I brewed a rare Masai goat intestine soup ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ฟ

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all right are you gonna here let's get this blood off then is it here too no okay okay it's going to get bloody again soon isn't it it's okay yeah all right thank you thank you very much great cameraman um breaking up some sticks oh we're hanging it up this is the the leg and the rib cage what are we going to do here with the leaves why do you put it up here this here uh-huh but i'm coming there yeah you're going to build it i guess they're storing the media pair for some reason not quite sure why but we'll see we'll figure it out knives are being [Music] sharpened are you hungry i found a bone oh where you yeah sliding sliding [Music] foreign check out this guy hassan has an awesome seat he his barbecue seat he's a dead cow yes all right how does it work how does he work your seat oh comfortable and in here they already put a lot of did you put the liver in here that's the liver yeah some intestines lots of stuff in there i think it's time to deliver oh you you woke up from your sleep for this he was sleeping in the bushes before like that's big one maybe a small one half 50 50. no big one for you a big one yes very nice yeah you're right the whole thing that's been the best beat so far apart from the raw meat we had in the beginning hey for mango mango no easy for you mango is finished mango's finished no liver for you don't know what part of the animal this is but just discover the best piece of meat thus far one more divided one more as you can see it's boiling it's kind of hard to get to like wait wait hold on a that's like it has barbecue sauce on it which is unreal because there's obviously no sauce whatsoever in there it tastes like beef wasabi yeah this was the best one right yeah that's the best taste nice proper bbq no this is no barbecue later barbecue later barbecue thank you this is nice proper proper lamp fillet thank you thank you nice one thank you so much you drink this ah like this yeah dip it yeah where's the icing yeah you know this sauce is nice mango eats everything [Laughter] how do you do already full and we haven't actually really started with the barbecue we have all the meat up there yeah that's the real listen to bbq i'm okay yeah i'm okay everyone eat no yes you eat [Music] everyone eat it yes all for cleaning the hands yeah [Music] i'll do the same yep it's all [Music] this will be the big fire [Music] he's trying to get this going i think they're the best meat like the legs and so on they're going to build a um build where's my mind i think that blood went straight to the goat blood went straight to my head um they're gonna boil a soup in a big cauldron and i think um that is what they call the messiah style barbecue as opposed to the swahili style yesterday at the market where they when they actually fry the meat i think here they like to boil it into like a concoction soup concoction hey it's not working no they do get this fire started by um by just rubbing the sticks together but i wasn't able to capture it on film they'll show us later on maybe tomorrow there we go we got it oh you got it medicine is this the same as we had in the in the market yesterday in the soup for cooking boiling one night ah this is what we had had yesterday in the market i think we'll see okay [Music] the traditional medicine yes tree you see and you boil it looking yes yeah oh any medicine my brother all right we're gonna be so healthy tomorrow gonna be the healthiest tribe what do you put it in you just put it on the fire you put it in you know inside in the kettle [Music] um [Music] it is a spear for the meat that was all me not you obviously joking he's been working on this fire he's doing a great job he's got this we got it well done high five hey how are you today oh you came to the barbecue party how's it going nice to see you again okay let's look let's see what's going on there oh nice one yeah yeah the leg yes and this one you eat raw yeah this one no soup no soup no soup just eat it uh yeah this is nice i'm looking forward to this yeah yeah and what what part is this one what part is that this is here it's the neck neck this is the leg yeah yeah this is the neck yeah yeah yeah i'm looking forward to this i think the leg is going to be the best part you're hungry too you're waiting for the barbecue and you still have more up here this one not for bbq not barbecue this for the soup wow this fire is kicking off it's very strong the fire how long you think before it's done like it is lucky because you can just have to look like this uh-huh like 10 minutes 10 more minutes and we have food yes and just enough to eat this one first there's this and this this not now yeah it's all it's all blowing onto that one yes it's gonna be the best barbecue ever yes looking forward to it all right oh it's too hot too hot yes this one this one oh we're going to cook this up along with the uh branches from that tree i still don't know the name of that tree we'll ask later on it's going to be one hell of a soup yes goat skin yeah flake goat skin fat branch medicine soup that's what we're making just crushing up the fat okay mango mango is going gonna have to go and then i guess you take it out and put it in the soup yeah this one not for the soup only in the fat inside and now it's ready it's coming out yes let's see what it looks like after we beat up that meat you need water almost waiting for more people to come i don't know about your party oh everyone coming to the party ah you know i don't i don't know i think everyone wants to come to the party coca-cola and sprite coca-cola yeah yeah you know you know this no what's that bone the bone yeah if you have it an inside a little bit it's good