Factorio Top 10 QOL Mods (Quality of Life Mods)

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hello youtube welcome to factorio top 10 quality life mods brought to you by yamakara in this uh short video i'm going to be discussing 10 mods to make your factorio experience be just a little bit easier all these mods currently are running in version 1.1 so there's no problem with compatibility there um and you can go forward and backwards so you can clean your factory up or you can make a factory look just as messy as this so we want to start with a nice opening screen and show the chaos that can be factorio and show you why you may want some quality life mods so your factories don't look like mine let's get into it next quality of life mod i'll be discussing is called water fill so as the name suggests you can fill things with water um as opposed to using landfill you're now placing water as opposed to landfill uh it's good because you can make a defensive setup with it you can use this for your nuclear for your pump station so you don't have to build your nuclear reactor up against the ocean every time you can build it now wherever you want um factoria has no way of adding water currently as it stands uh you can pump it you can move it around but you have no way of adding it so here you could add little reservoirs uh to use a pump station for your steam power or whatever whatever you want uh it's an interesting mod it's definitely a quality life mod it's probably the number one quality life mod if you're looking to make your life just a little bit easier in a factorial playthrough it could be a little bit overpowered if you're using it for walls but uh it is what it is so i'm gonna use that as the number one quality of life mod for factorio the next mod is called even distribution so i'm sure a few of you have placed ammo into a turret and at some point it's been annoying because you're dropping stacks of 200 into a turret but you have this many turrets to fill and you only have 600 ammo on you well even distribution allows you to hold control and click onto your turrets and notice that now every turret has 10 rounds so they evenly distributed the animal animal ammo onto the turrets so it's called even distribution there's a couple other things you can do with it but that is by far the most important feature with even distribution so you control left click and drag it on and now everybody has the same ammo so even distribution very good mod the next mod in our list is called tree collision um as the mod name sounds uh it just prevents collision with trees so i'm sure you've ran through a forest before and got stuck on every single tree possible you notice i haven't even really turned i'm just walking in a straight line and i'm able to run through the forest so if you are extremely frustrated with not being able to run through a forest this mod might be for you and it's called tree collision as you can just run through the forest freely uh you still kind of clip the trees but for the most part you're able to just run straight through um which can be very very very nice that's something i definitely get frustrated with in play-throughs running through force like this as you're stuck and trying to go up and down up and down and then you gotta chop a tree down and yeah so tree collision for the next mod we'll be going to our factorio death world series playthrough video and uh turn the mods on for this and i'm going to be demonstrating far reach so far reach uh enables you to simply reach very very very far in your factory so i can place stuff pretty much wherever you can see it you can see it you can place it or you can pick it up um moderately cheaty but it's not a quality life mod um if you're looking to play the game a little more casually you can uh just play stuff pretty much as far as the eye can see so nice quality life mod if you're looking for something to improve your playthrough if you already beat the game and just trying to spice things up a little bit for the next mod in the quality of life category i'm going to be demonstrating the repair turret repair turret there are a few different technologies for this you just basic upgrade uh red and green science and you go down the tech tree um repair turret efficiency reparator power and uh repair to a construction upgrade so you can upgrade it a bit but the basic premise of the repair turret is we have a few plates down right here and as the biters hopefully attack our wall you can see the repair turrets upgrading the wall section so as the biters are destroying it the repair turrets are throwing these little green lasers out and fixing as we speak um not a needed upgrade but a very nice upgrade nonetheless and that's called repair turrets have you ever unloaded a train before and noticed that the only way to do it is to have multiple inserters going into multiple belts and then feeding into a single belt collection line and it feels kind of messy well do i have the mod for you the mod i'm going to recommend for this is actually going to be called vanilla loaders and what it does is instantly fills up a red yellow or blue belt depending on the loader that you have so here we have a yellow loader it's going to do 15 items per second it's going to fully saturate a yellow line so if i had yellow bells here it would fully saturate such that yellow line uh so instead of using all these inserters as we had at the very beginning you can just use loaders now there's different mods that will add loaders and mini loaders but for the sake