Amazing Grace | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | The Mystery Of Anna

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Luke two and thirty six in the New International Version and we're gonna preach a little bit from here the Luke chapter two verses 36 to 38 in the New International Version when you're there say I'm there if you're not there say wait on me Luke 236 in the New International Version says there was also a prophet Anna the daughter of Penuel of the tribe of Asher and she was very old where she had lived with her husband seven years after her marriage and then was a widow until she was eighty-four the original text says from 84 she never left the temple but worshiped night and day fasting and praying coming up to them at that very moment she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child Jesus to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem father help me to preach this in jesus name a man the name of this is Ana just Ana that's the whole name just say Ana just say Ana Ana if you've ever watched the behavior the character the discipline of a good wife one of the things it's hard to ignore is the power of a regimen as I watching my wife Monday through Friday one of the things she is mastered is not just when to go to bed but when to wake up when to wake what child up when to go to the refrigerator I mean down to a science it's amazing to watch how regulated her regimen is and it is also amazing to watch her wrath when anything gets in the way of her routine you know when women wake up and they have to be out the house by a certain time they want these clothes ironed by this they have set stuff out already and should you dare ask what they would deem a dumb question that misses their step in their regimen you're gonna see some real problems I find that routine and regimen is a powerful part of womanhood and a powerful part of what makes for a good wife but every now and then life circumstance has a way of ruining a regimen and God has great use in the power of routine many people develop routines for certain seasons and then when things happen beyond and above their control and they are forced as it were into a new routine there is trauma in trying to adapt to doing your days differently for example anybody remember the routine of high school you would wake up and there is a major transition going from eighth grade I'll never forget I thought I was fully grown boy huh graduated eighth grade and you had to be escorted to the fountain and escorted to the washroom and you needed a Hall Pass and you even had a crossing guard and then you get to the heaven called ninth grade and and you take the bus by yourself you got lockers don't nobody know where you're going away you're coming from and then you get to option of what class and what period I think I was digit from day one legit when I went I was alright second period y'all going oh I think I'm gonna take some PT oh it's just a new routine and regimens and routines are a major reflection of what's going on in the character in the nature and the and the motive in the desire and even in the passion women are generally routine and regiment about what is important to them but in order to understand why this is so important you've got to understand that there is no more dramatic transition from going to the routine of a wife to the routine of a widow just stay with me widows and biblical context were not very respected people often when we consider what the Bible says about them we read them through the lens of sympathy but the real truth is the Bible says that true religion true religion pure and undefiled is to care for who widows and orphans or those who are exposed to the pressures of provision because of the death or the absence of a man so in Bible context widows were very very very part of missionary effort and stret because the way their society had them was they didn't have rights to vote they didn't have rights to work if they were industrious they were the exemption to the general rule and so they literally had the pressure of their own provision on them all the time they carried the pressure and the expectation and the definition of the world on them all the time now I want to point this out to you because when we look at an of the properties very often we think that she became a widow at 84 and that's an accurate biblical interpretation when the Bible uses the word from it literally means four so what it says is she had been a widow for eighty-four years pay attention so what that means is that she did not lose her husband as an old woman she lost her husband as a young woman and here is going to be the first pressure point that I want to apply to this text if you're not careful young pain can become old bitterness when you don't deal with youthful pain I'm gonna come in and put my weight on it if you don't deal with things that hurt you when you're young they're gonna begin to change you when you're old and if you don't make the the deliberate effort of paying attention to pain when it first arrives it starts to do crazy stuff to your personality and if you know anything about bitterness all it needs is the right amount of time things can change all the time but when you have the right space bitterness wants to walk up in your life routinely and regularly to see if you will partner with it pay attention to abandon your purpose the next place I want to move as I explore this amazing hero and of the scripture is the phases and the power of grief grief is one of those things