Facebook Marketing: A Complete Video Guide for 2021

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listen facebook marketing is helping people get some crazy results and we're helping our clients leverage facebook marketing in 2020 to do the exact same thing i mean just take a look at some of these client returns we helped our clients reach millions of people who've helped our clients generate millions of website clicks and we've even helped our clients produce millions of sales all while strictly using facebook marketing so maybe you're at the point where you're trying to grow your facebook presence or maybe you're trying to decide whether or not you should do facebook marketing and some have actually tried facebook marketing and simply gave up because they don't think it works well the truth is there's a lot that can go right and wrong when you're doing any kind of marketing especially facebook marketing and so today i'm gonna go over everything you need to know about how to generate real results using facebook stay tuned hey i'm sean with life marketing the digital marketing agency that saves businesses from bad marketing and no results so today we're gonna do a deep dive into facebook marketing now obviously there's a lot of marketing channels to choose from you have traditional marketing plays like magazines billboards and cold calling and then you have digital marketing plays like blogging google and social media so why facebook i mean on the surface it just looks like a place where people go to connect with their friends right so does it offer any real business value so if you've been watching our videos then you probably already know that facebook has two very very important elements that allows them to stand out from every other marketing channel in the world and the first one is that they have a user base of over one billion users and you have the ability to reach almost anyone who's in your target market on facebook and the second one is is their ability to hold attention the average u.s adult spends 38 minutes per day consuming facebook content and for context users spend an average of five seconds looking at a website's written content and that 38 minutes was just on facebook that doesn't even account for all their other digital platforms like instagram so right now i want to give you guys a complete guide to facebook marketing for 2020 and what 2021 may have in store for it as well i'm gonna break this video down into three parts in part one we're gonna look at facebook from the organic side which basically is all the free features available to businesses like you in part two we're going to look at facebook from the pay side which basically looks at all their paid ad features and in part three we're gonna look at the combinations and predictions for facebook going into 2021. but before i dive in if you're in business or you just love marketing and you love growth please hit that like button below and subscribe to our channel and thank you to everyone who's been subscribing so far we're over a thousand subscribers now which gives us the momentum to keep producing great videos okay so let's go ahead and dive into part one of this video facebook organic marketing the first thing you need to know is that there's a personal side of facebook and there's a business side of facebook the majority of his users only use the personal side so that's the common stuff like creating posts sharing content and talking with friends but there's an entirely different side of facebook which is the business side so if you're a business or working for a business and you're ready to get started and the first thing you need to do is set up a business manager by going to business.facebook.com and create an account from here you can start creating your facebook business assets like your facebook page your ad account your catalog pixels and more the main thing that you need to know for organic facebook marketing is your facebook page in fact nearly everything you do on facebook business wise will relate back to your page because your facebook page is like your hub it's kind of like your personal website but on facebook's platform so it's really important that you set your page up for success and you know all the features available to you so let's take a few minutes to look at your facebook page but if you're already familiar with facebook pages including the new shopping feature and you can skip ahead to the organic tips in this video all right i'm on my computer now and we're going to look at life marketing's facebook page to avoid sharing any client information all right so i just want to walk you guys through all the powerful features available to you with facebook marketing inside of pages all right so at the top we have our navigation menu for your facebook page um and as you can see i'm on the page area which basically gives you a high level overview of everything you need to know about your page next to that you have your ad center your ad center basically is where you're going to run a lot of ads i have a really important section that you need to pay attention to later in this video as it relates to ads in the inbox you're going to be able to see all the incoming messages that you have coming in through your content so you're going to be able to see the comments on post you're going to be able to see messages that people are sending you directly within the inbox here you have your managed jobs so you may have not known but you can post jobs from within facebook pages so you can recruit really good talent next to that you have notifications so just giving you some updates in terms of what's happening who's a fan who's liking your content who's sharing your content etc next to that you have your insights so insights is gonna give you some analytics about how your page is performing okay you're gonna be able to see impressions your reach your fan growth and a lot more so insights helps you determine how your strategy is working and then you have some publishing tools as well as page quality all right underneath that you have the biggest section which is your ability to write posts on facebook all right so you can write a post you can add a photo or video which again is something we highly highly recommend you can add a motion to your post and you can do a lot of other things such as create a poll create a watch party uh support a non-profit check in somewhere and then even advertise some of your posts which we're gonna get into as well all right so another cool feature on facebook let's call this a another cool feature in facebook pages is that you can schedule a post so right here on the newsfeed instead of sharing this now i can schedule this to go out into the future maybe i want to go out tomorrow next week or maybe at the end of the month but we have the ability to schedule posts right here inside of facebook which is really cool and convenient you want to save some time with producing content all right um so those are some really cool posting features in addition to that you have the ability to go live