DAY 5 Record Breaker Week - with Prophet Uebert Angel

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[Applause] [Music] hallelujah so when you see prophets you might angel he's not entitled so we have it as a country this one is not the title at all it's a real calling and ministry [Music] in this generation there are thousands of ministers and ministries rising and there's one minister i've met whose river runs deep i remember asking god three years ago show me grace and power and he gave me prophet uber angel i live my life by whom that our protection does not lie in our spirituality because many spirituals have fallen but it lies in our relationships relationships generates power and this relationship has generated incredible growth in our ministry this relationship has generated the inexplicable supernatural taking place in our lives this relationship has generated visions and dreams and incredible divine encounters with angels protecting my life and those around us major i want to say thank you for everything you've done in our lives from day one when you prophesied everything you prophesied we're living in right now you are a voice that is inspired from heaven transcending generational barriers a cultural boundary social status race religion you're impacting kings and presidents while reaching the underdog changing lives on a global scale we love you major praise the lord everybody this is the reverend dr e christopher hill this is chris hill i'm so excited to have the opportunity to speak on the behalf of my great brother do you know that there are men of god in the earth that god is using significantly to bring to life the kingdom of god in all its fullness not only is this man of god a prophet of god he's also an incredible businessman and i think it is the intersection of both priest and king that makes the whole kingdom clap in celebration of our lord today we celebrate we salute the great prophet ubered angel i love him he's my brother he's my friend and i'm believing in the days of head god is going to use him to be one of the significant voices that impacts the whole world so let's today put our hands together and thank god for the gift that is prophet angel angel means foreign foreign i am prophet dr kofi danso and i want to bless god for what he's doing with the life of the spirit embezzy it's amazing to see the power of god move in such a great ministry and the most humble prophet of god prophet uber angel and the precious wife baby angel god bless you man of god i want to thank you all who have been part of this great vision and i want you to know greater heights are coming i look around and i always question myself the uniqueness and the authenticness of god's hand upon the ministry and his servants the prophet i want you to know that what most challenge my life is your prayer life you call me one a.m two am 3 am and all you do is men of god let's pray let's see the face of god we don't have much pastors who have had for their members seek the faith of god for their members and pray and intercede for their members it's a real thing and it's a big deal it's not easily found in the body of christ and i want you to know that when the bible says a prophet is in your midst a prophet is one who speaks to god mouth to mouth not a one that god's picked from mouth to ears and i want to thank god prophet every angel you are one of them and i pray that god increases you as we enter into 2018 i see exploits i see expansion i see supernatural favor hear this you prophesy you've seen miracles greater heights are coming i'm excited knowing and being associated and be connected to this ministry shalom god bless you no you know some people have i call you anytime you look at yourself i'll call you you understand but she's not called prophetess because it sounded nice that if the husband is called the prophet she should become prophetess neither is he called a prophet because it sounded nice no i know many people who are prophets but he's truly good news world with hubert angel provoking a reaction and always worth hearing welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome everybody awesome awesome awesome welcome everybody to tonight this is day number five of the global record break a year come on somebody let's give jesus a praise we are doing amazing things tonight and uh the man of god our highly seen prophet is gonna be here on this platform tonight and your lives will never be the same again i want each and every one of you right now to begin to share this broadcast and tell somebody that day five has just begun day five is starting right now and i'm telling you extraordinary things are going to be taking place so the our lineup is is so exciting we have the good news artists here tonight [Applause] we have the seer here again tonight last night was absolutely amazing but tonight is going to be extraordinary and of course we will have our highly esteemed prophets prophet hebert angel who is the voice of god not only to us but the voice of god to the whole world the voice of god to he is actually the prophet to all christians and it is mandatory for you to be able to tune in tonight and be live tonight so i want each and every one of you right now to begin to share this broadcast if you can see me well and if you can hear me just begin to type where you from and what place you're watching us from and we will give you a warm welcome as you are typing we will hand over this time to apostle femi as he will be singing the song record breaker [Music] my god my god [Music] [Music] thank you this year [Music] [Music] [Music] this is this year we taking over i bless miracle tv and prophet angel i pray the lord will bless you and keep you anoint you i want to pray that the lord will bless your ministry father in jesus name the anointing of the holy ghost will descend and bless the great ministry anointed mightily in the name of jesus and for your glory and all of you watching this network support it and we need the gospel to go around the world blessings to you shalom from israel and i will see you soon i pray bless you bye [Music] no you know some people have i call you anytime you look at yourself i'll call you you understand but she's not called prophetess because it sounded nice that if the husband is called the prophet jesus should become prophetess neither is he called a prophet because he sounded nice no i know many people who are prophets by touching those true [Music] [Applause] good news world with hubert angel provoking a reaction and always worth hearing hello everyone hello everybody hello everybody hello everyone hello everyone hello everyone hello everyone hi everyone hello everybody welcome to the record breaker week i'm so blessed to be here like i say it's not my favorite but it's by grace and i'm so thankful to be here and today i'm here with my young record breakers my panel so say hi to everybody watching hello everybody thank you so much for watching and remember to share this broadcast like i say i'm just the appetizer and prophet is going to come today to be bring the main course all right so all right so just from yesterday for the people that didn't watch can you tell us what you do your name and you know how has prophet been an impact in your life i would like to thank my man of god prophet uber angel um it is honestly an honor to be here um here on this set this opportunity that he's given me thank you so much sir and the grace that is on his life is working in my life um my name is shawna and from yesterday we were here speaking about business and the businesses that we were into and i am currently doing a marketing business i'm also doing a courier business and building a platform where a number of other businesses can advertise for their um career services as well so uh can you tell me how this year has been record-breaking for you well this year you know how prophet said we are the record-breakers the year is not named but we are that's right so um i took that word and i said okay i am a record breaker so this year i have to and profit has been breaking records from the first of january so i'm just watching him has been such an inspiration and you know we have record-breaking immunity record-breaking access and doors have been opened in ways even for the courier project to happen it wasn't something i even went to look for but it was something like access that i was given so it's just amazing thank you amazing you can do better than that you can do better than that forehead you can clap better than that forever all right and yeah your name and um this year has been a record-breaking gift for you same question thank you sir um first and foremost i'd like to thank and honor my man of god prophet angel sir we honor you for thank you for this platform for even allowing us to be here we're here because of you and the words that you pour into our lives for me this year has just been amazing like we discussed before i run an actuarial consulting company which means that we help companies make business decisions whether it's decisions with their money on where they invested where they send their money the risks uh that come with that investment that they have made as well as dealing with data management for a company so every company has data that's coming in and out but you need to know what data what that data is telling you what what story is your business telling you and you helping businesses make decisions based on that data and hopefully helping them to make more money that's amazing so i want to ask you what what was your highlight from this year so far because i understand uh taking it from the 31st of december going into january there's an award that you won yes uh possibly the best moment of my life i won the award for okay we'll start i want two awards actually all right so let's go we'll start with the first one was um on the branch level our most outstanding youth in the london branch and then to top it off as the best way to start any year possible as the most outstanding youth internationally wow so amen it is it is amazing it is an honor and again it's only possible for you to be able to do that under this grace that we are under and once again uh prophet prophet prophet yvette angel prophetess beverly angel thank you so much for everything that you're doing we really do truly honor you and thank you for everything amen that's really amazing that's really amazing um like i said i want to thank my father i have to thank my father a million times right because without him this would not be happening so i'm so thankful to him and like they were talking about these guys don't talk to profit on that level they just i'm succeeding this far just from reading his books from reading his word uh for example one record breaking for thing for me this year was starting a black gold h2o um it was it was really amazing because it was started in the scam dimmick you understand it was starting to scam themic and i remember thinking nothing was going to move it's something that was in the plans for a long time you know jumping off the wave of black gold premium decided to do black gold h2o and we thought i thought it was done we'll do it in 2021. until just being with the prophet every day every day and just him interceding just seeing him not even needing to talk to him and like you were saying yesterday that he said you know this year doesn't stop because of some scandemic you understand even in the lockdown period prophet was saying we may be in lockdown but jesus is not in lockdown are you understand what i'm saying so starting black gold was a big thing and then in the this period of getting into south africa into stores was a big thing for me so that was a uh a really record-breaking thing so i asked a lot of you to send us questions right uh things they wanted to ask you so we got a few questions all right from fifa so no pressure at all all right all right so jackson underscore angel underscore says hello sia and crew can you please get a little bit deeper on how you read and meditate and study the words well i remember um listening to you know listening to prophet's messages he goes through the bible and one thing that really touched me is that when you listen to him you then take the message and you go back and you study and that's how you study the scriptures and that's how you would meditate meditate on them so that's something i adopted myself and started doing it because then you're in sync with what he's teaching you're in sync with the words that he's releasing and you're then giving yourself time to re-meditate on them and let them sink in really yeah so that's what that's amazing and yourself um how do you meditate on the word because this person i think he's asking how do i meditate on the word how do study wants to learn from you guys so the first thing is to open your bible [Laughter] um but like what my sister shan is saying so do they just open the bible and read what or whatever if you know genesis verse one verse one that's that's uh genesis one verse one that's the first point and then uh john one verse one and then first john one verse one which is something that our prophet said is his heart and that he like he the moment that that that verse is read he is like on another level um but our prophet has been online literally every single day that's right since this even before uh the whole cover 19 uh experience he has been online and we've got messages on every single platform so you go back to those messages you read them and something that he says is that the followers of paul there was a church in paul where paul um really loved this church because every time paul preached something they would go and they would search the scriptures amen they would go and they would find it and find and something that our prophet says is that you don't read one verse on its own but there's always a linking verse to it that's right so you always investigate those verses and our prophet does that incredibly well where you start off with one verse and then you end up he's linking it to something that was said in the old testament then he's linking it back to the first to like the new testament and that is something where like notes are very important as well like as you as you're listening to our prophet teaching make those notes go back to those notes as shanna said but then most importantly just go back to like even like the classic messages that have come up on good news tv on roku tv on um channel five nights on channel 596 on free viewing sky just literally go back to the messages that is the greatest starting that's amazing that's really amazing and i like i like what you said about writing down notes prophet really expresses that a lot about writing down notes and you know when the bible talks about write down these visions so that angels may run with it right so it's really powerful what you're saying about writing down the notes actually learning going back to the message so that's really powerful all right so we've got a question from chuck stella yeah don't worry yeah the name is uh i don't know why people had x's and numbers in their names but it has a different it's like symbols it's like drawings but anyways obviously you guys are successful right big kingdom financiers and young record breakers really making moves right so this person's question is what are your personal daily routines to being successful actually that's a really good question what do you do because obviously they're watching this and they're like you're here you know that's a big statement you know you guys have obviously done something that has provoked a reaction you understand so what are your daily routines to being successful well i would definitely say investing in knowledge um you know profit is really really into reading he says you know open a book and read so i think that's one principle that will lead to success is gaining knowledge so um you know reading the books that he's written reading um even the the craft that you have reading about that so that you can increase the knowledge um that's definitely one success principle i would definitely say praying i would definitely say you know focusing on having intimacy with god and with the holy spirit you know because that's really really important um yeah i think that's my three principles if somebody just reads their bible and listens to their message they will automatically be successful no all right so you know the bible says be doers of the word all right so it's not just enough for you to read it that's why when we're saying you listen to the message you write your notes you meditate on those and then you know you then have actions you know and prophet always says that god is into changing hearts not into changing actions that's right so as you're doing that and as you're gaining the knowledge that's how your heart has changed and then your actions are changed amen that's a really great answer that's a really great answer all right and yourself um first thing i do well even before i sleep i usually sleep after midnight but first thing i do is um read the goodness daily uh that's the first thing that's the first book i open uh read the goodness daily and then something that our profit always amazon is rich people on time both people are never on time so make sure that you're on time whether it's an appointment whether you're going to work whether you're meeting somebody with it even tuning into this broadcast beyond time and that's the those are the what those are really those are really great great answers and like you were saying be you be doers it's really a powerful thing like always tells us to take action like you were saying with the good news daily it's a word for every single day and it's really mandatory that you read it if the prophet himself reads his own words he understands like we're talking about yesterday the bible everything in the bible is word activated any miracle any prosperity is word activated so that was really an amazing thing so we've got five more minutes left but in this five more minutes left um like you were saying just carrying off what you were saying you know i think a good verse is proverbs 4 7. and it talks about wisdom it talks about um wisdom is the principle thing you understand and wisdom means sophia the exact word i understand it so if you want to be successful in business have wisdom be smart you understanding what i was saying so that's very good you can clap for them guys you can clap that's really amazing so um well i think we'll just do two more questions or something like that right and understood uh keep before the prophet comes and delivers the main course all right so underscore uh key e a i don't know why these guys do some