October 11th - Word of Truth

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uh right now we're going to invite you guys first off to share the link as i know you're logging in right now and you're going to see the share link facebook youtube whatever whatever i don't know what other things and you know we open it right now because we're gonna get in worship and maybe there's something on your heart right now that you need somebody to stand with you and join with you so call that number and somebody has someone here to start you declining god's blessing blessings and last week's message this week's message was powerful is watching this on sometime maybe sometimes but i want to share this i want to share those stories he looked at the list together said hey i'm talking to somebody right now and he delivered this word and uh they were telling me i don't want to get into it i don't want anybody to like necessarily you know who they are or anything like that but they were sharing here at word of truth so pj what's up what's coming up today today special day last sunday was the anniversary that we have our drive through i need y'all come on [Music] [Music] heading okay today if you think it's next week today right now what's going on i don't know but we have a ton of events coming up in the next month and a half here so we have first one first one after today's vibe yep and then we have don't forget this month is personally i know that i cannot wait to be a blessing too [Laughter] um festival and real quick right now go to the website for sure you can stand to your feet come on everybody get ready to praise the lord did you come ready to praise him this morning did you come ready to praise him this morning [Music] eyes haven't seen and years haven't heard the kinds of blessings the kinds of lessons that's about to fall [Music] cause i'm getting ready [Music] [Music] get ready to see [Music] [Music] is [Music] kicked your feet [Music] something i've never [Music] i'm getting ready [Music] something i've never seen come on let's sing all come together [Music] it's about to be [Music] [Music] said i'm ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] you said we a room to receive [Music] my [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] we've never seen [Music] come on you ought to give god a praise right now come on [Music] i believe in this season that we're going to get what's coming next by activating the word of god think it not strange that pastor ebene and pasar name this church word of truth and until you open your mouth and declare that you're going to see the things that your haters said you would never see the things that those no good parents said that you would never be the labels that the world has put on you god is the blood of jesus is ripping the labels off of you it doesn't mean you you could have done it you could have been that but the word of god is ripping it off of you and you're about to step into something new something flavorful something amazing and so i don't know what the enemy put on you this morning what word was labeled on you but there's a better word that god has over your life and i just want you to lift your hands right now in the presence of the lord god we receive the better word that you have over us for your word your blood your grace your mercy is so much better than what we've seen before let's go [Music] you're [Music] is [Music] is the measure of my [Music] he speaks a better a word word [Music] a better word speech [Music] righteousness oh forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is receive it in this grace god we thank you for your better word we thank you for your peace in this place god we thank you for your healing in this place god hallelujah glory [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] history [Music] is [Music] the precious [Music] all is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh when there was no way i believe i'll see you do it again [Music] it again and again and again we'll see you do it again [Music] [Applause] lord deliver us again [Music] i'm still in your hands great is your faithfulness your faithfulness [Music] still in your hands [Music] and [Music] [Music] and you'll never win [Music] never will never [Music] just worship god we have this confidence [Music] i said we have this company [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's a good place to praise him that's a good place to shop [Music] you never [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody worship god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] remember found [Music] come on [Music] you're [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is this is [Music] me [Music] somebody shouted this place [Music] come on come on the bible says give the lord a shout with the voice of triumph come on if god has done anything for you [Music] if he's kept us safe if he's blessed your children if he blessed your house somebody ought to give god a praise praise and praise and praise him praise and praise and praise him those of you watching through the list praise him right now the blessings of god are falling down and falling in this place they're falling in your homes right now give god a shout of praise with the voice of trying because he's doing it he's doing it right now for you for you for you and you god is doing it he's hitting your body he's making you free hallelujah [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] is is [Music] hey [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah yes to you will yes to your way yes to your will yes to your way lift those hands toward heaven [Music] hallelujah the bible says hallelujah is the highest praise and we praise you o lord for you alone are worthy your word says so shall my words be that go forth out of my mouth they shall not return unto me void but they will accomplish anything where i send it some of us need to make a declaration this morning you need to start saying what you are in him you need to say i am healed i am whole i am free i am born again i am blessed i am not stressed i am the head and not the tail i'm above only and not beneath i'm blessed going in i'm blessed coming out somebody ought to just start decorating right now declare right now those of you that need a breaking through those of you that need your healing start declaring right now put it in the atmosphere i'm healed i'm whole i'm i'm born again hallelujah yes thank you lord thank you lord father we give you glory you say when the praises go up god the blessings come down fall fresh fall fresh whoo we thank you you are the spirit of the living god living and moving in us and we give you praise and we give you glory in jesus name we all said together amen let's give god a praise in this place before you take your seats turn around and wave at somebody around you turn around and wave at them two or three people waiting we want to welcome those of you that are joining us on facebook that are joining us on instagram and and youtube we appreciate your presence is there any first-time visitors in the house any first-time visitors in the house let's give god a praise for them