YouTube Video Ads Tutorial (Made In 2021 for 2021) - Step-By-Step for Beginners

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hey guys yvonne here at in this video i want to show you how to create youtube or video ads here with google ads it's going to be a complete step-by-step tutorial i'm going to show you everything this is a video made in 2021 for 2021 so you will see everything as updated as possible i have been running my ads on google for the past five years i've generated a full-time six-figure income doing so and in this video i want to go through and show you the step-by-step process in creating these video ads and maybe some thought processes behind it some tips some tricks all that stuff to help you succeed alright uh before we get into it guys make sure to hit like and subscribe hit the notification bell icon so you get notified when i release more videos just like this all right that being said let's stop goofing around let's get straight into there so in order to create these youtube slash video ads you do have to uh sign up to google ads all right so everything is done within google ads so all you guys are going to do is head over to the page is going to look something similar to this and what you're going to do is if you don't have an account yet simply click on start now fill in some some details it's going to ask you for like your email your name um you know maybe your age things like that just just enter to the best of your ability sign up you do not need a gmail account so i have an account with outlook which is totally fine however it might be easier if you do have a gmail account just because then you can integrate it easier with google analytics google tag manager you know all these other google services but it's totally up to you so click on start now if you haven't yet and once you fill in those basic details the first page you'll see is something like this and it prompts you to kind of right away start creating the campaign but we don't want to create a campaign using these options we have to go into expert mode because expert mode is where we'll be able to create these video ads and it's going to give us a lot more customization options but once you do that it's going to prompt you to create a campaign what you're going to do is click on you know create um an account without a campaign let's see if that works now there you go so what you're going to do here is just click on create an account without a campaign right and this is because i just want to show you the main interface first i want to get you acquainted with like your main central dashboard before you create a campaign uh just to show you where you go once you do start having some ads up and so on so once you click on create an account without a campaign you will see a page that's going to look like this all right and this is your central dashboard so get used to it uh learn it familiar familiarize yourself with it i have a course at courses evonmana.comcourses i show you exactly how to use google ads and how to create search ads but you can of course also follow along with me here in this video and you know over time you will get used to this interface so from here on you will probably not see any campaigns if you haven't created anything these were from previous videos the shopping campaign video and the display campaign but what we're going to do here is click on this little plus sign and this is going to pull up the same window as here but now at least you're a little bit familiar of you know this interface so make sure you go to campaigns first on the left hand side click on little plus sign click on new campaign and this is where we're going to select our objective for a video campaign i do suggest you go with create a campaign without goals guidance because this is going to give us the biggest amount of choices if you select any one of these google is kind of going to lock you in to a certain video type because there are different options when it comes to video ads um so you want to go with this one because this is going to give you the biggest uh the the most number of options all right so select create a campaign without goals guidance then come over here and we're going to select video and now it's asking us for the campaign subtype so this is the option we're going to go with it's going to give us the biggest amount of choices however if you do have a video that's up to 15 seconds long and you want users to see the whole thing not six seconds that's bumper ads um non-skippable instruments up to 15 seconds long then you can select this option here don't do that so if your video is 15 seconds if you want to reach people outside of youtube you can select this option here if you have conversion tracking enabled you can select this option here so you can go through these options over time but the most popular one the one that most of you will most likely be doing is gonna be this one with either skippable in-stream bumper ads or video discovery ads all right so we're gonna select this option here but i do you know invite you to explore these other options as well so we're gonna go ahead and click on continue and um so you do have to have a video in mind right like what video do you want to have so let's suppose i want to promote one of my earlier videos how to create a google ads shopping campaign right let's suppose that's the video i have in mind that's currently on youtube so i'm going to say shopping campaign um you know google and let's say yvonne mana to indicate that i was the one who created it it's gonna be my video that i wanna promote uh the next thing here is the bid strategy so you can decide whether you wanna pay for every view and a view is counted when someone watches at least 30 seconds of your video if it is a skippable ad and if it's a non-skippable ad like a bumper ad which is six six seconds long or a non-skippable instrument which is up to 15 seconds long um then it would be the full duration of those uh of those videos so select which option you want to go with you can go with this one or you can go with target cpm which means you'll be paying for every thousand impressions so not necessarily when somebody's gonna be watching your video uh but when somebody sees that your video is there for example uh in the in the search results when someone types something in on uh youtube they might see your video but not click it so that is considered an impression so you can pay for every thousand impressions as well so it's up to you i would probably suggest going with maximum cpv because that way you ensure that you're paying for uh you know people actually watching your videos and then once you start increasing your click-through rates which means uh if somebody sees your video and then they click it the higher the rate is then i