stupid user names here i swear yeah you guys might i think i'll text you personally sir um is listening to circular music as sin and why my advice is go on to you but angel i like that i like that on the youtube page um he did a whole sermon on secular music and he calls it hell's belts that's right exactly and i think the title itself will signify you know all right okay but the fact that they're asking that it means that something doesn't agree with the experience yeah that's right so i think that so can you give us a little bit of intel both of you why it is just a little snippet for us so them they know um the words because you know it's just like um i think that we all know he's in the prophet is a millionaire all right prophet is rich our father is rich but just like yesterday seeing other millionaires you understand on set like pasta titus pastor ronnie it also you know it's refreshing to see other people you understand what i'm saying so i think that person understands that there's a preaching but it's a different thing to under to hear the same thing from somebody that's their age do you understand that's what i'm just saying can you touch on it a little bit why both of you why you think you know how's those yeah well it's called secular music right so it's not um really kingdom focused it's not jesus focused and the words that you're speaking as we're saying um you know your miracles and is voice activated and so the words you're speaking in those songs aren't correlating with what god is saying about you and what his word is saying about you that's right so it is better for you to listen to songs that will edify your spirit than to listen to songs that gratify your flesh and most secular songs do that so my advice is listen to good news music you know i think yeah i think that was an amazing that was a great answer yeah what the what you listen to given to your imaginations and your imaginations are the source of the actions that you do so when you listen to music that's talking about doing certain things acting a certain way that's not in line with the word of god then the actions you're going to be doing the things you're going to be thinking are not going to be in line with the word of god um our prophet of his references uh is getting hard in here that is an action every time it gets it gets hot you're going to want to do that action because that's what the song says so um yeah that's amazing that's it that's that's amazing all right before we get to it i see a lot of people uh commenting commenting right and somebody i see this comment a lot and it really annoys me about i'm in africa and i can't start a business i can't do this and my uh message or my statement to that will be do you think jesus cares enough about your geographical location is this word not powerful enough for africa by you saying that it's actually an insult first of all to me to my father which insults me which in south pastor chris which insults god i understand what i'm saying so is the word not powerful enough to be the same in uk and london so i said that's a very stupid answer you know that's how i'll leave that okay so somebody says is it wrong to have friends who are in the world who are still in the world is it wrong to have friends that who are still in the world prophet is always saying don't have friends have straight lines right so you need to be able to see what's happening you know with your friends but i i get where they're coming from you know maybe they're still you know friends at school and you're like okay well i don't want to be by myself big influence yeah yeah exactly in your opinion what do you think do you think that you know what it's better to have no friends you know yeah i i think people are out in the world yeah i mean yeah my advice is it's better to have friends who have the same mindset as you um friends who have the same focus as you and so it's not to say don't befriend someone who's in the world but maybe if you're you know wanting to speak to them it's with the intention of this is a soul for the kingdom of god that would be my advice yeah i think that's that's exactly what i was about to say i you know i had the same issue as well uh when i was going to school now i don't go to school you know i actually officially dropped out just to focus on the ministry but um yeah the same thing as i have i had friends that were in the world but at the same time if i didn't you know if i just uh deleted my relationship with these friends how was i going to save them to christ you understand so what would your answer be as well um my answer would be that who has the influencing power in that friendship group is it that they're influencing you or you're influencing them so the thing is if you're going to have friends from outside have the power and have the knowledge of how to influence them so that they then think like you which means that they're then kingdom focused then you can remain to be friends with them um but otherwise like our sister there has to be an intention with it so if you're talking to somebody who's not in the um good news world uh but also not in the kingdom of god then find something to connect with them with on but then use that connection to bring them to the kingdom all right i think yeah i'll i'll just ask you one more question before the prophet comes we're left with a few more seconds left but i'll just ask you one question really quickly because this question has been asked so many times all right so is being in a relationship a necessity and why just quickly necessity um i don't think it's a necessity all right right okay um i'm not saying don't be in a relationship because obviously i can't tell you you know what to do um but as we're saying what is your intention for that um relationship that you're in you know prophet always says let your relationships be an investment for the kingdom so let your marriage be an investment for the kingdom so if you're kingdom focused um then it's not necessarily a necessity because you can still you know make an impact in the kingdom without being with someone um yeah that would be my advice amen and yours uh um hubert angel uh we've got singles conference part one singer's conference part two singles conference part three but again as always what's the intention behind it if you're dating for the sake of dating so you can tell your friends that oh i've got a girlfriend i've got a boyfriend oh kiss kiss ha ha um that's not the purpose of it if you are dating with the intention of getting marriage or you're dating with the intention of doing something for the kingdom it's an investment um but i definitely recommend that you check out singles part one part two part three thank you so much and listen i just wanna say a few things before uh we close right i wanna say thank you to my man of god first of all for this opportunity right you know i always say it was so nice the first time we had to do it twice right so i'm blessed that he gave us the opportunity again so is there anything you want to say just lastly to the viewers um i would definitely say your age is not should not be your focus um you can make an impact you can do amazing things there are millionaires billionaires who are even under the age of 15 16. so make an impact and be kingdom focused and also spiritual growth invest invest in your spiritual growth read the books that our man of god has written listen to the messages and invest in yourself amen and yourself um our prophet always says that we are partakers of his of his grace so we are his we are part of his signal he's signing us so he's our he should be our starting level so make sure that you're working towards being at his level to be the starting point and then you can go on to achieve greater amen so don't limit yourself all right thank you so much and listen um this is this is going to be my my closing statement before the prophet comes all right so get ready share this broadcast to everyone because the prophet is about to come but this is gonna be my closing uh statement i hear a lot of people saying uh it seems like you mentioned god more than your father all right and the fact is yes i do you understand the bible says in 1 john 4 20 if any man loves his loves god yet hates his brother he is a liar it's the same thing bro god's deepest thing is just for his prophet to be believed so i would definitely follow my father while he's following god you understand and that's the last statement but see you after this break and the prophets will back [Music] [Music] i like it [Music] me you are my only provider you are [Music] [Music] god is my blessing foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] you are my only provider you are my everyday check the friday [Music] [Music] [Music] check the father [Music] god is my blessing [Music] in this generation there are thousands of ministers and ministries rising and there's one minister i've met whose river runs deep i remember asking god three years ago show me grace and power and he gave me prophet uber angel i live my life by rule that our protection does not lie in our spirituality because many spirituals have fallen but it lies in our relationships relationships generates power and this relationship has generated incredible growth in our ministry this relationship has generated the inexplicable supernatural taking place in our lives this relationship has generated visions and dreams and incredible divine encounters with angels protecting my life and those around us major i want to say thank you for everything you've done in our lives from day one when you prophesied everything you prophesied we're living in right now you are a voice that is inspired from heaven transcending generational barriers a cultural boundary social status race religion you're impacting kings and presidents while reaching the underdog changing lives on a global scale we love your major [Music] [Music] i'm my friend here all the way from zimbabwe we're really from england prophet angel and his precious wife they operate in the office of a prophet god's hands on him in in a very unique way with the operation of the word of knowledge that is probably i've never seen it in another human being like that [Music] and he gets attacked mercilessly in the papers by other christians even pastors that will come to visit him he told me he said they come to visit me they walk into my office and they say put away your bible put away there tell us how you really do this yeah and don't tell us from the scripture they think he's doing something wrong how does he know these things and so they mock they mock them they think they're not but they're mocking the gifts of the spirit of god because they don't believe that people can hear god like this but attacked mercilessly because a gift that came on his life when he was a little boy it doesn't it's not like a gift that operates in church with the choir singing the gift just operates all the time he look at people and he sees things over their heads he sees writing on the fart he sees names and it's it is phenomenal i mean this is real this is real but you've got whole people within the church that comes against him and his wife and i know his wife she operates the same way and his little boy operates the same way [Music] and people will want to use that gift in the ministry in america because they don't have it themselves they don't have the anointing so they come around the anointing to use the gift and god's blessing they have a great church in harare they have a church in botswana they have a church in namibia they have a church in zambia they have a church in england and he's a young man he's just a young man with the hand of god's on him and when when i first met him i said i'm so excited that god would come and touch his life with that gift and it wasn't like he come out of an extended fast he was eating berries at a bush and the lord said i've raised you up as a prophet for the last days [Music] that's a unique anointing that god is using to shake whole regions of africa presidents call him [Music] to get a word but his ministry really is only in the beginning because of what god's going to do can you say amen [Music] i am prophet dr kofi danso and i want to bless god for what he's doing with the life of the spirit embezzy it's amazing to see the power of god move in such a great ministry and the most humble prophet of god prophet you bear angel and a precious wife baby angel god bless you man of god i want to thank you all who have been part of this great vision and i want you to know greater heights are coming i look around and i always question myself the uniqueness and the authenticness of god's hand upon the ministry and his servants the prophet i want you to know that what what most challenge my life is your prayer life you call me 1 am 2 am 3 a.m and all you do is men of god let's pray let's see the face of god we don't have much pastors who have had for their members seek the faith of god for their members and pray and intercede for their members it's a real thing and it's a big deal it's not easily found in the body of christ and i want you to know that when the bible says a prophet is in your midst a prophet is one who speaks to god mouth to mouth not a one that god's picked from mouth to ears and i want to thank god prophet every angel you are one of them and i pray that god increases you as we enter into 2018 i see exploits i see expansion i see supernatural favor hear this you prophesy you've seen miracles greater heights are coming i'm excited knowing and being associated and be connected to this ministry shalom god bless you [Music] praise the lord everybody this is the reverend dr e christopher hill this is chris hill i'm so excited to have the opportunity to speak on the behalf of my great brother do you know that there are men of god in the earth that god is using significantly to bring to life the kingdom of god in all its fullness not only is this man a god a prophet of god he's also an incredible businessman and i think it is the intersection of both priest and king that makes the whole kingdom clap in celebration of our lord today we celebrate we salute the great prophet ubered angel i love him he's my brother he's my friend and i'm believing in the days of head god is going to use him to be one of the significant voices that impacts the whole world so let's today put our hands together and thank god for the gift that is prophet angel [Music] is [Applause] we are experiencing a great great great move of the spirit this whole week has been it's been brilliant amazing amazing amazing and the youth oh man the youth has been great really i think you know like like i said yesterday we had more quotations of the word than when adults on stage yes more connections of sayings and and the prophetic declarations more than any other time that means these youth are taking this seriously like i always say the youth is not the church of tomorrow it is the church now see it is the church now it's not gonna go anywhere this is it so i'm today with uh the vp himself uh thank you so much [Applause] thank you so much sir for this opportunity thank you sir thank you and we have uh dr rony thank you sir thank you so much thank you for this opportunity beloved in all these um colleges and stuff like that they love him the man knows what he's talking about all right so so while is we are live here on tv things are taking place right now things are taking place right now watch uh tell somebody to watch and tell somebody to actually share in fact share with somebody tell them we are live right now on tv and something good is ready to take place something but we're gonna go just before i get to the main event let's get to pastor savannah uh singing something very exciting ministering the word of god through music all right [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] the power of [Music] that's [Music] chains are broken [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] everywhere the holy spirit [Music] [Music] changed [Music] i received [Music] is [Music] [Music] my miracles [Music] [Laughter] can you say you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] no you know some people have i call you anytime you look at yourself i'll call you do you understand but she is not called prophetess because it sounded nice that if the husband is called the prophet she should become prophetess neither is he called a prophet because it sounded nice no i know many people who are prophets by attaching those truths [Music] [Applause] angel provoking a reaction and always worth hearing we we are back what are we talking about tonight what are we talking about tonight prophet tonight we're talking about the prophetic the prophetic i think you are very important and also understanding that sunday is actually our global prophetic declaration sunday so it's going to be exciting so you you don't want to miss sunday so it's exciting we're going to take a few uh minutes uh discussing this subject where are we starting from uh dr rony there's a question that people normally ask prophet which is and also if you have your own questions about the prophetic send them yes sir all right thank you very much sir there's a question that people normally ask which is sometimes a prophetic word is given and then the individual that received it doesn't see the results or doesn't come out doesn't tell out exactly the way that it was given so they so many people would want to know how come it is that maybe there's another individual that's there receives a different prophetic word and they receive the results they receive their miracle immediately and yet somebody else might it might not turn out the same way all right we we had an example uh it's a very good question but we had an example in um we called that the cold storage it was so cold that room where two one nigerian yes and another guy who wasn't when he wasn't a generation they one brought their own child that's right with dancing with down syndrome yes in the church yes and he said can you pray for this child and as i began to prophesy and i declared that this child will be healed or healed this guy did not even flinch didn't say hallelujah at all one guy who had his own child at the back there who was nigerian yes with his own child down syndrome the child was at home right that's right sir shouted with like beyond this one and i said this one has just received it that's great sir and the following sunday sunday prophet the following sunday the nigerian on the back brought his own child who was totally healed the one i was prophesying so you start realizing that there is the receiving is the problem the poor problem is not really the um the outlet it is the inlet amen