and just talk to your audience live one-to-one or one-to-many in a live setting you can also create an event right you can promote a specific offer and that event is coming up here we'll just check that out you can also create a specific offer and again you can create a job a job a job all right in addition to this one of the most powerful features that facebook just launched is the facebook shop so facebook shops are basically the e-commerce of facebook okay so facebook wants to keep as many people on their platform as possible and so they're introducing shops so that people and their users can just buy things that they want right there inside of facebook which is going to be a huge thing for the future so um within shops you have the ability to just create a page we'll take a look at this uh video here so this is sort of what it's gonna look like on mobile and it looks like this is for instagram as you can see they have a collection here they're customizing their collection adding products i'm sure they're going to add some pricing in here as well definitely definitely recommend checking that out and this is what it's going to look like guys you're going to see a nice image at the top and then be able to categorize your products after that so um that's what the shop looks like on instagram and then very similar this is what the shop will look like on facebook so definitely a huge feature that's going to save a lot of users time as well as businesses time who are looking to just to sell products online definitely definitely uh believe that you should use facebook shops connect that with your facebook page as well as your facebook ads manager all right so as you guys can see facebook has a lot of cool features um let me hop back off and get back in front of the camera okay so now that you're familiar with facebook page features let's talk strategy let's go ahead and get this out the way organic marketing is basically free marketing and who doesn't love free hey sean there's some free pizza in the lobby but usually that means that it takes more time for example our youtube channel is a part of our organic strategy and we've gone into this year with the expectation that it's gonna take a while before it takes off which means in the beginning you will likely see a slow rise in traffic fans or sales so taking the organic route means you're willing to put in the effort in the time all right so if you're still in let's go ahead and take a look at four organic tips starting with tip number one create valuable content now we created an entire video about content marketing which i will link up above but the key takeaway is to give value to your audience and to try to avoid selling listen it doesn't matter how great your page looks or how many features your page uses if the content is bad remember facebook is a place where people genuinely go to connect with other people so if you're interrupting that then you better be bringing in some massive value like giving away some really awesome tips let's move on to tip number two create valuable native content now native content is simply content that purely lives on the platform now that is important because facebook has a complex algorithm that helps determine what content they should show to its users and we found that facebook posts with links to other places like blogs will get far less reach why why would facebook do this to me i'm trying to get more traffic to my website now listen there's definitely a time and a place to promote your site in fact i would expect you to but remember facebook's goal is to keep their users attention so they don't want you and millions of other companies spamming their users with links because if so then people will stop using facebook and that's not what you want and neither does facebook which is why you want to create valuable content that makes people want to consume share and discuss with speaking of discussions if you're able to spark a positive debate then that can be a quick hack to get more engagement and more reach however i would recommend staying away from political or social issues because that can put you in a compromising position to take a side all right now let's move on to tip number three use video content okay i know this is my third time mentioning content but this is one that can help you grow even faster again facebook goal is to increase their users attention their time on the platform so they've already nailed down native content and now they're focusing more on video engagement so if you're creating video content right now you're going to get a big boost in the algorithm that means more people will share your content and remember the video needs to be all about your audience and bringing them value now hopefully this can help you create a winning content plan so let's move on to the next tip where we talk about how we can get people to consume your content which is step number four community development now obviously if you already have traffic and a lot of fans and you simply need to promote your facebook page to them but if you're starting from scratch then my biggest recommendation would be to start or join facebook groups because facebook algorithm is significantly diminished in a facebook group setting so you have the ability to reach a lot of people now when you join a facebook group there are usually some moderation rules which in general most group owners don't want you to spam their members with your sales or your links so can you guess the most effective way to leverage a group if you said provide valuable content then you guess right when you give good advice feedback or content in a group setting then people naturally want to learn more about you and you can position your facebook group or your facebook page in a way where people can find those assets and become fans so that takes care of part one of this video which is organic marketing almost there now let's look at part two of this video which is the paid side of facebook marketing and a pay side is often referred to as facebook advertising products which allows you to grow your content and your audience much faster the first thing you need to know about facebook advertising is that you need a facebook ad account you can set up a facebook ad account by logging into your business manager and simply creating an ad account and again you can go to business.facebook.com to get started now let's take a little bit of time looking at facebook ads manager and some of the things that you can do with it but again if you're familiar with facebook ads manager already then you can skip ahead to get to the facebook advertising tips all right i'm on my computer now and we're going to do a walkthrough of facebook ads manager so you can see firsthand how powerful it is and everything that you can do with it now for the sakes of this example i'm not going to go through a specific campaign or any results but i just want to show you guys exactly all the capabilities that you have with facebook as manager so we're going to walk through creating a campaign all right