of this top 10 quality life mod recommendation i'm going to be recommending vanilla loaders now i'm not a huge advocate of loaders because i do like it kind of messy but if you're looking for a different way to do things that doesn't change or groundbreakingly change anything it's going to be called vanilla loaders so very simple and it does work with 1.1 the next mods i will be discussing are kind of togethers there's two of them they're not even really the same but they both do the same thing they're both planners uh fnei and helmud we'll talk about fnei for a second first fnei you have this little drop down that comes right here it's bigger as well if you want but you can click here and you have select item or select fluid select fluid here you can go like petroleum and you can click on craft or usage graph will tell you how to make it on the different ways that you can make such said petroleum gas and if you go back to here and if you go usage it'll tell you what you can make with it um now i do have some mods turned on right now so you're seeing fertilizer like what's fertilizer uh that's just for mod uh we'll talk about that mod later but for the sake of this planner here it tells you exactly how to build what you're looking for so if you're looking for an item say uh science pack and you're a little bit confused on how to craft it you can click on here and it will tell you how to craft it very simple planner but very very useful when you're playing more complex mods like bobs and angels c-block pyodons yuki industries any type of mod like that space exploration fnei comes into play very very good then and you can click on different items you can like processing unit left click right click it'll bring you to different menus and go on from there so that's fnei but on top of that is hell mod now hell mod is a little more complicated um because this big huge drop down that comes down when you click the planner the different things production line resources summary statistics add recipe for the sake of this we'll just be do add recipe we're going to click on yellow science so we just pulled this yellow science in here and we say we want let's click here we want 200 yellow signs so when i got 200 yellow signs it's going to tell us that we need this many assemblers we can change the assemblers so we're going to have these ones we're going to need 1200 uh total i guess i don't know i guess it's building everything all the way down the line but it just kind of plans everything out um i'm not an expert in hellmann whatsoever but i know a lot of people love helmud so if you're looking for something to give you the exact statistics of how to actually build something that's something you need 200 of these 69 66 of those 133 of those um that is how you would set it up i think it's based on the time here or something how we set it up but i am not a or i guess this is actually the problem right here the base time we set up um i'm not a hell mod player i'm more of an fnei guy but these two are very very close hand in hand so if you're looking at somewhere to uh way to plan your factory out and you don't want to use an external calculator you can use fnei or helmond those are both available and they are working for 1.1 as it currently stands so again if you're looking for tips on how to use it you can always check out our discord i know a lot of people are big advocates of hellmod personally i'm an fnei guy because i just build more but different ways different ways to play the game and these are my two quality of life mods for planning purposes which i normally don't do the next mod i'm going to be recommending is called bob's vehicle equipment um with this mod you have a equipment grid on your vehicles uh so you notice the tank has no ammo in it um and we're just driving around and the tank actually has lasers on it so if i go to equipment grid i have a vehicle fusion cell i have an energy shield so the vehicle actually has a shield as well but the vehicle also has vehicle laser defenses so you're noticing that there's lasers firing off here it's trying to charge my shield i believe first um but yeah so we got different weapons and stuff with your vehicles kind of a cool feature there's lots of different options with it different things you can build i'm playing in god mode right now so you can see all the items available and this is available for different types of vehicles as well so i have left the vehicle i could place a cargo wagon down and the cargo wagon even has a grid on it too so i could put this here and we can bring some biters over to this guy i'm in god mode so i don't even know where i am hello vehicle let's me in the vehicle won't let me in this god mode things moderately uh interesting we can do this i can place you there and then the grid put you there first should shoot doesn't shoot oh she shoots it's kind of interesting so obviously not working that great you could do it different ways maybe if i put another energy cell in here but you get the idea so now has different ways of defending itself and you can do that with any vehicles you can do that with a car you can do that with the spidertron i believe different ways of making things works this guy also has a grid you can put lasers in that one too and off you go so that mod is called bob's vehicle equipment now i won't spoil everything for you i'll just tell you that vehicles have equipment grids and you can put stuff in them just like you can on your power armor there's also robo ports that can go with them as well think of the