for eating yes strong oh strong oh i see i see he's like an aphrodisiac if you're a man you'll be strong yes that's better that's the best way to explain it let me see oh he puts it up with uh i think all of this is going in the soup wow yeah so it's gonna be one hell of a soup so you guys know there are a few things i won't put in my mouth but uh this so-called soup there they're making here with with this is the ingredients i must say i'm looking forward to trying that soup this would be the best soup ever let's have a go what do you think let's have fresh [Music] mango you think everything is good you can skin a um what's like the last thing us humans must would eat i don't know can skin a monitor lizard and mango would say it's good i like his attitude to life have a look at this i think he's throwing the fat ball in soup with a fat ball yes football a fat ball of course we can eat it yeah tender yeah still waiting for this soup which they're gonna drink i'm about to overdose on goats you keep feeding me every time like a new body parties pops out of somewhere whether it's cooked or not they're just like hey eat it eat it good thing i'm a carnivore are you waiting for me to think he's hungry he wants the bone did you like that yeah this one too the little one come on come on come on you eat you all for me yes oh but i feel so sorry no no no no no no no no you're not you're not you're not you sharing is caring yes yes yes oh this for me yes for you hold on hold on okay but it's only facts [Music] it's only fat no no doggy [Laughter] that this branch is preferable to that that piece of fat you do you look hardcore with the machete the machete suits you yeah yeah barbecue machete barbecue michelle waiting for soup yes i like to stand up yeah when eating not sit down oh yeah [Music] yeah it's good for your throat oh it's a throw to the goat yeah i see i see only you i could not eat that no so the ingredients of this magic soup that keeps getting larger and larger now mango is adding another treat another tree for the soup for soup okay throw it in there [Music] [Music] foreign gonna make a mangoes making me a toothpick like okay let's see if that works thank you [Music] is to be ready they'll start fighting and biting each other to a bigger kettle are we gonna put some meat in there okay we're not going to kill a goat are we yeah so me and mango have been tasked with finding three different woods yes for the soup one seems to be a root since we're bringing this that we're gonna dig up yes and then that goes in the soup before the rest of the meat goes in it's the first one yes with this one are we going to the root that one the red one ah there we go and then you cut it with the machete yeah i see well the medicinal value of this route better be great because it's really strenuous to dig up okay bye i guess there's a technique to this hold on one more yes all right okay okay i think he's not oppressed with raldo's technique let's see let's see if we can get it oh we do have it hold on see all right we got it whoa it worked okay okay one tree down two more to go yeah two more let's go let's go this one not this one i hope it takes like a week to chop this down [Music] it's a beautiful tree though like what this one this one i'm not sure if we're gonna dig up this whole thing i think that's what he's doing oh you just want the root okay we're going for the root of the tree again i think what that that's what this soup is all about you just go for the the roots of these trees that have the medicinal properties in them there we go looking good that's it not here as he's digging up the roots there i saw something awesome i'll be back look it's on senior hey dancing here you're out with your new friends hey are you watching don senior tonight today are you guys taking tarot down senior [Music] that's so awesome look at him jambo hey down senior all right take care of him asha ashi okay take care of the goats that's awesome they're already out there contributing to the to the bulma see what uh we're digging up some trees what's that oh i'm covered in leaves thank you thank you ashy did you find it are we good to go yeah oh you found it let this one this one wow all that work for this little and now one more yeah okay two down one to go yeah hey the goats are running away go take care of dancing i mix up the word for cow and goat one more tree and we're good to go of one more root what do you call this in maasai this one yes english root root yeah yes urchini oh yeah yeah you don't want these spikes in your face look at that where's the last one that's quite a trek but i think we found it it's this tree yeah this top one where is the root of the tree all the way in there this is the one yeah where you gonna start digging that was easy no this here oh it's the wrong tree yes it's pretty cool that it recognizes the roots because to me that would be like oh yeah we got it but no it's the wrong tree you can see there's many trees are kind of clustered together that's it yeah you got it yeah okay that's proper yeah nice one great success yeah well done yeah all right oh you want one more yeah i guess the the first one was kind of the hardest to dig up then because it's the biggest i was looking for more look for one more oh you want the big one let's go yeah okay i think he gave up on that one finish well done we got what we came for now back to the soup the magic soup this soup better be good yeah cc has all the labor and things that goes into it oh you gotta forgot the machete hold all on hold on okay we're good to go let's run back let's go let's go how do you say in maasai let's go yeah i remember mape angorota indiana let's run let's run we're back this way let's go let's see if they if they approve of our of the roots we found who knows okay oh yeah