hallelujah how the inlet receives that prophetic word is different the bible says who has received who has believed our report hallelujah in other words it says but to him who has received our report is the arm of the lord revealed and the word i'm there is the word that means force of the lord mirror says the whole armies of heaven are revealed and released to that one person who believes the report hallelujah so remember what i said god's obsession is not sword-winning otherwise all muslims would be christians christians yes hindus would be christians so god's main obsession is to be believed that's right if you can only believe all things are possible if you can only believe that's right not if you can only give giving is a proof of belief believing that's right so he's saying if you can only believe only believe you see god's made this thing so easy glory he put the prerequisite on two words amen only believe believe me do you want healing only believe amen you want prophets to come to pass only believe you want to be a billionaire only believe you want to be healed only believe you want to be born again only believe that's it it's so simple our god is so simple you don't do 29 steps to getting salvation no no only believe that's it so so most people don't believe but also there is also a scripture that says it this way if there is a country and i decree and declare a word of prosperity on that country and that country sins i will repent from the good that i wanted to do to that country and if there is also a nation that i say destruction is coming and the country repents from his evil then i'll also repent so god can change his mind of course god can't change his mind after the prophetic word has been respected exactly look at what jonah what happened with jonah he prophesied that you're all gonna die amen they didn't die no the men when they thinking these people are dying they didn't die of course god's word will never fall to the ground five hundred years later in the days of nahum he came back to nineveh and killed them amen so we understand but it wasn't those people it was another people that didn't repent so the case was still around but it was lifted for these people that were there because they changed amen but he's still waiting for somebody to mess up so that he can lend so the rest was already still there because the word is only listen words can only be destroyed by other words right right where is that a release that's still alive yeah glory remember what we mentioned earlier on about i think in in the week when we're dealing with um the word that comes from heaven and the word that is spoken yes uh and that is already in the word in the bible it says we have a more sure where that's right it means we have a most terrible word in the word yes so that word that came from heaven was not as stable as the one we found in the word amen so imagine that the voice of god audibly into your spirit into my spirit into whatever is speaking to you listen is not as terrible as this amen we have a more sure which is immortal it is stable but what is stable is this one hallelujah now i don't know if you understand i don't know if you understand this word from the day that it was inspired still carries the same power when god and it even carries more power when i begin to speak it right you see the difference here if god says something i don't really go around saying it again but if i read it i meditate on it i keep speaking it that's so powerful that's why my mentor says keeps saying when you get ahold of it keep talking keep talking don't stop talking about it amazing prophet thank you sir for this wisdom prophet a few days ago you mentioned as you gave it an example of when the children of israel were leaving egypt and you mentioned prophet that when moses the deliverer came to deliver the people it was right at the prophetic timing of god but because of one stupid fool yes who didn't believe the problem before it's bigger than a4 right this is not just a foreign all right prophet you mentioned that because of his unbelief it caused for for the whole nation to actually then remain in bondage so could we then say that um if one received the prophetic word and they failed to believe it can then cause them to remain in their situation and not actually receive attend their time of deliverance to a point where the postponed rather the time of deliverance to a certain level and then they wander then they start thinking the prophet is false wow wow that's that's very profound because there's something you mentioned in your book here how to hear the voice of god yes yes uh when you were talking about uh how the widow of zaraphat had been commanded by god to feed a prophet yes yet when the prophet showed up she didn't seem to have the information she didn't even know that she was instructed she didn't know that she was instructed and he got there with an answer with the solution that would sustain her for the rest of her life but she's thinking the man is coming to take something something from me so it's possible that you can be sent a solution to you and your own spirituality removes the solution moves the solution from it's only you is removing it so you're the only thing that prevents it from happening to you amen the word is already there beloved i wish above all things that's the holy ghost speaking amen that you prosper in being healthy even if you're so prosperous amen what is he saying he says the wish of god is for everybody to be prosperous amen but are all prosperous no is god a liar no why are not all people prosperous he says i wish this is what i want for you i know the plans i have for you my god i know the plans so god says i'm aware of what i need what i want to say among you amen yes but guess what the people are not in that mode my god all right all right prophet we just have a question here prophet um it seems um that there could be i don't know whether we can say is it discrepancy in the prophetic whereby a prophet says that by such such a time for example like by the 27th this event will will actually uh be over but it's definitely more than the 27th now we are actually months and months and months within this pandemic would we say that the prophet missed i think we we have um two things that we need to look at um let me start by this and i understand we we're talking about t.b joshua here and i don't mention names but i have to mention this one uh prophet t.b joshua said 27 the thing will be gone yes sir and um according to science is still here yes and according to governments it's still here now i want to tackle two things here what makes a false prophecy is not that the person is not a prophet or is a prophet all right let me just explain let me deal with it it is the source of the prophecy that makes it a false prophecy let me explain i did not say this is a false prophet it's not i will explain why t.b joshua wasn't wrong wow wow yeah yeah we're going to deal with that now now i'm not here to defend prophet t.b joshua or or to endorse him that he's endorsed by god not by me all right so and i've always said to people be careful how you speak about this man of god yes yes and we we get a lot of questions like that and we're seeing a lot of questions coming up here yes yes sir you know and a lot of people are asking questions and a question and and this is the only time i said okay i can talk about i can answer these things and and to the best of my knowledge and my level of understanding and knowing that i'm a big stakeholder in this thing called the prophetic now so i would say to you the the there are two things here there are two words we just called nabi or naba yes never is the correct prophecy and zaid is the wrong prophecy now this doesn't have to be with what have you said it's only the sauce oh no you're not getting me if i say to you fetch me some water and you bring the water if the glass is dirty the water is also dirty best on the vessel that's right yeah yeah we can even go to the to the to the laboratory they say there is no gem whatsoever but i won't drink it because i've seen the cup now you want to send the point now the reason why immediately i said tb josh was correct it's because i know he's a genuine prophet so the moment i spoke like that that now tells you whatever you see him say i interpreted knowing exactly what got him to this point come on but if you approach to be joshua and think he's a false prophet in your head prophet in your head anything he says you interpret it as a foreigner i don't know if you're getting the point remember when we were grade one to seven uh you know getting to the cambridge uh side of landing in you know that that this um our colonized nations were subjected to by the british society and the british government with the western world we got to a point where we said um sev two into two into six we say three three yes then we say six into three you see we said it can't it can't until we got to secondary level then we started dealing with decimal zero points yes yes yes yes was it the wrong thing at that time or is it the wrong thing for all time it was the wrong thing at that time that's right for the people who were hearing it at that time okay oh let me get this if we say this was wrong we have to come back to the level where god says for 400 years you'll be in captivity and then people did 432 years so god is the first prophet do you see what i'm trying to say so you look at things and then you measure them in a certain way let's let's come to this so some some people are not getting it some people are not getting it the bible says to the impure everyone is impure to the prostitute everyone is a prophet that's right 20th everyone is stealing that's why people want to say oh angel is stealing from church who studied the church i think i did yeah so if i did that means i used my money to start this thing yes yes oh so so you you you actually agreed that i invested yes you did oh okay now so no problem so so how do i steal from the church that i started come on now you can't if you say i took money we can start discussing yes yes and i don't take the money anyway because there's no money today but if there was and i took money it's taking money how can he be stealing i started the thing i used my own mind to start she was in the point i'm still talking no people on facebook are saying the point is clear sir and they're getting a lot out of it jessica is saying that's right uh and someone's saying yes sir so so understand here when we're dealing with entities like t.b joshua they've caused a lot of impact in the nation in the nations of the earth filled up stadiums and stadiums people getting born again that alone should make you go shush i won't talk for that second i always say to people when t.b joshua has done more than you in christianity just relax yeah the bible says whether it be it be by jealous because of jealousy envy the gospel of god is being preached anyway that means if you say he's evil he's still preached so let's go back to the year the number number is the correct prophecy but it means bubbling forth watch this now bubbling forth yes sir then when we go to saeed it means boiling up that means when a prophet bubbles forth it's like instantaneous yes it comes without expecting like why am i being forced to do this yes why am i being forced to call this person peter yes when i think he looks like a john yes yes true that shock that comes into you say god says this is johnny like no no but he looks like an andrew it's bubbling forth but when it boils up that means it's planned it is still coming up with the name john or peter which is correct and your good prophecy naba is bringing peter my zayd is bringing peter my number is bringing peter this one zaid is bringing peter the answer is still correct yes but one is the first prophet and one is real they didn't get it man it is the way it comes it's not what we said so it's not it's not in the information the that's why it's so difficult that christians can actually be deceived by false prophets because they will hear the same thing and they measure based on who is correct do you know let me tell you a secret yes you can't prophesy better than a fake prophet come on now i think prophet has got the information yes sir yes sir before he even sees the person who already has everything was written from one to facebook prophecy they already have all the information yes 29 names from their generation yes memorized yes yes and you were coming here god tells you three names yeah and people say that guy is sharper than this one no no that guy you understand the point so i want you to understand here that it's not so much what the information that comes out is the vessel that carries the information has it uh consecrated as a prophet by god wow remember the scripture where uh the false prophets were getting it correctly yes yes and god said who can go to the spirits and become a lying spirit so that they start the false prophets were getting it correctly it's amazing a liar speaking truth i don't know if you're getting the point now so a lot of people then don't get that part and they get bamboozled and lie to wide because they only concentrate on the information that comes they have no ability to measure and see is this god's vessel talking and you don't measure by what you heard he did what you had he's doing what are you hearing he's doing no because remember if i judge you today maybe you changed last night yes sir yes sir maybe you changed two minutes before you came here you nailed down before god and say i'm sorry and somebody is trying to oppose you how will i know that this one has changed and i'm busy trying to attack what you did two years ago or what somebody like that you did two years ago so it seems that the christians of today seem to measure the prophetic uh or judge the prophetic based on the information they're receiving from newspapers and tabloids that's what i'm trying to say now if you look at the way i talk about brother branham yes i put brother branham on a pedestal yes right and if you take brother brennan's available videos and put them there and you put mine there and you measure based on the details you think i'm bigger than brother yes sir but then i tell you no branham was way beyond a prophet then you wonder how how can branham be bigger because your measurement is how many names did the angel call out and how many names did brenham call out maybe brandon calls two names and says go up let's go home and be well and people clap and then i come in and say your name is this your mother's name i i i read the letter that is in your pocket is nothing oh this guy is sharper no no no no no it is not that way that you measure it you measure the grace upon a man the content of god in a man and the grace the access he has to god that is unprecedented some things that god says [Applause] that when god sees branham and his angel he says why are you standing next to him you're not the same people brandon is way beyond come on so a lot of people have a problem they measure by the number of names like oh my god if you can mention anything we don't know if branham couldn't wow because all i do that i i know brother branham used to do was to get only to raise your faith and if your faith is raised they're done yeah see nowadays i don't try to to try and prove that i'm a prophet now no i don't i just feel like if i mention something sometimes you see sometimes i go somewhere and i mention one name yeah and the person is already under the spirit and they are already believing they already it's already happening yes yes and i don't have to add more names yes when i was young i would do anything acrobatics yes you understand you want to say you understand we we set the mood by which the prophets of nowadays are using yes yes we will put the model we rock the syllabus it's just unfortunate that fake prophets are also what copying the system i remember when we when we launched the prophetic in uh in zimbabwe in the seven days of uh seven days of uh of the prophetic the prophetic of the prophetic with prophet muhammad yes sir we me after the end of the the whole conference yes sir we stood there in front and said in fact i i remember saying they are from today they are going to be fake prophets rising yes sir copying what is happening yes sir 100 we have it on video and you would actually be shocked that the people who are watching there left that church left mine and followed the fake prophet who had just come from there yes sir no no you didn't get it now yeah yeah because they didn't listen i did not say we were the only prophets as just said the word that came that day amen because most christians are simply focused on what did he say to somebody amen did he discover the thing if you notice that the testimonies of prophets that are happening around the earth now in churches up your name is ronnie he will say yes there is a testimony here sir this man you said ron you have never met any anywhere he is actually called running yeah i looked at these uh certificate yes it is oh wow nobody says wait did the thing that the prophet say about a person did it come to pass yes that's right yeah yeah that's where the problem is now did it happen that's what you track amen even if you get results it doesn't mean they say the man is a prophet amen hallelujah the man is a prophet by being appointed a prophet by god not by operating in it that's right yes amen oh my god i don't know if you understand powerful prophet it's it's amazing sir because when my last born um asha was born we were actually in dubai and i remember that incident very well prophet because i received the photograph of him with tubes coming from his nose everywhere and because i was far away as a father was concerned so i came in and knelt down before your prophet and i showed you the picture of my son and uh your response i can never forget this your response was a smile and i wanted a response prophet i was hoping that you would prophesy something you would say something or you would mention certain things but you just smiled and you and uh by the following day prophet my son was destroyed from the hospital and that's when when i came back when i came back to your prophet you say to me that remember the scripture that says by a prophet israel was delivered and preserved not by prophecy and by the presence of a prophet in my life i've seen my son and all of my children going from one level of glory to another level of glory sir because of the presence of a prophet and not just simply the prophetic words that you utter absolutely that's the grace if you if you if you see um paul says the works of an apostle have been demonstrated among you amen that means they are also