Robo Rush; Because Robot abuse should not be delayed | Factorio Tutorial/Guide/How-to

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welcome to factorio masterclass my name is niela so this is the series of tutorials and guides here on youtube that helps you become a better factorio engineer so uh this is a bit of a quirky build that doesn't really fit into sort of the grand scheme of masterclass design but it's something that i felt might fit into to your base as you are progressing from the jump start base and into a bigger base because what do we all want robots we want robots to do our bidding to send on unreasonable quests everywhere so that we don't have to do any work at all and uh the thing is with robots if we just look at it it um it's it's kind of annoying to say the least they are hidden somewhere deep in the can i even remember where where the robots are are hidden by now no not really well i can just logistic spots things oh that one there robots and that one all right so this is where we wanted i love this one why is there a little hot isn't that weird like it's not a clock it's a hot why am i blind it's a ghost with a heart okay well though we all love the love ghosts anyway back to topic at hand so we want to make these but you know yeah flying robot frames and flying robot frames takes batteries we don't have those we electric engines oh what are we oh electric engines that's more lubricant and then we have engines and we have oil and we have oil processing and you know it is just absolutely horrendous so what i want to offer to you is that as you have built your jump start base and you're just starting your research and you'll start working on your main base with however you build it spaghetti or bus or whatever but you really want to get the next step is get some blue science i have already provided a tutorial on how to get blue signs so what i want to do is get a tutorial make a tutorial for you so that when you build the blue signs you just stamp this blueprint down and you know you just need to feed just basic stuff into this and if you feed basic stuff into this you know that it will um it'll give you robots as soon as you unlock the tech that i think is super convenient so it is basically a little robot rush so what is it we want we want to make construction bars i'm going to focus on construction bots not those just logistics spots because my experience is that what i really want is construction bots too remove forest lay down solar panels put down landfill uh upgrade belts from yellow to reds those are the things i really want uh robots to start doing for me so that's why i want construction bots i can go back and pick up some more belts if i need it for the time being or you can just uh change it and put in some red circuits as well so what does this take this is on a one thing it should mention this is not going to be built to scale at all it's going to be built at a at a not scale because it's it just doesn't make any sense but this this is going to be the one exception for things that i want to try to make at scale i want to make two of these because they're on a 20 second cycle and if i make this on a 20 second cycle that means i only get one robot every 20 seconds and i just don't feel that's enough to really get us going so i'm gonna make one every 10 seconds but we have to remember the annoying crafting time so it's gonna be one every 13 seconds that's still pretty good you're going to go out and 10 minutes later you will have i don't know how many you will have there we go uh it's it's one every 10 seconds so zero point 0.1 per second and then that's the default craft speed then we multiply by the crafting speed there and then we take what is that per minute that is 4.5 per minute so just wait an hour maybe or just half an hour there 135 you got something that's pretty good it's not amazing but it's just uh get you started on some robots it's just the first ones are amazing anyway what are we gonna do we are absolutely going to get things in here and what do we need we need to make sure that we have the construction of of electric engines so now things are already starting to become weird because well this is basically the structure now we need to say okay how do i i'm basically going to go backwards and just figure out all the things we need so this one will need batteries and electric engines we're going to take engines care of engines here and then we'll take care of sort of going back on this production chain and that will be well let's just just build it here just randomly build it here that's gonna be engines engines is on a 10 second cycle this is on a 10 second cycle as well nope it's gonna be on the 10 second cycle if i remember to do it there it's gonna be on the 10 second cycle as well and that goes into feed two of these and then feed one of those that's still very good all right so what do we have now now this is that thing we need but this requires green circuits this requires screen circuit this requires green circuit and this requires green circuit we really should make some green circuits and i know that probably in your base you will have green circuits already made but i'm just gonna make it like really simple if you have green circuits already made you can skip this uh this step but i want to just uh basically say you get steel iron copper oil and water inbound those are pretty basics that's uh that's the input so let's continue working on some designs here i'm going to take that one in here and we're gonna get well i think it's time for us to get some materials in i'm gonna use this one this is part of the editor extended mod i guess editing editor extended extension i am going to take a single belt because we really don't need about much here this is all about it it's not about the throughput yeah it's about to say it's all about throughput but that's the whole point it has nothing to do with throughput this is just getting small things up by the way i've also cheated in the case that everything is now powered so that we don't get to see all the blinky blinking in that's why i'm i'm building it because that's super annoying yeah so this is gonna have to go out but if i take it out here that i kind of want this one to be input inputs here yeah let's let's do that so let's uh let's find a way to get this one done we are going to need pipes and gears those are the things we need for this part and if i do something like this and i take it from here let's see if that works so this one goes on the outside this goes on the inside and this one's super happy perfect so we'll just have to do a longer inserter to get it out on the outside and let's put it there so far so good that needs to go in here but i also need to get some steel this one also needs steel and this one so you know it would be nice if i could do this one but that it was also steel ah wouldn't that be good so i'm gonna take this down here and just go only steel on one side on the inside because the green ones are coming out on the