what do you say that's one yes two three doesn't look too excited about the roots but i don't know oh there we go after a goat party everyone's just passed out look at this they eat too much they can't handle all the goat goat overload um i guess he's skinning the head of the goat okay i thought someone was gonna eat it no we finally found something that mango won't eat yes i think we met his limit [Music] i think it's time we've thrown everything into the soup it's been on there for a while we're gonna throw some uh some more meat in there now if there is any meat i don't think there is any meat in there going to throw this in here this one yeah give me one i'll throw it in yes like this one all right okay oh you picked a good piece well done mango oh you do chop it up a little bit it's the ribs like just like this [Music] breaking the ribs in half oh you want me to hold it like this [Music] all good now yes you can throw it in yeah okay you made a blood eagle yeah all in the soup yes all right okay where's that stick so i can beat it wait wait wait wait stir it wait wait wait it's a proper this soup is a real piece of work so we can't just stir with anything he needs a special special branch yes we can see what's in here oh wow medicine medicine yeah we'll all be there so healthy after this good good good okay strong okay super strong have you have you come for some soup yes this is the strength soup they've thrown like balls of fat in there yeah they've thrown lots of roots you really get a big boost so now how long is this going to cook for one hour or one hour yes okay and then you put and then boom and then boom yes power and then no drink drinking we're going to drink back in a village we're going to be drinking drinking here yeah yeah mama and mama as well yes okay i guess we give the camera rest and then i'll see you when the soup is ready in about one hour mango is very excited about the soup [Laughter] yes i'm just checking that the magic soup is okay and according to my estimates it's perfect yeah it really is the magic soup it's a magic potion yeah all the good things yeah well we'll leave it alone we're just watching here now as it mix it all together so this red red kind of thing here is from the is the tree or the meat yeah you see like that's obviously the beef not the goat but this red one right here that's the the tree three and meet lucky i should wait this yeah and this and this one from the fat yes oh look at the answer yeah you eat this one we're not putting inside no yes he's putting no problem later yes later another another one yes and then drink and then sleep nice we're making two yes apparently we're going to feel great tonight yeah there we go down with you into the soup yeah too much medicine inside tree this is another a new ingredient cacti just one i'll go get another one okay yes like this yes yep okay oh you gotta hold it like that yeah beautiful soup it's so smoky though the best soup yes thank you now before before eat meat and then you you drink soup i drink the soup i'm not sure i can eat any of this i would love to drink the soup but as far as eating is concerned i guess i'll give it a go all right i'll give it a go if you're going to have some i'll have some all right [Music] are you excited mango but you're excited about all kinds of food okay i'll look at how you eat it first then i'll try [Music] if you're wondering how i got a pepsi out here i ordered it i ordered pepsi for all of us and some dudes drove from the city with a big case of pepsi are you excited are you gonna have some yes yeah yeah you ready yeah okay this man's just been sleeping all day he was in here but he had a couple of goats and then he passed out now he's called his second wind what are you getting when we're gonna jump yeah after the medicine yes after medicine yeah let's see that's for me so this uh not bad not bad just not a lot of meat on it but yeah it tastes like normal goat look at that like this yep this is the medicine meat that's right it certainly looks pretty good this is proper that was a good one i like that one yeah how are the proofs yes the cauldron goat brew medicine brewery all right thank you given the fact that this has been cooking on there what's happening given the fact that it's been cooking on there for maybe even like three hours now it's three o'clock i think we started this whole thing around 10. we got this going like a couple hours later you would think that this would kind of be cooked overcooked but it's not it's still it's really tender and i guess these soups kind of added a lot of the nutrients and so on from the from the other stuff we put in the cactus the roots and all kinds of things so not bad i'd rate it as probably the second best meat i had today the best one was probably the raw one that we just cut straight out of the goat if i'm allowed to include that footage wow good one that was good but it looks horrible it doesn't you show me this one yeah okay no you show me you eat this i got it i got it i got it i got it [Music] [Laughter] it tastes like you're chewing on a tree okay yeah i wouldn't describe it as super yeah but you know it's edible okay you know me and describing food i'm horrible it actually tastes like a like a strange mushroom not necessarily a magic mushroom but a mushroom that you don't really want to eat every day but let's say if you're hungry you could eat that mushroom the aftertaste is actually quite nice oh no you're not bad it's nice nice it's growing on me it's growing on me at first i want to spit it out but i guess i'm i'm now a swallower hold on oh this one was awesome this one was awesome have you tried this one yeah have you tried it you tried to i did i did i want to see what you think come on come on very nice give it a go you yeah okay yeah take one