that we don't know enough about and the dominant attitude about grief is that it is an event but know the Bible gives us ample example about how grief if not can be a season and then even worth can be a lifetime for example when the Bible God God says God came and took Moses there were grief rules around how they were to grieve Moses and God knew pay attention that since the nation is a composite of thousands of people if everybody goes in grief at one time not only do I have grieving individuals I've got a grieving culture it'll make sense in a minute and not only do I have a grieving culture but the nation is in grief so what God did was to make sure that Israel didn't go into an elongated grief or unnatural grief or demonic grief was he refused to allow them to know where he buried them it'll make sense in a moment so the only way you found out that Moses was dead was because the Bible says in Joshua 1 God made an announcement and he preached the eulogy with one verse Moses my servant is dead he didn't give them viewing hours he didn't tell him what the repast was gonna be and the Bible said there was a war if you study in the book of Jude over where the body of Moses was you didn't see that did you in the book of Jude it says that there were ark angels Lucifer and Michael that had a fight over where the body of Moses was now why would an angel and a demon be fighting on a viewer because the objective of Lucifer was to cause Moses his body to be viewable so that they would never remember him for the miracles so that they would never remember him for the might they wanted the picture pay attention of what Moses look like to be engrafted in their mind so that whenever Elohim gave them another instructions Israel wouldn't follow because they had the image of Moses his death it showed it like this Lord the last time you called us out of idolatry you took our weapon of deliverance away from us so why should we continue to follow you after this funeral I'm gonna put my weight on it why should we move into the future believing that you can carry us through this thing when now the only person that defended us I know you've been there the only person that represented you will is gone where is our stability so the Lord told them I'm gonna give you an appointed time to grieve just this elbow somebody real quick I feel mr. preached coming on out to cave temple somebody say you only got a while to grieve come on they don't want to hear that you gotta sit for real tell them you only got a while to grieve you only got a while to grieve well you're not got to take you into part two of this point Charles because your attitude is you only grieve the dead and that's not true it is possible to grieve the dead and the dying now when you have a relationship that's dying or apparently or a career that looks like it's dying or a dynamic that looks like it's dying or maybe you've never had a loved one or anything around you died but your ideal died a part of what that looks like is I'll be here by there I'll graduate here by there I'll be doing this by this married by this living here and before you know it you start acting like the dying is already dead but the same impact of grief on that that is dying is the saying that that that is dead I'll prove my point cuz you don't believe me remember when God calls samuel the prophet samuel the prophet i want you to go and lay hands watch your mouth on so i want you to start something new and you're gonna pour all on him you're gonna kiss him on his head you're gonna take him to dinner and I'm gonna give him a new heart through your hospitality so Samuel got attached to the first King and started to disciple them and pour into a mental father and prepare him from the monarchy all of a sudden wants to be now saw decided that he was smarter than his teacher all of a sudden saw decided that he knew God better than the one who introduced God to him and so Samuel gave saw some instructions and saw decided he was going to customize his reaction to the council and the Bible calls that customization of instructions disobedience just thing with me so the Bible said that Saul disobeyed God lost his place in the kingdom what Samuel did was pull into what grief say grief say grief now so what Dad but he may as well happen because he walked out of this purpose let me under help you understand but the only thing that makes life life is your purpose if you take purpose out of your life it is the same as being coz the life is not about oxygen and air it's about an assignment and a purpose and a meaning you may be sitting next to somebody right now who couldn't shout and dance because the truth is they are zombie all they're doing is just living but they are not alive but when you put purpose in your life not only are you living but you are thriving and you're growing and you're happy and the devil can't handle your emotions because you're too invested in why you are alive enough taught you all samuel started to green trim and the bible said this samuel laid on his side and when he laid on this side god came for the first time there's gonna be another time that samuel gets rebuked in there there's gonna be another time samuel gets rebuked over his judgment over the way things look but the first time samuel got rebuked in his accuracy and with his gifts was here dr. samuel okay alright okay I understand watch me but you're starting to look like your mama remember that Hannah kept coming back crying and crying and crying and crying and if you stay here in grief you're gonna start