How to Do Affiliate Marketing on Facebook Ads (Complete 2020 Step-by-Step Tutorial)

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hey guys yvonne here at and in this video i want to show you how to promote affiliate products on facebook ads this is going to be a full comprehensive video it's going to take you from step a to z in promoting your affiliate products on facebook for the first five minutes or so of the video we're gonna cover the overview and the lay of the land you will see what the setup is going to look like so that you have an agenda for the video for the for the entire video uh for the other 90 to 95 of the video we're gonna dive in we're gonna do everything live you will watch me behind my shoulder as we build everything out from scratch i don't have any pre-built uh products i don't have any pre-built landing pages we're going to just build everything out from scratch okay for those of you that don't know me that are new to the channel welcome great to have you my name is yvonne i have been doing affiliate marketing for the past four years i have generated a full-time income working from home running my ads on a variety of ad networks like facebook ads google ads microsoft ads and so on i do have a free guide as well if you go to i have a 55 55-page ebook guide that details the process and kind of gives you a more thorough overview of what we're going to be covering here so make sure to check that out that being said let's jump straight into it how do you promote affiliate products on facebook ads there are some steps we have to take this is going to be a process it's not going to be like that okay so the first thing we're going to have to do is create our facebook ads account i'm going to show you where to go i'm going to have all the links in the description as well as here in the video so uh you know pay attention to those we're gonna create a facebook ads account we will then select a clickbank offer now it doesn't have to be clickbank it's just the easiest network to get into so if you're completely new you have no idea what's going on and you you know you just stumble upon this video you want to know what to do clickbank is the easiest affiliate network to get into again i'll give you the resources for that you can go and sign up and you can start promoting but it does not have to be clickbank whatever product you want to promote plug it in here instead of clickbank okay simple as that literally any product we will then create a facebook page centered around our product okay the facebook page is the face of your business unlike google ads if you watched my how to promote affiliate products on google ads video you can't just create a facebook ads account and promote you have to create a page which is going to be the face of that business so if you ever saw facebook posts or ads before that's that little you know circle at the top the little profile that says who the adder post is coming from so that's why we need the page we will then create a landing page and thank you page so we can send traffic to our landing page we can collect emails send them over to the thank you page and then send them to the affiliate offer we're going to set up tracking because if you're promoting on any on any paid ad networks like facebook ads google ads microsoft ads the tracking is pretty inconsistent some of them don't even have integration with tracking at all like microsoft ads and clickbank there's no integration there's no way to track sales unless you use a third-party tracking tool which is the one we'll be using here which integrates very smoothly i'm gonna show you everything we're gonna set everything up together don't worry about that and you'll be able to track sales because that's the most important part we will then set up an autoresponder okay so you have to collect emails this is the blood of your business this is the heart of your business because if anything happens to you if um your ad account gets shut down if your you know if your affiliate products no longer work whatever right there are so many things you depend on as an affiliate but with an email list that's the one thing you do own that nobody can take away nobody can look at those emails unless you illegally got them if you legitimately got those emails you know by following all the proper rules of uh gathering those emails nobody will take those away those emails will always be there even if your autoresponder account gets shut down you copy those emails you save them right export them take them to another company simple as that it will always be yours so this is very important something i just got now after a few years of promoting online we will then create a facebook ad now this video like i said you know it's going to give you a detailed overview but if you want even more detail like how to create facebook campaigns i have a four hour course on my website on just facebook ads how to run them how to set everything up so if you go to all dash courses you will find that course that being said i think we're ready to get started oh one more thing uh so just to make it clear for you guys our process we're gonna create a landing page thank you page offer and then we're gonna have an autoresponder for those of you wondering why we have a thank you page there are two reasons one is if if you will be giving out a freebie which we generally have to to attract people to enter their email uh a thank you page just tells them what to expect saying hey check your email i didn't scam you you know you're not gonna go from landing page to offer page with no product that you were promised i did i will give you what you promised just check your email just simple as that uh the other thing is you can add pixels for it so for remarketing for retargeting this is gonna be very powerful once you start sending a lot of traffic remarketing is going to change the game for you so you will be able to add remarketing pixels on this page and target these people okay i have a full course dedicated to remarketing again check that out on my on my site but that's that that's the point of a thank you page so now i think we're ready to begin so let's head back over to this page i'm going to just drag it here and we the first thing we have to do is create a facebook ads account now to create a facebook ads account you have to have a facebook account so if you don't have a facebook account please just go to again that's sign up create an account if you already have one excellent you will then go to so it's going to be this link right here i'm going to put all these links in the description so we're going to copy that link we're going to paste it here and i have it open here and again you should have a facebook account after that click on create account i already have like 20 accounts because i created a bunch of courses i have over 300 videos on youtube so i'm not going to create my 30th account uh but what you're going to do is just enter your business and account name you know your name your business email click next on the next page it's going to ask you for your address some small things like that and that's pretty much it once you do that you will land on a page that looks like this now you will not have this page again it's a page that i already created before but it's going to look like this and you just won't have this okay now one thing you should note is that facebook does change their interface very often more often than you can really catch up to so if your interface is a little different don't freak out it doesn't necessarily mean that this video is 100 outdated it just means that facebook changes their interface so make sure you follow along with me and look for the buttons so for example if we want to click on ads manager look for an ads manager okay in your account so that's how that works um so sign in okay it's gonna look like this what you're gonna wanna do is click on business settings and before we finish this create a facebook ads account we do have to do a few things so the first thing we're going to do is head over to business info make sure all this information is correct if you did add it scroll down and if you haven't received your confirmation email make sure you you receive that email it's important for you to run ads you can't run ads without confirming the email so make sure you confirm it if you haven't received it yet click on resend email confirmation that usually does the trick for me i've created so many accounts i know this by now if you haven't received an email yet click on a little button here it's going to say resend email confirmation click that you're going to resend it check your email confirm and that's it okay you'll be good here next you're going to head over to payments go to payments add your card click add and add your card your i don't know credit card debit card whatever you want to use um add it to this account you will need a payment method to run your ads facebook will not allow you to run ads obviously without a payment method so add it in here last but not least we're gonna head over to add accounts i already have an ad account here and i can't create any more because this is a pretty new account eventually you can create i believe up to five ad accounts but you're gonna start off with a single one so click on create a new ad account over here enter the name of your account in my case the name is add account one and you'll be good to go okay and that's it that's how you start and that's how you create your facebook ads account so let's head back over to powerpoint and let's put a little check mark now i'm going to click the um let's do it again i'm going to click the window sign and a period and it's going to pop this emoji window up on windows i have videos showing you how to do that and i will get into this in more detail so don't worry about how i'm doing it but i just wanted to add this little check mark here now the next thing we have to do is find our affiliate product in this case we're going to be using click bank because it's the easiest affiliate network to get into so if you're just starting out and you don't have any product to promote if you head over to you will land on a page that looks like this so like i said very simple click on sign up there will be a little application process so you will have to first enter your name email phone number all that good stuff but then after that they might ask you some questions like how long you've been doing affiliate marketing for um all that stuff just be truthful be honest um you know answer to the best of your ability don't lie they are accepting of newbies so just let them know that yes you are new but you are eager to learn okay like i said they are the easiest to get into so that shouldn't be an issue now once you sign up to clickbank you will head over to marketplace and you're going to land on a page that looks like this when you click on this sign when you first come in you're going to click on this little magnifying glass when you click on marketplace you're going to see all the top performing offers so by top performing that means um by gravity