would suggest uh switching to target cpm because that is just going to end up being cheaper but if you're just starting out you can start with maximum cpv next we're going to enter a campaign budget so you can enter a campaign total like let's say you don't want to spend more than 200 for the entire lifetime of this campaign or you can spend daily so you can say for example let's say i want to spend no more than fifty dollars a day okay so you can do that starting today which is the 16th and going on until you stop it you can always pause you can always increase the budget decrease it okay and the next part here we have is networks so you're gonna be selecting where you want your ads to show is it for example only on youtube or on video partners so google has certain partners where they can show your videos on as well they don't reveal all their exact partner sites but if you basically want to extend your reach to outside of youtube uh you would keep this option on i'm gonna d-check mark it i want my ads only to show up on youtube so we're just going to stick with these two right over here next we're going to scroll down we're going to select locations so in this case it defaulted to the tier 1 locations which are considered to have the highest quality traffic and that's usually what i go with so i'm just going to stick with these countries here australia canada new zealand uk and the us uh languages uh we can leave at english note that this does not translate your languages so if you set a language to for example french it doesn't mean that your english ads will be converted to french it just means that you'll be targeting people that are likely speaking french all right so if your ad is in english you probably want to target english speakers right so we're going to leave it at english here next we have the inventory type so this is basically you know youtube has categories for different videos like some videos you know they have excessive profanity graphic violence and others are like don't have any of that basically right if you're unsure what this is just click on compare inventory types and it's going to give you examples of like you know violence or graphic content so that's going to be included in everything but for example blurred nudity it will be included in expanded inventory but not in standard or limited so if you don't want to show your ads on channels that have for example blurred nudity then you would want to go with standard or a limited inventory right so go through this list see if it relates to you and to your needs for your video and select the um the right category i'm gonna go with standard just as an example but again this you know this is totally up to you next we have excluded types yeah so over here you can exclude where you don't want your content to show up on so for example we don't want our content to show up on live streaming videos because people are probably you know they're focused on that live stream they don't want to click away so we don't want to show our ads on live streaming videos or some videos might not have a category assigned to them yet maybe you want to exclude your videos from there because you're not sure what category it belongs to so you can put a check mark here so this means your ads will not show on live streaming videos and content that hasn't been labeled by youtube yet okay so uh that is pretty much it for these basic things now this is where the targeting comes in so this is where you select who or where you want to actually show your ads to so the ad group name usually i name this after i select my audience so you have two options here right it goes into two categories you can target specific people no matter what video they look at so you can target an audience of people that for example like cars and no matter what video these people will be looking at you will show your ads to them because they like cars alternatively you can show your ads on specific videos for specific channels so there you will be reaching anybody that watches those specific pieces of content like uh videos or videos that have to do with certain topics or keywords right things like that so these are the two categories you have so let's briefly go through them so the first one is people right so you'll be targeting people no matter what video they choose so you can select your age gender parental status household income i'm gonna leave that off for now it doesn't require too much explanation but for this one here you can select an audience here you have a lot of options so you have all these different categories i go into them in depth in my other video on display ads but i'll quickly go through them here so you have detailed demographics which you know goes into more detail than what you have here so for example employment status home ownership status education marital status you could target all these people you know that youtube deems to be for example single you can target these people and show your ads to them regardless of which video they watch uh that's detailed demographics next you have affinity uh this is what youtube determines the person to have an interested in to have an affinity in so if youtube notices that somebody looks at a lot of car websites then youtube's gonna place them under the category that hey these guys are car lovers okay and you're going to be showing your ads to people that like cars i don't know where i can find cars it's going to be here vehicles and transportation right so car lovers for example so that's affinity in market is google determines that these people are in the market for something so they not only have an interest but right now at this specific time period google notices that these people are shopping for something so maybe these people are looking at specific sites where they sell cars like ford right and people are looking up how to buy afford where to buy for things like that google is going to determine that these people are in the market for something and you can target these people so it's a little bit more detailed targeting in this case next you have remarketing so if you create a remarketing list you can select it here for example over here we have you know people that converted people who signed up people who visited but didn't sign up you can target all these people here i do have a complete remarketing google ads course at courses if you scroll down you learn everything there is to know about google ads remarketing how to create advanced audiences how to integrate with google analytics google tag manager all that stuff to do some high level advanced remarketing so if you're interested in that check it out but it's obviously not necessary for cold traffic and then over here you can create custom combinations of people based on all these other options you