yes yes on behalf of our pastors we welcome you and we thank you for coming this morning and if you are watching through the lens this is your first time we welcome you as well god bless you and please pay attention to our announcements welcome to our service hey i'm pastor jonathan and we are so excited that you are here with us today so let's take a moment and share the link if you're on youtube on facebook share that link start a facebook group get everybody together 453-8222 hey vibe today is the day we have our one year anniversary and we're so excited that we're gonna have a vibe and drive by so if you're single come out and see us today from 12 to one you don't want to miss it we got gifts october 31st we are having our very first social distances wear your mask while you're here but it is a completely free event but we only have 175 slots available per event so we're going to do two events okay okay you'll see them go online right now there's a banner and help them experience the love of god so sign up for fall festival today today online awesome and also one thing that we're going to do is we want to give candy to all these kids okay you remember being a kid and getting that candy so we are being a canned driver and have a great time a great time of fun and a great time where everybody can be safe guys we're looking forward to seeing you there we will be volunteering so be on the lookout for that there's no signs of today but that will be coming so we are looking forward to seeing you at the fall festival on a listen to them [Music] [Music] we have a online luncheon that you will hear more about so make sure you go online and register at word of truth.org t-shirts.org for more information.org amen good morning good morning everyone uh i did not do a wardrobe change uh that was pre-recorded so i'm not you know one of those divas just so you know uh hey we are gonna continue in our worship right now through giving that's right it is time to give here at word of truth so you can go ahead and start getting ready i just wanted to encourage you and share some uh some truth about uh giving and tithing and so you know last week pastor evan taught that awesome message about honoring god with our giving it was super super super powerful honestly probably one of my favorite messages uh that i've heard here at word of truth it was that good so go listen to it again and again and again uh but today we're gonna look real quick in the book of mark chapter 12 verse 41. mark 12 41. this is the story of the widow and her two mites and i just want to pull out two two things here to to show you guys real quick verse 41 now jesus sat opposite the treasury and saw how the people put money into the treasury and many who were rich put in much and then one poor widow came and threw in two mites which makes a quadrant so he called his disciples to himself and said to them assuredly i say to you this poor widow has put in more than all those who have given to the treasury for they all put in out of their abundance but she out of her poverty put in all that she had her whole livelihood two things i want to point out here is one that jesus was watching what was put into the offering okay jesus remember he came to do his father's will and only saw what he saw his father doing like jesus wasn't walking by the widow and was like oh i didn't mean to see what you put in but by the way that was an awesome gift that you gave like he is full-on watching as people are putting their gifts into the same into the offering and i say that important because you know a lot of times when we give it's very physical like we're filling out our check we're filling out our the envelope we're putting in there we're going online putting all the things that we need to do and you know we see the negative balance in our bank account and all that stuff you know when i gave this week an angel didn't come down and say well done good and faithful servant like none of that happened it was all very physical but i say that to encourage you because i want you to know that when you give god sees it god sees your sacrifice god sees your gift he sees your faithfulness so much that jesus is watching for faithfulness and the second thing i want to point out here is that jesus did something that is kind of counter-cultural than we are today right this woman put in her two mites today we would say no no no no you don't need to do that you don't need to give your two bucks it's not gonna save the church it's not gonna make or break it you need to take care of yourself first right that's what like modern culture temporary contemporary teaching would be but that's not what jesus is saying here jesus is saying she has done more with her little than everybody else now he's not putting down those who gave their large gifts he's saying her faithfulness to what she gave listen guys jesus was so blown away by her gift he called people over james peter come here you got to see this come here come here he's calling them over he's like look at that widow what she did listen this is james john the the ones that peter said i'm sorry that jesus sent out in groups of two and they came back and they said jesus even the demons submit to us in your name and jesus like that's nothing i saw satan fall like lightning from heaven you know that's no big deal but here he is pausing stopping everything because of this widow's faithfulness and her obedience and her giving when she gave jesus stopped and took notice so honoring jesus did over her life that to this day 2 000 years later this story is shared all over the world because of her obedience and faithfulness in her giving because what she was putting is her whole livelihood into the hands of the father and when you do that god takes notice god takes notice when you put your life into his hand and because of that today we can say our confession and faith we can say our confession with boldness today because we're giving in faith and giving our livelihood our heart to the father today so if you're joining us online you can give through push pay go to the church app it is there if you are wanting to if you're online today and you want to give in cash or check you can drive by the church somebody will be here until 1 pm if you are here today and you want to give cash and check we have offering boxes in the back that on the way out please put your envelope into the box today let's say our confession i'm sorry hold on please stand as we say our confession i almost forgot we're gonna say this in boldness right the father sees and takes notice ready father i thank you i live in daily expectation of an exceptional life i always support the kingdom of god with 10 of all my increase therefore the windows of heaven's blessings are open to me i believe i receive so much creative wisdom inside and opportunities that i cannot take advantage of them all because i give offerings i thank you father for raising up unsuspecting people to go out of their way to use their power their ability their influence and their resources to help me thank you for blessing me so that i can be a blessing i expect exceptional and extraordinary increase for me my family and