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[Music] [Music] I am the Nave arino fourth of the fatou harbingers the children of the House of the Hearth call me father I do hope our partnership proves to be a pleasant one although I would imagine that should be fairly easy after all there's no cause for contention between us at the moment wouldn't you agree when the fouille harbinger trailer dropped that showed us all the harbingers arino is the one that drove everyone to Absolute degeneracy anywhere that you could go that commonly discusses genin impact including the comments of that video basically sounded like the equivalent of you running up and down the hallways of an apartment building that allows dogs if you've ever been in one you know what I'm talking about now that in itself is nothing rare basically anytime any character gets revealed and genin impact that is clearly an adult people go absolutely feral for them but there was something special about the Ferness that arlino invoked in everybody and the whole time I was was like I don't really get it well the Church of arlino can rest easy because I'm a card carrying member now with my C2 R1 I wouldn't exactly call myself a s but I do love her enough to well let's just say that I took the money that I saved from chori and I put it into arino instead I first thought hey you know what I'll just use Jade spear because it's pretty generic and it'll work pretty well on her because she wants F time however it only took maybe like 5 to 10 minutes of using it and enduring Christmas Chino before I was like okay I think I want to get the weapon so one government issued Lin bow in an uncomfortable amount of wishes later I'm spared from having to go all the way to the Fate system and I get her weapon normally I don't even really care if a character has a matching weapon certainly not if it's their signature or not normally I want it for power but this time I'm really glad I got it because God damn it really looks cool in arlino I'm not even typically a big fan of sides they are generally low on my totem pole of weapons I won in games but when it works it just works at this point in the game we're pretty used to harbingers getting a good amount of favoritism with their kits child is able to basically switch stances from one type of character to another even though his bow side isn't really that useful he still has it wander is just straight up able to fly for a short period of time which is an amazing tool in not only combat but also just Overworld exploration then there's our Lino who while in combat doesn't maybe doesn't look as unique in terms of functionality as child and wander but she also kind of does there's the more on the- noos stuff like the fact that she turns her signature into a scythe or that she has her little special combat Dash which sadly isn't as good as I would have hoped it would be but it is still neat that she has it but it's a bunch of little things Al together it's her animations it's her sound design it's the fact that her charge attack is basically a little teleport that makes her feel very fluid in combat or you know maybe some pretty good evidence of that is the fact that she got 12 videos on their upload page including a 7 minute long animated short really makes you wonder how much of this was planned or how much of this is in response to how insane the community went over her reveal but anyway a lot of melee characters can feel really bad in kind of spread out situations but this unique charge attack that arlino has really it helps that problem quite a bit and makes her feel a lot more satisfied find to play then there's also something that's maybe a little bit less obvious on paper and that is her very unique infusion an infusion that looks like it's reliant on basically a 30-second cooldown sounds really bad even if your burst does refresh it but the thing about AR Lino's infusion is that as long as she has a bond of life so basically as long as you don't heal her out of combat to get rid of it you're going to still have her infusion even if you swap in and out of characters which is amazing because so many characters lose their infusion and or even worse rely on something like an elemental first to get their infusion like in the case of Soo a character that I do truly love but I barely ever play him because he feels bad in so many situations and even the characters that have really competitively low infusions like Ayo or Hut or wander still end up feeling so much worse than arlino does in the Overworld just because of how strong she is just on her own she doesn't need to press a button every time she engages a small group of enemies as long as she has her bond of life she's going to be strong enough to just Massacre everything which is also one of the reasons why I want wanted her weapon her weapon gives her even more Bond of life and helps just make her easier to play it wasn't just a damage increase or some of the most insane drip we've ever seen on a character it was borderline quality of life when you play her and it's for that reason that if I were to rank all the signature weapons that I've got for various characters that I own that AR linos would probably be among the top if not the very top spot this this next thing is going to a lot of you are going to be like why the hell do you care about this in the first place but it's big for me and her Idol animations yeah they're cool and all beautiful animations the chair the glitch love them but what I like about them the most is the fact that two out of three of them are not voiced including this chair which she will sit on for hold on a sec let me find out literally over an entire minute of just silence so with the glitch animation also not having any voice lines related to it at least not right now it's possible for her to go through a long cycle without ever actually getting to her one voice idle animation I also just learned that they implemented a mute when minimize button for genin in the audio settings this has apparently been in the game since 4.1 and yet I've never heard anyone mention it and I guess I just didn't read those patch notes but oh