works of a prophet being demonstrated amen you can do miracles the way you want amen then the prophet will do miracles the way some other way that's what they say to jesus we have not seen it done in this fashion that you are doing there was a sitting style glory to god you performed these things now amen now in prophecy i want you to see something here dealing with what um prophet t.b joshua said yes yes sir and i want to if you're a follower of prophet t.b joshua and you are on my live program right now yes sir listen here correctly all right there are a lot of people out there just going out there to try and destabilize what christianity is all about he said he said he's saying i'm by no means all right saying i need to endorse prophet t.b joshua or not endorsing that's not my issue here all right my issue i've already told you he's a genuine prophet yes yes what you don't like about him that's your own palabra you get the point now so we we have him here saying 27th is t.b joshua a natural man or a spiritual man according to the scriptures spiritually spiritual so what then he speaks he has to be spiritual so before we get into the physical there is a spiritual amen right what i want to know is the people people who say t.b joshua got it wrong when he says 27 was he were they there to see what he saw come on they see the spiritual entity responsible for covid like he saw my god hallelujah amen can they actually call the spiritual ending and say are you still here hallelujah the bible talks about the prince of peshawar yes there was a natural prince of the vision yes sir but there was also was the spiritual prince of beijing and when the angel was going he said no say there is another one coming of greece of greece yes yes no i know that party a lot of people miss it but there was already one of greece on the length in the natural that's right so the spiritual he has already said i'm just trying to interpret the way i interpret i'm not saying that's what prophet t.b joshua saw that's that's for him to explain if he wants to and he's not obligated to yes now he has to see it spiritually for him to deal with it spiritually maybe this is maybe because i'm not i wasn't there and i'm telling you this is a prophet amen you can see the spiritual entity living that's amazing then this becomes whatever the papers are saying this becomes a what an offshoot okay the the leftovers of what its effect was yes yes yes i was at um uh the birthday of pastor chris uh when was it um last year in december 7th of december yes and we were expecting him to just kind of pray for everybody then he prayed for 2020. then he started prophesying 2020 and saying the millions the thousands that would the devil had planned to kill the millions right he said millions right so the millions that the devil had planned to kill he has been prevented from killing the many people he wanted to kill wow says his effect was reduced just imagine and i was in his birthday talking in prayer then he brought best into prophecy now imagine if you were there with us hearing such a thing you'll be like what williams what are you talking about you know what are you really saying now he says 27 he's gone right yes sir yes sir that's that's what prophet t.b joshua yes sir yes sir is gone all right remember our saying is different i'm talking about me and i'm not responding to anybody yes you know so many people so many young people nowadays is like this when you minister and say something they think you are responding to them for some reason people will be cheap over there you're responding to me yeah i don't have to i don't have to respond to nobody i don't have time for that now what you see and what i see are different yes i'm just it's just this is my my stage and i'm responding to my crowd yes now the point here is if there was an entity called causing this confusion called coved whether it's fake or not the point is most people thought uh when my mentor was talking about ades fiasco he is talking like there is nothing that this is called killing people no he's just saying the cause might be different to what they are saying yes yes it's not it's not a deny of anything that's right all right now so so watch this he says he's gone what gone what is gone my god what has gone the entity that has caused this has left because the church is praying amen now watch what now watch this what does the bible say it says the guest of the hair will not prevail amen yes now if the guest of here will not prevail and the word says it that means the case of here will not prevail covet is not the gates of hell slower than the gates of hell come on and it has failed to prevail amen all right now now watch this watch this glory so another thing was when prophet t.b joshua talked about um uh a plane that will fly right and it will it went into the into the sea that's right before we we speak of what people are saying here let's deal with this point did a plane fly and drop in the sea yes oh my god they did yeah do you understand the mathematical probability of it happening like that as he said astronomical for him to even get the picture that there is a plane going up from a country like this and it was you know it will actually go into the sea do you understand the mathematical probability that is involved there come on it's astronomical it's not possible to even predict it now so people now zero in on one statement he makes that they will just find it there notice one thing i want you to know this thing did he lie so many people say he's a lie no he didn't remember he's the one who knows where it is that's right did they fly to take him come on come on because at least there is a man who knew it before it went in the sea yes you didn't go there yes i don't know if you're getting this yes now like prophet muhammad mentioned about um what's this uh the the virus the virus and he got it of all the people that actually prophesied about he got it very sharp yes sir now why is he got it very sharp the point that people are getting confused is why doesn't they tell us the we need to end will you end yes hey do you you don't you don't get when it will end on my broadcast because i didn't tell you that i didn't tell you about discovery yes you got on his on his on his what on his on his broadcast attend his service listen to him speaking then you say wait a minute the many is already spoken about the solution now and sometimes you might not even like the solution then you think it's not the solution but if somebody is prophesied about it ask him about it yes go and watch him and now you will be in your house that he never told us he doesn't need to come to your house you need to go to his word please to his church you need to go to his own broadcasting keep watching keep hearing keep hearing amen we know um what's the name of this uh brother from asia joseph prince just the prince yes sir mentioned something to do with there is a virus a virus but it was i think 2018. yes sir then another guy i think's over right you also mentioned yes sir now of these two and i think there were three of these two prophet muhammad got it straight yes sir but why is he god is straight right the point is because this is something that is really really troubling the world people are dying they want to know when they want to know when will it end when will it end yes maybe maybe maybe just maybe he has mentioned let's say he didn't mention i know he mentioned something like that in in his um in his broadcast uh the solutions to it now let's say this is what is taking place if let's say he had not mentioned at all what was going to come to pass yes sir maybe wait for him to tell you since he's still here that's right just wait keep watching yes maybe one day you tell you now it's now left with how many weeks how many months yes maybe but we want to punish the one we saw why can't we why can't we say at least he saw a plane fly and it went on into the sea at least he saw covet come and explained it in detail amen and we don't have right now we don't have on youtube listen maybe some people with no youtube did it i have no idea but on youtube on the platforms that we have i don't think you've ever seen anything that is sharper than what prophet muhammad said about coffee i don't know whether you saw it no sir no no we haven't seen it so if we haven't seen it that's the person who got it so if he got it now go then to his broadcast try to hear more but guess what we do we'll attack that person every day every day look for some nonsense take some videos and post them and say here here that's the point so remember what i said last week and i said if somebody's in a country and political situation in that country is not perfect i'm not talking about zimbabwe and i'm not talking about south africa talking about anything just talking about where a prophet is and people say bad is angel is in britain why is it things are like this how come you want to believe me now as a prophet that i should be able to stop your problem come on you didn't believe me before it came yes now you want to accuse me for failing to stop calling amen hallelujah prophets got to where they are celebrated not where they are tolerated all right let's let's let's go to another yes sir this is actually quite an amazing prophet and you you mentioned that um daniel uh the the daniel having to wait for his answer and can you imagine that when the angel arrived he told him that the first day that you prayed i was sent his answer was sent the very first day he received it 21 days later 21 days later he in other words if somebody stood there prophesied to them you said i see your answer right now they would have been like fake prophets prophet there is something uh that you've taught us a lot of times when we're around you sir you say that when you uh as a prophet you can move from one place to another in a split second you can actually see somebody's 2021 and yet you are actually speaking to that person who's actually standing in front of you and you can actually are months ahead where you're actually telling them that you're going to make this money you're going to make this money but when they look at their uh their bank account at that present time it's actually still on zero but because you would have moved in the prophetic to the time perhaps whether it's a year or two years later when they are actually receiving that but you are telling us uh that prophecy with you know within our timeframe our time frame but you're already somewhere else but you're already somewhere like you you were saying exactly right like you were saying that from the time you prayed your answer was given so it took 21 days for him to realize it that's right t.b joshua was said 27th and we're having a problem maybe it will take seven months yes first to realize what he said was correct yes yeah maybe it'll take two years for us to realize what he said was correct but we are too quick because we are thinking naturally we haven't thought spiritually you get a point now are you getting it yes yes sir so so but you you notice how i measured the age of t.b joshua i didn't measure the issue of t.b joshua by a simple thing i didn't measure it by some prophecies or or some anything i measured by knowing who he is in god yes yes and when i knew who he is in god i went straight to say he said amen amen it's actually quite amazing prophet because you you told us that it's it's who that vessel is that you should look at if you're going to determine whether or not honestly true prophecy or not because uh colossians 2 9 says it this way this sport speaking says and when james and cyphus and john who seemed to be pillars perceived the grace that had been given to me they gave me and barnabas the right hand of fellowship just imagine that they they perceived it they perceived the grace that was on there the issue perceived when you hear perceive amen explain the word perceive because a lot of people don't know what the word perceive is because when people here perceive they kind of feel like you know it's just some suspicion yes you know it's in colossians two verse number nine galatians two verse number nine if you are there watch it right now galatians two verse number nine all right corrections two nine so when they say he perceived he talking about guinosco the way the guinness go there does not mean suspicion no no it means knowledge yes i don't know if they're getting this yes sir so if we read guinoska here it is to learn to know to come to the knowledge to get a knowledge feel to become known have knowledge of it is actually a jewish uh idiom for intercourse when you say a man has knew his wife hallelujah so now he says there was an intercourse amen with the grace upon him with the grace upon paul [Laughter] you understand that there was something there was something there was an intermingling of things they they got to know it like no way there is something here amen so when the english word used to perceive so he's like hmm i'm suspecting there might be some gracie no no no no you know it yeah so it is the the understanding the knowledge of things to know a person do you want to say to know a person like this one the problem that happens is this let me just explain something to you so that the the world at large doesn't get confused when they hear me talk and interpret the way they want to interpret it it's so easy to interpret the way you don't want to interpret things let me explain i explained this before when i was talking about my my spiritual son uh major one and and i was explaining as well that um you guys him in america he can take a certain message and preach it in washington dc spirit embassy yes and they started now a lot of uh branches now before the little brush yes sir but the things you are teaching people right now in spirit numbers washington dc are not the same things you are preached teaching people in spirit embers the new one yes the new yorker or atlanta yes yes sir no hopefully not you get them from a certain level going up yes sir hundred percent yes sir that's right so if if you know that me and my son jerome are connected together and you hear jerome teach and you hear me teach you might think we are conflicting yes or you can hear prophet muhammad teach and i'm teaching and our lives have been intertwined for years yes yes now you can think he is preaching something that is contrary to me or maybe i'm opposing him or he is opposing me until you take him into my church and then he preaches my revelation and he takes me into the branch he was preaching that thing and he preached and i preached his revelation it doesn't mean he said that's the level way he is and that's the level i am at no is the difference in the people we are teaching each other so you can find me here ministering something and i mentioned something and when i mentioned something you take it as if it's a it's a swipe at jerome it's a swiping major one it's a swipe that uh and pause the titles it's not it's a simple level where i found you in and i'm teaching a certain crowd a certain truth that they haven't actually they've not acclimatized to the certain level of truth that we're dealing with now watch this hallelujah what's this the bible says being established in this present truth which truth this presence is present truth which truth the spirit is present truth that means there is this present truth and then there is the future truth then there is the past truth yes there are branches of mind i got to and preach the past truth for example by stripes you were healed by yourselves that's past truth yes sir amen when peter got a hold of it he says by his strength now now notice what peter did notice what peter did some people think he's saying he's saying past the tense no no no peter has removed himself from the verse yes he said i'm not affected by this baby i'm not dealing with healing anymore yeah yes for me i don't need it he was already dealt with amen glory so when you hear him talk like this i can talk in my branch in another i won't mention what which branch i can go to that branch and say christ died for us all yeah yeah and people like yes he died for us all then i can get to london which is more mature and i tell them christ never died for you and guess what the london guys know already where we came from yes when they were grade one when i told them jesus died for you yes then they graduated to know that oh amen we are not the jews amen we were not under the law so we didn't break any law amen how would you break your law when you were not under the law you can't then we say we are a result of his resurrection so we came out of his resurrection we are the project based on the resurrection so we were not dead before if any man be in christ is a new creature another type of being that never existed before that means what that means we never existed so he can't die for us amen if i just teach somebody like that immediately they'll say heresy yeah he's a liar doctrine count yeah the prophet it's amazing because we with the messages that we read on different broadcasts people actually come and say oh we love the new prophet the new teaching of you know the they don't know they don't know you've been teaching a long time prophet but when you went to africa you needed to preach because they had not come to the to the i didn't even i didn't even know how to to to to minister in show not remember me yeah i don't know the minister in china i had to take prophet muhammad's message to learn how to preach in jonah yeah yeah i know i had no idea i was trying to figure out what how do i get this and he was doing uh shona in english and i'm in there just english and i'm thinking no i need to learn how to turn this and spin this around because the people that were there would also understand shawna and i went to shonashana until i got to a point where they got acclimatized to my i think was when is the service while we were doing english yes english was wednesday and on sunday we were actually doing shauna yes so so i started then i then changed the whole service back to english yes but i had to touch something i had to get into something so watch this now you want to say something yes in fact i think that's why many people will look at the bible and think that it contradicts itself sometimes exactly because they don't know where did we find you in you know you okay imagine this is a dispensation is like a book yes 29 chapters like like bishop duo said yes sir a book like this if you are in chapter one it has got that page written introduction you know introduction is not as deep as trading chapter number 29 chapter number 29 contains the logistic yes yes the conclusion yes now if you if you if you look at it now you read it you read it