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[Music] it's okay Stephen you got this come on let's get ahead get Jesse home and win this game [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] three one two three great job loser how'd you even make this team seriously you know maybe you should go play Tebow with the five-year-old learn how to hit first he probably still suck and strikeouts it's all right the next time all right we lost the game because of me suck at baseball I'm never going pro hey you do not suck at baseball okay you just need to keep practicing and you'll get better never forget every Pro was once just a beginner who never stopped swinging whatever this is so dumb I should just give up [Music] all right everybody remember we win tomorrow's game we win the championship oh great a strikeout Steven man we're never gonna win with this guy on our team Stephen why are you late I just came here to tell everyone that I quit so you don't have to worry about me making us lose anymore I thought you loved baseball I thought you wanted to go pro one day you do let's face it can't even hit the ball so I could never go pro okay you want to quit fine get out of here but on one condition uh what's that first you have to take 100 swings then you're free to go what 100 swings no way that's gonna take me all day I guess you better get started then let's go [Music] so hard great another strike how much longer do I have to do this for what number you on 49. okay here comes 50. you're halfway done this is so lame I'm never gonna hit the ball man you suck you can hit a ball to save your life hey that's enough [Music] 97 three more to go fine I just want to get this over with [Music] this is so stupid I said I didn't want to play anymore it's the last one after this you never have to swing another bat in your life Stephen [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] oh my gosh I hit the ball I can't believe it oh my god let's go congratulations you're off the team [Music] all right guys let's bring it in come on up thank you batter up two strikes strike three oh it's okay all right bring it in come here guys shut up all right it's the bottom of the ninth we're down three to two one out to go it's our last chance to beat the sharks like can I cattle need to go out there and get a run uh I don't know coach I'm not sure okay so go out there hit a home run and win this game for us I'll do it Stephen what are you doing here I thought you quit well say I changed my mind so can I bat uh put him back okay let's do it [Applause] [Music] all right [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] see me see you next season coach thanks coach Hey Stephen why did you come back I thought you said you could never go pro yeah well that wasn't until I realized that every Pro was once just a beginner who never stopped swinging [Music] hey darmin
Channel: VURTIX
Views: 83,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Y3OWIPJt86s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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