so sold by the most number of affiliates in the past 30 days is the best way to put it that's what gravity means so this offer here for example means that 668 affiliates successfully sold at least one of this product in the past 30 days so what this tells you is that there is demand for this product people are buying it that's what this gravity score is telling you so um you don't have to go by gravity okay so in fact some of these offers i'm not personally a big fan of like for example this first one has a really high gravity but i don't like the fact that there's just one huge kind of sales video here and nothing else just a personal preference i like more transparency i like more information on any given topic as opposed to having someone to to listen to this um so last time for google ads for example we did something like the custom keto diet for our google ads video and there's just you know it has a little optional video and it just says get your custom keto diet plan and then you can if you want to read you can click here and then you know you can read everything i prefer more of these types of products but you can choose whatever you want to keep in mind the other thing is the more expensive the product is so like in this case you know you'll be getting 115 dollars per sale the more expensive it is the more trust you have to build with your client before they buy so think of it if a product costs 20 bucks you don't have to build as much trust for someone to buy because it's only 20 bucks if a product is a hundred dollars you have to build more trust for the people to buy so just keep in mind that don't just look at the cost and say oh well 140 product definitely better than 40 you have to build more trust you have to have a more thorough email sequence you have to have a bigger funnel with different offers with more content with more information okay so just keep that in mind it's not as simple as the highest product offer wins so i looked through some of these offers most of them are the same they just have this giant you know video in the front which looks like it it sells because otherwise it probably wouldn't be there but just personal preference i like more transparency if you go to my site uh you know i there's a lot of content there i like like i'm transparent um so just a personal preference so what we're gonna do is head over find something that's not super expensive so that we don't have to build as much trust and something that's not super salesy so we did ted's woodworking in one of my videos we did a custom keto diet and another one and then this one i don't think we did before so this one is bringing batteries back to life as you can see this has more information here you know uh this isn't as salesy to me yes there's a guy here talking but at least you know there's more information on this page so let's suppose that we want to promote this product here you know looks looks fairly good so there's not much we do here we just say that this is the product we want to promote okay not yet not until we get to tracking so uh once we do get there what we'll do is we'll just click on promote we're gonna get our affiliate link and we're gonna plug it into click magic okay so that's what the process is going to be like but let's say that we selected our product so reconditioning old batteries okay so let's head back into powerpoint let's put a little check mark here and now we have to create a facebook page okay so now that we know our product is about reconditioning old batteries uh let's head back into facebook ads let's click on pages and uh like i said i already have a page here so just disregard it we'll click on new and we're going to click on create a new page if you're an ad agency you would watch you would click on request access to a page you know and one of these options for most of the cases most of the people watching here you probably don't have a page so we're just going to click on create new page all of these categories you can change i'm not going to go into too much detail i cover all of this you know the full process from start to finish in my facebook ads course at all dash courses but for the purpose of this video all of them are pretty much the same you can change them later on if it's a brand or product we're going to select brand or product that's probably the best option here okay so just select brand or product we have to give our page a name so let's say uh recondition old batteries now one thing i should mention guys is that for any affiliate products you're promoting make sure to check their terms of use so for example here for this product you would probably want to go into affiliates and just make sure and see what their rules are some of them might be might say you know no promoting on facebook or no promoting on google or no you know you're not allowed to use our name in the facebook title so it's a good practice to i'm going to open this in a new tab it's a good practice to go through this enter your email and just read through the rules find their terms and they're going to say you know what's allowed and what's not allowed just scan through it you don't want to get in trouble you know if you find a good way to make money you don't want to have your earnings revoked so it's a good practice to always read through the terms and conditions now that being said i uh pretty sure this was a good offer i read through this so what we're doing right now is fine but for other offers it's on you to read this stuff yourself okay so we're going to close out of that let's go back into business settings so we'll say reconditional batteries now what type of category is this um i don't know is is it electronics is that like would you consider reconditioning batteries electronics i don't know but let's say product or service i think that's like a neutral thing to say now these ones they actually do i believe offer us some free images so we can go on some free image sites uh but in this case i believe we are given some free images here we can use as well so let's let's see if we can just enter something here um yeah so i just entered a random email just so i can get here so here we have reconditional batteries so we're going to view page and i'll tell you why i was looking for the images in a second here uh but what we want to do is we want to tidy this page up so this is the face of our business right so once we'll be doing promotions people will have the the option to go to this page and click around and look at this page right so we want to make this look nice we want to tidy it up so that includes going to the about page for example and filling in these details like what the page is about enter the website enter the you know about again i go over this in detail in the um in my facebook ads course i'm not gonna do that here but just go in and do that not super important to run our ads the main thing is have the ads and find the product but we will let's add some images here at least so let's go back into here let's see if we can find some images so let's scroll down a little bit let's see if we can find anything i believe they have something yeah so like here these ones i'm not sure if these are just like banners or if we can actually use them as images um we can probably use them anyway so that could be like a good image right so like a cover so let's uh let's save image as make sure it's a jpg or png that's perfect uh we're gonna save it here and then let's see if we can find like a banner so here facebook ad banner well that's not a that's not a banner it's like an actual facebook ad but that's okay because we can use it as a banner anyway um that works too that can work too okay so let's try this let's save image as make sure it's png or jpg format uh that looks good so let's go back and to click our facebook and let's upload a photo okay so i'm gonna upload photo um okay so it's safe to desktop that's fine let's select this first option here the photo is too small yeah so like make sure the photo is big this one's pretty small but you know that's okay um just for illustration purposes but you want to make sure it's high quality obviously right because again this is the face of your business so don't make some really poor quality images that's okay i'm not seeing any poor quality there now let's do this here we're going to upload photo again i'm going to select this and that looks about right i think we're good to go i think we're in good shape again just head in there tidy up this page you know going to post maybe add some posts uh go into about at an about i have a video showing you how to add a youtube tab here so if you want to like create a youtube channel and add a youtube tab you know add that that social proof i guess you can do that here as well uh but for this i think we're good to go um so let's just put a little check mark here and we're done here so that looks good but now we actually need a landing page right most of the time you can't send people straight from add an ad network to the affiliate offer not only most of the time is it against the rules but sometimes it's not very effective because remember we do want to generate an email list so we can do email marketing right so what we're gonna do is let's head back over here uh i use unbounce as the page builder okay whatever page builder you wanna use is up to you whether it's click funnels thrive themes i have videos on all of those so if you just you know head over to youtube and you type in whatever product you want like if you type in for example thrive themes yvonne mana you know i show you how to create a landing page from scratch if you use click funnels um i have a video on click funnels as well so lead pages you know how to create a landing page so whichever one you want to use my favorite is on bounce and i have a video showing you how to create an unbalance page as well but we're going to head over here let's close out some of the tabs so this affiliate tab we can close this product we can close now as well let's just tidy it up a little bit here and that looks good and let's go over and input that so this is my affiliate link for unbounce by the way guys um but i do give you a free 14-day trial and 20 off for the first three months after that okay um so this is an exclusive offer you can't get this anywhere else as far as i know uh correct me if i'm wrong uh but you do get 20 off for the first three months so i personally use unbounce now i already have an unbound account so i'm not going to sign in i use this so i'm just going to log in here instead and we're going to create our page from scratch uh but that's what you would do so if you don't have a landing page builder you want to try on balance head over to go yvonne mana dot com slash unbounce and again i have a bunch of videos on unbounds including how to create a you know 53 conversion rate page from scratch so you can do that uh but we will go here so we're gonna once you log in you know as you can see i have a bunch of pages here created you're gonna click on create new okay so let's do that and i'm not going to spend too much time building out