so when you get ready to create a campaign the first thing you need to do is to select an objective and you have about three phases to choose from all right the first phase is the awareness phase so you can decide between do you want more brand awareness or more impressions or do you want to reach more people all right this is great for people who do not have any audience yet the next thing you have is the consideration phase all right so you can choose between generating more traffic more engagement maybe some app installs video views generating leads or generating messages alright so those are the things and objectives you can choose from the consideration phase next you have the conversion stage all right so you already have traffic you already have brand awareness and reach and maybe some leads and you're ready to start selling some things so here's where you start selecting your conversion objectives so maybe you want just some basic conversions it could be more leads maybe you want some catalog sales or maybe you want to start driving some in-store traffic all right these will be some conversion objectives to choose from all right so this is really good conversion phase is really good for people who are very mature in their marketing presence they already have traffic they already have some leads or they already have reach they already have brand awareness and they're trying to convert that traffic all right if you're not there yet then i recommend you start somewhere between the awareness and the consideration phase all right so we're going to just go through a consideration traffic campaign um so you guys can see what it looks like so the first thing you can do is just type in what you want to name your campaign i'll just call this facebook ads walkthrough and then you can choose some campaign details whether you want an a b split test or use a campaign budget now i normally just go with the default settings here unless you have a again a very mature marketing presence next you you're going to get into the ad set so this is where all the magic happens with facebook ass manager you have some very detailed targeting options that you can go after so we're going to name this asset let's call it dog lovers let's say we want to go after some dog lovers all right here we have the objective again and we want to send traffic to the website um dynamic creative and offer will leave off because again that's pretty advanced and then budget you can select a daily budget or even a lifetime budget and then you also can just select a start date and a end date which is all uh optional okay and then you have the audience all right so again this is where the magic happens you can select your specific location i have it set on the united states but pretty much anywhere in the world you can target facebook ads then you have your age group or age range so you can choose hey i want to target target 18 euros or i want to target people over 65 you can even say i just want to target people who are 65 and older right so you have really good details in terms of your ad your age groups and then the most powerful stuff is going to be your detailed targeting all right so you can choose from different demographics different interests and behaviors that people are putting out on facebook all right so let's say again we're going after dog lovers all right some demographics of dog lovers could be um you know just groups and people who are are dog lovers right so that would be an interest we'll go ahead and select that um let's also do dog and go after look you can go after a demographic such as dog groomers dog trainers a dog walker a dog handler so let's just select dog trainer i mean that sounds really good um and so yeah after you type in a few detail targeting it'll start giving you suggestions right so people who are interested in puppy love people who are dog walkers people are just interested in dogs or dog health or dog training people who have pets at home people interested in dog behavior pet groomers pet stores so many options that you can choose from right and you can layer these these options by narrowing the audience right so maybe we want to target these two interests and then we also want them to match another interest and i'm gonna go into behavior and let's just say you know this person is an engaged shopper right and maybe this person um they also have an anniversary coming up within the next 61 to 90 days right there's so many different options and and leverage leverage to pull here but the point is that it is a very sophisticated targeting system and very powerful and i would highly highly doubt if you could not find your audience using this system for example i had a landscape client you can target landscapers right inside of this particular this particular detail start targeting system right you can target different landscape products different landscape job titles and more all right and the client i'm referring to had a landscaping coaching business right all right and then you have your manual placement so not only will your will your ad be shown on facebook but it also can be shown on instagram their audience network and messenger and within those platforms you can choose exactly where you want it to be shown so will it be in the news feed will it be in the right column will it be in their video fees or their marketplaces you know do you want it to show in the stories so many different placements that you can choose from very powerful stuff guys and then lastly you got your optimization and delivery so you can choose from link clicks landing page views daily views and this is just under the traffic campaign but keep in mind keep in mind that if we selected something like a conversion campaigns and you can optimize for convergence and you can even control some of your calls so what are whatever your max cost per click you want or your max cost per conversion you want you can go ahead and enter right here although that could put you behind the competition which is again something i don't recommend and then lastly you have your ad now you've probably seen ads a lot before so i won't go too much into this but you have a lot of different formats you can choose from single images or video images carousel ads collection ads you can even do slide shows and more so this is where you start communicating to your audience the value that you give okay so hopefully you can see some of the power within facebook ads manager i have some really awesome tips that i have to share with you guys so i'm going to hop back into the camera so that we can talk about those facebook advertising tips now as you just saw facebook ads manager is a very powerful platform but let's remember that it is a pay to play platform and its main value prompt is giving you the ability to reach people faster but you have to be willing to pay enough because if you spend too little and it's still going to take you a lot of time to get results all right so i got three tips for facebook advertising tip number one think with the end in mind and this is