set or custom audiences based on for example keywords or um things that people searched for in the past so you can say you know people searched for best car to buy let's see if that's available so here it gives us ideas and uh you know best car sites to buy used cars so people that searched for this we're gonna be showing our ads to them all right so a lot of information google has but you can use it to your advantage to run the ads so i'm gonna go ahead and click cancel here uh let's i didn't select any audience perfect so that's people targeting all right so now we can select where we want to actually put our ads on so if you don't wanna go with people targeting or if you wanna combine them we can select specific uh youtube channels where we want to show our ads to so for example the first option here is keyword so let's suppose we want to show our ads on channels that have to do with online marketing we're going to type in online marketing and we are going to be showing our ads on channels that google or youtube deems has the keyword of online marketing okay uh you can select topic so uh you know online marketing or reset cars let's say cars right we're going to be showing our ads on channels that have to do with autos and vehicles so keywords and topics are very similar keywords is probably a little bit more specific because you can really narrow down and type in whatever you want to whereas for the topics you just have kind of a pre-selected list of options so i'm actually going to clear all i don't want any of these i don't want to do online marketing i'm going to delete that i'm going to hit back and lastly you have a placements option so i really like this option because you can be really really specific here so you can select specific websites apps or youtube videos or channels where you can show your ads to so for example uh if we type in my channel iman mana you will be able to show your ads on all of my videos right almost 400 videos now if i'm promoting my content maybe i don't want to show it on my channel but i can find content that's similar to mine so for example miles beckler has somewhat similar content even though more his focus is more on um on facebook ads as opposed to mine but you can select this option this option also basically do the research right go through youtube find channels that are maybe similar to yours and you can show your ads on these channels so that's pretty crazy stuff um so again if i type in miles beckler right we're going to be showing our ads on his channel on his videos now let's suppose i don't want that we're going to go back you can select youtube videos as well and you can target you know here we said miles beckler on specific videos so you can show your ads on specific videos that you think um would be a good fit for your ads so let's suppose this video here okay so we can do it here now what i'm gonna do because my video on shopping ads is about google ads right so what i'm gonna do instead is maybe go back go to channels and maybe i'll type in google ads and i'll look at see if there's any channels that have to do with google ads and maybe we want to show our ads on these channels so google ads korea i don't know if they'll speak english so this is maybe something you want to check all right so google ads korea look at this channel you know go on youtube look at this channel it would this be a good fit for your audience google ads award-winning agency so maybe this one uh they have 4 000 videos holy i thought that was subscribers at first that that's a lot of videos isaac rudansky has some really good content uh you know we can show our ads there things like that so these guys have to do with google ads so boom maybe my video on google ads would be a good fit all right so let's suppose we want to do that now before we go on maybe we want to rename this ad group name because if we end up split testing and showing different audiences later on or different placements we'll be testing right there's got to be a lot of testing we'll be able to tell at first glance what ad group this corresponds to so for this one i'll say for example goodulus plus isaac rudansky uh placement okay and this just allows me to know that hey my ads are gonna be shown on these placements without me having to actually click on this ad group okay so just makes it easier again like i said because when you start split testing you will be testing different things right next ad group maybe we want to do a topic instead another ad group maybe keyword another ad group may be audiences so generally you want to add a name that corresponds to what you're doing so the next thing here is we're going to add a cpv bid because we selected cost per view we'll be paying per view if you selected costs per thousand impressions uh you will have the option to pay for every thousand impressions so let's suppose we don't want to spend any more than 25 cents all right now again you can always change this amount as well what i always suggest is to start slow start low if you're not getting as many clicks or impressions as you would like then you can go ahead and increase that amount uh but i wouldn't suggest you start super high because you might expand your whole budget i hadn't happened to me in like one hour right i spent like 200 bucks in one hour and i was like oh shoot like i didn't want to pay this much for my clicks for my views in this case so start low and then you can always increase it so we'll say 25 cents here uh and then this is where we select a video so you can select any video you want so let me type in evan mana uh you know here i can select any of my videos like let's say how to do affiliate marketing on google ads we're gonna select this video you're gonna select skippable in-stream ad video discovery or bumper ad so let me quickly go through these options so a skippable instrument is just it's a basic video where it can be really any length i believe uh you know here like my video is an hour 26 so it can be any length but people can skip it after five seconds right there's that little skip button right there it says skip ad you can click it you skip the whole thing then you have a video discovery ad this is like google search basically but on youtube so if somebody types in something on youtube or on the side there you're gonna see it here either like under your video or in the search results if someone types in for example you know how to make money online on youtube you can have your ad show up at the top and then this is this youtube related ad and then as a youtube search ad boom it's gonna show right there it's going to say add right but it's going to allow it to show up first so that's a video discovery yet bumper ad has to be six seconds long so you can't select this option unless your video is six seconds long but it