Complete Notion Masterclass - from Zero to Hero

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welcome everyone to this video in which we are going to build a notion of Life the all-in-one toolkit for creating a meaningful and high impact life and career so this is a product that I've been working on for the past nine months um I put a lot of time and effort into this I tested this product a lot with users and this is sort of the first iteration the first try of sharing it with the world so this video is really going to be a follow along tutorial it's going to be a long video we're going to cover a lot of different things um I would definitely encourage you to skip forward to another point in the video um if that seems more relevant play it back at twice the speed or half the speed really use this video as a buffet for yourself to also build this system so what is this video going to look like um the first thing we're going to do is explore the underlying methodologies and the underlying um system that we're going to build so I'm going to explain to you what is this tool what is it based upon um then I'm actually going to show you the finished product that we are going to build the finished system that we are going to build and then after that we are going to cover some notion Basics so notion is this no code platform this all-in-one productivity tool node management tool it's very popular uh software and it basically allows us to build our own systems our own um productivity systems but also different sort of systems from scratch so we don't need to know any programming and we can really Leverage The Power of Technology Leverage The Power of software to build a system a product that works for us so after we've covered kind of the basics in that regard then we are going to build this entire system from scratch so we're going to build it blog by block part by part I'm going to show you how all the different things work and kind of take you along on this journey so that's sort of the goal for this video as I said it's going to be a long one it's going to be a big one so feel free to just scroll through to any point in time and yeah without any further Ado let's just dive into it let me first tell you more about the product that we are going to build as I mentioned the name of the system is a notion of Life the all-in-one toolkit for creating a meaningful and high impact life so what this system basically does it's brings together these various aspects of our life into an integrated hole with the main goal of making sure that the actions that we take every day the things that we do on a daily basis contribute to the person that we want to be and in practicality this means bringing together things like your goals your projects your action items but also things like your knowledge streams so maybe your personal notes media that you've consumed and collected but also the reflective side so reflecting on our own behavior reflecting on our own thoughts are the things that we doing really contributing to the person that we want to be are the goals that we set really really the goals that we want to be following or should we make changes there so it's basically an integrated friend that helps you to really get the most out of your life and I would really encourage you to see it also as a friend and not as this penia not as this system that's going to solve all your life problems right a good friend a really good friend is someone that is there for you when you need him or when you need her and a good friend is someone who's there for you over the long term so the goal here is not to build a system that is fiery and fast rather we want something that stays with us for the long time right I'd rather have a friend that I see once a week for 30 years than have a friend that I see seven days a week but only for two months so consider this system like a friend something you can use someone you can um connect with every single day to help you get more out of your life and in that same regard you don't have to use everything that we are going to build today maybe you are only interested in having a project tracker or maybe you want to have an action tracker right that's fine you can build any Standalone part of the system and make it work for you because that's the goal it needs to work for you but ideally you take all these different parts together and we get a cner jistic hole right so 1 + 1 is not two but 1 + 1 is 365 right we really want to get the most out of these separate pieces of our life integrating together into something that truly adds value the last thing that I want to say on that note something that I think is very important to consider is that as human beings especially in our nowadays culture we try and tend to go for things that have a quick reward right so if we build something we want to have a short feedback loop and we want to get a quick reward but but most the most important things in life do not have a short feedback loop they have very long feedback loops right I take an action right now and I might not see the result for five years now this is not sexy because people don't know if the thing that they're doing is actually working and I completely understand that so I would say start with the parts of the system that feels like they work for you so let's say a daily action tracker right we get very short feedback cycle we get instant um rewards for the actions that we take um and then work towards those bigger things but be aware that getting those bigger things right that's where the true value is created because we could be working effectively and efficiently on today's action items we could be working effectively and efficiently on a goal for the next six months but if the overarching thing that we are working on is still not the thing that's really right for us that's really creating value all the work we're doing is kind of for nothing right so it's very important to integrate these small feedback loops with the bigger ones right our longer term Ambitions our core values as human beings our principles um everything that really goes over a very long timeline all right so the first thing that I want to show you is the circle of growth and this is a model I created that this system is really based around and this model shows us how to have a process in which we can really grow in an integrated way so you can start at any one of these steps but for now we'll just start at Insight so the first step that we take here is getting insight into ourselves developing wisdom who are we as human beings what matters to us in life what are our core values right what are our core principles what is the the thing that we are willing to die for this is really the heavier stuff this is really the large large feedback loop um but it's very important you know because we only get one life on this Earth at least for as far as we know and yeah we want to make the most out of that and we want to live that in line with the person that we know ourselves to be okay then based on that Insight we can start making plans so we're going to get these abstract values these abstract ideas and we're going to turn them into concrete plans right so if I'm uh someone who values compassion right I'm a compassionate person that's important to me then what sort of concrete plan can I make to manifest that into reality okay maybe I want to start a homeless shelter maybe I want to teach children from a disadvantage background right we can start making this more concrete and turning it into goals and then based on those goals we can start building projects and based on that project we can start creating action items right so we're really taking this abstract notion of who we are and we take it uh bring it into this more concrete thing okay then the next step is making sure that all our systems all all our knowledge is structured in such a way that we can actually effectively execute right because if we can have a good plan but if we don't have a good execution on that plan the plan is worthless right so we want to structure our information flows and this can be things like your email and messages but it can also be your personal Knowledge Management right all the information and knowledge that you've collected over the years then when these three are lined up that's when we get ready to execute right at the end of the day we need to do things in order to get things done it's pretty self-explanatory but it's very important based on that execution we are then going to review the reviewing section really just means we're going to check in with these two things over here is our planning still up to date are all our knowledge structures still bringing us to this place where we want to go is the system that we've built still doing what the system was built for right that is really really essential because so often we start a new system right we we we create a new folder structure on our computer or we you know we start this new new um meal plan or whatever and we do it for a little while but then after a while new elements start joining into the system right new folders are being created new documents are coming in and we don't maintain the system and after after some time it reaches this critical mass and once it goes past that critical mass we just stop the entire thing right and we've all been there we have this good plan we have this good system but it dies because we don't take care of it so this review section is really us maintaining the system it's us refreshing the oil right checking the tire pressure making sure that the system that is getting us into this circle of growth is still being maintained and I really like this quote from James Clear from the book Atomic habits where he says we don't rise to the level of our goals but we fall to the level of our systems right and truly I think the magic there is when our goals and our system you know the goals and the system align that's when we really create value and impact and then the last step in this cycle is the reflection so now we want to check not if everything is still working but we want to check is it doing what we wanted it to do for us right we had this goal this ambition this person that we are wanting to be are these plans are these actions getting us to be that person that we wanted to be or do we need to change course right maybe um the plan itself is solid but it's not helping us be that person that we want to be so the reflection aspect is really digging deep into who um who we want to be and if we are truly manifesting that which logically then leads to new insight right because from this reflection we get insight and then we get this nice Circle going where we know that our daily actions are infused with our deepest life purpose and we can actually work towards that in a circular manner okay and then the next thing I want to show you is what does this then look like in practice and I am aware these are some graphs they might not be as interesting as having the video where I show how everything works but I think it's re really important to understand the foundation before we actually start building this product but as I said feel free to Skip Along in in this video and yeah there's going to be time stamps you can just watch whatever it is that you want to watch so first of all here we have these six different phases right Insight planning knowledge execution review reflection these six are going to come back all the time and as you can see also here we have that circular motion again right we have this circular motion this wheel that is going to bring us forward in our own personal growth so each one of these blocks here is a separate element inside our notion system a separate database inside of our notion system let's start here on the top so the first thing we are going to look at here is the Insight part what are the core insights in my life my core values my core principles these are really the things that take a long time to figure out about yourself and really really really teach you um who you are as a person who you want to be as a person the things that truly matter to you in life then after that we have six different life areas this is a model that I created I will show you later how it exactly works so this is really a tool that's going to help you look into the width it's going to help us um prompt us in a way to look at the different life areas right so what are my core insights and my goals in the social domain what's my goals in the physical domain or the creative domain or the financial domain so it helps us to think kind of get out of that tunnel vision because maybe we only have this one Insight like I want to be a happy and loving person and but but we want to think about the whole width of Life the whole um breadth of life also and then based on those we're going to set Vision goals for ourselves and these going to be very long-term abstract goals they don't necessarily have to be completed but they're more a sort of motivation right in 10 years I want to be a loving father and I want to have a family or in 10 years I'm going to have this business with which I impact a 100,000 people every single year right this is really setting ambitious Vision goals for ourselves based on those Vision goals we're going to set smart goals which are going to be very concrete goals right so if my goal over 10 years is to build this business that impacts 100,000 people then a smart goal might be start building a self-sustaining business in the next 12 months right a business that breaks even based on those smart goals we're going to create projects or habits right so what project would I need to do in order to get to that goal all right I want to build this business then maybe one project is um create a proper business plan then maybe another project is building uh a website for the business right and then maybe another project might be um actually on boarding the first 100 clients right we can make these projects that help us work towards these smart goals and simultaneously we can create habits right so maybe a habit that I would need to create is write content every day for 30 minutes right I want to write content for my business or whatever based then on those projects and habits we are going to move into the actions the execution and as you can see this is where everything happens right the only thing we have in life is the present moment the future we think about the future we can think about the past but the only thing we really have is the present moment so ultimately everything happens in this action the question we ask ourselves is how effective is that action how good is that action and that's why we have this entire system to make sure that our actions are the most meaningful that they can be okay during those actions we are generating knowledge right we might be generating personal knowledge notes meeting notes ideas just anything that we generated we might be consuming and Gathering external knowledge we might be listening to a podcast reading a book going to a lecture and then these pieces of knowledge that we are collecting we want to classify them right we want to make sure that when we need those pieces of knowledge that we have them at our fingertips when I need knowledge about how to design a website for this project I want to have that at my fingertips when I need the knowledge on how to build this business model I want to have that at my fingertips so we're generating all this knowledge but then we're classifying it and we're doing this in the Daily Review right so this is really the cycle going into the future everything related to the Future and then here we're going into the past right so every day we're going to have this little review we're going to do this startup routine at the beginning of the day and we'll have the shutdown routine at the end of the day it only has to take a few minutes so you know don't worry that it's going to be way too long um we're just going to check in you know what are the actions that I'm going to do today maybe some reflection questions like what am I grateful for today and we're going to classify this knowledge right okay what knowledge did come in today we're going to classify it and we're going to rate it right we're going to make sure that our knowledge streams are being optimized for our own goals right for our own goals then we're also going to have weekly reviews they're going to gather some data that we collected in the daily reviews but we're going to combine that with also a review of the projects and habits we're going to have monthly reviews which are then again going to take the data from those the input from those we're going to have quarterly reviews and we're going to have yearly reviews so during these reviews we're really going to look back to different parts of the system right daily we're going to look at actions weekly we're going to look at projects monthly we're going to look at goals quarterly and yearly we're going to look at in it um and ultimately all of that brings us here at the top with improved knowledge because we got this generated knowledge here we've improved it during all these reviews and improved Insight right because we ask ourselves all these reflection questions as our process is unfolding and we get improved insight and then that in turn helps us set better goals now as you can see this is really the circular motion the circle of growth put in to practice and this is also the foundation of the system that we are going to build today all right that is enough models and theory for today now it is time to hop into the action so first I'm just going to show you how the entire system works afterwards I'm going to show you exactly how notion Works how you can build everything on there if you've never used notion before please feel free to skip forward to that part first and then come back but if you're familiar with notion then I first just want to show you this product the system that we're going to build um before we're actually going to build it so once again on the side here you can see these six different zones that we have and let's just start at the inside Zone because that's what we've been doing in this inside Zone we have certain exercises and as the product un faults I'm going to add more exercises let's take for example this dummy exercise that I made called future authoring in this exercise we are going to write down the person we want to be in our future right what is important to us what is the thing that really matters to us and if I open up this page command enter you can see over here we can add core insights so let's say from this exercise I gathered in the future you know I want to be married with Children I'm going to be 36 years old and I want to be financially stable what is is a value statement for me that really resonates from that well the value statement for me is I want to be able to provide for my family right that could be a value statement then over here we can open up our value statement template command enter to open this full page and then once again over here we have some reflection questions what does this value statement mean to you what would a practical application or lift example of this value statement look like right we can start filling in these answers and basically explain to ourselves okay what does this value statement mean to me then in the next tab here we can relate this value statement to one of these life areas that I talked about earlier right so I'm going to take this value statement and I'm going to say okay okay I want to be able to provide for my family that to me is a social and a financial thing so I say I want to be able to provide for my family and I add that here to this life area and I want to be able to provide for my family right so we're going to bring these value statements in alignment with one of these life areas and then if we want we can also add an affirmation here we don't have to do this uh affirmation is basically a mantra that you tell yourself to um really affirm of um to really affirm a belief so for example I could have a mantra here that says an affirmation here that says I am the type of person who provides for others right maybe that's a thing you you feel would be your affirmation I'm just making this up on the spot right now but yeah then we have an affirmation also related to this value statement right okay then we go back to our inside Zone into this exercise now we could do the same thing for a principle I'm not going to show you the entire thing because we just did it um and then over here we have the same values but now we have all the core values that we've ever written down right so this is the one we just added I want to be able to provide for my family but I also have the core value of having a balanced and relaxed mind and moving with complete and utter Freedom right and as you can see over here I also have a little um status of how important this value currently is in my life right this one's really embodied I really really really value that and maybe this one I want to provide for my family is a little relaxed right now it's important to me but I'm not necessarily focusing as much on it right similarly we have life principles you know you create and are therefore responsible for your own happiness that's a life principle for me we have our active affirmations right once again here's the one that we just created let's just add that in there and then over here we have these six life areas that I talked about earlier so the six life areas is a model that I came up with uh a few years ago and it's basically a way of looking at the diversity of human life there's many different ways we can do it right we have musos pyramid we got eeky guy we have the ying-yang symbol you name it there's many ways to approach the um the variety and The Duality of human life but this is really just a model that can help you think about these different life areas so the physical areas everything related to the body right physical health the mental area everything related to the Mind cognition learning things focusing the mind the financial area is everything related to the material world Capital finances things the creative area is really dedicated to generating things yourself transforming something in the outside world the spiritual area that's all about transcending the outside world that's doing something that's bigger than yourself a community a religion um something else anything else really and then the last area is the social area and that's everything in relation to other people now I will make videos about each one of these databases in the future this whole thing is going to turn into a proper e-learning course where I'm going very indepth also on The Theory of Everything but for now I mostly want to focus on the Practical side of things because we want to build this system that really works for us so let's suppose we open up this area over here and then once again we get this page and on this page um is basically everything that we need to know about our personal Insight right about our personal Insight related to this creative area so we have some questions here what does this area mean to you what are you currently doing to nourish this area and what would Mastery in this life look like life area look like to you so in here you can really make your own interpretation of this life area right like I said this system is your friend it needs to work for you so you can always take something out add in new questions um and reframe things in a way that makes sense to you then here we can see all the core insights related to this area right so the creative area create valuable products that's my value statement principle consistency is the key to exponential growth right affirmation I will build a profitable business in the next year then over here we also have our vision goal and that's something I'm going to show you in a little bit um and we have this little 2080 area that I created everywhere these are basically the 20% of things that if you do these things you got 80% of this life area mastered so these are basic things they don't cost you any money you don't have to buy any products they're basic things that you can do right here right now to master this life area okay so that then takes us into the vision goal right we have this creative area we know what our core insights are let's set this Vision goal right so we're going to open that page and as you can see it's related to this creative area and then we're going to set a vision goal I will create a business centered around human well-being that will serve 100,000 customers within Europe that is what I'm going to do within 5 years right like I said this this goal does not have to be reached everything in life always changes we move forward for a bit and then everything turned upside down and and we have to you know make a new plan like Rocky said everyone's got a plan until they get hit in the face right so we have this plan ultimately we're not going to finish that particular plan in the way we see it now but what it does do is give us some direction it motivates us and gives us some direction to work towards so even if we don't actually serve 100,000 customers we might serve 50,000 or we might serve them in America or you know parts of this might change but we might still be closer to it than have we not first created that vision for ourselves so inside here we're going to scope this entire Vision goal right what's the purpose of the vision goal what does the future that I have look like if I pursue suit this Vision goal you can click one of these if you want to read the full question with a little reminder like hey okay what would my life look like if I pursued and reached this Vision goal and then reminder think about the opportunities challenges and environment so really just a little prompt to help you answer that question the sacrifices what sacrifices will I have to make to reach this goal am I willing to make those sacrifices the possibilities what would happen if I tried to do 10 times as much or do it in one tenth the time um and the purpose we doubl that so I'm just going to delete that right there so this is really scoping this Vision goal really taking the time to formulate for ourselves why this is important and and it is important to take the time for this because we only set a few of these goals and we only do it like on a quarterly basis but we want to make sure these goals really resonate and then based on that Vision goal we can start creating a smart goal right and this is what I talked about earlier here we can make the commitment and potentially an affirmation but those we already covered so let's go into the smart goal based on this Vision goal of wanting to create this business what is a very concrete goal that I can start working on right now okay I will build a functional business right functional maybe self-sustaining business over here you can just create a new goal if you want but let's for now open this one up boom okay I will build a functional business once again here we're going to scope some things beforehand why this goal what are the sacrifices what are the challenges what are the complexity um and most importantly when is this goal done because the smart goals we do want to complete of course you can always terminate a goal things can always change but these goals are meant really as something to be completed so we want to make it it more concrete and really have something that we can finish reflection and insight once again right I tried color coding everything in the system so that it makes sense that it's easy to understand um and then based on this smart goal we can start creating habits or projects that we need in order to complete this goal now let's say for example our smart goal would be I want to run a marathon then maybe a project is not really what is need needed to run a marathon right maybe it's more of a habit that it's needed maybe I need to run four times per week do that for 6 months and I'm ready for this Marathon but in the case of building a business there is not one particular habit that's going to build me a business I can have a habit like write website content that helps me in making this business but I will also need to have projects and here are a few example projects right I need to create a business plan I need I need to create a business brand I need to build a website for the business and these are sort of chunks of work on the let's say 4 to 12 week Spectrum um that help us get closer towards this smart goal now over here you can see there's an active project which is the business plan that's the one we're going to be working on right now right so let's give it a date for right now and then over here you can see the these are projects that we will need to work on in the future but we don't need to work on yet right okay then we are going into this project right and I know this might seem like a lot now um this system is really an investment you're making for yourself up front but like I said as a good friend it stays with you over the long term so once everything is set up once everything is working it really helps you to work with more intent more efficiently and take your life to the next level okay so we are inside the project tracker and this is really a page we going to be using a lot more this is a more practical page so first of all we are going to do some preparation why am I doing this project what is the size scope what are the objectives just some basic uh project setting questions but then for the rest this is really just going to be a working page for this project right so in here we can write down all the actions that we need to complete uh in order to uh get further along in this project now if you can already line out all the actions beforehand if it's a very linear process you already know what needs to happen that's great if not that is also fine you can always add more action items as they come in as they arise naturally as they are captured from a meeting as you're just thinking them up randomly you can always just add more action items in here then over here we have our personal knowledge database our notes our ideas and once again these are all notes related to this project right how to generate more revenue for my business key elements of the business model these are all notes that we take related to this project over here we have external knowledge related to this project right the business model canvas a canvas that I found online you know that I'm going to use to um create a better business model and over here just to remind ourselves we can see to what smart goal this project is related cool so that is basically the project and that then brings us to the actions and for the actions we're actually going to move over here into this execution Zone and over here you can see the action list with all our actions for today the execution zone is really the place where everything happens that we need to do today and everything that we might need for today everything that we might need to execute and over here you can see these action items that we just put in from the project but these don't have to be from the project we can also have something completely different right grab groceries um on my way home this could also be an action item it doesn't have to be related to a project it could also be related to another project right so this is just all the action items that we have to do during the day and over here I'll just show you there you go this is like a calendar with all these action items that are in our action item database right we have all these different action items related to the project but also ones that might not be related to the project that's basically how we close this Loop right let me bring that one back once again we went from this deep core Insight of the person that we want to be and we really translated that step by step by step into our daily actions so now I know that if today I am working on um writing out the first version of the business model that this is contributing to that person that I want to be I want to be the person that is able to provide for my family I want to be the guy that has this business and if I want to be that guy this is what I need to do to right so we're really linking together this very long very long feedback loop with the very short one and that then brings us to the refie Cycles right now we're going to go into the past and we're going to review and reflect on our entire process the first one that we have is the Daily Review and these are the things that we're going to track of our daily daily Behavior so let's open this one up October 25th and on the top here we have a startup routine these are the things we are going to do at the beginning of our day now once again feel free to remove things here you don't have to do the entire routine it is more important that you have a routine that you can do consistently then a routine that's very big that covers everything but that you only once every blue moon right um although you've never have to push yourself to do it 100% right if you fill this in 70% of the time be happy with that nobody's going to ever hit every single Daily Review yeah so you want to be kind you want to be considerate also to yourself startup routine first thing we're going to do in the morning perhaps a little Morning Journal if that's something you're into right um then we answer some questions you know what would make today awesome what is something that I really want to do today what would make today awesome for me it's recording this video right now um and potentially a question like what's my energy State you know am I feeling high energy today am I feeling creative or am I actually tired you know if I'm feeling tired maybe I need to take it easy today so just briefly check in with ourselves in the morning now for the people that are into this you could also track your health statistics maybe you got like an aura ring or a whoop belt or whatever and you want to check in with your health score and you can track them in here and then we have some startup habits and I see these are still in Dutch but maybe there's a certain habit you want to do in the morning right I want to go for a walk in the park in the morning you can simply add that here by ticking the Box little happy tracker and then most importantly what are my action items for today what are the action items that I'm going to work on today okay today I'm going to make this iteration I'm going to do this I'm going to do that and basically just check in with everything that I want to complete for the day that's it that's a startup routine nice and simple then in the evening or afternoon whatever works for you we go into our shutdown routine and the first thing we're going to do is empty all of our inboxes so any information that has come in during the day we are now going to filter this so we can easily during the day for example here in the inside Zone capture and new action item right new action item I all of a sudden thought of you know picking up the groceries or whatever and we can do the same for a note right so we can write down a new note in here um notes of business meeting Harold whatever and you know we can write down the notes inside of this page quickly capture it just as it arises then we can leave it it be and we don't have to think about it anymore we don't have to think about it anymore because at the end of this day we have our inbox over here right the new action item that I thought of the new notes that I made with Herald so at the end of the day we're just going to quickly empty this inboxes first we're going to see is this still an action that I want to do and if so we might give it a priority we might give it an action date um we might give it an energy level this is something I will show later on um and then finally