Faith That Stands Still - Part 1 with Prophetess BeBe Angel

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[Applause] hello hello and a very good evening to you guys it's so awesome to be able to be here today and just get into the word and delve into it learn from it get the word in our spirits let it be a seed in your spirit let it be planted for good and grow into a massive tree so I'm very excited about tonight hope I really do find you guys doing well I know it's a beautiful Tuesday evening wherever you are watching me from some of you have already gone into Wednesday so it should be Wednesday morning in some places right all right so good morning to you so it's good evening good afternoon good morning from wherever you're watching me from it's a wonderful day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in its I am very excited today because we are going to be learning about faith the kind of faith that stands still Oh Laurie it beats a god I am so excited in my spirit because I know that somebody is genuinely going to be held today and that's the whole idea of all of these broadcasts why we are here most evenings during the week is for you to actually learn something it's not for any other reason but that so I really want you to learn something new today I want you to learn something that you will use don't just be a hearer of the word but a doer as well you hear it in order to do you are inspired in order to do that's a slogan I usually use with my core 100 ladies so you are inspired by something in the word that pushes you to actually action it to do something about it that's the whole idea our great amazing prophet you but angel I better pause right there so that you can clap for him in his absence is an amazing amazing word said Jen what we have been learning during this lockdown is exceptional and I know I speak for thousands upon thousands if not millions of people around the world who actually know how much of this word we been receiving been helping us has been helping us in amazing ways a lot of lives have been changing people have been giving their lives to Christ people have started businesses during this lockdown and done so well during this time so great things are happening and I am so excited because it is his anointing that we all function under and I for one and am extremely I don't even know how to put it anyways let me think for a second I am extremely blessed to be called one of prophet Ubud angels me myself and I I am one of many spiritual children that he has because I also learn from him everything that I know is because of what he has taught me so I am blessed to be a part of this spiritual family it is an amazing amazing opportunity I have grown beyond Heights I didn't even know I would be here I never imagined I would be here I never imagined it at all so I'm blessed to be called one of his in this spiritual family that we have the good news Church Spirit Embassy is an amazing thing to be here with you guys learning from the true prophet of our generation generation the major prophet of our generation an amazing amazing man who also happens to be my most beloved husband and we have just been having an amazing time even during this lockdown we've not felt it at all we've been having so much fun and we've been praying we've been getting in the word we've been learning the Bible with him it's been absolutely amazing and I just thank God for his life because if it wasn't for him for sure I wouldn't be here and this is not cliche it's not something that I'm saying because I'm meant to say it it's not something that I'm saying because I'm his wife I'm supposed to make him look good or just cheerleading to chew on and you know so people say he's doing well not at all I'm saying it because I mean it this is what is in my spirit and I will say it and shout it at any mountaintop I am blessed to be called property but angels like it's an honor for me and I am so ready to serve Him all the days of like this Jesus somebody you better say hallelujah right there Christopher temple is saying I love the dance okay yes you know me I like going crazy for Jesus because I think you know when you guys look at me and when you see the way I am it's so telling that's just how I am every day that's how I am at home behind the scenes on the scenes that's just me so there's no pretense there's no hidden agendas what you see is exactly what you get so I don't have no time to pretend to be somebody else so I am so in love with the Lord and you know the Bible says the joy of the Lord is our strength right and so I find so much joy in him I just find myself laughing sometimes I think there was a video of me that went around some time and I was just laughing and laughing and laughing I could not stop laughing and I had to pray with a lot God I need to say something to your people so at least let me finish then I get laugh on my own at home because he is just so much a part of me and I am so full of the Holy Spirit sometimes I don't have nothing to say except just laughing just have so much joy dance with him I don't even care if I don't have good dance moves as long as I am dancing for my Kenny so you see so during this whole plan demmick all you need to remember is God loves you more than you know he adores you he would come and be crucified just for you if it was only for you he would do it all over again just for you you you you yourself you all your sins all your whatever doesn't matter doesn't make a difference he would have done exactly the same thing again and again and again alright somebody's really keen to say tell me their testimony from India I can see it growing going going going going going you're saying from India okay it's Villa La Villa I'm gonna read your testimony now okay you can stop stop with the typing okay I think you did copy/paste right because it's not tyre dislike I won't go with the same thing copy paste it says I'm from India my father's business has risen to a new level wow this is amazing the plethora and he is saying even in this lockdown era ever since I received prophetic declaration from the Prophet thank you so much may God bless you all thank you so much Ripley Chopra for that wonderful testimony and guess what more testimonies are coming your way yourself and your family are so blessed in the name of Jesus hallelujah and tell me where are these people watching me from remember guys to share the broadcast as we usually say don't forget to share the broadcast don't forget to tell somebody that we are here you don't know whose life you are saving literally by just simply clicking a little button and sending it to somebody you don't know what it is that you're doing so we do encourage you to share this broadcast so that someone else can be blessed too so tell me where are you watching me from on YouTube we have Sandra Bloomfield watching from Jamaica Emanuel nazar from Ghana the Lea Salonga from Zambia yes Esmeralda or Orlando Florida and we also have James from Zambia watching on Facebook and room be watching in Sandra from London Laurie Ann is watching from Denmark good to see you at respite is indole azam ba miss you guys in zambia and so good that you connected combodia is watching from England yes o England is also in the house I can see a lot of people someone is in Louisiana thank you so much for convinced as well that's awesome instagramers mm-hmm yeah people tuning in from Australia South Africa Sri Lanka Germany Italy India it is global indeed an Adam Graham here Bria - Annie was watching from India we've got wise vagus aigoo who is watching from Wales we've got Preston watching from Zimbabwe Harari we also have Baraka who's watching from Tanzania we have Jerry who's watching from Rome Wow wonderful thank you so much for connecting to this broadcast our prophet said this is our season for spiritual growth and haven't we been growing for sure so every single time that we alive it's very important for you to tune in learn something you know we would really much rather be in bed like some of you right now you're watching me from the comfort of your bed with a nice duvet cup of tea hot chocolate whatever especially in Africa I hear some of the places where it's now winter it's absolutely brutal so I know you are enjoying yourself in the comfort of your home's watching I would love to be sitting too and just watching you a broadcast somewhere but we would be so I think it would be a crime to not get into the word and learn especially now honestly it would be a crime right it would just be a crime so it's a pleasure for us to be here to teach you guys get into the word and learn something new all right so all right so today I'm gonna be talking about feed that standstill oh my god I I hope I have my people ready to lend something here today because it's gonna be amazing and I want you to lend something faith is the bedrock of everything all right I'm not gonna take too much of your time so I really want you to pay close attention get your new books get your pens ready you better take some notes and learn and don't say it's just a broadcast who cares it's not real Church ruin real church that's how really really really starts doing some real Church things this is it this is it all right there's no other this is it so you better tune in you better be serious get everything else out of the way and pay close attention because we are getting into the word and it's very very important all right so we're gonna be talking about faith that stands still I'm gonna open the scriptures and I'm gonna reveal some things to you that are going to really change your life forever all right so before we do that let me just pray for you I just want you to raise your hands wherever you are so that we can all pray just raise your hands father in the name of Jesus I pray for every person who is watching me right now I pray Almighty God that your anointing which is ever-present your presence which is ever-present on the inside of us let it be made manifest to those who are watching me I pray Almighty God that there be a change in the lives of the people watching me let this not just be another broadcast that is just the same as any other where people just watch them they don't learn anything I prayed that something something is planted in their spirits that will change their lives forever I pray for every family that is watching me this broadcast changed your family me it's change every married couple may it change children who are watching with their parents I pray that it changes your business I pray that it changes your job everything that surrounds you your community I pray for your nation I pray for wherever you're watching me from let the anointing of the Lord surround that area because of you because you are tuned in to this broadcast right now you are going to become the catalyst of change in that place whether it's a catalyst of change in your family whether it's a catalyst of change in your nation your community i prophesy right now in the name of Jesus that God is raising you up as a Joseph to help your family to help your nation to help those around you they shall look up to you it doesn't matter if you were the middle born first born last born they shall look up to you because there is an anointing that is coming over your life right now as I pray for you in the name of Jesus this lockdown shall not affect you this lockdown shall not affect your business affect your children it will not affect anything that concerns you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ we pray hallelujah glory glory be to the Most High God Wow I am so excited right so we want to talk about fake that stand still Jesus is the Lord now I told you last time it's impossible to please the Lord if you don't have faith so some of you may be asking the question that why is faith so important and why are we just learning about faith when some of you saw the title for tonight you were like okay yeah I know faith it is well oh just you name it because you think you already know everything all right so you just thought oh well we'll just tune in because I'm supposed to wear as I'm telling you the truth there is no way that you hear the word and it doesn't affect you somehow especially if you are not a hard nut to crack somehow somewhere when it drops in your spirits something is activated again and again and again it's like there is a key that is put in a lock and it is turned and the door is wide open on the inside of your spirit now you don't know which broadcast is like that for you specifically you don't know so never take a single one lightly for all you know God is about to change your life right now as you are watching me something is about to break like never before you just better believe it I like what prophet says he says God's biggest obsession is to be believed by his people if you can just believe only believe ah that's what Jesus said he said only believed that all things are possible if you only believe so we're talking about faith that stands still without faith you cannot please God we already know that from the scriptures you cannot please him he says I'm not pleased with you no matter what you do if you sing amazingly in the choir it doesn't matter if you're the best you would in the church it doesn't matter how much you've given maybe you're the biggest giver in the ministry maybe you are the biggest what do you call this the caregivers in the church you look after others looking after this one you look after everyone you are always busy making sure everyone is okay without faith still God is not pleased since without faith it's impossible to please God it's impossible if there's one thing that is impossible our over everything on this planet if there's one thing