a page from scratch because i already have a video on it so check that video up above and in the description i'll put both links where i build a 53 conversion rate completely from scratch uh but in this video we're just gonna find something that looks like a good easy battery reconditioning um thing that we can do or a landing page that we could use so we're gonna use a template and then we're just gonna edit the template a bit okay so let's find something that looks good here and that's relevant so the one i found the most relevant so far was probably this one and we'll just go in and we'll just change it up a bit okay so let's do it's called easy battery reconditioning oops did i say reconditions oops okay we'll uh we'll fix that soon so what we want to do over here is just make it look nice now our landing page doesn't have to be so long okay so we'll delete some of that we'll maybe keep this we can maybe keep this as like a testimonial builder maybe but what we want to do here now is make this landing page look nice and we want to make it look as close as possible to this page okay so let's click on this page again we want to make it look as close as possible to this one okay because we want to maintain consistency so any buttons we have we want to make as similar to this one so i guess that's orange the background we want to make you know this little green hills with sun background um we want to use kind of the same colors okay so anything we can do to make it more consistent we want to do okay so let's head back over here so we have this blue here at the top i like that so what i'm going to do is i'm going to use this extension called colorzilla oh my god this pop-up keeps coming up i'm going to use this extension and i'm going to go over here i'm going to select the color again the extension is called colorzilla let's head back over here and let's make this so this is our landing page let's make this blue so i'm going to paste that number there remove the number sign and now this is blue now we don't have a logo we can probably go in and get a logo from their affiliate page uh what you can also do if you if you um if you don't have a logo and you're too lazy to to kind of make one is you can just type something in here so for example we can say easy battery reconditioning you know and like we could pretend that this is our logo so let's go in here let's make the text color white let's maybe increase the size a little bit to 18 or so you know and like you know i mean i mean this kind of looks like a logo right because there are some logos that are just plain words uh so we could pass and we could say that hey well this is the logo right and this looks kind of similar to this which is good um maybe we can bold it let's see see if that looks does that look better looks okay right but we'll we'll keep that um so next maybe we want to increase the size of this real quick now we do want to give something for free like i said right so if we if you just have a landing page where you take people from here to the affiliate offer um you can just say hey you know free video reveals how to get how to restore your batteries and you can just have that but if you want to have someone enter their email you should probably give something away for free so ideally we give away oh my god that keeps coming up so what's this about bringing dead batteries back to life is simple right so what you can do is maybe create some form of guide uh teaching people uh you know the three ways uh you can bring your batteries back to life something like that right and then one of the ways could be this option here so maybe you could have a guy that that gives you the two ways and then the third way is like says well hey do you want to save time and do not want to go through this exhausting and time-consuming process go ahead and you know buy this for 50 bucks whatever right so we can do that so we're going to change the background here don't worry but let's say for example let's say get instant access to um to your free ebook that shows you the three ways to save batteries with no hassle and zero cost you know something like that uh we're gonna tidy this up a little bit now that we have the content maybe let's not bold it maybe let's reduce the size a bit maybe to 36. okay so something like that that can be our headline let's remove the line spacing that is a bit too much i think okay get instant access maybe let's bold that free ebook maybe let's underline that where's the underline right here three ways to save batteries with no hassle and then maybe let's say you know maybe let's italicize that and zero cost okay now once again i have a video showing you how to create a landing page completely from scratch so if you're still a bit unsure as to where what these buttons mean uh check out that video but we're just going to be plugging stuff in here uh so there's that now for this one maybe let's say enter your name and email below and i'll send you my you know xxx page guide like how many pages do you have i'll send you my guide so that you can save your batteries now or today or whatever okay so let's do something like this we're going to drag it here and then we have to include a form okay so i'm going to delete that button and don't worry we will change this image i keep saying that we do have to change it before we save it so we're going to add the form let's add email and first name and we'll add first name to the top so we're gonna click the little button and i don't want it to have the little text above the fields i think it looks clumsy so what i'm gonna do is instead say enter your name here dot dot and then for this one i will also hide the label uh we have to make these required by the way make these fields required so people don't skip it and then we'll say enter your email here dot dot dot and that looks about right okay so we're well on our way to start sending traffic um let's make this button a bit bigger now if you want to if if that doesn't work for you you can look at the width here so the width is 554 you can go back in here and then make this 554. and then now that looks about right let's make this a little bigger and then let's say send me my uh send me my free guide now okay and there are no icons in uh unbounce but if you see my video on how to add icons to your buttons i show you a resource you can use so check that out in the meantime we'll just we'll just skip that i think the text here is a bit long it's a bit big so let's see if we can um reduce the size of that maybe oh what's going on here that might not be let me see oops i don't know what's going on uh that's label attributes let me see it doesn't seem to where's the font size here so if we make this 10 yeah it doesn't seem to be effect okay so that's for the label so that's for the label up top but we don't have that label so it doesn't show it here which is fine we'll just leave that as is it looks okay just trying to be a perfectionist but this would change the font size of the label at the top so if you still have the label saying enter your name here that's what that would change okay i can make it yeah top or left so we'll just do that let's see if there's anything else we have to adjust i'm just trying to see if i'm missing anything everything else looks good i think that's okay now so let's center that okay that looks about right i'm not seeing anything else let's maybe add a little arrow pointing to that so i do love these types of arrows so what we're going to do is we're going to drag an image here and we're going to add this button or this arrow here and we'll just you know bring attention to it now it looks kind of bad because it's because it's gray on gray but that's okay we're going to change the image right now let's find a good image that looks similar to this and it should look much better so let's head over to either pixabay or pixels or pixels to find a free image and what should we type in let me see so i mean how would you describe this uh oops grass and sun okay these are free images i believe let's type it in here to both of these places so we can get some free images that looks kind of cool that looks kind of cool you know that looks kind of good so we want to find something as similar as possible now there is a little hack we could do we could possibly even take this exact same image we just have to make sure that it's allowed okay so it might not be allowed we don't want to copy you know plagiarize or do anything like that but what we could do is if we oh no we can't even do that here so we can't inspect element so it looks like they protected the page and i'm not gonna i'm not gonna get around it because i don't wanna do that anyway uh so let's just find an image instead find something that you know that looks pretty good right looks close enough this one i like that are there mountains here yeah there's some mountains there so maybe that one looks good i like this one so let's try this one and see what that looks like the only thing is there are people there this one is just old cartoony so that's this one's just old cartoony so if you need cartoony animations you can use that um probably not gonna do that let's head here instead let's grab a large image so it's as high quality as possible okay so we downloaded that let's head back to our page we're going to select this background here select image and let's change image and let's upload new image and now we're going to go to downloads and i believe that's this one give it a second okay let's try that and see what that looks like looks kind of cool um we can maybe leave it as is i'm not going to spend too much time because i mean literally you know we could spend hours just looking for a good image so we're just going to leave it at this looks kind of close enough so that's okay but what you want to do is find an image that looks literally as close to that as possible so if there's anything else oops there's anything else here like maybe that one you know sorry i'm really getting into it because i love doing like stuff like this and making things look good so um that one's okay yeah but let's just leave it as is what you would want to do is find an image that looks as close to that pop-up keeps popping up as close to that as possible so let's head over here and let's maybe do one more thing maybe we'll add some testimonials so look around and see if they offer testimonials on the easy battery reconditioning page i think they might and what we'll do here is we'll just add one of those let's just delete all this though we don't need that and let's maybe add this here so we'll say copyright at 2020 and we'll say you know easy battery re-condition oh yeah and we have to change the title of this page too because i think i messed that up as well okay uh now be very careful when you say things like you know easy battery reconditioning like i said check the rules and check the affiliate terms and conditions sometimes you're not allowed to use the name and say that you know this is your page because we're not easy battery reconditioning in this case i know it's fine with this product but what you want to do is make sure and read the terms and conditions for your product okay and once again if it doesn't allow you to do that then make up a different name say like the battery saver for example right so that's what you would want to do instead and in fact just to be safe let's just do that so i'll say the battery saver just to give you an example so we'll name this you know this is our page called the battery saver and then here we're just reconditional batteries on facebook that's fine let's say this is the battery saver so always you want to be sure um you know you want to be safe so that looks about right uh looks weird now let's do that smaller sorry sometimes uh being a perfectionist one of my flaws because i spent too much time on this stuff when i shouldn't but that's about right okay let's keep it at this looks okay let's make this a little bit bigger where's the here's the size 18. 