my church in jesus name amen amen guys while you're standing put your hands together and welcome our pastor pastor evan connor good morning we're the truth come on give yourselves a hand in the house those of you who are joining us through the lens thank you so much if you would you may be seated i have a couple of announcements that i want to give you before we jump into the word of god this morning the first one is next week everybody say next week not this coming week but the following week she doesn't know that i'm going to say this but i'm going to say it pastor is having surgery okay she's been ha she has a like a a cyst on her shoulder and it's under a muscle and it has been giving her big big big problems i know she was smiling on that announcement but uh i've never seen this girl in this much pain so you all be praying for pastor tsar and i'll remind you of when the surgery is going to take place so you all can show her some love okay so you all be in prayer for her and then today between 12 and 1 we're having divine drive through yes so if you are single please just look get in the car you have nothing else to do you have worship jesus today come on through the drive through and then i do want to mention the uh fall festival we're doing it is pretty big and most churches are doing nothing right now and so uh our mission and vision here at word of truth family church is what to know christ into what make him known and so one of the ways that we're going to do that is that we're going to use this fall festival to not only minister to our body but also to minister to those outside of our church can you say amen to that all right now i want you to stand back up those of you who are at home i want you to stand up right there i know you have your pjs on you got your coffee stand up right next side of your bed and if you have your children with you make sure they stand up and i want to do the confession today and i want you to say it with all your heart say this is god's word not pastor reven's word i am who it says i am i can do what it says i can do i can be who it says i can be and i will have what it says i can have today i will hear the word of god i boldly declare that my mind is alert my heart is receptive my ears are open and i better not go to sleep i'll never be the same in jesus name amen let's pray together father thank you for your word it is quick it is powerful it is sharper than any two-headed sword heaven and earth is going to pass away but father your word will never ever pass away thank you that you watch over your word to perform and father as your word is ministered to today i step back so the spirit of god can use me to minister your word by your spirit to your people and i declare after hearing the word faith is going to come in our lives and when faith comes father change comes and lord i just thank you that life health faith and power will be released through your word in the mighty name of jesus and jesus we thank you because we know you watch over your word to perform it in jesus mighty name i pray let everybody say amen amen amen god bless you you may be seated here you may be seated at home well we're in a second division of our series entitled the power of choice everyone say the power of choice and the goal of our series that we're in is threefold number one to help us understand the power that choices have in our lives also we want to realize the impact that these choices have and then hopefully make some better choices in our future that will help us glorify god and also live a better life and so last week i started a new topic in our choice series and i entitled it choosing to honor and i'll be teaching that throughout the whole month of october so if you are taking notes or if you would like write down today's lesson title it is honor through understanding honor through understanding this is going to be a very very good message now before i jump into the message i just want you to prepare yourself so you say well pastor how do i prepare myself here's how i want you to prepare yourself i want you to tell yourself self whatever he says you need to listen self whatever he says that you're not doing you need to do it self humble yourself right now all right good so i chose this particular topic because we live in a nation where honor is not something that we strive to attain or even exercise we live in a democratic age especially here in america and our democratic mindset and the way we do things kind of leaves so much room for us to have our own opinions to the point that we feel that we can dishonor or even disrespect people even if they didn't disrespect us if we disagree with someone we feel it is okay to be disrespectful or dishonored and so i believe a message like this is not only needed but i believe it'll change our lives individually and as a nation so my prayer today is that you'll be able to see how powerful honor is and then the potential that it has to change our lives and others so if you have your bibles go to first samuel chapter 2 verse 30 and this week our message or our notes are now able to show on the screen we've been having some technical difficulties so those of you who are at home you should be able to see our notes and our scriptures that we put up first samuel 2 30 and then isaiah 58 13. i have three points everybody say three points i have three points that i want to share with you today so let's just jump right into it here's point number one if you're taking notes honor starts with god honor starts with god you and i will never be able to honor anyone else properly regardless of who they are regardless of what they do we won't be able to honor them properly until we start with honoring god in first samuel 2 30 he says wherefore the lord god of israel says i indeed that thy house and he was talking to the priest over in the old testament he says in the house of your father that they should walk before me forever but now the lord says be it far from me for those that honor me watch this church i will honor and those that despise me shall be lightly esteemed in other words god is saying in principle that if you will honor me i will honor you if you lightly esteem me if you disrespect me if you dishonor me then dishonor comes back to you now this word honor in the old testament is the greek word khabad and it means to promote someone to honor but it also means for someone or something to have a weighty part in your life in a good way or a bad way in other words he's saying when you choose to honor him allow it to have some weight in your life you ever been in a situation where uh let's say you were at work and everybody was going out to lunch or they invited you to go and uh you're sitting at the table the food comes out and nobody's saying their grace and you know you need to how many know you need to say your grace these days right you need to say it and so here it is how much weight does god have in your life for you to say hold up everybody can i say the grace oh i know you might bow your head real secretly and say it jesus will but do you have enough faith does god have enough weight in your life that you're willing to say i am going to