Zanzibar's Greatest Seaweed Farmer ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ฟ

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so um my job what am i going to be doing we want to take a seaweed buy a little box maybe i have to carry it on my head yes okay how much will you pay me for that ah i okay there's a butter economy here so i'm gonna trade my seaweed for fish maybe i can give some seaweed and then they give me some fish okay okay let's see if we can we can grab some seaweed then from from one of these but we need a basket yes the kid is over there but he come she's come right now we'll wait by the sea with the seaweed supplies and then borrow or steal you know pending the how the locals are taking to this new albino work in the seaweed fields and then i will i will i will get to work okay see you guys in a couple of minutes actually i'll tell you a little bit about this so this seaweed they plant it out out in these ones you see the things sticking up that's where they they put the seaweed and then they wait for maybe three months and then we move out and then it's it's like four times bigger and then it basically looks like this so this is after four months yes four months and then they they bring it back to shore and sell it to keep it to the high sunny maybe one week it's dry and then we think what is it used for use for medicine for food vegetables congo apparently oh look at this there's a sea urchin yeah you said you're going to try to see your chin shot today yeah i think all right okay after after i've you know finished my first my first day at work we're going to do the sea urchin shot together um you're not going to puke yeah apparently the first time he saw the manager do the do the shot you feel sick right but today you you think you can do it okay okay all right do i have to put one of those things on my on my head like like she have i will i will carry for you i will do for you yeah all right okay so now we're loading it up how many pieces are many as she would do same as her okay two two two is heavy okay okay hold on like that okay okay yeah let me see how he does it first i will follow him okay how many kilos she's not serious can you be cameraman are it's not too bad huh i got it how many fish do you think i can trade more more more you know if i came to your home with this yeah and i say here's some seaweed how many fish would you give me four for this one maybe five maybe five fish okay it's gonna be good lunch today yeah okay let's catch up it's all right so i see he is not really using his hands much he's just balancing on the neck yeah okay i'm gonna have to learn from his technique because so far my uh this is like in pain hold on let me race ahead i'll catch up oh my god how do you do this all day how many how many times does she walk one day back and forth can you ask her look she's pioneering the one-handed grip yep i'm gonna walk like her she makes it look so easy she is the experience of this how many years has she been doing this maybe many years 9 years 9 years 10 years are you from the same village yeah hold on let's see if i can do some vlogging like this hold on okay are we filming here we are okay i think the trick here is to just make it just make it rest make it rest on your neck this is quite a workout they're racing ahead oh man geraldo here here okay i got it i got it it's going to be my new neck workout routine hey can you show a little bit on the ground like yeah feel down you can see oh man because we're walking on stones it's not easy hey how are you i'm great everything's okay well i've been better but yeah you live in here yes what about you so we're going up there yeah yeah this one or this one this one oh man look at this you're walking through this moon landscape film down film down yeah there we go oh geraldo's first day at work he's not going too well it's quite the neck workout though now we go there oh jesus [Laughter] oh you can't all right last stretch now how do you get this off you just throw it yeah throw up okay yeah can you film from there all right oh there we go oh good job all right where's my fish oh i think i think they tricked me i think they're not going to give me any fish for this let's see now we have to go back and do one more round so how long has this been here i see it's changed color maybe one week and a half one week and a half and at what time do they sell it no but right now they can take to to clean to remove the like this rubbish and then will go to same and then it's ready yeah ready to save okay yeah well now we're going back then with uh to the woman yeah come on you guys are so slow we have a lot of seaweed to farm okay okay it must be hard yeah so did you choose to become a fisherman could you choose between this and fishing you prefer fishing this is it is this too heavy hey doggy how are you today you're going to come and farm some seaweed with me with old geraldo yeah he recognizes the friend of dog god of pig keeper of that llamas consumer pork chops so okay we're eight minutes i when i woke up this i was up at five there were already people out here they walk around and do this all day and most of the people doing this are are older women so that's a joke real doggy that was one lap and i think i i broke my foot already stepping on a stone now if you think it's it's a little difficult to to get people here to really talk and explain what they're doing in a profession and had a little think about that and a little chat with the manager here too and basically this is such obviously imagine just doing this for years you're going to think this is such a mundane kind of oh obviously tiresome but boring task and nothing special that you probably don't really want to explain much about it it's kind of like yeah this is what i do you kind of you know it's rough it sucks but this is how i eat how i sustain