FAITH THAT STANDS STILL - Part 2 with Prophetess BeBe Angel

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how are you doing today Wow it's an exciting exciting time to be here together just to get into the Word of God to see what God's mind is concerning you and I especially at this point in time in 2020 in the year of the record-breaker during this lockdown what does God want you to know today so it's very very exciting and it's very interesting you know learning the words the things that we've been learning am I the only one who's been learning amazing things of late it's amazing Sunday service was off the chain you know when we had before Adam you say hmm maybe he's gonna be teaching about okay something that happened before Adam and then how he tied it in to us and how it concerns us and it was just explosive you should never miss a single broadcast because each and every one is designed to make you better and by the time you are out of this lockdown people are gonna say were you in any lockdown anyway you look absolutely amazing inside and out so that's the whole objective so I hope you are ready to enjoy yourself and to learn something I can see some good comments here delecia agrees with me saying yes sunday was profound and eye-opening exactly Michelle in joy is putting some crying emojis I know that's why it was one beautiful service and we really did enjoy this season has been a season of spiritual growth for sure for sure for sure and I know so many of you agree we have been growing so much and usually I'm behind the scenes and I read your comments and I'll be chuckling to myself when I see comments like this lockdown should continue let's keep going with it because we are learning so much well there has been a silver lining in this lockdown and that is for sure with all the teachings we've been receiving from our men of God at angel we have really been learning we have been growing we've had time to pray we've had time to recalibrate we've had time for introspection we've had so much time to learn and it's an amazing thing so wherever you are I know that God is about to do something exceptional in your life because you are heavily equipped to do anything and everything that is for sure and remember this year's not over it's still the year of the record breaker right you guys know that right it is still the year of the record breaker and you know it is so easy to break records right now because while others are saying I lost time I lost three months I lost four months of time you will be saying I've not felt anything everything has been amazing I've just been going forward and upward I felt nothing at all so there's a great advantage for everyone who is sin named with Christ and I speak the best into your life right now in the name of Jesus thank you so much for joining this broadcast and I am so excited and as we usually say do share this book has helped somebody by sharing the broadcasts maybe they even need the information more than you for all you know you don't know what might seasons they are facing that they actually need to understand what faith is all about and that's what we're talking about faith that stands still it knows how to stand still it doesn't budge you see so you don't know the person you're sharing this broadcast with you don't know what they're going through you don't know that they actually need this more than you so please do share the broadcast it's very very important and for those who are watching me on a Sky channel 5 9 6 or miracle TV our two beautiful TV channels I want you to just send somebody a message on your whatsapp grab your phone send them a quick message listen I want you to just tune in go to five nine six right now and if you're watching on freeview tell them tune in to this channel immediately all the details are there the portal is two six four on a free view and all the details are actually on your screen right now so if you're watching your miracle TV do the same tell somebody tell your relative tell your uncle tell your aunt people you've not spoken to your cousin tell them people you've not spoken to in years maybe this is the icebreaker that you actually need it so go ahead and do that and please tell me where you are watching me from so that we can get a fuller understanding on who is in the overflow today YouTube melanda Kathryn watching from Saudi Arabia original VB angel watching from Namibia all right from green dock meesa meesa watching from south africa yes lovely cook I think I'm already mum with my Bible and notebook I'm so excited for today's teaching and wonderful yeah from Birmingham right here in the United Kingdom we have Priya Priya does she need a sari watching from India what econia Maxie watching from Kenya we have support mal watching from South Africa Wow wonderful you're so welcome thank you for joining thank you so much for joining this bookcase and I know we have people watching on Instagram right yes people are also watching on Instagram we've got Bob way Clemens watching from Zimbabwe we've got smokey watching all the way from Pretoria South Africa mm-hmm all watching from Clairol Nigeria my god yes we've got a lot of people again Pretoria Namibia was MBA Johannesburg North Carolina USA of course Srilanka wow we are global indeed we have this global that's awesome yes oh yes we have Facebook right okay watching from USA we have Debbie watching from UK Irene manyanya watching from Namibia Judy it is saying I am happy to learn and I'm ready to hear from you mom awesome for tuning in on Facebook right now okay that's incredible really we love you guys we appreciate you so much and we are so honored to be here to just be a blessing to you guys to feed you the Word of God that we have come into checked with and we have practiced it we have worked the word and the word works that's why one of our slogans in spirit embassy is cheer up the word works so no matter which way you look at it the word works so we have handled this word of truth we have experienced it we have lived it it's now part of our soon esas it's part of our mindset it's part of our being and everything we are and everything we have managed to achieve is as a result of the self same word that we are here to give you every single broadcast so you better believe that we are telling you exactly what we have handled is no longer just you know just reading scriptures you know in the Bible and you're just reading it you know when your life becomes the Bible itself the words jump out of the pages and they become your life they become your a-to-z they become your morning afternoon evening they become new that's exactly what we are enjoying we are living the word and we are so blessed every day it's just so easy you know a lot of people think we don't actually have any challenges at all I think you just sit there all day and just enjoy the out practice and just play with youqi youqi the most neglected dog on this planet actually she has some serious withdrawal symptoms right now no contact with any humans because we're so busy so we are not exempt from any challenges in fact it's quite the contrary you know the Bible says to whom much is given much is also required that statement and that verse works in every sense of the word it has so many different translations to it and it fits every time so if you are trusted with something that is big if you're trusted with the big vision then God also requires a lot more from you when it comes to faith he requires a lot more faith they are things that you can get away with you can literally say God please help me with this and you are even praying the prayer not quite right but God who actually answered that prayer why because he knows I'm dealing with the baby here this one was born again recently they don't know anything they're just getting to know the word so because I'm a loving God and I am just a merciful God I will allow it to this time all right because he knows this one is a baby but then there are people that he now expects he says no you I have given you this vision you have been in the word I have taught you I have shown you you do have the revelation it is a part of you right now so I can't pray your prayer the same one God will say what is the meaning of this I pray oh and you are crying God please just do it for me because I saw you crying so I figure I'm gonna cry too no way we live on two different streets spiritually so when you are given more God also requires more of you you don't just get by there is more that is required of you so it's not like our lives are exempt of challenges we go through so many of them in fact pretty much every day you've got a different kind of challenge every single day you are facing this today tomorrow there is this but we are not crying you never see us crying we're not on the broadcast crying one time I am myself and probably were watching some years ago a very prominent preacher on television and he was there and we just happened to come across his show and he was trying to talk about a project that he was working on with the church and everything it was very good and inspiring so we were watching this man and then he is telling people I need you guys to just send me some finances so that I can do this and that and then within seconds the man just best out crying he said no this is so odd for me I don't have the money game this is so hard you people don't understand what I've been going through the console were refusing me baby [ __ ] and now he started crying and he started going on and on we just looked at each other like what it's happening right now so you know it had gotten to him God blesses immature hearts but you know it got to him he just fell apart you see that's somebody who doesn't understand that he has to have a certain level of faith the one that stands still no matter what comes in the face of whoever whatever your faith can stand that test and you will not budge that's what we're talking about when we talk about the faith that's and still you see so it's not like we don't have challenges but you see us here we are smiling we are happy and you don't even know that there is a challenge that we just met here there is another one here challenge is what we have for breakfast lunch and supper with a bring it on