is going to be an ad format where people cannot skip it so they have to watch the full six seconds so we're gonna go with a standard skippable in-stream ad because that's probably the most popular type uh video discovery yet is good as well but it's it's it's a bit more subtle right because now people have to actually click it whereas suppose um as opposed to the skippable in-stream ad people don't have a choice the video just shows up there now if you don't have a youtube video yet uh all you have to do guys is create a youtube uh you know create a youtube account i'm sure most of you guys have it then click on youtube studio and you're just going to upload your video and then make sure that you select it to uh unlisted all right so there's going to be an option once you upload the video private uh unlisted and public so just make it unlisted all right so click on create upload video you're going to upload your mp4 file or whatever file you have and make it unlisted and you will be able to use it here for ads unlisted means nobody will be able to see it unless they have the link so when somebody types something in on youtube it's not going to show up naturally it's only going to show up as an ad if you select it as a video discovery ad or if you make it a skippable in stream ad so that's how this works uh we do have to set a final url so let's suppose we want to take people to my website i'm gonna type it here so obviously you know the ultimate goal of these videos is to get somebody to visit your website you can also include a call to action i do suggest it because why not it adds a little extra button right there uh you do have you you are very limited when it comes to youtube ads in terms of character length so like your call to action is only 10 characters long so it would be like even watch videos too long say that's 11. so you can say um learn more for example that fits that's exactly 10 and it's just going to be a big call to action you can also add a headline which is going to be basically a headline for like your button so you could say this is only 15 characters too so you could say learn marketing and that's 15. and that's pretty much it you can enter an ad name if you want to later create different ads you want to create different maybe headlines call to actions things like that or maybe different videos you can also preview the ad on youtube if you do this make sure you have adblock turned off because then you're not going to see it so if your ad block is on you will not see what this looks like and then by the way here you see the ad as well uh you know here's the site and then here's the call to action so it tells you what this looks like right so this is what it looks like it's going to be a skippable ad you can skip you see this option here uh you see that option there let's delete that that's what it would look like on mobile you have the call to action there and on desktop it tells you you know you're going to see it here and there on the side and that's basically it for this i can't think of anything else i wanted to show you again if you wanted to do a non-skippable out stream ad then you had to select a different option or an outstream ad you had to select right at the beginning when you select the campaign uh if we go to create campaign we go to video you had to select this option or this option right you'll not be able to do it here but majority of you will probably be using one of these or a bumper out of your videos six seconds long so that's pretty much it let's click on create campaign i don't think we missed anything uh yep let's click on go to campaign so that's pretty much it uh for this ad let me quickly show you you know give you a quick tour around so you know where to change things if you want to but that is it for our our campaign so here you can change the bid so how much you want to pay per view uh it's going to be under ad groups right and then here you can make more ad groups so if you want a split test right this is the one ad group you want to do if you want to create a different one you would test different different options here you have ads and extensions so here you have the added spending review which is fine you can click here edit and um yeah it's going to remove this ad so if you edit it it's going to kind of delete this ad and you'll be able to once you do this it's going to create another one so we'll just click cancel um but just know that when you edit stuff on like search ads it doesn't just change that search ad it basically deletes this and creates another one right so something to keep in mind so if you do want to make changes maybe you want to duplicate it instead of instead of editing an existing ad next you have video so you can select this is the video that we selected you have keywords if you added keywords we did not uh search terms you have audiences which is where if you wanted to add those remarketing audiences you would just click this little pencil icon select an ad group so you would select this ad group um and click on browse and then you would select your audience remarketing audience if you want uh next you have you know devices ad schedule things like that i think this gives you an idea if you want to go to all campaigns campaigns you're going to see your campaign right there which has the little video sign right there right this is shopping as you can see it's a shopping site this is display it looks like display so that is it guys if you enjoyed this video take a look at i give you a free 55-page affiliate marketing guide to teach you everything there is to know about affiliate marketing how to get started how to make money today potentially you can start making money today also if you haven't checked out my channel yet at ivonmana definitely take a look i cover so much free content guys to help you with mainly google ads and microsoft ads is my focus however i did run facebook ads as well so i do have some facebook ad videos as well but if you go to videos you will see you know all these different videos you can take a look at can help you make money online especially with google and microsoft so that is it for this video thank you for watching i will see you in the next one
Channel: Ivan Mana
Views: 28,781
Rating: 4.9160585 out of 5
Keywords: youtube ads, youtube ads 2021, youtube ads campaign, youtube ads tutorial, youtube ads tutorial 2021, youtube ads for beginners, youtube advertising, youtube, youtube video ads, how to youtube ads, how to create youtube ads, how to do youtube ads, video ads, video ads on youtube, video ads google ads, google ads, google ads tutorial, google adwords
Id: 1SBqU2DEs5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 21sec (1401 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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