Principal SUSPENDS Smart STUDENT, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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hey sarah did you get it yeah you know what that means you me and joey are going to irvine together that is amazing i can't believe you got a full ride football scholarship wait does joey know yet yeah i told him over the weekend dude this is a dream come true right like who would have thought we'd all be going to the same college together i know right hey by the way he doesn't know about oh no not yet [Music] flint just told me about irvine next year is going to be epic yeah it's gonna be great what's your problem flint what don't play dumb i know it was you wait what happened amber he was cyberbullying me last night he made fun of my braces nobody's ever gonna ask you out with all those train tracks in your mouth who says that that wasn't me flint would never say that why do you think it's him because he left his location on one of his picks so i screenshotted it you're the only person in the school who lives in that community and look at the username me and steele it's obviously you flint i honestly have no idea what you're talking about yeah whatever really hurt my feelings okay that was weird this is all one big misunderstanding you don't have to convince this i just hope she doesn't tell any teachers or the principal i mean the last thing you need right now is to be getting in trouble right after you got your scholarship a friend of my sisters just had hers revoked for something like this right but but i didn't cyberbully anyone so like there's no need to i just heard amber telling people outside class what you did you're gonna get what's coming to you flint be quiet man he didn't do anything his username was such a dead giveaway me and steele i thought you're smarter than that dude i'm telling you it wasn't me mm-hmm sure yeah your good guy act doesn't work on me you think you're better than everyone with your good grades and your varsity sports right i'm going to make sure the whole world gets to know the real flint oh good morning class sorry i'm late um has anyone seen amber oh wow that's what i have no idea okay well let's get started everyone open your books and turn to chapter three maddie definitely has something to do with this congratulations on scholarship very well deserved thank you good morning guys see he doesn't even know for now just be careful that's all i'm saying okay are you guys doing tonight my parents are gonna be gone so you guys can come over um actually flint and i already have plans oh okay can i come well it's um it's just kind of like more of a me and it's there kind of thing i get it no worries we're still on for this weekend the movies for my birthday oh shoot is that this weekend yeah i'm actually gonna be out of town this weekend but next weekend for sure watch it maddie better watch your back flint rumor has it you're about to get in huge trouble get a life maddy i actually already have one thank you for that but unfortunately for you your life's about to be ruined oh he's seriously starting to get on my nerve i do did i do something to hurt you or what are you talking about gordon the messages you sent me this morning you made fun of my weight oh no no no no no not again i heard you did the same thing to amber too so i figured it was you and she confirmed you're me and steele that that's not me you realize anybody could just make up a fake username right thank you yeah but the instagram story isn't that your house wait what the heck yeah it is i thought we were cool man i guess not what is going on i i don't know okay i'm really confused right now does matty know where you live uh i mean yeah we used to be neighbors but um his mom lost her job so they had to move into a new apartment he's probably petty you still live there and he doesn't i heard he got into irvine but he can't go because his mom can't afford tuition wait that has to be it he heard that you got a scholarship and now he's jealous you think he's got to be framing you you know the sad part is uh we actually used to be pretty close you know what they say it's always the people who are closest to you that can hurt you the most need that the truth let's hope that this is the end of it i'll catch you guys later at lunch okay later figuring this out very bell gentlemen yo flint over here i am so shocked with you right now i'm sorry oh i got your email yeah for your information i can't wear contacts or have lasik surgery or i would have and i don't appreciate you poking fun at my glasses mrs tanner i never sent you an email oh right looks like he's getting in trouble again i can't believe this is happening tom poor kai so this is not you me and steele look it's signed flint no it's it's it's not it is him he did the same thing to me mrs tanner he made fun of my weight yeah he also made fun of me for my braces on instagram from the same handle hmm my gosh i did not think that was like you mrs tanner please you have to believe me okay someone is framing me oh yeah well who would do that huh let me guess me and steele strikes again don't tell me he's been bullying you too maddie yeah he sent me a dm making fun of my acne from the good old me and steel he's lying yeah he thinks he's better than everyone else i guess the truth's finally coming out mrs turner please listen to me okay you know what flint if it were just me i would believe you but the gordon and amber i'm going to have to tell the principal i'm sorry you guys had to go through that i am not going to let this slide mister um i don't think this is gonna blow over i'm so sorry you have to deal with this okay but it's gonna be okay all right we're here for you plus it's not like they can prove that you're part of any of it yeah but sometimes perception is the same as reality who does manny think he is he's obviously framing you yeah i know i need to prove that it's him i mean especially if people aren't gonna believe anything