what the challenge that is presented today let me put a bring it let me put it on a sandwich actually happily I find my burger buns and I eat that challenge for breakfast that's exactly how we do it why because we have handled the word of truth we have handled this world so when we talk about faith that stands still it's not something that you are just saying wow what my the people like faith yes it's do faith we have handled it we are accustomed to it it's a part of our seumas's it's a part of our DNA so when we present ourselves here and we are talking about the word it's not something that we are still learning we have handled it and we are living it every day what we are doing is continually growing in it so you can't say I've grown enough to not require the word once you actually start saying that then you are a very dangerous Christian any Christian who says I'm mature and I don't need to learn anymore is a very dangerous Christian you never stop learning I learn every single day of my life I learn something new every single day before I sleep I reflect hmm what did I learn today and then I continue to grow that way so you can never say I know everything all right all right I can see a lot of people agreeing very good I'm glad that you agree so like I said we're carrying on with the faith that stands still we started it last week and I think it's there on YouTube right yes so you can go back to it if you didn't watch the first episode you need to go back and watch it watch part one later after this broadcast so that you have everything in context because you know when we have a specific time to talk about a specific topic you can't you cannot possibly talk about faith in an hour and call it a day you cannot talk about faith in two hours and say we are done even three hours even five hours we won't finish everything it can take just talking about faith alone can take us maybe the next six months or even a year coming here every week and hammering there is so much to learn faith is such a broad subject so when we come here we're just taking snippets and we're taking the topic in bite-size so we give you little nuggets that you can actually grow by but your duty is to be like the Bereans prophet said the Bereans would go after the service they would open the scriptures line upon line precept upon precept they would check what the preacher had been saying they would check it up not because they didn't trust the preacher no but they understood that I need to grow more in the thing that I have been taught now let me go back into the Bible let's really see what was he really saying when you dissect it again you open up the scriptures then you start picking them one by one what about this what about that one is there not the scripture to support this one that's exactly how you ought to be all right and as we're talking about faith it just so happens that faith comes by hearing and the hearing ability comes by the Word of God so if you don't have the word in you forget it you are a useless Christian completely useless you'll be crying every single day because things are happening that things are happening in your life so faith that stand still this ought to be an everyday thing it's not even a message for this season in fact I want to encourage everybody who is watching tonight I want to encourage you to go back to all of the messages that we started even during this lockdown stop again read it a game and again and again don't say our I already know what Nicolaitans is all about don't say I already know rekha bites yet I know don't say that go back again let it be a part of your DNA it'll be a part of you Oh glory be to Jesus this is what we're gonna be talking about I absolutely the subject of faith because this is one of the biggest and first lessons that I learned under the tutelage of Prophet angel when we were still starting out I was a new Christian I didn't know much about the Lord and he started teaching me what faith was all about and it wasn't just teaching me based upon the Scriptures he did open the scriptures but it was based upon his life and the words that he spoke and said every time you hear me say this it's not that I have seen it I have not seen it nobody has promised me that is gonna happen but that's how faith works that's what faith is he started explaining what faith was to me he said it breaking it down and he said when you say something and for example I am healed it's not because the doctor said maybe you'll be healed by next week it should be done then you have confidence to say I'm healed in the name of Jesus because the doctor said I'm gonna be healed by next week by this time next week it'll be done no faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of what of things that are not seen you have not been told anything you've not been promised riches nobody said you are going to get any money next year nobody said anything about you getting paid next month nobody said anything about you getting a windfall in the next six months but you you actually know because it's a part of you you actually know it you realize it and you start saying it because it's on the inside of you and you say faith it's the substance of things hoped for so what am i hoping for I'm hoping for my visa I'm hoping for a passport to travel I'm hoping for my application at university to come through I'm hoping for a baby okay so faith is the substance of things hoped for so it's the substance of that baby I don't have it so this is the substance of things hoped for the evidence the evidence of things not seen I don't have the child I'm not pregnant with the child but I believe I have that child 100% why because I have faith it's the substance the substance the evidence of things that you don't see it's like the residue the residues all over you can you can feel it in your spirit it's they in your spirit you don't even you don't even need anybody to tell you it's like expecting something to happen let's say it's a business and you really have so much faith that it's going to come it's not because you've got 20 clients in a day or you've got 500 clients in a day so there is a promise somewhere you can see the evidence no that's not faith the evidence is not in things that you see is the in the things that are not seen there is no clue at all that you are going to be great one day there is no clue at all that you're going to be on television one day no clue whatsoever but you know it on the inside of you why because you have the faith for it faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things that you don't see so whoever you are I don't care if you're watching me from a little I don't know these fake phones from China and you can barely see me maybe I'm even looking red because the screen is broken as long as you can hear my voice as long as you are under the influence of my voice I am here to tell you there is nothing you cannot do there is no door you cannot knock down and pass through it that God does not exists there is no such thing as I cannot get to the other side you can get there why because of faith when you have a certain level of faith that you are so sure about this god you are so sure about this word you are so sure you're so sure then I tell you there is no mountain that you cannot climb you will scale these mountains like they are nothing like they are ant hills you will scale them you pass through anything you will pass through the fire like those four Hebrew boys they pass through the fire and the Bible says even not a single hair was singed in the fire not one little hair even on the bed say no but the beard at the corner that was a little bit singed nothing at all not a single hair and imagine they went through that fire came out on the other side not even the smell of fire on their clothes not even the smell of a you can literally pass through a place where they are burning grass and just because you walked past the place you can smell the smoke on your clothes just two minutes only that you pass through it and yet these men stood in the fire not even the smell of smoke on their clothes and they were so sure of themselves the audacity of faith they had faith that stand still and doesn't budge and they said oh please King Nebuchadnezzar don't worry even if God doesn't come we know he's gonna come but anyway let's just say hypothetically speaking let's just say this god of ours will not show up guess what we are not bowing to your fake gods we are not bowing here and they were so sure of themselves they were so sure they were so confident they were so audacious in their faith and yet what do we have now and remember these people were not born again what do we have now we have sissified Christians people who are now so look warm the Bible says even God says listen you are not cold you are not hot you are just something in between I will spew you out of my mouth I will spit you out of my mouth I can't stand someone who's all who is lukewarm he said it's better if you are cold because we already know where you stand this one is cold we let's not even look at this guy because it's completely cold you are not warm either you are not what you're not so hot Christian either you are just somewhere in-between said I now that one I cannot stand I cannot stand someone with lukewarm state your case stand your ground okay Here I am I'm a Christian I don't budge no matter what happens I'm sticking to the prescription God is my god I am NOT going to be moved I don't care who says what I don't care how many doctors reports come through that are negative I will stand my ground because Christ is in me the hope of all glory is on the inside of me that's faith that stands still mm-hmm last week we read James chapter one mm-hmm and it was with six that was the start studying point of this particular lesson and it reads but let him ask in faith nothing wavering you you guys remember that right for he that wave waver it is like a wave of the sea driven by the wind and tossed you are tossed to and fro nobody really knows where you stand today you say I am strong I am strong and at Rytas is gone from my bones I am strong I'm strong it is well it is well I'm strong and then you square your shoulders I'm strong yeah I'm okay I'm okay and then your mother calls