we give it the status active and as we give it active it disappears same for knowledge right we can think about this notes with business meeting those were a meeting they were re related to the project create a business brand classification this is basically what um topic is this note related to right so it can be related to a project but it can also be related to a type of thought uh maybe it's not related to a project but it's still something that I want to save in a particular bucket so then we might say okay this one create can capture any new incoming information is related to creating digital tools right so we classify all this stuff this going to be an idea this is going to be learning and then at the end we're going to give it a rating how valuable is this piece of information to us and we're going to do that on this first five five stars one of these five so let's say the business meeting with Harold pretty valuable capturing new information very valuable key elements of the business model ah not so valuable and as we give it these ratings the knowledge is going to disappear right similarly for any external knowledge so yeah you get the point we empty our inboxes then we are going to review what we did today so remember at the beginning of the day we made this action list right we had this to today's action items right here on the top now you can see over here that we did not complete any of those action items but let's say that we did complete some of those action items right so we go into our execution Zone we go into our daily actions and we're going to say hey I completed that one I completed that one and I also completed that one and then we go back into our Daily Review command left bracket that's how you go one page back inside of notion then all of a sudden here we can see okay we did complete these three action items but we didn't complete these two action items right so we have this little moment of review where we can see okay what did we actually complete from what we planned and what did we not complete and then lastly we go into this calendar here where we basically have all the action items that are active currently and we can start giving them a date okay so maybe I didn't grab the groceries today I'll do that tomorrow know contact trat tomorrow maybe the the new action item here and then for the next day we can also prioritize the list right so we're going to say this one second priority third priority fourth priority right so just like that we have our little action list ready for tomorrow so this is a very easy way to just sort of space out the actions and make sure we're not stuck with this super duper long action list which just goes on forever but then we actually get to manage it properly then we get into the Habit tracking section um in the morning we already did these two now in the evening you know maybe I also went swimming and I did some reading these are the four habits that I want to do we got a little formula here that shows you how many points you got this is just a fun little extra that you can do um and then on the right here we have our reminder from the habits and routines database um with all the active habits that we're currently working on right so I want to go for a run four times per week I want to write website content five times per week and this is just an easy way to have a little daily habit tracker if that is something that you want to do lastly we're going to have our endof the day reflection what went well what could have gone better what am I grateful for and potentially some shutdown statistics if that's something that you also want to track so we have this check in in the morning check in in the evening to make sure that our system is still working on this micro level on this daily micro level then let's go into the weekly review so the weekly review is going to be this place where we collect all our different daily reviews look at the information that we've collected in these daily reviews like for example these habits that we've been tracking right we can see over here these are all the habits that we tracked during the week but then we're also going to go one layer above and start looking at the bigger picture so first of all here we have some Reflections again right the um upcoming week what are my objectives for this week with what intention and State of Mind do I want to approach this week then we have the completed actions all the actions that we completed during last week it's only three now but if you use the system for a whole week then you know the list will be bigger then we can check in with all these reviews that we did um all these Reflections rather that we did in our daily reviews so we could just check in you know what was something that could have gone better this last week maybe I wrote down the same thing three times right so we can start spotting patterns here we can just briefly check in with our Reflections and then based on that we're going to fill in Reflections for this week so for example what was challenging painful or flat out suck this week all right me not being able to talk properly right that sucked pretty much you can go as as big here as you want once again we're going to have this little reflection space after that we're going to move into the review and what we're going to do here is instead of reviewing the actions which is what we did in the Daily Review we're going to review our projects right so these are my active projects currently it's just creating the business plan from here I can easily check in okay cool are there any new actions that need to be added is there anything else that needs to happen for this uh Project Check in briefly make sure everything is still aligned and then move on right then similarly we're going to review all the knowledge that we captured during the week and as you saw in the Daily Review we're going to give everything a rating from one to five stars in the weekly review we can take particular ideas particular pieces of knowledge that are especially relevant to us and move it to one or two diamonds right so maybe actually the meeting notes with Mark those are really valuable and actually running is like walking but for fast people mhm brilliant idea right so we're going to give our knowledge that extra classification we're going to make sure that once we get a lot of knowledge we can really look back and see hey which ideas are important to me personally I have this all the time I have a great idea I think it's the best idea in the world and then the next today actually I feel like the idea is not that good this is a method for you to capture everything in the day but then at the end of the week reevaluate it with with a fresh mind we're going to do the same thing for the external knowledge all the media that we've captured and then here we have a tab with all the action items where we're waiting on someone so instead of it being active we're waiting on someone all the actions that we might want to do someday actions that just randomly pop up right I want to visit the Royal Palace but I don't know maybe I want to do it at some point maybe never and lastly once again we have the calendar VI right so we can start making lists for the upcoming week with things that we want to be working on cool over here we're going to review our Google Calendar whatever other calendar we have right it's just a simple link it's going to open the web page it's actually opening the web page in the wrong browser there we go email inboxes WhatsApp inboxes we're going to empty out all these inboxes I can highly recommend the article by Thiago Forte um I think it's called 17 minutes to inbox zero something like that it's a great article about how to just completely make sure your inboxes are empty we're going to have some um structuring to do clean up our desktop clean up our important folders our workspace right we can take all of these off and then we're going to have the planning and do the review for next week cool then we're going to have a monthly review and currently it's October right so let's open up October and very similarly right we're going to set intentions for next months we're going to review our weekly Reflections we're going to do some monthly reflection questions once again you can delete questions you don't want to answer you can add questions that you do want to answer really personalize this stuff but this is us just checking in at the end of the month and once again we're going to go one level bigger right we're going to go a bit more macro we're going to go to a bit larger feedback loop so here we're going to review goals right first we're going to check in with all the goals that we ever completed or terminated but then most importantly we're going to check in with these active goals right how are these active goals going are there new habits that need to be added are there new projects that need to be added then we're also checking in with the next goals okay I want to run that Marathon I want to serve 10,000 people is now the time to start working on these goals do I have enough energy enough time available to start working on these goals checking in with the active habits and then once again also we're going to do this knowledge review but now we're going to give it the possibility to go up to three diamonds so this is the last stage of knowledge review um and this is really where the best ideas can be uh collected in a central place external knowledge very similar so this is really going to be the moment for us to start let me grab this one to start improving this generated knowledge so that we get this best knowledge that can help is then perform in the other direction right and here once again just a few things that you can do at the end of the month maybe you want to pay all your open bills you know maybe there's something else you can add anything here really review the calendar um and then create once again the planning for next month so we create the next month's review and we're going to see okay in this next month's review what are my goals going to be what is my state of mind going to be and we're going to look forward then we have quadr review and I see that that Banner unfortunately changed but that's perfectly fine this one is really going to be more reflection and insight based so we're really going one step bigger again reflect on all the reflections we made during the last month but then also answer some deeper questions right make a list of the 10 people in your life who genuinely support you and whom you genuinely trust and then send them a message telling how much you appreciate them and take some time to hang out with them right or a question like what do you love about life or what is a belief or conviction that I changed my mind on these are really deeper questions aimed at sculpting that identity that we have that character and generating that insight and wisdom and there we have it insight and wisdom so during the quarterly review we're also going to pick one of these life areas and we're gonna really dive deep into that one right so we can go for example into the social area and we can reflect on that do we have new core insights do we have new vision goals really dive deep into this biggest and most foundational layer we can just check in with our value statements check in with our principles is everything still feeling good do we need to change something right are we now valuing this more than that um and over here it's an important thing to mention we also have have a breakdown right there's only so much energy we have in a day we can never commit fully to everything and there's different approaches you can take really you can be a sprinter that likes to go really hard on one thing and then takes a rest or you can be a marathon runner that likes to go a little bit at everything um let's say we only have 100% generative ability we only have limited amount of ability to generate then how do we want to divide these between the different life areas maybe you you really just want to focus more on the physical area for a while then that's perfectly fine but make it known to yourself because the tradeoff has to be made if you are going to go hard on the physical area you do need to um um take away something from another area but let's say maybe I really want to focus on the creative area this quarter right so I can say 25% here that is going to be more than 100% total if the thing actually there we go um so then maybe I need to actually back down a little bit from the physical and we are also going to see this back in the vision goals we can see how much uh breakdown is dedicated to each each Vision goal so even though we might have Vision goals for every one of these different life areas it doesn't mean that all of them are getting the same amount of attention at every step right we want to manage our energy and we want to make sure that we work within our capacity all right I know this is a lot like I said feel free to pause to fast forward to look at different parts of this video but I just really want to show you how this whole integrated system works together so then the last one that we have is the yearly review this review is a big one right take your time for this go rent a cottage in the woods um bring some people that you love get your favorite drinks and snacks and then we're really going to refuse you the past year all of these monthly Reflections that we made all of these quarterly Reflections that we made all the big personal and external knowledge that we've Creed right collected all these diamonds and triple diamonds right review that information just collapse that one for you the projects that we might have completed in the last year which you know currently we haven't completed any yet the goals all of that we're going to review them and then we're going to answer these questions are there any patterns or insights that stand out from my monthly Reflections are there any patterns or insights from these quarterly Reflections my projects my goals right is there a particular type of project that I keep terminating or is there a particular goal that I finish in half the time we're going to really try to spot these patterns because day today we're tracking week by week we're tracking month by month are tracking and by tracking all this information we can start identifying these patterns these patterns that make up our lives that control our lives that we are normally so oblivious to and this is really the perfect moment to start seeing this patterns and this is also where the system really shines this is where it's your best friend that knows exactly to ask you the right questions because he or she knows you so well and knows what you need and then here are some yearly reflection questions right these are the deep deep questions of your life what was the single biggest achievement that I made what was my single biggest time waster which people mattered most in your life right these are very deep questions and once again every question has a prompt send them a message let them know how much they mean to you it's really meant to help you go deep then over here we can look at our principles and our value statements and lastly back to the six life areas just review them see if everything is still working cool so there you have this complete cycle and now you can see how our actions inform all our knowledge it gives us a sense of what we're doing and then we review and make sure that that is actually what we are supposed to be doing right so we align this Insight with our action we make sure that what we are doing in the moment is what we are supposed to be doing last page I'll show you this is where all the main databases live this is a central place where all the databases live and that's also what we are going to build in a little bit so actually the last thing that I want to show you are these six different zones right these six different phases from that Circle of growth so the first one is the inside Zone and here we have all these databases related to the inside right the ones we covered in the beginning values principles affirmations life areas Vision goals then in the planning zone we have action items projects and goals but these are all upcoming so these are planned right action items that are going to happen in the future projects that are going to happen in the future goals that might happen in the future right so this is the Zone see we have that double so I'll just pop that away the knowledge Zone here we have the personal knowledge right the PK the external knowledge and the classes inside of these classes you know we have a page let's just pop that one open and then you can see all the personal knowledge related to this class all the external knowledge related to this class and here we have some different views of those um databases right so all the external knowledge by status right what are the things that we haven't started yet I haven't read this article yet might want to read that later things that are in progress things we're working on right now per type maybe maybe you want to sort it um I want to see all the web pages that you've saved so these are just different um filters different views of those core knowledge databases that we have the execution Zone here we have our daily reviews we have our daily action items we have all the active habits that's supposed to be active let me just say active is checked we have all our active habits we have all our active projects active smart goals um and over here this is another option for classifying your action items you can do it by date but one of the people that helped me test this system she said I don't like classif if Ying action items by date I prefer working what I'm feeling um like in the moment so you can also give energy to certain tasks right maybe a logo for my website is a high energy task maybe hitting the gym is a medium energy task and then you can just check in the moment how much energy do I have pop open that menu and start working on energy based task this is what I'm currently doing myself also um yeah but it's a little more Niche so I figured I'd show the date one first of all and we have a mobile version this one shows the action list for mobile phones optimized then we have the review Zone this is where we can see all the refs that we've done in the past right here we have this nice little heat map of our habits we have our weekly refs our monthly refus our quarterly refus our yearly refus all stored together in this one single place finished projects finished goals and lastly we have the reflection Zone and this is where we have all the different questions of our different reflection phases this Zone glitches out sometime I don't exactly know why um but for some reason it does but as you can see all the refus per question so the nice thing about this is if you've answered one particular question let's say for example here there you see it's just randomly glitches out if you have okay I I will fix I will fix this in a future thing I think this is bug in notion it randomly just moves to different questions um but if you have all these answers to this one particular question right what am I particularly grateful for this week and you can see 50 entries under each other and you notice that half the time you are grateful for a certain person in your life or a certain activity that can give you some insight into seeing how important that is to you and then you can you know take that and focus your life more around that so this really helps you spot the patterns um on particular things in your life cool okay so the next thing we're going to do is we're going to move into the basics of notion so if you've never used notion before this section is for you um if you have used notion before feel free to look at this feel free to do it at Double the Speed Triple the speed Al YouTube does not allow that um but we're really just going to start from the beginning what is notion notion is more than a dog or a table notion can customize the way you do work all jokes aside notion is a no code platform that allows you to build personalized tools that help you with the things that you want to help uh that you want to do whether that be projects work basically everything that I just showed you right it's very versatile it has a steep learning curve but that's why we're making this video but you can really build personalized software right you can help you can create software Leverage The Power of technology for your own workflows for your own life so you can grab notion for free here it's completely free for the personal plan so you don't need to pay you don't need to pay for anything in this video everything is just free all you have to do is put in the time and the energy so let's dive into notion I made a fresh account here and what you see on the left is this page I'm going to give it the title um homepage let's just call it homepage for now um inside this page you can create new pages um so you can do that either by clicking here right this is the first page inside the homepage um but you can also do that by typing slash page well you already see it here but you can say SL page and just like that we have created another new new page then you can go to the previous page either by pressing this Arrow but as you can see over here you can also do command left bracket and I think on Windows that is going to be control left bracket and there you have it we have our homepage and we have our Pages inside the page now let's go inside this page and just once more create one more page just because I want to show you here on the left this is very similar to a folder structure on your um desktop or on your laptop right you can keep creating new pages new page and it's just going to add more layers in this folder structure it's very similar right you can just collapse these and so this is like folder SL website structure how these Pages work but there's another feature that notion has because it doesn't only do Pages it also does databases so much like in Excel let's say we say slash database we can create a database right over here and actually I'm going to delete this one I'm going to say database as a full page so this seems like a page but it's actually a database and as you can see over here there's a database where we can just similar to like in Excel entry one right or in any other database entry two and we can give a property to this entry right um this is a property um so we have a database where we can fill in all this information and inside these databases in otion there's a lot of different properties that you can give right so you can add a new property here you can add text numbers you can add a status a date a select the people files checkboxes um all these features we're really going to use extensively in building this entire system right so let's for now just say a date and maybe a select and we're going to call this one action list going to say this is action list by clicking on one of these properties we can rename them right so we're going to say okay this we're going to make this a select property and we're going to say this is going to be the priority for example this is going to be the task name for example this is going to be the date that we want to do this task and then this one we're going to edit this property right so we can add a new one or we can edit an existing one and we're going to call this the checkbox and we're going to say is this one done yes or no and like that we could make a very simple little database right so here's task number one task number two and let's just say inside here we can create these little tags and we'll say okay this is the first priority and this is the second priority right and we could just easily change that so now we have this very very very basic little database that we just created right we can take these boxes and we have these very little databases now the powerful powerful powerful thing that notion allows us to do is that every single entry inside of a database is in and of itself a brand new page right this is really important to understand so we just looked at these Pages which are just very basic pages right at the top here you don't see any um extra information but if we go into this action list into this table and we open up this task this in itself is a brand new page on this page we can do everything that we can also do on a regular page page right so once here we can add a page inside no problem it's just going to be living inside of this database so that is the core structure of how notion functions It's a combination between pages and databases coming together and that allows for a lot of powerful um structures to be built cool all right let's go back to our homepage so then what do we build on one of these Pages notion works with this thing called blocks and blocks are basically a tiny block of content that we can structure in different ways the way you create a new block is by typing a slash and then over here you see a whole bunch of different blocks that we can add to notion right these are all all things that we can add to notion so let's just add a few first of all let's add this heading this is going to be the title right now this is a title we can grab this we can give it a colar if we want we can go in here give it a color or we can go here and say we're going to turn this into heading to once again grab maybe blue um so this is this header that we can stylize right when we press enter the default is always just regular paragraph just regular text um but then we can also say okay actually I want this default to be a header number three so we can say slash turn and then it says turn into we're going to turn this into header three and then once again we want to give that the color maybe we want to give it green but instead of going here and saying we want green we can say slash green and just like that so you can always open up new commands in notion by typing this slash key but then you can use text to go to the command so you can scroll through here and say I want header one but you can also say I want heading there you go heading one and it's going to give us heading one but even better what we can do is we're just going to say slh1 boom header one slash H2 boom header 2 so notion recognizes it when we give a short name of the block that we want to add and it automatically recognizes what we want to do now in the beginning this might seem very overwhelming complicated take this at your own pace if you just want to open things by scrolling through it feel free right don't feel pressured but as you start using this platform you'll notice that you start using all these hot Keys you'll also see me using these hotkeys I'll say which ones I'm using so you know what to do but it allows us to very quickly add new information now these blocks this is a block right here you can see this whole blue section is one block let's say I were to add a whole bunch of uh Lura myum uh text here when I select this you can see this is one block it's one block with these six dots when there are six dots that's always just one block this block I can drag around right so I can restructure my page simply by dragging around blocks right I can also then grab one of these pages and I can start restructuring this page header one that's what we're talking about and then we go to that page right maybe I want to add a divider line three lines boom there we go grab these ones we can really just play around with these pages and you can already see this one you know starting to come together a little bit let's say I actually want to have something next to it we can also do that we can just drag it next to each other right we can say this is column one column two and here we have some to-dos and maybe under this column we are also going to have some to-dos and just like that we can start structuring our Pages this is basically web design in a very simple simple manner we can easily start creating all these custom Pages we can also add images Right image either upload something ourselves or you know we look at unsplash just going to grab that James web do they have it they don't let's grab this awesome looking Galaxy boom we have an awesome looking Galaxy we give that this little caption awesome looking Galaxy and then give that a header right because we want to create stuff this is an awesome picture and then perhaps we have a little to-do um not a to-do list a uh bullet list you can just do uh you can go like this bullet or you can just do a dash space and the Galaxy was the first thing discovered but then this was the second thing discovered as you can see we can start creating these pages right we can add documents in here if we want we can add table so we can add number list we can add toggle list we can add quotes this is big this is Big James web boom right we get start creating all these different things inside of notion we have the call outs here this is a call out we can change icons we can say hey I want to have this Smiley icon we can change colors I want to give this the blue background I want to make this one bold right I want to add these two bullets inside of this block right we're going to put that one here boom going to put that quote under there restructure these Pages however we see fit that is really the power of notion these blocks we can do a lot of things with these blocks right we can also say we want to make this page wider bigger right we can drag this photo say let's put it on the left side here we can change the font the text size we can change the font also not entirely sure where to do that because I never there we go because I always use the default Vault font yeah so we can really start creating our own pages and people online go absolutely Ham on this they create the most creative goodlook pages right we can add a cover here on the top we can add icons to our different pages and like this you know we've just created a very very simple incredibly messy notion page also so then let's explore a little bit more how these databases work so I'm going to say we on the homepage right now we're going to create on this other new data and this is going to be our food page right add a little icon we're going to say chicken because we do like chicken actually I never eat chicken but you know it's the first thing that came to mind and maybe say salad right beautiful look at that actually I'm going to change this to Tomato then because that it's better boom okay this is going to be our food page now on this page we are going to create a database and the way we do this is by once again typing slash and we're going to say database now it doesn't matter which one of these you choose these are all the same database it's just different fuse so I'm going to say for now in line this means that the database is going to be on this page you could also say have the database as a full page right that's what we did before as a full page it's going to live on top of this page as its own page but if we say inline right we can go to the six dots say turn into inline then it's going to be a database on this food page page right and then I'm going to call this the meals database baby because this is where we're going to put all our meals now simple example of how a database might work first we're going to give this a name this is going to be the meal name boom then over here we're going to say okay this is going to be the ingredients it's going to be ingredients list right and then this is going to be the cost of this meal let's just call it cost it's easier cost of this mule very simple database we're going to change it to name mu database now inside this database we can start doing a lot of things we can start customizing this database in many different ways so let let's put in some example meals we're going to say chili G going to get tomato salad and maybe we're going to say some chicken fly Li chicken fly fried rice it's a very bad joke my apologies so inside of here all of these mules are also their own pages right so we can open this one up and as you can see on the top command enter that opens the full page as you can see here on the top we have these same properties right and I can say this has the ingredient tomato it has the ingredient beans it has the ingredient corn and then maybe it has ingredient olive oil and then the cost is going to be seven7 so let's just turn this one into Euros because we're European we do it in Euros on this page then we can make an entire page right on here we can say okay what does the um groceries for this Meal look like and then here we can have okay so we need 500 grams of tomato we need 200 gram of beans we need 300 gram of corn and then down here we can say okay what does the process the cooking process I have no idea how to say that in English what's the cooking process look like okay so boil water for 5 minutes C up the tomatoes right and you you get it you get the point we just put the whole meal thing here and inside here we can just have this one particular meal page on the cover we can add this picture and we're going to say you know shili shili okay I'll take it we'll take this one for now and just like that we have our meal page so we can just open up this page whenever we feel like eating chili right we can just go in here whenever we feel like eating chili we can just open up this page but the cool thing I don't know why I did that the cool thing that notion allows us to do is we can F this database with different types of view So currently this is a very standard table right very standard table we can also say instead of having this table what I want to have is I want to have a gallery view because I want to make this one look pretty and then right now um initially it will show me the content excuse me initially it will show me the content that is on this page but what I want to is I want to see that cover that we just added and just like that we got our shili conar right and maybe here we're going to add this salad cover this is usually one of those features that if you're new to notion you're like damn this is really cool this is really cool right so we add these pictures and just like that we have our own little mu database right we can just go in there tonight is chili and bomb everything's there at our fingertips similarly for this ingredients right we already filled them in there this one is also tomato olive oil chicken fry Rye maybe that we have the beans and just like that we can have a different view now there is six different views inside of notion we have the table view which was the initial one that we did we have the board VI this one is very helpful for creating things like a um status tracker for action items for working together with the team right we can move things in between those properties then we have a timeline VI that one we're going to cover later I rarely ever use that we have a calendar VI which shows us entries per date we do need the date property for that there we go new entry right we have calendar view we have a list view which is basically a simplified version of the table View and lastly we have a gallery view the one we were just covering I'm not going to go too deep into this there's a lot of good content on the notion website there's also a lot of great content creators on YouTube that covered the basics of notion but that is us just basically building this database so then there's another really powerful thing that we can do inside of these database so I'm just going to go back to this table over here and what I want to do is I only want to see meals that let's say for example we're going to add this new tag we're going to say dairy dairy yes or no for example right Dairy yes or no over here we can now say does this meal contain dairy Sheil conar don't think it does but for the sake of this video let's say it does contain dairy and let's say this one also contains