other side well this is pretty good because now i can get this inbound and also here so let's see this one should be getting some greens it's gonna fill this one up first all right you're gonna get some greens you should be getting some greens you're getting steel you're getting steel you're not getting engines yet why you're not getting engines yet you should be getting engines as soon as this one is done already starting to take shape come on get it for me oh it's already there we just need the lubricant uh but we also need something up here so let's uh just get this one in here boom yes hey look at that we're almost uh almost it's almost working almost working we've done all the easy stuff right we've done all the easy stuff this is all the the solid materials now all we need to do to get this working is we need to build some batteries and some lubricant and batteries require sulfuric acid which requires sulfur and so that's uh but also batteries have the fun thing here that batteries also take both copper and iron oh that's not what i want that one so it kind of is a good idea to do that oh wow okay let's oops did that work and i'm just going to take this up just for a bit there switch it back on see no one noticed all right i will take here you will be making batteries yeah because that's gonna take these two things the only thing i then need is to make some sulfuric acid surface it also needs iron so it kind of has to be here what you will notice now is that i'm building this and it is completely uh it's completely waste because you might want to go yeah but i also want batteries for other things i don't want sofia guys yes but this is the whole point is that you stamp this down in the corner of your base you feed these basic things in you forget about it you come back and go like oh yeah i have 500 robots nice that's the essence of it uh that's exactly how it goes so this also needs some iron in here so now it just needs some sulfur sulfur well it can be made anywhere can it yeah it can be made anywhere so we'll just make it like this because i need to get this over here this is probably the easiest way to get this inbound from that side and water is still also just weird but we'll we'll salt the water at a later stage but now we have sulfur into sulfuric acid into batteries now let's get the batteries up and running and i would like to sort of just build it like this it would be whoops it would be super nice if i could do that but then i need reds and i'm not sure i have reds am i i'm not sure i should expect to have reds at this point we could make we could just make this red right i mean at this point you definitely have red belts so i think it's fair enough to do this there they will go in battery and battery now taken care of so all the inputs are now taken care of well i mean theoretically as long as we have all the dots but i can't use this one yet because this one has to be reserved it has to be reserved for something out here yeah well maybe build it something like this and this will be lubricant so lubricant goes in here we're getting closer to sort of working our way backwards now things are getting more complicated now because you will need the advanced oil processing that's the only way you get heavy oil so you're going to have to use this and for anyone asking about it no you cannot use coal liquefaction because that's much later tech so at this point what is not a complete coincidence is that i have water water and water here so that's a that's already looking pretty decent i'm gonna take the water here and that should be able to get from here and into some kind of of build here something like this reason why i'm leaving this open is because i'm gonna need something up here as well and i don't quite know where that's going to be but it's it might be up here whoops don't want to remove that all right so now comes the big challenge uh actually you know we are going to get these in immediately i'm also just designing it so that they come in from the same side you can get it in from wherever side you want but it's just kind of nice to sort of have your inputs gathered on one side i'm gonna cheat some resources in here because well that is what we do so this is again the editor extension and we are getting some crude oil now you can see this one is working we get some water in here everything is working except for the stuff that isn't working and let's fix the stuff that isn't working now now the challenge here is next thing is this ratio is obviously never going to be correct because i'm going to produce a lot of light oil and i'm going to need to get rid of the light oil i'm also going to need to get rid of some of the heavy oil because the consumption i've done some calculations on the usage of petroleum for sulfuric acid for the batteries versus the lubricant the heavy oil usage based on lubricant for this and basically just by saying what if i took all of the heavy oil and reconverted it into petroleum now it's going into lubricant take all the lidal convert into petroleum and then have the petroleum converted into sulfuric acid what would happen if i just let that run forever and ever and ever the answer is i would be run i would have too much heavy oil so that means we must be able to convert heavy oil to light oil and light oil to petroleum because this one is proportionally using slightly more than that one it's a bit unfortunate that is like that it was the other way around it would be easier i think but you know we are not here to make things easy for ourselves we're here to make things awesome i don't know efficient effective so what i'm gonna do is i'm going to have to make some kind of logic here that one and that one oh look things are working this is suddenly working of course we're still gonna have the issue there what i'm gonna have to do is i'm gonna have to do some kind of circuit condition and say you know what this one don't don't start pushing it out until you have at least at least uh i mean 500 is a lot for this one because it's it's gonna fill up here first and fill up here but we'll we'll do this one so at this point we are going to see ah is there room for something here it looks like there's room for something here this one can take the heavy oil and convert it into light oil yeah that's um that that's something that's something right it's a pretty miserable location to have it but uh yeah what can you do what can you do so what is it we have the light oil here we have some light oil here we're gonna have to find those and move them together so now we have at least the lidar emerged in one location and then we're gonna get to get it somewhere else where would be a good place to get it and uh we have water coming up here so that's probably a good place to make that one because that's right where the water is cool it would also allow us to take this one directly in so now the light oil can go in here together with some water it's now processing that's not bad uh i do feel a missing one oh yeah missing water