exercise honor of god in my life say amen to that so here's a principle that i want you to catch today here's a principle if we are going to honor god and others we have to do it his way i'm going to say that again here's the principle that i want you to grab if you and i are going to honor god and others we have to do it his way you cannot say you are being honorable if you're not honoring god or others his way now there are four primary ways that you and i can display honor four different ways i'm not going to get into them i'm just going to tell you what they are these four ways are how we can display honor here's the first one we display honor through our actions and this is how we show honor in what we do uh i mentioned this after service on last week and i mentioned it on instagram i'm gonna tell the story here two weeks ago i'm sitting at a light i hear a screeching take place and i know i'm about to get slammed in the back and all of a sudden boom this guy hits me he hits me so hard that i kind of lose orientation and he jumps out he's in a big f-150 truck and uh he gets out he looks through the window he says are you okay and i'm shaking it off and i get out of the car and uh before i get out of the car i make sure i took a picture of his license place in the back i get out of the car and uh he says would you like to get my license and registration and uh i said yes so he says let me get back in the car and move it up some more i said oh no you don't need to move it no more because we weren't in the street he had already pulled over but see i am from the hood now that please the ghetto and the hood are different okay ghetto is gangsta rap that kind of stuff hood is just kind of hard times so i'm from the hood and and you're not gonna hoodwink me by jumping in your truck and leaving before i get the information so i said so when he said he's gonna get in the car truck and move it up i jumped in front of his truck got my camera out took a picture of the damage of his truck and a picture of his license plates and he had hit me so hard that his his metal fender bent into his tire when i turned around to go back to my car this guy takes off hit-and-run i call 9-1-1 and i say hey this guy just did this i got his license plate i was like i should have followed him and the lady was like sir we don't want you to get hurt we don't need you to follow him i'm like ma'am i'm not going to get hurt because i i have buddy with me how many have buddy you'll figure out who buddy is later but but i have a friend named buddy who travels with me and buddy wants to make sure evan's okay hey so she's probably like who's buddy but anyway this guy long story short decides to hit and run me well they found him because his smoke on the tires was up they they finally caught him and and they they gave me i gave him the description they said yeah that's him they said well uh would you they said he's going to jail today i guess he has some other stuff going on in his life and they said would you like to press charges i said well had he honored me and said mister i have some warrants out i have some tickets i haven't paid for can you just take my driver's license and insurance and let me go i'll let him go cause i understand but no he didn't want to honor pastor evan i said yes we will be pressing charges i'll see judge judy in three weeks so we honor through our actions we honor through our attitudes and this is the way we carry out her we also display honor through our thoughts and this is the mental process we use to determine whether we should honor someone and then the fourth one which is very critical is the heart we display honor from the heart and this is the core part of where we honor or dishonor that's the core part of where we honor a dishonor now because listen the heart everybody say the heart come on at home say the heart somebody type it in the comment section the heart the heart is the core of who we are and it determines what we do and it is critical that we cultivate our hearts to honor i'm going to say that again it is important that you and i cultivate our hearts to honor because the way our country is set up it is not teaching us to cultivate honor when i was growing up it didn't matter who you were most parents taught their children to say yes ma'am and no ma'am at school you said yes ma'am or no ma'am there were certain guidelines of honor that was in place so i want to read a verse to you that bears repeating i read it on last week this is isaiah 29 verse 13 it says wherefore the lord says who's talking church come on church who's talking at home the lord is he says for as much as this people they draw near to me with their mouth and with their lips they do honor me but have removed their hearts far from me and their fear toward me is taught by the precepts of men in other words what god is saying is he don't want us to just give him lip service he doesn't want us to just patronize him you know how somebody can patronize you and you don't like that that feeling and what they're doing he said listen if you're going to honor me the only way to do it is from the heart so everybody say true honor comes from the heart and that's why people even struggle with the message from last week about honoring god with their income see when it comes to honoring god with your finances it's really not about how much money you have don't have how much money you make or don't make you know what it all boils down to it all boils down to where your heart is amen matthew chapter 6 verse 21 jesus said this for where your treasure is he said there is where you will find your heart so all you have to do to discover where your heart is towards god is by looking at how you give to him the living bible of that same verse says this if your prophets are in heaven your heart will be there too and if you want listen if you want this church to feel like your church if you want to feel connected to this church you have to put your money where your heart is amen church so there has to be a standard for honoring and that standard must come from god and let me tell you why because we all have our own standard by which we want to do something and so for us to honor god his way and for us to honor god people the way god wants us to then we have to now allow god to set that standard now this verse that i'm about to read is an example of the principle that i gave you which is if we're going to honor god and others we must do it whose way god's way so now i'm about to read isaiah 58 let's look in verse 13. this is what it says and i'm reading out the king james and then i'm going to read it out of the living bible he says and this was god talking about the sabbath and let me just say something about the sabbath how many know the ten commandments are still good okay we don't have to live by them to go to heaven jesus did everything we needed to do from that aspect but living by the ten commandments are still good as a matter of fact if we just live by the law of love we will fulfill all ten of the commandments but one of the commandments that we fail to re remember is one of them is you shall obey the sabbath right so he's talking to the children of