Dairy maybe better to say meat then because they do contain meat what we can now say is I want to filter this database I want to create a filter and I only want to show the meals that don't have meat right so I'm going to say I filter by Meat and meat is unchecked so now it's only going to show the entries in the database where there's no meat in them this doesn't mean that the other entries are deleted they are just not visible in this particular VI right we could also say actually I want to see all the meals that do contain meat right or maybe I want to create a whole different filter right let's say we would delete this filter over here and I'm going to say I want to see all the meat all the meals that have tomato in it or that have beans in it right so over here we can start filtering this database only see the entries that actually have those qualities that have those properties that we want this database to have right we can filter it by cost we can say hey I only want to see things that are €7 or that are more expensive than seven or that are less expensive right I only want to see things that are under five okay nothing's under five okay I want to see the things that are under 10 okay this one's under 10 right so we can start filtering this entire database in different ways very similarly we can also sort the database this basically arranges all the entries in a certain direction so let's say I want to sort it by if it does contain meat or not it's going to show us all the ones that contain meat I'll just add some dummy ones see the moment we at this one it's going to go to the bottom because we're going to sort it by the ones that have meat we could also sort it by cost we can sort it by date by ingredients um so the filters allows us to show certain entries and then the sort allows us to show the um order in which we want to see those entries right so this is really powerful because it allows us to modulate all this data that we're collecting in just the right way that we want to see it then last what we have over here on the top you can see this table this is called a few this is one separate VI of this database let's just call this one the master table and what I always do this is a design principle it's called designing for consistency making sure that everything in your system is consistent making it a lot easier to recognize that on the top of this name I add the Emoji of the particular database so control command space I think this is Windows key and um full stop dot key on the uh on Windows I'm going to say tomato I'm going to add that in there boom this is the master table but we can also add an extra few of this same database because we also want to have that gallery view that we just created right we also want to have that beautiful one with all these different pictures because you know that's just pretty and then we're going to rename that one and we're going to say Gallery VI once again we're going to add this little tomato and just like that we easily have these different view of the database right we could duplicate this one you know and say meet only we're going to give give that one the filter meat is checked so these are all our meals with meat only these are all our meals this is the gallery view this is the meet only view so this really allows us to save particular views that we've created so we don't have to recreate them all the time right so we always have this master database with all the information in it but then we have all these different fusees that we can use to show very specific parts of this database all right so those are the notion basics in a nutshell now there's a lot more that's going to happen when we're building this system I'm going to show you everything as we progress um but the most important thing is to know what are these databases and what are these pages so an important concept that we want to internalize is that we always work database first right so we always look and approach the problem with the question how does this fit into a database structure the entire system that I just showed you in the beginning there's not a single regular page in that system they are all pages inside of databases and the reason for that is because these databases allow us to gather all this information in one big central place right I'm just open up the system again just load that one in over here I have all these databases each page in here is a separate database and let's say for example this action tracker right this um database where we track our actions we have all these different views But ultimately let me actually create a master one because apparently I didn't make a master table ultimately it's all one big table right this might seem very overwhelming but ultimately it's all one big table all these action items live in one Central big database and then the central database is being filtered and feed throughout the system in all these different ways right these are just the action items for today because we have that filter we have the filter that says action item is today done is not checked status is active were I now to go into this master database this big table and I'm going to grab this action item I'm going to say action item is today right status is active and this one is not done it will show up here in this VI right if I change it in this VI if I'm going to say yes it's done now I'm going to go back into that master table VI you can see that the same action item is done now so the central database any change you make in any few any filter of the central database is going to change that particular entry in all the different views so we have this one central place the one Central database in which all the data lives and then throughout this system throughout our notion um platform we're going to resurface this information in all these different ways just the ways that we need in that particular place right so for example inside of a project I only want to see action items related to that project so we are still going to show the action tracker but we're going to filter it in such a way that it only shows action items related to that project so this is really important because having these databases allows us to keep track of all our informations in central places and it makes it much easier to scale this system to make it bigger make it more complex without losing track of everything that's happening because ultimately everything all the information is always just in these databases right over here okay cool next thing I want to show you is the linked instance of a database because we just went into this action tracker right we were in this action tracker and we saw all these different views But ultimately I don't want to go to the action tracker page for my action list for today I want to have that in my execution zone for example right I want to have that right over here so what notion allows us to do is we can say slash linked VI of a database this is going to open a database but it's not going to be the original one it's going to be a linked version of that original database so let's say for example here linked view of database over here you can see all these database that we have right and we're going to say this action tracker that was the database that we were just in I'm want to create a linked view of this action tracker now it's automatically going to show me all these fuse that I already had created in the original database and this is a benefit uh for creating everything in the central database it's going to allow me to use all these different views but actually I'm just going to say give me a new empty View and then we're going to call this one action tracker now as you can see over here this linked instance of the database looks a lot like this original database that we had over here right this original database that we had inside of this collection Zone inside this action tracker this database is the exact same one as that I just added to this page the only difference is that over here you see this little arrow and this little arrow means that it's a linked instance to a database it means it's not the original one were I to delete this entire database nothing happens were I to delete the original database then the database actually disappears so with this little arrow you can see it's a linked version if I click that it goes to the original one so once again this linked version then allows us to create all these filters all these fusees and have a very specific part of this database just show up so for example we can say I only want to see action items that are unchecked so that still have to be done I also only want to see action items that have an action date of today so this is a dynamic date so now it's only going to show me Action items for today which are unchecked and currently we have none of those but suppose we were to go in here right and we're just going to say just going to give these all action items for today previous page boom there we have it right we see this version this very tiny bit of the database we see very tiny bit of the database but it's the part that we want to see and we can just call that today's actions right we add in this little fire because we want to be consistent with the Emojis so that we know in this linked instance okay this is a linked view of that action item datab base of the action tracker okay cool the next thing that we can do is we can choose to only show certain properties in this view because actually I don't really care about the status right now and I don't care about the project so what I can do is I can go to properties and I can say within this VI right once again within this VI I don't want to see the projects I also don't want to see the status and I also don't want to see the action date because everything is for today anyway just like that boom you see this is really how we are going to be manipulating um all of our databases we're going to create central place but we're going to create all these different views that do exactly what we wanted to do so that is part number one that this system is based on it's based on databases inside of these databases we can create templates and this is another very powerful feature because I showed you before that every single entry in a database is also a page this is a page now for example let's say we are creating a project right we don't want to have that whole page in which we host our project we don't want to have to manually create that every single time so what we can do is we can go in here and say we create a new template I'm going to open that full page I'm going to say this is a new action template inside this template we can build an entire page again we can add anything that we want in here right we can add header these are my subactions we can add to-do list right but we can also add another linked database inside of this template right so we can say I want to have a linked version of this action tracker database and I wanted to show everything for example that I finished today and then inside of this template we have a link to version of this database now this template we can add the icon if we want right we can add the little fire icon we can add the cover action got to love some action boom bring it don't know what this is but we'll take it look at this menacing looking man then we leave this template and now whenever we open a new action whenever we create a new action we can open this page and over here you see new action template I click this new action template and it automatically generates everything that was on that page it automatically generates all these blocks and it also automatically generates this filtered view this linked instance of that action tracker database so this system really consists of a lot of templates right if I go back into this collection hub for example the project tracker right here you have the template it's a new template with all the information we need for a new project there similarly you know we have that for the goal tracker we have a template single template we just make it once we only have to make all this stuff once and once it's there with everything in here for tracking a goal so this is really how this system works right we have all these databases and then in inside these databases we make these templates so once everything is working we only have to build it once right one more example and I hope this is not going too fast we'll delete the one that we just created over here the Daily Review the review that we do every single day create a new One automatically generates from this template poof and then at the beginning of the day we could just fill in it loads a little bit faster we can just fill it in right we only have to make that template once the rest of our lives we just generate it and use it right so this is really the power we're building the system not for the sake of building a system but for the sake of using it all right and then I'm just going to delete that one cool the last thing that we then want to know I lied to you a little bit earlier on I said there's no regular pages in this entire system there's actually seven regular pages in this system and those are the dashboards those are the pages that you see over here these are regular pages and we use these as Central places to collect specific fuse of specific databases right like I showed you earlier on this is where we collect all the inside related databases this is where we collect all the planning related databases these are all fuse right let me show you that here of these original databases right we can go to that these are all fuse of this original database but it's filtered for this specific dashboard and these dashboards are really used as our um this is our interaction with the system the main interaction right this is everything related to building the system this is everything related to interacting with the system I wake up I open my computer I go to my execution Zone boom I'm ready to go right fill in my daily riew open my actions boom that's it it's Sunday evening I want to do my review I go into the riew Zone weekly review boom it's there I create a new one it generates a template I can just do it straight away right t t t t t that is really what this system does and those um that is the function of these different dashboards now as you can see I have all these banners specifically made for the system you can find all these Assets in the link down below I got all the banners right I got all these banners um the icons everything so that you can stylize it the way I did but feel free to also just stylize it in your own way right it's your system it's your buddy it's your friend make it however you want to make it and that is really all you need to know we are going to build all these databases I'm going to show you how to build this entire system from scratch we're going to build the databases we're going to build the templates we're going to build the zones and hopefully by the end of it you understand how this entire system works you can implement it for yourself and yeah I am uh super stoked let's get into it all right so let's start building the system and the first thing we're going to do is we're going to open up a fresh account I would recommend you delete all the pages that are here on the site and the first page that we are going to create is called the database collection Zone and this is basically going to be the place where all of our different databases are going to live now I'll give it this cover of the let's see lotion of Life covers Zone covers database collection Zone this entire folder with all the covers you can find in the description of this video I'm just going to pop that in there make it look nice all right then the first thing we're going to do let me open this up over here is going to create the headers for the different database so we're going to have the inside databases and actually I'm going to turn that to the header two we're going to have the knowledge databases we're going to have the planning and execution databases we're going to have the review databases and last last but not least we're going to have the reflection databases and then the first database that we are going to build is the action tracker and like I said earlier this is really u a database that has a very short feedback loop you can build this today implement it today and start using it today and also then see the results already today so slash page or slash database full page we're going to call this one the action tracker over here we can add the Emoji personally I use this fire thingy as the Emoji and we can give it a cover just for good measure right again notion of Life covers planning and execution action tracker and then we're going to have the database cover right over there cool all right the first thing we want to do is give the property name over here the name property rather um action name so in this field we're going to fill in the name of the action that we are going to do just going to reposition this one slightly because my designer OCD cannot handle it if it's not centered then the next thing we're going to make is the priority tag so we're going to add this property over here and we're going to use the select now there's two things you can do you can do a multi- select or a select a select basically means that if I have one op option and I have the second option the moment I add the second one the first one changes so you can only have one option per property field the multi- select allows us to have multiple options within one particular field for this specific one we will only need the property let's see the single select one rather all right and then we'll just delete this options by going here now there's many different prioritization um methods that you can use we're just going to use a very simple one um which is basically going to be first second third fourth fifth priority and we'll call the first one the big win just as a sort of motivator right and then we have first priority second priority third priority maybe we want to add something like urgent um and personally I like having something like messages so I can Bunch those together now as you can see over here these are the different priorities that we have um we want to order them in such a way they always order from top to bottom um that we get the Urgent one first then the big win and so forth and then personally I also like color coding these sort of things right so an urgent one I might make red and I might even add a how do you call that exclamation mark there we go exclamation mark then the big win I usually have it on orange yellow let's see um maybe we give that one brown for example not not really nice well anyway you can color code this in a way that looks good to you there we go beautiful and then maybe add like a celebration Emoji or something to the big win cool okay so there we have our task prioritization then the next thing that we want to build is the action date um this is something I learned from August Bradley which I really really liked that is instead of working with deadlines I work with action dates and I work with final dates now I rarely ever put a final date on something um and I try just to work with action dates so that is the date on which I intend to do this action but it doesn't doesn't have to be done right usually I don't like working with things that have to be done on a particular date feel it's a little bit stressful and I also don't like the language of a deadline I mean the word dead is literally in there so we're going to call this the action date and then next to it we're going to put a final date which is for those things that do really need to be done at a particular date right so we have our action date and we have our final date then we are going to add a checkbox which is going to be the checkbox done is the task done yes or no it's a simple uh method for just taking off those um tasks right with priority action date final date then I also have a property for status now you could decide to not have this done over here and only have the property for status but I I personally really like just ticking boxes it's an easy way of toggling if something is done but this status property we can use for actions that are active so actions that we are currently working on but here we can also add someday which are actions that yes we want to do but we don't know when someday you know and they'll just be um in the list and we can review them during the weekly review and then the last one the waiting on that's basically when you have a task but you're waiting on a reply from someone right so um the task is started but you're still waiting uh to get some feedback from someone else then the last property that you can add um I was doubting if I should add that to this video but I'm going to do it anyway is an energy level So currently I am personally managing my own action items by energy level so I actually don't really use action dates I rarely use them at least instead I have this high energy tag I have this medium energy tag and I have this low energy tag and whenever I start the day I just look what my energy level is like and then I can just pick an action from that list now this works really well for people that don't have a lot of uh deadlines that don't have a lot of things that need to deliver to other people um if you have a job that's very much time dependent this is going to be a lot harder to execute um and yeah I'll just quickly show you how this would work so let's say action one action two action three duplicate those create some extra actions um we can go in here and we can say group and what this is going to do it's going to group this table uh by a certain property and in this case I want to say group this table by the energy level and just like that it's going to group all the entries by energy level and then you can just have that collapsed in and this would then be how you would approach right you just see okay what's my energy level you open up that Tab and then you can start working on these actions I'm just showing it here I'm not going to show it in the rest of the system because for now we're just going to stick with those action dates so we're going to remove that grouping do a quick bit of color coding there cool so that is the basic setup forour daily action tracker simple as that we're going to name this one over here the master table and we're going to use that same emoji that same fire Emoji in the beginning of the name this is something we do everywhere in the system because it makes it very easy to recognize as you're using the system which database something links to so you just know this few little the little fire ah of course that's the action tracker right okay then we're going to create a few different fuse here and the first one we're going to make is the daily actions so once again get that Fire Control command space bar on Mac and Windows key Full Stop on Windows grab the fire I'm actually just going to copy this one so it's easier to use in a bit right now we have the daily actions here so it's time to make some filters I'm going to hide this property you can always hide any properties in a few by either double clicking it here and go to hide in few or by going through the three dots properties and you can make things like that okay what we want to do is for the Daily actions we want to filter and we want to say only show me Action items that have the action um date of today so every day this is automatically going to update to today so it's just going to show you action items just going to show you entries here that have the action Daye today so we're just going to fill that in and then for good measure we're just going to give a few of these the action date you can either manually click it or you can drag this one right over here to duplicate the value and there we have it the second filter we want to make is we want to say okay yes for today but I only want to see the things that haven't been done yet I only want to see the unchecked entries currently nothing changes but now the moment I tap one of these boxes the entry automatically disappears then we want to add a sort and we're going to say I want to order this list of entries By Priority so we're going to order that by priority and now suppose we would make this second third you know we make this the big win and it's automatically going to prioritize our lists action date we actually don't let's go put it like this action date we don't necessarily need but we might want to change the action date of a of a particular task and then of course we want to have the done box right over there just move that one make it small and there you go now we have our daily action list cool next database we are going to build and we're going to revisit this later because there's going to be some more things that are going to be added to this but I'll show you that in a bit the next database that we're going to make we're going to go back to this database collection Zone and we go excuse me we are going to create actually that should be a page so what I did now is I made an inline database but I want it to be a page so I can say turn into page right over there and this is going to be Our Daily Review let's add the cover Daily Review cover I think that should be the right one all right so the name this time is going to be the day so what is the day of this review we're going to name this table the master table because that's what we always do and for the Daily Review we're going to grab this little Sun as the icon right going to add that one over here as well so now we know the sun always signifies The Daily Review I'm going to reposition this one it's actually the wrong cover as you can see it's barely fitting in there and that is because when there is a page the top header is a little bit bigger so if I were to add this one inside this template you can already see it's slightly bigger Daily Review cover it's going to fit in there whereas I'm doing it in the database this one is a little bit thinner so I added an extra image this one's called Daily Review cover this one's called Daily Review database cover all right open there we go nice and Slick cool so the Daily Review is going to be this process where we're going to check in in the morning with uh the day ahead and we're going to check in in the evening to reflect and revie on the day that is passed so the property that we're going to create over here is going to be the date so what is the date of this Daily Review unfortunately notion does not allow you to remove the name property um it also does not allow you to automatically grab the date and turn that into the name property um which is a shame because it will be nice to just have you know 25th here and then automatically make that the 25th over there um but too bad we don't have that then the next thing we're going to add if there is a certain statistic you want to track on a daily basis right maybe you want to track your sleep score maybe you want to track um how much you stay on schedule with your work maybe you want to track your weight um anything that you can track you can do by adding a number property over here here and let's for now just say sleep score and over here let's say output number output okay these are going to be numbers that we are going to be tracking and then also we can build some habit tracking in here later on we're going to build a specific habits database to help us think about which habits do we want and which habits are we working on um but for now we'll just put in some dummy habits right so we'll just go in here to the checkbox and we're going to say dummy habit dummy habit one duplicate this or not apparently not duplicated so we're just going to do this manually there we go all right so here we have our habits that we want to track cool okay very simple very simple database for the Daily Review now before we start building the template because we're going to build a template inside of this Daily Review there is a concept that I need to show you which is called relational databases so notion allows us to marry together two different databases and let them communicate with each other and I'm just going to give you an example right over here I'm going to build a simple database new database and I'm going to call this the meals database below it I'm going to start a new database and I'm going to call this the ingredients database all right let me just take a quick sip of water got to stay hydrated suppose in this database we have Greek salad we got fajitas and maybe we have um pizza with lots of cheese right these are some meals maybe here we have some ingredients we got cheese we got olive oil we got salt we got tomato and maybe we got chuna currently these two databases don't know that the other database exists they're separate information hubs so to say right these are just two completely separate databases I can change anything in this database this database will never even know but what we can do is actually make these two database B friends with each other we can relate them what we do is we go add a property and we're going to say relation so this right here is going to create a relationship between these two databases so I'm going to say relation and I want to connect this to the ingredients database now I can choose to either show One Direction or two directions of connection so first I'll just show one and as you can see over here right over here we now have this new proper property called ingredients and if I click here I can see all the entries right these are the same entries that we have over here I can see all the entries from the ingredients database and I can say Greek salad there's cheese in the Greek salad and there's going to be tomato in the Greek salad right I can grab these entries and use them inside of this database if I were to actually say show this on both sides right we get the relationship to both sides you see the two little arrows update the relationship now you see on the other database also the relationships so over here I'm going to say fitas fitas there is cheese in there automatically in the ingredient cheese it's going to say related to fajitas Pizza also related to cheese now cheese says hey I'm cheese I am in Greek salad I am in fajitas and I in pizza with lots of cheese olive oil is in the Greek salad right so using this we can get information from the other two databases and Link it share it between each other very powerful feature might be a little bit complicated but this is something we are going to use a lot within in this system actually I'm just going to leave these for now because I'm going to show you some more later on so that brings us to this Daily Review that we are going to make so we are going in here next to the arrow or the other option is you open an empty page and then you go over here and we're going to edit this template I'm going to edit edit this one and we're going to call this The Daily Review template we're going to give it the little Sun icon I already added the banner earlier um when I tried to show you the height of the banner so that's in there so this is basically the standard little Daily Review start that we're going to have then up here we're going to create this I'm actually going to say turn this to header one we're going to create the startup routine this is everything we do at the beginning of the day I'm going to make this purple SLP purple and now what I'm going to do is I'm going to create a linked database right I showed you this before I'm going to create a linked version and I'm going to create a linked version of The Daily Review database so inside of this Daily Review template I'm going to create a linked version of The Daily Review template so this is sort of in level happening here right because we got this Daily Review template uh database rather inside this template that we're working and I'm just going to show you how that works suppose we would now be working inside of this page right October 25th these two are the same right if I change something here it changes there if I change something here it changes there if I change the name here this is the same page as that we are showing here with this database I'm going to delete that one and going to back in the template so why do we do this it's because we only want to show specific parts of this Daily Review we're going to have this little um line of things from left to right that we want to do for the Daily Review and this helps us do that so what we want to uh show here is say filter I only want to see The Daily Review with the date of today right because I only want to show The Daily Review with the date of today and then I'm going to rename this I'm going to leave the little sun because that signifies the database but I'm going to change the name and I'm going to call this one health statistics then over here I'm going to going to hide everything that is not the health statistics hide hide hide this one unfortunately we cannot hide we can make it as small as we can um as you can see now if there's too much text my cell is going to go down right before it was wider now it's going to go down if you want to prevent that you can go to layout wrap all columns and toggle that away there we go and right over here now we have our two health statistics this could also be six health statistics it depends on how many you have um for now we only have these two personally what I also like to do is hide this database title because we already know which database it is right we got the little sun over here so personally I like to hide this title makes it just look a little bit cleaner all right then we're going to duplicate this few and we're going to call this one startup habits so what I'm going to do is I'm going to add some more habits over here and I'm actually going to say this one is startup habit one startup habit two let's keep the capital for consistency sake and then we're going to call this one shutdown habit onea look at the typo and then shut down Habit to cool right over here now I want to show the startup habits that I want to do at the beginning of my day and I'm going to height these two scores um so now in the beginning of my day when I'm doing my startup routine I can fill in my my scores here right I got 75 sleep score um output is actually something for in the evening 75 sleep score and I did these two startup habits now in this particular example you could also merge these together right because we only have one number here we only have two boxes here but maybe personally you want to track more health statistics maybe you want to track like four maybe you want to track multiple habits so you can separate them here if you want then the last thing that we are going to do is we're going to show going to show all the action items that are to do for today so we go in here we say action tracker and we're going to say daily actions right that's the one we created earlier boom there we have it these are all the action items that we want to do today so very easy in the morning now we can just check in fill in our statistics fill in our habits and fill in our daily actions later on we're also going to add reflection question questions here but that will take a separate database so I'm not going to explain that yet create a divider line three three of those bad boys and then we are going to move into our shutdown routine so this is what we do in the morning this is what we're going to do either in the evening either when we finish working it's going to be our shutdown routine I'm going to make that purple again so the first thing we want to do is we want to empty all the inboxes that we have currently we only have the action tracker later on we're also going to get the knowledge inboxes so there's two options that we have now we can either say I'm going to