to allow what punana did to Hannah to start to shake what I'm trying to do with you and the only way you can cut this cycle if you cry and then stop I'm okay with your crier but after a while you got to stop grieving for somebody say you cried long enough on the note I did hear you tell somebody you cry long enough it is important to get it out your system but when you get it out your system up you got a new seasonal pocket too if you hold you shop so you cannot only grieve the dead you can also grieve the dying and my experience pay attention as the text talks to us is that grief does not manifest all at once one of the things that I know about death and dead and dying is that it makes you confront life I had no clue when you see something die or someone died you often think that it's the morbid nature of death that starts to discourage you but no when something dies what happens to the heart are you working with me is that now you are forced to examine life that's what grief is it is a confrontation of unanswered questions whoa and the confrontation of memories and moments and pictures and these can be moments that you had or moments that you wanted these can be conversations that you had or conversations that you desire and all of a sudden when you are confronted with the vast nature and the quick nature of death you got to start looking at what happened in your life nothing makes you confront your humanity like sudden death the mind and the heart starts to corrode over how betrayed you feel from not taking full advantage of seasons as they came and seasons as they went and sometimes when people are standing over caskets they're not just sitting there in regret about the person they're sitting there in self blame I know what I know they're sitting there and they have what's called survivor's guilt I'm getting in there and what that means is if I could have done or if I would have said or if I should have been and so now in a situation of grief you got two hearts instead you got the heart that's grieving the missing and the heart that don't want the future because a part of what grief now starts to turn into after disappointment it goes into anger and now you're man now you want to figure out who to blame I want to beat you but beat you up and I don't trust nobody and then you start to get mad have you ever been to a funeral and you start to listen to the the testimonies of folk you know didn't like a man thought you know content you ever want to see a room full of liars go to a funeral you know they will make up a moment they will make up memories I'll never forget the day you'll be walking down the park and I said you know I'll remember this but no you just a liar one of the things that they do is they start to try to craft moments that they didn't really have so now grief is gone from disappointment to anger and now it's going to go into speculation what happens is you start to be paranoid you start to look around and say who are you and from whence do you come and so now you got a guard now you got a barrier and all of a sudden them what happens at the full peak of grief is sadness just a sadness nothing has to have happen in the day you just said nothing has to be going wrong you just said you can be working a job and there's just this incumbent sadness that some people carry you know what I found out there is a such thing as visionary sadness what I mean is that if God shows you a picture of what's to be and gives you faith for what you want there is a sadness that kind of lives in your side as you stand in between what is and what should be it's a visionary sadness there is a such thing as a maternal sadness when you got to be patient with the lessons that you teach your children and and and and try to wait for them to take advantage of the wisdom that you gave them and you can't control it so you just got a look at them Daten stupid people and work in dumb places and choosing dumb degrees and rather than them calling you a policy daddy or controlling mama you sit there depending on God to help you so that you don't cry knowing that they're making the wrong thing and now there's a sadness my mom going through it and you there but there's a sadness and what I'm learning is people don't know how to deal with sadness they put your weight on it the devil does I am one of the things the devil does through sadness is he wants to get you so sad are you ready for me talk text he wants to get you so sad so you can't see because the only thing more important than sadness is sight I'm coming down here everybody is up until they can see say put your weight on it well I am David said I would have fainted I would have cave and I would have gave up I would have laid there and died unless here we go through here come on people si si si si come on tell em si what's the strategy for sadness if you ever feel yourself walking around with an unexplainable heaviness it's the devil's way of making sure that you are so distracted by your tears that you can't see what the Lord has already turned this is very possible for God to have done something new and you be the last person to know it you know how the Bible said behold I do a new day no we shout over that but look at what he says in the next verse know it I got a word for you and I got to preach God has done something new and you all know it yet you are sitting in the aftermath that's why the devil has got you trying to cry he don't want you to see what's changed [Applause] wise enough what he wants is my sight he's not getting joy because