you get to the 29 you're doing well but if my church spirit numbers is chapter number 29. in your churches chapter number 22. you think we are malfunctioning you think we're stupid exactly exactly oh you are chapter number one change and i'm chapter number 29 change if one of my congregants end up in chapter number one one day they start singing you're all fools if your chapter number one change remember this is my chapter number 29 spirit embarrassed they getting they say oh you guys this guy just talks big words i don't know what he's saying but to us that's our introduction of our own vocabulary that's nothing yeah amen you understand that yes so we have a problem here that some people come and find us in chapter 29. and you always have a problem thinking i think he's attacking me no no no no we're dealing with chapter 22. maybe you're in chapter 30 that's why you can't understand where we are and we're moving based on the people that we have you know sometimes people just come and say can you tell me um how to speak in tongues in algola oh my god i've been saying this over and over again it's now it's now a whole year of teaching this and i'm talking about this every what about the new testament why are you saying that when zakaria says i'm like no that's not old testament okay but it's in the bible then you have to go back to hebrews 8 hebrews 9 17. and you're thinking guys you know look we thought we're moving i remember one day i got so bored and i and when i when i when i was now driving with my wife and and see i was in the beginning i said no no check those people actually knew that's why they were asking those questions they were new people that they said they were new and i didn't know that we knew i was just thinking these are my people that i teach every day and they just haven't gotten it yet yes so yeah yeah we just have a question here prophet um the question is how does one become a prophet do you can one graduate to become a prophet now i want you to understand even in the old testament it was never taught to be a prophet you don't graduate into a prophet no you don't now you see this this this this has made people some people to start opposing the prophetic because it's the circus now it's a circus yes sir people are joining prophetic schools and end up becoming prophets and i know in today's prophets so now you're a that happens a lot in the united states you don't graduate in an office you can't you were not you were not full stop that's right that's why the school of elijah was called the school of word prophets not a prophecy they were already prophets coming to land oh you didn't hear that so people who are not prophets or prophetesses are becoming prophecies do you know how many people changed from apostle to prophet the moment we landed and launched the prophetic wow people who were pastors said i'm prophet yeah yeah yeah yeah apostles moved their stage to lower themselves and became profits they didn't even know they were yes because most people saw the mercedes benz and saw the lamborghinis and the william and william hans and the in the rolexes and said this man god if i call myself prophet this is it lamborghini they don't know money is managed differently so it is the vessel that you look at amen okay it is the vessel you look at and say this one is the first one i'm looking at amen i don't know if you're getting it i don't know if you're getting it yes and and when we talk about noun the issue of uh what is happening in the world science can come in and say what he needs to say right if you ask me a question that is a bland question right and say this one this one this one i will answer you based on signs because you're asking about a disease because the moment you ask about covet so what is going to happen where does it come from you are literally saying it's not coming from spiritual things so i need to leave the spiritual and answer you scientifically yes and tell you the scientific the scientific explanations of it if you deal with where does it come from as um in um in the sense of spiritual things i have to go to the spiritual side and tell the spiritual side you have to understand the spiritual things and if you go to the science part of it i'll tell you what sign you say but doesn't mean say what scientists say is correct amen so we're dealing with look do you know last uh was it two days ago now for which he says we need to wear goggles now yeah he's on tv now he was on tv yesterday saying not only masks we now need to wear goggles he said it by saying they are not necessary you say they are not necessary now it says goggles necessary goggles now from the 8th of august or this one says we have to do face coverings that divisor from the eighth right from the eighth it's announced today by boris johnson now we need to be like we are on a motorbike to walk the streets yes jesus i don't love you my god so if a spiritual person comes and say you don't need it you don't be asking oh but the but but no if you're asking about spiritual things will tell you you don't need it if you're asking about normal things i'll tell you you need it if you ask me should we go to church yes is the government allowing us no um yeah but then the thing that we're ministering the bible says the things of the spirit are spiritually discerned are spiritually designed you don't go to the natural if you're asking the natural i'll tell you the natural if you ask me about money in the natural i'll tell you about money in the natural if you told me about the spiritual side i'll tell you give then you say oh man it's not obtained that way you need to do business i understand that part i've got actually three degrees in finance yes you understand two degrees in finances one master's in entrepreneurship so you don't tell me that i know this side if you're asking me as a financier i would as a finance person i'll tell you the finance side of it if you ask me now as a spiritual person i'll tell you how to control the natural using this come on now you want to learn about business with millionaire academy yes and when we get to millionaire academy we're not going black in the name of jesus bring your business uh you know no we don't do that i don't think we do that no we've not done that yet not at all we analyze your social uh medium we analyze your your bank statements whatever you are doing and you know investments our investments we analyze your portfolio that's right and we look at it that's exactly what we do there's just a follow-up sir to this question that i asked previously and the quotation is from one corinthians 14 sir from verse five and the scripture says i would that he all spake in tongues but rather that he prophesied for greater easy than prophet saith than he that speaketh with tongues except he interprets that the church may receive that means the person who speaks in tongues and in the press them is the same as the one who is prophesying wow same level wow says i want you all to prophesy yeah for one who prophesies right it did not say a prophet that's where the question is it's not saying a prophet big difference the whole church should prophesy yeah but people like gossip so they want to know your name what your mother has done what your what is that so that's the kind of prophets they like nobody's ever the people i know nobody has ever i've never seen anyone come to me and say i just want to know about my life no no they come to me and say give me a prophet about my life i want to know about my life but nobody has ever come to me and say can you impart on me so that i just go home and know about my life in the future never they want to know about others that means you know what is inside them is popularity they want to be known by somebody that they do this and they know this and fear tactics you know he's a prophet he knows did you gossip about him he knew it oh you see that's a controlling spirit that's right all right yeah we have a few people said that uh dream dreams and uh and maybe whatever what the things that they've dreamt actually come to pass and before you know it they begin to call themselves prophets or prophetesses how can we deal with problem is if your dreams come to pass you are a christian why do you have to be a prophet when your dream comes to us what did we say here what makes a person a prophet no i don't know if you are i i don't know if you are here i think it's page 598 in my bible have you ever gone to page like that yeah it is in page four i haven't i did it now the book of jonah watch this the book of jonah and if you go google john chapter number one ends with 16 verses 17 verses chapter number two ends with ten verses chapter number three ends with ten verses chapter number four eleven verses that's the book of jonah he's a prophet that's it and he never prophesied one thing that came to pass no no i don't know of you but is this a false prophet what makes this man a prophet that's it the guy you are a prophet oh okay go good thank you and he started running away from god the prophet and he got there and said the very thing he was afraid if he goes there and tells him even confesses why he ran says i know you're going to change your mind and embarrass me so the the reason for him do they know what tashi she is do they know what nineveh that's spain and iraq the guy is supposed to go to iraq and he goes to spain hey people think it's some other country in eventually some biblical land somewhere in in the in the spirit the guy ends in spain and when he lands in spain guess what he's vomited by a fish at the beach why was god doing so because the people in in tashish right believed in a sea god yeah so when they saw a prophet being vomited by a fish they said this is a prophet it has come from our god so god was dealing with tactics and and strategies and then they get to a to a place where he went to his to where he was actually sent and when god they started telling them the word of the lord and that word of the lord did not come to pass and he said i knew it are you going to do this to me i i just knew you were going to change god is like these are my people i do what i like so it was he right to run you can say in the natural he was right to run he knew this man would change amazing and remember he died before he revisited nahum uh in the days of nahum he revised the people of nineveh he died before that so he died as a false prophet according to them it didn't happen it didn't happen just imagine getting old and knowing that thing that he said me didn't happen yeah and you know you were really sick and you know you were saying this i don't think prophet this is a new stuff this guy is real and he's dead thinking nothing did not take place there all right all right we have uh is it guyanese chant and the question is if the prophecy is not received on the spot by the recipient and he starts later to work upon it is the result of the prophecy the same does the time gap um affect or affect the results of definitely understand uh what that uh means um i really understand the the concept of you wait and then this thing takes place the the point is the best thing you can do is obedience respects the moment of the command if i say fetch me some water and you bring it after two minutes it's obedience after a minute it's obedience but if you take two weeks and as i say it's here do you know what that means so what really is taking place disobedience is not that you didn't do it means you took time so you're in disobedience there is a lot you need to do to repent of the same thing amen because god is the reason god always is the reason why he's giving you that prophecy it's not for you to buy a lamborghini or to buy a maserati or buy a mercedes or to buy a mansion or to buy yourself a refrigerator or a bed no it's for you to supply the kingdom yes if he can't get it through you he can get it to you so he needs to get it to you in order to get it through you yes so understand that so most people just think it's for me and my family to get our oh things are so nice i know i'm blessed i'm not in victim i just made 29 million this year and people are excited and give testimonies god is like now i'm waiting for yeah that's it last uh two weeks ago we saw some money uh i don't remember the actual days we sent uh pastor benihin yes um uh another uh uh brother lydon and when we finished we said my wife we should have just sent it to our father yes not that wasn't good to send it there we said okay we we have to investigate why we send it there come on who is that yes sir and we said we said to each other okay let's hear what god is saying and god said immediately this thing that you have done there is a harvest that coming quick from that harvest choose what you give your father just imagine and you know with pastor chris it's not like you're going to call him as i have just sent some money no way he doesn't do bank accounts like i have a bank account my personal one you know you know not some of you guys you know we are being there is no talk that that is empty like we're talking about uh so is your gucci no they don't talk like that it's heavy content real stuff for real things things that are centered at the kingdom and within a few minutes few hours rather somebody just put something and we're talking about huge yeah a huge thing you all know about that story huge and we knew what to do with it that's the spiritual side of it all right let's continue uh sandra here is uh saying in response to the issue of jonah she's saying that i can imagine the media at that time after the journal prophecy i'm telling you i'm telling you why is that a man of god prophesies to you that your eyes are open but it takes several years but the eyes are not open what could be the problem it's simple your eyes are not open i'm telling you this is the only they actually don't open uh the men just told you that they are over but they are not open so there is there is something we used to call environmental prophecy yes where you see what is in the environment and prophecy according to the element you get in the service you see someone so happy you say god is sending joy to you hey there it's already happy so you look around and say ah this is an environmental environmental you know you're outside the church and you see someone arrive with them and see these bends they come and say god is about to bless you to become a millionaire you sold the car now yeah that's right yeah why are you brother that's an environment prophecy amen so when you see people being attacked and profits being attacked sometimes you kind of see the the junk that is going into into the world is too too much too much too much all right someone here is saying uh is the office of an apostle bigger than the office of a prophet and if it's so why because the bible says first apostles number one proton number one just the order of god that's the odd of god remember why the bible says the woman is lower than a man in marriage that is let me repeat this in marriage let me repeat this in marriage you know repeat it again is not a good in good english but i will use it repeat it again in in marriage because the moment you speak some people take it all so women are lower no no no no in marriage and it's given like this in the bible for adam two reasons for adam was made first you mean because i came first i'm bigger that's it yeah not because you are some spiritual guru entity because you are men no because you were formed first what about number two because the man was not deceived by the woman oh that's it that's it so the first thing i can't change it i can't change the order i can't be the first woman yeah no and what about the being deceived but no it was already deceived on your behalf that's it only tourist is given in the world so you can try to run around and say we are all equal before god god says no no you are not from the face you can cry all you like but it's an order apostles together yes a prophet to guide yes and evangelists together amen [Music] then you get to the pastors you get to the teachers that ground in the world all right yes sir it's also like what you you you mentioned on our first night said that when there is a a dispensation there will be like the five main people the five the five men the apostle the teacher the evangelist but there will also be uh the prophet but there will also be others who are operating in those offices but they are not necessarily the main ones so in terms of the spiritual ranking it means the main five although he is a prophet but uh of the spiritual ranking will still be higher than the lower of the apostles but it's based on grace for grace not on your gymnastics on the stage and the most of the church because their spiritual eyes are not open they look in the eye they look the eyes look oh look at all that that's true that's not dangerous that's dangerous so when you see somebody prophesying something and it becomes sharp it doesn't mean to say if somebody comes and prophesies now something sharper that person is bigger than this one no it's grace the guy is a prophet because god said he's a prophet and just imagine he's in here wow says enoch being a prophet prophesied about these things notice enoch prophesied something that is bigger than jonah jonah had no prophets that came to pass amen enoch prophesied something that came to pass he's not in the bible wow there's no book of enoch in the bible yes they can be in the un non-canonized ones but in the bible it's not even compiled why because jonah was more important in that evaluation of the spirit to combine with this thing wow amazing so we have another interesting question here sir uh do people operate in dual offices for example and apostles yeah anything anything and you know i understand when brother branham brother uh kenneth again had said that oh jesus was given the spirit without measure but uh we were given the spirit with measure no that was okay for brother hagin to say that at the time he wasn't it's a dispensation that could only understand that level yes just like where brother um kenneth again said there were nine spiritual gifts we know that when there are no nine spiritual gifts yes it's right there in the book of corinthians that's right if you go to chapter 12 and then you go to roman chapter number 12 you realize there are more than 13 gifts that's right yes you just need to read but why is it brother kenneth again said there were only nine that was the dispensation at that time they could only take that information in that level amen that's getting the point to the corinthians i could not speak unto you and listen to spirits and then the spiritual but just so now we know if he's speaking to them like that and if you read these books you kind of