Factorio Beginner Guide / Tips / How to! Modules & Production Science! Belt Weaving! Episode 7

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hello youtube welcome back to another episode of factorio episode 7. uh in this episode of our tutorial let's play how to play guide series we're going to be getting production science and getting our first modules up and running modules are an amazing feature in factorio modules give you a bonus bang for your buck so you get free resources technically with modules which is kind of quite amazing we're going to initially put them in our labs because our labs will give us free items as i look the power grid's just about dying um and then we'll start putting them in the most expensive buildings and working our way down uh but before we get this party started let's uh go get our power going a bit more because we are on the edge of killing it again we're gonna run up the line push f on the line and grab all these items uh we have 10 boilers on us so that means we can have 20 steam engines building 20 steam engines actually could just grab the gears from here i'm not sure how many we're building right now but never enough grab those i'll grab this entire line here um one thing i wanted to check to and ensure was we had inserters in our network and i definitely do not have inserters in my network i don't even think we have inserters into a chest do we wear the filter one there we'll put a filter over here too to grab those inserters i don't think we actually have them automating into a chest right now we're just converting all our chests into passive providers so the bots can grab access to it by pressing l you can see what they have access to and what they don't have access to we actually already finished our first deck the water is changing to green which is actually super cool that's a new feature um i might have taken all my wood out of my inventory and we need some of that for our setup here so the bots are bringing it all over to the storage chest we dumped in the far corner here we'll grab that much how much that much and we're gonna max out on those we're gonna go north and dump some more power down so our cracking setup is going okay we have 5000 light uh heavy oil and we're utilizing all that to go into our light oil and to go into our petroleum um one question was asked why don't i have why aren't these working all the time you don't actually want these working all the time it doesn't really matter the only reason why you have a cracking setup like this is so you don't accumulate too much of any type of oil because if you have too much oil the petroleum is the one you actually want the most of but if you have too much oil of either heavy oil or light oil and this hits 100 this won't work anymore so you know these buildings aren't even running it's because i have too much petroleum so if you had too much heavy oil or too much light oil you would it would stop working this refinery so just uh bear in mind that's why we set up like that so if those guys aren't running all the time that's quite all right they're not supposed to quite all right place those down there you go there so that is a okay our power grid is uh it's growing quite fast now staggered placements uh eventually this tutorial i believe on the very maybe the last video um or i will do a video on the nuclear power so i'll do a guide on how to set up nuclear power and make all that work for your base um i do find nuclear one of the more confusing aspects of factorio i make okay nuclear steps myself um i'm not the expert and all be all um i'm actually fairly new to nuclear i'd say probably around an hour 2000 i started playing with that before i just stamped down massive amounts of uh solar which was okay too but there's other things you could be doing um so right now i'm looking at the power and it's like it's not connected or something it is connected you can check that the grid connection like this on the minimap ah i'm like yeah okay so we placed all this down and it wasn't giving us more power because this this ghost placement you're so sneaky now we have plenty of power i was very confused there for a second like something is wrong here but now we fix that good good good um we had a few things cued up there and they uh they flew through the tech tree flew through i tell you okay now we're good there first thing we want to do is get our first items required for production science um i don't know which one you want to start with you can start with yellow or you can start with purple they both kind of are on par with difficulty i think for setting up i wouldn't say one is harder than the other with yellow science packs or the utility science pack you are required blue chips flying robot frames and low density structure uh we already have the flying robot frames but we're kind of using them to do whatever we want make bots with those we don't have blue chips and we don't have low density structure low density structure eats a lot of resources for production you need rails electronic furnace and productivity model modules both of which we have or all of which we have none of so either or we're reinventing parts of the wheel here so but we'll go with uh our modules first so we're gonna extend our little bus here how long goes the bus and we can just double check clicking over this to see which one it is and it's productivity modules productivity are the good ones in my opinion they're the ones you want put that to there so what is this green and red chips all the modules at the very beginning are just green and red chips and then for the