I'm crying he's getting joy because while I'm crying I'm not contending for well cooperating with to understand about the gift of sight I'm coming one of the things you'll know about people that are full of sight is that they are often very sad many are the woes of those that are gifted with prophetic sight you know we will we we're the guys who who just kind of live intuitively and we are we are corroborated for the future and from the future so there are moments when everybody around us is shouting and we're crying and there are moments when we're shouting and everybody else is crying so very often we feel real opposite and real out there if you ever wanna know loneliness become an agent of the future you gotta realize that people are more comfortable in the past and they are more at home in the past so when you start calling people into the future talking about the future pressuring them from the future it alienates you doesn't it and it causes a real sadness cuz you feel like am I the only one that still believes that God can deliver am I the only one that still believes that holiness is right and the hell is real and deliverance is available am I the only one out here talkin this pouring language it gets lonely psyche it's what interrupts sadness we often cheapen this prophets story by only making it about somebody who likes devotion service but I want to bring you into the real mystery of Ana say and now I want to let you know that the Bible shows us some things to admire about this woman is that she has gone until the age 120 do your numbers she has gone from the age 120 lost her husband in her 20s has gone now to being over a hundred years old and has somehow managed to protect a few things I want you to know that it was not coincidental that shimmy and couldn't be the only one to see the arrival of the savior with the setting of this text is a disappointed nation I know that when you read this around Christmastime you're not paying attention to the tone of the text but the tone of the text is not Christmas you're reading this text from American westernized celebration so when you read this case you've got the elves in your mind and you Christmas carols in your mind but this was the darkest time in human history Israel was not praying at this point they are fresh out of the silent years to stay with me they are fresh out of the book of Malachi and they had not heard from heaven in over 400 years and all of a sudden when the tide turns we're looking at this old lady who has been living for 84 years I'm making sure that she didn't get better but got better and so now dog grabs the prayer life of this lady I'll get there and set ship on top of a disappointed nation remember the Messiah was not coming to one person the Messiah was the promise to the nation so it took a woman watch me now who overcame sadness who had the gift of sight to bridge sadness over the nation she had the right to be who she was but was trying to come out to Israel I had already come after her I want you to know that what's after you is a sign of what you assigned to this thing is not personal at all everything you go through everything that's up to you up is an indicator of what the devil is most afraid of I dare you look at your life right now the one area that's always under attack the one area that's always under duress the one area that he comes after is a clue of what he's afraid of and the devil don't want you to know that he's scared of you but if you overcome it in you yes the nation is disappointed the nation is disappointed I can imagine that from the end of the book of Malachi they started still praying oh well there goes that a family members have died in the wilderness and you promised us the Messiah but it doesn't look like nothing is going on just stay with me our crops are being devoured by locusts and honey and this is exactly what you said you would do you would deliver us into the hands of our oppressors and it's quiet and this is the first time in the history of mankind when God shut up remember he was not talking he continued covenant messengers the prophets to call Israel back into covenant but to also make them anticipate their Messiah he goes my pointer when you have gone through grief and when grief has meet it met its peak what's going to happen now is that sadness starts to trigger unfamiliar muscles in you but the gold of that sadness is not tears you ready it's the loss of anticipation see see when you go through grief I'm telling you what I've lived you'll know when it's reaches maturity when you don't expect much you kind of you don't want to be honest you you want to wear your rose and your chocolate but 90% of you have stopped guarding your expectation you're shouting and dancing it tithing and sowing but you've taught yourself that it's better to not expect it it's safer to not anticipated you have more peace when you're not believing just accept things the way they are how they are and you'll be much better if you just put your faith somewhere else because for 400 years you've been believing for this to arrive and now you are out there and looking stupid because here's the real truth if I'm a preacher in here today then you know sometimes faith is embarrassing you I just need a few sometimes believing God leaves you vulnerable because God will ask you to believe him and grant you no real proof and no real symptom and no real sign that is coming now faith is easy when you have all the indicators that it's gonna happen how you anticipate but what do you do and how do you