realize oh he starts engaging them deeper and deeper and he's changing grades just like when you read the book of peter first peter the guy is lost he doesn't really know what really the revelation of christ is than a revelation of paul rather yes when you get to second peter now he gets it he says writing nah other things that are possible right that are so difficult to understand that some even knowing it will actually mistake what he is saying to their own destruction but notice as they also do other scriptures that means from the time he didn't understand paul's messages in in first peter it was still considered scripture amen that's why i tell you paul would write send you a text message on whatsapp and it was scripture hallelujah there was no bible at that time to talk about amen yet peter says the things that he writes that are difficult to understand even that some people do to also other scriptures meaning say paul's message was scripture you would stand here and say hi brother it was scripture see if you'll notice the way you rise there beloved amen paul i pour an apostle of christ that part is scripture amen the guy's always with scripture hallelujah yet peter had not gotten a hold of revelation amen all right let's go hallelujah uh princess star is saying i keep seeing visions of myself okay to submit under a man of god but i'm actually under the ministry of that man of god's spiritual son what does that mean it keeps seeing visions of what of the spiritual father but they are submitting under the spiritual son what does that mean ah that means the vision that they are getting is for the spiritual father okay yeah all right let's go [Laughter] the reason why the person is asking is already they know the answer so it's not a question they want me to give them a right to do something no i'm not doing that i was born at night but not last night yes and this question prophet i think we've read it a few times but blessed is asking prophet how do i know the office i'm called operated how do i know the office i'm called to operate maybe you're not called into an office that's why you don't know who said you according to office the bible says are all apostles no are all evangelists no our all teachers no our own persons no no no no a billion times no brother go to school learn business sponsor the gospel that might be your ministry yes why do you want to be an apostle when you if you don't know remember this is a calling a calling you know what a calling is you feel a pool brother you feel something inside of you yeah are ya the men say there is it's like fire shut up in my bones in modern day language you might say it is like a bullet shut up in my garden hallelujah you you feel it it's right there no matter what you want to do you you are pulled towards the thing you you feel like amen it's like it can't let you go you know the persecution that is in ministry is beyond description hallelujah you guys just don't know persecution you don't know it you and become a pastor one day with two members those two members will have 200 opinions about you come on someone who's kneeling before you will be accusing you so now papers would right your own members will talk other preachers will be on your back the government trust me there is pain in ministry someone asked me how is ministry i said ministry is an ongoing struggle one day you are so excited oh brothers who just called me oh things are moving he just got 20 million a deal for 20 million the things are moving for him another one cause you said there is um a building here we are selling uh do you want it oh yeah i made the deal we just made a dude next one there's an accusation yeah and this person is derailing derailing one person said i'm going to do this to you i'm going to do this to you i was with my wife i see i was there yeah and i said okay give me your number i call the person i said okay he's gonna say okay now do you have a recorder yeah so to do what i say record what i'm saying this is huge angel i told them some rubbish when i said record it i don't fear nobody do whatever you like what do you need to what do you need to inform anyone what do you just do it what do you need to inform anyone a guy i want to inform you i'm about to kick you kick you know coffee there's actually brought some some real extraordinaries inside the coffee people are hungry so since they are hungry they are trying to find money anyhow but we are like america now we don't negotiate with terrorists oh yeah just like jesus is asking how can we increase in grace oh the bible says increasing grace through what knowledge through the knowledge of christ amen that has already told you you need to increase grace by increasing knowledge and if you increase knowledge what do you increase again the word if you increase the knowledge of the word what do you increase faith so if faith and grace now you see the label faith is inside grace amen not grace inside faith so you increase grace by increasing your knowledge you increase faith by increasing your knowledge amen obtain the same way hallelujah so with with importation um because when we see in southern africa uh you've got your son there with one of the biggest churches when we go to asia your son there is in the prophetic it's got the biggest church everywhere in the world we are seeing your sons that you have uh producer that are actually moving in high dimensions of the prophetic uh how is that within the um uh were they born prophets or what's that importation or how does that work sir some is in partition all right some is operating under the grace remember you are partakers of my grace yes right right since you're in ministry i can't be in in saint lucia because i'm here i'm in two places at once in the flesh so sometimes somebody who has tuned in to my grace will also begin to operate like me and saul was chained into a another man and began to prophesy like the prophet amen was there a prophet no no he was a king like the captain amen of israel amen and yet he could prophesy because he came in contact with the grace and the action amen so that doesn't make him a prophet it makes him somebody who came into contact with the grace to do so amen are you hearing this we're gonna be back after this um after this small small small small small small menstruation don't go anywhere we are coming back with the same questions on uh the prophetic then we got to the last segment after that all right let's do this let's do this let's do this let's do this [Music] in the 21st century church so many are thinking for signs and wonders but what is undertaught and overly not understood is the power of angels whenever god is given to do something significant and striking in the earth he dispatches an angel [Music] like this like this [Music] because of what jesus did all of the limits ceased to exist [Music] nation a peculiar thing i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] i'll still be i'm standing up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the reason why i'm big the reason why i like [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] the reason why [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] the reason [Music] reason [Music] [Music] in the 21st century church so many are thinking for signs and wonders for what is undertaught and overly not understood is the power of angels whenever god has given me to do something significant and striking in the earth he dispatches an angel to do it today i salute i celebrate and i stand with my brother prophet ubered angel that god has in fact anointed him to usher in a shift in this season and to see a generation witness the signs and wonders of god brother i salute you i'll call you behind your back and now to your face you are an angel without wings god is opening up new doors [Music] slow down [Music] [Music] reactions [Music] is [Music] [Music] yeah yeah [Music] [Music] it's me we don't know what you've been told but let me tell you a little something about us you see ain't no proof like the crew we got oh you ain't know better ask about us real life this ain't a movie the same height we got them talking oh my provoke that [Music] [Music] reaction [Music] is [Music] i bless me welcome back welcome back welcome back welcome back uh yes thank you so much so um earlier on you were speaking about what were we even talking about we were talking about the prophetic and uh you you mentioned that it's actually the vessel now it's uh uh it brought me to remembrance of such a scripture man of god sir that you've been teaching on uh where moses actually married an african which went against what god himself had actually said yes and we find aaron and miriam coming against moses and they're using and they're using the word and they're using the word uh but when when god then speaks he says with when it comes to my servant moses i don't speak to him in the same manner that i speak with you i speak to him face to face and he was differentiating between the offices i guess or the graces that was on on aaron and miriam to that one which one on his vessel moses said i just found that very very interesting and if you notice as well that that scripture when it says face to face and um we dealt with it in uh i think it was the nicolaitans or the or before adam i don't remember which one it was and we were dealing with moses never saw god but god says face to face because if you read the word face to face there it is a way that you can use this appearance or you use as countenance all right this is just a mean face to face like he's here and i'm here so he's saying this man i'm the one who made him here were you not afraid to speak to my seven moses like like wait a minute he messed up he says no this one i sent him i should be the one telling him i don't know if you understand the point yes we're getting we're getting what i'm trying to say right so the the people you know i remember when i'm when i had an opportunity to meet uh pastor chris for the first time and i called my my wife and i said she was she was of course interested in knowing how in fact the first time i had to connect using a code for head to kind of uh see the videos i think some people actually connected you to the videos and they're connecting the videos so that she could watch here what was happening in the because i preached for two days in his ministry and it never happened it never happened so it's like i'm also shocked then i thought pastor chris doesn't even know i'm here and he enters and he comes right say to me and i'm thinking maybe he knows then he goes on stage and he mentions my name so i'm there thinking then he says come and meet me after when later on when i got there and my wife the first thing she did was whoa what what did you what do you experience tell me tell me your experience talking to to our father all these you've been waiting what happened and i said i met a christian was like what do you mean we meet christians all the time i said no no i met a real christian this time something that when you look at somebody the environment around one person spiritually opening your eyes you say no this man is a christian i don't know if you're getting what i'm trying to say there is an environment you get into and you say whether whatever whether whatever country you are in you can say this man is a prophet yes before you hear anything about what he prophesied you can say this man is a prophet i don't know if you're getting this so the vessel itself is an aura around it that tells you something is up here he doesn't need to perform on stage for you to know yes the vessel itself is the one anointed to be prophet i don't know if you you're catching what i'm trying to say maybe some people are getting it it reminds me of uh the time we traveled by train from here to london province we got into the train we had purchased first class tickets but the train didn't actually have a first-class carriage so we walked uh up and down the carriage and uh and i was getting concerned because where we were now located was just outside of the toilet so i was there there was no chair there there was no pumping was full the whole train was actually full so we were in between the between the carriage carrier and i was and i said to prophet now imagine if if people would walk come into this train and they see the prophet of god sitting just outside of the toilet how would that look and prophet smiled and he laughed and he said son don't worry don't worry about it the train did not stop between here to london but at an appointed time prophet said now let's go and we came from where we were right to the front of the train and there was like not like there was a new carriage like all open now watch this now watch this what's this but it takes a small thing like that to notice things to not distance because they even announced that everything is full yes wow amazing now it takes a small window for you to kind of catch it yes sir i remember moving with one of our pastors way back uh you you would move with me every time you were in um in south africa it's called city lodge and he misplaces my socks yes yeah and i said to him look uh i want you to look at my feet remember yes sir he gave the testimony right i want you to look at my feet this is i'm sorry i'm sorry i said keep looking yeah and the socks appeared immediately now watch this now and i said but remember this is done only for you it's not for everyone because there shall come a time there shall come a time when you will be made to doubt this action yes yes wow wow and did it come or did he come yep it definitely definitely again you always say to us that when we are traveling with you we should be expectant of the supernatural but he said the supernatural around the person [Music] is the testimony that the person is who he says he is yeah amen it's not what you do on stage you can pretend on stage it can be full of emotionalism you're making people emotional so people think there is an anointing and you can actually miss i remember uh jesse duplantis ever listened to brother jesse i used to listen to him way back you would laugh and laugh even if you're speaking serious stuff it'll be jokes after jokes you'll be laughing and laughing and i asked god why is it that she said to plan this and you seem to be to have more fun when you come to me you tell me about angels about this about demonic forces about this about what will happen in the world what about jesus just saying you were like buddies chester literally hugs god yeah god gets into your room jesus is like oh god god i'm thinking why are you not doing this with me this is because he can he can notice the funny side of me wow i come to you the same way the way i approach jesse but you you don't notice this you notice the serial side i don't know if you're getting this that's why you can be too busy doing god's work you have no time for god yourself you are singing you are in the choir you have to go for practice never one day did you sing for god you're always thinking of marketing your song how many views on youtube so there's nothing that happens in private yes you have not closed your door it's like this song i'm singing to the world i now need to sing it to you the moment we put musicians in front of the church and they belt out that tune they're not thinking of god at all they're thinking about the crowd are they being moved they can say hallelujah one eye is looking at the crowd like are they are they here well i'm telling you now the day one of these singers just says i don't care who is there i'm now singing to you the spirit like you have never seen the manifestation of the experience why because you left the people and you went for it for god hallelujah that's why songs that sing more about that talk more about god than our involvement with god have more power than anything else amen so so you look at the environment around you the person who is with you amen remember our hunting in in the prayer mountain and and they said the the the pellets were gone we used gold pellets at that time i like hunting by the way it's gold palace and and they're done they're finished no not even one not even one and there is there is this then we found at least something but it wasn't really for my for my gun so it would go 60 meters and this bed was around 80 meters and i remember evangelist and i said give me a mantle you know one of those clothes that we hold yeah and i tied it around my gun yeah and i pointed i didn't even pull the trigger and the bed fell well yeah now just imagine even me the person who is holding the gun and thinking what is taking place brother branham handed all day long couldn't find one he couldn't find one uh uh anime it's right there he's right there thinking but god you know this is my hobby i want to rest here i want to be here you know in the in the mountains with you and i don't have anything that's right and then you appeared to him and whispered create the animal says the lord what wow we may create the animal you couldn't find an animal in the bush create one [Music] just call it into existence ah he called it into existence and it appeared there he took his gun shot it and he was about to leave thinking it was a vision then he said let me just go and touch it blood then realize it's real wow amazing what are you talking about you say there is something that happens around us amen that if you have people who are attendees amen who are looking at it amen they'll be like oh my god this just took place amen i think that that is so powerful prophet thank you so much for that but you know because i remember even we were just here just outside this house please don't don't say where [Laughter] it's very very it needs to be it needs to stay very spiritual so we sit outside [Laughter] after a long day in the office all right it was in the hot tub so it's all right it's it's important for people to understand that god doesn't care where you are exactly so you can imagine we're sitting there after a long day and we're just talking just general talk about things and i just said to these guys look at the house immediately an angel like the height of the house i'm telling you and you're looking like right in front of our eyes just right here just a few just behind the house right there it went like you know the tv thing goes and then disappears now just imagine we were in there talking about something else completely nothing to do with angels amen and what's so amazing is that even when you look in scripture they actually people would actually look at who has been with the real prophet when so wanted to to to to get to a prophet uh or read the scripture from two kings chapter three verse eleven says but yeah first joseph said is there no prophet of