i know whoever gets this one no washing machine on there or you're painting what about the dryer dryer the dryer machine is okay the dryer machine is okay not the washing machine washing machine okay washing machine a picture it can make like a bracket okay so but it's a problem but it's not a washing machine a guarantee 150 is it clear yeah it's a guarantee okay hundred fifty years is it here all right let me see here we just passed out the federal reserves okay so it's one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen yeah there we go okay amazing good luck my friend yeah it's good he's happy so but now it's morning how many sales do you think you will have today uh thank you god thank you the people thank you to you all right yes how many do you think you can sell in today one painting two paintings three paintings or two paintings that would be a good day what is your best day ever how many painting you sell one day the best day five five in one day yes but to make like a difference somebody makes a small one a big one more than big like this you see the live king yeah i know this is the lion king you made fun of the guy to say like the big like this one i went to the 500 dollars oh thank you so much 500 dollars for this one for the 500 if you want to just like that all right anyone want a big lion king for 500 yes amazing thank you all right good luck okay thank you thank you so much who are you most customers here in in in your shop is it germany america russia no no no it's russia only russian tourism is russia russia will come every day but it can lock local prizes same with with several same countries in russia same sentence okay good luck i see you have the next one ready to go bye bye guys wow this uh shopping tour is looking up for old geraldo oh what's this music hmm i think this street has seen better days [Music] nope let's see uh hello jumbo is there more shops this way more more shopping this way more shopping yeah or just back here uh which i like uh shops for clothes and shoes and uh very fast in this way nothing no have some yeah one i just came from here so i'm looking for like more different shops okay uh you asked there okay all right thanks oh hello cigarette man yes how are you i'm okay good i'm very hot it started out as a great cool day but now yeah it's too hot really how are you i'm great but i'm looking for the more shops yeah i want more shops like for painting for clothes yeah okay maybe i should have stayed on that road okay maybe i'm gonna show you this one shop over there okay behind you and uh african house what do they sell there yeah what do they sell in the shop yeah over there i think we're back on the painting now no now i have a painting now i need uh hey kitty yeah now i need uh i think i need some clothes because my style is very you know like i just came from europe okay i need some clothes that make me look like uh like a local man okay let's go let's go okay oh we're going back yeah over there not far but that's where i came from what will happen if i go this way what's up hakuna matata okay i'll go this way okay i think we'll take you also some are you taking me okay i think i have a guide now so you are the cigarette salesman of yeah you are the cigarette salesman of zanzibar yeah how many cigarette packs do you sell in one day uh it's different it depends uh it was just a three pack or four pack a day oh this looks great yeah over here yeah three pack per day it depends want to do you have a mentor mentor this year how much is that yeah this is uh for you i can sell to you eight thousand each eight thousand yeah i thought maybe you said eighty thousand yeah eight thousand you can look here maybe all right i'll get some cigarettes from you okay eight thousand eight thousand cheaper for you because uh that's cheap very cheap i hey for you keep it okay thank you thank you see you later no you ready enough uh i'm walking i was gonna check out this shop but maybe is there i don't have that could you could you help me out can you just put this in there like it's better for you yeah maybe hold on let me say hello to the kitties first i love kevin hey let's come to chicken are you a married couple hey there do you like cigarettes yeah go go into your husband get this idea ah they can flee oh no they had an escape route this is your shop that is my that is some quality pants you have there i like this that is this is fun yeah that's funny but you guys are not wearing pants like this who who wears pants like this uh some the local are wearing but for me i can't do it you cannot wear this for me i just said oh i don't want players just see what's not my style is it my style yeah it's good which one this one which is the just pick me the funniest one if you saw like um what so what's my name i'm like right what do you call like foreigners here is it yeah i know if you saw like a musungu walking in the funniest pants which one nicely even this one is funny but that is pretty that has a strip here the men they wear like this they wear okay so how much are these ones this one i'm selling you to 25. at 25. what about 10 10 is less 10 is obviously less yes what do you think he's less smooth how much does he buy it for uh for him he buys 20. you pay for 20. that is a challenge this kind of indeed very progressive colors my friend which color you prefer i was gonna i was thinking this one it's kind of more uh no problem the one that you prefer this is something like lunch that that canadian would uh would wear what lance can i don't know i think this is the best one okay and the t-shirt which says are you xxx earlier uh no t-shirt i think just the pants just the parts so this one you buy for i i will sell it for you which one this one i will sell to you 25 25. yeah that's the best price that is the best price for him this time now is the morning time okay morning price this is the morning price as a day going up the price go up the price going up because i like your stuff i'm starting to open the show i like your style we have a deal all right 25 24 sold he said to you he said like a local people look do you know i i heard a story here about zerus zero yeah well some people think that i'm a zero zero no no no so it's not even in europe the race is a resolution but you are not a zero i'm not a zero zero sometimes i like to joke that i'm albino and then i asked my in a hotel i said how do you say albino in in uh in swahili and they say no here is a different story like you cannot enjoy it it's become a big issue when you're joking with them i know i know oh do the better thing for them yeah on that time the government themselves they decided to keep a restriction in case you do anything even the joker they are very serious with you yeah so now it i think you get a higher