that is impossible is to please God without faith it doesn't work that way so you cannot say I don't have faith but anyway God is happy with me never he's never happy and he's not amused at all at the fact that you don't have faith now we're gonna be talking about this in a little bit of detail faith at stand still so that you can really lend and when you learn you know exactly how to operate in this time of lockdown after a lockdown and beyond so you know how to maneuver with your lives all right so I want us to go to a book of the Bible that I really love James let's go to mr. James Oh Pastor James apostille James alright let's go to James chapter 1 nilaam is in Pakistan all right awesome really saying I have court today I believe all things will work together for my good don't worry after this hello I'm telling you girl you will know for sure that you are coming out of every problem that you are currently facing in the name of Jesus all right so are we there in the book of James chapter one verse number six are you there verse number six all right okay let me just read it let me just read it it says but let him ask in fact let's read from verse five if any of you lack wisdom so that it's you can it sounds in context okay I want it all in context if any of you lack wisdom hmm some people are busy typing typing the keyboard masters please are you listening or you're just typing alright if any of you lack wisdom let him ask of God it's as simple as that you are not wise just simply ask the Lord that giveth to all men liberally [Music] and abraded not and it shall be given him then verse 6 is where I really want to go it says but let him ask in faith all right hang on a second so if I'm gonna ask for wisdom I'm not just asking like I'm just going there and I'm just gonna ask it says but let him ask in faith so everything I'm going to ask for is in faith you know prophets said he was talking about faith and love and hope and it is in the greatest of these is love but do you know that the greatest is actually faith because without faith you cannot love God says love your enemies how do I love my enemies without faith I love them by faith because I'm following the Bible I'm following what God said by faith so if I love my enemies I love them by faith alright so faith is the bedrock of everything so even the love of God in me it operates by the same faith that we're talking about alright so yeah I can see people I'm listening alright so he says but let him ask in faith that's verse number six and he says nothing wavering glory for he that wavers is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed you know my spirit is even a bubbling from the inside right now you know what I want you to read it again really to put them again pastor Bevan read that verse again I want you to listen I want you to listen okay the word is so exciting all right so let's go James chapter one verse five and six what does it say give it I have an abraded not he shall be given him let him ask in faith nothing wavering nothing wavering nothing wavering mm-hmm well he that waver it is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed alright so that means so whenever the devil tries you you can literally stand and say I refuse to be moved off my position that's simply what faith is all about whenever you face any terrible circumstance you are standing there fitting the ground you dig in your feets and you literally say devil you thought you had me well you have another thing coming you can give me your best shot and it'll never work my faith is unwavering I am not moving I am not budging I stand on what God says I am and that's exactly what I'm gonna do that is what this kind of faith that is being spoken about means yeah I refuse to be moved I refuse to be moved some of you have struggled so long right now you've struggled so very much so long so many different situations so many different circumstances maybe you've been praying about the same thing over and over again maybe it's a court case that you have been going through over and over it just never seems to go away just like the lady here on YouTube who is saying I'm going to have a court case today I think I don't know which timezone she's in so maybe Wednesday morning or whatever she has a court case that is coming so imagine you've been through so many things and here James is saying listen I have a solution for you if you've been through a lot of things and I know I'm a lot of people are watching me right now we've been through a few things in fact all of us have been through this whole coffee thing right so we we know what we're saying we're flowing together so James has the word for you isn't ask in faith whatever you want to say just ask in faith make sure nothing is wavering on the inside of you and I'm gonna explain this scripture in detail we are going to pick it with a toothpick so that we really see exactly what it is saying here and you will be amazed how loaded this scripture is it is really loaded with the word of God in one tiny little vest so we're gonna get into it and then he says for he that wavers is like a wave of the sea driven by the wind and tossed how many of you are watching me right now and you're being tossed to and fro you've been going through a lot of things and it's just like you are just it's just a wave being tossed to and fro this service is really for you yes it may take time for some of your prayers to be answered maybe it's something that you have been praying about and it's taking so long and I like how prophet was talking about a special order he said sometimes you do pray for something and does take time even for the best of us it's not everything that just happens in a day you have to stick with the prescription yours is a special order and great things don't just happen overnight poof is done how does that even work so take your time there are certain things you have prayed to God for and right now as I'm talking to you you know okay yeah she's talking about this yeah for me it's about this yeah for me it's about fruit of the womb for me it's about this for me it's about my business for me it's about my citizenship or for me it's about a visa maybe you want a visa to go to a certain country so you know okay so yeah that one is me this one is you are locating yourself in the scripture so yours is a special order you see when it comes to faith that stand still is the kind of faith that no matter what kind of wind blows that kind of faith is not going anywhere it will not be moved it will not be moved there is a song that people sing it says I shall not be moved does it say again it says we shall not be moved you know that's that one just like a tree you guys what do you know you only know our Kelly first okay nobody anybody it is just like a tree planted by the water side or something like that I shall not be moved I think some of you know it right all right so just like a tree standing by the water side I shall not be moved we sing those songs in church and we are dancing to those songs in church I shall not be moved just like a tree standing by the water side I shall not be moved to repeat we sing and sing and sing and we keep saying it and we keep talking it but the moment we leave church one good thing comes your way and you say God we are you in my life I'm so alone Holy Spirit why have you forsaken me God God why have you forsaken me imagine that are you not the one who was saying I'm just like a tree standing by the water side you see it's one thing singing it in church and it's another thing practicing it at home you see I always say that is kind of like you know thank you monkey and brenda saying I know that song thank you there's some people I like to call it mob psychology you are in touch and everyone is all excited and it's very easy when you're in church to agree it sounds like yeah let's do this I've got this yes faith yes we are doing it this week we are doing it let's do this faith thing it's so easy when there is a mob that is supporting you in church when it's a lot of voices saying the same thing it's like you are not really moved by the word itself you are moved by the cries and the shouts of others around you and then when you get home poof it's all gone like Houdini all of a sudden he's gone it has vanished where is the confession what about what you were saying in church about what he was singing in church what has that all gone so we are talking about a faith that stands still once it digs its heels in the ground he's not going anywhere it's not going in any way you have to understand one thing number one the devil is gonna find you no matter what happens the devil is going to fight you no matter what he will don't think the devil is taking a siesta just because you prayed and you said wow I have a note of victory and I have a symphony oh and I'm wearing my whoo POTUS oh yes and the Apple crypto is working and now I have reached Areopagus level and all of that is on you Nicolaitans beauty's not in me Nephilim's read is not in me everything nothing is on you but still the devil is gonna fight there is no way he's taking a siesta saying now I'm going to the beach because I think finally the sister I think I think she's done it I'm just gonna go away he will fight you he will always try yes there are times where he will flee from you regarding certain situations he will flee but it doesn't mean he won't try again the Bible says a new weapon that is fashioned against you shall not prosper it implies that the weapons are going to be fashioned at some points it doesn't say occasionally the devil is going to try you know his weapons are being fashioned right now as I'm talking to you all right so the devil will fight you that's number one number two you also have your own flesh to deal with you also have your own doubts to deal with so those things are always there so how do you know best tackle it faith that stand still hmm I don't know whether they add it and then saying mom and me yes okay mom your words make me remind they remind me of the message unquestionable Dominion through the spirit of faith is an amazing message what else are people saying Joseph Foreman on you should be saying whatever tries to move me bounces off and I make it become of nothing my faith is far above all things I cannot be moved ever exactly and listen to me flesh loves comfort flesh loves comfort when you are sitting down like this relax that's exactly what your flesh loves more than anything that's why you'll find some people struggle with change just once more change they don't want it to move to a new town is so scary to move to it let alone a new country they can't even make a few changes in their lives because why they are so comfortable the flesh loves comfort once you are used to a certain routine yeah you are happy you feel comfortable the flesh loves comfort it doesn't like challenges whereas faith is a challenge you can never please God if you don't know what faith is and faith is basically a challenge in fact when it boils down to the basics of it faith is an arguments faith is just arguing you argue the doctor says you are sick and you say no I'm not it's an argument I'm sorry the doctor says you have cancer no I do not the bank is telling you right now you are now officially broke no I am NOT your husband tells you I'm leaving you no you are not sit back down and let me give you some dinner your wife tells you she's leaving no you are not sit back here let let me massage you right now refuse these things that's faith faith is an argument you argue until you get what it is that you want that's the basics of faith so a lot of you who are watching me right now you enjoy the comforts of your flesh the flesh doesn't like to praise too long 30 minutes I know I don't want this too long okay it's prayer time I'd rather watch a movie noise crater I would rather know I'm eating right now oh let's watch the broadcast um I need to talk to my sister we've not spoken for some time I just need to talk to her on the phone it's important we we are close like that I need to talk to my friend we are close like that myself and my husband - no we are just having husband-wife time we don't have time to watch a church for now the flesh loves comfort and as long as your flesh loves comfort there is no way you can acquire a pig that tends to it's impossible I'm telling you the truth it's impossible you cannot sit in the comfort zone and say I have faith at the exact same time no way faith is literally always out of your comfort zone no matter what faith is outside your comfort zone otherwise there's not gonna face why would it be cold faith imagine someone telling you believe in things that are not as if they were how can God tell me to believe in something that doesn't exist as if it does exist how can you say I should say I don't have cancer when clearly I can see the x-rays I can see the Sun Oh graphs are saying there is something wrong I can see it all as clear as day I can feel the at Rytas in my bones I can feel the blood pressure I can feel the headaches I can feel this I can feel that and yet God says you don't have it say you don't have it the audacity of faith faith tends to I don't have it I am not sick and I stand I'm not sick I don't feel any symptoms imagine that that is totally outside of a comfort zone so I hope somebody here catches this because this is the foundation the foundation of your walk with the Lord heavily relies on this when the foundation is wrong it doesn't matter what you're gonna build if you want to build 50 stories up if you want to go 20 stories if you want to go a hundred stories going upwards a skyscraper that thing is gonna fall down because the foundation is too weak so you cannot build on the wobbly