second tier they require blue chips and blue chips are very slow to build and very expensive but they are required um it's definitely an item you would definitely definitely chest as you build them without a doubt so these are used for our first tier science and we'll run this down um i'm just looking where stuff lines up here doesn't line up perfectly but uh you go right there beautiful we could actually use bots to build some stuff here i don't even know if this is a robot coverage here um it definitely definitely is i could have just looked at the robo port there we can do this now make the bots build it for us so boss will come and drop that item down for us let me do the same thing with the belts of using all the belts that we have in our inventory uh next we'll make train tracks like the bots noises lots make funny noises they're very uh very talkative i think it would be the right word there here we can make our train tracks i still don't know where anything is in the inventory ever um i actually can't make them yet because they haven't researched that yet but the railroad tracks themselves are just stone steel and iron sticks uh let's hover over that again for a second one one one so there's no no need to have one a little more aggressive than the other they are all just about just as slow we're gonna rip that out for a second copy that make the bots work for you grab these place those there ctrl z to undo if you uh remove something and you want to undo it exact same as your microsoft office hockeys i'll grab those and like that and then we have train tracks um railroad tracks themselves are usually quite a few of them i believe for the science itself uses 30. so you don't want that on a long arm inserter you want that on a fast inserter not all things are equal here railways tucking good we're making the bot stir thing now we're noticing that we got this little flashing icon down here and they're not finishing up some stuff so you can actually hover down here and see what you don't have enough of so we don't have enough inserters and we also don't have enough uh tech to assemble our machines that's because inserters aren't in the network and tech tube assembler machines aren't automated yet either so either we automate it or we build it ourselves or we give it to the bots um the assembler is we'll do like right or the inserter sorry we'll do right here so we're gonna make those inserters so they'll be happy with their inserters over there assembler machines i don't think i'm going to give to them we'll just build those ourselves um if we push l we can see exactly how much there is in there again we have a lot of furnaces they now have inserters not a lot of power lines though i'm gonna make a bunch of power lines and then we're gonna automate some more iron processing here so it does appear to be a problem with this it's not working it's not working because this is totally backed up and it's totally backed up because there's nowhere for it to go these ones here have nowhere to offload and we could build there ourselves or we could put it in roboport range and make the bots build it so boss will come over and finish that up for us it'll be on the back side and then we'll have this line here we're going to run it into the bus so earlier we talked about balancers and using a balancer in your factorial playthrough this is actually a perfect spot for a balancer in the world of perfect spots for a bouncer because then we can make sure and optimize and optimize we can make sure and uh guarantee that the lines will all be equal going across and if one backs up the others will get the excess resources so no line just stops on its own so we know they wanted assemblers so we'll just put some in there we'll grab those out they'll be happy logistics spots are chasing me trying to give me belts that's okay though i'm running against the flow here so now we're going to put the balancer right here the belts are pushing me you go there remove that and this is where the bus also comes in play makes the bus very nice so now we have three unequal lines getting pushed in together and they should come out two pretty much fully saturated lines so we got one that's only on one side and then we have these two here which are mostly full now so they're just about equal they should be very very very close to being equal and then up here we're going to start seeing iron on the other side as well good so now we got two fully saturated lines now here comes the funnest part of factorio you get this green thing here um i did not talk about this in my last video and i was talking about bots and i really really really should have talked about this this is called the upgrade planner so you can just hover over an item and what they're going to do is they're going to upgrade that item if they can um we just hovered over those belts and now they're going to be upgrading those belts from red from yellow belts to green belts you can also click onto the upgrade planner and go yellow transport belts to red transport belts you can go red to yellow if you wanted to go backwards for some reason or you can just do specific only items so what this is really good for here is if you just want to upgrade just these lines but not the inserters because you notice when i hovered over this here too the inserter tried to upgrade as well you can see what's actually trying to upgrade there and if i hover over something that's already a red belt it's going to try and make it a blue belt and then it's going to get that flashing icon here forever so you can do a specific upgrade planner that only