believe it how do you praise and how did you stay low when God says I'm gonna do this and then doesn't give a sign because he does not watch you living your life by observation the whole of your life is supposed to be lived if you are the right choice did you also repeat then you don't live in what you see you live in what he said so it's very possible that he's still moving even though you can't see it somebody say you can't see it but it's still happening turn to the person behind ya tell him you don't see us but it's still funny the devil the devil thought he had Israel the devil thought he had Israel he introduced them to lustin lasciviousness and idolatry but that wasn't where he was trying to take Israel Mike he was trying to take Israel to a place call unbelief I'm getting there he only used lust to get them to unbelief he only used idolatry to get them to unbelief he was only using drug addiction to get them the unbelief cuz it don't matter what you still believe myself you can but as long as your anticipation if you gon come look at somebody's house still believe God the devil had issue along a journey and the devil's objective was to drag him through generations of stress and depression lust and seduction all through first and second Samuel and all through first and second Chronicles and all through first and second Kings all through the book of Judges and bring them all through that disappointment see I told you he wasn't coming I told you he wasn't gonna be here I told you he wasn't gonna happen but all of a sudden the Bible say our voices heard in Ramah ha I can't figure him out now you gotta understand why this is important say Anna now Rama was the voice of Rachel Rachel in the Old Testament was the woman who cried because something was promised and was still on the way she was a voice of anticipation and expectation and so when we get to the Book of Luke now here it is loose the murderous attempt because the devil is nervous he's our oh wait a minute it's been too silent and whenever God is not talking he's still moving so the devil knew I need to be concerned with him prophet said let them see is this or what is he - it goes and get some wise men to try to give a false report of how God's gonna do it and they go because now the stars are talking us God is set up but the heavens have declared us and the wise men come looking at the star saying oh I think the replacement is in the earth I want you this was heavens way of saying the season has changed look if somebody say I'm a replacement I'm a replacement ah this is how you know you've been called to replace what he is the devil does not try to hurt you he tries to kill you if there is an assassin's attempt on your life it's because something in you is going to replace what is and God is not just ignoring revivalists in this season he's a naughty replacement he's not just ignoring reformers he's a naughty replacement something is sitting on the throne and not doing a good job heaven is handing out pink slips the devil wants you dead this cars about to raise you up somebody say I'm a replacement a voice is heard in Ramah a voice is heard in Ramah our voice is heard in Ramah as a woman who would not be comforted all of a sudden now something happened here it dies because what people plan for you has to happen to them I said what people plan for you happened to them I said what people plan for you that's to happen to them what people plot against you has to happen to them the Bible says whoever digs a grave they to fall into you like this because I want you to take away from your energy he fights for me he fights for me he fights for me there's another fight I've been anointed for but this time I'm gonna reserve my energy because I've got something to do that ain't got nothin to do with you whoever plotted it against you is coming back to the nation the nation experiencing national grief can I preach like I want you a whole generation has stopped expected they've looked at the maps and the graphs and they have done all their calculation and they're like by this time he should have been here glory to the son of God Daniel said in 70 weeks he would have been here and we're looking here all dumb around the Feast of Tabernacles and he still has not fast forward to the temple because what God wants to do in the world he's got to do it first in the temple the mistake that the wise men made was they went to the world trying to look for what God was doing up when they should have come and found the temple because all the signs would have been there and here you go you got a parrot now who experienced some adultery supernaturally and she's walking around Tom now she's about to conceive they've been already homeless and the kid ain't even here had no hotel to bring him out but he was still on the way all of the sighs look opposite but there was a woman who broke through the realm of she dealt with a whole sadness now and she was able to preserve her sight she did something for 84 years huh every day to keep her sight in the right place you gotta understand my this is important I'm certain she remembered her husband and mourned her ideal life has and imagine traveling together and and doing ministry together and having children together but whatever she was doing for them 80 years had her sight so shifted that there was a sensitivity now in this lady so that when the infant came pay attention now because when God's promise to you arrives it's not going to arrive be huh that's why you're sitting there in that shouting now because