2021 Facebook Business Page Tutorial For Beginners - Complete Step by Step

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in this video i'm going to walk you through every single step of creating a facebook business page that's going to blow your competition out of the water and even if you've never done this before i promise to make it incredibly easy on you with the complete step-by-step plus i'm going to show you two incredibly valuable pro tips as we go that nobody else is really talking about but are actually the secrets to making your business page actually work much harder to get you new clients and customers every day automatically so these are the things you do just once and they keep paying off so all right let's just jump right into it okay so here we are in our facebook account this is just my personal account that's where you have to start from so from there just go up to the plus icon where it says create and then choose page all right so now all we have to do is fill out some basic information uh starting with your page name so that's just gonna be the name of your business and for this particular example i chose a photo booth rental company i've just got so many people uh that talk to me on my youtube channel who actually run this kind of business and i thought it'd be kind of fun so this one's going to be called black box photo booth rental and then what we need to do next is find a category so only one will show up here but you can have up to three which i highly recommend taking full advantage of all the different categories you could fit into but we want to find the one that's the most appropriate to be the one that's displayed so i'm going to type in photographer so i don't think there's anything with photo booth specifically but i think photography videography could be good so let's go ahead and type in that and see what else we can find uh maybe photographer and then maybe something to do with events so like event event videographer that's probably pretty good okay so next what we need to do is think about the description so you've got 255 characters to really talk it basically says here write about what your business does the services you provide or the purpose of the page so what i highly recommend doing is using this space really wisely to work in your keyword so that people know exactly what it is you do because obviously photography videography is a little vague so you want to let people know exactly what we do the benefits that come with us and maybe some cases when uh you'd want to hire us things that we specialize in okay so here in this description i've got um the keyword photo booth rental company i've got the city name so that it's easily searchable i kind of give the benefits high energy memorable photos that you'll treasure forever and then i go on to say whether you're planning a wedding a corporate event a bar bat mitzvah you name it we've got you so i think that's just a really good template you can always follow for any business so now i'm just going to click on create page all right so now we have a page but we've got we've got a lot more work to do here so uh we've got images so basically we've got a cover photo here and a profile photo right here and each one of these has a unique function the profile photo should almost always be your logo your company logo and the cover photo i'm going to get to in a second the best way to handle that but let's go ahead and add our profile picture first i'm going to click right there and i've got a little logo file that i've already made so i'm going to choose that all right so notice that it is a circle but you obviously you can't upload a circle file really it's got to be a square and i highly recommend it be a square by the way not a rectangle it's going to make cropping it trickier so this has to be 180 by 180 pixels at least and what i've done here is i've made it small enough to where it's not going to be you know spilling into the edges of the circle because if it was big you know this this icon might be kind of coming out of it and it would just not look so great so make sure it's sized appropriately now let's do our cover photo so the way i want you to think of the cover photo is most people just kind of put up some kind of a photo of maybe the exterior of their building or maybe even their employees what i recommend you do is treat this a little bit more like the hero section of a website as a nice photo in the background and it gives a little context and benefits of what it is you actually deliver so i'm gonna go ahead and add this cover photo that i've made before let's go ahead and upload this okay so what i've done is i've gotten a photo booth you know photo photo booth style photo in the background and i've got like basically it's a tagline it's it's more of a benefit really it's for the memories worth making you could just say you know hey we're a photo booth rental company but this really does a better job of selling it so whenever you can lead with some kind of emotion here it's going to be good and you can easily make any kind of a photo like this using a free tool like canva if you don't have photoshop so for for now let's just click on save and build out the rest of the page all right so now we have a page and this is where most people call it quits believe it or not but we still have a lot more work to do if we really want to make this work for your business so starting right up top one of the first things you can do is create a username or a vanity url meaning it'll go it'll be rather than facebook.com slash you know this long string of numbers up here it could just be uh facebook.com blackbox photo booth or just black box photo whatever you wanted to make it uh the problem is they don't really let you do it right away there's a little it's a little buggy sometimes they let you do it right away sometimes they make you