20. okay all right cool so let's just add a little uh testimonial here so let's just add an image of a person um well heck why not add me why not add me might as well oh okay a little big a little big so let's let's do this here and you know let's imagine this is my testimonial uh you know don't don't do this like make sure testimonials are real right uh but i'm just gonna save time and i'm just gonna write something out so let's say i had trouble with my batteries and i spent let's say hundreds of dollars constantly buying new ones and trying to bring the dead ones back to life thanks to let's say the battery saver i was able to finally bring my batteries back to life and finally um finally was able to save money all right yvonne mena the testimonial creator all right let's make this a little bigger it's way too small way too small sixteen hey that will do donkey that will do maybe eighteen all right all right it looks about right let's bold it i'm going to ctrl b just to make things faster and then this one i'm going to control i to make things faster but you would click stuff over here and that looks about right let's maybe just increase the line spacing here a little bit it's a bit small i feel like maybe something like that we can make this background less gray as well so maybe a bit more white looks a bit weird if it's so gray and there's no reason to be maybe then let's do this just to make things just make it look better maybe we can do something like that and kind of squeeze it in just so it doesn't look a bit awkward with like the whole bottom part cut off so that's about right now you don't have to do a crazy big landing page guys right so sometimes you want to put more information sometimes that's good but on the other hand you don't want to put too much information because it's going to you know people are going gonna get distracted and they're just gonna end up reading your stuff and not even signing up so if you do end up doing longer pages make sure you have the button at every you know at every step to refer them back to the top okay so we're gonna do that sorry okay so we're pretty much good here you know this is our page we'll be using uh the background by the way uh let's go into advanced settings real quick just because we want to kind of show the whole thing something like that yeah as opposed to just hiding it so that looks good let's save this page now we do have to say where we want to take people to right so we're not ready yet because we don't have a thank you page but we want to send people to the thank you page first right so we have to create it now we could use this little form dialog here that's totally fine too and we can add kind of our pixel here and stuff like that we could even add a little button here saying people hey check out the page so it's up to you how you want to do it in this case just to save time you could probably just go ahead and do that so we can add a little button here so this is going to be a little pop-up okay so when someone when someone signs up they're gonna see this thank you page pop up and then they will have the chance to go to the offer page um the thing about pop-ups though is the reason why i'm not too big of a fan of them is people can just click x and that's it whereas with a thank you page it's kind of more in your face right so it's up to you how you want to do it in the google ads video we did a thank you page um so you know what screw it let's just let's just do a thank you page here as well screw it let's just let's just be consistent so let's save that let's go back into overview uh i don't think we need images anymore right yeah i don't think so okay now we do have to publish this uh the best now there is a custom domain here that i have the if you just created an unbalanced account you're probably going to start off with or something uh check out my video uh i you know i'll put it in the description and again up top there's going to be a circle that's going to swoop in on how to create your custom domain with unbounce so again i have 30 plus videos on that so check that out but we're gonna have this page and now if we click on it boom right looks pretty cool and then someone when they click here they're gonna then land on this page which looks pretty similar right i'm pretty happy with it i'm pretty happy with how this looks um now we might want to change that meta description and by the way let's just change the title here we can dish we conditioning yeah all right so let's create a thank you page now let's head back over into old pages and let's create a group real quick so we don't lose this stuff so i'm going to add or remove groups and let's create a new group let's say easy oops battery now there might be a limit here we condition oh okay we didn't hit the limit that's good uh no we did hit the limit name is too long okay easy okay um let's say battery saver all right so we've added this to battery saver so if we go to battery saver here we should see this which is great now what we're going to do is let's duplicate this page and we're just going to use you know the exact same background and all that but we're going to delete everything and just have a thank you there okay so let's head over here let's edit um it says edit champion variant right yeah looks good okay so let's quickly do an edit here and then we're going to come back and redo the name and the url and all that good and fun stuff okay so we could leave the testimonial here you know we could leave it there it's up to you there's no right answer but let's delete all that let's just say thank you for signing up all right and we could add another text block saying check your email to get your free guide if you haven't uh i'm gonna make the smaller in a second just hold on if you haven't received an email yet check your spam folder online now i can't see what's going on check your spam folder or email me at all right looks good let's make this smaller and let's not bold it shouldn't be that big this 24 looks about right right what do you guys think i like a little space there all right awesome so we have this now let's add a button i approve okay we can leave the testimonial there it's fine we can leave it there let's add a little button here now the bun should ideally be the same color as that other button um i don't like having like an orange bun here i i don't think it fits to have an orange button uh you know it's like an add to card button so i think we're gonna just leave it at blue but what we can do is make it the same color as this so we're gonna head over here we're gonna copy it uh let's change this button color just just make them all consistent is that the same color i don't think so oh now it is perfect okay and then for the button let's say um watch let's say free video on how to save batteries now right something like that increase the size a bit make the button a bit bigger right so we're giving people an opportunity to kind of go to the sales page right now if they want to so let's also i i i will make it how to i will capitalize make it a title case so to make it a little stand outish okay that looks about right to me watch free video awesome okay so let's do that okay so this button so we have to still go back and once we change the click once we set up tracking we have to go in here and uh change the url right because we want to take people to the affiliate offer um actually we can take people to the affiliate offer now because we'll be using click magic yeah so actually we can take the people to the affiliate offer now so what we're gonna do is uh where's our link so this is our page here here so we're gonna click on promote click on generate hop link we're gonna copy this link okay we're gonna come in here and we are going to paste the url here okay now you will have to set up conversion tracking as well so i'm going to show you how to set up tracking here with click magic and all that fun stuff but you will have to set up sales track okay and i have a video for that i'll link it in a second um you know it's going to be up above somewhere i'll link it when the time comes but you will have to come back here and just add a little something to this url when you get there okay you will have to add a little something to it it is a lengthy process um i don't want to take up you know the 10 minutes of this video showing you how to set up uh sales tracking when i already have it in another video uh but just know that you will have to come back and change this url okay but for now this is fine like all of this will still work you will still be able to make sales and send traffic and all that fun stuff okay now for this let's say easy battery reconditioning let's say let's name this thank you page good and then let's go over here and we'll change this url so i don't want to say that so let's say let's say thank you let's see if that works because we might already have a thank you page yeah so let's say thank you easy right for easy battery that should work so remember this url because we have to enter this now so let's publish that now we're going to publish the thank you page so we pretty much have completed now our landing page on thank you page but we have to go in and we have to add this thank you page to our landing page right because that's where we want to send people to so i'm going to copy a copy link address and let's go back into all pages we have to add this to the battery saver group as well this is a thank you page so we're gonna add or remove from groups and we're gonna add it to the battery saver group and there you go now we can go to battery saver and we see all our links here and we're gonna edit the champion variant and over here we have to send people to so we're going to go to url right and we're going to send people here to this url right because we want to send them to the thank you page after they sign up so after someone enters their email and all that fun stuff they're gonna go to the thank you page so let's click save and let's click republish and we should be good to go here okay so once you start sending traffic to this page you will be able to make sales you know if you create the ad and everything everything is set up but we still have