you're overlooking the fact that God has already given you the promise it's just in seed form and God is looking for people who will shop with a small until I run it who will dance when it's small I feel I rev it up who will hollow it is small God will show up in your life as a promise and a seed former to see if you can recognize it on sight pay attention but the sad can't see it when it's small if you got a spirit of heaviness they wouldn't arrives you disappointed see like how well there goes that but when you got your sight right you're able to recognize it when it's dismal the nation I got eight minutes is disappointed and here we got these three verses about this lady and there was a prophetess say Ana Triana there was a prophetess named Ana and she was a widow and she never left the temple can I preach this it is important that you take your pain to the right place it is very important that you don't allow your pain to I was able to keep her so it was real it was growing into at home here gives you put your pain in his presence put your pain in his presence which are pain in his presence which are pain in his presence put your pain in his presence put your pain in his presence and your coming-out raga which [Applause] many people don't put their pain in the right place because she put her pain in his presence she unlocked two powerful technologies now I've got to show you what this is important I just told you that the nation was struggling with doubt and disbelief it wasn't just seeing that they were dealing with the devil was like I've got you Israel you are not God's chosen people you are not God he said he would stop believing him so now the setting is doubt and disbelief if you fast forward to some of the things that Jesus taught he would go and itinerate and cast the devil out he would be walking past graves and demons would say I know come over here keep all that away from here they would say don't torment us before our time remember at his first sermon there was a deacon on the last row the twelve was still trying to figure out who he was before he died he had to ask him who do men say that I am they waited to the end of his life and still didn't know him but the devil knew from day one he open his mouth to preach and the devil said I know you son of David I know exactly who you are so Jesus didn't mind casting out Devils there was never a devil that didn't leave when he said come out all of them came out all the time back one time Jesus was confronting a demon or an area and here's what he said this kind so part of your problem is you've not discerned what kind of you think you're fighting the same time you think the same kind is after you but Jesus said this kind you can't shout out and this time you can't dance out and this time you can't confess now what did he say but this time goeth out only here we come this time go without only by what by brown and by what fasting when Hannah took her pain into the presence of God I believe the presence of God started to educate her in two schools are you gonna get a bachelor's degree in prayer and you go get a masters degree in fasting because this nation is disappointed up they are wrestling with another time and I need somebody he's done the right thing with their pain to break the yoke of disbelief so that they can celebrate the Messiah she started to fast she started to fast she started to fast because fasting protects anticipation when you have no expectation is cuz you're fast life is backwards fasting helps you to protect your anticipation there is nothing on the earth and when people familiar feelings of deprivation to believe God fasting teaches you to expect don't want y'all to do it some things come by faith but some things come back that protects anticipation over this whole nation I got to do more than talk I've got to turn this plate away and I've got to teach myself to star but I've got to be acclimated with hunger pains I've got to teach myself up to want what isn't until it comes not only did she pass but she started to pray and she started to pray and it got good to her day one so she all of a sudden for 80-plus years she had a new routine the devil came and took away the whole routine but because she knew how to be a wife and she knew how to be a handmaiden already God took the same routine but it is some different hands the same way you serve that man the same way you put for that man the same way you waited on that manner I want you to come in my present job and serve me and seek me and find out what I got to say say Anna she was God's insurance for Israel to make sure that no matter what happens somebody still believes me somebody still believes what I've said in praise my promises through somebody has navigated through praying and navigated through sadness and it's protected their sight so now when the infant comes and looks nothing like what we anticipated she's the first one to see it here we go oh this is him this is him Oh lady you crazy and all this is him you lost your mind here incoming I'm telling you this is him now that's Joseph's son this ain't got nothing to do with Joseph this is the son of God don't you make the mistake of calling this what it ain't you see I've been here learning it too before it got here I was in the presence of it before you started to believe it I carry with them in the capacity to help you believe God what I'm trying to show you is one of the things you've been called by God to do is help other people anticipate one of your many ministries is to locate disappointment