wait till you have about 25 fans so let's just go ahead and see if they'll even let us i'm just going to type in black box photo that's probably actually not even like available so let's do black box chicago let's see if that is available yeah it's i don't think it's even available so basically you have to do a little bit of work to find one that is available and then you'll click create username it'll probably tell you you're not eligible to do it yet in which case you'll just want to come back and uh you know whenever you've got about 25 fans of your page so we'll just skip this for now but the other thing you're going to want to do right away is add a button here so let's just click on add a button this is going to be a nice call to action to get people to actually you know take action on your page rather than just looking through it right so you've got lots of options here right you can just have people follow you that's not that great um and some of these are gonna be really depend on the kind of business you have like if you're a restaurant you can start an order book now so basically if if this were the kind of company where people would just want to book their appointment with you you could do book now you know most people probably want to have a conversation with you before they'll do that but get quote that might be a good one for this i actually feel like that would be great the other one that i think would be really good here would be send a message so basically it would just start a facebook messenger conversation with you uh where you could give them all the information they need in real time i do have to caution you though if you do this you really want to make sure that someone's always available to take those kinds of inquiries so i'm just going to do get quote i think that's actually the best thing to do and then i'm just going to click on get started so this is going to fill out that quote form to where people can just kind of uh you can ask people these questions in real time and their responses are going to go back to you and then you can build a quote for them based on all that now since this isn't really going to apply to all of you i'm not going to go through the exercise of filling all this out because it's probably not going to be the best call to action for everyone watching so but you'll just go through this you'll fill out each thing one at a time and then you'll click on next and it'll walk you through the rest of it so for now i'm just going to do something easier i'm going to click on add a button and we'll just do a simple contact us and then here's where you'd put your website so this would just go back to your contact page on your website and you'd call it a day so i'm just going to click save there okay so for the rest of this video we're gonna focus on stuff we do actually do over here on the left sidebar so there's all these kinds of things you can focus on and you can go through these in your own time none of them i find to be that important for the most part insights will become important later once you've got people coming to your page but for now just to get everything set up correctly we're going to start with edit page info so i'm going to click right there and here's where we're going to add more actual details to your listing so we've already done the name description categories but now we need to add in things like your phone number your email address your website your address if people are actually going to be coming into your location if not you're just going to click on you know my page doesn't have a location if you only operate in a certain service area like if we're you know this photo booth company might only operate in the you know chicago area chicagoland area and then you might put in like a few suburbs you work in as well [Music] and you just fill this out for like every single uh area that you cover but if you're mostly online and you work everywhere you don't have to worry about it now if you're not the kind of business that people stop in at you don't even have to have hours available if you don't want to or if you're more of a retail store you would click on open selected hours and you just go through and fill these in as it makes sense for your business you know nine to i don't know 8 p.m let's call it that and then you just go through that every single day of the week and temporary service changes this is definitely a um part of the pandemic that's what this is in regards to hopefully by the time you're watching this we won't need this section anymore but for now we're still dealing with it so you know if you're operating as usual you just go ahead and click that and we're not going to deal with any of these things here if you have a privacy policy um you'd want to put that there other than that we're going to skip all those you know you can add in your price range if you want sometimes this is good if you actually are a pretty expensive service you want people to understand that you you don't want to get a bunch of tire kickers who can't actually afford what you do and then let's say you have an instagram you want to connect it because instagram is owned by facebook if you didn't know that so you just put in your instagram profile and you'd add that okay so we're done with the uh page info setting and i know there's a lot of stuff we did not actually fill in here like email and phone number but you'll do that i'm just gonna click on not now for now and then from here we're gonna want to go down to settings okay so there's a lot to go through here i'm not going to cover everything i'm just going to cover the things that i think need special attention that you should probably be uh focusing on so we're over here on general so let's just go through these really quickly so page visibility it's published great if you wanted to hide it you could click edit and then