to actually create the emails right and we have to give people the guide but as of now we built this skeleton right we built everything kind of that you need need everything else is just kind of extra and and obviously you want to give people the guide right uh you don't want to lie to them uh but let's head over to powerpoint so let's say we did that so now let's just quickly set up some tracking uh we'll set up an autoresponder and then we will finally create our facebook ad so i'm gonna close out of that so for the tracking uh you can use whatever third-party tracking system you use i use clickmagick if you use my affiliate link this is my affiliate link i will get a commission but no extra cost to you you get an exclusive 30-day trial as opposed to a 14-day trial so there's really there's no downside to using you know someone's affiliate link it just usually gives you extra bonuses if you do so what we're going to do is let's copy that i'm going to control c let's head back over here oh my god should i just close out of this page i don't want to close out of it because i might have to come back to it but let's just go ahead and let's copy that and there it's going to take us to click magic you'll just sign up so click on try it free and i give you a 30 day trial as opposed to a 14 day which is what most people get i already have an account i'm just going to log in i believe to evon yep okay so they've added new stuff uh so this is what your interface is gonna look like i have an overview video again on click funnels to make sure this video is under 10 hours long you know check out my videos if you want to go into detail on any one i have a an overview video of click magic and then i have about 60 videos on how to use every single part so you should never have any questions on clickmagick if you watch my videos um check out the link above but what we're going to do here is quickly go to campaigns okay and we have to set up a campaign now so we have to set up some tracking so for you if you're just starting out you might see um three steps here you might see step one enter code step two build your url step three send traffic and we'll be doing all of that so the step one you'll see a link here and it's gonna say you know click here to get your code it's just gonna be this it's gonna be website code so what we have to do is we're gonna add this code to our landing page and then we're gonna add the conversion code to our thank you page so we can track how many people signed up okay which is awesome that's super important so let's go ahead and copy this to clipboard let's go back into unbounce this is our landing page let's head over into javascript and we're going to paste it here and we'll select head and let's just say here let's say here click magic campaigns okay we'll click done we'll click save we'll click republish all right looks good let's go back and let's add the code to our thank you page so we can track how many people actually uh signed up right because that's important so let's go back into our battery saver here let's click here and let's click edit so that code in click magic this you will only add to your landing page no other pages okay only the landing page and then you're gonna go to conversion tracking you're going to select action because this is just going to be your confirmation signup people who signed up you click on copy to keyboard you'll comment over here let's get rid of that go into javascript paste it here click on head and then type in just for our reference click magic campaigns let's say action right this is going to be our action and so now once we start sending traffic to our landing page and then to the thank you page you will see how many people signed up in click magic okay you're going to see everything here right here there's going to be your interface you will see the number of visitors you'll see the actions okay so we can test it out once we actually create our facebook ad because we have to create the url okay so once we create the url uh we should be good to go now the one more thing we have to do is set up sales tracking between click bank and click magic i do have about a 10 minute video on this so check that video out you do have to set up sales conversion tracking so that you can track sales that's the point of click magic so check that video out in the description and i you know it's going to be a little circle that swoops in above click on that you do have to set it up i just want to make sure this video is under five hours long okay so i'm not including it here um but i already made it just take a look now let's assume you've already set up the sales tracking that's when you would go in here and you would change the url okay but for the purpose of this video this url is totally fine let's drag that here um did this url not save okay so i guess we have to go back in here and add this url i guess i didn't say let's go to promote but that's the one to which you would add some stuff okay you'll see in the video what i mean it will teach you step by step but let's go over here go to url let's try to republish that let's make sure it stays this time it looks like that didn't save with this okay let's try that again just to make sure it stays on this page i don't know what happened i don't know why that url didn't save let's refresh and make sure it's there now uh and that's pretty much it for the tracking so let's click this button now there you go okay so we're going to be taking people here you don't have to do anything else with click magic campaigns everything will be sent through and transferred and you're good to go okay so we've set up tracking again make sure you set up the sales conversion tracking between clickbank and click magic but aside from that let's head over here and let's put a little check mark so congratulations we set up tracking set everything up now we have to set up an autoresponder i use get response as my autoresponder you can use again whatever you want to this is my affiliate link and it's a i give you a 30 day free trial as well so we're going to copy that i have 20 videos or so on get response so again i cover everything in detail we're going to enter that in here and you will see something like this now i again will just log in and what we're going to do here is simply create our our our list okay so we're going to create a list and then we're going to create an autoresponder sequence so we promised people that we would give them something for free so what you want to do is give them something for free okay you don't have to so again this is ideally what you want to do to get them to sign up but whatever it is you want to do to get an email maybe you can say you know watch free video and then you get them to sign up and you take them to the sales page and on the sales page he has this free video you can do that but ideally that's how you build trust you give out this free stuff okay so let's build out our uh autoresponder so we're gonna go to lists here and we're gonna create a new list and let's enter a list name so this one we could say battery saver now the thing about get responses the one thing i don't like is that any person can take a name so if somebody else in the world uses this name battery saver i can't use it okay so that's the one thing i don't like but let's see if it's available and it is so we're gonna click here and now we're gonna create an autoresponder okay so we're gonna go in here and click on autoresponders and um i show you i have a video where i show you my email sequence for some of my pages um you know these are pretty high uh open rates 30 70 uh but we're going to click on create autoresponder and we're going to create this first email for the people that sign up to our landing page so for the autoresponder name um we can this is only for your reference so no customer is going to see it so we can say uh let's say battery saver zero because it's gonna be on day zero so as soon as someone signs up we wanna send people this email so it's like battery saver we wanna send it immediately after they sign up right and then we're gonna we can click on create new email or we can choose an email like an existing one and just edit it in our case let's suppose we don't have an email so we'll click on create new email message name okay so this part the subject is what the user will see okay so for the message name um so free guide right so we want to mention that hey this is your email for the free guide so uh let's say maybe free guide or let's say thanks for signing up here's your free guide right you're giving people what what you promised them we're going to copy it i'm going to paste it here and let's add a little smiley face or something here there you go let's click on save next step okay now we have to choose a template uh i don't like any of these templates these images they're extras you know when you're when anybody sends you any sort of email do they add images no right they just have a flat you know text hey billy hayvon blah blah blah blah regards right nobody uses these fancy images i think they come off as salesy i think it's unnecessary i'm going to start from scratch you want to make it as personal as possible so i'm just going to use this blank template and what we're going to do is let's insert a text block here and we've we we got the person's name right if you recall on our landing page we have well if you recall we have the first name and then the email i like collecting both i like collecting email in addition to uh the first name so what we can do here is we can say hey and then we're going to use two square brackets first name and what that's going to do is it's going to automatically plug in the first name that the person wrote down in here so instead of you know first name and square brackets it's going to have their actual name so let's remove the bold and let's make it 16. i think that's a good size and then let's click enter so it's like that okay hey first name here is oops okay so again uh yeah that looks 16. all right so here is the free guide that i promised you right and then you send them the free guide and you could say something like click here to download your guide now you might be asking how you get a freebie what do you do so you can either create this yourself or if you go to i actually wasn't really planning on this that's why it's not in the excel sheet if you go on and you type in what you want so let's say create pdf you can find people for say five bucks that can do stuff for you so this is canadian seven dollars but it's five dollars u.s that's why it's fiverr uh you can find people to do stuff for you so here i will create edit convert premium quality pdf design ebook so i'm not sure what this person exactly does but you want to go in there and just see so you could find someone to do this for you or you just do a little bit of research if you know your topic go in there and you know do some research type in what are the ways to save batteries and just present it in a guide so just make it yourself uh so that's what i did i if you go to i give you a free 55-page guide what