israel here about the sabbath so he says if you turn away your foot from the sabbath from doing your own pleasure on my holy day and call the sabbath a delight the holy of the lord honorable watch what he says you shall honor me not doing your own ways not finding your own pleasure nor speaking your own words he said listen if you want to fulfill the sabbath my way then you have to do it not the way you want to do it and then verse 14 says and when you delight yourself in the lord notice what will happen he says i will cause you to ride upon high places of the earth and feed with the heritage of jacob your father for the mouth of the lord has spoken it let's read out of the living bible he says if you keep the sabbath holy not having your own fun and business on that day but enjoying the sabbath speaking of it with delight as the lord's holy day and honoring the lord and what you do watch this not following your own desires and pleasure nor talking idly then watch this after you and i he says after he said unto them after you obey the sabbath and you do it my way he says then the lord will be your delight and i will see to it watch this that you ride high and get your full share of what class blessings in other words he was saying here when you obey the sabbath and you do it my way there's a full share of blessings well let me say this when you and i learn to honor god's way there is a full reward of blessings that come with honor amen there is a reward that comes with honoring god and others and this reward listened has different levels so i'm about to show you today how to reach new levels of blessings in your life because some of us in this room and some of us who are watching through the lens listen our blessing levels have become stagnated and i guarantee you one of the reasons could be maybe you are being dishonorable in some areas of your life amen god's power and his rewards are released when proper honor is displayed from the heart i'm going to say that again god's power and his reward is released everybody say release when proper honor is released or displayed from the heart so now i'm about to read something in matthew chapter 13 and this scenario you're going to see that those who released honor to jesus received a full reward and those who did not receive little or none watch this it says in verse 54 and when he jesus was coming to his own country okay so we know he was born in nazareth he was raised in the galilee area so he was at home he taught them in their synagogue to the point that they were astonished and said where has this man did he get this wisdom and these mighty works so they're watching jesus the hometown boy come in preach the word and they say wow where did this man get this wisdom where did he get this authority where did he get the ability to do these mighty works and then verse 55 says is not this the carpenter's son is not his mother called mary in his brothers james joseph and simon and judas aren't they among us verse 56 and his sisters are they not all with us look i'm married to abigail his sister verse 57 and they were all what offended in him but jesus said unto them watch this now church a prophet is not without honor except in his own country and in his own house watch verse 58 very powerful and he jesus did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief so watch this what happened was jesus's own hometown did not experience his power to heal or to even do mighty works watch this because they did not value or respect who he was i'm going to say that again here it was the king of kings the lord of lords the same person who previously had went to a town and healed everybody the bible says that he could not do many mighty works there and the reason he couldn't is because they did not value or respect who he was in other words they dishonored him now the word honor in the new testament has several meanings here's what they are it means to prize to value to revere or to respect i'm going to say that again in the new testament the word honor means to value to prize to revere or to respect in other words instead of showing value toward jesus they viewed him as common or average see when you have respect for something when something is valuable when you have little children you don't put the very expensive items down on the ground where they can they can reach them i mean you can train them not to touch it but what you typically do is you put the more valuable things of up in other words if you have some valuable jewelry it's not just sitting around all the time you put it in places where where it can't just be seen in open sight why because you value that well when you don't value something you see it as common or average so let me give you another principle here's another principle the first principle i gave you now says that if we're going to honor god and honor people we have to do it his way well here's the second one when we properly honor it causes our believing and our faith to work at high levels i'm about to show you today how to make your faith move to another level because the bible says we should go from faith to faith in other words you shouldn't stay at the same faith level you are you shouldn't have the same faith level you had last year i mean unless you want last year's blessings how many want to go up well let me show you how your faith and your believing can go up go back to matthew 13 58 let me show you this real quick it says and he jesus did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief so here's what i want us to do want us to reverse that verse let's flip it okay because here it's saying he did not do many mighty works or miracles because of their unbelief so let's flip that verse this is what it would say he was able to do many mighty works there because they believed so here's a take on statement i want you to write down our believing is connected to our honoring our believing is connected to our honorary the only way listen had they honored him properly guess what he'd have been able to do some mighty miracles but because they didn't value him or honor him he couldn't do that much in other words he left one town and cancer was being healed blind eyes were open people were being raised from the dead and then he showed up in his hometown he could only you know maybe heal a couple of coughs maybe one covet case or something i don't know so now i'm about to show you a story and connect all of this together because if you get what i'm telling you today if you raise your honor you'll raise your blessings watch this now this is in matthew chapter 8 verse 5. this is the centurion soldier who experienced jesus healing power through his servants so it says here in verse 5 and when jesus was entered into capernaum there came unto him a centurion saying lord my servant lies at home sick of the pausality grievously tormented verse 7 and jesus said to him i will come and heal him i love that about jesus and then the centurion said oh lord i'm not worthy that you should come under my roof so what's the respect that this guy has for jesus he says you know jesus i know you said you come to my house it's clean because i'm a man over there i got a