page unpublished and then save the changes visitor posts like do you want anyone to be able to publish to your page what i recommend doing maybe you allow people to post but i would actually like to be able to review every post before it publishes so i'm going to click on save changes with that most of these things are fine tagging ability others tagging this page country restrictions if you don't want your page to show every country you can mess with that there or age restrictions if you're a bar or something you don't want anyone under 21 to be able to see it you can edit that page moderation uh and profanity filter these are ones that you could so basically if there are certain words you don't want to show up you can type them in here and you know profanity filter i might recommend doing that i mean i'm no prude necessarily but uh maybe on your business page you don't exactly want people uh throwing the f-bombs around so i would just put maybe on medium and then save changes so choose whether your page is recommended to others i would definitely want that so yeah it's already there so we're good to go page updates this basically says that um whenever someone leaves a review or you update page info it's gonna generate a post that your fans can see which i think is probably a good thing okay then the rest of these i think are pretty good to go just so you know remove page is located here so if you ever you know need to remove the page this is where you go you go to settings on the left sidebar and then general okay next let's go over to messaging so these these uh buttons or text links will just bring us down the page let's just go one thing at a time so uh use the return key to send messages that's fine it's up to you i'm starting a messenger conversation so i don't know if you've ever been to a facebook page of a business before where the messenger pops up um greeting you asking you if you need anything that this is a judgment call for you um some people find it a little intrusive but sometimes it's actually good to get the ball rolling so if you wanted to use this you would just turn it on and then you'd probably want to change the greeting here because it feels a little formal right now we've got hi you know full name thanks for getting in touch with us on messenger please send us any questions you may have so i would probably change this a bit to feel a little bit more human right so first of all i'm going to delete that and i'm probably going to i'm going to get rid of the full name i wouldn't want that let's add a customer's name and let's just do first name and i'll do an exclamation point make sure there's no space there so i've just rewritten this to say hi first name thanks for checking out blackbox do you have an event coming up happy to answer any questions you have remember again this is for a photo booth company so that's why i said that but basically i would want i would recommend you write this in a way that you would actually if you were answering the phone or if you were speaking to someone kind of coming into your store what's that conversational way that you would get the ball rolling and that's how that's what i would put here so then i'm going to click on save and this is pretty cool too add messenger to your website so if you wanted to have have the little um it would basically look a little bit like this it would be the little icon but this would be your your web page and then that would be there for a way for people to actually start that chat with you without the need for a third party uh add-on tool it would be through facebook which i think is great to keep everything in one place like that so if you wanted to do that you just click on get started and then next and then you'd want to edit the greeting probably similar to what we just typed in something like so we just say hey there thanks for checking out blackbox you have an event coming up and then save and then guest chat if that's on that means people can chat with you even when they're not logged into facebook which i think is probably good to have and then next and then you can customize the colors which is cool so you can basically make this uh whatever color that goes with your brand so you can choose some of these or if you have a hex code that's just the code for the colors that you use with your brand so just go ahead and pop that in there and then it's going to look like it belongs you know to your website specifically and then you can do things like you know put it over the to the left or the right generally the right is where most people would expect to find this so i would generally leave it there and then spacing basically involves you know so the it's the the spacing from the bottom so i i think it's it's probably in a good position you don't really want to mess with that too much and then click on next and then here's where things can feel a little bit technical um but basically the first thing you want to do is type in your website here do that i'm going to click on save and then you're just going to hover over this basic or if you're working with a developer you can choose email the instructions on how to add the code you can just send that to your developer no problem but if you're going to do it yourself it's really not that complicated i know it looks like a lot just click here to copy the code to your clipboard and then if you have a wordpress website you would just need to just find a youtube video that says how to add code to the header of my wordpress website it's a plugin it's really easy just to paste this right in there then it's good to go on your entire site so i'm just going to close out of here but that's the basic steps of it now we have automated responses for messenger so i'm going to click on setup so basically if you don't have someone who is just always manning the app and always responding to people in real