i did was i actually created the guide myself i wrote everything down took the images took the videos but then i did hire someone on fiverr to design it and make it look nice and professional okay so that's what that looks like so you can do that here so once you do that you know you're gonna select this click here and then enter the url of your offer okay so of your free guide right so you would enter your free guide here so right click cancel um this guide contains the free ways you can save or let's say you can bring your batteries back to life with no hassle and no cost okay so that's what this guide supposedly is if you want to learn the number one way to save dead batteries that takes the least amount of time check out this video right and then you can send them to the video you can link it here so let's grab our affiliate link again let's go here we'll click on promote right and you can copy that link and you can send them here so check out our link and you can just paste the link there check out this video right and then you send them to that sales page so there's your opportunity to actually sell and then in your guide ideally you also have links to these products right that you're gonna sell so that's how that's what the format would look like check out this video um you know i spent 25 years or something like that what whatever the story is right looking for a way to save my dead batteries and finally found it after spending you know let's say thousands of dollars okay something like that uh then what you want to do is you want to prime them for your upcoming emails right because we will just be doing the first email here but what you want to do is keep sending them emails filled with value so you want to say in the next email i want to send you you know the cheapest batteries you can get that will have the longest you know shelf life or whatever whatever the name of that is that will have the longest life um so make sure you white list my email yvonne to receive these news and updates okay i'll also be sending you a lot of other valuable content and information so did i say keep an eye out no i didn't say that yet so keep an eye out for these as well you know stay well and talk soon yvonne right and then what i like to do what i recently started doing uh what i've seen a lot of people actually use is like highlight oh sorry not that highlight the text so i can yellow or something and then that just you know that just adds a little adds a little flavor to it so that's even mana right uh so there's your first email right so you're gonna send them something for free ideally you can skip this again and you can simply take them straight to the sales page so you could just say check out free video reveals how to save batteries and then you send them straight to this sales page which has a video showing you how to save batteries right but the more you give for free the more you build trust the more you build a relationship stuff like that that's why it's a good idea to have a guide and then in that guide you can also have links right as long as the guide is valuable not like a bs you know three sentence guide that just anyone can find anywhere try to put in as much content as you can right and as much value so um i'm just looking for ways to just tidy this up a little bit make it look prettier so i spent maybe like 25 years let's bold that if you want the number one way to save dead batteries right and maybe this one we could underline it you don't want to put too much here so that's one of the things i learned is you don't want to kind of highlight and bold everything because usually when you receive emails from friends they don't do that right so you want to make it as personable as possible but that's pretty much it [Music] you send them here and then maybe you can do a little ps here as well and we're going to remove this background we don't need the yellow here or sorry we'll do make it transparent ps this video really helped me save another hundreds of dollars on battery reconditioning so check it out right and then what we can do is we can add this affiliate link as well so i'm going to hop in here i'm going to copy that link and then i'll you know add this here as well so kind of uh i have the link now in two places right and then now people from this email they're going to check the video sales page as well all right so that looks about right let's save it let's see what it looks like let's stay zero looks good let's save and publish and then let's actually take a look and just just see if it looks good ah battery saver let's remove that okay so that we're gonna preview this okay so hey friend right so that friend's gonna be replaced notice it doesn't have the two square brackets anymore and that's you know that means it's working so hey friend here's the free guy that i promise you so i'm not going to click that because that's going to send me to a page that doesn't exist but if you want to learn the number one that takes the least amount of time check out this video and then if you click that video you will go to this page and let's close out of that too i spent 25 years in the next email so make sure to check out my email stay well right and then again this video you click here and you get taken to that page and that's the process okay so then what you want to do is after this you want to keep sending emails and you want to uh just bring value right bring value show people that you care and then they will eventually buy right so the more expensive the product the more you have to do it the more you have to build trust the more content and value you have to provide uh for a product that's forty dollars comparatively speaking shouldn't be too bad uh the rule of thumb is well that's a lot of notifications the rule of thumb is sorry is you want to send three kind of three to four value-filled emails of hey here's how you do this here's how you do this here's some awesome things and then on the fourth email you want to say all right check this out limited time offer uh get this now buy it right that's the rule of thumb again check out my video on uh my email marketing campaigns and how i do it i have a full um you know 20 or so minute video showing you but that being said our campaign is now done what we do have to do though is we have to integrate this um this page right the landing page so let's go back and find our landing page we have to integrate it with get response so in this case i believe i already do if i go to leads or sorry integrations i might not have it here but i do have a video showing you exactly how to integrate it so i'm not going to again kind of go off track and show you how to do that i have a video on it check that out put the link above and in the description so you can learn how to integrate on bounce with get response i cover that all in detail uh so take a look at that but let's assume that you've already integrated it once you do that you're good to go and when somebody clicks on this page i could probably close out of that one while someone clicks on this page when they enter their name and email they will click on send my free guide they will get the guide in their email and they will be taken to the thank you page and then on that thank you page you will be sending people to the uh sales page right and then that's how the process works so that's pretty much it okay so we've we're done with this part now it's finally you know the moment we've all been waiting for let's actually create our ad so now we have to run ads to this actual close out of that to this actual offer we want to send people to our landing page right that's the whole goal so before we do that let's quickly head over into click magic let's create our link really quickly maybe we can close out of that page and let's log out of here i'm just sorry just trying to make more space trying to be a bit more organized there's just a lot of tabs open here uh close out of that too okay it looks okay so what we want to do here is now the step two of your campaigns is we want to go to url builder going to add our url which is this one so let's copy that let's paste it here and now we're promoting on facebook so for the utm source we want to say facebook for the utm medium we can say cpc it's this is more so if you are promoting on google for instance and you have you know search campaigns display campaigns whatever campaigns you would enter that here in facebook it's really you know either instagram facebook so we could either you know we could say cpc facebook or whatever but you want to make sure it's all consistent okay so if you're using cpc in lowercase here don't use cpc in uppercase for a different campaign make it all consistent you don't want to have to read through you know 20 different variations of the exact same thing when you see the stats for the campaign uh this the name of the campaign is easy battery recondition um you know you can make this whatever you want it doesn't have to be this long reconditioning so you can just say battery reconditioning for instance that should probably do the trick or nah we'll say it easy to clarify but just again make the campaign name consistent so if you will be promoting this on google later on or microsoft later on make sure this name is the same okay next we have utm term so these two are optional so these three are required of course you don't have to enter facebook here you can enter facebook here if you want to but you have to fill these in so these three must be filled in and then this is the link we will be using in facebook okay so uh utm term you can say whatever you want here so for this one i like to add the facebook placement um so what we can do here is we could they have these tokens which i will get into in a second i'll get into that when we get there but we'll just say placement here and it's going to tell you where exactly right this token is going to be changed to show you exactly where where this ad was placed in facebook because it it it's not always going to be in the same place and then here we could say you know add one whatever and then this so this one we're going to change once we get to the actual ad but now let's head over to i can probably close out of that page as well let's head over to facebook and now what we can do is if we refresh the page we should see the little image there the new image that we added there you go beautiful let's go into business settings and let's go into ads manager and this is where we'll be creating our campaigns now you'll see a bunch of campaigns here this is what we've ran together from my courses so check those out if you want so ignore this you'll see a blank page don't worry about it we'll click on create and now we have to create our campaign i will go through an overview of all this we are going to do everything together but if you want more detail you know i cover into extensive extensive detail for every single step of the way then you definitely want to check out my facebook ads course at old courses if you want the the granular level of detail but here we're just going to do basic stuff so let's