foundation so no matter how much we teach you sometimes you can listen to one day you decide today I want to listen to prophet angel he's teaching about why was teaching a poor crypto hmm and he's also teaching about this and he's also teaching about that I want to learn something no matter what prophet puts into your spirit you're not gonna catch it because the foundation is wrong you don't have the the basis for the words to get into you there is no basis for it it's like trying to paint in thin air the paint is just gonna fall to the ground you need some kind of canvas you need some kind of material behind it so that when you start painting the picture the picture sticks to that material so that is your faith faith is the foundation it is the bedrock your faith needs to grow that's the good thing about faith it's like going to the gym you exercise a muscle until you are used to it and for those who go to the gym have you noticed that you can do one specific exercise until it's not painful anymore the first time you did it you were it was torture you were in pain you couldn't even move and then after a while and you just do the exact same exercise and you're like oh I can't feel anything and don't lie to say you know what I'm saying because you've never been to the gym you don't know their entrance you don't know what a gym looks like the entrance even what does the entrance look like you don't even know so don't try to say amen amen when you have no idea what I'm saying alright because especially during this especially during this time of lockdown I know some of you we are going to be shocked when we see you with the cheeks all squidgy because the the food diaries have been flowing well during lockdown we've been eating and eating and on a Tom Graham have been seeing people posting food more than ever before I said what are these people doing at home it seems like everybody is in cooking mode alright so so faith is like a muscle you lift up the weight and you have to exercise the muscle you are exercising you are lifting it you are lifting it so first you start with two kilos and then you go to five and then from five you go to ten and you are exercising it that's exactly how faith grows exactly the same you exercise you get to a certain level and then you know right this is now Bo I can even feel it in my spirit this is not beyond me I can do better than this and then you start exercising for bigger and better things something is bound to happen excellent really think we can do all things through Christ even jimang virtually there is no virtual TV and exile is saying bodily exercise profiteth little so yeah I think you are saying who cares all right no there's no such thing that lead to if the Bible says it profits little the little is also important yeah we have Joey Lynn Christian mom I wrote a project about faith I was so passionate about it today you are expanding the knowledge I had thank you so much I'm moving to a different level with this message awesome that's great alright so faith knows what it wants that's the basics of faith faith really knows exactly what it wants it doesn't vacillate delaying today you are here tomorrow you are there you are thinking should I shouldn't I should I go here did the ring and you know thinking should I should I wait will be one step forward I'm actually wait wait wait wait then this way wait wait wait wait wait wait let me think let me think let me think okay I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it now wait wait wait wait it doesn't work that way there is no time for did the ring when it comes to faith faith makes a decision faith stands and sticks to that decision there's no time for nonsensical things anyone who is a faith person check the people around them any faith person just check the company they think then you will know whether you are dealing with somebody who is well vist when it comes to fate or not three people have no time for wasting it's wasting time wasting time they want to get things done let's do it let's get in there and let's get stuck in let's do something all right so I want us to look at this scripture against James described the unwavering attitude of a Christian it was unwavering a tree and I want to look at it again okay so a believer must have this unwavering kind of attitude he's saying be unwavering and imagine I like how this is so important because God made sure that everything that is in the Bible is so important because he knew that would read it over and over and over again for thousands and thousands of years so he had to make sure that everything was perfect that was in this word so when you see James saying this this is so important for you to pause and say James what are you actually saying okay break it down for us brother all right so so that unwavering attitude of a believer that's what we want to check out what is it that a Christian must be doing what is it that he must have when he asked God for something in faith so it says again but let him ask in faith nothing wavering for he that wavers is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and trust I told you this verse is very loaded and then it says but before can wait to go to verse 7 let's stop right there so first of all James is telling that us that we must ask do you see that one the word ask there is the Greek word I tell you do you see it he says but let him ask before we go any further that's verse 6 you are there right guys James chapter 1 yes but let him ask ask I tale which means to be firm or to be adamant so when you are requesting for assistance you affirm you are adamant you are not changing when it comes to whatever it is that you're asking for all right so let's say you are asking for food or for shelter some of you are very good at that so so really you should be very good at asking for this when you start asking for food people know please just give him because we're never gonna hear the last of it we have a dog in this house called you key when you key starts asking for food honestly you will you will not do anything you will just have to give whatever he wants that's how greedy he is so that would ask I tell you it means you are firm in your requests you are abdomens in your request whatever the request is all about you are abdomen teammates you ask it and it's firm it is established all right so that's it so the petitioner is so sure about what they are asking you are so sure about what your request is so you boldly come with expectation and you say this is what I want you already know that it lines up with God's Word so you ask that would ask is so thin it's deeply rooted its full of confidence you are approaching with your petition knowing that this one i-it's so FEM this is the final I'm not I'm not asking for this and that tomorrow that's why we always say when you ask once that's it once is faith twice is doubt we're talking about faith that stands still okay guys are they catching it uh-huh okay so let me let me let me continue to expound on that before I hear what you guys are saying I can see a lot of people are contributing the unwavering attitude I'm filmin adamant okay that's good that's more of stubborn and quantum fade the unwavering attitude of a Christian thank you so much for that contribution all right so you are boldly asking boldly once and you see that word when we say you are firmly asking for something that you are 100% sure of that's how we have problems with doubt because you are not so sure about the thing you asked for so you start thinking let me ask again this time I'll ask better God remember yesterday I said I wanted them a house just just so you know I've changed my mind now the house can I can I just say I want this instead can I just have something else instead you are not sure about what you're asking so when you come with your request we are talking about the faith that stands still when you come with your because you know exactly what it is you're about to say and you always put a premium on your words so it's not about wasting words it's not about wasting time so you put a premium on your words so you come boldly and you say right I am asking let him ask let him ask it depicts a person who speaks out boldly you are speaking out boldly you pray boldly with authority that's what that word implies you have so much authority it's not asking like just begging and crying and begging and crying and begging and crying you are bold in your asking you're saying right this is what I want okay and then secondly I want you to look at what James goes on to say he says so he says let him ask in faith that's the second thing he says we must ask in faith so I want you asked you emphasize on that word in which is just in in in Greek sort of the same thing so this is something that the person is locked into or something that is immovable when you are in something in other words this person is praying for a stable immovable decided position you have already decided this is what I'm doing and I am not moving he says let him ask in faith do you see that so you are in something you already know what it is you want you already know what it is your desire so your faith isn't going to waver because you are in something that you already know this is a moveable it's not moving anywhere and then the third thing in this scripture that James says the verse says that we must ask in faith that's the third thing he says so we are asking while we are in something that is immovable I am a movable in my request and then I am asking in faith and not waver or doubt in greek that word waver or doubt is the same thing it means diak reno that's the word in the greek it means to differ Oh to be at variance with oneself in other words your mouth may be seeing all the right words but your heart is not really in agreement so have you ever seen this is exactly what I was saying about singing the songs in church but your heart is not in agreement have you ever seen we have people who play very well when you see them praying they pray very very well but their life says something totally different so that's exactly what the scripture is saying without wavering when you waver it's like you are in two different stances you have two different it's like what you call it schizophrenia one minute you are one person the next thing you know you are an another person you are interchangeable or bipolar as well I don't know it is you have to tell us yourselves some of us we don't know names of demons all right so you you are one person in one minutes next thing we know you have totally flipped so when we talk about this not wavering diak reno to not differ or to be at variance with oneself you are at variance with yourself you are at loggerheads with yourself split personality when it's one person we are talking about one minute you are saying God has my back you were even testifying in church on Sunday God has my back I'm so blessed God is moving in my life I'm so blessed please hallelujah Saints I'm doing so well God has my back and then next thing you know you are calling the pasta pasta please pray for me things are not moving well for me I'm just having so many troubles my life is or bad days you ought to be unwavering this is somebody who is wavering if you say one thing today and tomorrow you've changed then you know you haven't we have a wavering spirit you ought to be unwavering but when you have a wavering spirit one minute you are here the next thing you are there next thing you are there so he's saying I'm wavering hmm your mouth says one thing your actions say another thing your heart is not readily in agreement it's like a multiple of correct but empty words you say all the right things tick all the right boxes people even approach you ah brother so-and-so it's very good very good guy he always has wisdom he whatever he says you really listen and yet his life says something else so your mouth is full of the correct things but your heart is not in agreement you know how to say it but you don't know how to walk it you are talking the talk but you are not walking the talk you say you love the Lord but by your lifestyle sister what is the meaning of this your Instagram account alone we even wonder is this the lady is quite remember or this is another kind of choir somewhere else that we don't understand who are you really representing your mouth is and the funny thing is some of you will even put a fist under some very revealing and scriptural pictures of yourself and then you even put a vest great I see Jesus on the inside of me and even the brothers are guilty too you have no she ate all the cheese just muscles sticking out who are you really representing who are you really representing you say Oh as some of us we have the salt of the earth no you are not sold you are poison or dead this kind of salt we don't know it's the true salt we don't know which so do you are because we are not the same so you your mouth says the right things that's what that word is saying when you wave you are arguing within yourself it's like two personalities in one you wave within yourself there is no consistency in one person so James is encouraging you saying don't be like this don't be a doubter don't be one minute you are here next minute minute you are somewhere else all right so until your heart corresponds with your mouth you are not going anywhere I tell you this I tell you this until your heart and mouth are in Sulphur nail in agreement you are not going anywhere those two need to be at one with each other harmony with each other and you know I'm not really saying things that are far-fetched here these things are not far-fetched check yourself check yourself check your balance right now check your settings check yourself right now how