you so how are you feeling today oh mama this thing is really affecting my life you know this problem why because you want sympathy there are Christians who are addicted to sympathy you like it when you have attention ever seen when you have a flu a bad cold and you say and then someone brings you a chicken soup oh here's some chicken soup or shall I bring you food jeah don't stand up don't stand up please let me do it for you and you are liking it you are liking that tension yeah please bring me some more more chicken so you are enjoying it you are enjoying the extra attention and you are busy nurturing a demon inside your body without knowing what you are doing you are rocking a demon like yet this is my baby demon it is well yeah me and my demon we are happy without understanding what you're doing and you think it's really harmless that is the most harmful thing you can ever do to yourself because once your body understands that oh this one is good at nurturing demons guess what there is another one coming and this time is going to be bigger than the flu this time is going to be something greater than the flu because you are nurturing demons why because you are addicted to sympathy you want people to feel sorry for you every time oh I'm going through this right now so that we can say oh she or she same Wow oh sorry sorry oh don't be addicted to this sympathy you are bigger than this Buddha than this don't you know the DNA that is rushing through your veins right now it's not the DNA from your mother and father it is the one that you got from Christ nice wladis crossing play of the hands right now so you should never be moved never be moved never tossed says tossed by the wind anyway the wind goes you are gone this way that way you are gone you never end still never always something is happening you are gone all right that should not be your portion okay so today we're going to be continuing with this we are continuing in this vein because you see faith is exactly like a habit you have to start somewhere and I told you last week it's like a muscle you are exercising your muscle every day if this is a 5 kilogram weight you have to start with with something you've never exercised in your life you start with 5 and then once your muscle is used to it and you can no longer feel the pain of the exercise you have to go higher now let me go to 7 let me change from 5 to 7 and then you exercise and then you say no this is no longer my level then you go to 10 then you go to 20 then 50 so no matter what happens in your life you already know I have exercised my muscles are ready to take this my faith muscles are ready there is nothing I cannot do you don't just arrive today the doctor tells you something you are saying in the name of Jesus it is done it's finished it's going from my body yet all the pimples on your face you never prayed one day for those pimples to leave all the headaches you've always a rush for the panadol there is no one headache that just went because you said it you should go every time the headache even comes from afar you can feel it coming from afar it hasn't even been full-blown headache it's coming coming coming immediately you rush for your pills never understanding that I am a faith creature let me practice the faith that is on the inside of me I need to grow my muscles let me start exercising so you don't just arrive no wonder many of you blamed the check you say that it has no power there's no power day because that past I always useless I went to his branch and he was praying for me and I still I'm still sick even now what about you the problem is not the outlet is the inlet there is Eva that's you that's your fault so just me using aha you don't just arrive you don't just arrive so faith is something that is so it's something that is so amazing once you get a hold of it once you really catch it once you really catch this word it will really transform your life some of you have prayed and prayed and prayed and something doesn't happen you have prayed and prayed okay it didn't happen and you give up too quickly you give up too quick one thing that prophet has taught me is you don't give up you don't say I'm done you don't say I surrender you never surrender so when you have a cut on your hand don't say or out in the name of Jesus okay this cut is healed in the name of Jesus and then you see but it's still there one hour is just you hurting the same way as when you first got cut you don't give up then and say oh well I tried to the faith today didn't work let me just go where is the ointment it will go away now I'll put the ointment on no you carry on you keep on telling that thing to go away you keep on telling that thing to heal so when you feel a headache coming on and you can see right this is now a headache you don't just say right out in the name of Jesus headache I command you to leave right now in the name of Jesus let's easy gone oh no it's not gone okay where's my pills I tried it didn't work and you already drinking your pills five minutes later you are drinking the tablets you say I know I can't this is not working I give up I'm just going to have my tablets faith is not like that you stick to the prescription you tell that head if it needs to be told 50 times you better tell it 50 times that's faith that doesn't budge no matter what you don't budge you tell that problem to leave and you keep at it eventually it will bow to the name it's like um imagine going to these water parks I've been to some water parks with my children in the last holiday we went to and when we decided to go on this waterslide the biggest one that they had so we went there and we are standing at the top when you get there and it's your turn to get to to to to slide the lifeguard tells you stop right there and my my young son Seth was saying no I want to go on I want to go on why is this man telling me to stop and I said you know he's telling you to stop because someone else has just gone and he could hear the people who have just gone into the slide screaming with excitement they're having so much fun and some are crying in terror because you know some champions are scared of anything some of us bring it on anything we'll do it so and he can hear the kids that have just gone into the slide he's so excited they are screaming and they're having so much fun and he's impatient and he's asking no I want to go in I want to go in and the life God says no it's not yet written wait why because the life God understood that when if you go in at the same time you might crash into each other and it becomes a problem you can even be stuck in the tunnels and you create a problem so because he could see that the others haven't come out on the other side he told us you have to wait so certain people don't understand that's exactly how it works that things that go to say wait just a minute you don't understand that there is danger here you are just rushing but there is danger so because you cannot see that there is something that I cannot see here that God is protecting me from you just want to rush let me get this let me get that I'll tell you when we had when we started spirit embassy we had seven members the whole year seven people only seven some would come one Sunday and leave they would never come back because they could see this is a tiny little Church I don't want to be a part of a small church like this so they would leave so seven full-fledged members can't counting ourselves so I would say five imagine at that time I remember praying to the Lord I said God you are showing us these visions of this amazing ministry we can see that this ministry is going to be global we can see thousands coming we were having vision after vision you are seeing people coming through the doors people being healed of all kinds of sicknesses we could see stadiums we could see television channels in visions and then you go to Sunday you say ah this vision I saw this week I think Sunday we have at least fifty this is seven I think 50 are coming this Sunday because this vision was really real when I saw it you get to the service is the usual you are seven again only seven and yet you are seeing all these things that God has promised you he has told you this is what is going to be like and he has given you the details of where this is going to be and you expect it to happen tomorrow and I remember saying to the Lord God but what is happening these people you are showing us these people need to come I pray that these people come if these people come to church this Sunday let there be an influx of people in the church lo and behold you get to church on Sunday they are not there until one year then the stitch started growing from there when I look back in hindsight I am so grateful to the Lord that he didn't answer those prayers that I prayed for people to just rush into the ministry why because that one year was the time I grew I knew the word I started growing in the word more than ever before without the pressure of having to handle too many church members because you know you people can be levels you know yourself judge members you can be a whole stress factor 1% you see so I I really appreciated the Lord for that time because I got to grow spiritually I took time to grow the church wasn't big so we had time took time to grow took time to really read the word Oh what about this what about that one speaking in tongues prophet taught me how to speak in tongues they in our house we practice now do this in say this even how to yield to the Spirit of the Lord I remember so many practice sessions but would we be praying for us and I said how come I don't fall any time how come it doesn't happen I started that too and then profits started teaching me okay this is what it means your flesh is too much in the way just yield and he started teaching me that and we were saying the two of us in our living room and you say I'm gonna pray for you right now I'm gonna pray for you I'm not gonna tell you I want you to close your eyes I'm not gonna tell you the point at which I'm going to stretch my hand toward you I'm not gonna tell you but something is going to happen because your spirit is now above your flesh so I would stand there and we're just at praying praying praying and then I would feel this like