The EASIEST ComfyUI Faceswap Workflow! Fast and fun!

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welcome back to the channel where we explore all kinds of creative Ai and today we're back to face swapping I am obsessed I admit it I've said it from the beginning this should come as absolutely no surprise although what I'm going to show you today is devastatingly simple it's probably the simplest workflow you could throw into compy UI I think you have a lot of fun with it and there are some advantages of doing it this way over my very favorite face swapping app face fusion and it also does a fantastic job with images as well because they're all using the same model to do the face swapping it's just the interface that's different but I will show you the key reason why if I'm just doing images and I want to do them super quick and preview a lot of face swapping this way is going to be hands down your favorite way to do it let's check it out so here's the workflow for this you will notice there are no model checkpoints or anything like that all we've got here is the reactor face swapping node with its basic functionality and we're going to use the auto Q feature to give us sort of a real-time face swapping experience where it's very easy to swap faces and bodies out and preview it in basically real time when you load the workflow it's going to look something like this although it probably won't have these pictures in it and the way it works is simple this is the input face that you want to swap into the image and this is the image into it you want to swap the face and over here are the settings for the reactor node now if you're missing any of this stuff and you get the red squares you know what to do go to the comfy manager click on install missing custom nodes it will tell you if you've got any and you just install them and then come back and this will work to demonstrate this I've got a lot of screens crammed together but you do this however works the best for you one way you can play with this is just to get a directory with some heads and some bodies in there and then you can literally just drag and drop and mix and match so first of all you want to make sure that you've clicked Auto que and you want to get the thing going and if you've got a picture in there great if not that's fine too so it'll work with whatever it's got so right away it worked with the picture that was in there of me switched it out with the waiter and if I want to change to this guy I just drag the picture over and drop it and then just like in a couple of seconds it's going to show up over here and the face is swapped again with this this one I just drag it in and it switches out face is swap now I want to change a different face I just drag it over there and then in a couple of seconds again the face is swapped if I want to use this face I drag it in and just a couple of seconds and the face is swapped so it's very very simple we drag this woman down here and this woman up here oh that's a hold over from before there we go and then that's updated and then this woman here and switch out the face here and you don't have to go up here and click Q prompt every time it just happens in real time here's another thing I like about this let's say we've got a couple that we want to change the picture out so we just drag that couple image in here this is really the only time you need to mess with anything over here and that is for the input faces index value so in this case we've got more than one person in the frame and we don't want them both to have the same image ideally we' like to have the woman's face on the woman let's choose a younger woman we'll switch it out here and and you'll see that it's putting on the wrong face the way that the faces are arranged in these pictures is from left to right starting with zero so the person on the far left is person number zero the next person is person one and if there was a next person here the third person they would actually be person number two okay not at all confusing right here we have the input faces index set currently at zero and that's why this face is showing up here if we want it to show up on this one we change this number to one and we wait just a second and there it is it's switched now we want to change the man's face so what do we do we have the face already swapped out on one person and we just want to quickly be able to do the next one what we can do is just right Mouse click click on copy image and then over here click on choose file to upload and it will show up right here in the clipboard that's what I love about Opera when you copy something into the clipboard it's immediately accessible and we just click on that and now what we have to do is change this index back to zero and find the face we want so we can drag this face over there and there you go now we've got the right swapped faces and that's pretty easy to do if you're not using the oper browser you will have to click and save the image out and then manually load it into this but it works the same way it's just not quite as fast and convenient and it's only for these pictures with multiple people in them anyway you can just sit and click and drag all day long seeing basically instant results and saving out the ones you like by again right Mouse clicking and clicking save image now if you had the reactor node already installed and you still got a notification that you needed to install the custom node it's probably a node I included so that you would have the ability to rightclick on the image and click on copy image because without that node when you right click on the image the only copy command you have is copy to clip space which doesn't translate into the windows clipboard so it wouldn't work with the Opera browser or any other control V type application where you're pasting the image in a traditional way and because I do this kind of stuff stuff all the time it was definitely worth it to have that ability to just copy the image into the clipboard now part of the power of that process and why it's so fun is that it is just drag and drop meaning you don't have to click on anything to upload or load an image and go through directories or anything you can even drag images from other web pages onto the input box and never have to download anything so over here at for example let's say we wanted a fashion model and we want something without glasses on it here this is good I just hold down the mouse drag over the comfy UI Tab and drop it right there and then in just a second the image switches out with the face that's in there want a different face let's go back to pexels just search for a regular portrait so we can get a closeup face here we go drag and drop this one on the heads and watch this area boom so if you really love face swapping and you like to do it quickly and you like to be able to preview things really really quick quickly and just with drag and drop functionality to just check different angles to see which faces look best on which types of face shapes there's all sorts of reasons to do this for practical purposes all of which brings me to why I prefer this method for image face swapping over face Fusion although I still believe that face Fusion is by far the best face swapper for video when it comes to image swapping and particularly as cool and fast as we were just doing it it's a little bit clunky and I'll show you why basically you've got the same ability to take a source image and drag and drop it into the source area here and then a Target image and drop it into the target image here and and you get a pretty quick preview of The Face swapped in now if I want to do another one can I just drag this face over and drop it no I cannot so that means I have to close this out every single time I do it then drag this over and what about here can I just drag a Target image in here nope it opens up another browser this seems an easy thing for the face Fusion folks to fix because it's certainly an ability that's everywhere but now if I drop it in without something in there it works just fine now this is technically a preview image and then you would click Start and then it would create I guess the final image but in any case compare how long that took to what we were doing before where we just drag drop switch and all that just super super fast so it's probably self-explanatory why I like the other method better so what about you which method do you like better have you used these before will you use these in any case if you got value out of this let me know in the comments is this a workflow that you will use or is this just my own little distraction is face swapping a part of your workflow do you have some great face swapping tips I want to hear about all of it in the comments below and hey if you got any value one little tip or trick or oh I'm going to try that why not subscribe I try and fill these videos with stuff like that you wouldn't want to miss them would you if you subscribe now I will not look for you I will not pursue you but if you do not I will look for you I will find you and I
Channel: Bob Doyle Media
Views: 3,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai, artificial intelligence, chatgpt, creative ai, synthetic media, bob doyle, comfyui, faceswap, face swap, face swapping software, face swap app, how to swap faces, how to swap faces in ComfyUI, easy way to swap face, realistic face swap, Reactor, FaceFusion
Id: eBxaJVlNubA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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