possibilities very very nice quality of life mod now the next mod on my list is called a bob's greenhouse mod i'm also going to throw on the back of this uh quality life mod recommendation is noxi's trees so noxi's trees uh allows trees to grow so slowly slowly over time if you find a forest somewhere trees will start popping up so as you kill trees trees will also pop up very very slowly and that's called noxi trees so eventually trees actually grow on a map but the real mod i'm going to focus here on though is called bob's greenhouse mods now in order to get bob's greenhouse mods you do need bob's suite installed in the game um so if you just try to install bob's greenhouse mod it's going to tell you you also need something else but what it does is allows you to create wood um it's something you can't automate factorial right now uh you can chop trees down as with bots or you can drop it down yourself and get a bazillion trees but there's no actual way to automate trees and i always figured this is something that should have came with the game so what you do is you take wood and then the wood turns into seedlings and the seedlings goes into a greenhouse and then you seedlings give you more wood so it's a positive wood recipe you don't need wood later on in the game but i do feel like it's something that should be in the game it isn't in the game um so bob's greenhouse mod answers that so it's one of the items you can't automate it feels kind of bad sometimes you just want to make a billion wooden hydro poles and you can't so this way you can it's also a different source of power if you're looking for that so this is called bob's greenhouse mod and noxi's trees will get trees to grow for you so that's a it's more of a something that should maybe be in the game versus a quality life mod but i like it so i'm going to throw it in there the next mod that i'm going to suggest is a quality life mod can come off a little bit cheaty but again you're playing a single player game and or possibly multiplayer and however you want to play it uh it's up to you it's just some of these mods add options on how to play the game this mod is called bob's adjustable inserters now i'm a big advocate of bobs and angels i feel like they're a very good mod suite and i will eventually talk about mod suites in a later video but as it currently stands um if you wanted to play with it standalone that's fair that's fine so what it does is you have an inserter and you can actually adjust how the inserter works so we got the inserter now the insert is actually dropping vertical like that and eventually you can make the inserters go longer and you can change out the offset as well so he should theoretically be dropping onto the back side of the belt but we changed it to drop on the front side of the belt instead so you just shift click on it shift e but you can also just click on as well and you can still copy and paste different inserters do the same thing but what this does is just adjust your inserters uh very good in a c block or bobs and angels where you have a billion different resources coming out of different buildings and all that but uh it's just something fun to play with so if you're looking for something different it's called bob's adjustable inserters and it does again work with 1.1 eventually there is more options you can get with your inserters but just to give you a heads up you can do all sorts of weird stuff with your inserters once you start picking up and dropping long and far and yeah it's cool so one of the top 10 quality life mods i would say an honorable mention for the mods that you can have is called disco science uh you know see science labs look like they're a little bit uh more upgraded and you can see as they're consuming different science packs they are changing color uh it's just a nice upgrade it doesn't change too much really it just changes how the labs look this is an honorable mention because it is very very cool to see all your labs up and running doing some disco science so as we throw this here for a second and give it a look kind of cool it looks definitely better than the vanilla labs so honorable mention disco science so hopefully you found this quality life mod video interesting if you did be sure to like comment subscribe if you didn't like any of the quality life suggestions or you have some other suggestions you can always throw them into the comments we also have a discord where we also communicate and talk about different factorial things uh share maps do some playthroughs together what not so if you're looking for some factorial related content always feel free to check out the discord below information should be below in the uh information there but hopefully this will help your factories grow so one day one day you too can stand up against the biter horde and liberate your own planet until next time this is yama car killing biters since 2018 question mark until next we meet ciao for now
Channel: Yama Kara
Views: 49,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Factorio, Tips, Tricks, Top 10, Help, Beginner, newbie, guide, helpful, lets play, let's play, Factorio .16, .17, mods, QOL, Top 10 mods, Bobs Mods, Far Reach, Waterfill, Even Distrubution, Even Distribution, Repair Turret, Helmod, FNEI, Mods Factorio, Factorio Mod, QOL Factorio, Factorio 1.1, Disco Science, Vanilla Loaders, Best mods Factorio, Greenhouse Mod, Bobs Adjustable inserters
Id: Vo2PnERJ-rM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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