I've been hit by a train and I would just fall even face forward and without seeing at the point at which prophet had stretched his hands toward me and then said now we are getting there you are catching it that's how we learn and then we had so we started recruiting some other guinea pigs joy started joining and we do the same thing so me and you we did pre-entry prophet would pray for us without us even seeing way he was standing in the room and we would just be collapsing under the power of the Spirit you see so that's how we started learning so you started learning from some way and you started you start growing you do not just arrive some of the things you are worrying everyday you are asking the Lord give me this lord give me please give me and God knows it's not yet time girl you are asking for a husband everyday you don't even know how to look after yourself you know want to look after a whole man a hole at the human being you yourself you are lazy to look after yourself sometimes you don't even back your own self yeah well shots are fired and yet you want to say give me a husband give me please Lord why you forgotten me please first learn how to do you before you want to even think about living with the hole add the human being in your or in your house you know a lot of singles don't cook a lot of single people they stay in their own house they eat takeaway everyday everyday tikka will take away take away say but God why don't you give me a husband why got me why you forgot to look at my friends all of them husband husband two children four children and we still here waiting for you to give me something and God says look at your nonsensical self you can't even cook one dish I think your water all husband so that you can be divorced after two years it's nonsense that is nonsensical they are things that God knows please as for you sit down shut your mouth the only copying people things you don't understand because he knows he's standing there seeing that there is a tunnel here you don't see there are things here you don't understand wait your tent there when it's time I will tell you now here is your visa the millions you are waiting for that's fast and still this for you need to understand that your faith has to stand still you don't give up you keep learning you don't give up just because you didn't see the fruit of what you prayed for right away doesn't mean you go home and you give up no faith that stand still remember is then still prophet taught us about the rhinoceros and he said the rhinoceros would dig in it will dig its heels in the ground give itself a good stance firmly rooted not just in the ground in the wet when you firmly roots off in the wind and it says it jug is blind it doesn't even look at its opponent it can already sense that this is where I'm supposed to be and says I'm going to charge blind by faith I'm going to get to my brain that's exactly how it ought to be in your life when you see that something hasn't happened you do not give up all right keep declaring it keep talking it keep thinking God for it you pray for it once remember once it's faith twice as doubt you don't pray for the same thing two times three times ten times see God please I'm praying I've been asking you all this time god I've been asking you for a visa every time I ask you nothing is coming why because you are short-circuiting your miracle you are short-circuiting it when you pray for it the current begins to flow and your miracle is on its way but because you pray again and again and again you keep short-circuiting the miracle short-circuiting the miracle that's not faith that's not what faith is all about you say it once pray once then the next time you pray about it you are no longer asking you are declaring it you are thanking God for it it is done thank you Lord oh my God thank you for my children thank you for giving me to any of you don't have them you prayed once know you're just thanking God thank you Lord for my children I am so blessed thank you for thoughtfulness in my life thank you for my business Wow my business is flourishing and yet you are in the red you are in - the bank is complaining but you thank God anyway that's the audacity of faith that's the kind of thing that stands still and it doesn't budge now you see when it comes to faith you have to understand one thing I mentioned something earlier when I said it's like a habit it's like a habit now there is a specific way habits come across and habits are established in a person's life and I want to describe these to you but are they catching it so far are we all together right are you sure all right so there is a process ok the audacity of it ok I can see the Akash yeah thank you so much mom you're helping me yes with this awesome rush but stand still people are getting it and susan nikon d saying faith that stand still that is what I am waiting and amen come on Queen is saying now I get it prophets why some of my things I prayed for never manifested I thank God for this lockdown because I'm growing in the word yes exactly Brian here is saying mom is it the same when you're praying for your healing is it possible to short-circuit that exactly it works in everything you see the thing is faith works for everything it works for your money it works for your healing it works for your peace it works for your joy it works for your children it works for your relationships faith is everywhere I mean your whole life is faith your whole life equals faith then you can't possibly live or survive without it so it's the same thing when it comes to your healing today you say let's say you have chronic headaches and then today say this is the last time I'll suffer with this headache is the last day or you will say God in fact you shouldn't even asking God to help you with the sickness you should be commanding it remember when what prophet was teaching when was talking about we don't pray for the sick you guys remember just a few broadcasts ago and he said we are we were not given the mandate to pray for the sick we were not the man it is not to pray for sickness it is to command it speak the word and that thing should check out Jesus never ever ever prayed for a sickness to leave someone he would command it and it would vanish the one time he prayed he said it's for the benefit of the listeners he said father I'm praying right now so that these people can hear so that it their faith can be boosted but otherwise when it comes to me I don't need to be doing all this you command it and it happens so you don't pray for a sickness to go you command it and then after you command it it's gone and then you declare it every day thank you Lord for my healing I am healed in the name of Jesus no more chronic headaches oh my life is beautiful my health is beautiful thank you Jesus the Holy Spirit is alive and well on the inside of me Holy Spirit we are not sick are we I literally talk to the Holy Spirit like that every day every day I said Holy Spirit so when it comes to this broadcast so what are we doing okay so what about here Oh Thank You Holy Spirit for teaching me this because he is your teacher and also remember the Holy Spirit is your companion he's a companion he's someone you can literally talk to as it is right here next to you you can literally talk to him about anything even about your brains so what do you think should we have that what kind of grades should we do this time maybe this kind of break or maybe I can try this one what do you think what shall we do he's your companion the Bible calls him and ever-present help in times of despair any time he's ever presence he's not going anywhere he's not leaving you it's not going anywhere so stop acting like you have someone acting like he's there some of you when was the last time you even spoke to the Holy Spirit when was the last time you acknowledged his presence in your life when and remember we don't pray to the Holy Spirit we just acknowledge his presence that's all so every time I talk to him I don't say father in the name of Jesus thank you Holy Spirit for your presence here Holy Spirit please and no I don't do that I talk like just talking like I would talk to my husband I'll just talk to him that's the companionship that's the fellowship we have with him all right so make sure you know the differences and we have so many books so many resources so many materials that teach you these things hello Holy Spirit the best book honestly I think for me personally hello Holy Spirit is the best of the best of the best of all the books in our arsenal right now I love love love love hello Holy Spirit I read it all the time over and over and over again the information is so wealthy it's so rich is that you take one bite just one bite of it you are full to capacity so I encourage you get hello Holy Spirit a lot of your questions are gonna be answered there right there in that book alright so there is um what is called I can see people are getting it thank you so much thank you so much for your amazing comments jasmine is saying wow I thought I knew about faith I'm still learning I used to like sympathy towards eczema it's not my portion anymore Wow thank you so much for your honesty imagine this is a lady who is saying she has she had eczema and she liked the sympathy from people concerned you know when people are concerned and they offer you sympathy and she actually liked it you see so thank you so much for your honesty Suzan Bharati is same I'm actually letting a lot of things every time you teach us this is really a blessing thank you so much Susan alright so I want to teach you something that is very very profound about how your brain works okay and this is in line with the this god kind of faith that you're gonna be acquiring okay okay so I'm writing alright okay so the brain works in a there's a three-step loop alright I want you to catch this there is a three-step loop when a habit is forming in your brain it comes up in three stages all right now I want you to catch it so that you understand that okay so how can I then put this or twist it to the faith side of things how do I then adapt it to the faith side of things because your brain don't say no we don't do with brains because it's a physical we are dealing with the spiritual it doesn't work like