create a linked view of the action tracker database and inside of this view I'm going to set the proper filters set the proper fuse make everything work but the downside is that if we do that we cannot easily copy this few later on whereas if we are to create a few in the original database so this is the original database and we create a new VI over here then whenever we create a new linked instance of this database we can pick from this view so that's what I'm going to do for now so we're going to go create a new one and we're going to call this action inbox actually we don't need the action we're just going to say inbox I'm GNA grab this little fire Emoji boom in this inbox I want to see every single action that is gathered in my action tracker and there's just a helicopter flying over for a moment I want to see every single action that has not gotten a status yet right so I want to see everything that that has come in and that has not got a proper status yet so this is what we're going to do going to say filter status right because we want them to have a status status is is right over here empty so we're going to say status is empty now a new action has come in here I can change all these thing things about the action and it's only when I change the status that it disappears right because we made the filter I want these status to be empty cool now we're going to height the energy one again give that final date just going to reorganize this a little bit priority because we want to give everything a priority new action boom there we have it very simple inbox suppose we would just have some new action dummy I'll just add a few more boom okay now we go back into the Daily Review right we can either go to our database collection Hub or we can use command p and we can easily navigate to the pages that we were just in so in this particular case we'll go Daily Review template because we're still building this template go down into the shut routine remove this one because currently now we can just grab that linked view off the database and in one Fell Swoop buts we can just copy that inbox view that we just made and just like that we have our inbox any action items we capture throughout the day are going to come into this inbox at the end of the day we can then give them the proper properties that they need whatever we want to give them and then status is active and it disappears now for this one I see we forgot to put in one more status which is actually active because we only want to see the active ones right so there we go these are just the active ones and then over here right we can add all these new maybe have give one of final date like this process it active active active right that is how the inbox works the next one that we are going to make is we're going to make a calendar view of the action tracker once again so I'm going to go back into this action tracker page back into the action tracker I'm going to say create a new view bring out the little fire hoping I still had it in my clipboard there and we're going to say calendar now for this one one we're going to create a different VI so we're going to go to layout into the fuse and we are going to say um calendar VI right over here and now we can choose if we want to show these entries either by action date or by final date in our particular case we're going to do action date move down and now you can see these are all the actions that are in this master table but now they are in a calendar f and we can easily drag them around but of course we want a few more properties to be seen because we want to see the priority we want to filter out all the tasks that are done so done is unchecked and also have the filter that status is active and lastly we want to have a sort because right now we see that the first first priority is higher than the big win and is higher than the Urgent so we're going to say sort all these tasks by priority and now suppose we would drag this one in it's automatically go into the proper slot and we can easily create lists right you can also change the whole list to a different date and the moment that I drag an entry here from one day to the other day it automatically changes right now it's 26th I drag it over there and now it's 28th so very easy very organic method drag that one there so now we have our action date calendar we go back into our Daily Review template action tracker and we are going to add this calendar right in here so what this basically does is you know we have these actions coming in let me just add one more right these are actions we collect throughout the day this could be from a meeting this could be something that randomly pops up it could be something that comes from a project anything really we then give it the action date here let's just call this 30th for example we can give it a priority and then we put it active and then when we go into the calendar there we have the task with all our other tasks and then we can also start seeing hey maybe I have a lot of tasks for the 20 stick maybe I should just slightly you know spread them out a little bit and we get these neat little action lists cool all right then the next thing that we're going to add is the daily habit tracking so we're going to go down here going to say H2 daily habit tracking and we're going to do something very similar to what we did up here right we have the startup habits now we want to have the shutdown habit so we're going to say link few database Daily Review filter day is today date rather is today and you can already see I made a mistake here because I could have created this VI inside of this database right I could have created this few here and then I could have easily copied it but now I have to do it manually again so that is a mistake on my part going to say date is two day boom I'm going to height all these things actually I'm going to height them from here because it's faster and there we go we have our little habits now there's two ways we can do this we can either have the habits like this and we can tap them from left to right what I personally have is I got this layout over here I've created a gallery so that's going to show up like this then I'm going to sh say I don't actually want to see any card preview so I'm going to put this to none and then I'm going to go in here to the properties and I want to see all these habits there we go and then I could just tick them off like that I think this is little easier little more user friendly uh but really you can do whatever you want to do and then similarly going to rename this habit tracking we can duplicate this one and we can say shut down statistics layout table properties and perhaps we want to track some statistics at the end of the day there we go so that's the ver first version of The Daily Review template completed now whenever we open a new Daily Review suppose October 26th open it we can press this button once let it load in and when the internet is not super duper slow so this is one of the downsides of notion everything is online so sometimes it can be hard to load things up and there you have it you can start the morning you can fill in this score you can fill in the habits for the day you can see all the action items in the evening we can empty our inboxes we can reorganize our calendar and potentially track anything doesn't take a lot of time um very helpful tool to get control of our days all right so the next database that we are going to create is the projects tracker so you know the drill by now apparently I don't know the drill by now we're going to say database keep pressing the wrong one we're going to say project tracker that's the name of this database we're going to give it this Little Seedling as the icon and then we're going to add this cover of project tracker let's see notion of Life covers planning and execution projects tracker database cover there we go okay first thing project name pretty self-explanatory going to name this table the master table like we always do grab this little seat link and I think by now you kind of get the basics of setting up a database like this okay so then we are going to add once again the property let's see status so we're going to create um selection status and we're going to say active so these are projects that we are currently working on those are going to be green we're going to say next up these are projects that are planned for in the future but that haven't yet been started we're going to say complete it these are the projects that we complete it and we're going to give one terminated because sometimes we start a project but we don't actually want to finish it for whatever reason we want to be able to simply terminate a project but we don't want to delete the entire entry so we simply give it the status of terminated just add that over there so we have the status then potentially we can also add the priority maybe one project is more important than another one right so once again we're going to do big win and this is another thing I do I try to use the same words for priority and status as much as I can I try to be consistent with all the things that I use within this system so it becomes easy for myself to understand how everything works and how everything is tied together so if we start making new names new emojis new different banners if we customizing all these things but they're not related to each other it's going to make it much harder to navigate through the system over the long term so we're going to say big win going to make that orange at the little flame and then first priority second priority cool okay let's leave that like this for now then the other thing we're going to add is a date span this is going to be the time in which we are planning to do this project so this is not just going to be a single date right it's not just going to be 25th of October but rather it's going to be 25th of October till for example 22nd of November right so we get create a date span we can see the start and the end date that we have planned for this project once again if you want to have these cells um not go down you simply click here wrap all columns and we can have it just like that that um now there's another thing we're going to add this is not mandatory I mean nothing is mandatory it's life you know you can do whatever you want um but it's called a progress bar so what we're going to do is we're going to create a number tag and we're going to call this work and then we're going to grab a Target right you can see these are both numbers 20 for example 10 if I try entering a letter here it won't work and then we're going to add a formula so notion allows us to do formulas this is a little more advanced I'm just going to show you how it works um but you can simply copy the formula afterwards so you don't have to do it yourself we grab the formula here and we're going to say progress bar now for example what we could say is um dark Target minus work well there you see this is not the right formula but it says 20 minus 10 if I were to change this to five it's going to be 15 what I'm going to do is I'm going to grab a formula that I already have at hand here you can just copy this formula if you want and it's simply going to create this progress bar so now it's basically going to say the percentage that the work is off the target show that in the progress bar and then at the beginning of a project I just put a number here I estimate how much it's going to be 20 and then or 50 or 100 you know it's very much just feeling based and then as a project progresses you can you know enter some numbers and it just gives you this nice little visual overview also of what is happening like I said not mandatory but definitely something you can add here cool then the last thing we are going to add is the review date and this is going to be the date on which we want to review this project this is going to come in handy later during the weekly review and we're going to add one more formula which is called overdue which I also have here you can copy this again if you want formula is overdue and what this is going to show us is if the review date has not yet passed nothing happens but if it's past the review date we get this little red circle so we know hey we need to review this project because it's not on track just like that very simple or very simple quickly a project tracker database so now that we have the database complete it is time time for the template we're going to create a new template over here and we're going to call this one the project tracker template add that seat link add the cover but this time we're not going to add the database cover but we're going to add the regular cover because it's slightly higher look at that beautiful Forest nature makes you feel alive right and then inside this page we are going to create a project working space now earlier I showed you the relation between the ingredients and the meals database now we are going to put this relational property to work and we are going to create a relationship between the action tracker and the project tracker so the first thing I'm going to do create a header right over here we're going to call this knowledge planning and execution I like using capitals I'm going to call this green and I'm going to create a linked instance of the action tracker database and we're just going to see um yeah I suppose we can just grab this one over here and we're going to say action action I'm going to make this page full width because currently you can see it's quite small it's just from here to here going to go right over here going to say full width and inside the action tracker database right I can add a new property here whenever you add a new property to a database it's automatically going to show everywhere in the database so if I am to add a new property right over here let me just do this one as a an example if I were to now go to the main database the property is going to be there right so prop new properties are always Universal in a database that's important to remember so we're going to go back into this project tracker template right command P open that one up and what we're going to do now is we're going to say I want to create a relationship between the action tracker and the project tracker because inside of this page I only want to see action items that are related to this project right I don't want to see all these other action items um so in order to do that I need to be able to create a filter which says only show me Action items that are related to this particular project and in order to understand that the action item needs to know what a project is because currently this database doesn't know that the project tracker exists so what we're going to do we're going in there we are going to say relationship I want a relationship between the project tracker and the action tracker and I'm actually just going to make this one-sided because we only need it on this side of the database so I'm going to say add relationship and apparently I did not actually agree at relation maybe it's just hidden yeah okay my bad should have paid better attention so I'm going to delete this one because it's double so now you see over here similar with the meals database we have this relation and from this point I can choose from all the existing projects currently there is no existing projects suppose I would go back and I would just call this the notion System project right boom that's our project now and we go back in here now you can see one of the options is linked to the notion System project so let's just type that in there this is where things are going to get bit tricky but also really really awesome so what we can say now is I want to filter this database and I only want it to show me project uh action items that are related to this project so I'm going to say filter add a filter and project tracker contains right so project tracker contains notion System project I click that boom it's only going to show me Action items that are related to the project notion System project and the cool thing is that whenever this filter is on any new action that I add in here is automatically going to get that project assigned right so right there whenever I add an action item from this particular page so I'm working on my project I just add in these action items they're automatically going to get all these relationships right and if I then go into my daily actions I suppose I need to give them an actual dat I need to make them active right go into my daily actions I can toggle this if I want and now you can see these action items are automatically related to this project right so I can easily see which part um yeah which part which project an action item belongs to from here I can also easily access that project again and there we go easy as that okay we're going to go all the way back but here is the big butt instead of wanting to filter it for notion System project what I'm going to do is I'm going to filter it for the project tracker template so I only want to see action items that are related to this template now you might wonder to yourself but why the template is just a template right we're not we don't want actions related to this template the nice thing within notion is that if we now were to start a new project right we want to start this new project we're going to open that up we're going to generate this template the filter has now automatically changed to this new project so now I can just start adding new items and they're all going to be related to this project start a new project we can just do that again right over here one more project maybe baking a bread it's not really a project but okay tracker template buy flour get milk and there you go eat the oven it's automatically filtering for these for this project so now you can really see this powerful tool coming together because it allows us to instantly generate an entire project space with just one simple button cool all right I'm hoping that this is not too complicated too fast actually just delete those and then we'll go back into this template I'm going to hide this one again and then I'm going to sort by status and maybe we only want to see action items there we go that done is unchecked so all the actions we still need to do for this project later on we're also going to add the notes for this project we're going to add external knowledge for the project we're going to add some preparation questions but for now we'll just have this one right over here then we create a line and then we say columns we're going to create three different columns next to each other number one is going to be scratch Pad number two is going to be Milestones number three is going to be links and documents and we're going to make all of these green the scratch Pad is place where you can simply write down jot down some notes that are very brief if you just all of a sudden have this spark you can just write it down it's really just that scratch Pad the Milestone you can add a milestone that you want to reach for completing this project and here you can add any links or documents that are native to this project and just like that we have a simple project tracker template we're going to come back to this one in a little bit um yeah but there you have it all right time for the next three databases that we're all going to do together and these are going to be the knowledge databases and knowledge databases are everything related to information either information that is self-generated which we drop in the personal knowledge database or um information that is um consumed that is generated by other people which is going to be the external knowledge database so what I'm going to do I'm going to say database and this time I'm actually going to press the right button I'm going to say personal knowledge database and I'm going to start by creating the rating property and I'm going to do this because both the personal and external knowledge database have the same property here and it will save us Time by doing this straight away so I'm going to say rating this is going to be the rating that we give to the different types of information and I'm going to say one star one star two stars three stars four stars and five stars then I'm going to actually arrange them in the right order I'm going to color code them there we go then I'm going to add this little divider tag we're not going to use this one but it's a simple way to remind ourselves this is everything for The Daily Review now we're going to add diamonds because everybody likes a diamond I mean I'm not sure everyone likes Diamond but you know we'll just roll with it put that one above there color code it blue make another Diamond actually Double Diamond color code that blue also now we're going to say monthly review this is also not to be used but simply as a def fighter line and then the last last one we're going to add is triple diamonds already purple there we go beautiful and there we have our rating system now the nice thing is if you duplicate a linked instance of database the duplication is just going to be another linked instance to that same database however if you duplicate an original database this is just going to be a brand new database so we can call this one external knowledge whoop external knowledge database and just like that boom we saved ourselves some work beautiful all right let's go in here we know the drill by now master table I chose to use the needle icon for this particular database feel free to use your own emoji your own icons to stylize um I do recommend using the standard emojis because over here in the icon you can add many different sorts of Icon uh icons you can add custom ones you can add ones from this other menu um but in the titles here and in the titles here you can only add emojis so that's why I use emojis so I can use them um everywhere and not just in the page uh in the page icon Let's see we got to actually that's the wrong one go to knowledge covers and we're going to say personal knowledge cover database cover beautiful got a nice little flower going on so we have the rating already the next thing we want to have is the type because there's going to be three main types of information that we're going to St store in this database the first one is going to be ideas the second one is going to be meeting notes and the third one is going to be learning so ideas meeting notes and learning just going to reposition this a little bit in the center there beautiful these are going to be the three different types of information an idea is just any idea that pops to mind now preferably I like to have them be a little bit bigger than just one sentence because otherwise you might get stuck in this trap of just always constantly capturing new ideas and never really processing processing them properly uh but an idea is really just a standalone idea and you can just write it down jot it down quickly later on I'll show you how to do some quick capturing yeah so that's an idea a meeting is a place I think pretty self-explanatory where you're meeting other people maybe you're taking notes maybe there's an agenda maybe there's some action items that flow out of it and the learning those are really long form notes you're taking when you're following a course when you're watching a video so it's the more indepth sort of work cool then we are going to create a created time I'm just going to call this created this is basically the time when this entry is being created once again going to rep those cells then we're going to say last edited time this is the time when there I'll show you buts you see it changed over there when it was last edited and I'll show you later on why these two are relevant so we're going to add last edited then we're going to add a location because for the meetings it might be helpful to have a location tag in there location all caps no we don't want it all caps we just want to have it small there we go and then we are also going to create a relational property to the project tracker database and later also to the action tracker database we're going to create a relational property to the project tracker database and I'm going to show you immediately why we are going to do that right because inside of the project tracker we can either navigate all the way there or we can simply click here and just say let's go inside this template that we just created of course we don't just want to see the actions that are related to this project but we we also want to see the personal knowledge that is related to this project so right over here we're going to get all our knowledge and we're going to say actually change that one to the needle to prevent confusion personal knowledge database and we're going to say filter to only show notes meetings ideas related to this particular project right just like that that's how it would work now I'm going to delete this for now because we're going to create some different views first but I hope it's clear now how this relational database helps us to only show entries that are related to this particular project okay deep breath hope it's not getting too confusing so we are back in this personal knowledge database that we are creating we're also going to add a relation to the action tracker I'm going to show you in a bit why we're doing that and then we should actually be good to go now I want to sort these entries by rating and there we have it very simple notes database now what we're going to do is we're going to create some Fs in here which are going to come in handy later so we're going to create a new VI and we're going to call this one by rating grab this little needle copy that one over here if you go over here we can say group this database right so the group function is going to group this database we're going to say group it by rating and as you can see we get all these different no it's upside down I don't know why it's upside down so we're just going to go in there we're going to make it be nonone upside down we're going to height these two because we don't need them boom right so now over here we have these different groups we are grouping them by rating I will just collapse these menus now we have this beautiful little menu we can just open one up and we can see all the content that has three Diamond rating we can see all the content that has two Diamond rating we can have all the content that is f star rating very easy and then you can either choose to have it as a table as a master table I prefer having it as a list it's a little bit cleaner so let's say we just call it list there you go lists are very clean you see very clean list property move that rating and we're just going to say type boom let's add some new ones right new meeting notes for example new learning notes for example give that the learning tag new idea notes right these are just some examples just to show you what this would look like right and now we can easily just access all the information that we've ever gathered by the rating that we gave it ourselves cool okay then we are now going to create one single template in here which is going to be the meeting template and this is basically an easy template for whenever we have a meeting to just quickly be able to generate it so we're going to go in here new template add cover because I want covers for everything I'm a cover geek add some more beautiful flowers at the memo Emoji over here and then we're going to say meeting notes template we're going to give it the type of meeting so it automatically gets this meeting thing attached to it and then over here I'm going to create a table of contents and the way you do this is by simply typing to table of contents it's automatically going to generate a table of contents based on the headings then we're going to say agenda agenda topics then we're going to say key takeways key takeaway can write these here and then lastly we're simply going to create one more linked instance we know this by now we're going to create a linked instance of the action tracker right we're going to have that action tracker once again we can simply say any table here let's just grab the master table just going to say meeting actions and over here we just created this relation between the personal knowledge database and the action tracker so that we can actually say I only want to see action items related to this particular meeting so whenever during your meeting you add action items in here now you will automatically see that it's related to this meeting so that way you can easily at the end of the meeting put in all the action items they just appear in your regular um action stream right in your Daily Review in your execution Zone um but it's also easy for us to at the uh end of the meeting simply put all the actions in there and well get to action right let's just meting let's make that meeting let's just hide this database title wrap this little column over here right wrap all columns boom just like that we can easily add new action items very simple little template but you can generate that whenever you have a new meeting right suppose you have a new meeting we got the new meeting open that up boom rock and roll ready to go start the agenda key takeaways any actions based on this meeting boom and we're good to go simple but works like a charm um actually I'm also briefly going to create a new learning notes template but this one you can really style it however you like but I'm doing this because I want to put this cover here because it's very beautiful very simple you are watching a YouTube video whatever you can just write down here whatever you would do in a Word document in a Google doc you can link videos images just a nice um template for writing down any learning notes cool so that is the first part of the personal knowledge database then now we are actually going to move on to the external knowledge database right so we're going to go back in here external knowledge database already fixed that rating which is nice nice there we go just going to sort this by writing okay so now the name we are going to name this content name so what is the name of the piece of content that we have consumed and once again in this particular database we're going to sto store all the information that comes from the outside right so master table the personal knowledge database at the needle this one will get the threat upload files knowledge covers whoopa more beautiful flowers because I do love myself some good flowers reposition that bad boy right over there beautiful beautiful beautiful okay the first one we're going to create next to the rating is the type so this is going to be the type of content that we're actually talking about and there's a whole host of different ones you can choose the ones that resonate with you I just have the web page article video podcast scientific paper book social media post and that's it there's people that make different databases for this they have like a different database for books for example um I always like to keep my databases to the bare minimum that is necessary for my system to really function you know I can always add new databases later we just color code this real quick pink purple blue and I think by now you also see I really like this OCD way of ordering all my colors um yeah so this is going to be the type of content that we have consumed now you can if you want to also add a Creator you don't have to do this but you can for example you know this piece of content is created by senica this is by Marcus aelius this is created by the Buddha boom right I like making these Gray otherwise gets a little much with all the colors right so now we have the content name we have the type we have the rating we have the Creator let me just open this one right up over here and also once again here where want to say make a relationship sorry that was a little too fast make a relationship to this project tracker database we want to add at once again a created date we want to add a last edit it then we're going to wrap these columns okay and this is starting to come together very nicely um one last property we want to add is a URL because often we will have links so we're just going to say URL right over there betiful beautiful okay now I'm quickly going to show you a thing outside of notion which is called the notion Web Clipper the notion Web Clipper um this is a extension that you can download I have it right over here and what this extension does is any web page you can simply press save and it's going to save it into the database it's going to save the entire content of the page into that database I don't think I can access the new page we just created but it's very simple you just create here save page and then this entire page will show up here as a piece of content with the entire all the information of that page so it's very easy to capture and one last property is going to be the status because for this information it can either not be started yet it can be in progress it can be completed or it can be archived I'll explain to you what this means actually in progress should be orange this should be green this is a simple way any content that we create ourselves obviously it's just you know we're just creating it but any content that we consume it is um it has this status because maybe we found this article we want to read but we haven't even started yet we can put it on not started maybe there's this video we've been watching this lecture and we're halfway through um then we can put it in progress and maybe there's something that we either completed or we didn't want to complete then we give it a completed or archived tag um similar to what we did earlier with the nodes database of course we can also say here bu status for example right and we can create this this group function here we're going to say group them by status and we'll hide this one and like this we got a very nice simple sort of library for ourselves where we can easily look at the different pieces of content that we have in here and open them right so if we have like a bunch of unread books or articles or podcasts we can easily access all the knowledge that we are consuming um so it's very nice way to just kind of check in with hey is there still something that I wanted to read or wanted to listen to or you know um yeah very simple way of consuming the content and then we're actually going to say also one by rating by rating height those bat boys and this is the sort of stuff that it takes some time to set up right as you can see this video is probably going to take four to five hours it takes some time to set everything up but once it's set up you only need to use it right so you only need to use it and understand it once it's set up it's just there to be used so it's we're just doing all of this one time only cool there we go there's no templates necessary for this one it's just knowledge collection right book number one maybe my favorite podcast whatever that might be interesting web page right and we have some content here say web page book right favorite podcast very simple we create one more if we want duplicate and we're going to say by type so that we can also easily access it by type and floop whoop There we go am I doing this the right way yeah I think it's right like this like this yeah beautiful we'll just put it like this and there we go there we have all our external knowledge cool now we are going to create one more knowledge database and this is called the knowledge classification database and I'm going to show you what this database is and why it's important knowledge classification okay so earlier I showed you that we can relate pieces of knowledge to a project right so when we have a piece of information when we have um you know a piece of information new idea note we can relate it to a project this new idea note might be related to this notion System project ideally you classify your