my favorite quote from stephen covey which reigns true even within facebook marketing and other warriors you want to know what is your desired outcome before you start advertising what is your kpi okay is it reach is it engagement is it traffic is it app installs etc now most of our clients are looking for leads or sales but if you don't have a compulsive sale or a warm audience you may need to start by building up a fan base first let me explain most people won't buy from you during the first interaction in fact according to hubspot the average number of touch points needed to get to a sale is eight so you may need a combination of posts emails website visits or phone calls before a prospect buys from you and someone who has already started this journey will be considered a part of your warm audience now i'll link cargill's video up above on marketing funnels if you're interested in learning more about how to warm your audience up okay let's move on to tip number two start small hey sean look how small i can get okay not that kind of small what i mean is that if you're just starting out or you haven't quite figured out facebook advertising yet and you don't need to go out and blow 10 000 a month instead i would recommend starting with a modest budget of about 1 000 to 1500 per month which should give you enough data quickly to fine-tune your audience and creative secondly don't start out by pitching your most expensive offer instead offer something small you can offer something free like a free guide or exclusive video in exchange for an email address or some smaller just low expensive offers to get the ball rolling and establish some trust so my advice is to take a slow and steady approach when building a new relationship the only exception to this is if you have an impulsive buy for example if you're selling some delicious cookies and as soon as someone sees it they're tempted to buy and you definitely should start with that okay let's move on to tip number three track everything the biggest advantage of facebook and other digital marketing platforms is their ability to measure your results with precision you can see everything from impressions to the exact amount of dollar return that you got on your ad spend so you want to make sure you're installing facebook pixels on your website that way you can cookie your visitors that go to your website from facebook and then you can track exactly how your visitors engage from facebook to your website now if you're selling a product on facebook shopping feature then this is native and you can track sales from within facebook ads manager on your facebook shopping store which remember the more native that you can be the better effect that it can have on the algorithm now those are my top three tips when it comes to facebook advertising but if you're in e-commerce and you want to learn a little bit more about facebook advertising then i highly recommend you check out sherman's video on facebook advertising for e-commerce okay now let's wrap up with the final part part three of this video here we're gonna look at our winning combination in my predictions for facebook marketing in 2021 so the best outcome for facebook marketing is to use both organic in advertising methods so let's take a look at a marketing funnel i want us to pretend that we are a personal trainer i want us to close our eyes and pretend that we are a personal trainer you give me 100 push-ups you give me a hundred sit-ups you give me a hundred jumping jacks and you give me a hundred facebook posts all right let's go ahead and take a look at a marketing funnel for a personal trainer so here at the top you have the awareness phase and what we're gonna do is just create some nice valuable facebook posts now since you're a personal trainer you're gonna post about some really good workout plans and tips which are a part of your organic strategy the next section is your engagement section and here we want to just grow our fans and engagement as much as possible so we're going to start boosting some of those posts which is a part of your paid strategy now these first two phases go lock stepping one another because you want to build a sizable audience so let's say we're going after maybe 25 000 fans now once you get to about 25 000 fans you're ready to start making an offer and since you're a personal trainer maybe your first offer is a free training session and all your fans have to do is give you their name their email address their number and book a time to sign up and so now you're in the consideration phase of the marketing funnel and you have their email their number and you're ready to really start selling all right that is going to be your warm audience now you're ready to start emailing texting calling your prospects to talk about buying your core product which may be your monthly training services all right so in this example we've combined organic and paid strategies and completed an entire marketing funnel now there are endless amount of ways to combine organic and paid strategies for example you could create an event advertise it and then follow it up with social media posts so the key here is to attempt to meet your customers where they are all right let's go ahead and end with the last thing on my mind which is facebook marketing for 2021 and beyond and as you can tell with this video guide facebook is a company that is still very aggressive in their platform's growth facebook favors brands who favors their users it's a win-win for everybody so what's some of the things that facebook is pushing right now well as we mentioned video is becoming more and more important as it helps facebook to increase the time spent on their platform and i believe that long-form video will have a significant advantage in the algorithm going into 2021 also i believe you're gonna see an explosion of growth with facebook shops because obviously it keeps users on their platform and it's native so don't wait go ahead and get started by using some of these content features as well as producing long-form video now thank you so so much for making it all the way to the end and hey if you're not subscribed yet what are you waiting for click that little red button below to go ahead and subscribe well that's it for this video thanks again for watching i'm shawn and i'll see you in the next video you
Channel: LYFE Marketing
Views: 67,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: facebook ads for beginners, facebook ads for local business, facebook ads strategy 2020, facebook ads targeting, how to run facebook ads, facebook advertising 2020, facebook marketing, fb ads, facebook ads, facebook advertising, advertising on facebook, facebook business, marketing facebook, marketing on facebook, facebook ads tutorial 2020, facebook marketing 2021, facebook marketing tutorial, marketing on facebook in 2021, FB marketing, FB marketing 2021
Id: 14amlEYDu_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 59sec (1739 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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