many things have you actually said and you went back on your ownself said this year I'm going to read the Bible more that's my New Year's Eve resolution on 31 December Jesus today is New Year's Eve starting tomorrow you hear more from me I promise you I'll be calling you every time I will have you on speed dial Lord this time even we should be more mobile no more than ever this Bible even finished reading it this year from Genesis to Revelation that's my mission this year Lord amen yeah done two weeks down the line you remember Oh what did I say you read one verse you fall asleep you are tired already and then when you push push push next week you read the whole chapter you feel confident I'm doing it I'm doing it and then after three months nothing you won't even praying you won't even doing all the things that you promised the Lord you are wavering full of doubt and this is what James is saying right now that let him ask in faith nothing wavering nothing should waver nothing should be one thing today and then tomorrow you are somewhere else number four James say that if we are not asking look at the the scripture again says if you are not asking in faith that is if we are not standing firm in our position of it we are like unto a wave of the sea do you see it we are reading the same verse right for he that waver wrath is like a wave of the sea he's describing you as a wave he says anyone who does the things that I'm talking about right now where you are here this minute next minute you are in another direction you are like a wave at sea do you know that's the biggest diss you could ever receive you are just a way for someone to call you a way that is so bad that is so so so bad since you won like a week and if you look at the way where the wave there is the Wed Wed lu-don include on through the night in other translations and it describes the bellowing of the sea it's like a roll of the waves the ever-changing sea ever-changing sea do you know that waves look impressive from afar they look so impressive but guess what they don't last long when you see the wave you say wow look at that but it doesn't last long in fact one very interesting fact is you know surfers right people who do surfing fifty-four percent of their time is spent paddling you know they are paddling on their surfboard they're just paddling paddling paddling 54% of the time 28% is spent now waiting they are tired of peddling they're just saying well this way up and down they're checking checking where are these waves 28% of the time and then 8% they are actually riding away that's how temporary waves are away this is so temporary imagine a host of a professional surfer eight percent of his whole time is spent riding the way the rest of the time you are doing absolutely nothing so some of you are exactly like that you come and go we don't even know when you are coming the way the report said you are going to be here this morning but you didn't show up you didn't turn up people spend the whole day waiting for you you just didn't you are a wave at sea the wind comes and it blows you in a different direction in fact how many of you have actually done exactly what I've described you say brother I'm coming even in church we are relying and counting on your brother and you say I'll be at the church at 12 p.m. I'll be there to help move the chairs we are preparing for church service and you don't show up you just don't show up and yet you put your name you put your number everything you even we even called you and said you would be there you are a wave at sea something can just come up we were taught to and fro you just never know which ever the direction the wind is going you are gone if we had agree to meet in the north the wind comes you already in the South temporary fleeting momentary there is nothing permanent at all about waves that's why you'll find people hopping from one church to another because there is no nothing temporal that is permanent in them there are waves anyone can say anything and they are gone they are moved by anything even a small stupid thing they are moved and they are gone one small comment is passed out how can someone say that about me and yet yesterday you told us God sent you to the good news judge you tell your pasta pasta I had a vision of the night approximately 10 past 2:00 in the morning an angel visited me and he said I represent God Almighty and he said this is my church some of you won't even say an angel maybe we can say it was the devil masquerading as God you will say God Himself told you God told me this is my church I'm not going anyway next thing you know how can this is to say this about me how can the deacon say this about me how can this assistant pastor say this about me I'm gone the worship leaders at that church they are nonsensical I am gone the stewards have you seen the I just know I'm living you are gone you are away and see this this is the kind of person that James is describing since you are a wave that is tossed to and fro it's gone it's like it's like you are just a yo-yo up down up down and everywhere when are people going to actually count on you as a person when are they going to continue so imagine if you are that kind of person what then happens when it comes to your faith no one that you don't have faith because for simple things in your own life you can't even stick to one thing and pursue it you can't you can't focus on one thing and pursue it so now we are telling you if you want to please God you better start exercising your faith stick to one thing and follow it through see this thing through you can never see it through because you yourself a way tossed to and fro today you are here tomorrow you are there we don't know what's happening and before we even know the wave is faded you know waves fade after a while the sea is calm again the wave is gone you have vanished into thin air you have become obsolete no one even knows your name at church anymore you think by leaving church you are punishing someone people have even forgotten your name people have even forgotten you exist those feel it they will feel it I'm living now I'm living now they will feel me I am not coming back guess what next Sunday 10 more people come your cities already filled in we even had to add more chess to theta four there are the people that came in your place so for once in your life I know I'm talking to somebody right here don't be a way that see stick to something and see it through and some of you it's a business tell yourself I have think that stand still if I said I'm gonna stop this business I'm seeing it through I will see it through I will make sure this works I will not waver I will stick to the prescription if you say that right now I'm speaking healing in my body I continue speaking it my face out stand still today I am healed in the name of Jesus you can notice a rash one day that is developing on your body talk to that rash tell it right now I command you in the name of Jesus disappear from my body in the name of Jesus I don't want to see your rash you have no place in my body spirit of infinity begone in the name of Jesus guess what if the rash is still there a day later don't waver don't be tossed to and fro you stick to the prescription continue talking to that thing continue telling that thing you have no car in my body you rash foul spirit of infirmity leave my body now in the name of you keep talking it keep on saying it keep on talking to that thing until it passes that's faith that stand still fade that digs its heels in the ground you develop roots the ground and it's exactly the same thing when it comes to relationships exactly the same thing you think marriages or marriage is just made in heaven well lightning thunder hailstones are also made in heaven that's where they all come from say oh no God is just going to drop the best one he's dropping in in maybe by end of year by this time next year I will have him by this time McTeer I would have her it doesn't work that way every relationship is by faith I told you there is no love with no faith you can't claim to love someone when you don't know faith nor this fests no faith fests then you will know how to love you cannot say I love when you don't know how to have faith faith is the bedrock it's the bedrock of everything it's the underlying current it's they always under me I don't know whether they are catching it marriage is so hard no no Paulo is saying marriage is so hard why mama help us my girl you need to listen to girl talk I've been really expounding on marriages Deb alright okay I like that one dialing my number North Cola is saying I always say I'm going to serve God more but I don't yesterday I wanted to watch to do a watch party prayer and I had and ik and I stopped this is me you're talking to right now that's the same is that the same lady who said marriage is a heart same name right you see why it's hard when things are hard for you you tried and thank you so much for your honesty by the way she said she tried to have a watch party Priya what is that like inviting people to pray here to pray and then when she invited people to pray she got tired you are tired and then that was the end of it you see when you have unwavering faith the faith that stands still that's when you say headache or no hair day I am about to pray up in this house like I've never prayed before that's when that's how you do it sister that's how you do it you don't stop praying because you have a headache for all you know the moment you start playing that thing will have checked out by the time the prayer time is over then you start thinking the headache is gone how many times do we have even during the prayer sessions we have life with you guys we have some of you sending us your testimonies I had a headache it's gone I had so much cake it's gone when we started praying it's gone many people testify to these things I was sick in my stomach it's gone I was having symptoms of this it's gone why because now you are in the faith zone that's called the faith zone when we are here praying together when we are here opening the scriptures this is the faith zone brothers and sisters this is where your faith is we are adding fuel you're adding fuel to the fire you know I'm saying you know we're adding fuel to the fire we're adding more firewood we are adding more we are adding so that your flame burns even more this is the faith zone so when you're supposed to pray you don't stop praying because you are sick that's even the best time to start praying it's just saying headache I command you right now in the name of Jesus be gone in the name of Jesus I don't want to feel this headache again this is the last time you come into my life the last time you afflicts my body in the name of Jesus hey you are allowing the devil to live rent-free in your life he's living no mortgage no rents nothing no bills is paying even the food is eating for free in deity here you are saying Wow I was just tired never do it like that someone is saying faithfully moving with Christ but asthma is not leaving him praying continuously but I don't know what spirit is this Rita Rita there is no such thing there is no such thing unless you're saying God is life let's first agree with that one is God a liar let's agree fest on that one easy God is not a liar so if God said something he said okay so if you have faith even like a mustard seed you have the ability to say to that mountain mountain be thou removed go to that position move a little bit to the left move a little bit to the right he said you can do anything in other words but it doesn't mean your faith should stay as a mustard seed that's the problem with a lot of you you think or Jesus said even if the faith is tiny like a mustard seed I can move mountains no what he was implying was a mustard seed has the ability to produce it has the ability to grow exponentially in yet it's touch like a tiny little speck it's a tiny little speck of a seed and yet it grows into something so big so when you have faith I told you you start exercising it's like a muscle in the gym you are lifting the weights you are exercising the muscle you are exercising the faith you are exercising it you hear the word talk the word up and down your bedroom up and down your bedroom you are talking the word confessing the word saying it back to yourself are filming it in your spirit over and over the over and over and if you see something here I think okay the comment has gone but it was with someone right yes the comment was talking about someone who is sick someone else there is no way you can be faithfully moving with Christ boo boo you cannot be moving but Christ faithfully don't use that word don't use that word and still be sick no way that faith that you have you have to grow in it that's what I was saying at the beginning that the greatest thing I love about faith is you have a chance to grow it if you have little faith that's not the end of the world you can grow your faith you have the ability to grow your faith so you start exercising it and you people must be careful that you are not mistaking needs for faith I always say this there is a difference between needing for something to happen and having faith you might need your healing I need my mother to be well I need my father to be healed I need my children to be healed and you actually feel the need as if it's faith because God is not a person he doesn't lie so we've already established that he does not lie so someone is wrong between me and God one of us is not correct here and it definitely isn't the Lord because his word is true it's inerrant and it's a it's so sufficient in its nature so you cannot say God had really I think the word doesn't work for me no way no way sister so you have