information by project I uh really prefer this I learned this from Thiago Forte he said as humans we are mostly thinking in projects in in things that we're doing in in like this integrated whole so I like storing my information by project but there's not always projects that we're working on there's also certain topics that we're just generally interested in things we're passionate about things we want to learn more about um and for that particular purpose we create this knowledge classification database these are going to be sort of buckets of information in which We Gather notes and external knowledge that are important to us now initially I tried setting this up sort of as a global tag database and what that means is that I would use a single word here for example design that would be a tag maybe Fitness would be a tag maybe Health would be a tag um but I noticed that this was too vague for me and I really couldn't properly find my information back so instead what I decided to do is to create something that I call knowledge context and these are really wider things that cover a larger knowledge context so for example instead of having Fitness I would say physical health and well-being including Fitness Nutrition biohacking and other methods of Health modulation so this really makes it more brought for me just put a little bicep here because we like like a big b bicep floop um so it's a broader category making it much easier for me to start um sorting all this information so what does this database then look like it's very simple we have a relationship to the personal knowledge database and it's not going to give me the name no give me the name give me the name let's see whoop got to grab that needle right and now you can really see why I'm using these Emojis all the time it's going to make it so much easier to understand how everything is related to each other I'm going to give that a double one and basically now any note related to physical health and well-being I can add right over here so suppose for a moment we're back in this knowledge database and I'm just creating some interesting thoughts on Fitness right and I put this this this this this note in here this image really symbolizes Fitness maybe I found an image somewhere right I'm going to say Fitness you know we have this little note Fitness is the key to happiness very basic very basic right little uh little idea over here it's a little idea then over here I can say knowledge classification is part of physical health and well-being that's the knowledge class the Knowledge Tree you could almost say that this piece of knowledge falls under if I were to go back into this classification database you can see over here this one is related to some interesting thoughts on Fitness then in here we're going to create a template knowledge classification template add cover because by now you can see that I am absolutely addicted to these covers knowledge class cover and then in here it's very very simple template we're going to create a linked View of the personal knowledge database by rating and of the external knowledge database by rating we're going to make this one full width and now on this page we have all the external knowledge and all the internal knowledge and I hope that by now you know what is going to happen we are going to say I only want to see personal knowledge that is related to filter by right only one to see that's related to knowledge classification template we're going to hide this one we're going to do the same here we're going to say I only want to see things that are related to this knowledge classification template we're going to hide that one also very simple you see this is very simple right now it's empty because no pieces of knowledge are related to the template but if I were to now open this one physical health and well-being generate that template you can already see it's related to some interesting thoughts on Fitness which does not have a rating yet so let's give that a rating otherwise it's not going to show up and there boom there we have it all our personal knowledge related to this particular class and all our external knowledge related to this particular class so in that sense we have all our knowledge either categorized per project or per knowledge class and then I'm going to add one more neat little formula here going to call this formula total relationships this one is optional and what this basically does per context it counts how many relationships it has so let's say for example if I were to add three of them here you can already see it counts the amount of relationships that it has and then we could sort this by the amount of relationships and this is just a nice little method that you can use for yourself um to kind of see which knowledge context do you find most important you know if this one has 40 relationships and that only 10 then maybe that one is more important and maybe also if if one has 60 or 70 relationships it's time to um separate it into two separate ones right so it's just a neat little formula set it up once then you can forget it and that way you can track the entire amount of relationships we're going to add these cover master table at the DNA symbol right in there look at this starting to come together so beautifully database collection and there we go now we have this whole knowledge line already set up betiful so now we have created the these knowledge databases and we're just going to add them to the Daily Review and to the project tracker right so let's first go into this Daily Review template because at the end of the day we are not only going to have this inbox for the action tracker but we're also going to have an inbox for our personal knowledge and for the external knowledge now actually first we have to go into the F here because we always prefer making fuse in the original database so we're going to say inbox basically what I want to see is all the personal knowledge items that don't have a rating all of them that don't have a rating rating is empty that's what I want to to see right over here then I want to put the type I want to put the um let's see project tracker knowledge classification these can be interesting these we don't need we can hide the created one we can hide the last edited one we can hide the location one and we can hide the action tracker one really all we want is this right so we want to make sure that every incoming piece of information right okay so let's just say um random idea that popped up in my head that's supposed to be an idea then um some learning notes from physics lecture right this one we're not even going to addit type I'm going to show you why and then over here we're going to say um meeting with Harold right okay those are just things that are now inside of this inbox we are then now going to move into this Daily Review template right back to that daily riew template and I'm going to say add linked instance of the personal knowledge database and we're going to say grab me that inbox right over there and I'm not sure if I showed you this before yeah I did you can have different linked views of different databases in one um sort of linked window I would say right so if I add a new VI here it doesn't have to be the same database we can have like six different databases lined up next to each other so right here we have inbox maybe we'll call it personal knowledge is that too long that is too long then we're just going to call it PK PK inbox so now at the end of the day you get all the pieces of information that you've gathered during the day that haven't gotten a rate yet and then at the end of the day you can just say okay yes this was learning this was meeting um this one was related to the notion System project this one physics is related well we don't have one right now but suppose we would have the topic physics here related to that and then we can give them a rating one star to five on The Daily Review we only do one star till five these uh I will cover later Daily Review just one to five so I can say this random idea was actually very shitty the learning notes from physics actually quite valuable and the meeting with Herold five stars right so easily we can just empty this inbox and make sure that all our incoming knowledge is taken care of now of course we are going to do the exact same thing for the external knowledge database right so now we're going to say threat we're going to say EK external knowledge in box just like that beautiful filter once again rating is empty because we want to see all the empty ones and then I'm going to put some content Here for a Good Measure make it easy for myself to see which ones we want Creator type project knowledge always put the rating one last because if you click it by accident you know I usually go from left to right when I'm filling in things and when you click this one it will disappear URL just in case if you need one and there we go very similar right nice podcast I heard great article I read um interesting web page I found once again this is just the inbox so we go back command P for the search one right I hope things are starting to make a bit more sense already by now and then at the shutdown routine we're going to add the external knowledge database EK Kim inbox boom hide that one and then at the end of the day very similar right we can just go okay nice podcast I heard I completed that one the type was a podcast the creat was senica knowledge classification was you know physics it wasn't but we're just going to act like it was rating Five Stars Boom great article I read in progress article created by the Buddha and part of this notion System project rating three stars so now you can see it's very easy at the end of the day during the day you can just capture right during the day you can capture action items you can capture notes you don't have to think about it you don't have to worry about it just know that whenever you write down something in your system it will always come back to you um during these riew moments right that's really where the system is like that good friend that is really where it's like Jarvis to Iron Man right you can just put it in there and he will give it back to you whenever you need it right so at the end of the day we can just quickly check in web page actually don't know the Creator we're going to say it's part of the physical health and well-being and then we're going to give that one four stars all right we've added them to the Daily Review now we're also going to add them to this project tracker template right because inside this project tracker we also want to have all the knowledge related to this project so we're going to go in here and we're going to say once again personal knowledge database bu rating going to hide this one going say filter I only want to see I only want to see the personal knowledge that is related to this particular project boom just like that if I were to now create a note from inside this project working space right if I'm working inside this project working space and I add a new note from here it's automatically also going to get that project tracker um relationship right so it's very easy to use this as your working space from which we're going to create things so let me just call that one PK um actually we'll just call it personal knowledge then we'll grab the external knowledge one going to do very similar Thing by rating external knowledge hi this one and once again filter I want to filter this one by the project treer template all right now that's starting to look a whole lot better that's starting to look a whole lot better because now whenever we generate this template for a new project we automatically have all the actions we automatically have all the personal knowledge and automatically have all the external knowledge right and if you're working on a project for 12 weeks it's very nice to have all of this Central in one place but still also be able to reference it in other places right because it's all collected in this Central database beautiful betiful all right let's then move into the next database and this is going to be another simple one all right we're going to say database full let me see if there's a quicker way to do that full page there we go habits and routines this database is basically just to keep track of our habits and routines there's no templates here it's not very complicated one um but it can be helpful simply to keep track of the habits and routines so I'm going to give this the Emoji of the tree master table oh yes master give me the master table tree boom boom bring out the habits and routines cover is this the right one it's the right one cool let me just all right so the first thing we're going to do is the Habit name what is the particular habit that we're going to do right reposition that one got to keep that so sorry I just need to change this because I once again grabbed the wrong one I need to have the database cover because otherwise it's going to be too high and then my OCD kicks in and I just can't handle that so let's all right James Clear wrote this really good book called Atomic habits I can highly recommend that you read it it's a really good book on how we can build better Habits Like I mentioned in the beginning of this video also one of the quotes he says we don't rise to the level of our goals but we fall to the level of our systems right and habits are really our everyday systems habits and routines are the things we repeat every single day and those are the things that make a big difference 95% of our Lives is just regular life regular days day-to-day life um wow that's a lot of words consistency is where a lot of result is really created so we want to have things that we keep doing consistently and that is is where habits and routines really shine so that being said how do you set a good habit first of all you want to have the Habit name but you want to have a location where am I going to do this habit is this a habit that I'm doing at home at or at my desk you know at my desk this is something that I'm doing in the park and you can make this more specific also right I'm doing this on the sofa in the living room where am I going to do the Habit then the other one is the time of day so when am I going to do this habit right let's say one habit would be um hitting the gym another habit would be reading a book and a third habit would be brushing my teeth now maybe I already brush my teeth in the evening but I keep forgetting it in the morning then I'll put this one on early in the morning right and I'm going to do that in the bathroom reading a book maybe that's something I want to do at night hitting the gym maybe that's something I want to do in the evening right so we want to say what is it that I'm going to do where is it that I'm going to do and when is it that I'm going to do it and then the last question is how long will it take so we can say how long will it take the duration so maybe that takes 90 minutes this one I'm going to do for 30 minutes and this one is only 5 minutes and then lastly over here we can add a frequency and that is how often am I going to repeat this habit is it something I'm doing every day something I'm doing six times per week is it something I'm doing five times per week is something I'm doing four times per week three times per week two times per week or just once a week color coding that because we always color code everything because it looks good and as you can see this is a multi- select so we're going to change that to the single select and there we go here we can simply track habits have them stored in one place um use the logic of habit habit building you could also add things like habit batches or habit chunks personally I just use it like this and it's a very easy way to keep track of all the habits that we're doing then there's one last property that I have added which is whether the Habit is active or not you could simply delete a habit that you're no longer doing I personally like to toggle them so whenever I'm not doing a certain habit I still know that it's a habit that I was doing so in that sense I can kind of keep a list of all the habits that I ever tried to build just as a reminder of the things that I've tried and maybe didn't like so I'll duplicate that and I'll call this active habits give that filter of active is checked and sort them by time of day cool let's just add a few more habits here play the piano call up my girlfriend right I'm going to I play the piano three times per week call my girlfriend five times per week at the music studio whenever this one's 1900 this one is whenever right so now we have a few habits very simple habits and routines database now we also want to track our habits so these are a collection of habits this is the place where we can think about our habits where we can formulate our habits but we also want to be tracking them and that's what we have the Daily Review for so I showed you this briefly before but over here we have these habits so these habits we can inform from the habits that we just formulated right so this is read a book this is play the piano this is call my girlfriend this is Fitness right so we now have these habits inside of Our Daily Review and then whenever we generate that template we can have these startup habits maybe in this case it's read a book play the piano right so we can use those times of day we just gave to it and we have our shutdown habits right and maybe that's boom and just like that we start creating this little heat map of our habits now what you can do as a reminder here is actually create a linked instance of this habit tracker database and put it right here on the site so I'm just going to show you how that works we're going to create a linked view right of the habits and routines database and as you can see now that we're getting more databases it's handy to use this search function habits and routines and I want to see all my active habits now I want to drag this one on the site but it doesn't allow me to do that notion does not allow you to drag two databases next to each other luckily we have some sweet as notion engineering going on here so we're going to create or actually turn this database into a page then we're going to turn this one into a page and it does actually allow us to put Pages next to each other and then we're just going to turn them back into inline and into inline and there you have it we just we're going to make this one a bit smaller and this is a really very simple way now we have our habit tracking section right we can easily see these are the active habits that we we have going on and then over here I can track them on a day byday basis now suppose we would have a bunch then over the days as we're filling these in you know we start getting these nice heat Maps where you can see right we can see how often we engaged in a certain habit so simple Bas habits and routines okay now it's time to tackle probably the most complex one of the biggest databases and that is going to be the weekly review so we're going to go into the review databases we're going to say fool because we just learned that we're going to going to call this one the weekly review and this just like the Daily Review we do at the end of every day the weekly review we do at the end of every week I'm going to add this cover right over here covers review weekly review database cover boom there we have it okay the name is going to be the week the date is once again going to be a date span because it's not just a single date but the week is um you know the 17th till the 23rd for example you know like this date span we're going to unwrap these columns going to name this one master table and at the little Moon boom just like that okay now what we're going to do going to that's very nice English now what we're going to do is we are going to make a relationship between the weekly review and the Daily Review and then I'm going to introduce a new feature to you so we're going to create this one create that relationship what we can do if we make a connection to a certain database we can roll up information from that database okay so what does that mean let's say we're going to create a roll up here and I'm going to say habit um which was one of the habits read a book right read a book in here I can configure this rollup and what I can say is from this relationship that I have with the daily refie database right the weekly refie database has this relation with The Daily Review database from this relation that I have I want to pick the Daily Review and then I can grab any of the properties from this Daily Review right and here you can see all these properties that we gave it and one of them is read a book and then on the bottom I'm going to say okay from this database grab this property and show it to me in this form I could count them I could say the amount that's checked um but in this case I'm just going to say show me the original currently there's no information here because we haven't linked it to a page yet but were we to now connect this to one of these Pages you can see where we to connected to let's say four pages it grapped from these pages right if I were to go in this page you can see read a book has been um taged here is that the way to say no it's been checked read the book as has been checked here if I were to uncheck this you can see it's also unchecked over here so what a rollup does it goes into the database it goes into the October page and you can grab any one of these properties right and you can grab an average maybe for the output you can say the average output from the last week but you can also say the amount of checked boxes right so for example maybe here I'm going to say percent checked 75% check okay so from all the daily reviews that I did 75% of my daily reviews I did the read a book habit similar we can do actually we'll just duplicate this which it does not allow me to do I should have known maybe if I go in here duplicate this and now we're actually going to say instead of read a book it's going to be call my girlfriend rename call my girl friend duplicate right and now I want to have the property Fitness we're going to do Fitness I'll make this heat map also boom and now you can start seeing this come together these over here we can't tick them but if we're inside of this Daily Review right and we've been on a day-to-day base so simply just keeping track of our habits whenever we make changes to these boxes this information is automatically rolled up into this weekly review so as we are doing our daily reviews throughout the week you know at the end if we did a perfect week we have seven days and we can exactly see how well we performed on each habit very very very powerful so those are the rollup qualities so we're going to make this one smaller and then we can read a book you know call my girlfriend Fitness or any one of these other properties we can roll them up and let's see yeah that's pretty much all the properties that we actually have to put in here so then we are going to create the weekly review template so we're going to say weekly review template there we go weekly review cover add the little Moon icon over there and this one's going to have multiple different aspect so the first one is going to be reflection and insight that's what we start our weekly review off with the second part is going to be the review section the third part is going to be the structure sln knowledge section and the last part is going to be the planning section weekly review I recommend should just take an hour 45 minutes at the end of the week um could be Sunday could be Friday uh could even be Monday morning whatever you prefer and just really take some time um it's a habit you need to build but it's something that's really really really worthwhile because you keep um your systems working right we keep reviewing our systems but you also check in with yourself you know am I still working on the right things am I still feeling passionate about the things that I'm doing um is there something I'm grateful for this week you know it's just this moment where we respect ourselves in a way we give ourselves a proper respect to just check in and see how everything is going so the first thing we do is we're going to connect with our inside Zone but we haven't created that one yet so I'm just going to call this connect with Insight Zone then over here we're going to have a whole bunch of reflection questions which I'm going to add after this database um so for now the only thing we're going to add is the action tracker we're going to add the action tracker we're going to make this one full width and what I want to do is I want to see all the completed actions of last week so we can hide this title we can create a list filter and earlier we added these um um actually that's in the different database for now we only have this is perfectly fine we have the action date right over here so what we want to do is we want to see action items with the action date on or after one week ago so let me explain what this does I want to see all the action items that have an action date of on or after one week ago so it's going to show me all the action items that have an action date of on or after one week ago and they need to be checked right because otherwise it's going to show us all the action items also in the future now it's just going to show us um this one we can remove all the action items that we completed last week completed actions so suppose I would now go into our action tracker and I'm just going to say say we finished all these tasks I go back into this template then over here beautiful and we can sort them by priority if we want and we can just see all these action items that we completed last week just briefly check in with all these action items that we completed last week okay then we are going into the review section the first thing that we want to few is all of our active projects so we're going to go into this project tracker database we're going to say actually this one's messy let's just duplicate this one I've already cleaned that up a little bit duplicate I'm going to say active projects I just want to see the active projects so we will need to add a filter which says only show me the the projects that are active so that's what we're going to do we have our um little progress bar and we have this particular this one's really important right the overdue and the review date and we're going to sort this one actually by the refie date so let's just add another project building shed in Garden just so you can see how this works together we're going to say that one for 1th now you can see in here I can see which projects are due to be reviewed so let's go back into this weekly review we're going to say linked instance project tracker active projects automatically it's going to give us that name over there over here it's going to show me all these active projects and then from this review I can can simply check in right let's just generate that one for the time being normally these are obviously already generated because it's an active project but for now we'll just do it this way if this thing decides to load hello will you load okay apparently there are some nice little glitches going on but okay you get the point over here you can check in with this project this one is past the review date this one is not yet so we're only going to check in with this one you go in there you add any new actions that need to happen any knowledge you can review just check in simply check in with the project see if everything is on schedule maybe adjust the amount of work that's done and once you've reviewed the project you can simply change the date to next week or two weeks or whenever this project needs to be reviewed very simple very easy but very powerful because make sure that we're always checking in with all these projects that we are currently working on then the second and third thing we want to check in on is the knowledge that we generated during the week both our personal knowledge and our external knowledge so I'm going to go into this personal knowledge database I'm going to duplicate the one that says by rating and I'm going to call it weekly review and in the weekly review is actually the moment where we can move items from five or four stars or three stars even into the Diamond region right so as we're having ideas as we're having them during the days um an idea might not have fully crystallized yet or we might think it's a really good idea but then in hindsight actually not that good of an idea so at the end of the week is really a moment to kind of check in with the best ideas that we had or the best notes that we took and Resort them right maybe the meeting with Harold was actually really really valuable maybe the learning notes were actually really really valuable so that's why we have those diamonds over there then we're going to create a filter and this is why we created here these two properties because we're going to say created is on or after one week ago or we can create an advanced filter if we want say or edited is on or after one week go so now any note any entry that's been created in the last week or that's been changed or edited in the last week will show up in this view oop remove that which is perfect and we're going to do the same then for the external one so we're going to call this one weekly review properties actually group three diamonds we don't want to show yes filter is either created on or after one week ago or has been edited on or after one week ago and we can while we're at it also simply create the monthly one I can already tell you what's going to happen there because in the monthly one we're actually going to not show all these ones and we're only only going to do five stars up to three diamonds right I'll do the same for the personal knowledge one duplicate it duplicate the weekly review simply call it the monthly review go into the group don't show all these ones do show the purple one and oh I shouldn't forget change this filter to is honor after one month ago right so it's going to show us all the things we changed in the last month let's do that here as well filter is on or after one okay I already did that interesting I already forgot I've been recording for way too long I'm starting to forget things all right back into this weekly review we're going to open this one up and now over here just like that because we already did the prepar uh preparation for this we're going to say weekly review HDE this one over there there we have it all our notes during the week grab the external one also say weekly refie beautiful you can really see this system starting to come together now really all these database is communicating with each other um and really utilizing that power the power of the databases and the pages coming together then over here we're going to grab an action tracker one and I'm just going to Simply grab the master you know what I'm just going to grab this daily action one and I'm going to say waiting so I'm going to say the status of this action item is waiting on so I only want to show action items that I'm waiting on someone there we go we're going to height that one and then here we're going to do the same but it's going to be called someday so at the end of every week we have this brief checkin with things that we let's say paint the Mona Lisa right so if this brief check in are there things we're still waiting on for someone is there uh something that needs to happen someday and lastly we're also going to add a calendar and I go I'm going to show you in a little bit why we have this one here similar actually the exact same calendar we already had earlier on cool next we go down here we're going to say review calendar check calendar for the past weeks does anything need a follow up right so now we're going to check in with our regular calendar our calendar outside of notion so maybe that's a Google Calendar maybe that's a um Microsoft calendar maybe it's a physical calendar but it's basically a calendar we can use to check it what I've personally set up is that I linked here sometimes it doesn't show up hello sometimes it does this well there you go now all of a sudden it does show up um calendar. I think it is by by heart yeah I simply have that as a a quick link to set up so that's just checking in with the calendar is there anything that needs a follow up is there anything that needs a preparation and that's why we have this one over here if there is we can easily put it in here right I need to prepare for sushi boom very simple we can just check in with the calendar next we're going to do some inbox zero email inbox WhatsApp inbox and any other inbox you might have right once again here you can simply add a link web. Bas from here you can easily access those inboxes empty them at the end of the week add anything that needs an action right there in your calendar and just like that we've refed everything beautiful little refie section right over here okay lastly it's not true it's not lastly but we're going to close we have some structuring that we might want to do things like cleaning up your main desktop maybe clean up um important folders clean up physical workspace so these are just some prompts um you can add things here you can remove things here just like with anything in the system right you can just add and remove anything but just a reminder to clean up those spaces and then lastly this is quite important we are going to create next week's review we're going to create goals and a state of mind for that week and we're going to set the Daily Review template for this week so this one we're going to link this to this database so where what we do is we go to the weekly review database three dots in the top right corner and we're going to say copy the link then we go back into the template and then we can say we can link to within our own notion system right so from here we can easily just go there BS create the next week's template um and then in here this I'm going to show you later because we don't have this particular Zone set up yet and then here good job time to rewatch yourself with something nice baby something nice and just like that we have easily set up this weekly review probably the most complex and most elaborate part of this system um but there you have it the weekly review okay so I 100% definitely lied to you because actually the most complicated part of the system is going to come now and I'm hopefully going to explain it in a proper way um but we are about to find out because now we are going to build the reflection databases and these are going to be two separate databases one is going to be the reflection questions database and one is going to be the actual Reflections so the entries of the reflections now this Reflections questions database is going to be the place where we store all the different reflection questions that we use throughout the system currently we haven't added any reflection questions anywhere yet but ultimately we will have reflection questions in the Daily Review in the weekly review in the projects in the goals there's going to be many questions we're going to ask ourselves in order to generate that Insight right that we talked about earlier so if I just um grab this flowchart again we're really going to get the Reflections in this entire cycle going up because we want to improve our Insight right this is that cherry on top that we want we want to have that improved Insight so that we can align that with our action and in order to do that we need to reflect on things so the reflection questions database this one is going to be simple we are going to have the question we are going to have the relationship actually I need to do that right over there we are going to make a reminder and we're going to make a connection to the reflections database and this one's going to get the Leaf I can already