into this one so let's do that this one now also has water but it doesn't have any heavy oil because it's still constrained all the heavy oil goes in here and nothing really works until this one is done so now all i have to do is merge these two together here and boom that's it it's that it's that simple now of course we have cheated with our with our power poles here so i'm going to remove these bonus power poles and then we can see blinky blinky and i will then fix the blinky blinkiness and we're going to start by getting something from out here so we can at least get some power in where would be a reasonable location to make one there i'm gonna i mean on one hand i want to try to make it sort of symmetrical in some ways but on the other hand i just have to accept that it's not gonna be symmetrical at all just this is now covered now let's see if we can cover all of that that looks good then get up here yeah i can't get both of those so i kind of have to build something and this one's good and that one's good now everything is powered and we just need to throw in a few lights here and there there and there that's some good locations for lights i'll take a light here and then a light up there now we also have lights now what we need to do is just let this roll for a bit we're seeing that this is working actually i have a command wheel we're going to use here just run it and 10 times speed just so we can see that things are working this is a here oil comes in it's not using particularly much oil but generally we will also see that everything gets consumed here this is the interesting thing we'll see this now start backlogging into here into this one and only when that happens when this one is full you can see it slowly slowly slowly uh increases even when this it's just slowly increasing and this doesn't seem like much but the fact that it's increasing means that i have to deal with it and you can see now it actually starts actually filling in here which is awesome 65 and only when it gets above 200 will start pushing into this one you can see over on the right hand side it says says product finished zero it's only when this one increases you can see it slowly increases oh then it just still went down a bit but then it fills up again over here these this that one the engines electric engines and the two uh what are they called they're called robot frames are all working this is sort of the motor of it this is the bottleneck these are all worked at ratio i am building slightly more batteries than needed to fill up this you can see the belt is slightly going to be filling up that's uh totally okay and we can see this one's oh look at that product finish 10. so it has executed a few times because it filled up to 200 you can also see again we should be able to see it this one should blink green and then it will uh it'll go come on 65 45 70 95 boom it's working it worked a bit and then it is struggling to get all of this out which is just fine it'll get out and convert it into petroleum the petroleum will be stuck and just slowly being worked here and it works everything works this one this looks a bit bad but it's actually not bad because as long as as long as i have this here this one will always be in an idle state or not always be united but it will be able to produce way more and the whole thing will self-correct if i if i'm currently full on this and full on this then as we consume i'm not gonna get more heavy oil into the network until i've consumed the other things so that's fine and this one will still have a bit to consume so we're never gonna run out here as you can see this little thing here and what just while i've been chatting away you've got the first um 80 let's call it 80. 80 robots ready to go and that's a pretty cool thing so what we have here i'm just going to speed it slow it down a bit there we now have and i've built all the yellow belts but that's it so put in steel you have that already put in the iron and copper you have that already you have these things already built in your jump start base for example so you can take your jumper base and just convert it into this or add it into this you can feed greens and on the other side if you want to i just decided you know for the sake of completeness build it here and then when you water you always have that and then as soon as you get the oil processing you basically pipe it in here because the first thing you want to use oil for is this part and then you're building a blue science and you are slowly unlocking these researches in time the advanced oil processing the lubrication the electric engine the robot frames the robots and then you build this as it goes and you're done now and then you can go back to your normal base and do whatever you you want as you continue to scale up without worrying that you have to build a full-scale sulfur full-scale sulfuric acid full-scale batteries full-scale electric engines full-scale robot frames just to get your first two robots that you need and that's kind of one of the things that i always end up doing is that i want to build everything at full scale and it just takes way more hours than it needs to so future just build this one and then you will have your robots pretty pretty easy so i hope you liked it i hope that was a interesting quirky little change of pace for a master class maybe this is something you find is completely unusable for you or maybe it's something you go like this is neat i'm going to put it into my base because that'll make the transition from my jumpstart base to a sort of real bot base where our real bus space with bots support much more easy if you liked it you know what to do hit the like button if you for some reason haven't subscribed to the channel yet but you're watching these videos regularly well consider subscribing then you might have more chance of catching the next one coming in um and of course if you want to support the channel and the work i do here then there is a link to patreon in the description below and also sometime during this video and uh i really appreciate all the support from the patrons who are supporting the channel so thank you very much i will see you guys either here on youtube or on twitch or maybe on discord thanks for watching and as always stay effective
Channel: Nilaus
Views: 130,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: factorio, nilaus, nilhaus, speedrun, tutorial, guide, 0.18, 1.0, megabase, howto, how-to, master, class, masterclass, PL-FACTORIO-S41, main, bus, mainbus, science, lab, layout, design, oil, processing, refinery, beacon, module, speed, refining, hub, mall, red, green, circuit, coal, liquefaction, liquifaction, petroleum, plastic, city, block, blueprint, grid, map, settings, rocket, control, fuel, unit, low, density, structure, space, train, rail, signal, chain, schedule, kovarex, uranium, u235, u238, enrichment, station, load, loading, unload, unloading
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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