well I still appreciate that her idle voice lines are pretty chill and it's not just repeating the same thing over and over but the single most important thing about arlino is that I finally have a pyro DPS that I actually enjoy using like seriously if all of these characters most of which can be played in DPS roles none of them I really enjoy enjoy playing it's kind of crazy realistically most people are only going to recognize like maybe Lin Hut and yoim Mia as actual options here and I absolutely see the point because those are really the only ones I would consider using in the abyss because anyone else is mostly going to be carried by overwhelmingly powerful supports like you can absolutely put CLE in a party with finina yolan and Bennett and they'll do great but that's because those three characters will do great without CLE now I don't have to think like hey do I feel like playing Hut because I am already bored to death of her like her play style losses loster for me a long time ago yo Mia can be kind of fun but as far as Auto attack spammers go she definitely gets the most stale out of everybody because she Lally just stands in a circle mostly bed Circle and just holds down her Auto attack button that can absolutely be fun but I don't think standing in a circle doing a kind of clunky feeling Auto attack is the right way to do it I'd much rather play something like Ayo but he's not exactly a pyro character in fact he is the exact opposite and I have way too much Hydra going on these days so usually whenever I look for a team for the other side it's usually filled with like coo or alham and even the times where it really does look like it needs a pyro character I tried to avoid it at all cost because there was just nobody I wanted to use but again this is where our Lino comes in because she's solving a lot of my own personal problems one she's finally not only a pyrro DPS that I am actually excited to use but she is extremely powerful feeling so far I only have her at 766 talents that is a lot of room for improvement two she is extremely flexible her base damage is so incredibly high that you can play monop Pyro and it actually feels pretty damn good and if you have chevo you can also play overload you could probably play it without her but I really wouldn't recommend it cuz overload is a kind of janky reaction knocking things around lowers your DPS you really need an overwhelming support like chabus to make it worth it and seriously monop pyu is pretty damn impressive even with just using kazua and a Jeong Lee Shield you are capable of getting some pretty damn good numbers out of it once again an AR Lino that's not even finished yet she still has several Talent levels to go on every talent and a best in slot artifact set to far then of course if you actually utilize your benett and don't just Kazo you're going to get much more impressive numbers than before and for a brand dead team that takes obviously no skill to Pilot because the mono team you're doing really damn good numbers on auto attacks I really can't wait to see how crazy that gets when she's actually fully built with her proper artifacts that not Gladiators best of all she's made by two Abyss teams feel so good together now there's definitely something to be said about there maybe being a little bit too much Hydro going on given that Net's team is a monoh hydro team and this team also has two Heavy Hitters doing Hydro damage when something is immune to the hydro damage AR Lino still hits hard enough that just her and Sh Lee can get the job done you know not to mention the fact that yolan is still buffing our Lino's damage I used these two teams for every single floor in this current Abyss that would have just passed as this video airing and it felt great of course whenever a new DPS comes out one of these are probably going to get swapped out that's usually going to be the arlino side I may love her kid and she may very well be the single best pyro character that they've released ever nette is still my favorite character I never get tired of pressure washing everything to death and just sticking the middle finger to the horrible autoim system that genin subjects us all to but even so that's just the abyss when it comes to the Overworld I am probably going to use arino for almost everything her infusion and just pure raw power are unrivaled in terms of how good they are at just moving from pack to pack and just slaughtering everything and while this certainly is not a should you pull for or like how good is our Lino video is more just me gushing about just how much I really like this character and how much she surprised me if you were on the fence about it I could not give her a higher recommendation even at c0 with a jade spear she felt very very good her first two constellations are by no means required this is definitely not a huta situation they frontload her damage and they make her a lot more smooth to play especially in the initial start of her rotation her signature weapon is pretty huge and she has a really easy artifact set in the Gladiator set it's not her best in slot but it will do you for a very long time hell you could probably even stay on Gladiator forever without losing a whole lot of DPS and you don't have to worry about farming a new domain that may not be resent efficient for you but ultimately you know you do you most of you were decided the moment you laid eyes on her in her trailer well not even her trailer just a fouille Harbinger trailer which she just happened to be a part of which in that case I hope you been having as much fun with her as I have so thank you to you for watching thank you to my members and patrons for supporting me as always and I'll see you in the next one a boy [Music]
Channel: Ratheil
Views: 134,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, gi, genshin impact, liyue, mondstadt, inazuma, fontaine, sumeru, rath, ratheil, rathiel, rath gms, rathie, arlecchino, harbinger, fatui harbinger, fatui, arlehino, father, the knave, knave, pyro dps, arlecchino dash
Id: Mycg4LZXgyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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