the lord that we may inquire of the lord by him and one of the kings of israel's seventh answered and said he is elisha the son of shafat which poured water on the hands of elijah and joseph said the word of the lord is with him yes based on what he said being around with the prophet saw the word of god is with him definitely they had no testimony but do you understand they had no testimony of their own they'd not even healed nobody nobody said no this one is able to do it they've been around there is a rub off there is a rubble you were asking about do we people get impotent some people are prophets but it takes another prophet to announce it for them to start operating the way they are amen hallelujah i don't know if you understand sending in a message you're saying yes i think send it to us let's let's let's see it here let's see to send it to to pastor titus so that when we finish we we we deal with that yes on my phone now is it no more uh to keep dreaming of dying and going to paradise if you're going to paradise you have a problem this is not paradise day [Laughter] the word paradise simply means garden oh it means a park it doesn't mean heaven you see it means what a park are you getting it now are you getting it you want to say something yes sir there's an interesting question here and i think it's uh a common one somebody on youtube is asking i got a prophecy do i pray for it to happen or will it automatically happen due to it being spoken it's what they're saying they received a prophecy so they are asking do they pray for it to happen or it will automatically happen without them doing anything due to it being spoken automatically explain it yes sir you can answer it yes sir i think what the what you need to understand is that anything that is not of faith is a sin so when when when when you hear the prophetic it's not witchcraft or magic why i'm saying let's not get the the comments for now you read your comment uh but we want to kind of deal with this kind of uh uh yeah yes sir yeah so it's not your faith still applies even though you've been given a prophetic word it's it's it's wrong yes it's you receive it even by faith exactly so you have to operate it by faith there is nothing that excuses faith it's still god's word it still goes when you know even me i have to operate in faith it is by faith remember i went to to nigeria and i get a prophecy that um the revelation of the word shall increase that's a prophetic word yes sir i had to go back to all the visions i've had and seen from god about the revelation of the word increasing and then connected to this prophecy and i began to talk about it to myself i called my wife this is going to happen this way did you hear it and she was hearing it and as they were in the house watching they were falling under the power and coming back here uh i knew exactly what to do i didn't sit down and say i'll just wait for the village to come i went back into the wood and then i realized i was not seeing things that i wasn't seeing before wow i was deeper then yeah but deeper deeper now you understand the point so so when people hear me saying the revelation of the word the word came to me and demanded to be spoken they think it became automatic no i had to engage my faith amen that's right so you were saying pastor felix said what so pastor felix said um he was saying is when you were mentioning when you went hunting yeah he said i picked up the bird even at our offices in graystone park when when we ran out of pellets we were doing it again again yeah so this is another incident so you ran out of pellets and you just pointed the gun at the dove and it just felt it fell right there but you see the point i would repeat it is because i saw it it had happened so i could repeat it you understand the point where you have seen it works like this when you have seen if you did it the last time you do it the next time so now i'm mature in that level i can do it it's the same thing with when i tell my wife if we want money i can actually declare that within these days we'll get that money yes i don't care where i don't call nobody yes i'm not going to call them call people what do you think where do we get this money no i know somebody somewhere something somehow some business somewhere some contract someone will click and that man will come exactly the money we need that will happen so it's an issue of understanding faith here are we talking yes sir yes yes yes yes yes uh uh uh now i'm currently in certain ministry but a vision where i was instructed to give tithe to a certain man of god so does it mean that that's where i should fellowship okay next question oh my god what's what's this one saying um i'm currently okay okay why do i dream minister to by other prophets while i love you the most and tie this to you big blow is whenever i listen to you and preach the anointing becomes too much then they say something very much yet i never dream about you that's so nice go to this prophecy you are dreaming about it's because you really if you listen to me you wouldn't be asking this question yes because i don't believe in dreams you always say prophet that we are not led by dreams we are not led by dreams with this day and age we are led by the spirit amen do people dream does it come to pass yes but it's not supposed to be so yeah it's the immature way of being led by god right yeah probably always say is because god has to wait until your flesh is resting exactly for you imagine god has to wait for you to sleep imagine when you are awake and something happens you want to know nothing until you go to sleep so please please i want to know whether give me a bed now and you never you can't calculate these dreams they might not come yeah you know you can dream you can read about angels all week long and dream about demons every night never come and the bible says they buy too much talk and too much busy body moving about for nothing dreams come so dreams come to busy bodies people who have no diligence in their work just hard workers standing in doing whatever like where are you why don't you just sit down for two minutes i'm working hard then after it's done say let's do an audit of what you did rubbish nothing it's been done then you realize this one busy body all right so always understand you say um i remember talking to to my brother one time in the lord and i was saying to him the the problem with our people is they've gone out there and explained to the whole world how sharp we are in the prophetic without talking about how spiritual they know us to be [Music] so we are marketing miracles we are not marketing who we are as christians hallelujah i don't know if you get the point amen i can be here and decide if i want a prayer partner i can call my brother or i can call my wife in the city and said look look i need this prayer request i trust my wife with my prayer request because of what i know about her spiritually you understand the difference now some people i can't trust because i don't know who you are spiritually i'm not trusting her because she knows someone's name and all that you know that gifts and callings are without repentance you can do that without being good yourself gifts and callings are without repentance in other words god doesn't repent after giving you a gift it's not called the law of the spirit it's a gift it's a gift to this woman if it was the law of the spirit you would take it when you mess up yeah now he doesn't take it when you mess up no number one because of grace number one because he said it gifts and colleagues are without repentance so there is no way he removes it from you are you getting it now yes so the verse so you ought to understand the vessel the person you know you know them spiritually you know them spiritually amen i don't know if you understand this it's amazing are you getting it ah so the experience of the anointing is what they are experiencing uh i dream of my room opening up and me coming in through a roof jesus christ this is some this is amazing and it disappeared and i think where is it now i don't know this roof issue is gone oh no i look i'm very sorry about the roof please send it back i it just disappeared he says i dreamt of my roof opening up and papa angel came and touched my feet and the cloud formed and came into me wow amen is it a dream no sir i think people still didn't listen to me when i say what a dream is and what a vision is a dream you need to explain a lot this one you don't need to explain if i dream the lord is coming in here and touching my head and guess what i don't need to to explain i just need to look what is what is another thing that is called cloud the glory cloud we know it i know it i know it does say oh so why can i connect to this it's not a connection it's what it is spiritually if you understand spiritual things based on the word you quickly say there's no interpretation i know what it is a dream of the night a vision of the night you don't need to explain nothing it's direct it is what it is yes then another thing when you get a cow and the pig in the crocodile speaking and then one runs and jumps over a wall and then orange appears now that our now you need you need a lot of explanation now you know you have you are having a dream you are a busy body see it's just like ways to a fool so it's a dream to a person with a busy body to a busy body that means a dreamer is is linked to a fool in the bible all right we have kate here saying i don't have a question i have watched you so many times until i actually now get a lot of the answers just by your teachings somebody says why do i not spend more time prophesying like way before because the dispensation has changed and i'm the change of the dispensation maybe maybe you want me to talk this directly i lead the dispensation of the prophet that's my calling on earth to lead the dispensation of the modern day prophetic movement so when you hear people calling me the godfather of the prophetic movement they are not trying to say i'm i'm the one who created it i'm just the leader of the dispensation and there can be seven dispensation in one generation yes one waiting for the other to pass when i had to come in but they are already existing concurrently so i'm by no means saying your pastor is under me now it may be in another dispensation but is in another dispensation that just went was when marcelo left yes he closed the dispensation yes yes and opened a dispensation where people like pastor chris not people like where pastor chris leads as the apostle of christianity now listen to me i did not say the apostle of his church no i'm talking about the whole of christianity i didn't go there just because he's my father i definitely know what i'm submitting to yes no i know what i'm doing and you say i don't i don't want to talk like this here and and it will be another debate with some people that don't understand spiritual things i will get time to actually teach people about dispensations yes so i definitely know what happened then when mauricio left i definitely know what he ushered in wow and his grace not impact oh my god is grace upon a man all right glory in the times of brother branham there were people at that time who filled martin it was the days of ten meetings all right yes sir and there were people who feel more tense than brother branham every brother wasn't feeling big dents all the robbers were at the same time small church brother runner in a small church but don't don't joke around all robots came to ask brother branham what to do why they were not making an impact where they were and i got an answer from a person who led the dispensation yet he had the smaller change wow there's nothing to do with numbers and we have a lot of numbers by the way all right so when you look at you better angel and people consider me the godfather of the prophetic movement kneeling before pastor chris it's not humility it's my level hallelujah people people think if you practice your level you are humble no no no no no no no no that's your level if a teacher acts like a teacher he's a teacher but when a teacher acts like a student he's ah yes that's humility you're getting it now some people are getting it and we'll deal with this dispensation thing that i just studied here in a few and i you know i i when i talk about persecutes i don't want to talk in a certain way that since i love pastor chris and and i know pastor chris you think maybe pastor chris is spoken to me about these things nope nah don't have that discussion so i think that question also perhaps they're also trying to come from him you know he's my father so i won't even deal with the prophets to him or anything but when i'm talking to my church i have to tell them what i know i didn't go there for because i i used to know way back i got a vision way back that is my mentor way back and i couldn't have access that's one thing but the other thing is i know where i am in the dispensation if if people would hear what i'm saying i know you do and even the ones who are trying to interpret it are getting it wrong all right we have tabby here saying um was listening to you praying with tongues when i was in hospital and i couldn't breathe and you appeared and you called my name now i'm out of the hospital and i'm now i'm healed and you say take a bible take a book and take a pen wow just imagine they are not asking me what it means they know exactly what it means and they are out of it so they received the vision it might have appeared to them like a dream because they were sleeping but people would get a trance while he's sleeping all right we're going to come back in a few minutes and take a certain um testimony about people that have believed the grace eyewitness of the glory listen love you so much and remain there some people when they hear this they start living like oh we are oh no no no no we're going to pastor savannah what are you ministering what you say is what you do that's a prophetic song and don't go anywhere we're still coming back here to take a testimony all right [Music] oh [Music] what [Music] you deserve [Music] what you say you always [Music] [Applause] [Music] you deserve all our [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what you say is [Music] god [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] hey i want to say [Music] you don't mirror cause [Music] the miracle workers [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] what you say you always do [Music] hey what do you say you always do [Music] in this generation there are thousands of ministers and ministries rising and there's one minister i've met whose river runs deep i remember asking god three years ago show me grace and power and he gave me prophet uber angel i live my life by rule that our protection does not lie in our spirituality because many spirituals have fallen but it lies in our relationships relationships generates power listen to me a lot is happening a lot is happening and and remember we we were dealing with some very interesting subject today it was really really brilliant amazing sir really really brilliant and and it all comes to the integrity integrity of cause miracles signs and wonders around the prophet and people believing the words of a prophet and changing and turning things around using what they had the prophet say is also proof but it's not the main proof the main proof is what god says about a person the second one is what is around him is the integrity of the person the integrity of a man very very important i was talking to my son uh jerome fernand today um he was a prophet already a prophet but he needed somebody to come and confirm it to him you know when god comes to you and tells you you're a prophet and you wonder what what do you mean another prophet then is saying and say you are a prophet be bold enough to go here do it this way do it this way do it this way do this boom it happens but one thing i told him i was saying to him one advantage you have is your full of integrity yes remember integrity is not what people say of you it's what god knows of you reputation is what people say of you wow integrity is what god says about you yes sir i don't know if you are getting this integrity is what god says about you what did i say integrity is what god says about you it's not what you what they say people say about you that's a reputation so most people are trying to protect their reputation they're not trying to protect their integrity yes because integrity you're not protecting god already knows what he knows about you i know the plans i have for you so your integrity is intact but the reputation now yes what people say about you you can do pierre to correct it but you can't change integrity no no no no you can change your pr and then your reputation is repaired but integrity is what god knows about you what you do behind the scenes yes i don't know if you're getting this what you do behind the scenes yes when the cameras are off we spent um sometimes we're on the phones talking for hours and hours up just about god with jerome you understand i can spend my wife can can get into my place and and and in my space you know like like i've got in a room that i i kind of pray in and when i'm in there and she finds me on the phone she would know for hours and hours i'll be with prophet muhammad you were talking about the bible where no funny talk no no what shoe size and stuff no just the word of god so the integrity of what what he knows about me would be spiritual and what i know about him would be spiritual so what i know about him becomes i know now the integrity carries based on what god says he is now it has nothing to do with reputation yes that's what you say about him yes that's what you say about me it's not what he god says about him and if i know that part that part then makes him a genuine prophet it's not what you say right it's not a prophecy you give yes it's what god said about him and i can only experience it you know i won't i don't want to say this because this is a very bad uh doctrine yeah it's what i know about him in the secret place but remember the secret place there is a book coming uh about the secret place that will actually prove to you that the secret place is not a place not a place yes no no so so a lot of people use it and i was in the second place so i'm just using it the way you would understand it secret place so what i know and experience by staying around the man of god by sitting around pastor chris by sitting around um rodney howard brown by being close to men of god around me i can tell this character that they don't see is what makes him the prophet not what you think yes sir not what you will say happened this are you getting it now so but the other thing is