let's see what he thinks no big one big one yeah take a big one oh nice goat overdose it's nice it's nice oh this one is better yes because they have medicine but try this one i want to hear what you think about that one this guy's quite honest with the food like he said for example the fat he says he doesn't really like fat like me he also likes like the pure meat let's see nice which one's better this one or this one this is half oily this is you have the medicine just not so you like this one better this is the better okay me too i agree mango he likes everything yeah this is mango's favorite i think let's go back to the quality meat are this for mama yeah oh i see should we go give to mama now yeah all right i'll join you mama okay i'll take it like this yes i got it i got it yes yeah mama mama likes to what part of the car is this i don't know all right we're gonna find uh gonna find mama's house now not quite sure where she lives actually mama yeah all right enjoy you i see you all right bye bye thank you actually before i go back to the goat party let's check out how they're doing today hey you're all in here aren't you wow so cozy hey guys and then the kind of tamer and tamer now as well they don't now they don't mind that i that i've pet them they used to like whenever you try to like you see like this they used to run away so i think they used to like the kids picking them up and throwing them around a bit but they're used to me by now well i will leave you guys to it then i'm going back to the goat party you're right there don junior yep i think he is let's go back then soup yeah oh you took it out already yeah i see i see i'm just in time that was the another one [Music] with different roots different different medicines that's the medicine water yeah yeah yeah for drinking so goodly all right i'm looking forward to this i will try oh sit on this one all right all right milk you see every medicine here every medicine from the forest you excited he's feeling a bit undivided too like me so he's been saying that this medicine is going to set him straight like he doesn't want to take the medicine that i've been taking i've been eating some kind of a paracetamol pill but he says that this medicine is better than the than the pill the real medicine medicine yeah what do you say i'm saying you you want to take that medicine this is a good medicine yeah put here yeah yes tomorrow we should be good no more throat pain no more nose no this body all right you see this foreign i think we're ready to drink so yes yeah from this one straight from that one from this one let's see how this is done foreign yes after six hours of preparation hold on are we filming yes we are after six hours of creating this concoction this medicine we're finally ready and they're saying that i'm gonna have to drink all of this yes no he have too much he has like five liters for himself two liters okay i need only half a liter anyway so yeah it basically tastes like like you just some boiled and some trees in a bunch of fat and animal intestines that's exactly what it tastes like are you having one you're just having a little cup you and i we have the biggest portions thank you all right i'm gonna have to be a good boy and actually finish this or else i'll bring great shame upon the tribe oh yeah it's no problem no problem okay less talking less vlogging more drinking it's gonna be heavy it's a lot of fat in this you're basically drinking a tree with fat see you guys when i'm almost done it's going for a second portion here basically what happened is that that ball of fat that they rolled up and that we were hammering over there dissolved in this soup so i think that's why it's so filling and so hard i'm probably halfway through here now and uh yeah what a calorie bar must be like 5 000 calories or something in this hold on maybe film from here then we get the fire it looks better okay here we go you enjoying it nice one yeah nice of fat straight that's what this is like i should have gone for a little cup like you that's why you're so happy what's that geraldo's hit the wall here i'm struggling but they're telling me go on go on finished it finish the medicine yes okay whoa [Music] okay wow good medicine yeah it feels um like i just swallowed two liters of fat [Laughter] all right good yeah wow so yeah six hours it took to make that that was one hell of a brew okay let's see taran digest make it go down yeah up all right two minutes two minutes we'll be fine did you finish yours yes you're five liters what's the what's the name of this yeah and and this meat yes and the first one the bbq [Music] that was awesome thank you so much for showing me yeah i'm gonna eat i'm just gonna finish the video you know i'll be filming yes we are so that's probably one of the most legit vlogs ever filmed there's probably gonna have to be two versions one with all the kind of the the blood guts and gore and then one when it's just a food so i don't know which video you're watching right now we're probably gonna have the same ending to both of them so uh from this awesome little uh little enclave here outside the the boma we are signing off thank you so much guys bye-bye thank you so much thank you so much bye-bye i'm just saying bye bye to everyone here oh yeah yeah yeah yeah bye bye bye bye bye bye okay see you in the next video guys see you later bye-bye
Channel: Harald Baldr
Views: 2,103,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Masai BBQ, Tribal BBQ Africa, Tribal BBQ Tanzania, Masai Cooking, Rare Medicinal Masai Soup Tanzania, Tanzania BBQ, Cooking with Masai Tribe, African Tribal Food, African BBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 15sec (4155 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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