my family and the village uh i i think that's why they don't they're not really that eager to maybe explain like you have questions how oh how many how long you've been doing this what's the what's the uh you know what you make from this and so on you don't really get many answers but i think it's just how how people are here so oh man i can only imagine having to do another lap now oh oh my god how do you do this all day [Music] how many you're going to give it a go all right sorry if i made it wet it fell down all good look at this fishes seashells oh you do speak english you kept it as you kept it a secret from me but you're speaking in english you got it all right this is her best day ever men come to do her job for her thank you for my mom i feel bad now because i was only joking like you're gonna do it but he actually took it up and he's doing it [Laughter] tougher than fishing well done okay does he want to come and do some shots with also okay does he want to come and join us in the restaurant okay all right not sure they understood that but we'll see see you up there we were gonna go and have some sea urchin shots but then rumor has it the man over there caught an octopus and he's cutting it up now on the on this on the rocks over there so we're gonna go and check out his octopus was he the one diving out there today in the wetsuit because we did see a man with a like a fishing with a spear he was way out there with the reefs with oh there's many yes maybe five this is small oh six he caught all this with the spare awesome oh that's crazy that's crazy were they swimming like when he when he shot them sometimes he put in the like hole he hides like this ah so they're in the rocks like that and then he collected the some stone for hiding he's still alive yeah you see it's still changing colors this is it that's the spear yeah does he have like um what's it called does he have a something rubber to or he only with his hand like that with hand like that if you see oh wow and then you put back that's awesome and he has two this is the second this is the second four find some these four ills you see maybe you like this you know from all the jobs i've seen today i think you you chose the best one yeah because you yes i know this style also you've tried this one as well yes sometimes we go by some girls over there for uh we want to go for spear fishing style okay let's go and go and uh if you see some feature i give a guess like spear and then he try to is it very difficult you have to be very fast have a lot of practice awesome well thank you for showing us your catch okay yeah what are you going to do with this are you going to eat it or you're going to sell it it's for sale for family but this for sale what does he get from from one octopus well how much can he sell one octopus from like uh maybe two thousand maybe about a dollar yeah dollar maybe two dollars one dollar all right was he out there all morning was he out there longer than okay thank you so much have a good day good luck okay now finally it is sea urchin shot o'clock are you ready is this your first time okay he's promised not to puke we'll see it's clean now he cleaned it so this is the catch of the day or about half of it i think it took the rest to the to the restaurant geraldo is gonna try the yellow one which one is your favorite for eat the red one okay here we go yeah you want me to do it yeah that would be cool yeah sometimes i'll just grab it all right okay we are here with the captain of the ship and he is going to try his first sea urchin shot this is seconds for me it's already my favorite shot in the whole world and uh yeah who who's going first it's going to be me or you you are i don't know it's not my first time i reckon it should be you okay i'm the fast are you no jin gin just a little bit of lime yeah you look very excited about this [Laughter] this should be like your hiring ritual you know unless you can do the sea urchin and yeah part of the interview from now on if you don't it's your chance you don't work for the island that's right very good it's very good yeah get a good test do we believe him yes we do okay so this is how which one which one i'm gonna have the this one that's for me we are gonna do it properly the way the way i was taught to eat sea urchin by the by the maestro the inventor of the dish with uh a little bit of he said a little bit of lime didn't you but a little bit of gin but no i like to do a lot of gin and then we go for the lime and now we gotta scrape the eggs down from the inside here again now could you help me out for just hold it right right there then we see this is how it's done the problem last time was that it kind of stuck to the yeah to the shell here that's what it is a shell yeah it's a shell yes yes okay yes yes okay cheers to see your chins i must admit it doesn't look the best but uh trust me guys when i say this is pretty tasty hmm that was a lot of gin okay i think that that concludes my stay here then at um the island i had a great time thank you so much for being being captain today okay thank you so much dude for your hospitality thank you for coming um this was great you know we went fishing we uh we went uh seaweed farming today i really enjoyed the room and again i had the whole island to myself so yesterday if if that's a separate video then um i was hunting with the cat for crabs and and uh no i had a great time so highly highly recommended to to come here and stay at the island so for now we are signing off bye bye you
Channel: Harald Baldr
Views: 458,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Seaweed farming Zanzibar, Zanzibar Travel, Tanzania Travel, Beach Zanzibar, farming seaweed Zanzibar, village life Zanzibar, Tanzania village life
Id: umyctYAu3U4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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