time you want some kind of automated message that pops up letting them know their request was received and you'll be getting back to them soon so i'm going to go up to instant reply and turn that on and i'm going to click on edit so we have now is thanks for your message we're away and can't respond right now we appreciate you reaching out to me that sounds a little bit like a kiss off right like thanks we're away we can't talk right now what you want to do is actually let them know that it was received and you will be getting back to them quickly so i would rewrite this to something like so to say thanks for reaching out we got your message and someone from the team will get you an answer back pronto talk soon that just sounds a little bit more like something's actually happening and you can add the customer's name in there as well if you wanted to if you want to put the cursor there add customer's name first name that just kind of personalizes a little bit and then click on save okay so i'm going to go back now okay so page info we've already done now templates and tabs is pretty interesting so actually before we get to this i want to show you what this refers to so when we're on our page here on facebook see how we've got these tabs here we've got home services reviews shop more maybe these are not the most important things for your facebook page to be showing maybe they are maybe they're not for instance i would say for this services and reviews are probably actually really important shop probably not so much now let's see what they've got under more so we've got offers that's probably a good one that might need to be broken out here photos videos um photos might be good because it's a photo booth company but not for everybody events about community jobs um edit tabs okay so let's just go and edit tabs right now that takes us back to where we just were on templates and tabs so basically what we can do is turn on or off all of those little tabs the first i believe three will show up let me just go back those will show up along the top four it looks like actually three because uh home is the first one so three will show the rest will get put under more so let's go ahead and start editing that so let's turn off shop we don't need that i do think offers is really important though and you can drag these around if you wanted offers to be the first thing you could put that there offense probably not i'm just going to turn off everything else here i think and if you didn't want to think too much about it you basically got all these um these templates that are made for you where they basically think of the business type and they thought about the best arrangement of all those tabs for you but i'd like to have a little bit more control and just do it myself maybe that makes me a control freak i don't know but anyway um so going down the line here event ticketing that's going to be very specific to certain types of businesses but let's go to notifications because if you don't take care of this it could drive you a little nuts because um if you take if you look at what it says here it says allow notifications um get a notification in real time every each time there's activity or updates on your page so every time someone leaves a review or a comment or a like or a post your phone is going to be dinging off like a slot machine you don't necessarily want that when you're trying to get work done so what i'd probably recommend is doing something more like where you only get one scheduled notification per day where it basically is like a digest of everything that happened that day but before we do that we do want to make sure we're controlling what we're actually being notified on and then from there it's up to you to decide i probably wouldn't want email notifications um i probably don't need sms notifications i'm fine getting my notifications just through the app itself now here's what we get notifications for new messages we probably want that new page check-in probably not i probably don't need to know someone checked into my uh store necessarily a new page mentioned that could be good because it might be good or it might be bad so you always want to keep an eye out on what's being said about your business a new review absolutely a new post comment yeah you probably want that as well because you probably want to be able to um be again be able to control what's making it through if you get a really bad comment you could delete it if you wanted to so i'll click on show more uh new likes i'm going to turn that off new post yeah new post comment we already did that new likes on a page post subscribers shares followers edits to comments you've written so these would only be if people on your team are editing the comments you've written so i guess you'd want to know that but this is pretty much how i would leave it if it were me i don't need to be notified about all these things but these things i do so from there it's up to you to decide if you really want to be proactive and get these notifications because we to be fair we did get rid of a lot of the more annoying ones so if you want to get them these are more important ones as they come in that's up to you or you can do it once per day like that so oh and it's saying here if you do this you actually will get notified for all these things so the only way you can choose what you're getting notified for or not is if they're in real time so um i'll just leave it like that for now okay so now let's go down to page roles this one's important if you have a team so if you don't want to be doing all this work yourself all you need to do is type in the name of someone they have to be a friend you have on facebook already they have to be affiliated with you on your personal profile and then you can add them in i've got my uh community manager cresta here i would add her it's not letting me do it