say for the name easy battery reconditioning perfect this is not a special ads category we're going to select auction for the buying type and we're going to select traffic for the campaign objective again i go into detail what each of these mean but just for starters if you're just starting out it's best to select traffic for the ad set name we're going to leave these two blank for now we'll come back to them because we have to our name should be the name of our actual um like interest targeting and our demographics and all that stuff okay so we'll just click save to draft and so facebook has three layers they have the campaign they have the ad group and then they have the ad okay so right now we've created the campaign level and at the campaign level you select the objective so that's what the difference is if you're asking why three layers so at the campaign objective you control uh at the campaign level you control the campaign objective and these are basically you know facebook depending on what you choose is uh going to show your ads to people that are most likely to so for example for traffic facebook is going to show your ads to people that are most likely to click on your ad for brand awareness facebook is going to show your ads to people most likely to uh or it is just going to show your ads to as many people as possible so you get that brand awareness type of thing right so you can select campaign budget optimization and what that's going to do is that's going to distribute your budget at the campaign level as opposed to the ad set level we're going to leave it off you know minor detail not gonna worry about it so we can now go to the asset level by clicking here or by clicking add set okay and we can do that and then we'll click edit and now at the ad set level is where you set all the targeting and all the demographics and all that fun stuff okay so we're going to leave this blank for now we'll come back to it we're going to leave dynamic creative off i have a video on that facebook ads don't worry about that if you have a special offer like you know 20 off or three days you will click on daily budget we can leave it at twenty dollars we can start i believe with even five dollars here yeah so we can start with a five dollar a day budget totally fine uh star day will start right now and then here's where we set the demographic so what is your target audience so if we go to our page here and we go to easy battery reconditioning we might get some insight here let me answer this is why i put in the fake email at the beginning because we end up having to go here 50 times so if you go to there should be like a demographic or here facebook advertising kit and interest targeting okay so we can go here uh yeah so there's that page that's an aria so that's what we've done i'm just trying to find i'm just trying to find the demographic so we can have an idea of who we're promoting to so it's probably going to be under demographics and then interest targeting oh that that's not it so i'm going to do control f and let's see if we can do demographics see if we can find it here demographic let's click here okay there you go so um wow okay so these are our recommended demographics now do you have to use these no you can do you know from 18 to 65 but this is what works best so apparently based on this information so um these guys wouldn't lie to you they make money when you make money and you make money when they make money so you're working together with them so if you are tight on budget you want to maybe start from you know your demographic from 45 to 65. so if we go back into here let's for the age we're going to say what was it 45 to 65 plus right so 45 to 65 plus is our age now it does say 18 to 44 converting well also however they don't convert quiet as well so um like i said you can have them and then you can just test or you can create different ad groups and you can have you know you can you can test them all against each other males and females convert well however we have seven times as many sales from men so if you're tight on budget and you want you know the best sales you would go in here and you would select genders and let's select men okay looks good uh location so the countries have the most sales in order so we can probably add all these or we can add maybe the top five for example uh highest converted countries okay so the most total sales are these countries and then the highest conversion rate countries are these okay uh and then devices okay so we can use all this right so your clickbank affiliate resources are your best friend here if you're just starting out and you're sure and you're tight on budget because they tell you exactly what works right off the bat so um this is where visitors convert the high so this is looks like the difference here is the conversion rate here uh by these so we could just add let's say these 10 countries here so we can go in here and for the location we can add canada or sorry we can have people living in or people living so we can select you know from one of these options let's say people just living in this location and then we're going to include let's say united states we'll click enter we're going to include australia united kingdom australia united kingdom new zealand south africa okay sometimes it lags a little bit new zealand south africa norway now i'm thinking these are all english-speaking countries right norway germany sweden malaysia maybe they speak english but i'm guessing the majority of people that live in these countries speak their language germans speak german you know malaysians speak malaysian i'm guessing i might be wrong but what i'm saying is i would probably want to start with english-speaking countries because if we're targeting germany for example maybe we would want to create german ads now that's not really an issue because we can select english speakers so we have an option here too it's a bit laggy we have the option to select english speakers but just for simplicity let's stick with these six for now and then we can come back and revisit and add more countries as we see fit uh i don't know why it's really lagging give it a second here okay looks good that's fine now so we've added these countries again we can add all those other ones we're going to leave it as this for now everything here looks good uh demographics look good so yeah so here is what i meant by all languages we can select you know like english as the main one and then it's going to show the ads to you know mainly english speakers we can just leave it at all that's okay and now this is where you know the the heart of facebook ads comes in as in this interest targeting selecting the exact audience groups so like keywords and google ads you have interest targeting in facebook ads so let's see if we can find something about uh interest groups and we will do desktop so it says desktop convert the best so we can do we can do only desktop traffic actually let's see if we can maybe do that now click on show more options let's see where the [Music] it's going to be here if we go to manual placements go to old devices let's just select desktop here so again this is like if you're tight on budget and you only want to know what works then we're going to select desktop because we know that converts the best but we're not at that point yet so let's scroll back up here let's just do this interest targeting real quick so let's go back um let's see if we can find so at the very top here oh it took us back to that page all right so let's see i believe it's interest targeting okay so nope so something's not working it's not taking us to the right page let's try it again there you go so you do have to do uh research okay to find the best group so if you're just starting out and you you know you don't have an existing audience that you can remarket to you would have to go in and do research like battery reconditioning you would look at rechargeable batteries you would look at how many people are there you would keep doing uh keep going through the list of all these options and kind of seeing what's available and what's relatable and then using the audience insights tool i cover that in great in much greater detail in my course but for the purpose of this video let's just use what they are giving us here so in this case make sure to look at the demographics or product however these are great market segments so we could start let's find something maybe diy projects that looks good so maybe let's see diy project so let's see how many so my rule of thumb is i want to have between 100 to 400 000 people in my interest group any more than that is pretty broad any less than that and it's just it's not enough traffic but that is a rule of thumb okay so if you think that you found really good interest groups that are really hyper targeted and or or that are broad enough that but you think they'll convert well you know throw the rule of thumb out the window but it's just a good rule of thumb to keep you in place if you do if you are unsure of where you're going so we can start with diy project now we can keep adding these uh numbers we can keep adding them on and on or we can do we can narrow an audience and we can say people that like diy projects and that like this and that like that okay so we can keep adding that in now in this case we don't have enough people so we probably should make it narrower in fact we should probably make it broader so we can do here and the reason why it's so small is because you know we have only men ages 45 to 65 plus so that's why it's not as much as the group originally said it was uh so maybe let's add car repair or something or let's do battery reconditioning i still like that one i think that one is um that one is good let's see what we get for easy battery why isn't anything showing up battery so rechargeable battery has 65 million people but let's click on it and see what happens okay so we're reaching 790 000 people so our ads will show to people that either like this facebook group called diy projects or people that like this group called rechargeable batteries so there's there are facebook groups and uh we're going to be shangrats to people who like these groups now of course there's more research that goes into it it's not you know it's not as simple as people who like this group are likely to buy they could be at any part they could just have liked it because they are the types of people that like absolutely everything or they could like it because they are hardcore fans and they really love rechargeable batteries and learning everything about it you will not know okay but you can do the best you can and you can test and experiment and see what works so we're going to keep that as is let's let's use these are as our interest groups for now so back to the placements you can choose where you want your ads to show up on um if you're tight on budget i like to go with only the news feed so i'm going to close out of that close out of that i'm going to remove these in-stream ads i'm going to go only with the facebook news feed okay and we set only desktop so we can