that you are a spiritual being right so everything about you is spiritual we have a saline sweet embassy life is spiritual everything is spiritual so you can't say no this is now the natural my natural life in my spiritual life it's one thing alright you are just a spiritual person alright you are just having an experience here on earth but your spiritual alright so your brain has a three-step loop that's what it's called when a habit is forming number one is a queue so for example let's say there is a problem of what can we say ok people who have habits tell me people with habits what what bad habits do you have because I do that all right let's say alcohol so there is a queue there is a trigger there is something that triggers you you see something maybe alcohol and maybe you tasted it before and every time you see it there is a trigger it triggers you or maybe it could be when you see that occur maybe you weren't drinking before but maybe you are amongst friends or it reminds you of a time maybe when you just had a few sips you are amongst friends and you decided let me just have a little bit of alcohol and it sort of takes you back to that thing it's like nostalgia it's also fast nostalgia's like a trigger it triggers you to a certain time and even the smell of it it triggers something on the inside of you that's a cue it starts with the cue number one there is a trigger that happens and then once the trigger happens you have seen the the alcohol and trigger happens and your brain goes into automatic mode the moment that trigger comes it goes into automatic mode and once automatically the automatic mode kicks in we are now starting or forming a habit then number two there is routine so once you start drinking it you started today you got the trigger you started drinking it and then it started forming a routine and then before you knew it you the alcohol makes you feel amazing or whatever you get some kind of high and that's your reward so that's level number three so you have your Q your trigger that's number one or we can break it down to people who are trying to go to the gym maybe you want to lose weight and it's really really hard to go to the gym but there is a queue somewhere because you understand now this is not good the queue is that trigger is maybe a sickness maybe the doctor told you you need to shed some weight that was the cue that was the trigger so your brain goes into automatic mode right there's the trigger I need to lose weight and then you get into stage number two routine every day you start going to the gym the first day you didn't like it but the second you pushed yourself one week you are doing it second week you are going to the gym that's routine so your brain is starting to get into a bit of a routine and then after you do the workout you feel amazing you feel like wow I actually feel good I went to the gym I feel amazing I feel good that I actually worked out that is the reward and then you keep doing that and they say takes 30 days for a habit to be fully formed in a person just one month of you repeat repeat repeat repeat 30 days you are in so it starts off number one the Q what is the Q okay so the Q is I am experiencing problems with my family finances things are not moving well for me I can see it this is the Q then what is the routine I need to now get into the word I need to declare it by faith I can do this by faith I can speak this problem away by faith I can speak this headache to go and then when you speak it the headache goes away and you are rewarded with good health that's number three so you have your cue you have your routine and then you have your reward a three stage loop and once your brain understands that or every time she has a problem with the sickness in her body something is triggered that says I don't like the sickness immediately she gets into routine the routine is speaking that problem out of her body and then once the routine fifteen and is gone she's so it doesn't take time before your brain your physical this brain understands that okay so this is how it works so you start up in the spirit you say it you don't see the results immediately you say that by faith you said something you spoke healing you didn't see the results of the healing immediately but you kept on saying it you kept on seeing it you are not even scared you are not moved by it you kept on declaring it that became your routine and before long the headache went away and you got your reward next time it happens again immediately you already know I'm not even no questions asked I've encountered this kind before I'm not even I'm not even worried I already know your spirit already knows not destra spirit even your body has now come into alignment with your spirit it has now become one with your spirit your body is no longer at war with your spirit your body is no longer the enemy of your spirit because right now the Bible says your body your flesh is at war every day there is a battle that is happening between two entities your spirit and your flesh every day that war is alive and well until you get to a point where the Bible says be transformed by the renewing of your mind until your mind is renewed to such an extent that your body now aligns every time a sickness that's creeping in your body your body even knows this is now dangerous territory I know I'm at war with this person this person has declared too many times I don't want sickness in my body I don't think this disease is going to last long before you know it it is gone so you have to start somewhere start now I need to get into a routine okay so what is my routine so what is my queue number one what is my queue there has to be some kind of trigger okay so the trigger is maybe you are experiencing some kind of hardship okay so it always triggers this thing on the inside of you that I cannot go through this hardship I cannot go through this situation immediately you take your Bible all right what does the word say concerning my life okay so here it says this oh wow all things work together alright okay I get it I get it what about and have you ever noticed that once you are addicted to something once something becomes habit you crave it you actually crave it it's no longer something you even think twice about you want to exercise more you are even earning to go to the gym because it's now a part of your soon esas it's now a part of your mindset you are now addicted to it so you become addicted to the wet dress maybe it was really hard for you to hey this box thing in your reading is really hard but you are getting slowly but surely slowly but surely you are getting into it getting into it getting into it it is a cue in the routine then the reward you are getting into it and your faith begins to grow to exponential Heights and when anything comes your way you are not moved by anything or anyone that's why you can find men of God coming here to preach we have our property coming here to preach in season out of season you find him here and you will preach to you like there is nothing that is happening anywhere else in the world no matter what channel it could be a challenge an office maybe there is this he's dealing with this because it's also a prolific businessman and who when you're in business it's like crazy every day you have to focus on the work at hand and yet you just come here preach like nothing is even happening preach like this green out of fashion preach like he's preaching to the whole world that's faith that stands to you if you can just catch it I want to show you something in 1 Samuel alright 1 Samuel Chapter 17 are you catching it we are catching it Michael you should be saying you're teaching difficult things in a simple way I am running with this one thank you so much all right awesome and Diana Casey I can't wait to speak to my hair takeaway right now oh it will be secured even not to come back again because wait that was 10 yes I like that that medic has to be scared it has to say I'm about to enter this body but chances are I'm not gonna last any demon that tries to afflict your body it has to think twice that I've tried this before last time I was here I literally checked out within five minutes let's give it a go this time let's see what happens but I'm very scared of this person that's how demons should at they should be afraid to touch you they should be scared to touch you because they know this one's kind of faith is crazy I want to show you what faith is all about let's see some examples in the Bible so that you can really see what this is all about 1 Samuel Chapter 17 let's go to this it's quite a long chapter and I want you to read it in context after this broadcast but you guys already know the story of David and Goliath right you already know the story so go to verse 45 so 1st Samuel 17 verse 45 mm-hmm then say David to the Philistine now comes to me with a sword and with a spear and with a shield but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of Hosts whom thou has defied imagine now listen David was a small guy by the way he was a little guy when the Prophet went to his house he was trying to annoy to the wrong person over and over again because his brothers were big they were told they had the right kind of stature for they looked kingly they would stand their proper huge men and the Prophet was like this one and go today no no no no please this one until they said is there anyone else please in this household because none of these guys are the ones because they looked like they were put in there the potential so here is David he's the one who is sent to the fuse even his father dead forgotten that he has another son until the Prophet said hey don't you have anyone else in this household said oh yeah we have one who is with the Sheep that's how it was so David didn't even have he wasn't strong like that no muscles we need to talk about he was a little guy short men he was small and to make matters worse he was pretty so he might in you approaching good life you even look pretty in your face you guys don't know that the Bible says David was fair check the scripture check it there right there where are we want it 1 Samuel some people are asking for the scripture we are in 1 Samuel 17 and verse 45 right I want you to see it verse 42 what