does certain items so if i hover over a red belt with this it won't do anything it'll be like oh it's already red i don't do anything but if i hover all the way down the line like this it will try and upgrade everything in that line so all these items will get upgraded to red belts if they can and they should very well be able to um they don't have the inserters or the splitter sorry but yeah it's that simple so that's actually probably one of the better features too with bots so now the bots of this upgrade this will remove the old belts and place them with new belts that is uh that is very nice and we'll upgrade that one as well so now the bots will just do their thing and upgrade all those belts for us now look they're all the red belts faster you can't say that's not beautiful we actually have those automated as well too beautiful feature factorio this game has a few features hiding under the hood and that is uh one of the great ones that actually used to be a mod that was a mod that got incorporated into the game which is quite nice i'm actually kind of shocked i didn't talk about that in my uh original video there for a second my original bot video i think i covered a lot of things but i definitely missed that one and for that i apologize but now you know i guess you got to watch the whole series and learn everything there's one more thing that i always wanted to talk about but i still have yet to talk about is this fps ups thing here um what that is is it's showing how fast the factory is running you're like okay that's cool it's at 60. that starts to matter when your factory gets really really big and starts slowing down so right now it's not a problem but eventually your factory might start lagging and you're always just kind of curious to see what's going on there so you have the fps ups layer that's actually by pressing f4 and you get the debug settings pop up there's a lot of options in here um the only one i normally suggest is just this one here you can start playing around with them and show stuff you can show pathing train signals train repathing uh pollution chunks all that but for general performance i just push f4 and go to show fps check there there's a lot you can play around with in there but just know that that's an option and uh you can see your fps ups what's going on with that ups is updates per second in fps's frames per second i'm sure most people playing a video game are aware of what fps is but just in case you didn't now you know so i've got stone and we need to steal over here for a train tracks and the bots are still upgrading our belts which is a thing of beauty um i'm actually i'm very i'm very shocked i didn't talk about that earlier i uh i completely want to apologize i feel very bad about that i have a i have a general script before i do these videos as to what i'm going to talk about um i don't talk about everything exactly i don't uh 100 know exactly i'm going to talk about but i have a good idea and i'm just surprised that that was not uh brought up in my talking points but now we know okay so we got our train tracks here we also have our production modules being built there as well that's phase one in here i'm actually gonna grab all these so and we have these a beautiful productivity modules you notice that it says speed minus 15 productivity plus four pollution plus five so it actually makes your pollution worse which is whatever um we're going to put some in this building first so it will make my pollution even worse greater it'll make my power consumption greater as well which will therefore make my pollution even worse again um so it's kind of a compounding issue you can just control click to place them in the buildings and upgrade planner will work on these as well so you can grab your productivity your upgrade planner and you can click on here from modules we can change the module types it does not work though a building that doesn't have any modules in it you need to upgrade modules you can't just make it place modules in your building unless it's a blueprint this blueprint they'll place the item in but if it's not a blueprint they won't um copper's not keeping up anymore so we're gonna do the same thing on this line here we're gonna upgrade all our copper lines you can do this remotely as well in the map view like that not enough fuel interesting uh we'll grab some more mining drills as well how many i don't know a few so we're halfway there on the next tech right now we have uh two parts built we got uh the rail and we have the productivity module we just need the furnace which is red chips stone bricks and uh steel i think have i memorized that correctly i have very good we got a deconstruction planner to rip all these trees out we're gonna add some more i can go in like that and these guys just don't have enough fuel we're gonna have to add a fuel line right here a bit of coal still here it's not being utilized i can just run right into there if i can sneak another miner in here there we go they should be getting enough fuel now those first ones these ones down here definitely have enough and uh then we shall place some more of these down so we have that place but we don't have the anything else right so you actually just copy this again i know the blueprint is different and you hold shift after you cover it and it'll do that so now we get the bots just to play some more stuff for us they don't have power lines in their network so they're not going to place those so we'll place the power lines and they'll do everything else for us my what nice bots you have and that can go there um i do believe