to check yourself there are times when you have a need for something to happen it really feels like faith it's really close to faith because you feel it you can even cry you can even hold your stomach and cry I need this to happen I need my visa I need the Home Office to respond to me I really need a passport I need to be married I need a child I need finances business whatever it feels like faith I know this but boy is it far from faith or is it far from faith faith stands still when it hears it comes by hearing and the hearing ability comes by the Word of God so you are in the word you are listening to it continually you are listening to the word it's coming to you continually continually you are not looking at your circumstances you're not looking at the things that are happening around you you know looking at the people who like you who don't like you you're not looking at your family members you're not looking at anybody this is just between you and go to the two of you alright then you start saying to yourself right I need to go back to the grassroots what is it that I'm going through okay I am sick and remember you cannot have faith for your child especially if they are older they are old enough to understand the things of the Lord they need to start working their own faith if they are mature a little bit spiritually they need actually represent themselves when it comes to their faith it's their faith working not yours so sit down with yourself and tell yourself right I need to start again what are the scriptures that pertain to healing one of the scriptures that pertain to business what are the scriptures that pertain to children okay I want to have a child I have no child for the past five years I've been trying what are the scriptures that pertain to this okay so here is one okay so God says here children I inheritance from the Lord oh so children are inheritance they are also a gift you are seeing the scriptures are saying it alright so if this is a gift it's freely given I shouldn't struggle I also have an inheritance in Christ I belong to him so this childlessness he's not a part of my life Oh glory be to God thank you lord right now I know you have already given me my children thank you Almighty God I receive my children in the name of Jesus thank you for blessing my life with children thank you for blessing my family with my children and you believe it you act like it one lady went and bought her pram couldn't have a baby for years no baby came she went he bought her pram and she started putting her Bible in she was taking the pram on walks she would walk in the park with no baby in there think about the people who was seeing her pushing that thinking this person is crazy look at this mad woman expecting to see a child but there's no baby only a Bible and she would be there thanking and praising the Lord not praying over and over the same prayer God remember what I said yesterday look at me pushing this pram now I'm looking like a fool look at all these people looking at me because I believe in you please don't let me down God if anything please don't let me down look at my neighbor's in me as a fool that's not the prayer faith prayer it's not the pray of somebody who understands true faith that's not the prayer of a true Christian who understands what faith is faith doesn't look at others it doesn't care what people say faith is not considerate of what others have to say out there faith is like a blinkers you know when a horse has blinkers when it wears those blinkers and it's in a race those are designed for focus the horse can't look it can see the crowds jeering it can't see em it all it can see is the track there is the track this is where I need to be I am focused and I know what my muck is full stop some of you need to wear spiritual blinkers you need to put blinkers on your eyes where where is it that I'm going here I need to focus there I don't care what people are saying to my right I don't care what people are saying to my left I am focused what is my muck what is my end goal when is God sent me to do in this life what is my business what is this what about my family what do I want to achieve do I want to spend more time with my family do I wanna build the business that will make me more available to my family my wife my children then focus on that wear blinkers don't listen to what is happening around you that is true faith faith that is unwavering so there is no way you can say it didn't work my faith didn't work it doesn't work that way Nancy sings since I started listening to your teachings last month my marriage is at peace thank you so much for that Nancy that is an amazing amazing testimony I really like that mom I know my prayers are head and I declare it is done in the name of Jesus exactly what are people saying on Adam Graham we have a try fin team as you sing thank you mom you have entered my field which which was beginning to have weeds tonight in tonight it's cleared in Jesus name all the wavering has been dealt with yes I like that and on Instagram what are they saying on Instagram they're getting it perspective okay and on YouTube what are they saying very quickly what I saying now I know why the Spirit has been leading me to you for a long time but I was not following through until I came across girl talk I'm being blessed and growing every message is speaking to me ah I like that thank you so much for that now let's continue this scripture continue reading verse 7 let's read verse 7 what does it say so after he has told us James told as he gave us the bedrock of faith let him ask in faith nothing wavering you are not doubting don't doubt if you pray and you say God thank you so much Lord thank you for my beautiful wife's life even you know she is very bad in a spirit and in a hat thank you Lord my beautiful wife thank you for giving me this woman Lord thank you Lord that my family is at peace even if she comes in and starts acting like I don't know what planet she came from then you have to keep on saying the right thing alright of course I'm generalizing there are some people that are just bad alright so you still need to talk to your pastors and get proper help but for majority of people honestly confess your way into it speak your way into what you want to achieve don't always speak bad about your spouse don't always speak bad about your children or my children and the stupidest bunch of ever seen ah they are stupid hide my children are not good my children are the worst of them either I've never seen bad children like my own and then what do you expect what is it that you are expecting alright what you say is exactly what you get alright and so let's read that Scripture we want to go to verse 7 yes what does it say what does it say so you're not going to receive anything of the Lord in is actually really telling you nicely don't even think for one minute that you are receiving anything don't even lie to yourself don't even try don't even you are not receiving anything from the Lord why because you are away you are a wave at sea tossed to and fro you are always here there everywhere so he says don't think for one minute that you are eligible for anything that you have been asking for you don't qualify brother you don't qualify so don't waste your time trying to blame this one that one or you're blaming your faster for things not working or this church doesn't know I came to this church expecting some fireworks huh nothing even happens my life was about I thought my life would change I saw someone giving testimonies but now nothing there's nothing which are the church guys which one is hot watch these days which one is what what all churches are hot but the moment you get there you are the one who is pouring water on them don't say oh now this one is hot this one is now cold I'm now in a hot place before you know it it's cold because of you you are the one who is a problem alright so he says let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord hey so it's not that God doesn't want to bless you it's not that at all he can't bless you do you see it it's not that God doesn't want to it's clear in that scripture guys you can see it right it's not like God doesn't want we saying the problem is with you it's within you okay let me give you this scenario I'm gonna give you this scenario so you have a very good girlfriend because I know you like them kind of stories Oh a very good boyfriend of yours and then you decide I'm gonna do things very different I'm going to propose to my girlfriend and so because you're gonna propose yeah we'll use a guy cause girls can propose okay right oh but some champions do of course but anyway we are not talking about champions today so anyway you decide to date I'm gonna propose my girlfriend but the way I'm gonna do it I want someone from a delivery company I'll use a delivery company to say I'll say check your mail please there is something in fact you don't tell her you just organize with the delivery come in Maeby's UPS or UPS D H or whatever and you tell the guy I want you to knock at the door and say we have a puzzle for you here and when you open this I want music to start playing and then I'm just appeared from the corner then you open the box and then I propose just like that but you act like it's a delivery all right it's just an example but if you can you can receive if you want I mean Who am I Who am I to say don't receive it for some of you who can catch some proposal and all things but now we imagine the delivery gets your girlfriend's house and she's not there you have your musicians you have everyone ready she's not there and then you say okay maybe it's because she didn't know then you say okay guys let's plan again tomorrow let's go meet this location again we're going to give it another go when she's actually wrong because you don't want this proposal to be spoiled so you plan UPS guy delivery guy please come same time musicians everybody same time tomorrow you are live at the location where this puzzle is supposed to arrive and you're supposed to do your proposal you knock at the door the person is not there again imagine that you can actually start thinking maybe this is a sign maybe God doesn't want me to marry this person so what am I trying to say when you are a wave you are not in one location you don't stay you have no ability to stay in one location one minute you are here the next you are there they are sitting blessings that God wants to give you and he is sending them to your current location but because you are always here they're everywhere you are nowhere which Avenue are you really expecting God to bless you by which Avenue are you expecting your blessings to come through which one because you are never in one situation spiritually spiritually speaking today you have faith faith faith faith and then God says Andrew Michael and who else is there you Gabriel come I want you to deliver please did you hear this prayer go immediately and let's see what we can do they do this this this is a special order so I know it will take you guys an hour approximately but I want you to make sure that it's done in the hour go now and start sorting it out so you finish praying and then all of a sudden you get a whatsapp call from Sheneneh did you notice now visas are now hard to get in the visas now what what did Boris Johnson say oh so so the Home Office is now putting making it harder for oh my god or this visa is a problem and you've just finished praying for the very visa you finished declaring it you finished establishing it in the spirit you've just finished saying it you've put a stamp remember when we were saying ask means you are firmly in it we said ask in faith I broke down those little words for you so that you can really understand what the Bible is actually saying when you are asking in faith you are asking in a way that is immovable you are not shaking you are so sure and you are so sick about what you are about to say and the moment you pray yeah you are immovable you are Jacob then one message you are down by the time the angels come to deliver what it is they were supposed to deliver there is no faith there to deliver the goods there is nothing and they wonder is this the same person who prayed there's nothing we can deliver here because the person has already fallen into doubt they already don't believe that is going to happen they are already in another planet the wave was here in the north now it's way back in the south you have already changed location spiritually so no matter what God is sending to you all the things you have asked they are being sent back to you but because you are made they here nor there spiritually speaking today you are confident in your spirituality tomorrow you're not next week you're kind of confident and then the next you are not one day you are yeah today I feel like a solid Christian today I'm a giant I can kill any demon today therefore don't even try today I will miss you have next week you are down again next week you are crying tears you are not here no are you there why because you are away you are just a wave the Bible says you can live no matter what you request in verse seven let no man think that he shall receive anything don't even try it don't lie to yourself that you are going to receive anything because you're not I know for a lot of you this is a solid explanation it really explains why it really explains a lot of things why were you not getting one small thing you prayed and you thought but I have faith and I have this it's unwavering in this wavering face it's wavering faith one minute you are here and the next thing you are there doubt is creeping in and when the doubt comes it's moving you from the location that God said now she's in a