what are people experiencing around the prophet yes sir what are people experiencing i think we would we'll do um i'll do um a program that i will explain seven encounters with god's generals that changed my life now that you understand uh and and we're gonna have a week where we're just talking about spirit embassy week yes i love that well we're just dealing with what is happening what happened for us to get to where we are this was a record break a week where we have spirit embassy week just talking from first day what happened from the day we were told to start the ministry we're not even talking about when god called me as a young boy you know we're just talking about the time and you understand what i'm talking about when i saw i when i say i know people that i can say this one is a genuine prophet this one genuine this one genuine this one genuine then i say some people i have no idea not because they haven't prophesied but i just don't have the word for it all right so what's happening what's happening so we have this young man uh all the way from bristol [Applause] he has been breaking records this year sir and i want to thank you so much sir for this opportunity and uh so brother father if you can just tell us briefly how did it all start happening okay first of all i just want to thank you dad for this opportunity it's really amazing to be in this place and you've really impacted my life from 2011 when i joined the ministry and i started following you and i'm seeing a lot of things happening and i just want to thank you and to say i love you there before i started love you more love you more love your mom so um last year i wanted to come to this country so i started applying for jobs in the nhs i did countless applications i don't even know how many i did and nothing was happening but what i did is when you're applying there's a document that you have to attach to your application called the supporting information it's supposed to have something like 1500 words wow so what i did is i just swapped the last paragraph and the first paragraph and instead of labeling it supporting information i just slept with the document you bet angel and within two weeks within within two weeks dead i started receiving interviews upon interviews and offers and offers and some of them i even forgot that the guys would have to call me and say have you forgotten that we have got this interview have you forgotten that we gave you this offer and they speak to be honest it was amazing hallelujah from a period where you would apply and in order for you to apply to come to the united kingdom you actually have to go via an agent but he did this through himself he just went on the website nhs hospital and he applied and after he made those changes and you put your name on the documents they actually then gave him a job prophet i remember in around about november december time prophet you kept mentioning every sunday that uh you have the ability to experience to experience 2020 while she was still here in 2019 remember i i think we were in nigeria and pastor chris said i do my christmas carols in march yes i said what do you mean he said i'm i'm far ahead march we're already doing christmas singing christmas carol because april is already next year i prophesy you shall move in that spirit in the name of jesus let's go so you then got the job and you then uh applied for your visas yes so what happened is when i applied for the visa this was now in january this was now in january after the crossover service and i remember papawa's prophet was talking about record-breaking access so now what happened sir is when i went to submit my papers for my application i submitted my papers and soon afterwards i think about a week after i submitted them i realized that the documents had the wrong passport number and these were coming from the hospital so i contacted the hospital and i told them uh guys this is what is happening do you think you can contact the home office or something like that so that they can i don't know do something and my manager said to me you know what to be honest your visa is going to be denied but let's hope that they denied quickly so that we can apply for another one and um they said but let's hope that worst case scenario they don't think that this is fraud because if they think that is fraud you may be denied to come in the country forever so this is the nhs speaker this is the nhs that have actually done the application on his behalf wow and they had placed the wrong passport number on the documentation wow wow wow yes carry on so what happened now is i was i was really stressed i didn't know what to do but i remember that you said that this year is a year of record-breaking access and i remember you talking of your testimonies and a lot of them and i remember the other one where you said you were in one place and then you appeared in another place then i said if god if god could make my dad to do that that kind of operating in the supernatural then me as a son angel should also go there and fix my passport number somehow if he did it the last time he's gonna do it the next time so weeks later uh the guys from the passport office they called me that i have to go and collect everything the visa so i got there and then i took it i was just going almost really i was just saying ah whatever and then when i got home i opened the document and lobby and behold the visa was there and it had the correct correct wow number wow [Applause] i think everybody should just put on the apostles if he did it the last time he did it he's gonna do it the next but time remember um uh you've always said we have people in the home office yes anybody who comes seeking issues to do with uh it's already done it's already done as long as you enter israel so his passport he's his papers at the wrong possible number but so by the grace it was all changed and he got the visa with the right passport number the right passport it was amazing amazing and what's really amazing that as if that was not enough when i got here that was around end of february when i got here i got to my place and i hadn't signed the contract and then they the case of employment the contract of employment and then they gave me a contract and on the contract was not what we had agreed for the money had increased the benefits and even the amount of stay that i had to be here i was supposed to be given a three-year contract but i saw it was written permanent and i was even shocked in my name and my name my name was there and i was looking and saying is this really me you know i had to ask that are you sure that you did not give me the wrong conflict it's happening it's happening it's happening you enter into a country thinking you've only been given three years with a written contract from the nhs but when they give you one to sign something had taken place there i'm telling you the money had increased and permanent stay less fast forward to a record-breaking immunity okay so that's these testimonies they were just happening i think within spaces of like two weeks two weeks two weeks two weeks so now i started working in the hospital in march and within about a month after the lockdown the hospital was shut down because the number of covered cases had increased and when they tested all of us 40 percent of the staff working in the hospital had coffee so we actually have this this was actually in the bbc and i believe we can put it on screen uh it's already on screen it's already on screen the bbc this is the western general hospital now when you read it actually says there were 1 700 staff members that tested positive of kovitz 1 700. that they actually had to close the hospital because of that wow and what's really amazing that is i'm a geographer so i work in the front line i meet covered patients not not within a meter but with them working with them directly directly with them and nothing happened and nothing happened as if that was enough dead [Applause] and in his accommodation prophet he actually stays i stay with your weight mate with the workman who was diagnosed to have covet sharing kitchen sharing everything bathroom everything but it did not even touch him at all 14 days i was in quarantine with him for 14 days in the same house in the same house a positive person nothing touched him just imagine when they test everyone and they are not part of him we refuse to participate sir i told you when they said there is a recession me and my church we are not participating when they say there is property me and my judge we are not participating when they say there is covered me and my church we are participating me and jesus we are not participating when god tends to you it's now your turn he is doing it this next time because of the last time he did it the last time so you can believe the next time it's amazing it's amazing it's amazing so people around you are affected by the same uh action yes the same graces have the same glasses dead maybe if i can add something yeah so the same supporting information that i told you the same document that i labeled you better angel yeah i gave it to two of my other colleagues back in zimbabwe and they used the same one and then oh yeah [Applause] he's gonna do it the next time actually the other one is coming in a few weeks time so they got the visa they got their jobs and the other one is doing his visa now just imagine they got a job yes it's coming just like that prophet you always teach us if you find something that works daylight daylight work the daylights out of it it's just amazing it's just amazing what god is doing with our ministry with ministries around the world with everybody around the world it's just amazing it's just amazing and god has sent a lot of people i'm by no means uh saying i'm the only prophet on earth i've mentioned a lot of prophets yes sir even today and now this wasn't a defense of t.b joshua all right it was just the truth people just don't respect prophets anymore they just don't they want the prophet to explain things the way they need look at the nonsense he did to put my name on something yes sir if you look at it on with canal eyes it's nonsense stupid why would you do that it works it says guys use this one this system works and it's working it's a system it's working if it's working it's working remember the sister from um from manchester united who came and said i don't have a visa yeah and i said uh look just write the letter to to the immigration and say you won the visa and bond paper she took a bond paper android hello home office god bless you give me my visa god bless you and send it yeah i don't know two weeks or three weeks i don't remember what two weeks ago they brought the visa on the on the one paper on the wallpaper people be like no that's too much that's why it's a testament that's why we're telling you yeah if it was reasonable would you say she applied yeah and this makes no sense i did makes faith you understand we we have a lot of people that have come and spoken words of prophecy uh sufferage was very good uh with regards to um to trump coming into power i did the same prophecy uh kim clement was one dangerous person when it came to international prophecies kim clement was uh he is he's now gone to be with the lord but kim clement was dangerous kim clement 2007 that's when he mentioned trump becoming president talking about planes hitting the two towers before even that 1997 or something yeah on video that's crazy talking about a bush and banning bush will go to iraq to revenge bush wasn't even president so you can understand there are entities that god has placed in a place and when they hit it they hid it that guy kim clement 100 prophet of god you might not like him but he's a prophet of god then there is another guy called you behold real prophet of god [Applause] the prophet of christians then you look um i don't want to you know when when i talk like this remember i always remove persecutes from anybody that i'm i'm talking about because that's a that's a colossal yeah that's a different entity all together that i should never even take time to talk about i don't want to talk about that because people are very immature they start putting you better in you putting persecutes and say with woo no no no i'm not talking about that i'm not talking about that and and remember what i told you before uh before we finish this we're talking about prophetic even the ones who are talking again as prophets don't pro don't talk against them yes did i just make myself clear even the ones who are fighting against prophets if you follow me don't mention them don't say anything about them don't even talk to them and don't even talk about them yes sir where are you going to get them saying anything were you even where were you what were you watching what were you watching how did you go to their page and took even two minutes to listen how were you doing it no one time i saw a paper written angel fights t.b joshua way how somebody just decided in their own house i'm gonna write an article about angel fighting t.b joshua nope i don't fight to be joshua me for what reason you don't fight any men of god why would i fight no if i don't like you i keep quiet if you are fake i keep quiet did i say that yes sir if i don't have anything to say about you nice to say about you why do i talk yeah just keep quiet you know i'm not i'm not the the measurement of who is a prophet and who is fake nope nope nope nope so i want you to to understand uh when you see tb joshua and you see all these prophets just now it's okay leave them alone i remember prophet cobus of blessed memory he went home to be with the lord the men could teach the word ah the man would join this verse and this verse he would be confused in the service like what what did he just do he was able to mix this and get this and get this and get the sense correctly it was amazing you can be impressed by such people and say god send somebody you might not like one or two things but he also might not like one or two things about you listen to me here these are my last words for tonight unity is not uniformity wow unity is not uniformity being one with prophet t.b joshua doesn't mean to say he agrees with everything i do it doesn't mean say i also agree and it doesn't mean i disagree all right unity doesn't have to be uniformity just because your church has got different doctrines to mind doesn't mean that we are not united yes us believing jesus christ is the hundred percent we should concentrate on not you wearing long dress or short dress no that is something else we can discuss later but the fact that we believe in jesus christ one jesus christ should unite us unity is not uniformity uniformity is never unity just because we agree doesn't mean we are united but the things that we call unity doesn't have to be uniformity you can decide oh in our church we don't wear jewelry but we believe jesus christ is the son of god we believe the same so we are united in that yes but may be divided when it comes to jewellery but it doesn't have to be a division just they have to be a preference yes sir that's what you said that's what we said i remember uh bishop dawes here a few days ago yesterday and he said to me during the break time and he was talking about um why he doesn't like gold jewelry so that i used to to be in india a lot and that was part of his piety you know where he would uh uh you know show reverence to their beliefs and their dogmas in their doctrine he wanted to actually appear humble to them because they were not going to accept him with god everywhere they would think you are too high-class so he reduced himself so from that time he started just wearing silver to this day he grew and a love for silver jewelry that doesn't mean to say he doesn't like gold but the ministry that where he was going to minister he needed to touch them with the message of christ and he had to remove some things in order to touch them but if you had seen him with gold it doesn't didn't mean to say he was pompous or too followed no it's not like that it was just him saying i need the message to get through so i removed this and they saw some churches have got doctrines that remove some things because the crowd that they're ministering to won't understand that doesn't mean to say we're not united yes sir so unity doesn't need to be uniformity everyone has got their reasons why they are doing the other things the way they are doing them and nothing connected to really christ jesus dying on the cross but something that helps their audience to receive christ better and wherever you are bible says if you're in rome do what the romans do in order to win them so understand that and i love you so much you guys bibi and i are excited that you're in this way thank you so much brother for coming and thank you we appreciate you so much and may god continue doing miracles and miracles and may you also receive the same miracles just as he received these you receive yours and thank you pastor titus for being here we appreciate it and pastor ronnie been brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant and also pastor john has been doing a lot of technical stuff behind the scenes and we appreciate he he was teaching possibility today so we appreciate everything that he's been doing here and a lot of our guys who are been ministering in music star uh everybody all right pastor femi and brother christian and pastor k and all of you that i didn't mention your names we love you so much what are you ministering no cochran holy ghost fire okay let's go holy ghost fire and thank you so much and remember this all week we are not into taking an offering and taking offering whosoever wants to give they just do so so we love you so much uh let's go holy ghost fire love you so much we are not out of good we are not out of good news we are just out of time and we believe in god because we believe in good news and we believe in good news because we believe in god bibi and i saying signing out we love [Music] you [Music] my enemies [Music] see they change my story [Music] real diamonds on my neck we ain't bout a gucci fact [Music] believe i will never go broken [Music] my [Music] see they changed my story [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] so they can see [Music] [Music] see they [Music] is [Music] that's the mystery [Applause] [Music] hallelujah so uh when you see confidence in that angel is not entitled so we have it as a country this one is not a tiger
Channel: Uebert Angel
Views: 12,912
Rating: 4.9292035 out of 5
Id: b607qWjUwMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 208min 50sec (12530 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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