this might be actually outside their range you can hover over their report yeah so they can't actually get to that that's why they're not doing that but they can't get here and they should be coming yeah slow and steady they're coming then if we for some reason think we're gonna have too much we can copy this again just trying to match it up somewhat nicely here go like that and place those two down there again they're missing a few buildings here they don't have the buildings and they also don't have the power lines so we shall manually do those working in harmony with our robots here i don't actually have any of those i just need one more rubber board but not a robo port they can finish that for me let's place the rubber board over down here and then they can finish all that this can run up into there we're gonna do an output priority we're gonna split that there and there we go we have quite a bit more this right here though is getting uh it's not getting enough resources you can totally tell there's not enough copper there so we're gonna place this right on the edge you can see the connector line there power is still fine and then we just need more copper we're using it all which is good i definitely do not see it as a problem i see it as a efficiency of industry like that's another bot should be coming to finish this over here they do have range and then once that becomes a red belt it shh it'll be close to having enough access to go all the way across he's pretty throttled maybe we'll actually spaghetti this a bit this might be better having a separate throughway here that was another fun fact of this video here is belt weaving so if you made this yellow underground to yellow underground the yellow underground it wouldn't work like this but these belts actually are what they call in factorial weaves underneath each other so he is going underneath this underground belt start going underneath each other they're being weaved into each other which you can do some crazy stuff with that it's a very interesting uh mechanic in factorio i'm not a super big advocate of weaving belts mostly because it can become a really big mess and it's very confusing to look at but it is an option and knowing your options is half the battle when you don't know what you can do then it's hard to do it but when you start realizing what you can do like that right there belt weaving good the more you know and now we've almost completely tapped this entire patch here i would say man we're getting more copper beautiful beautiful now we're making the bots work for us a little bit it's still early so we're not uh building entire factories with bots yet and we don't have power armor which we'll discuss in another video um making us also run super fast and build even faster but we are we're using them they're doing things we're getting more copper now we've got a flashing down here saying it can't do something so apparently we're missing a furnace somewhere right here so there's not enough copper this deposit is just not big enough anymore and that's okay we'll start building these guys next and then we'll be ready on our purple science so belt weaving it's an advanced technique it's uh it can be used in some pretty uh sneaky ways um you can do it in some factory designs where you're pulling items out of buildings the benefit of that is an item like this here train tracks for example you could weave your items underneath here like this and then have the other item if i had some belts be on the close side there so they both get to use fast inserters so it's not a huge issue right here because you need 30 of these in one and one but if say you needed 10 and 10 and 10 or something of an item you can get fast inserted fast and started grabbing off the same line and they're working underneath each other which you can do some funky stuff like that so belt weaving can be used in some uh very ingenious ways it can make for some fun setups so i suggest you give it a whirl see what you can do with some belt weaving make some interesting designs a lot of the factory community i think is not 100 for belt weaving it's an option but i think a lot of people don't ever use it mostly because it does complicate your designs a lot so now we have our steel we just need the red chips here we're actually gonna go a uh triple space so we can sneak some beacons in there we're on the edge of beacon so these are going to be our steel furnaces the science themselves was completely revamped in version 18 a factorio uh a lot of the science used to require different items to build and they've really balanced the game out very fine-tunedly very fine-tuningly very fine-tuned balance the game out that's not what i want to build i want to build that okay one more of those these are building they're just too slow uh the bot noises are also new uh with 18 i think 18 they added the bot noises like that uh it's interesting they're very talkative to say at least i don't remember personally playing with bots me in this talkative so i think it's kind of interesting um if i'm control clicking it's going it automatically into my garbage slot there if you wonder what i was doing there for a second then control click it and put in my logistics trash and the boss will logistic spots will someday come and pick it up they're very slow right now our bots so don't expect them to come anytime soon so we got that and then we just need the red chips but you upgrade your bots and then the bots be faster and then you'll be good to go and there we go so i got that going um i do need another rubber port here we'll place it right there