put it here because I know it's going to get the Le I'm just going to call this Reflections and it's not going to take it so we'll do it again Reflections database reflection at the leave add relationship there we go boom cool we're going to move this one over here call this the master table and we're going to give this the maple leaf just setting up the entire all right so we're just setting up this database this is going to be the reflection questions database the relationship is meant for us to easily add and sort new questions for ourselves I'm going to show you what I mean by that so there's going to be a whole bunch of databases that are going to have reflection questions so we're going to add all of them in here it's going to be Daily Review it's going to be weekly review it's going to be monthly review it's going to be quarterly review it's going to be yearly review it's going to be projects tracker it's going to be smart goals it's going to be Vision goals it's going to be core insights and there's going to be six life areas just like that going to color code this just to make it look good pink purple green uh uh blue dark gray light gray just like that okay so I am going to fill in a whole bunch of these questions and you can simply copy them but you can also add new questions that are relevant to you right so maybe for the Daily Review a question you want to ask yourself is what could I have done done better today that might be a daily review question now inside this question we are going to add the Daily Review icon we don't need that one actually maybe a question is what would make today awesome right so we can start entering all these questions that we want to ask ourselves during the Daily Review maybe during the weekly review we want to ask what am I particularly great grateful for this week right and here we're going to add the moon and then over here you can add a reminder so this is a prompt that will help you fill in this question so maybe if we have the question what am I particularly grateful for this week the reminder might be um really sink into that feeling really feel that gratitude right or whatever this could be anything um we can just add reminder in here and we're going to create a whole bunch of questions and then we are going to group them by the different um elements of this system so Maple leave so I'm going to say duplicate by relationship I'm going to say group this by relationship we're going to put that in the proper order because we do like ourselves some order there we go there we go smart goals Vision goals core insights and the six life areas and then just like that we have an easy overview of all the reflection questions that are active in our system now I'm going to duplicate I'm just going to do grab this from my other screen here real quick I'm just going to add add all these questions in one go delete those and that did not work out let me try that again okay now it works relationship okay this I know it seems strange I'm doing this on the other screen so I don't have to rewrite all these questions okay oh this is actually this is actually the right way I was just not paying attention I was not paying attention because I have them all wrapped okay so as you can see there's a whole bunch of questions here and they all have their little icons so I'm just going to fill in all of these I know that that's the annual Vision Vision daily week weekly daily weekly daily daily boom okay now we have all sorted them and now we can see by relationship right all the Daily Review questions all the weekly review questions all the monthly review questions right that's a quarterly one all the quarterly review questions so this is an easy place easy way to add all these review questions now I also have reminders written for each one of these questions I see those haven't been copied at the moment yeah but I can drop that template with you so it's easy to reference all these questions so these are all the reflection questions now the second thing we are going to do is we're going to create this Reflections database because the questions we want to answer these but we want to answer these multiple times right so if I have a question here I want to create a new page a different entry in which I could have like and answer one that could be one page right answer two that could be one page so that over time I can start collecting these answers now this is where it's going to get a little complicated but I'm going to show you and hopefully explain it well so we're going to go into this Reflections database and first just going to give it everything everything that it needs right leaves whoop There we go flexions at the cover because once again we do like our covers booah baby okay and then here we have this reflection questions link that we just made this relation ship rather that we just made so we going add that Maple Leaf we're going to add the date that a reflection has been created then we're going to drop this layout wrap those columns then we're going to create writing space so this is where we can ultimately write down um extra information about this particular reflection and then we're going to roll up the reminder that is part of this reflection question right so let's say here we have that question what am I grateful for this week right reflection questions grab the reminder and if then here we have that reminder of really syn into that feeling then that reminder is going to be part of here this is going to be the database in which we write the actual reflection so we're going to open these pages and this is then going to be the answer to the question what am I grateful for today today I'm grateful for being alive okay reminder really sink into that feeling perfect beautiful but like this it looks unorganized and we want to have an easy way to fill in these questions because these questions are going to populate the entire system they're going to be shown everywhere so we really want to have an easy way to access them an easy way to fill them in this is where we're going to do some real notion Shenanigans what I'm going to do is I'm going to copy this table or duplicate it and I'm going to say by actually let's just call yeah I'm just going to call this by question what I'm going to say then is I want to group this database by question so I want to have this grouping that we did before right we've grouped uh things by all sorts of things right in this previous database we grouped it by relationship you can group things by date you can group things by any property but now I want to group it I'm going to group it by question I'm going to say group it by question boom and just like that we get these little drop- down menus with the questions from the question database right if I were to click on this one I actually open the page in the reflection questions database right this is the question relationship daily reminder then here are the reflections but if I create a new page in side of this toggle it automatically gets related to this reflection question now that right there is a really powerful feature because now at the beginning of my day I can simply say new I can open up this reflection and I can answer this question today I'm grateful for I have that reminder and then here I have this elaborate space to write I could even also add things here but that won't make it possible for us to roll P it up later so just like that we can start answering these questions so what I'm going to do is I'm going to um change the layout to list because I think it likes better and here's the thing it's only first going to show groups that have something in it right because we had many more questions than this one but it's only going to show the groups that have something in it either you can add a group by going in here so I can say you know I want to add um do we have more daily reiews today and then we can add it over here and you can see it's empty or whenever we add something in here right we just give this one reflection give this one a reflection give this one a reflection then it is also they're also going to show up here this poses a problem right the problem that this poses is that if I were to now answer a question related to let's say smart goals or projects they are also going to show up here right if I were to go in here and I would say you know I also answered this one with a reflection and I answer this one with a reflection another reflection let me just add it like that these are now all going to show up in this VI and we don't want that we don't want all of these to show up because we want to have separated bunch of questions by day by week by project so of course we have found ourselves a Nifty little workaround for this and I'm going to show you how that works we're simply going to make relationships to all the different databases and they can be one-sided relationships so we'll do daily do weekly weekly review there we go we can do monthly I'm actually just going to create all these databases now so that we can start linking them just going to make them empty no worries quarterly refie let actually give it the icon already Stars yearly review smart goals it's going to get the bullseye right we're going to make all these database later on but for now this is um core insights going to get the diamond you know how we do this by now so I hope this is not too fast we're going to have the six life areas database that one's going to have the mountain and then we're going to have the vision goals database and that one is going to have the star and then I think like this we have all the databases that we need for the entire system okay so now we can go inside this one and we can finish what we were doing here so we can say relationship monthly or not let's see monthly review quarterly review once again one of these things it takes some time to set up but once you've set it up you're going to be so happy that you have it because it's going to scale so well into the future and that's just really really helpful we're going to have the project tracker we're going to have the smart goal tracker all of these databases are going to have reflection questions inside of them right so we want to be able to easily access those questions um and also EAS easily in the future review the answers that we gave right we want this system to scale with us over time like the good friend that's smart goals one okay I already made one my bad like the good friend right it stays with us for the long term and the longer we know it the more valuable it becomes the more valuable the relationship so it's going to take an investment it's going to take some time but it's going to pay off dividends six life it's right over there beautiful and then I think the last one by hard is core insights right there there we go beautiful so now what we're going to do is we're going to take this one which is by question and I'm just going to um actually delete all these entries for now I'm also going to delete this group when you delete a group the group doesn't disappear it just disappears from this VI so we're going to delete all these groups let's see delete delete delete delet right okay what we can say now is we're going to duplicate this one and we're going to call these The Daily Reflections this is going to be the Daily Reflections we're going to create this filter which says Daily Review is not empty so now if I answer a project tracker question it's not going to matter for this VI because it only wants to see uh questions where the Daily Review is not empty and we're going to do the same thing for all these other database right so we're going to call one for the weekly what we going to say weekly review is not empty weekly review is not empty monthly monthly riew it's not empty quarterly riew is not empty and yeah we'll do the other ones later on and then inside of here now we can start adding those questions for the particular reiews right so we can say for the Daily Review let's say daily morning journaling what would make today awesome what we'll make today awesome we can add that what good I've done done better right and so we can start adding these questions what went well and what am I Greatful for boom and just like that we have all our daily review questions collected in one central place and we can go into this Daily Review go into the template and then at the beginning of our day we can go into that Reflections database into that reflection database daily bum it's going to show us these Daily Review questions then we can change the filter because now we don't want to say Daily Review is not empty but we want to say Daily Review is once again this template contains Daily Review template and then we can have startup startup questions which might be everything above there we're going to hide these ones the reason we're hiding these and not deleting them is because the moment information is filled in there they're going to show up again so we're going to hide these startup questions now it's really starting to come together shut down routine um let's say I like having a separate one for this reflection questions Reflections once again the daily one hide going to give it that same filter Daily Review contains Daily Review template shut down questions shut down questions and what I meant earlier suppose we would delete this one right suppose we would delete this daily Morning Journal and delete this one from the few right now it might seem like it worked but in the morning we are going to fill in something here which is then going to be recognized in this database and it's going to also show up here or apparently it does not which we then take as a good sign I guess maybe it's still updating um anyway that's the reason why we hide them instead of deleting them ah there you go bum see now it pops up because we just put that entry in there so instead we're going to hide it because then it won't pop up it will just be hidden under this little toggle hide and just like that we now have added reflection questions to Our Daily Review we're going to do this for every single element it's very easy right at the beginning of the day I'm just going to show you one time what that looks like at the beginning of the day we open this one up we generate our template we could just dive straight into it what would make the day awesome if I would manage to finish my project in the writing space here is where we can write the project would be finished which would be really nice currently we have all these databases here I'm going to hide all of these always hide always hide because that's not going to be necessary in the future always hide these are just for creating these filters always hide always hide always hide always hide always hide and just like that there we go easily we can now fill in these reflection questions at the beginning at the end of our day and these questions are then going to be stored inside of our Reflections right and in here we can see all the Daily Reflections we've made in the past this particular question all the answers we've made they're going to be stored in here we can easily open it we can easily see what we answered on that question right what would make today awesome I would manage to finish my project so this takes some setting up I am fully aware this takes some setting up it's also quite complicated but if you get this down properly it really allows you to have all those Reflections stored in a central place um and to be easily or can so that you can easily look at the patterns review them later on so I'm going to show this with one more than all the other reflection questions I'll just add them and I'll cut to the next clip because we don't have to watch me do that the entire time I'm going to do one more um just to demonstrate once again how this works so let's go into the weekly one here we at the filter right weekly review is not empty and we're going to add these questions what are my objectives right and these questions because we type them in here it grabs these from the reflection question database where we put them in with what intention what am I particularly grateful for this week what was challenging and which actually what was something that went really well perfect so now we have those five questions once again in this database I'm going to do command um backslash to open up this page here we go into the weekly review Into the weekly review template open that one right up and then once again here in the beginning we are going to add Reflections because that's the database we're pulling from we're going to have these we weekly Reflections now we're going to grab that filter weekly riew contains this week's template so all the entries are automatically also linked to this week's template we're going to hide that one filter this and there you have it these two questions we fill in at the beginning of the week right so at the end of the template we always have this create the next week's review that's when we fill in these two questions what are my objectives and then these three questions we can fill them in as a reflection there we go weekly so just like that we're going to create all the reflection questions for all the different databases at them there and then we all have them in a central place including the answers to them okay so I finished creating all the reflection questions for the different databases as you you can see over here and then the first thing we'll do is we'll add the Preparatory questions to the project tracker because we haven't done that yet so we go in here open up that template and then um add a linked VI we're going to grab the reflections and then we're going to grab the projects questions right so these are the questions that we ask ourself before we start doing a project just a little scoping of the project why am I doing this project what is the size and scope what are the objectives and what are the resources and limitations and my piece of advice here would be if you don't have the time to fill this in then don't even start the project right projects take a lot of time they take a lot of energy um yeah so if you don't have the time to fill this in then it's probably not a project that you actually want to start all right so we'll name that Preparatory questions I hope I spelled that right and we'll drag that to the beginning Perfect all right so now we have the questions in the Daily Review weekly review in the projects tracker and then the next database we are going to build is the smart goals database so let me just open this one up and let me grab this um yeah so the first thing is going to be the goal name actually the first thing is going to be the master table of course because we want that want to get the proper icon in there beautiful um and we want to drop the banner let's see reflection covers nope there we go smart goal database cover perfect so smart goals um this is kind of tongue-in-cheek we've all heard this idea of the smart goal in school specific measurable acceptable realistic and time bound I want to say um and most of us probably really detested it because there's nothing that sucks as much as someone trying to help you teach you planning and goal setting if they aren't actually into that sort of stuff or if they aren't actually inspiring you at least that's a problem that I used to have doing uh this sort of getting these sort of assignments um but instead of all capitals smart I went for smart with small letters because we also just want to set smart goals right we want to have goals that are smart that actually get us to the place where we want to go so the smart goals are really goals that take anywhere from let's say 3 months to 18 months so they are longer than projects um and they are um really more goal oriented now I'm still trying to figure out what the exact difference is between a project and a smart goal because they are similar in some regards um but yeah the goals are really um things that give us Direction but also things we want to achieve right so these are really concrete goals that we want to achieve so the first tag we're going to add over here is the status so that's going to be the status of the goal and similar to that of the project going to be active next up complete it and terminate it and we're going to color code that getting the hang of this by now completed red perfect terminated gray yeah this red this seems more like brown yeah that looks better there we go okay then we're also going to add the date span and I'm going to show you a neat little thing that you can do I am personally not a big fan of doing this but you can definitely do this and that is creating a timeline view so suppose we would have the date span of let's say October 1st to October 31st and then we're going to give this second goal the date span of October 15th till November 15th and then the last one we'll just give it November 1st till November 13th what we can do in a few is say we want to have a timeline f and what this does is basically lay out I'm going to put this to quarter the goals on a timeline right and we can sort this by dates span um and this way you can kind of see cascading which goals you are currently working on and which one are coming up uh you can also do this for projects you can also do this um for pretty much any database I personally don't like this VI too much but I know that there's people that really like having these sort of timeline charts these gun charts as they're also called um yeah so that was just a neat little trick I wanted to show you real quick then the next thing we're going to add similar to the project is we're going to add this um input tag we're going to add this Target and then we're going to grab this little formula from right over over here to get ourselves a nice progress bar once again you don't have to build this it's just something if you like having it you can have it and there you go Target is 20 input is 10 50% project bar all right um that's pretty much it the database for the smart goal pretty simple so then we're actually going to move into the template for the smartcool now this is why I did the reflections first um because the goals the smart goals the vision goals uh the more we get into this inside domain the higher up we get in this um flowchart right the more we get towards this um all the way up more towards this higher longer term feedback loops um the deeper and the more reflective questions we are going to ask and the reason for that is because we want to get the these things right you know an action item you can you got a new shot at that every single day a project you got a new shot at that every few weeks goals you know you want to take a little bit more time because we won't have as many goals that we'll work on within a lifetime let alone Vision goals or let alone these core insights you know those are things that um you want to get them right so you want to take some time to think about them doesn't mean you have to get them right you know we always make mistakes um but yeah we want to try our best so we're going to create this template add a gorgeous little cover there we go smart goals and as you can see I like nature I went with many different nature themes in this particular example we'll do the beautiful Autumn forest all right the first thing we're going to do is we're going to create a section for reflection and insight and we're going to make that one yellow and here we're going to add a linked view of the reflections database and this time we're going to grab all the reflections dedicated to work um to the smart goals now this is a long list of Reflections as you can see right over here so we're actually going to group them in a few different sections so first of all I'm going to say smart goal contains smart goal template and then actually I'm going to hide all of these groups I think I can do that right over here with one button yes I can um and then I'm going to call this one the purpose duplicate that I'm going to call the second one the sacrifice and we're going to do the third one which is called The Challenge fourth one the complexity and the fifth one is going to be the definition of done and these are basically the different um subsets of questions that we're going to ask ourself before we create a gold definition of the there we go beautiful all right then we go into these groups and I'm just going to show all the questions that are actually related to this particular category once again the reason I'm hiding them here and I'm not deleting them is because if I delete them right if I were to delete this one right here and I'm going to answer that right over here let me just show you how that works what are the costs of pursuing this goal I'm going to delete that over here seems to be gone but then the moment that I would answer that question right over here give you an answer it's going to pop right up right over here right and that's not something we want so I'm going to delete this one again and let's do that again so we're going to hide them and then we're going to show this one which Vision goal does this contribute to and how does it contribute to this Vision goal that's three questions for the first one there we go perfect then we go into the oh misclicks then we go into the misclicks because that's what we do the third the second three questions what are the costs of pursuing this goal am I willing to pay the price and do I want the lifestyle that comes with the pursuit and we got one more over here what will my daytoday life look like actually those two will swap can we swap him here I want to have that manual yeah so I'm also going to put this manual over here because that actually means that these groups stay as we put them now otherwise they're going to be ranked by the alphabetical order of the reflections that we're going to write in here so I'm going to put this to manual also so then we have the sacrifice purpose sacrifice then the challenge I'm just having my little cheat sheet here to make sure that I'm doing this all the right way how does no how challenging is this goal let's see where are you how challenging maybe I did not put that one in okay I guess I just forgot to put that one in how challenging is this goal am I on the edge of my capabilities okay am I seems like I forgot to add in a few of them um and if not how can I make the goal easier there we go beautiful how challenging is this goal so this is really talking about the challenge then we're going to talk about the complexity of the goal so the first question is how complex is this goal and I think something just went wrong so I'm just going to add these all manually for now how complex is this goal will I be able to to handle this goal and if not what would I need to do what and who would I need to handle this complexity there we go should also change this to manual should have done that before I duplicated all these fuse because as you see this is really the thing with notion right you want to think about the things you're going to build to save yourself a lot of time because in this particular example I could have changed this one setting on the first one and just duplicate that all the way now we have to do it multiple times because I wasn't paying attention and lastly height height height we want what do I need to complete this goal when do I consider this done right so this is also good think beforehand when do I consider this done and then also ask yourself what would it take for me to quit pursuing this goal right because um sometimes we set a goal that we're not meant to complete so if beforehand we think about what is the thing that will trigger us to quit this goal um then when the time presents itself and it's actually a better move to quit the goal we have the um I guess the fortitude and the self resect to quit the goal right so we can think about that beforehand beautiful and then we'll put that to manual okay so that's the reflection and in part and then the second part is going to be the planning and execution we're going to make that orange so smart goals we always work towards smart goals with either a project or a set of projects or a habit or a set of habits right once again we can also see that here Illustrated smart goals are executed on through projects and through habits so what we're going to do is we're going to say give me that habit tracker that we created earlier and we're just going to call that habits H the title and give me that projects tracker particular few um just the monster table is fine cool and then we are going to say only show me habits that are related to this smart goal so actually we have to make one more relationship here to make that filter work so we're going to create a relation in the habits database we're going to create that relation we're going to say relate this one to the smart goals One Way sync is perfectly fine here and then we can say filter this Habit to only show smart goals related to this template I hope that this is also now abundantly clear how this filtering works and then we can create a habit from here related to this particular smart goal right so if there's a smart goal then I can just enter The Habit here and then we have a new habit working towards this smart gool likewise let's see projects we're going to do the same thing for the projects and over here we also need to add this smart go relationship so we're going to say relationship and as I as I showed you before it doesn't matter in which instance of a database you add a property a new property is always added to every instance of the database it's modifying the original database so we can just do that right over here we don't have to go to a separate page for this create that relationship to the smart goals tracker at that relationship and then we can make that filter and say I only want to see projects related to this particular smart gool right and then similarly we can say hey I need X Y or Z habits you know maybe the goal is to run a marathon then my habits might be I need to run uh three times per week maybe the project is you know I need to um practice I do like a trial Marathon run maybe not the best project but like that we can start the whole project from here buts buts we can enter everything and we can quite literally open it here generate the template and start then also planning in this project right so we really start getting this cascading effect moving from the larger goals into the smaller ones into the projects all the way down ultimately to our actions and the last one going to add one more Reflections um actually I'm just going to grab this one because it has the fewest entries I'm going to hide this title I'm going to change this filter I'm going to say the smart goal contains smart goal template delete this delete this and delete this and then the last question we'll ask ourselves is commitment what is my commitment to this goal and this is just basically after we've done all this Preparatory work after you scoped out the habits to projects in here we just write down what is my commitment to this goal right why am I doing this goal what excuse me um how serious am I going to take this how much am I going to dedicate myself towards this goal really drive that home for yourself so that when times get tough you have that commitment you spoke it out maybe share it with someone it's just that little extra little extra and then oop okay perfect going to call that the commitment and that then concludes the smart goals database and now we're really starting to get somewhere we have a few more left to go so buckle in or buckle up and then we're going to round this bad boy up next up is the monthly refie right so we had our weekly refie now we're going to move into into the monthly review and the monthly review is really a layer on top of the weekly review right so this is just going that extra level above and the first thing we're going to do first thing always creating I know this is getting a little bit repetitive but you know we set it up once and then it's going to surface gorgeously in the future going to drop that c because we never ever get tired of some beautiful good covers and there we go monthly database cover and then the first thing we're going to have here is the riew name or let's just call it the month then we're going to have one relationship to the weekly review database um actually this is optional what we can do and actually I'm not going to build that right now but what we can do is we can make a formula that counts the amount of habits that we've been doing over the week so we can kind of get this average score and then we could show at the end of the month what our average habit score is but for now I think that we'll get a little bit complicated and we're already very deep in um so I'm actually just going to delete that and we're just going to have a date span that's it very simple database now if you want I added some nice banners and I will show you just what a few of them look like what you can do is already pre-load some of these months grab those banners and just create a nice little gallery for yourself I found this really awesome artist on unsplash and I will put his name in the description down below basically you could do this for all the months the Banners are in the folder put the properties here to saying actually the layout to say card preview so that's what we're going to see on this card make that the page cover maybe want to remove the name and then like this this could be our little gallery of how we look at all the different months just a nice little visual thing doesn't add any concrete value but just a nice little visual thing beautiful okay then we are going to make the monthly review template we're going to add the icon here now you can add the cover here but be aware if you add the cover here and you generate the template the covers that we just added are going to be deleted and then actually I'm not sure if I have I only have the database cver so for now you know we'll just roll with it I'm just going to say December inside this template once again we are going to start with some Reflections and this is why I did all those reflection questions in one go because this is saving us so much time because in all these databases we just want to get these Reflections so I'm going to say monthly Reflections and we're going to collapse these together going to say monthly contains monthly review template perfect and there's two questions here what was these are all the reflective not so this good so these are all the reflective questions so we're going to call that monthly reflection but then we're also going to have a few Preparatory questions now you can either put these in the same tab or um you can put them in a different tab so suppose we would create this one right over here and first I need to change change that filter monthly review contains monthly review template there we go delete delete and delete and we're going to ask oursel the question what would make upcoming month awesome the upcoming month awesome and what are my intentions we going to call this next month's intentions drag that one over here so now at the beginning of the review we can put these questions in here so actually that's at the end of last month's review then we can set those intentions and then when we start doing this review at the end of the month we can check back in with these questions and then right in the middle here we're going to sandwich one more set of questions those are going to be our weekly review questions weekly review is not empty and created is on or after one month ago so what this is going to do is it's going to show us all the weekly reviews that we made in the past month so we'll Jem that in the middle here so now we get this nice little sandwich right at the end of our review um we set some intentions for the next month then at the beginning of our review we first check in with all the weekly Reflections