penalty like if you hire people from from uh who are cerrossero then if you harm someone else if you right or even if they say oh this somebody is doing bad things for this yeah then they take that story seriously yeah i'll tell you the story later it's very interesting you are because i know like a polo school he was a rusero he was playing in manchester united who paul scott school yeah that is very true and also we have even the lion here in tanzania we have 0 lion so ah [Laughter] a running joke i have whenever i go to a country oh yes any change no i don't know i must give you change it must keep you all right i'm thinking how to do i don't know billy no can you help me again can you throw this in here in the back and i don't have to okay don't worry so your mission is to find themselves also this but you can smoke yeah i'll put this in here too hold on this is a good challenge your camera is too small but it's big in size taking the big movement what's that noise is it like a video it may make everything look kind of big it can capture everything the whole scene you know so you can see the the whole shop this is my shop this is the best shop in zanzibar which is you will not be hunted here don't worry that's not easy the jumbo good luck i hope you have many sales today bye-bye guys bye-bye that was pretty funny what he said about paul's goals oh look another kitty or is it the same one jumbo hey there i haven't seen this many street cats since since athens hey there no let me tell you the the story about the seruzero so uh i'm going shopping shopping seems to me that everywhere is open all right see you guys there i'll find it not a story about the zero zero um so i arrived yesterday and i met this awesome guy at the hotel kind of telling me about everything so i was learning that kind of the funny words that i like to use uh and he told me like this is what we called you uh white people and then there was uh jumbo then there was another another word for uh so i said oh how do i say that i'm albino and then he said oh no you are uh you are not an albino and then he you know he told me this whole story that essentially albino say were used in in uh they believed their special powers and also their bodies were used in in uh in potions magic potions in witchcraft there's all this this long history about it so it was actually government have to make us had to make a special law back in the day uh protecting um making special laws for albinos so people wouldn't wouldn't uh um hunt them and use their body parts for for um for these magic potions and elixir so there was this belief that you would get rich and so on if you consumed a potion containing uh an albino body part so now you know that story but the word for i albino here is ghost you know what i'm really i don't think i'm in the right area because i was trying to find a jumbo i was trying to find there's supposed to be a huge market here am i filming yes i am wow 40 minutes um 40 i'm 40 minutes in and there's supposed to be a a huge market here maybe i should end this here then maybe this will be the first market hunt hello oh you sell football shirts is this a zanzibar team [Music] maybe this black one here is this your football team or what sport rugby is for soccer yeah wow you're very serious here in this show do you have my size a little bigger this will go well with my with my uh local pants that i bought no i just bought some pants now i need a shirt is this do you have a zanzibar national team is it yeah my friends this is your size that is my size indeed so how much is this one man 40 000. does it look good so if you see a man walking down the street with this you will say wow what a handsome man they were like not really but okay we'll tell him yes yes okay 40 000 what about uh 25 000. 30 000 yes 30 000 yeah okay you're very serious here in this shop why why is it so so quiet in this shop i'm serious all right 30 000 that is about 10 dollars i think okay the federal reserves one two three there we go like that okay okay my friend all right thank you so much thank you all right bye-bye all right now i have i have those yellow pants i have the sanzibar jersey i think basically i have everything to be a a local man so as this battery is a buy is about to die out from this 43 minute market hunt i'm gonna go to my hotel which if if am i back at the hotel wow these are awesome that's beautiful but let me let me change into my uh my local attire and then i guess i'll do a another market hunt let me see all right see you guys back at the hotel i think i'm back to the street where i live yes yeah okay here's my hotel the maru mari hotel i just want to show you guys the awesome guy who is uh my security hey how's it going okay i'm done shopping yes they called me a set of settle yes they said i was a settle setter like a pulse calls i don't think so you don't think so yeah in the shop over there no no no but they said i am a set of zero you know maybe yeah maybe i don't know so is this your they didn't want to explain to me in the show is this a national side or is it a like a local team it's a local team it's not a local team it's a t-shirt just for designing ah okay okay so it's actually not a team it's a team i see teams should have different colors but we have on the sim and young it's a national team all right zanzibar most people most time they use different color so this is if i wear this it's not this doesn't mean like it's from a football team the specific one they normally this is all right i'll go change so i i will look even more like a tourist than i do now with these clothes yeah but it's super tourist right would you wear this yeah you would wear this oh okay i don't think so it's very nice you look so smart i'll go change i'll come back okay okay see you guys all right now i will go and put this on i'll put the pants on too and then i'll i'll go and make a food video so from marumaru geraldo el zero zero is uh signing off actually i'm not signing off so uh like i said in the beginning the painting and the mask i'm going to send to one of you so again follow me on instagram and i'll have this shipped out to one of you within i guess 24 or 48 hours of the video going up so follow me head out about the air on instagram and i'll just pick some random people there to send the the painting to and then another one to send the mask to so uh from zanzibar i'm signing off
Channel: Harald Baldr
Views: 1,007,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zanzibar Shopping, Market Stone Town, Shopping in Tanzania, Tourist shops Zanzibar, Africa, Tanzania, Zanzibar
Id: 9BTxiLOqtb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 59sec (2759 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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