sure why not bots will pull that for us what are they missing they're missing a single fast inserter i'm not sure where i put a fast inserter but there you go there you go i have a fast inserter stay well as everybody deckard kane would say stay a while and listen so now we almost have everything ready for our purple science actually we do have everything ready for purple science we just need to kind of connect it all up so our furnaces are now crafting wow i pressed q 20 times there missed every time um furnaces are another interesting uh upgrade in factorio so my basic factory right now is using steel furnaces and stone furnaces which are fine no problem there whatsoever those do what they're supposed to do and they do some refining for us we're gonna place on the back side there they're simple they work but the difference between a steel furnace and a electric furnace is first off electric furnace uses electricity so you don't need to use fuel um is that really beneficial kind of it can be it's not uh not oh well we're saving the planet could go to all solar plant solar power and actually save the planet but that's not really the big benefit of electric furnaces um you're noticing what we're noticing in our playthrough right now we don't have enough raw resources here we're moduling this to give us some more bang for a buck we don't have enough raw resources whatsoever our copper is too low so unless we go and get another copper deposit which there's one right there so not too far another one up there um we can outpost our copper deposit or we can make our copper go farther there's a few ways you can do that one is you can productivity buildings like this so if you look at this building which actually it's too slow right now on the insert this yellow line here every time the yellow line hits full it's going to give you a free item and if you hover over the building uh productivity is plus eight percent so you build a hundred items you get eight items for free and you can also do it in a building like this now this building compared to this building this building's made 2 000 finished products this one's made 6 000 finished products which one do you uh make go faster a lot of people would argue you do the highest end item make that go faster science being one of those as well so science uses all the science packs it's very very expensive but you can also do this with your raw resources you can put your furnaces right here and you can put productivity in those these can also get beacon as well and normal ones can't normal stone furnaces and such can and now we'll get plus eight percent raw resource bonus as well you can place all those like that grab those guys now these steel furnaces will be making us bonus iron or bonus copper plates so our copper itself is not enough so we can add we can kind of extend the life of it a bit by doing that you can also add it to your mining drills it's not a mining drill itself will give us stuff but notice it does go a lot slower now so you're extending the life of it but you're also slowing it down the reason why you might not want to do it on the deposit is because you just physically can't get enough of this deposit out fast enough free item is nice but it does have 83 000 underneath it and getting an extra 12 is that really gonna make things better for you i don't know that's for you to decide how that works just an idea for you and now we have this going here so now we need one more input into this building and how do we want to do that based on how i've set it up i am not sure how i want to do that i can do this we're gonna we're gonna insert from the back side in order to do that though we need a bunch of these guys and i'll explain the process in a minute here what we're about to do so crafting a bunch of those and then we gotta run our line over for purple science which is automated already so another 30 40 minute session and we got the next science up and running so we just need yellow is the last science up and running we need to get up and running up and running grab those guys go to our purple and run it over to the labs so we got our first basic modules up and running and we're going to weave it because why not this is a good example of where you might want to weave something and then we're going to put filter and service here but we're not going to put them on the other side because they can only grab one resource from the site anyways we'll make sure they get power and this is only going to grab those two and we can shift copy them go across like that okay so i actually uh i shift clicked on a power line and actually disconnected the power line from the other power line um that's good if you're making circuits and such kind of annoying if you're just using what i just did there but uh it is a thing that you can do just a heads up on that and now we have our purple science here the reason why i don't want these normal inserters going this way is because they're just going to start grabbing their sciences and going back and forth back and forth forever so we only want our purple and yellow to go this way and our other sciences go this way and now everything kind of works together here we kind of block ourselves in but whatever we can put more labs down if we really needed to as well there's no uh we're not really blocked one way or the other we just move the lab set up um i got a bazillion sciences in my inventory so we'll just control click them all into this one lab and these labs do a productivity in them now we can start teching more advanced stuff now as we get higher in the tech tree there's