does it say read verse 42 what 17 verse 42 the Philistine meaning Goliath because he's been taunting them give me a challenge who is the Challenger taunting them give me your person and then he looked around then what happens in other words he mocked him he said what is the meaning of this why he was he was a young little guy and then yes and the fact he was handsome fair countenance imagine Goliath he is looking because you see some he's thinking maybe if at least let me have an ugly soldier coming for me he's this more youthful guy small little guy maybe 16 17 years old imagine that he's approaching and he's just little and to make matters worse pretty face like a girl Goliath is it this guy I was like what is the meaning of this is this the best you can do with this pretty boy is it the best you can do imagine that but I want you to listen oh my god I want you to listen to the audacity of faith in a person who did not have the Holy Spirit on the inside of him like you do what did he say in verse 46 verse 46 yes this day will the Lord deliver thee now I want you to look at something here he says David looked at Goliath like this and he said this day this day to day this day how many of you can even stand there and say this day the sickness is checking out how many of you he said this day not tomorrow will the Lord deliver thee into my hand and I will smite you today I going to really do something with you and take your head from you and I will give the carcasses of the host of the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air and to the wild beasts of the earth that all the Earth may know that there is a God in Israel oh come on somebody hey he said this day will the Lord deliver you into my hand today today it's on brother it is on today how many of you have actually stood and said this sickness is checking out this very instant this problem is finishing by this time tomorrow it's gone how many of you how many how many and I like how David look at what he does it in verse 48 it says anything to pass when the Philistine arose and came and drew nigh to meet David now this giant is braying towards David and we're talking about somebody who is maybe 50 times bigger than David and he says he goes they end David Haye stood he didn't dilly-dally he hasted you know what I said it means he got a fast was like right let's do this and he has no armor in fact there's no AMA that fit him the guy was so small when King said okay here is Emma at least go with Emma and then they tried to put the thing on you couldn't even fit him it was so big and heavy for the little guy so I said please it's okay I don't need it said okay at least take a spear the spear is too heavy for him at least take this rifle why can't the rifle is too it is too big take this weapon of mass destruction said oh I have a better one here these five good pebbles was the new Goliath at brothers like we prophet taught us you guys remember that they were five of them Goliath and his four brothers and it took five stones because you had heard that no these guys are actually five there's one of them with challeng Dicky's but they are actually five five of them said I'm ready let's go fivefold ministry so david guess they and look at what he does when the diane's is drawing closer to him he says david hasted and then Tom words are me to meet the guy he ran toward him imagine this guy Goliath is coming a giant the ground is shaking and there David he didn't even take a step back like he was approaching you know when someone is approaching and the ground is shaking you are like anyway wait wait wait guys just let's this just one a minute give me some water fast he didn't even go back he said okay he's on the rental and the giant Tom what the situation towards the sickness don't want the lack of money toward the poverty said I'm going to meet the challenge head-on he decided to meet it head-on not shy away and act dead some of you roll over the moment you see a problem you say now let's play dead I'm dead therefore please don't touch me I'm already dead because you can't even face the challenge head-on this young guy was so sure so sure about the faith he had him the God that he served he was so sure of it so 100% sure we need more Christians like that people who are so sure you know that you know that you know you say no no no this day don't worry this pits not gonna finish tomorrow right now this day I'll be feeding your head to into the bowels of the egg the vultures are coming to eat your head today imagine someone who has faith that stands still it doesn't budge it doesn't go anywhere he runs toward his problem not run away from it he faces it because he's so sure of himself and the Spirit of God that is within him that's how it ought to be with you in fact David didn't even have the Spirit of God in him he wasn't born again like you he didn't have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of him he just knew God is there and he's with me but God wasn't with him like with you now he wasn't he wasn't his members were not yet one with the Spirit of God no you were a million times better than David a million times better than him with the Holy Spirit in you a million gazillion if that's a number times better than him and yet at the first sight of problems what do Christian new gone you summarized the area in minutes you are gone that's when you know that you haven't had enough of the word new you don't have enough of the word in you you are you are still a babe in the things of the Lord when you run away from situations you are told we have this problem in the family I don't want I don't want problems I don't want to know we have this situation your wife tries to come and tell you we have this situation with the children I I don't want I don't want problems I have too much stress I've do I don't I don't I can't I can't do that's what you say these days David ran toward the problem because he was so sure of the Christ in him he was so sure about the faith that he possessed that isn't New Testament kind of faith he was so sure of it where is your audacity where is it audacious faith says but today today you know people who say this thing will happen by this time at such-and-such a time the reason why you say in 20 days time it means you don't have faith you are trying to sort of give yourself the twenty days to work something out in fact even when I tell you there is something that is happening in three months in your life the Spirit of the Lord already knows this one if it's not if we don't give them the three months to build up it it's not gonna happen tomorrow it's not gonna happen today we already know by the spirit that it's not gonna happen like that so anytime you hear by this time maybe in 20 days time it means there is a lack of faith somewhere and I want to tell you something that is very profound faith doesn't just happen faith takes intelligence faith is not about just random talking out of foolishness out of emptiness faith takes intelligence why do I say that because you see when you get into the word and you start dissecting it you start reading it you start accumulating faith when David approach that guy don't think David was just coming from knowing he understood is good he grew up being taught the statutes of the same God he already knew he had heard stories God is like this he delivered these people from this parties like this so he was so sure that all you I want to prove to you that there is a God in Israel that statement alone tells you of someone who is now so sure they have so much accumulation of faith on the inside of them that they can actually stand and say I want to prove something to you today so faith is accumulating information you are accumulating knowledge intelligently you listen to a service you are taking your notes you refer back to the notes they become a part of you they become a part of your sinuses they become a part of your mindset so every day you are in it you are constantly eating the word every day you are in it your eyes on it's constantly that's what faith is all about so when a problem occurs in your life because you already have an accumulation it's easy for you to say today it's easy for you to say this day out feed your head to the to the fowls of the air it's easy why because you have accumulated the faith on the inside of you you have so much of God's Word in you that anytime you speak it will no matter what it is it's going to listen it will listen so faith is an intelligent thing it's not just something say well we were told we have to have faith so yeah I have faith I have it I have it I feel it I have it no way you get into the word you start standing it study it what does it say here okay when he talks about this Oh what does this mean what about that Oh prophet mentioned this actually okay I'm going to ask a question maybe I'm properties out ask the question so that I can lend some more what about that what about this scripture what about that that's exactly how faith works so it's not just being random it's about being well vist you become so well-versed in something that you become a part of it and it becomes a part of you have you ever seen the people who play a certain sport all the professional golfers for example professional tennis players they'll tell you I literally eat breathe sleep play sport they become masters at it why because they decided I want to gain more knowledge every day every day I'm accumulating a bit more as I practice every day every day I'm getting more and more and more and keeps accumulating and accumulating and that you mean profit wrote that book prayer banks and he said every time you are praying and you are feeding on the word you are accumulating something the clouds are becoming heavier and heavier and heavier you keep speaking and you keep speaking you keep saying it I'm going to give this in my life I'm going to be doing this and I'm going to do this and it's gonna happen oh thank you lord because I know it's already done oh it's already done in the name of you you keep speaking it and you keep speaking it and the clouds are getting heavier and heavier and heavier and before long the rain starts pouring down you declare something you say right I speak this into existence now in the name of Jesus