Fairly OddParents Scariest Episode

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we all know Fairly OddParents is a very wholesome show but with every wholesome show comes an episode that slips through the cracks that isn't as wholesome and a little more scary and dark than usual power mad starts off with Timmy fighting some evil cute bunnies in his new VR game which upsets him he tells Cosmo and Wanda he wants a more challenging game and he isn't a baby so he makes the wish a video game that's challenging a game that you can't wish yourself out of which to be honest might be a death sentence but we're not there yet if you're not familiar with this show Cosmo Wanda or Timmy's magical fairy godparents who can grant him pretty much any wish the reason I said pretty much is because of a book called the rules that prevents fairies from granting certain wishes I'm not gonna lie if any wish should have gone against the rules it's definitely this one and you'll understand why soon we also realize that Vicky Timmy's evil babysitter is babysitting him today her only wish is that he keeps it down so she can watch TV which doesn't really sound like a bad thing but it will be anyways the wish is granted and because of the game the whole city and the house have a power surge this alerts Timmy's friends who then realize he probably got a new game so then they just barge right into his house and run upstairs to his room but Timmy's not there he's in the bathroom they waste no time waiting for him and hop right into his new challenging hard grown-up game when Timmy gets back and sees him in the game his fairies finally get some common sense and now warn Timmy of the danger of his video game pretty much in this new impossible challenging game you have three lives lose the three lives and you die death literal death let's bring it back to the rule book there are a total of 58 rules and I went through all of them to find out if this was against the rules and I couldn't find one at all the only one close enough to relate to this was number four fairies cannot directly kill maim or injure living beings now this rule says they cannot directly kill which they aren't Timmy didn't purposely ask Wanda and Cosmo to kill his best friends this actually blew my mind because of the fact if you use the magic in the right way you could literally be a murderer without even breaking any rules anyways though after Timmy hears his friends might die he joins a game to warn them while Cosmo and Wanda try to fix another problem so remember the power surge well pretty much this game is taking up a bunch of electricity and if the game shuts off well Timmy and his friends will literally die now Vicky has no idea of this I mean literally plugging in seven different plugs into one Outlet so Cosmo and Wanda unplug all the plugs and try to distract her by using their magic to make their own television shows but who knows how long this will last Timmy has spawned on the first level and loses his first life instantly leaving him two hits away from Death not to mention his friends are also losing lives and have no idea of the stakes at play as Timmy progresses we start to realize that this game is designed around Timmy's life and fears he gets to a level that looks like his aunt Gertrude's house after looking around his aunt in a crab-like form emerges out from behind the couch and starts to chase him saying let me pinch those cheeks now I'm gonna come back to this because I think there's more meaning to this interaction but we need some more context first this is Timmy's first boss level and on each boss level is a cosmo or Wanda coin that gives you a free wish he gets to his Wanda coin and wishes for cheeks of Steel and this allows him to pass on to the next level Timmy finally finds his friends and can finally warn them but for some reason in this interaction it takes a year to just say the simple sentence if we die we die in real life but instead Beats around the bush and in the process one of his friends lose another life this meaning him and his friends only have two lives left and they haven't even reached the final boss not to mention Vicky finally realized the TV wasn't plugged in but Cosmo Wanda figured out a better way to give the game Power so that problem is solved but the biggest conflict hasn't even shown up yet Timmy finally reaches the final level which looks exactly like his house he thinks he beat the game and is back home but his helmet won't come off here's where the biggest conflict is introduced the ground opens up and we see red Flames as a robot Vicky emerges from the hole now I can't be the only one who realizes it looks like a hole from hell just opened up in a robotic theme and Vicky just came out here's where I want to take it back to on Gertrude on Gertrude has never actually shown in the show this is the only episode where she is mentioned so we have no idea who and how she is but we do know how Vicky is this game seems to be running off of Timmy's fears and how he sees these people in his head Vicky might look like a regular person to us but in Timmy's head Vicky is a scary demon so now we know these bosses are being formed from Timmy's thoughts what this leads me to believe is that every time Timmy goes to his anger's house she is constantly pinching his cheeks and I guess because of this Timmy gained a fear of seeing her maybe not the same fear with Vicky but more of a I don't want to go to anger two's house she's always pinching my cheeks and she has to be pinching really hard for Timmy to imagine her as a crab now besides all that Timmy and his friends all lose their second life meaning they are on their last life so not only are they dealing with a scary demonic Vicky they could also die with any little mess up which is actually so dark for a kid's show also AJ and Chester still haven't been informed of the stakes of this video game and never get informed which I think is kind of messed up anyways though Timmy ends up sacrificing his life for AJ and Chester by jumping right into Vicki's weapon and dies Timmy dies in the game and you know what that means well not exactly so because of Timmy's sacrifice to his friends the game awards him one more life like the last boss level there is a cosmo coin and upon getting it they can wish to get rid of Vicky which they do after the wish I wish I had something to stop Vicky as maid Timmy's mom and dad walk into the house and Vicky melts I can't help feeling a little sad about this part as well Vicky tortures Timmy constant and the only people who can stop it are his parents who don't listen to him and are constantly gone for some reason this episode is in season one and Vicky doesn't get fired until season six it's just kind of sad how simple of a fix it is to get rid of Timmy's robotic mental abusive demon I mean I was expecting a huge creature to come out and fight this huge robot but no just his simple plain old parents this is exactly why Timmy was gifted as fairies as well because of how hard depressing and impossible his life would be if he was Fairless his fairies are practically his parents but anyways Timmy and his friends leave the game safe and sound after battling death and everything's back to normal until Timmy throws Vicky into the game which is actually crazy because like she could also die but I think she survived because she's in later Seasons but yeah this episode's pretty scary I think I don't know I don't know I'm just overthinking
Channel: Maximo Esco
Views: 57,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SB2E97cpIRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 45sec (345 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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