though for some reason i think it's got some kind of a bug happening right now but normally you'd be able to find them and then choose uh the the page role you want to give them admin i would keep that reserved for yourself as the business owner assuming you are the business owner editors can do almost everything except for you know they can respond to comments delete comments all that kind of thing they can publish content um editor like these all go down a little bit in uh in rank from there so basically just choose which one you want and it'll tell you like this will kind of go over what what that particular role can do but i think in general editor is what you'd want to give your you know second in command if they're really going to be accomplishing anything on your page and then you just click add and it would give them a little notification for them to accept all right now we're going to skip over most of these and then the other one we're going to go down to is instagram so if you've got your instagram account and you want to connect it you would just go to connect account and i'm actually not going to connect this with mine because i don't i'm afraid of what that's going to do so you what you would do though is you would click continue you just put in your instagram profile name and just follow the prompts and you're good to go okay so that takes care of all of these uh settings that are really important so now let's go back to our page and check things out and remember how i promised you a really cool pro tip that's really going to help this work for you even better and i'm going to get to that right now so this involves this is something that people don't really talk about when they do these videos but what you want to do is create an offer post that's always going to live right at the top of your page letting people know about a special offer a special discount or a deal that you're giving out now this can be something that's evergreen that's always available or it can be a rotating set of offers but what i'm going to do is click on create post and i'm actually going to click the messenger because i think what would be great is if we had some kind of a deal and the call to action was to get in touch with us using messenger for a quote so i'm going to click on that icon right there that's up to you you don't have to do that but so we're going to use this text to create the actual offer [Music] okay so i say the deal is on for a limited time only get our four hour package for the price of two so basically what i did here is i let them know it's for a limited time only you got to get that urgency and scarcity in there to really properly sell anything and then i let let them know what the deal was very easy and let's go ahead and add a little gif here so it's just a gif it's just shark tank it's a photo booth kind of thing so we'll get a preview of that when we actually post it and i'll probably add here message us below to get started okay so that's about all we need so i'm going to click on post and then click on add but it's asking if we want to add the button to chat directly with customers and i'm going to add that so yes okay so here we go we've got the deal here we've got the gif going uh the deal is on are you in messages below to get started we've got the send message button okay so now there's just one thing left to do this is where it really gets interesting so because otherwise if we did this it would just get pushed down the page as we add stuff so what we need to do is pin this to the top so it's always visible so click these three dots and you're going to go down to pin to top of page that way it's always there we got to just do a quick little refresh though sometimes it's a little buggy and it doesn't show things in real time so i'm going to refresh it there we go it's right there at the top okay so from here what you need to do is always be adding new content think videos think helpful actionable tips helpful content on a weekly basis at least that's going to keep you in front of all of your best customers and that's really going to help you too if you ever decide you want to advertise on facebook having all that great content and interaction is just going to help push your ad costs down as a result of all that good engagement so now the next thing you do just to finish this out off since we've got the page all built out you want to start inviting your friends to like the page to get the ball rolling so you can do it one by one or you can kind of just see all friends and then choose them all and invite them all but who you invite is going to be up to you but then eventually as you get up and running you're going to find that people will find you on their own and you'll get actual fans who are likely to work with you as a business so that's how you set up a page for your business but what if you wanted to take things even further and get even more dedicated customers so if you click this video i'm going to show you how to set up a facebook group now this is some next level stuff but the good news is it's just as easy to pull off so click right here and i'll show you what i mean
Channel: Wes McDowell
Views: 35,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: facebook business page tutorial, facebook business page tutorial 2021, facebook business page, facebook business page tips, create facebook business page, how to create a facebook business page, how to create a facebook business page - step by step instructions, setup facebook business page, facebook business, facebook page, facebook page for business, how to create a facebook page, how to create a facebook page for your business, how to create facebook page
Id: uVSdCJCvzag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 16sec (1636 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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