a few things that are kind of really really nice but not required so insert a capacity bonus is very nice um it makes your normal inserters go faster so they pick up an extra one item uh it's only red and green science so definitely worth your while doing um i would highly recommend that next is solar power solar power is good um pre-bots it's really slow to place down so i'm not a huge advocate of getting solar before you get bots unless you're really resource starved it is set and forget as they call it so you place it down and it will forever generate you power you do need accumulators to go with it to kind of offset the nighttime the ratio for that is you go one to one it's almost correct i think it's i think you need well i don't know it's more uh it's more solar panels than accumulators it's like 80 to 100 or something like that but one to one is almost close enough it's unless you're purist then whatever it'll work so one accumulator to one solar panel good enough i don't actually know the ratio of top my head i had to look it up but one to one always kind of works next is tool belt expanding your inventory that's kind of nice because you just have so much garbage in your inventory at all times it's just a nice nice city uh speed modules you don't really need speed modules until you start getting beacons up and running um beacons i'm still not over the graphic yet it looks a little bit weird i think we're playing starcraft or something but beacons are amazing and next play through we're going to start beaconing everything and you're going to notice that my power grid is going to die because these things will just murder my power grid so with beacons and modules together they're their tag team effort to destroy your power grid uh efficiency module i actually use this a lot in a death world if you play death world this reduces your energy consumption but therefore reducing your energy consumption reduces your pollution so that reduces the amount of time biters attack you so it's it's a very uh it's a very niche item most people will never ever use these and even as i was building my mega factory on twitch people were like what are you doing why are you using those and i'm like listen it's good okay i'll fight you you're like no i don't want to fight you i'm just kidding we never fought but i'm just saying it is actually really good it's good on outposts where you don't want to defend your base 24 7. um so efficiency modules are decent car car is really good um car and tank are really good uh these are really good for fighting biters um maybe not this episode next episode but the one after we'll show some biter fighting tactics and how we uh rule the world that way uh what's another really really good thing coalitification no one really uses it it's kind of used if you have a ton a ton a ton of coal but it's a it turns your coal into oil to steam and heavy oil then use a heavy oil to make light oil and use light oil to make petroleum whatever uh and it is oil it's positive once you get it going it's it's a oil positive loop but it's just i don't know it's weird i've used i played a lot of factorio and i'm not i've not used this very often very nichey i guess you could say uh then you have this guy here nuclear power we'll do a whole individual video on this probably not in this playthrough but i'll do a tutorial series or i might have a tutorial series writing on my video on my channel on nuclear of how to set it up i will go over ratios which is weird for me i'll talk about the ratios a little bit um how that's set up but you know that's another another option there and then there's power armor power armor goes with this guy here modular armor tech one man don't really use it too much tech two pretty good tech three amazing but i normally don't set up with solar power you can you have to power it up to power the energy shield the laser all that i normally wait until i get this this right here has power forever it works during the day and night that's pretty expensive to build 200 uh blue chips is very expensive but definitely worth it so that's another item i think rushing is very good um what else in the tech tree that we love love love and artillery if you need to expand artillery is the the end all be all and that'll probably in our last video we'll start using artillery but yeah so i think we'll stop there for now we got our production science up and running we are now using purple science we expanded our refining a little bit we used some basic beacons that are module set up uh beacons will be next and uh yeah so we're slowly chucking along here we just have one more science to build before we can start tacking our rocket silo and uh off we leave this planet but uh i wanna say thanks for hanging out and watching the video and uh hopefully you uh have some happy about weaving and until next week this is yamacara ciao for now
Channel: Yama Kara
Views: 31,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Factorio, Basics, Tips, How To, Beginner Guide, Help, Starter Guide, Beginner, Lets Play, How to Play, Factorio for beginners, Newb guide, Newbie Guide, Starting Factorio, Beginner Tips, Factorio Tips, Factorio New, Basic Factorio, Tip Factorio, Help Factorio, Newbie Factorio, Factorio Tip, Factorio Guide, factorio bots, bot factorio, robot factorio, construction bot factorio, storage chest factorio, Modules Factorio, Module Factorio, Module Use Factorio
Id: sGq9AScVwU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 58sec (2578 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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