and there it is it happens next thing you know the postman is arriving at the door days your letter that you've been waiting for so long why because you have managed to accumulate the faith so it's not just about randomly singing it yeah I'm just gonna say it we just supposed to say it and believe it know gather the knowledge be intelligence about it gathering the knowledge and when you gather the knowledge you speak it you speak and when I say gather the knowledge I mean the Bible I'm talking about the Word of God here and then you vocalize it you vocalize your faith you stand firm in it and you vocalize it listen God is looking for people who know how to boast in him people who can say oh I want to prove to you there is a God in this United Kingdom hey I'm going to prove it to you sister tell them I want to prove to you that this is a good in Africa there is a God he in the United States that's what David said he said I want to prove to you that there is a God in Israel that's what he told that Goliath today you will know in Israel there is a God though one true God Lord God Jehovah you shall see today I want to prove to you people that's exactly or it would to be God is looking for people who are like that he's looking for them people who he can back up he wants to back up your faith he's waiting for you to speak it so that he can back up your faith he's looking for people like that I don't know how we catching it I'm almost done we are catching it right what's this I remember who died saying I remember you said last time we need faith - even - even love our enemies yes exactly because how do you just love somebody from no it's impossible how am I gonna love a person that I really don't like it doesn't work does it you see you know you're not gonna love someone you don't like from nowhere it takes faith it takes faith faith in you gives you the ability to love people like that I want us to look at one more scripture and then we are done go to Matthew chapter 8 go to Matthew chapter 8 gather their knowledge someone is asking how do I know my calling everyday we have someone asking how do I know how do I know if you don't know it means you really don't maybe you are not cold at all you know every human being on the planet has a calling let me tell you something everybody has a calling we have been given a mandate to preach this good news to every creature on this planet so the calling is in you it's inbuilt in every person so when you are born again you have that feeling that I have to do something I have a calling I have a calling there is something I'm supposed to do and if you are confused about it then you don't if it's concerning the fivefold ministry then don't even touch it don't even touch it until your mentor that's why it's important you have Mentors until your mentor helps you okay now let's really look at this thing closely and any meant we'll be able to tell you and guide you that all right no you are not cold at all I have people have told straight away no no no no you are not you are not a pastor you're just not called as a pastor but you're in the Ministry of helps you are meant to help whatever is happening in the church help that military is also equally as important as a preaching teaching prophetic apostolic evangelistic calling so people always think I'm just helping it means nothing no way the Bible calls it the Ministry of helps it's also Pat it's not even fivefold ministry because the Ministry of helps is also mentioned in the exact same vein that one is just as important so you might be thinking I need to be on a pulpit somewhere no it doesn't mean that at all brother it doesn't mean Oh sister it doesn't mean that at all all right but everybody should win souls and listen you don't have to win souls from a pulpit especially now this covetous really taught you that this is not to just poop it alone all right go to your neighbors check on them go to the people who live around you check on them all right and Minister the Word of God to them all right are we there book of Matthew chapter 8 mm-hmm let's go to maybe the spice Matthew Ava so I want you to really look at this because you see faith is a result of your of you it's a product of your consciousness whatever your consciousness is then that's what you become so faith is a product of your consciousness what is it that you have in your mind what are you feeding yourself with when you feed yourself fear that's exactly what you get what is it that you're feeding on when you have a fear there are people who have a fear of dying every day they think okay is about to happen if you are sick or maybe this is it maybe this is it maybe this is it every day and they are miserable they are stressed out every day and that worry has given them sickness in their body and the doctors don't even know what's wrong with you have you ever heard people who are like that you go to the doctor the doctor says there's nothing wrong with you you are perfectly fine every x-rays tomograph everything they don't even have anymore machines to test anything in your body all of the machines say you are fine why because you are giving yourself sickness out of fear you are too afraid some of you sleep the lights have to be on light some way so you think a demon won't come because your light is on the demon is not even afraid because of the light so the demon doesn't in the afternoon the demons are all over they are not afraid of that they're not afraid of it so you are even scared kid of crazy things fear of the unknown what does tomorrow hold oh I'm so scared tomorrow tomorrow what do you hold for me what is the meaning of that so faith is a product of your consciousness whatever you feed your consciousness whatever you feed your spirit or whatever is in your seumas's that's exactly what comes out if you have too much fear fear is exactly what you get if you have faith then obviously things will move for you all right and now let's go to Matthew chapter 8 guys I'm about to close okay and let's quickly quickly read it mm-hmm and when Jesus was entered into companion mmm-hmm they came unto Him a Centurion beseeching him verse 6 and saying Lord are you Matthew 5:8 Oh Matthew 8 5 to 10 ok ok ok carry on carry on verse 6 and saying Lord my seventh lie at home sick of the palsy grievously tormented verse 7 and jesus said unto him I will come and heal him verse 8 the Centurion answered and said Lord I'm not worthy that those should has come under my roof but do you see that that is amazing I'll read it from a different translation for you so that you can understand it says the Roman officer came and pleaded with Jesus right and then Jesus said I will come and heal him the seventy six and is it I'll come and heal him but the officer said lord I am not worthy to have you come into my my house just say the word from where you were just say the word right and my servant will be healed just like that when Jesus heard this he was amazed he was totally amazed turning to those following him he said I tell you the truth I've never seen faith like this in all of Israel I've been every way I've never seen this kind of faith before the faithless tends to the audacious kind of faith he said please with your kind of power to even now start walking all the way to my house and you see the the best part about all of this is if you look at this Roman officer he was a soldier there was a certain accumulation of knowledge on the inside of him that drove him to say the statement that he told Jesus that day you see in the army he had been taught discipline he had been taught to no no no there is a rank when we are talking about the big boss you can't expect to command the big boss to do anything for you you can't you can't do that so when he approached Jesus he had that knowledge on the inside of him and we had been told about this same Jesus that he's healing people live right and center and he perceived we knew this person is a big person this is someone I can't even I can't even begin to think that this person can come to my house when Jesus gave the proposal so he already had an accumulated level of knowledge in him that taught him rank said no when it comes to the things of the Spirit there is rank so when Jesus said I'll come to your house he said no no no no way I cannot allow you to do that speak the word from there you are men of power speak the word from where you are I know it will be established and guess what that very same hour the servant was healed you can read the story you can continue reading it and you will see all the scriptures there and then the servant was healed there are enough you can read it after this all right so he just said say the word that's the kind of faith we are talking about when you just say no I'm not even concerned about too many things as long as I speak the word because Christ is already on the inside of you the same Jesus who said I'm not coming to your house I want to come to your house is the same Jesus on the inside of you it's the exact same one it's not different different kind of Jesus maybe you people think this Jesus in the Bible is different to the one in the on the inside of you the same one the Roman officer said do not come to my house speak the word from where you are and I know it will be done and for sure it was done the same one he's their living breathing on the inside of you and they you are crying about problems in the Holy Spirit in you is thinking honestly can this person just speak the word can't you just say it for once in your life can't you just speak the word or tatius faith can't you just declare it and actually believe that it is done for once can't you just do it even the angels are looking at you thinking honestly these people don't know what they have the Angels desired this same salvation that we have they didn't benefit angel don't have Christ in them like we do they don't they even yen for the same thing like Wow admiring us like wow because remember the Bible says he made us a little lower then the Angels and they ain't the word angels is Elohim God himself he made us a little lower than himself a little a little there is no massive gap between us and God is it just a little just a little so that he just keeps the part of being God but with us just a little bit