lot of people working for me and i got a housekeeper at the house so it's not like my house is dirty that's not why i want you to don't want you to come he says but i just i don't feel worthy enough for you to come in other words his respect for jesus was high he said but if you'll just speak the word only my servant will be healed verse 9. he says for i am a man under authority having soldiers under me and i say to one man go and he goes and to another comes and he comes and to my servant do this and he does it watch this now when when jesus heard it he did what church he marveled i mean that is an amazing thing to marvel jesus can you imagine marveling the king of kings the bible says he marveled and said to them that was following him verily i say unto you i have not found so great faith no not in israel it was the centurion's honor of jesus's position that caused him to experience jesus's miracles his honor listen caused him to function at great faith this man experienced jesus power because he had a high level of honor for jesus and as a church and as a people and i'm going to show you today what you need to do many people miss out on blessings in life because they dishonor you know there are a lot of young people dying early these days because and i'm not saying this is the only reason but one of the reasons a lot of young people are dying early is because they're not honoring their parents now listen once you get a certain age you don't have to obey your parents but the bible tells everyone to honor them that's one of the ten commandments it says children obey your parents and the lord for this is right honor your father and mother watch this with the promise that you may live long and things go well with you so sometimes maybe these young people are dying early because they have decided to dishonor their parents amen through the lens praise the lord so if god wants us to honor him his way and our faith works when we do it who else do we need to honor well here's point number two if you're taking notes honor should include all and not just some honor should include all not just some now this this particular point is going to get tight because we're living in an environment right now where no one wants to honor nobody amen so watch first peter chapter two i'm gonna read the verse and then i'm gonna make the point first peter 2 17. what's the first word in the verse church what is it come on what is it honor then he will say honor who who honor all men black men white men yellow men red men brown men he didn't take out no ethnic group he says i want you to honor who all men love the brotherhood fear god watch this honor the king now back in those days they had kings in our days we have presidents it didn't say if you agreed with the president or not it didn't say if you were democrat or republic or not it says regardless of what you do and your political beliefs he says i still want you to honor the king amen we don't just honor god directly listen but we must also honor him indirectly by honoring others if he's the one telling us to honor people and we dishonor them then we're dishonoring god because he's the one that told us does this dishonor them are you with me romans 13 1 it's about to get hot in the house here we go romans 13 1. it says let every soul be subject unto our powers how many souls every soul for there is no power but of god the powers that are ordained or are the powers that be have been ordained by god whoever therefore resists the power resists the ordinances of god and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation for rulers are not a terror to good words but to evil now i'm going to stop here i'm going to read verse 7 and then we're going to read the rest of this in the new living translation verse 7 says render therefore to all their dues tribute to whom tribute is due custom to whom custom fear to whom fear watch this honor to whom honor romans 13 1 now through the new living translation says everyone who does that include come on who does that include come on who does that include everyone everyone must submit to governing authorities uh oh we have a problem houston we have a problem we have a problem may day may day may day wow everyone must submit to governing authorities for all authority how much authority church all authority comes from who church from god and those in positions of authority have been placed there by god now don't hear what i'm not saying i am not listen let me tell you what the bible just said and then let me tell you what i'm not saying the bible just said all authority comes from god but what the bible is not saying is that all those functioning in god authority are godly now as we read this i need you to read this as if america wasn't here yet okay this bible was written before america was here so don't read it with the george floyd situation in your mind because you'll go well i'm not no no no this is wake up way way way back right black people were not the first people enslaved did you know that if you just look at biblical history the israelites were enslaved to egypt way before black people were slave to america so when it when we read this it's not just stop reading it like america is the only country in the world everyone must submit to governor and authorities for all authority comes from god and these those in positions of authority have been placed there by god so anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what god has instituted and they will be punished for the authorities do not strike fearing people who are doing right but in those who are doing wrong i know we're in america and you can get pulled over and be scared and you know you didn't do nothing this was written before that would you like to live without fear of authorities do what is right and they will honor you the authorities are god's servants listen to this church sent for your good but if you are doing wrong of course you should be afraid for they have the power to punish you they are god's servants sent for the very purpose of punishing those who do what is wrong thank god we have some type of authority structure here in the you know in the world watch this so you must submit to them not only to avoid punishment but also to keep a clear conscience pay your taxes to somebody at home pay your taxes uh and and then it says for government workers need to be paid can i get an amen from the government workers yes they want to get paid verse seven give to everyone that you owe pay your taxes and government fees to those who collect them watch this and give respect and honor to those who are in authority stop right there he just told us to give those who are in authority honor and what class respect now i know what some of you all are thinking they gotta earn respect to get respect but that's not what we're reading god did not say you give the respect and honor if you get it he said here give respect and honor to those who are in authority so it is god's will for us to honor him and others everybody say it is god's will come on say it like you mean it is god's will for us to honor him and others listen honor keeps our hearts straight but also keeps our faith