good space now she's in a good space spiritually I can see she's in a good she can literally receive anything right now if she can only maintain it but after two weeks you are tired after a day you are tired your sister fights you you are tired your brother fights you you are tired it can't even be your mother or your father they say something to you you are tired so by the time the Angels arrive with your goods there's no way to put them because you don't have enough faith to receive them your fate has already fallen to the ground are they catching it mafia saying I refused to be away faith that stand still that's right what are they saying I want to know what you are saying so that I see that we are in the same sort of mode I don't want to go on and on and on and some of you are lost okay it's understandable right it's very simple right mm-hmm just join but hey what I'm hearing now is authentic it was watching your videos Rama Fannie is saying confess good in the midst of opposition maintain a good confession I'm catching it mom all right see see angel is saying thank you for this encouraging message mom the problem is with me this is what I needed to hear today in order for me to finish what I need to also we also have to out Judith losing mum thank you very much for this teaching is uprooting the strongholds in my mind my week is indeed blessed and your hallelujah and your teachings on girl-talk has impacted my marriage thank you Wow I like that thank you so much for that feedback this is awesome the manya news I say everything you've said is nothing but the but Point Blank truth mom thank you for this undiluted Word of God mmm I like that all right so maybe you are listening to me right now and you've had so many play requests that were not answered you asked severally you worshipped you did everything you knew how to do today is the day that we really finally put this to rest because your life cannot go in this direction your life has to go in that direction so if something is holding you back don't wait for tomorrow don't wait for next week let's deal with this thing now if you have a sickness in your body you're gonna face this mountain right now jesus said if you have faith like a mustard seed the thing I like about this rate is you exercise it tell that thing to go immediately if it takes you two weeks to do so then let it be two weeks there are some things that are going to take years even there are things that are happening now that we prayed for back in 2004 and they are manifesting themselves in 2020 there are things we spoke of in 2009 and it's only now that we are seeing the fruits of those prayers so you have to really be wise when it comes to your prayers you can't be changing just because oh it didn't happen today so I said that's it I change you are always changing every minute you are here there and everywhere always changing have faith that is unwavering faith that stands kill that stop running stand still face this atratus today face that asthma some of you asthma asthma every time you are even showing off now at your school university or school because you don't do cross-country you say now all you know me and my we don't do cross country you and your demon that you are nurturing so you know with me you know my outsides and my houses are flaring up today you know my operation my operation loves the cold when it's cold like this my operation starts digging and pinching you still yours is still your problem well keep it then keep it then it's all in your language fate that stands - does not tolerate such nonsense when you say one thing it lines up with the word you stick it to your faith say this is what the word says stick it together with my with my faith all right I'm going to do it what the word says and my faith to get that I'm going to what the daylights out of this thing I am NOT failing I am NOT a failure I know what people have said about my life but I'm not a failure I know how it happens in my family but it's not gonna happen with me I know how it happened with my father is not gonna happen with me it happened with my brothers and my cousin's is not gonna happen with me just because everyone has blood pressure and your family you think it should it come to you say yeah it's just a family thing you know this blood pressure and this also we have sugar sugar diabetes our sugar does that in our family all of us have sugar that's what you now call it is our sugar okay stay with your sugar stay with it and be sick enjoy yourself with your sugar enjoy it say oh it's ours and our family refuse it brother tell yourself not me you foul spirit of sugar diabetes what you did with my mother don't think you are coming on me and that thing will work oh my god I don't know if these people are catching it you tell those spirit of infirmity that are in your body ravaging through your family you tell it you stop right here in here way I am this is where you stop you are not going to affect me or the ones coming after me my children are not going to be affected by this disease I don't care how it is ravage your family you have the power in you to affect changes in your family you have the power to affect change you have the power to work a business no one in your family ever had a business no one you have the power to be number one to be the pioneer in your family you have the power in you just believe it don't be a wave have faith that stance no matter how the tough gets going you stand by faith you don't budge it's impossible to please God without faith maybe you've never locked your faith in you've never locked in your faith with a particular situation or a particular need well now is your chance to do it let's try this thing tell yourself I want to try this God I'm going to work your word and I'm gonna do it a hundred percent I'm going to remove feelings and whatever out of it I'm going to remove my need I'm going to work the daylights out of this that's true faith I'm wavering faith hey I refuse to tolerate nonsense I like that Albertina mmm-hmm be stable in your faith and wavering and unshakable and immovable faith I receive in the name of Jesus that's Pallavi thank you so much for that people are catching it right all right you have to say this is it you have to get to a point where you literally say this is it understand still and you don't move you literally have to get to that yes sometimes it does take years for certain answers or to pray or it does take time sometimes who said in prayers to actually manifest the answers can take time but does it mean you give up don't give up keep pushing keep praying don't stop saying it tell yourself every day I have that faith that stands - I have it I have that faith I have that faith or sing through my veins right now what can I not do there is nothing I cannot do give yourself a pep talk in your own privacy tell yourself I can do this I can do this and I am going to do it I can achieve greatness I am greatness Christ on the inside of me Oh what did I not do I have the ultimate in me the Holy Spirit is in me I can scale any Mountain I can scale any wall I can walk through any Valley I can go through the fire and come out with no change whatsoever the four Hebrew boys stood there and they said oh please King Nebuchadnezzar even if our God doesn't come here to save us don't think for one minute that we will bow to your gods God remains God in my life yes I prayed for me to get a car because I need a car and it's been six months I don't have it but guess what God is good in my life car or no car God is God in my life house or no house husband or no husband wife or no wife say oh how come God is no longer really loving me because I have no I I have no husband I thought by now in my age I would have a husband especially women are more guilty than men when it comes to this saying oh by now I would have thought I would have a husband by now surely God have you forgotten me now for all you know God is saving you a lot of heartache you better cool down sit down take a chill pill all right be unwavering immovable unshakable Oh glory be to Jesus position yourself for God to find an avenue to bless you position yourself right and when I say position yourself right I mean in your spirit let your faith be in the right position what do you want today right now obviously everything you ask for has to be based on God's Word but what is it that you want what is it that you desire what is it that you are praying about what is it that you have the situation around you what is it whatever you desire look at these scriptures again have that prayer the prayer of faith look at the scripture again determine that you are never going to budge okay the Scriptures the scriptures continually be in your eyes okay what does the Bible say I shouldn't be unwavering okay so a wave is always taught okay it looks like I'm about to be taught here because I heard this brother say this this is a trussing I don't want any wind to come anywhere near me okay let me just focus let me just focus okay I'm not going to move and still I see this answer coming I'm not moving until I see a manifestation I'm not moving my eye is on the Bible my eye is continually on the Word of God I am looking at this way what does it say it's in my notes I take little scriptures and I put them in you put them in your notes see them continually in your phone all your phone should have a Bible have a Bible app everywhere everywhere you go even when you are sitting on a bus you are looking at the scriptures okay so now what does the vest say about this all right this is also here okay I also have my audio Bible what is this thing about my situation let me compare it with this let me compare it with that at the one what about this and what about the other one what about this you are comparing not with yourself remember what the wavering means it means someone who is arguing with themselves in a negative sense but when you are unwavering you are at one with yourself your mouth and your heart are speaking the same thing you are in agreement with yourself and so you are looking at the word and it's resonating in your spirit you start speaking the word you start walking the word you start jumping up and down in your house you don't care that you have arthritis and your bones are cracking you crack those bones move those legs move those arms you start saying the right thing move your neck if you had the stiff neck you have neck problems start moving your neck move around do the things you couldn't do before if you had a back problem start working that back stop jumping up and down exercising in your own privacy that's faith that stands still faith that does not budge regardless of how long it takes or how difficult the process is because sometimes it's difficulty when you say I'm going to do this and it's not happening it can be very difficult because you want the thing to happen but still your faith is unwavering you are not moving you are not budging because you have faith that tends to fade that no one can take away from you faith that is not moved by the news faith that is not moved by the President and now the president said there are no more jobs a he who cares about what the president says who cares about what the MPs the ministers the Prime Minister she you don't look at them you are not of this world brother we are not of this world we come from somewhere else we are ambassadors of Christ we get paid from home in heaven that's where my paycheck is coming from my employer is not the person who determines how much money comes in my account just because these salaries coming through in there that's not what determines my level of wealth never we are paid from a different city we are paid from a different bank you ought to keep telling yourself these things tell yourself these things I will never be sick another day in my life I will never be sick my children will never be sick another day in my life I will never be sick my faith shall stand still it was ten still and you will see what God would do in your life I was told I had a heart problem they said I needed surgery that's what the doctors told they said you need surgery imagine having open heart surgery and the reason why I had gone there was simply because we were having our second baby so they just checked the heartbeat and they said wait wait wait wait we hear something here there was a problem there was a problem in your heart and this is bad and they were taking whatever they were doing tests and everything and they said wow we need to operate on you to cut a long story short I went home I told prophet what they said and he said it's up to you choose if your faith is in the doctors the God will meet you at the point of your face but if your faith is in the word God will meet you at the point of your faith there so it just depends where is your faith standing where is it standing or is it waving all over the place are you away all over the place where I you spiritually that's the question he asked me said it depends with you so I said I am going to stand with the word I don't want no doctor to operate on me so he said now stand now stand don't budge don't move don't cry about it don't call people about it oh no sister sister I know I've been told this had problem now it needs an operation sister so stop please help me to pray and some of you you are not even asking for someone to help you to pray you just love sympathy you want someone to say oh oh my god some people are addicted to sympathy you love sympathy someone has to feel sorry for you some way if someone is not feeling sorry for you you are angry that someone these people don't even feel for me you are angry you don't even tell no one unless it's you the person you are in agreement with the