that we made in the past month right we can toggle one of these open and we'll have three or four different uh Reflections in here and we can just kind of reflect back on all the experiences as the month was unfolding because what tends to happen is it's the last week of the month the last day of the month and you start reflecting and all your Reflections are just about things that happened like two days before now we can check in with all these things that happened to us last month and then after we kind of um resonate with that then we go into these monthly Reflections and once again here you can um delete questions add questions and really personalize this as you see fit cool so we're going to call this reflection and insight then we're going to move into the review section at the divider line with the three I don't know how how that button is called but you know which one I mean and then over here so during the weekly review we check in with the projects during the monthly review we check in mostly with the goals so we're going to create linked view of database and we want to get a linked view of the smart goals database but actually first we need to create that uh particular VI inside of the smart goal database itself so let's go into this bad boy duplicate this View and then we can say completed and terminated goals save and then we're going to say I only want to see all the goals that are completed and terminated and there we have it and then we can also say then sort it also by completed to terminated and actually also sort it by date span and I think that needs to be descending yeah beautiful cool then we're going to duplicate this one and we're also going to say okay now show me all the active goals active goals and we're going to also create the next one which going to be the next up goals and we only have to make Minor Adjustments here so we go into this little um filter and we just say active just want to see the active goals once again go into that little filter I just want to see the next up goals and let's actually um dummy next up goal and suppose we would call this one dummy active goal cool now we can go back into that monthly review select the data source smart goals and we're going to say completed and terminated goals smart goals active goals smart goals next up goals and this is basically us going to do a review so which goals did we complete and terminate in the last year um which goals are we currently actively working on right and in here you can once again look at those smart goals do they need new habits do they need new projects does something need to be changed um and we can look at the goals that are next up is there anything we want to prepare for is there any goal that we want to start right now or maybe change something about um so this is really just kind of looking into the future I'm actually just going to call this oh to save some space similar there we go next goals then we also use use the monthly review to check in with our habits our habits and routines and we're just going to use the master table here do we need any new habits do we need to change something about our habits do we want to make one inactive um anything really habits and then the last two things we're going to review is the personal knowledge database but this time we're going to do the monthly review VI and we created this earlier basically what we do now is we look at only the best of the best ideas and we're going to see okay is there anything that needs to change maybe from one Diamond to three diamonds or from one Diamond to two Diamond so this is the last phase of rating and filtering out our ideas so that over time we can really start building this database of very high quality ideas and that we can easily access them so that's going to be the personal knowledge and we're going to do the same for the external knowledge and there we go I might actually have the space here I don't know let's try so what you can see if there's too much room it's going to hide in these toggles personally I don't like this I mean if you do then don't worry you can use long names I like to have everything visible in one overview so I'm just going to call this one PK I'm just going to call this one EK there we go cool now we're going to do another calendar review are there any events in the upcoming month that you want to prepare for and what I've personally done is I went to the Google Google Calendar VI for a whole month and then just simply um paste the link in here that if you click there you automatically get the whole month's overview um potentially you could also have something like a review of your finances um and once again you know these are things that you can experiment with you can add and remove things that seem like they are useful to you for now I'm just going to say paid all open bills checked if all requests have been paid and reviewed my cash flow and then last section of the monthly review is once again going to be the planning aspect and that's where we're going to create the next month's review we're going to set intentions for the upcoming month and we're going to set weekly review template to this month's review actually we don't have to do this last one because we're not tracking The Habit so actually we'll just remove this one my apologies and once again good job time to reward yourself with some chocolata cool celebrate so for this one we're going to grab the let's see if that works like this um monthly review simply go in there create the next month's review set the intentions for the upcoming month and there we have it our monthly review template completed okay we are getting there we have have four more databases to do and the next one that we're going to do is the vision goals database so let me just open that one up let's see okay as always master table we know the drill by the end of this all of you are going to be absolute notion Masters right we are going Zero to Hero right here here we're doing it together ain't that ain't that something boom um nope that's the wrong one I need the vision goal database cover cool so the vision goals are goals we are not necessarily planning to reach but they're really giving us some direction in life so these are the dreamlike goals the places where we inv Vision ourselves to be right and these Vision goals are going to be based on our core insights on our six life areas but for now first we'll just create this database right over here so this one's going to be the goal name then here we're going to have time Horizon and this is basically how far out um am I seeing this Vision goal and we're going to give five years we're going to give seven and a half years and we're going to have 10 years now you might be wondering dude what the hell I'm never ever going to set a goal for 10 years that I'm going to reach that so far away there's so many things that are going to change in that intermediate time and that is completely true like I said the goal of these goals the goal of these goals nice meta um is not necessarily that we reach them but it's just to give us direction to give us motivation right so this is just really a more motivated um and inspiring sort of goal that we're setting for ourselves so let's say time Horizon over there then we want a relationship to the smart goals database we want a relationship to the six life areas and we're going to show you later why we want that one so want to the six life areas think we only want it one way and we want to have a relationship to the core Insight database and lastly we'll have one checkbox for archiving right so it could be that we don't finish one of these goals no problem we can simply archive it and just like that um we can always remember that it was there we can always see the Preparatory work that we did the questions that we answered but then the the goal is simply archived cool simple database goal name time Horizon smart goals and let's dive into the template as you see these these databases are getting simpler it's really the templates that are generating the power for these more high level databases similar to with the smart goal template we are first going to do some scoping questions and these are deep questions these are questions you should really think about take some time to fill them in if it takes multiple settings do it take multiple settings um like I said we're not going to be setting a lot of vision goals right these are deep things these are the things that really matter to us in life these are the things that Infuse our everyday actions with meaning so we want to get these goals right take some time think about them discuss them with people um and don't be in a hurry it's perfectly fine to take some time for these so once again we're going to create this link database we're going to grab these reflection questions we're going to grab the vision goal reflection questions once again a big big list so what I'm going to do is I'm going to say this time I'm going to remove this sorting put it on manual right here and then I'm just going to say hide all let's hiding all these questions and right over here we're going to say the purpose we're going to say the future very similar to the smart goals the sacrifices and the possibilities because magic of thinking big right we want to see those possibilities and then we're going to say why do I want to set this Vision goal how does this Vision goal contribute to my life purpose and which life areas is it related to that's going to be number one then the future what would my life look like if I pursued and reached this Vision goal and what if I did not pursue and reach this Vision goal this is really a good motivational exercise to see um to and vision that place where you want to be if I reach this goal and if I'm pursuing this goal what does my life look like is that the type of life that I want maybe it's not if it's not maybe we should change something about our vision goal um similarly what would my life look like if I did not pursue this Vision goal um what kind of place would I end up in is that a place that's going to make me very unhappy or that's going to be very painful that can be a very powerful motivator to actually work on this Vision goal yeah so we want to think about the positive and the negative then we want to go into the sacrifices we're going to ask ourselves what sacrifices would I have to make to pursue this Vision goal and am I willing to make these sacrifices right these are important questions because it's very easy to just set a goal but like I already said twice we don't rise to the level of our goals but we fall to the level of our systems so we need to think properly beforehand about a goal because it's easy to set them but it's much more difficult to live them to embody them and thinking about questions like this am I actually willing to make these sacrifices what sacrifice would it take gives us a more realistic perspective on the goals that we are setting for ourselves lastly we're going to go into the possibilities and we're going to say what with this Vision goal look like if I try doing it in one tenth of the time and what would it look like if I tried getting 10 times as much result this is really us thinking outside the box thinking big you know if your vision goal is in 10 years I'm going to have this business that is you know got a million um in in Revenue okay what would that look like if it's 10 million or what would it look like if you had that business next year you know what would the path towards getting there look like it's really meant to stimulate you and not by being a little bit better but by thinking okay what if we just exponentially did this bigger exponentially did this better what would that look like perfect now right over here we get ourselves a nice planning and execution session section rather and by now I think you're already getting the hang of this this time we're going to insert the smart goals we're going to say the master table of the smart goals height this t uh title right over there we already have the fishing goal relationship so we can just go in here say only show smart goals related to this Vision goal and so whenever we create a vision goal we always want to set a smart goal could be for now could be for in the future but we want to set this smart goal then we're going to add over here um reflection let's just do this one again because we also want to have the commitment just like we had for the smart goal filter let's see where do we have that right over there Vision goals template delete delete and delete flop and we're going to have that question make a commitment it's not even a question it's a statement did I just swear I think I did it's been a long day it's been a long day make a commitment towards this Vision goal right we add our commitment in there we're also going to add affirmations here in a little bit uh but first first we have to build those databases and that's another one done this is basically this whole um chain right from this one right Vision goal leads to Smart goal smart goal leads to project and habits project and habits lead to actions actions lead to um knowledge generation but also Reflections which lead to daily weekly monthly quarterly and now we're going to do the yearly one so that's going to be the last review that we are going to create y so let's go back into our database collection Hub open up the yearly review and the yearly review is really something special for this review um take the time take a whole day take a weekend book a house away have some time by yourself bring a good friend make it a special occasion right Get Your Favorite Beverages your favorite music make this the time to really look back at the entire past year right so this is going to be a very special review and we're gonna there we go actually I think we might have skipped the quad LE review here so my apologies we're first going to actually create the quarterly review so the quarterly review is more like a layer on top of the monthly review it's a little extra but it's not a lot and you don't necessarily have to do it although I think it's nice to do it um yeah that should have been right in there quarter name and once again if you want I also have some nice banners um for the quarterly review I'll show you that in a little bit so suppose we would say 2022 quarter number four give that also a dates span because every quarter has date give this one a nice quad Le riew cover and as you can see I have a whole bunch of these covers here I'll show you one just just so you can see if you want you can add these to the quarters um just to make them look nice and sexy well there you go just some uh nice covers that you can add all right let's go into this template we're going say quarterly refie template the first part we're going to do in this review is we're going to have some Reflections that is not the right one there we go let's just add this one in for the time being um and it's really simple we want to have two linked instances here we want to have all the monthly Reflections that we made in the past quarter so we're going to get monthly Reflections but we're going to change the filter to say I want to see monthly Reflections in the last quarter now the thing is before we did um create it is on or after a month ago right a month ago but we can't do that for 3 months ago so we're just going to leave this one empty and then whenever we generate this uh review we just simply manually type in a date here so I only want to see the reflections from after October 1st or after September 1st but for now I'm just going to leave that one empty say last monthly Reflections here we can see all these monthly Reflections and then here we'll add the quarterly Reflections and those are going to be of course related to this template and yeah you can add questions here you can remove questions that's basically it just reflection quarterly just reflection and then here in the bottom we're going to check in with our Insight Zone but we haven't yet built this that so we'll get back to that in a moment cool now the yearly riew is going to be very similar it's mostly going to be a whole bunch of reflection but it's going to be bigger reflection so let's just remove this one delete property we only need the year want to get that yearly riew cover and then over here create that new template yearly review template right template we're going to rarely use but whenever we use it it's going to be sweet it's going to be com in handy we're going to grab this part alternation Mark I have no idea what it is but I think it looks pretty damn cool so that's why I put it there we're going to have the yearly review cover all right first we'll have this little block of information which I just put at the top of the page which is basically what I just told you just a gentle reminder hey this is a really special occasion take some time make it a situation make it a place that is really nice for you if you're wondering what this boxes this box is a call out in a call out you can write text and it's basically just a little yeah colored box with some information in it then under that we're going to create a linked database and what we want to see is we want to see all the monthly Reflections that we did last year all the quarterly Reflections that we did last year we want to see the projects that we did last year the goals that we did last year and the personal and external knowledge the best ones of those particular knowledge types so first you get the drill by now we can easily you know this is why we create these fuse in the center Central database because we can easily reference them again and again and again and again and similarly here here we want to say um show us all the monthly reviews from last year so we're going to say created is on or after once again we have to manually do the date right so in this case that would be the 1st of January those are the monthly reflections then right over here we're going to do the same thing but we're going to do it for the quarterly Reflections is created on or after 1 of January then we are going to grab the personal knowledge database and we could just simply grab the monthly refie one modified slightly we'll hide that one we'll hide this one and we can say filter is on or after once again that's going to be a custom date that's all going to be after the 1st of January right so we see all the Diamond Double Diamond and Triple Diamond ideas that we've had in the past year so this is the best information that we we've gathered in the past year we're going to do the same thing for the external knowledge database height that title just collapse these menus right over here height the three star one five star rather and create this into custom date custom date yeah so we get over here these two databases the best knowledge the best knowledge we've generated and the best knowledge we've consumed throughout the year then we are going to grab the reflection questions from our smart goals once again we're going to add this filter created is on or after first of January and then lastly here we're going to do that for the projects create is on or after January so this line of databases is all checking in with work that we've already done throughout the year right what did I say during my monthly Reflections what did I say during my quarterly Reflections what is this knowledge that I collected what kind of goals um was I scoping what kind of projects was i setting you can scroll through these read some you don't have to read all of them it's more meant as an Easy Buffet to go into these questions right so at the end here we'll have all these times we've answered this question suppose make have to project tracker is not ah here no I'm not sure why it's not showing this one it's probably just being laggy right now what I wanted to show you is that if you enter um multiple projects throughout the year we're going to get the whole list of Reflections that we made down here in this list so let me try it here ah yeah there we go it needs to be related of course I should have known right and then like that see you can then open one of these questions we've done this throughout the year now I'm just generating some content on the Fly we have done this throughout the year and then you can actually see all these answers that we gave here look into those answers um see what we were thinking and basically get some perspective get some insight into our own behavior and that's actually going to be the second part here that we're going to create under this link database because this is information that we've already generated and then down here here we're actually going to generate new information so here we are going to get the um Reflections we're going to have the yearly Reflections and I'm going to duplicate this one because we're also going to have the review reflections as you can see over here there's five questions that are all asking about patterns those are going to be the review questions we're going to say yearly review contains yearly review template these are all questions related to this information over here right so are there any patterns or Insight that stand out from your completed or terminated smart goals those patterns we can read right over here are there any patterns that stand out to you from the terminated projects are there any particular pieces of knowledge that resonated particularly well right particular pieces of knowledge so these review questions are basically linked to these um FS over here every one of these fusees has one question and this is where we really dive into those patterns that we spot in our own behavior so what are these patterns what are these insights that can be gleamed about the type of person that we are because that is really going to inform in that cycle it's really going to inform the goals and the Ambitions that we set up for the future then the second yearly Reflections these are just going to be completely unrelated so in this case we're just going to hide these top ones and here we can just add more questions if we want SLE biggest that one we already have that one also well you can add more questions here we have them all in the reflection questions database and these are questions to just really help you reflect on the past year what were some of my favorite experiences what was the biggest challenge what were some of the best financial investments what was my single biggest time waster this is really thinking back on the year and everything that we did in it okay over here there's going to be two more inside databases also but once again we haven't generated those so that is pretty much the yearly review template now we'll have a little scratch Pad here at the bottom you know this is a long process maybe something just pops up and we have this little let's see little reminder box to tell ourself the year is over you know whatever happened last year all the good all the bad the past is in the past now it's time to move forward together into this New Year all right cool so that is the yearly review database completed okay so as you can see the lighting changed here because I had to take a sleep because this video is running too long but not long enough because we are still building and there's a few more things left to cover so the next database that we are going to build is the core insights database so let me just open that one up and I'm just going to call this a master table we're going to give it a little Diamond now as I'm doing this I realize that in the rating of our knowledge system we are also using diamonds so that might be tiny bit confusing for people um so yeah that could be something worth changing but for now I'm just going to stick with this because this is how I initially made it and uh yeah that's just makes the most sense for me so core insights is going to um exist out of three different parts and I'll just type them here as a selection tag so the three different parts of the core insights are value statements they are principles and they are affirmations now a value statement um is really a statement that signals something that is important to you that is Meaningful to you that is valuable to you and it can be a very short statement um like I um I'm a loving person maybe that's a bit more of an affirmation but value statement um let's say I'm going to be ethical driven and disciplined or I have a balanced and relaxed mind or I care about people more than I care about things right this is something that um signifies a core value that you have in life you could also just have one value like we know we've all seen these Valu less like Compassion or love or Freedom or um um empathy or you know whatever that might be um but the value statement makes it a bit bigger because you don't only take that one single value but you turn it into a statement that resonates more with you so instead of saying um I value Freedom you might say um I think uh I want to have the freedom that allows me to be the type of person that I want to be in this world and then we're going to describe inside of this value statement what that then means to us right so we're going to make template for that value statement uh principle is a set of rules or a or or just one rule that we create um for ourselves or that we've learned somewhere that we can practically apply to a situation so for example the principle could be consistency is the key to exponential growth right so whenever we're doing something that's like a little rule a little reminder that we can tell ourselves consistency is the key to exponential growth um or one that I like humans aren't perfect which includes you right so that's a reminder for myself that's a rule that whenever I think um that I'm the one who's got the right answer that humans aren't perfect and I'm human so that includes me right so principle is uh more an applied sort of rule that we can have for ourselves and that can really form the backbone of how we operate in this world right so this is how we maybe identify and what we value in this world and this is more focused on okay how do we operate in more practical situations then the third one the affirmation um those are sort of mantras sort of little sentences little rules that we not really a rule it's more like a little sentence that we tell ourselves that we repeat to ourselves to kind of reprogram our own brain and um yeah whether you believe in this or not you can you cannot do this if this is something you feel weird about or or you don't believe in it I think it's very powerful telling yourself that you are a certain person um there's this book called The Law of Attraction and I've never read it uh but I know a lot of people um do and they think that if you just repeat something often enough you attracted by some magical sort of way I don't think this is the case necessarily um what I do believe is that if you repeat something to yourself over and over and over you are going to train your brain you are going to train your perspective and your way of perceiving things in such a way um that those opportunities become more Salient to you right they jump out more so if I keep telling myself I'm the in six months I am going to build this business that's going to earn 100,000 in Revenue in 6 months I'm going to earn this business that's going to earn 100,000 in Revenue my brain is just going to be more primed to spot those opportunities right so it doesn't have to be this magical thing um could be if you want to believe that that's also cool but I think they are also has very practical applications to have a sort of affirmation system for yourself so that's a brief explanation of the value statements the principles and the affirmations and these two are really going to be the insights and this is going to be more of a training tool more of an applied um yeah method of the in insights then the second tag we are going to make is going to be called the resonance and the resonance really means how intense am I currently living this core Insight right because sometimes um you might be just exploring an inside right maybe you just went on your first travel abroad and you think freedom is actually very important to me I like the freedom to go where I want um but that might not be a value you've really embodied yet it might just be something you're thinking about or that you are experimenting with um so we're going to have these three different resonance levels and we can assign that to our different core insights and these can change that's perfectly fine right maybe at one point you really embody a certain value statement like having a balanced and relaxed mind maybe that's something I'm really embodying right now but then maybe at some point I am pursuing this other value statement right building uh building that business or having that Financial Freedom and I might have to sacrifice a little bit of this statement or this core quality to get the other one right they might conflict a little bit with each other and that's perfectly fine then you can just tone down the resonance on one be like okay I'm just relaxed on this one right now and you can tone up the other one right so we want to take away that friction within the person that we are trying to be for ourselves all right cool EMB body at to the top of mind let me just reposition this and this database is really the deepest one of all the databases this is the largest feedback loop um that we have these are the things that you don't notice the result straight away but if you get these things right it's going to make your entire life it's going to change your entire life right so this is the Deep work the long-term work the patient work but also the most important work that we can do so I would really recommend diving deep into this taking the time to do this do the exercise properly um explore this landscape um of your inner world of the person that you are trying to be and the person that you are all right then we are going to make some relationships we're going to make a relationship to the six life areas database which we are going to build after this one then we are going to make another relationship to the vision goals also because hopefully based on these core insights we can also formulate Vision goals and then we also want to have a relationship to the reflections database and now we are going to do a uh new thing and I'm going to show you um what that is and why that is uh later on also we are going to make a self reference referential um database or actually we're going to make a self- referential reference inside of this database so we're going to create a relation from core insights to core insights so this is going to be self- referential I'm going to call this one core insights we'll give that the diamond and I have to actually make separate directions so we're going to get this double one right core insights and then we're going to call this one core insights two or you could call it core inside parent and child um Diamond just like that let me actually put yeah perfect beautiful all right cool and then here or maybe core Insight name yeah let's just call it that okay so now we are going to create three different different FS of this table the first one is going to be the value statements we are going to create a grouping actually that is a line we're not going to create a grouping we're just going to create a filter and we are going to say type is value statement I'm just going to turn this into a list because we don't necessarily need all this information we just want to have the value statement the resonance level of this particular value statement and we want to sort it also by resonance level so I'm just going to create one real quick right over here give that top of mind and we're going to say sort by resonance yeah this is a quick little trick you can do um because when you put a sort sometimes it's upside down especially for dates um it depends on if you want the upcoming date or the past date up or down um what I just usually do is I create a second entry just with some dummy content to see if the sord order is actually right and which in this case it is so that is great and then we're just collapse that one then we are going to create one for principles and we're going to create one for affirmations so we have all of our principles in one tab all of our affirmations in one Tab and all of our value statements also in one tab there we go cool okay so now we are going to build the templates because as you've learned by now the templates is usually where the magic takes place and we'll start with building the value statement template so I'm just going to go in here value statement template open that bad boy up there we go and I hope by now that you also see the power of using these shortcuts these keyboard shortcuts made makes it so much easier to navigate uh through notion through your own system also and we're going to throw that one full width we're going to say type is value statement because you know it's a value statement and I'm actually um G to get the s's away from that because I'm a perfectionist this needs to be single singular okay so the template is very simple we're just going to make one linked instance which is going to include reflection questions um there we go reflection questions it's going to include the life areas and it's going to include affirmations and actually the live areas will add them later core insights okay so there is going to be a few questions that we want to ask ourselves related to the value statement so let me first just change this one to core insights contains value statement template then we can um hide this one we can hide this one we can hide this one let's see what does this value statement mean yeah cool so these are going to be the four questions we ask ourselves what does this value statement mean to you does this statement conflict with any other of my value statements right that's what what I Al was also talking about earlier because then we might have to either change this value statement or we need to change the resonance what would a practical application or lift example of this value statement look like values can be quite abstract they can feel good right you know I I want to be a loving person I want to be a compassionate person that might feel good um but how how are you going to live that what does that look like right give make it more concrete for yourself so that when a situation presents itself um you also know how to live out that value statement um and then what challenges might you encounter you know let's say I do value freedom and I do value the freedom to go wherever I want um that might conflict with having a stable job for example right maybe I also have stability and I'm want to have a stable job but I also want to have that freedom right what challenges might I encounter when I'm living out this value statement all right I'm going to drop that one and say reflection questions and then over here this is going to be the affirmations uh Tab and I'm going to say filter the type is affirmation and this is why we created this self referential database because now I'm going to say um filter let's see I hope I'm doing this right let me just double check this real quick creates value statement temp PL affirmation okay there we go actually I li we have this for a separate occasion which I'm going to show you in a little bit Yeah but based on this um so what the logic here is and let me just show you this in the flowchart is um once we get our core insights um we can do three things first um we can turn a core Insight straight away into an affirmation right so if my core Insight is um I value uh Financial Freedom I want to have Financial Freedom in my life then I could straight away turn that into an affirmation and say um you know I'm the type of person who attracts wealth that could be an affirmation the other option is we first put it