straight honor keeps our hearts straight but it also keeps our faith straight and that's why listen honor care is a reward so here's point number three and then i i'm gonna hit you with some daggers but you're gonna live it's gonna be okay because here's the issue and i'm going to give you a live example of an issue that i ran into with someone that i deemly and highly respect here's point number three we must show honor for the position even if the person is not honorable oh oh pastor evan do you have something else you can teach us this morning i'm gonna say that point again we must show honor for the position even if the person is not honorable now i'm gonna read the new living translation of ephesians chapter six i'm gonna start in verse one just to show you a principle of honor but the main part of what i want to talk about is in the latter verses children okay so why don't we define children for those who are watching no one in here children this is pastor edmund's definition are people who are under the authority of their parents and they're under the authority of their parents because they depend on their parents to live in other words if you're not 100 on your own you're still at home they still paying your bills they still taking care of you by your clothes and your toothpaste and your toothbrush and and all that then you steal the children okay that's the children children do what your parents tell you this is only right honor your father and mother this now goes for everybody this is the first commandment that has a promise attached to it namely verse three so you will live well and have a long life now let me just ask a question how many in this room wants to live well and have a long life at the same time because see there's a difference now you can listen you can have a long life and not live well he said no no no if you honor your father your mother you will live well and live long verse 4 fathers do not exasperate your children by coming down hard on them amen take them by the hand and lead them in the way of the master servants respectfully obey your earthly masters but always with an eye to obeying the real master christ don't just do what you have to do to get by but workheartedly as christ servants doing what god wants you to do and work with the smile on your face always keeping in mind that no matter who happens to be giving the orders you really are serving god god good work will get you good pay from the master regardless of whether you are a slave or free so so here's the point that i want to make here notice he said he used the word servants but just think of that work he said when you go to work regardless of how your boss is and the attitude they have he says you know what i want you to do i want you to work respectfully as unto the lord so now my attitude my honor is not tied up with how they treat me because see the reason why your faith's gonna stop is because you letting how they treat you affect how you treat them when the fact is when it comes to the word god is never gonna say oh i know it's okay you cussed them out cause they cussed you out i don't know for some reason we think it's okay to not do the bible if somebody else is not doing it listen when we get to heaven nobody's gonna be standing beside you god's not going to say to me well evan it was okay for you to cuss out pastor because she made you mad or vice versa no no no no she's not gonna be standing there it's gonna be between me and god so when your boss treats you a certain type of way what you have to remember is the spirit of honor says i'm gonna honor that position even if i'm not being honored why because when i honor who god sends my way or if i honor other people god's going to honor me and when god honors me guess what he is going to reward me and so some of you all's faith is constipated come on it's constipated your blessings are not coming out because your faith has been constipated because you have chose to stop honoring that's a good place to clap come on give me some clap hands online there are four areas of delegated authority i'm just going to go over these real quick because next week i'm talking about the last one spiritual authority and then my following week my last week i'm going to talk about honoring in relationships but there are four key areas of delegated authority that god has ordained the first one is civil authority that's the government the president the senators mayor school board intent superintendents that kind of thing and then you have family authority this is where the husband is the head of the wife the children are to obey their parents then the third one is social authority this is includes our bosses our teachers principals coaches that type of thing then we have spiritual authority and this includes you know spiritually delegated authority within the church world but i'm saying all that to say this you show me a person who is out of sync in one of these areas and i'll show you a person who has lost some honor in one of those areas i want you to examine your life and look at where you're struggling let's say you struggling financially here's the question are you honoring who you work for now you can know if you honor or not because remember where does honor start from your world your heart so the bible says out of the abundance of the heart your mouth speaks so we can tell if you're honoring by just listening to what you say i'm talking to some people right now you know more than your boss you have a degree i'm talking somebody online right now you have a degree and they don't and you undermine everything your boss says and does because in your mind you know more than they do and you may know more than they do here's the problem they're still your boss and god still expects you to honor them maybe just make you know can can i just help the young people one of the best things or ways to get anything you want from your parents if they have it is to honor them young people listen to me listen listen listen one of the best ways to get something from your parents is to honor them how do you honor yours you got to start right here and see some of us we're going to have to i'm going to do application here we gotta we're gonna have to get our heart straight because when you do it with your lips and not your heart you're doing lip service this is why you can only do it for a little while you know if you at work and and and your boss is really i mean he is under your skin and and so you hear a message like this and you go to work tomorrow and be like okay i'm gonna show him some love and you go in there and the first time he see you he'd just be like uh you two minutes late so you're like it got to start right here right honor can only come from the heart watch this that has proceeded in humility it says before honor is humility so the only way you're going to honor somebody is you got to humble yourself i'm not saying see yourself lower than them i'm just saying take the low road because there are some people in this room who need some blessings and i believe if you will start honoring today honoring at home honor your spouse honor your wife honor your husband honor your children