expect to get you know about two to thirteen clicks per day which is pretty good considering you're paying five dollars a day you know maybe one of those will convert and it's all gonna be awesome uh if you have a little more money if you have more budget you're okay to experiment and to test you can then select everything you can select all these options and you can you know remove desktop and just do mobile as well and test it out okay but that's how that would work now here's for the cost so if you want to set a maximum cost per click like you're saying i will not pay more than you know five dollars a click which probably makes sense if our budget is five dollars you can set that here in our case let's suppose we're not paying more than 50 cents a click we're going to say that we can look at more categories here we'll leave it at cost cap for now uh when you're charged you can be charged for impression or for click now it's not available for click with our cost cap if we do bit cap and see if that changes uh nope still not working because i believe this is a new account and it hasn't ran any ads yet that is one of the reasons why you would not be eligible for cpc yet okay so we do have to pay for impressions so we're going to leave it at that and now this is our interest group okay so let's go back and let's actually um change the name for our group so over here we're targeting these people so let's we're going to copy this we're going to paste it here we'll say rechargeable battery slash to say or diy projects and then let's say what countries we're targeting and what age groups so we're doing 45 to 65 plus and we're targeting you know canada us australia you know some of these oh let's see what else uk nz and sa not ukraine but united kingdom um make sure you pick names that you that that make sense to you right like these will make sense to me uh make sure to make something that makes sense to you so the point of this is when you have a bunch of different interest groups you will be able to refer back to them and know which one is which so hey this interest group is for 45 to 65 the next interest group is for 30 to 45 you know stuff like that so now we're done with this let's head over into our ad and that's the last thing we have to do before we're finally done so we're going to click on add we're going to click on edit and it says setup error because it's incomplete we don't have a url let's go back into clickmagick first thing we'll do is let's enter this url here we're going to copy it come back here and let's enter the url so we get that annoying error message out of the way now uh we have that so it's gonna show us the placement okay um so i'm not gonna explain this in too much detail uh but check out my video on how to promote uh click magic links on facebook ads i explain this what this placement means and what other options you have and how it works in much greater detail so check the link out above or i'll put it in the description but in the meantime let's also add utm content okay so we're going to say here at the end we'll say utm content and we'll say equals and then we're gonna describe this ad okay so we're gonna describe this ad later on make sure we select the right page so it's gonna be reconditioning here and then we're gonna set the add name after we're done creating the ad so let's scroll down let's add an image here so we're going to click on add media the cool thing about facebook is that they haven't they have an integration with shutter stock so you can get free shutter stock images okay so we can click on stock photos so the first thing we'll do is let's add an image and then we're going to fill in the blanks so let's head over here let's type something like easy battery reconditioning give it a second to load i don't know why it's so laggy and because of their integration there's just so many images but we're pretty much done with the process we're just going to do this and we'll be good to go uh battery now they also did right if you remember on the affiliate page they provided us this year they provided us with some images which we can use as well but i just want to show you these are some pretty good high quality images that might even be higher quality than the ones that we've been given so we might use these so maybe something like that give it a second to load again and we should be able to add it in no time so we can find an appealing image none of these really make too much sense maybe something like that i'm waiting for these two i don't know why it's taken so long okay so let's just add something like this you know let's pretend that that's a good image obviously you would do image shopping maybe even use the images you know that they give you here that totally works as well but that should be good give it a second for the image to upload and then we'll be able to add all the other text okay so there you go you know so just a little image uh so let's start with the headline the headlines what's going to show up at the right there okay the description is going to show up below the headline and then the primary text is what's going to show up right above the image and below the you know that name over there so for the headline let's say we're giving people a free guide right free ebook reveals how to save batteries right so we don't want to make it too long we can um if we make it too long there's not going to be any space for the description which is up to you it's fine if you want to do that but the description is optional because it doesn't show up oftentimes okay and i guess there's our little testimonial there i don't know if you see it it automatically takes text from the page so over here let's say free you know 30 page or however long you know free let's say five page or maybe you don't even want to say how many pages free ebook shows you how to save batteries with no hassle and no cost check it out now now i also do like to include call to action so for example get your free ebook now right anything like that but the word free is pretty appealing here so we can leave that as is uh so we're pretty much good to go here one more thing we have to do a few more things uh let's go to the call to action you can select what you want here so maybe get offer right and then that's going to show up that little button there and then we're going to be sending people to this page so let's just create our primary text copy what i like to do is i like to start off with a question because people aren't on facebook to buy people are on facebook to relax right so you want to hook their attention with a nice image and nice question a nice text so we can say [Music] want to have longer lasting batteries my free ebook guide shows you how you can save batteries with minimal time spent and no money investment right something like that you will learn and then you could say okay so you can check out my video to learn how how you can add these emojis but on windows i'm pressing windows period and then these things pop up okay and then you can just select what you want so i'll do a little check mark here and i will say you know you will learn um the three ways to save your dead batteries right you can let's do control that you can say the best long lasting batteries you can buy and let's say um you know how to save 90 of your i don't know just like what is your guide about right you would be describing it here uh how to save 90 of your battery energy i don't know i have no idea right just just describe your guide somehow um all you have to do is visit the site and have to do is let's say click the link below sign up and i'll send you your free guide get started here okay and then what we can do is we can add little hand icons like this and then we can just copy that and paste it over multiple times that's pretty much it that's what our ad is going to look like we're going to publish this and i'm going to oh we forgot to add the name let's add the name here of our ad right so our ad we can say i don't know what that is is that like a tape image so we have to do two things here we forgot give it a second so we'll say um battery image something that you can refer to later on so that you can read these stats in click magic right so we can say battery image and we can say question headline something like that or maybe say you know longer lasting quest for question right something that you can refer to later on so we have like a battery image there and then what we want to do is let's copy that let's go back down if you recall we have to add it here and that way we can see it in click magic okay so let's publish that real quick and while it's loading in click magic when you go back let's head back into campaigns you will be able to sort here so by source by medium right and you will have the name of your ad right here and you can sort by it and see hey how's my specific ad performing okay and then that's it um let's see if we can see what this looks like so we can view on desktops so let's see on facebook news feed let's see what our ad is gonna look like um so oh yeah they changed the interface quite a bit so we're going to scroll down and then boom okay there's your added that's sponsored but see how it says the face it says here and people can click on that right people can click on that and see your page so that's why you want to make sure it looks good but we have this right if someone clicks on that and then boom let's suppose they click here they're taken to this page they will enter their email they will be taken to the thank you page they will get the free guide and then you give them the opportunity to buy your product and that's how you promote affiliate products online um that's all there is to it guys hope this was helpful for you if you want more detailed tutorials you know check out my youtube playlist check out my courses at uh if you just go to uh that slash all dash courses over here in my courses you can also get this my free guide on affiliate marketing as well so i do what i preach but if you go to my courses you'll see all these different courses here so you have the facebook ads course and then you have the facebook ads retargeting course right so i teach you everything from start to finish but that's about it let me know in the comments below um what products you want to promote let me know in the comments um what thank you page are you using what landing page builder you're using you know was this tutorial helpful if you enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up and subscribe thank you again for watching and i will see you in the next video
Channel: Ivan Mana
Views: 33,946
Rating: 4.9490638 out of 5
Keywords: facebook affiliate marketing, facebook ads affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing, what is affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing for beginners, affiliate marketing training, affiliate marketing tutorial, affiliate marketing 2020
Id: UxTwsf8hyIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 53sec (5693 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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