person you really trust say brother he's got what to do this is what the doctors have said let's be an agreement brother no operation no doctor is touching my body me and you let's agree that's exactly what happened I went back six weeks later they said I should come back in six weeks guess what no need for operation anything deal supernaturally by the faith that stands kill the fate that is unwavering the faith that does not budge imagine Abraham in his old age the Bible says he was unwavering he stood firm in his faith had the child when it was not normal for him to have a child because of his age and the age of his wife but it happened anyway why it was the faith all these giants of a look at Moses look at know what kind of faith is that someone who is told something by God building up with all the people mocking him day in and day out they mocked him day in and day out they mocked him every day every day is getting it thick every day every day front-page news the lunatic is still at it the madman Noah is now halfway through building his despicable AK the madman is at it again making noise for us and I betcha when the animal started coming they said or the madman is even west he is now calling animals to come and stay with him and they were laughing at him they must have left the man's silly they must have mocked the children you know know I had sons I'm sure the sons had zero friends because of the fate of their father no friends and they also had wives I bear to the wives that no friends otherwise would have had one of the wives had very good friends that believed them and they also went in in the AK no one it was no one his children in their wives that's it that implies no one else wanted to listen to them no more friends no more Seco no more whatsapp groups no more family groups it's all done no one is liking their posts nothing they stood firm and look at what happened so people around you can mock you they can laugh at you they don't understand they don't understand anything that's happening around you they see you starting a business they start mocking you they don't know what God told you they don't know what you go through through your midnight hours they don't know your secret storms so they have no rights to tell you what you can and cannot do they have no right to mock you and then you take a seat just because people laughed at you you better start that business you better go ahead and start it you better go ahead and start selling those Tomatoes you all better go ahead and such family you want to be a farmer start even with a small plot it doesn't make a difference 50 meters if you can get 20 meter by 20 meter it's ok start there you want to sell chickens that will one you want to have a business in IT or you want to start selling mobile phones it doesn't matter buy them from China start selling them the ones you get from China start with that one before you get to Steve Jobs level level start somewhere no one is going to even if they do mock you they don't know you they don't know where you're going they are the waves but you are not stand still let your face still still don't fidget this business is not working the business how old is the business two weeks but I think it's not working how can you tell a business is not working in two weeks that's a pretty mature decision stick to the prescription if someone is making money if Samsung keeps producing these phones and they are making trillions out of these phones all I want is a slice of those trillions I don't I'm not even talking about too much I'm going to start with a slice and then we start building the rest of the cake so as long as they are in you can be in business too as long as someone is selling water you can be in business too as long as someone is selling food stuff somewhere you can do the same if someone is selling a as long as people are wearing clothes you can sell your own clothes to do something do something God asked a question he said what is that you have in your hand to Moses what is it you have in your hand and the guy must have thought ok I need to talk about something or I don't have any diamonds or anything valuable I don't have it I just have you know it's just a stick I mean it's just a stick I've got nothing else of value and goes it no it's ok stand still I'm going to use the stick that's exactly what I need in order for my blessing to come through to you I will use the stick right now you're praying for God to bless you with finances god bless me with money I need money during this lockdown what is the business to bring the funds through where are we channeling this money we are channeling money to you how is it supposed to come you got no business when is the money supposed to come through to fall from the sky or you want angel micro to knock at your door holding a briefcase is this number 2 to 2 and is this you Giannini well if it's you yes sign is your delivery sign here please sister right you asked for 2 million yeah ok check if it's enough 2 million years the briefcase that's what you're waiting for well let me tell you something Michael ain't coming he ain't coming don't even waste your time Michael is not coming to your house with a briefcase full of banknotes he's not but what is coming is a blessing that you say I am creating this thing that when I start praying for money I know the money's going to come through this business is going to be channeled through this business because I've already studied it I've already done this by faith by faith the faith that standing still I'm not budging I am not moving I will make it in this life and if you follow the principles the beauty of it is profit is constantly teaching cash today we will cast off and I was even telling you a little bit about what I'm talking about now you start a business and then you start chopping the money straight away what is the meaning of that so we have are the things that we have made available resources that we are availing to you so that you have the fuller picture because if you listen to me for this one hour or two hours or whatever it's not enough it's not a full picture you need the fuller picture okay so now I understand my faith needs to stand still what's next okay so next outside of the business I need to know how do I then run the business okay very good we have mentorship programs we have cash talk we have core 100 we have mentorship here so now I need to go there so that I can learn I can compliment my faith are you here somebody I hope you begin to develop faith that stand still hey that is unwavering if there is one person I've seen stand firm digging his heels its profit angel he taught me faith when I didn't have a clue what it was the man can stand still if he is gonna do something he's gonna do it if he says I'm gonna do this he is going to do it even if it's so hard for that thing to happen his heels will be so dug deep in the ground and you develop roots and say I'm a wing anyway until I get what I want that's exactly his attitude that's the kind of faith I'm talking about anything we have ever acquired whether it's spiritually or whether it's physically it's because of that unwavering faith that stands till that prophet angel has he truly is a modern faith movement leader he really is sticks to his guns that's what I've learned from him and you ought to follow suit your life will never be the same again I have every confidence that God is changing your life you are changing for the best just always remember my faith has to stand still let me hear from them before I say goodbye Ave Tina Nicole go on you to be saying this is so true mum I was that sympathy syndrome but I think God for the teachings and purpose teaching I'm now a mafia Wow awesome because if you can just understand that I need to stay in this position of faith long enough for me to see this thing through you are done you are done basically you are done if you can take anything at all from tonight if you can take anything we are closing now if you can take anything at all from tonight's session it is this stand long enough to see this thing through whatever you are praying for whatever it is you have already prayed for rather see it through stand there don't budge don't move if you prayed about it then that's it it's gonna happen you stand firm okay Sally Singh I wear glasses should I take them off in faith or should keep them on and keep praying Sally that one is a personal decision that you have to make is the same for any person who is taking any medication we are not here to tell you where your faith is that I can't tell you why now you are at 50% now 75 now hundred we can't say that but you know it in your Noah you know it on the inside of you that I perceive that woman who had the issue of blood the Bible says she perceived after she touched the hem of Jesus garment Oh glory be to Jesus after she touched the hem of Jesus garment the Bible says she perceives within herself she perceived she didn't see it she perceived within herself that I got it I'm healed I'm done and she started celebrating like it didn't even happened but she perceived it it started from the inside so you will know that you know from the inside you will perceive it from the inside that yeah there it is I've just received my healing I've just received my healing right now it can even be through during the course of her service while prophet is ministering just like that yep I received it I got my healing I got my business yeah it's like a it's like a Eureka moment that oh I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it thank you lord thank you thank you thank you I got it I know what business I'm supposed to be doing I know how to expand my business I just got it just dropped it like that in my spirit that's how it's supposed to be so no one can tell you take off your glasses that's your decision and you will know that you know that you know all right that's your faith not mine a mob on Angel is saying I connect to this faith of my profit and profit as I stand still in this strong faith and on Adam Graham we have attested that's in reference to how long your miracle can take I can take place yes and it's from gracious David's who sings yes prophet prophesied to my husband in 2014 uh-huh in Zimbabwe that we will have a son when I was pregnant in 2018 people said that we will have a girl but we told them that it was not possible to have a girl of our own it's a boy and I gave birth to a boy little angel is now one year 10 months Wow that is beautiful Wow do you see that you have to AG you when you know no that's not what God told me this does not correspond with what God told me I stick to what God told me . and now they have a beautiful baby boy congratulations that is such a beautiful testimony thank you so much divine as saying this message is really touching I felt like giving up after countless prayers for a new house I'm still young and learning this early so I bless God exactly don't give up don't give up don't give up some of us took years before we even had our first house the problem is when people see or the photograph of where we are now you think that's where you ought to be but no we started from somewhere too you have to remember that prophet and myself have 20 years invested in this thing it will be 20 years together in on the first of December this year imagine that 20 years invested so you don't just arrive you don't just arrive you have to go through certain stages and it's okay to go through them you're not malfunctioning you have say the only thing that I would say is bad when your life is going downwards that's what I told you you have to make little bits of progress you can see we are making progress step at a time step at the time I'm improving I'm going slowly but surely it's okay to rent if you don't have the right kind of salary it's okay to be in a council house what's wrong with being in a council estate a government housing scheme be there be in the ghetto if that's what you can afford for now be there while you are busy working your way to the top who said that's where you are going to end up we lived in the ghetto myself and my husband we even told you our first house well not even a house our first little tiny apartment was at the top of a fish and chip shop you guys know that story too many times we've already told you that's where we started you don't just wake up and you are there you've arrived start somewhere work your way up that's faith you work your way up you always wake up in the morning you say I know this is not my life it's not the best of my ability I know my life is going up thank you Lord Jesus I have a beautiful life thank you my future is so bright and you are excited about it that's how we start it out we started out from a rock bottom that's where we were right at the bottom and we started working our way up we spent a whole year with seven members in our church a whole year seven people came to our church not that some people weren't coming in between they were just not coming back they would come yeah that's it one Sunday they are gone so seven consistent people the whole year and at that time we had some friends and family asking us are you sure that God said you should be doing this kind of voice of the devil but when you have faith that stand still you know this is what God told me I stick to the prescription and I'm not budging for stop God has called me I am a hundred percent sure about Who I am I am not budging so everything I'm saying I'm not wavering I am 100 percent sure and that's how we started out we didn't start off filling up stadiums we didn't start off feeling arenas it wasn't like that so some of you I'm so impatient to get God please please please God give me five thousand people in