in others and to help them stay in expectation I've got a warning for you don't you ever let the devil get you out of the posture of expectation if you get so stressed and so mad and so confused and so tired and so lonely that you stop expecting what do you think the devil is stolen from you he's stolen everything miraculous you could ever have why expectation it's the breeding ground for miracles and if the devil can get you to stop expecting he can get you out of posture for your next miracle whatever you do keep expecting keep expecting keep expecting expectation is how you know what to do next don't sit there sage and and stagnant even if you don't know what it looks like expect God [Music] here is my message that was intro [Applause] [Music] say Ana say Ana you look me you were born for what you're living through you don't believe me people have no control over why you were born you came to the world built for what you have to go through I'm warming up when you were in your mother's womb you were built molecularly psychologically physiologically emotionally way spiritually your height hey your complexion your hair type your gender all of it you were born for what you have to live through say prove it what they didn't tell us about Ana is what her name meant you see we look at everything an idea everything and I lived through and we use an ax as some easily Women's Day message but now we see that she's a little more dangerous than what we thought she was able to guard her heart and keep expecting but you know why she was literally born for it would you like to know but the name Anna means it is literally the New Testament word for grace please post let's go home I said her name is Grace she was a literary born to survive everything she would have to survive plus he came to the earth with the grace she was literally deposited in the womb of her mother to be grace how she come out of grief grace fear that I see deal with the loss of a husband of grace there dad how does she keep our sanity of grace dear dad how does she get delivered from sadness of grace dear dad come on look at some right side there's some grace for that to tell him there's some grace of action [Applause] now it makes sense why she opens the New Testament what was in her was revealed to Paul what was in her was the blood type of Jesus she knew he was full of grace and truth because she was grace it was not a new concept in Romans this thing started in the beginning was the word and so God positioned grace to protect people's view of the promise of God grace did that I said grace did that I said grace did that grace dealt with grief grace protected sight grace lifted up sadness grayson abled her to keep her confession although everybody around her was living and saying and believing the opposite you see the principle is this without the grace of God grief is gonna have its way with you you don't make a decision to stop grieving because grief is the deepest dark potential of the human experience as long as you're busy being a human being you're gonna land it grief and stop believing but when you realize the grace of God is your way out it is your way in it is your way over it is your way around it is your way uh no look at me and it is your way through God has enough grace for you now you just gotta master the art or I can shot right here you just got to master the art pastor all of taking it one pay attack don't let the devil overwhelm you by making you focus on this year or this season uh or this age I'm at the point where I'm not even tackling March no more I'm waking up Monday light Lord whatever the grace you were sign up for Monday help me to take it one day at a time Lord for Tuesday I need more grace now I ran out of grace Monday at 12:15 Anna and I need just a little bit more right now come on somebody is getting some daily bread in this place Anna did it so can you you better pray your way back that's your way there and get the grace you need so that greens won't cave the deeper dimension of this as I close the female species and all of the Bible is a typology of the church every woman in the Bible can be traced to every commendation that God ever said about a church the woman with the issue of blood Jairus his daughter Jairus daughter in the same chapter he sends word Jesus my daughter's she's 12 he goes and starts walking elder IV towards Jairus his daughter who is 12 and a woman comes to him that's been with an issue of blood for 12 years the church they're 12 tribes in Israel setting up with the nation of God God listen God goes and allows the lady that was sick for 12 years to be made whole then he goes to Jairus his daughter to heal the 12 year old sometime the adult woman has to heal to deal with the reality of the little girl it's got to get you sober as an adult so he can get you to face what really happened to you as a child and I know that makes no sense to you but sometimes when you get an adult revelation of him you have the faith to go back and look at your 12 Grace did that fasting and prayer is what makes you tug on it for this cause men are always cuz this is the way you exchange your strength for his man in the inn and agree is his green I'm yeah okay stand up real quick [Music] if I'm off until the whole world I heard God you are deathly afraid when I was preaching I had a vision of you on one knee I literally see you on your knee you presented a ring and you asked a woman into covenant and it is the right thing by God to do but everything in you is nervous about if you've got it in you