i say maybe if we get into his phone we can find that fake account okay how would we do that he has pe last period i'm pretty sure he leaves his phone in his locker are you saying we should break into the locker room and sneak onto his phone how would we do that i'm sure he's not a password do you have his phone number what are you doing just trust me are you sure this is a good idea [Music] if you get caught you can be even more trouble than you are now what other choice do i have got it i will be right back thank you here he is i'm very disappointed in you flint uh listen i i'm telling you it was maddie that's a big allegation what's your proof well i i i mean i don't have like real proof but but i know it was him see me in my office at 3. please don't call my mom it's too late we already did and she's going to be there it's a shame you did what you did no you could get to spend it and irvine's not going to be too happy about that you know i had a student a couple of years ago and they revoked her scholarship for her senior pranks so i wouldn't be surprised if they did the same to you i'm really sorry but this this is going too far i'm telling you the truth i'm not cyberbullying anyone well i guess you have until three to prove that otherwise it's not going to be good how is it how is this happening oh i can't believe we're doing it you know what's at stake here got it okay zero eight two zero you're a genius now go to his instagram first okay oh my gosh what is this oh it really smells in here oh yeah that looks really close okay so go to his instagram first see if he has multiple accounts okay go click here nothing that's odd he must have deleted the account when he figured out we were on doing wait mrs tanner uh said she got that email right yeah and chat for that right uh calcium what is going on i should be asking you the same thing uh maddie i uh what are you doing with my phone um why are you in the boys locker room you know i think the better question is why are you framing me for being a cyber bully what are you talking about really you know exactly what i'm talking about man you made that fake instagram that you sent all those mean messages from to amber and to gordon just like you made that fake email that you sent to mrs tanner dude admit it now why would i do that because you've had it out for flint ever since he got accepted to irvine and you didn't seriously i got a full ride to ucla that was my first choice i don't care about irvine and yeah i don't like flint but it has nothing to do with college is it because you had to move no it's because he's been sending me dms making fun of my acne when i heard he was doing the same thing to others it really pissed me off i'm nazi dude what the heck is going on it wasn't him all right someone is trying to frame flint and we thought it was you that is the only reason we broke into your stuff and we're really really sorry sarah uh i'm like running out of time and i'm about to lose everything i know you morons haven't tried password recovery what if you say you lost your password it'll show you the last four digits of the person's phone number wait for real yeah yeah [Music] there it is 1984. that's definitely not my phone number i'll check my contacts [Music] who is that we have to tell the principal yeah thank you and i'm like really sorry for everything i hope you understand the magnitude of what you've done by sending those and i'm glad your mother is here you can simply figure it out what are you guys doing here joey's mom was working from home today and when she went to use her computer she saw outgoing emails to different students from an email called me and steel he's been cyber bullying a lot of kids i couldn't even believe it yeah that's actually what i came in here to say i just don't get it man like i thought we were friends why would you do this to flint i did it because because why jury seriously i did it because of sarah the truth is i've had a crush on you since fifth grade i wanted to ask you out but i never had the courage when i saw something was going on between you and flint poke my heart so i thought if i found a way for flint not to go to irvine with us that's the only chance i would have that's why that is why you framed me that's why you made it seem like i was cyber bullying every other kid at the school that's why you wanted me to lose my scholarship i can't believe you joey i'm sorry he went so far as to story a picture of his house to post messages from his block do you have any idea how much i hurt when i found out you guys were hanging out without me and didn't even want to spend the birthday with me my best friend the girl that i loved since i was 10. joy dude you got it all wrong what are you talking about the reason we weren't hanging out with you is because we were planning your surprise party we didn't forget about your birthday in fact we were doing everything we could to try to make it extra special you were well this entire time i thought you two had something going on me and flint flint's like a brother to me and if i'm being really honest i liked you for a while too i just never said anything because i didn't want to mess up our friendship i hate being serious so you like me too i did like you but after everything you've done that completely changes everything for me yeah for me too actually like sarah said i just sometimes it's the people closest to us that can hurt us the most well sorry i didn't listen to you sooner flint yeah me too you guys are free to go thank you today we're going to be playing fortnite with snape rule we're about to get this game started people only watch her videos to see sniper wolf probably just taking out his own problems on you really hurts so embarrassing you
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 14,614,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: Pwf0n84QrKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2022
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