this church why are we still twenty twenty now it's been two years twenty people where are the people where God give me the people and I just thank God we had those seven people for a year why because it gave me time to grow we needed the time to grow we started learning different personalities how do you think I can handle some of you I had my practice I had my practice so whatever God gives you at the time you better appreciate way you are thank God for where you are and then you start working your way up working your way up in fact prophet said something that was very funny on Sunday he said sometimes you have your brothers and sisters you grow up in the same family one of them one would just be a hothead some way amongst your brothers sisters your cousins you've got some hothead some way you can never get through to them you say something it's always opposite you try to say as a family let's do this always the opposite so family is that like that someone will support you someone will not support you it does happen that's what family is it's like practice for the real deal all right so I thank God for the time that our ministry was so tiny I thank God for that time it was a temporary situation our faith was unwavering we already knew where God was taking us but it was a good season because we got to learn the basics that we needed we got to learn and then people started coming all right so don't God's people do not but God tells you something don't but if God gives you your wife right now you are sitting watching this with your wife that's your woman there is no one will love you like that with that woman some of you even know your own bad habits who tolerate that don't even think for one minute they are better women than you out there way way way way your wife the one that is right day is the best one for you and for some of you that husband you are busy looking down on your very disrespectful you don't honor him you say they are better husbands then this way my dear I've got two girls that are searching for them maybe you can tell me I would direct them to where these men are that you supposedly know oh they are better men in this world I don't need this nonsense tell us so we can tell our single daughters that are crying right now you seem to think there is something better all the time the grass is looking greener at the neighbor's house because it's artificial grass it's evergreen it's not real admire Inklings you don't understand you guys need to really understand that good things happen when you stand by faith have faith that stands still that does not budge that's how things happen excellent root is repeating something that we said on girl-talk you saying will you marry yourself exactly that's the question I gave the girls I said will you marry you so please don't even start acting all nonsensical will you marry you and in the majority of cases it's a big bet no you will not because you know you are unreliable you are the biggest wave in the sea you one minute you are they the next second you are Flesch we can't even see where you disappeared to your faith is here today next thing you are gone deflated so you wouldn't even marry yourself but fate that stand still says I am going to see where I am in error I'm gonna get in this word I'm gonna lend this word I'm gonna grow in this word I'm not gonna be the same again God loves me just as much as he loves that guy that guy is extremely blessed that lady is extremely blessed is he a person who favorites is the respect of peasants the Bible says no he loves all of us the same so make things happen make things happen in your life thank you Lord I almost gave up but the teaching comforted me that's real and nesto that is awesome don't give up thank you so much for that that is an amazing comment this is amazing guys and I absolutely loved spending some time with you what is this guy saying I have a friend okay it's a lady I have a friend named James okay I'm closing in about five minutes guys all right I have a friend named James and I got a vision for marriage with him but he's saying he wants confirmation from God for the same vision and wants to grow every area in his life and then to marry me is it okay I love I love you why am i guilty Pallavi I think I think we need the proper kind of a girl tour you need to go on my facebook they are all still there listen to the very first one I did go to the second one and finish off top up digit with the third one then you will know what to do and then guess what we are on each tomorrow meet me go talk tomorrow but first go to your starter on Facebook the start is day they are all there right we never remove Girl Talk the stata is still there go to my Facebook and I'm gonna be starting a new Facebook in fact I've already started it but please don't follow if I don't give you the link because there are too many cool people out there you are going to be swindled I don't ever ask for money profit doesn't ask for money none of our pastors are going to be asking you for money so please don't don't listen to those things I will send you links and I will be live on that new page as well so please get ready for that so tomorrow I'm on Girl Talk right now go to my facebook what's tomorrow you know some of us are full speed ahead glory be to God full speed ahead right right okay let me calm down right so go to Facebook the first the stature for Girl Talk is there the main meal is also there the dessert is also there from last week test day then meet me day after tomorrow for the other refreshments all right we are going to be dealing with that then but James is in the right frame of mind just so you know James James is so far so far so good brother James kind of knows what he's saying so I'm sorry to really do that to you but anyway that's how it works all right so what else are these people saying you guys are amazing and I'm having such a good time yes I'm standing in faith because Jesus he made me strong in each and it makes you strong each and every time that's a Sneha but Raja tomorrow is ladies day so if I listen I might lend deep wisdom okay Joseph Foreman join us you can join the ladies feel free it's every Thursday feel free we already know you're gonna join so it doesn't matter even if we say don't you will so still do join but awesome thank you so much thank you Shalom peace thank you thank you alright do we have anything else that they are saying that we need to read before we go mom okay so my thing I've I've never believed in miracles but from the time someone special introduced me to you I can work in fire for sure because I believe that I'll be healed let me say I am Here I am here wow I like that comment thank you so much you are healed in the name of Jesus that is coming from a darling go Benny and it's coming from last week's teaching just Symphony and she saying last week jingchou they serve it with prophetess I want to thank God for locating me last week which was symphony when she spoke healing and prophesied about a headache I was at a point where even headache pills were no longer working Wow and earlier before the service I prayed and said Holy Spirit let let this be the last headache pills and hmm I dragged myself to be in the service and she prophesied about my exact situation wow that's awesome when she prayed towards the end of the service I just broke down and cried and said surely the Lord is in my house awesome wonderful thank you so much wow that's amazing thank you thank you for that wonderful testimony I know more testimonies are coming your way thank you so much we really appreciate that and I can see so many other testimonies thank you so much how can I know whom to marry Rachel Jadhav let's catch each other on Girl Talk what to confess when my husband wanted to leave the wife to change the situation we already spoke about these things during the couples those things are still on the on YouTube right go to our sessions that have to do with marriage it's all there on YouTube please do watch and watch and watch again you will learn something new and I just love you guys when both spouses are praying for one thing and if one person was wavering faith what happens stick to your own guns it doesn't matter stick to your own guns if you're a couple you better hold each other's hands encourage each other don't be a pest about it or don't be demonic about it you see I'm the only one who is even having faith here I'm the only one with it look at you look at you no that's not how it's done pray for your spouse as well if they have a faith issue then it means they have a word issue because if you don't have faith you have you are not growing in the world you see so they have to grow in the word they have to grow in grace it equals faith so you guys really need to pray for each other if it's a wife pray for your husband if it's a husband because I don't know what that was if the husband pray for your wife so that she's on the same wavelength with you don't make a basket case like oh this one is a lost cause start from some way start from some way pray together read the word together discuss scriptures together even after this talk about this scripture talk about this faith whole faith thing in a loving manner love is the ultimate so please do these things in love I just love you guys so much I am NOT out of good news I am simply out of time and remember but we do have the millionaire Academy that is going on right now okay but we also have millionaire yes the signups are also open I was asked to talk a little bit about millionaire Academy the signups are open property is talking about cash talk every Tuesday so I think it's gonna start leading you to millionaire Academy for those who want to be serious because we don't have the time to be perfectly honest we really don't have the time so we try to take in as few people as possible and the only way we can do that is to say right you need to at least pay for the lessons and then we only have the people who are really really serious the people who can't afford to get something done don't worry your time will come if you can't and then we also have ministry Academy which is this Thursday into Saturday all right and this is going to be nightly yes and it's going to be profitable angel and his son prophet Shepherd Boucherie they're gonna be doing it together it's going to be beautiful and I want you to sign up the details at their ministry Academy 11 to the 13th of June sign up immediately and learn something and I heard the Prophet saying it's not so much about people who have churches already maybe you do have a calling upon your life you have a call of God and you just want to know more you just want to lend then this is for you some of you already church leaders join with your church pastors they're going to learn things that sometimes it's hard for the main pastor to talk about certain things so this is going to be very good and it's very healthy for your church so do join learn something that will catapult your ministry to another level and if I know prophets then I know for sure this is gonna be very practical it's gonna be telling you what to do he was even saying we will tell you how to really make things work even after kovat and how to make things work even now during this lockdown for your ministry so they're gonna be telling you practical things so it's gonna be truly amazing so please do sign up for the ministry academy that's taking place this weekend our usual ministry programs are still running we have our thursday go talk tomorrow we have the usual Wednesday night service then we have Girl Talk at 3:00 p.m. Friday again we are live at 7 p.m. then Saturday we have the grand finale of crosspoint challenge so you want to join that it's such a day yes Saturday at 1:00 p.m. yes the sea is very excited about that one it's gonna be beautiful so please do join that one thank you so much for joining us we just love you I am going to go we are done for today so I am NOT out of good news but I am out of time profit angel loves you beyond beyond beyond and I am honored to speak on his behalf so you guys have a blessed night I'll see you tomorrow [Applause] ministry Academy with major profit angel and nature one prophet boo shearing from the 11th to the 13th of June 2020 to help all of you who are called by God to learn the basics of ministry introduction to prophecy operating in the gifts of the Spirit operating a successful online ministry and most importantly how to rebuild after these perilous times are over [Applause] register now at line sessions on the 11 7:00 p.m. PST luckily this is going to be power-packed the first of its kind never let anybody lie to you pain doesn't make you strong the Bible says of the righteous men is like a house built on a rock foundation the floods come it remains standing the storms come it remains tending if never moved why because of the foundation so floods don't come to make the house strong storms don't come to make you strong they come to test your foundation what foundation are you build on and the Bible says and Jesus is the foundation and no man can do anything to the foundation but what you built thereupon is what you take care of so never lie to yourself and say my pain is coming to make me strong pain doesn't people strong pain in stones from the enemy they come only to test the foundation are you build on Christ if you're built on Christ you'll never be moved a good news world with you bird angel provoking a reaction and always worth hearing [Music]
Channel: Uebert Angel
Views: 20,792
Rating: 4.9248118 out of 5
Id: EcAazFACrY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 0sec (7380 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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