honor your boss honor your mom uh listen i know someone who honored their be their best friend right their best friend had a disease best friend dies this person takes care of their best friend's mother like it was their mother and took care of the best friend's mother the mother fell sick and and listen serve that lady all the way till she passed do you know that that lady left everything she owned to that person because she was honored so how do you how do you how do you correct this here's number one repent where you have not been honorable towards someone number two go get understanding so that honor can flow so let me tell you this story here real quick so a mentor of mine of mine it wasn't my pastor so a mentor of mine and a person that i i value and respect uh did a a podcast that i listened to and when i listened to the podcast and it was involved in all the you know black lives matter and and their perspective on that and and when i listened to it i got offended well what does the bible says you know when you offend it go to your brother i wasn't going to go to them because my thing was you know what that's on them i didn't do that i thought um wow wow i know this person and they don't treat me bad have never treated me bad so so if i got offended how many other people might get offended who don't even know him because when i listened to it it didn't sound like that's who they were and that's that's not who i know so i set up a meeting with them and i didn't go in the meeting with trying to prove to them what they said was not right i went into the meeting with humility in fact i went i took him a seed i wrote a check and i gave it to him before the meeting started i said hey this is an honor seed and i said hey i'm not here to try to change your mind or anything like that i just want to share with you my perspective on something that i heard that you taught and so i went through that and i said here's my main concern i said my main concern is two things i said number one is if i got offended and i know you how many other people are going to be offended who don't know you i said that's number one i said the second thing that i was concerned about was this i said every black person who hears that is going to leave your church and his humility was amazing he was more concerned about the impact it would have on people than what his opinion and perspective was before i left the meeting he says evan i'm going to take that message down before i got home he had already taken it off the internet my point is this before honor there has to be humility and some of you all are in these black lives matter fights and you know what i believe we should fight for inequality and we we should fight for justice but when you start fighting people you're fighting the wrong thing because the bible says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities the real fight is up here you can fight down here but the real fight is up here ask god to restore your heart to a place of honor and then number four begin to show honor with the expectation that your faith is in position to work and that god is going to honor you so for every head bowed every eye closed there's some people who need to get some honor things straight there are some young people that need to you mad somebody came today just mad at your mama just mad you just mad and and you know it's okay to to be mad but you can't stay mad there are some people watching me who need to get your heart straight at work because i believe your next level of blessings are going to come from your honor father in jesus name thank you for your word let us leave with a to-do list that we're going to honor everybody we see adjust our hearts change us where we need it and most of all help us walk in humility so that we can honor those who you send our way in jesus mighty name amen with every head still bowed if you're watching me today or if you're here in the room and if you die today and you're not 100 sure you'd that jesus that you'd go to heaven if you're not 100 sure i want you to be if you're watching me and you die today here's my question are you 100 sure you go to heaven because if you're not god wants you to be sure maybe you're here and you need to recommit your life to the lord or maybe you're watching through the lens and your relationship with god is out maybe just maybe something offended you along the way and it's made it hard for you to reconnect to the things of god well maybe you need to rededicate your life so here's what i'm going to do we're going to pray a prayer salvation together and then i'm going to pray for those who need to rededicate their lives and if you're watching us and you need a church home the bible says those who are planted in the house of the lord shall flourish you need to connect to a local church not just watch but connect those of you who are watching and those of you here in the house would you pray this prayer with me say lord jesus i believe you're the son of god i believe you died for my sins i believe god raised you from the dead and today i make you my lord and savior holy spirit come on the inside change me on the outside take me out of darkness put me in the light today i surrender my life to the lord jesus christ in jesus name amen and amen father thank you for those who've decided to rededicate their lives and even those who decided to make world truth family church their church home and i pray today that father this church and this people will be known as people of honor and i'll i declare over this church and over all that are watching me i declare that blessings and rewards are coming from the north the south the east and the west that you're using people to bless us because we have chosen to be a people of honor we're going to honor you father and we're going to honor those who you send toward us and i thank you that because of honor we will see a full share of our reward in jesus mighty name everybody say amen come on give the lord a hand clap for the word this morning if you're watching us online please join us right after this for our instagram live those of you who are single don't forget between 12 and 1 we're doing a drive through i'm not going to call it a drive by because that that sounds that has hood uh you know ramifications to it so we're going to call it a drive through don't forget to register so you can get your new your your free gift all right well we love you and this time next week at ten o'clock through the lens we'll see you right here at world of two family church god bless hey thank you so much for joining our service hey don't forget right now shoot over to the instagram page because we have our pastoral live going on right now so you want to switch over to our instagram check that out also share like our pages get the word out if you enjoyed today's service again thank you so much for being with us today and see you next week
Channel: Word of Truth
Views: 1,757
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Prkq78OF7XQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 34sec (5854 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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