whatever power he possesses he gave it to us a little lower than the Angels so you can imagine the kind of power that you possess when you stand then you say I decree and I declare this thing is leaving my house in the next two days because you know your own level of faith so you can say two days because you know my faith is on two days my faith is on five days in the next week this has to happen when we say by this time next year to someone with me a prophesy it's usually a prophecy about a baby and you know that it takes nine months for a baby to be formed so I can't say to a pregnant woman I have too much faith Tuesday today I feel the fire when I touch you right now as I'm doing this I'm going to touch you and by this time tomorrow you have a son [Music] I can't do that alright okay so I have to go okay this is the order this is what God unless God has given me a specific word and he wants it to happen that way we can't say it cannot happen you never know alright so we cannot rule it out completely maybe God can tell one guy you can do this and you'll do it and it'll work out nicely for one reason or the other but usually a baby it's nine months right so pray and we'll say by this time next year because I know for the baby next time this time next year you'll be saying something different you'll be telling us a different story and lo and behold a person has their baby all right so have enough faith to decrease something and it happens the Bible says something in Luke 12:32 he says it is your father's good pleasure good pleasure to give you the kingdom it's your father's good pleasure honestly you are sitting there thinking God is angry at you he's teaching you a lesson by not giving you something it says it's your father's good pleasure not just pleasure good kind of pleasure if it said pleasure alone that would still be amazing but it says good pleasure God takes so much pleasure it's good pleasure to give you the kingdom taste whatever you want I this is my good pleasure please I really want to do this for you just decree it just have enough faith and stand by it stand still when you get there don't short-circuit your miracle today I say I speak a house into my family in the name of Jesus in the next six months something is going to happen in the next six months I will have this house a brand-new house I don't want a house anyone has lived in brand-new house in six months time and then you are happy happy a month later you're saying God why is it that with me everything I don't have anything in my life why is that me every time I'm always the tail you are you've already forgotten that last month you prayed a certain kind of prayer that all the angels are witnesses they had you speaking something and when they when God heard you everything was dispatched and was it right you need to work on this one work on it immediately you guys know how prophet always talks about a special order he says now you heard this is a special order now go this dispatch quickly let's do it and just when the angels are on there they are now halfway to your house you are like so God really is this what you plan for my life really good it honestly me of all the people with what I do in jets the Angels eerie they say Michael let's take it back you hold that corner let's go back you turn and you short-circuit your miracle you short-circuit your miracle by your own words by your own lack of faith at your faith is a currency you want to buy something in the realm of the Spirit you need faith you need faith you need to demonstrate your faith that's it that's all God is asking of you demonstrate your faith so when you speak something you understand oh so Luke 12:32 says it's your father's good pleasure to give you so my father is actually happy to give me anything I want obviously it has to be in line with the Word of God don't be binding people's husbands or people's wives said God but you say this is your good pleasure to give me what I want now that kind of stupidity okay you already know any sane person knows exactly what is in line and what is not so you understand so Luke 12:32 okay so it's God's good pleasure for him to do he takes pride in everything if I need something he's ready to to give it if I need healing then it's done if I need a new house is done if I need my children to be to have supernaturally intelligence in school it is done anything I want it is done now it comes down to your level of faith have faith that stands still faith that says I'm not budging faith that says I'm not moving I am going to stand still be like the Roman so you said I don't even need to do nothing I just need a wet and now because Christ is on the inside of us we don't need to travel to Israel to find Jesus he's already on the inside of you you don't even have to tell Jesus Jesus say the word no Jesus is speaking through your mouth so you are the one who has to say the word if I was to meet the Roman officer today he would ask me to say the word why because I carry Christ so he would say no you you carry Christ just say the word it will still work exactly the same just like Jesus did it why because I have Christ on the inside of me so you have Christ in you your mouth is Jesus mouth everything that comes out it is Jesus speaking it so when you say the word stick with it seeing it through don't budge don't be afraid have faith that stand still glory be to God I hope you call it today I hope you cut it Annie I'm a Shoshone on Facebook he's saying thank you Lord I needed this teaching the most thank human of God for making the voice of God my faith is revived so much Laurie beats a god that was the whole idea just to boost your faith glory on you to be saying WOW I realized why I've been under challenges I I decree and declare that everything is going to change in my life yeah praise the Lord [Music] wow the revolution here is intense thank you so much profit thank you so much thank you so much uh-huh we have tough advocated on item losing faith is just believing in the word and you are always teaching us to always be in the word you teach us the greater level of faith my eyes have been opened hallelujah glory be to God anyway you guys heard it and you have lent it I want you to go ahead and put it into practice I'm going to pray for you right now just so that the seed that has been planted in your spirit today begins to germinate immediately this day I don't want tomorrow or the next day this day if David could stand in front of the biggest mountain the biggest hurdle and point at the mountain and say this day this day to day I'll be feeding your head to the fowls of the air that on desti that audacity then you can certainly decree it whatever situation you are facing tonight I want you to be like David with haste the he stood that fast no dilly-dallying he was like right let's do this this gain time it's so on he said this is time and he rushed towards the problem he rushed towards the problem where the problem is it okay we are going face to face we are colliding today because he was so sure of the Christ that was on the inside of him he was so sure of the faith that was on the inside of him you ought to be sure of yourself you ought to be sure of the Christ in you you ought to be sure of the word in you begin to accumulate it accumulate it faith is what the intelligent it's not a random thing that you just say you study it study the word such the scriptures find the scriptures that pertain to your case that cover your case and you stick to those and your charge blind you are not worried about a thing because you have faith that stencils I don't know pray for you right now just lift up your hands lift up your hands Oh glory be to God hallelujah father in the mighty name of Jesus I pray for every person who is watching me right now lord I pray that you touch their lives touch them in a brand-new way today the seeds that have been planted in their spirit as a result of this word tonight let that seed begin to germinate immediately this day right now let it begin to germinate let it begin to grow may something in you come alive that has been dead for so long I speak life into every dry bone any situation that has been lying stagnant for so long it has gathered so much disease so much heartache so much stress in your life I pray right now that those stagnant waters be dispersed in the name of Jesus those still waters let them be dispersed in the name of Jesus any sickness that was ravaging your body I commanded to leave right now this day that sickness should leave your body in the name of Jesus that sickness has no right no right whatsoever to stay in your body it has no right it has no jurisdiction in your body it is there illegally and that sickness has to bow the name of Jesus tonight that sickness has to check out even if it's a toothache that thing has to go whatever disease it has to go alopecia has to go arthritis go in the name of Jesus blood pressure high blood pressure go in the name of Jesus sugar diabetes you better check out of that body you have no jurisdiction you have no right to stay in that body anything if it was your blood that had issues the tissue inside your flesh if it was your blood cells that have a problem if it was your veins that had the problem that problem is checking out right now in the name of Jesus your muscle if it was a muscle problem it is checking out now in the mighty name of Jesus no bad situation can set can stand the word of the Lord a and as that sickness is checking out you shall prove to your families you shall prove to your community some people already know you because of your condition in your community you shall prove to them that there is God in this country whatever country you are in you better say to yourself I shall prove to them that there is God in this nation I shall prove to them in the name of Jesus your life is a testimony said your life is a testimony you shall flourish you shall expand excellence is your portion in the name of Jesus praise the Lord hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Uebert Angel
Views: 16,373
Rating: 4.9491258 out of 5
Id: Jy_Gq5ENuwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 13sec (5413 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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