to do it to you God's gonna give you grace and it's not just gonna be preaching teaching grace it's going to be father grace it's going to be husband grace it's going to be son grace the spirit of adoption came and interrupted your life two years ago and gave you an example of what a man is supposed to be and so now you're learning stuff that you were never taught and God wants you to know because you want to honor me through marriage I'm going to raise you in manhood and it's not gonna be books and it's not gonna be money it's going to be grace you will not help come on grab somebody and tell them you will not fail come on tell them you will not you will not cry let's come on ecology there's gonna do [Music] it's great it's great that's how you get it done griefs don't get nothing - huh it's about grace that I'm let me pray for you real quick I'm hoping the noise of this church but I want you to do something real courageous for me I want you to I want you to do something I want you to do I want you to do what God told Sapta to do I want you to think about how many of you be honest there moments in ministry where I grieve not having my whole career I grieve I should have done this in retirement or the moments when you grieve lessons you wanted to learn and what you don't realize is it's that grief that the enemy wants to block your site put your hands in the presence of God and I will give you literally about 13 seconds to find your grief because here is what the Bible says one of the things the Messiah came to do he was punished for your peace but the Bible says he bore your grief he came to the world to wear your brief I want you to take a minute real quick and worship the Lord until Greece leaves you whatever that is come on they're gonna lift your heads right now father I'm asking that you would let your goodness become heavier that grief in this moment Lord there there are seasons in life that we missed or moments in life that we miss or people in life that we wanted or miss or opportunities or outcomes and right now in your presence we surrender our grieves to you we surrender our griefs to you lord we've held them as long as we've been living with them much like Anna and carrying them in our own strength but today we make a decision by faith to give and surrender our grievances to you and Lord whatever sadness has been trying to distract us a silent sadness and obvious sadness and the sadness a big disappointed the enemy has taken away levels of my expectation when I was younger come on many of you feel like when you were younger it was easier to believe God but when you got old there is no expected guard up when the name of Jesus Christ I release divine expectation in this room divine expectation of we believe you for what we know for what we don't know for what we don't see for what we set up what we last you what we pray all of the stuff that's into look like has gone up develo you cannot have vacation us I don't care what my children are doing you will give it up and you want to go there taketh away the name of the a deepened ability to believe you might even ability to believe if it's the last thing I do but I will not live my disappointments in impressionist come on got it breaking the yell Capri pop up you creep up careers creeps up come on breaking the yoke of green defining the power green just of what you wanted but what he's got in your heart come on open it highs that's what he wants open open your heart come on our nation God is calling you to a new place of expectation a new place of anticipation a new place of expectation we want you to believe just maybe Jamal you got about it [Music] [Music] me too let me twist tell me I'm gonna wait until No what I'm open your little dude you are clear [Music] [Music] I was you wanna point at a time to do this [Music] what goddess Donna so much better many of you are standing over theoretically your plans the old identity [Music] your old trajectory go down you're just standing there not letting it go back to pass go the past or [Applause] let it go your purposes trying to call you fathers the heads of your people I lifted before you you are the one that heals the heart you are the one that keeps the heart steadfast nor reimage a disappointed generation live in a disappointed city we're in a disappointed nation believe us were born to disappointed families mother reach deep within how you've made a cent pulled up from the years of grief and disappointment a fresh ability to relieve you and help us to become the reminders everybody around us about how important it is to bathe to anticipate the to expect [Music] I sense the healing power of God doing something very powerful in your life [Music] because whatever he's got purpose for you it's not just gonna come through positive thinking you have to have the power to believe God it's the basis of stewardship over your life [Music] if you do this every promise of God for your life it's going to be yes I know it's been a while since you've celebrated God's promises especially because of pain I want you to take eight seconds and lift up the loudest shout you can for the promise of God for your life come on give the man some glory all over this building come on for the promise of God with you all alive son
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 51,623
Rating: 4.8577776 out of 5
Id: 2zzRWWt3gK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 38sec (3758 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2019
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