into a life area right we're going to do this regardless but we'll put it into a life area and then based on that life area we're going to make Vision goals right so I'm going to say I want to have Financial Freedom in my life that is part of the financial life area and then for this financial life area I'm going to set this Vision goal that within 10 years I'm going to have this business that earns me a million per year and then based on that Vision goal I'm going to make the affirmation so we can make the affirmation straight away which we could do in here or we can do it um at the vision goal level so that's just PR reference um you don't want to have too many affirmations you want to have enough that you will actually engage with them but we just have them there in case in case you have a value statement here where you feel you know I just want to have an affirmation based on this particular value statement all right we'll just turn that into the list and we'll say properties type resonance and now you can see if you create an affirmation here it's automatically going to be linked to this value statement so we always know where our affirmations come from where our um value statements also come from why am I not seeing this oh because I didn't add a resonance there we go yeah so we can just have that little thing over there and if I add a new one over here just to show you right add a new affirmation of course this is also going to show up in this Central affirmation database right so we get a whole list here of affirmations and principles and and value statements but whenever you open one you can see okay this one is related to that core Insight right to that core Insight but I'm going to delete this one for now and then we are going to make the principles template so I'm going to go in there and I'm actually just going to duplicate this template because they're very very Sim similar let me just open that one up going change that cover though because I do like myself a good cover I do I do got to keep them covers coming right so we're going to height the affirmation questions for this one and we're just going to unhide the principal questions so what uh does this principle mean to you what would a practical application or lift example of this principle look like does this statement that should be does this principle conflict with any other of my principles and then we're missing one question and I think that is what challenges might arise when you're trying to app those so these are pretty much the same questions that we have for the value statement but now we're just going to have it for the principle and once again you can set an affirmation right over here core Insight contains principal template um so yeah this is the exact same thing right you can based on this principle then create an affirmation easy peasy just like that okay third template we're going to make is going to be then the um affirmation template I'm just going to open that one up and this one's going to be slightly different so we'll just create a new one affirmation template and you might have also noticed I like to both in Banner style and in icon style I like to use similar icons for certain zones right review is these little celestial bodies these are like the little two leaves you know all these riew databases have deserts as their background all these action databases have forests as their backgrounds uh knowledge you know I like to use similar looking things in colors because it just makes it a bit easier to understand okay what what is this thing actually a part of and yeah for that affirmation I'm actually I do need to then no that's uh that's that that's okay um yeah it's the snowflake I see I actually did not add this one over here for this one it's the the diamond shape and for the value statements it's the actual Diamond there we go cool see so similar looking icons all right open up the affirmation template the type is going to be affirmation at cover there we go we at the affirmation cover beautiful nice wave you know you got to go with the wave um and then up here we're going to start with a blue box that says this is my affirmation and what you can do here is you can either have the entire affirmation already in the title you know um in six years I am going to earn1 million EUR per month but maybe you have a bit more lengthier affirmation right I have one that I do every morning where I basically say I love myself I respect myself I embrace myself and I got this whole thing it takes like a minute or so then the title can just be one word and then you can just drop your entire affirmation here if you want so this is just a little extra room for an affirmation uh now let me show you one thing if you are inside a call out and you press enter you are going to move into the next block um but it's actually possible to add more blocks inside a call out and the way you do that is you just grab one over here and you see this little blue line it goes under bum and now inside there I can write whatever I want so that's just a important little notion trick and then down here we actually want to see the core Insight that is related to this affirmation and the way we are going to do that is we'll just grab whichever one of these we want I'm going to say related core Insight I'm going to change this filter because we don't want to have the information just want to have the related core insight and now we are going to say filter this on core insights two and then that's going to be the affirmation template so what happens right now is if I'm going to create a new affirmation based for example here on this value statement right so we're going to make a new value statement um I value peace and Harmony in the workplace whatever I don't know just write something down right we're going to have this value statement template just open that up right we're going to do our Shenanigans here answer all the questions and then we're going to create this affirmation I will always compliment someone if I think they look good whatever right this is going to be my affirmation I will always compliment someone if they look good I repeat that to myself every morning 10 times because I think it's important to do that then I'm going to click affirmation template and there we go now inside this affirmation I can also see the parent um value that this is based on so now I can see it in both directions right on this page I see the parent and on this page I see the child so to say right so it it goes in both directions and that way it's just easy whenever you open either either statement you can see oh yeah the parent is or the child is that affirmation but also the other way around whenever I open an affirmation I can also see okay this one is based on this core statement or on this Vision goal so we always have that link we can always see where did this affirmation come from how is this contributing to that person that I am shaping um in these core insights right so that's where that self referential database comes in all right I hope that is clear it's pretty complex notion Shenanigans going on right there one of the most complex to be honest but you know we are going Zero to Hero here all right let's go um last one we're going to have related Vision goals and let's see I think what we want to have here is core Insight contains affirmation template and actually we're just going to put this as a list also because I do like lists so what this is doing it's pretty much the same as I just showed you that you can see um this affirmation is based on that statement we can now also see no this affirmation is based on this Vision goal so we can see um always when we open up a specific affirmation we can always see what is this one based on where did it come from um core insights yes yes okay cool just confusing myself there for a moment and we do want to have that property of time Horizon cool that's already there Perfect all right so that is the affirmation template and it also concludes the core in insights database not too complex I mean maybe a little bit complex not too big I should say and uh yeah core insights we can sort this one by type if we want boom and I'm just going to unrep those cells all right um last database we're we are going to build and then we're going to build a few more templates pardon me the last database we're going we are going to build is the six life areas database so the six life areas is a model that I developed a few years ago um which is basically a framing to look at the breadth and the width of life so I'm a firm believer of balanced growth um I think we should grow in all different areas of life and that if we go too hard on one specific domain let's go I go let's say I go too hard on the financial domain for a while that sooner or later I'll have to pay that back in the other domains right so typical example would be um someone working 60 hours per week not making time for their social life if you do that too long your wife's going to divorce you um your children are going to hate you um yeah so we want to keep those things in balance and the six life areas are framework there's many different Frameworks you have like 12 life areas you have um you know iy guy there's there's all these different methods of of of doing this this is just a way to kind of prompt and stimulate you to think in with um yeah so that's going to be the six life areas on top of that each of these live area entries can function as a separate dashboard for specific databases that you want to build inside your system um for example one of the life areas is the physical the physical life area in inside of this template you could um for example build a workout tracker or a nutrition tracker right because in the system that we're building today we're just getting the the the foundation like the most important things you want to get down but then everyone's going to have different interests everyone's going to use this system in their own way so we can use these six life areas also to create more specific dashboards so let me just whip this one up um so the first thing we're going to have right here is going to be the life areas I'm actually going to fill all of these in so we have the physical we have the mental we have the um social we have the financial we have the creative and we have the spiritual and I'm just give you a very quick rundown of what each of these entails um the physical IAL is everything related to the body right this is U Health Fitness um this is basically um your tool your um thing that you use to communicate with objective reality right um so the mental aspect that is everything that happens in the brain that is cognition that is your mind that is your reality right so the mental is subjective reality that is everything that you experience uh then the physical is your tool to turn that mental into the outward reality right your thoughts your yeah your thoughts you can turn them into speech or you can turn them into action and that usually happens in relationship to other people so that's the social right we put something into the world other people can perceive that and then we can start um interacting so I don't just act but I interact with other people also um based on those interactions we are going to ascribe value to things right so there's going to be this subjective World which is my own value structure which is my own perspective on how I look at things but there's also going to be this objective World um so I could see a chair for example and you might just see a simple chair but I might see this Oak um beautiful Oak lounging chair that's been crafted and I might have way more knowledge of this objective thing so I'm going to value that differently right and that's the reason why um people pay different prices for things and out of this valuing of things the financial and the material arises so we are going to try to um we we are trying to homogenize value by creating money right it's a way to assign the amount of value that we have and the amount of value that we value certain things so that's how the financial system arises it's the social system but then in relationship to how do we value things so everything that's included there is money Capital materialistic um gains and things that you have then we have the creative area and this is really our ability to generate new things um or to transform things right so we can take something that's already there and turn it into something else um and it's basically our ability to infuse part of this objective world with an idea right so we can Infuse part of ourselves into the objective world uh and often the things that we create are the thing um that sort of inform this financial area and then the last one is the spiritual area and that's everything that really transcends ourselves and this could be in a material plane so that could be something like our family it could be something like our community but it can also be something that transcends the material itself right and then we're talking more about um spiritual Traditions religions um something that is bigger than what we can capture in words so those six sort of make up the whole width of our life and we can use each of them as a diving board to think okay maybe this is an area I want to focus on more right now or maybe this is an area I want to focus on more right now and that's also why we have this property which is called the ga breakdown and GA stands for generative ability and uh this is basically an idea I had so there's this Theory called the for burners Theory I read about it on James clear's his blog and it basically says we have four burners in life I think it says family friends career and and maybe health or something like that and at all times we can only have two burners be on um now the idea behind that is that we only have limited time and energy we only have limited resources to work on different things so instead of saying all of them can be on or off my belief is that we have this limited amount right we have this generative ability um of course we can increase that generative ability over time and we will increase that um but suppose we just have 100% then we need to choose how much am I going to dedicate to every area so for example right I could say 15 to this one um let's first just say 15 15 15 we're going to create the sum all right let's just say that one 25 then there's different ways of operating right some people like to just work a little bit on all of these areas and that means you're going to be gradually growing in all of them but you're never really going to excel very hard in one of them other people might say you know I'm just going to let that physical go for a while and I'm just going to go heavy um you know I'm going to let let the social go for a while and I'm just going to go heavy on this mental area this is really just a way for yourself to consciously choose an area that you want to focus on because you won't be able to do everything at the same time telling yourself that you will is an illusion and is just going to cause you a lot of suffering and pain um so instead we want to um be honest with ourselves and say okay now in this period of my life I'm going to focus all a lot on this mental area or a lot on this financial area cool then let me take a quick ship then we're going to connect this database to the vision goals okay actually we already have it in there so what I'm going to do is go into this Vision goals database I'm going to say edit this property and make this relationship two-way and just like that it should be there and then we're going to add a rating tag and this is something we are going to use during our yearly reviews rating tag we'll just do the classic star method one two five stars right bum actually put them in the right direction color coat them pink red orange there we go yellow and of course blue because we do like ourselves some blue and the last one we are going to want is the core insights and I think we also make that here yeah so we're also just going to make that update this relationship both ways cool now I have some nice banners for each of these I'll just show you them because by now you know I do like myself a good Banner um so I'm going to say page cover instead of page content done and we're just going to grab these and put them in there the spiritual Financial area creative and these areas are not going to change so we only have to make all of these once mental physical boom and then lastly the social area there we go cool all right now I'm going to create create a generic template because we want to populate all six of these databases so it's easier to just make a template once um and then we're going to modify them more specifically also so I'll just call this one um grab the mountain and gallery see that already looks nice and clean and then we're going to grab this and we're going to create a template so life area template I'm not going to add a cover here because it's going to overwrite the covers that we just added I'm going to make this one full wi going to call this reflection insight and knowledge and the first thing we're going to do is grab the reflections database and you can really see now why we have the central database it makes it much easier to add reflection questions to manage them centrally um there we go reflection questions for the six life areas of course the thing contains the template itself and these are just some scoping questions for this thing because this is a model I created but it's important that you um embody this yourself so the question is what does this life area mean to you and what are you currently doing and what would Mastery look like in this life area for you so really make it your own right because the goal here is not to specifically do this life area rather the goal is for you to approach your development and to approach your growth in a balanced way right so that's why we're having these Preparatory questions over here um then we are just going to grab our core insights and we will create a group by type and we'll actually hide the affirmations because we're not going to make affirmations based on the life area um and then in here you can see all the core insights related to this life area so I'm going to six life areas contains life area template so it's only going to show all the core insights related to this specific life area then we're we're going to do something very similar for the vision goals and ultimately what we want to do is we want to set um at least one Vision goal per Life area um but that is a lot of work we don't necessarily want to do that straight away in one goal um so what you can do what we actually also will add um is that each quarterly refu you can focus on one life area so you can pick one life area in the quarterly refie that you really want to zoom in on deeply that means that in a period of 18 months one and a half years you will have Revisited each life area and I think if you do that consistently that is enough and then as time progresses these Vision goals start emerging and start U developing but it's a lot of work to do this all in one go if you want to do that if you want to take a week to really implement this system then for sure be my guest um but I also want to keep this realistic so initially you can also just have this empty setup and then as the quads pass as our um priorities also change we can start developing these uh Vision goals cool so I'm going to say here Vision goal also contains this life area template um and an important thing we're going to add here I we'll make this a list an important thing we're going to add here to our vision goals database right so we are now inside the vision goals database as you can see over here if that's not clear um what I did there so we are in this database right this division goals database a linked instance when you open a page inside a database you always see the same properties over here that you would otherwise see over here right these properties are the same as these properties so I just go in there I'm going to add this property I'm going to make a rollup and I'm going to call this rollup the ga breakdown generative ability breakdown I'm going to go inside of this six life areas relationship that we just made and from those six life areas I'm going to roll up the ga breakdown right so right over here we gave each of these life areas this breakdown right how much energy how much resources how much time am I going to put put into this um but if I relate a vision goal to this area then I also want to know how much ability is there available for this Vision goal right so let's say um let's do the financial here I will have a million euro business that's going to be my vision goal and then I generate this well there you go you already see it because it's related to the financial area and that one has 15% GA if I would change that to 20 the vision goal also automatically gets that and then when we have our list of vision goals um as I said we will have one per Life area but we can see which one we're more focused on which one we have have more um resources committed to at this specific moment so we still have that width of where we want to go but we also have that depth of where we're actually currently investing our time and energy all right let me just remove that one we'll just hop back into this template height this one say this one also gone it's the right filter put this on list properties that I want to see are the time Horizon but I also want to see the ga breakdown and actually do I also want to see if they are archived or not yes I do so there we go beautiful and then the last one um actually I'm not going to add this right here in my template there are some key resources that I added for each of the separate live areas um I can share them with you later I just have a little tab here with some Key Resources per live area um some podcast some books some other things which just really help you to um yeah get started on this live area it's going to be a lot of effort to edit and it's not going to be an edit value of editing of adding it currently just remove this yeah so we're just going to stick with this um and then I also for each life area have a 2080 and I will show you what this looks like first going to generate double check if everything's right here yeah everything's right so we're just going to generate all of these now I'm going to say live area template then I'm actually going going to hop I'm going to grab this from here yeah so for each one I have a 2080 uh the 2080 principle also known as the pero principle basically says that 20% of the input um takes care of 80% of the result I can highly recommend looking into that principle um and I kind of made a list here with 20% of activities that if you do these you get 80% of the result in this life area so this is just some very basic um but super valuable stuff none of this is going to cost you any money right the society is always trying to sell you things the best things in life they're free um or they're even uh you know earning you money or instead of getting something it means renouncing something um yeah for each life area I got this 2080 for you so you can just master that life area because that's that's what we're all about here right we want to craft the best possible lives for ourselves and for others here there you go right list of Key activities make a budget cut out any purchases you aren't passionate about invest money on a continual and consistent basis um these are just all these suggestions going to grab that see now you also really see this power of templates I make this template once and now everything here is automatically set up they all have the right filters everything is just so easy to generate once you've created those templates so it's really an upfront inest investment that we are making into this system but then once you have it up and running it's it's going to work like a charm right it's going to be your good buddy um and you don't have to do nearly as much once it's set up then you can really utilize it utilize it for your own purpose going to generate that template the 2080 for the you can just pause the videos if you want to copy this text and we're going to have the physical area and we're going to have the eat nutritious Foods you know workout regularly dedicate train these are such Basics but if you get these right you are 80% there trust me um it's not as hard as people make it out to be I guess it's hard it's not as complex it's very simple but it takes commitment you know it takes commitment it takes time um you have to um change your own behaviors right it's incredibly difficult to change your own behaviors um but it's not it's not complex right it's quite simple once you know what to do it's quite simple and I think we have all mental creative spiritual financial and physical cool so that is the six life areas um completed now what we want to do is we want to go into this core insights database because in here in these templates we also had this link to the six life areas um what we want to have here is a yeah we just want to have this one very basic I'm going to height this we going to hide this we're going to hide this actually no we're not going to hide that one this one we want to keep we're going to hide this okay so what we do here is once we we've created a value statement or a principle we're going to do the same thing for the principles we are going to make sure that we assign it to an actual area right so you wrote down this principle here and then over here you can say okay this is part of the physical area then right here you just bum click it so we just create that link there manually let me do the same thing for the principle real quick grab ourselves a mountain clean the Mountain Six life areas properties hide hide hide hide got to love hiding things man you want to keep this as simple as you can always right keep it nice and streamlined keep it nice and minimalist do one add one little break right over there cool then we're going to do the same for the vision goals database because if I remember correctly we also have one section here which is still left open let me just grab that real quick I'm pretty sure that we also want to no that's actually going to happen from the other side so yeah that's what I said earlier right we have the six life areas um when we work on one one of these areas we're going to set the vision goal right over here and it's automatically going to show us also on the way back so there you have it these are the databases this is the system everything is up and running now this is everything we need right we got 16 databases going on that is going to be our our entire system but that still leaves us with one thing namely the dashboards so that is what we're going to have a look at right now let me just grab this circle of growth one more time this is the essential cycle that our system is based on right we want to create insight into who we are what we value what our purpose in life our core insights based on that we want to plan where is it that we're going to go turn those abstract values into concrete plans goals projects and ultimately action items then we want to structure our knowledge processes our information flows in such a way that we can actually effectively also execute on our plans right so from there we move to execution these are the day-to-day actions that we do every single day the these are the tiny little steps that matter these are this is our life our life is actions then we have the review part where we're going to check in and see is the planning that we made still working is the knowledge structured um in such a way that we are actually getting to the point where we want to go and then lastly we're going to reflect and see okay are all these things still in line with this person that we're trying to be are the goals and the Ambitions that we set for ourselves actually getting us to be that person that we want to be or do we need to change course or do we need to change some of our values and right like that we start getting this circle so that's the same that we did for these databases right we have the inside databases the knowledge databases y y y you can see that right over here so now the last thing we're going to do is we're going to build One dashboard for each of these separate steps in the circle now this one is the database Zone that's where all our databases live I'm going to give that the custom icon um and each of these zones have a custom icon a custom color so that we can always recognize to what part of the process something is related so I'm just going to add these pages and I'm going to say inside Zone and I'm going to create the yellow Circle that's Let's see we got the inside Zone we're going to grab the circle we're going to gra the banner also inside Zone then we are going to create the planning zone right so we're taking the same direction as we did in the circle we going to structure the these databases or these dashboards rather sorry these dashboards um planning in such a way that we can easily nigate them planning zone there we go now we're going to make the knowledge actually I'm going to first do the banner because otherwise I have to keep switching between these folders there we go planning zone no I'm lying this is the knowledge Zone and the knowledge Zone can also be called The structuring Zone um I'm not quite sure yet which term I want to use because basically it is structuring our knowledge flows that is the thing we're doing and the knowledge is the the element but I thought knowledge might also you know sounds uh maybe more self-explanatory we're going to add the knowledge Zone icon can I get it like that boom knowledge Zone icon we're going to get the execution Zone going right over here so that's going to be the execution Zone whoopa that right there is a nice little misclick there we go once again you can find all these Assets in the description down below if you want to copy this feel free to also do it in your own way in your own style although I do recommend using this structure obviously going to get that review Zone cover in here boom Oh this is always so satisfying I love love this process you know I spend a lot of time working on these banners because I really enjoy doing that and I mean look at this it's so nice you know you get the red circle with the red mountains you get the orange circle with the orange mountains yeah it's just I don't know I really like it we'll move the database collection to the bottom let's see yeah refus on purple circle then we have the reflection Zone grab that icon over here the reflection Zone icon something went wrong okay thank you for the information then we'll just do this one first reflection Zone cover there we go upload field okay I don't know what's happening here let me try that again um reflection Zone well that looks better grai notion thank you for working I appreciate it you beautiful beautiful thing and one two 3 four five six we have our circle of growth there we go the first thing I'm going to do is create a little header and I also promised you to show I promise to show you something so what we're going to do first is we're going to create a little navigating bar for ourselves that we can use I'm going to show you how that works knowledge Zone execution Zone riew Zone reflection Zone we're going to make this entire thing bolt um yeah so what you can do in notion is you can actually remove this little site menu by pressing command um backslash and we can get a bigger page now we can create here let me actually see if this one also fits on database collection Zone yeah um we're going to give these the same color as the corresponding Zone sometime notion does this when you select text it's supposed to give this pop-up menu and sometimes I don't know it's just being a little weird just have to keep selecting it again and again nope hello can I get a poppy Please Mr notion okay this is really annoying apparently yeah I have no idea why this why it does this it should just they should just add it when you do like right click with your mouse that it opens up this little menu um but okay we'll we'll fix this in a little bit I'll try it again in a little bit um then under here we can add an inspiring quote or something we want to remind ourselves of every every single day Abraham Lincoln lincol is that how you spell it um and then on the right here what we want to make is a quick capture for new actions and new notes so what I'm going to do is I'm going to create a linked view of this database and I'm going to go into personal knowledge personal knowledge database I'm going to go to layout Gallery which turns it into this Gallery I'm going to say I don't want any card preview I want to see nothing so what happens when I see nothing new entry uh I only see this little tag over here right if I were to um show for example the cover or the content is going to add this whole image there I don't want that I just want to have nothing there and I want to set the card size to small and then we're going to add a filter and that filter is going to say delete that one the name is empty so what this this does is the moment we create a new note I just had an idea the moment I write something here the name is no longer empty so when I remove this it will be gone here right just like that we can capture a new idea just like that and it's going to be gone but then when I'm doing my Daily Review right at the end of my day today I'm going to be emptying those inboxes that we talked about earlier um when I go to this inbox once it loads boom those ideas that we just captured are going to be here right so this allows us from each Zone to easily access our notes and we're going to do the exact same thing for the action tracker so we easily capture either a new action or a new note now if you are really into Quick capturing things I can highly recommend checking out hyper action this is a tool I use um can I get this on my screen here yeah there you go I just have one quick capture button just like that I can add a new task and it's automatically added to my action tracker inbox I can also open and say actually I want to add it to my personal knowledge database so I can toggle between these two and whenever I'm working on my laptop within a split second I can always open this one up enter in a new item and have very quick capturing and I think they are called get hyper shout out to Eno the guy one of the co-founders for building this epic epic epic product I'm a huge fan already um yeah I lied to you in the beginning I said nothing in this video will cost you money this is the only thing but it's going to be a very small investment for a very cool and amazing tool so definitely do check out hyper action um but in case you don't want to check out hyper action we can just build this into our dashboard so we still have an easy way of capturing incoming information right so we're going to say filter action name is empty and apparently we have lots of empty action so we're just going to delete all of that was a little bit too much nope like that okay cool and then just like that we can have new action now one issue we are running into that you might already be seeing is that first of all this looks really ugly so we want to have this one right here on the side but we cannot drag a database next to text so what I showed you earlier we just turn this into a page we then grab hello can I grab the page thank you put that next to here and then we're going to turn it back into inline and then we're just going to squeeze this all the way in just before it starts clipping on the side and there we go this is why we have to quote here because we just happen to have some extra space so we might as well do something nice with it link I did Lincoln lincol how do you spell that name damn G to make that gray and then on the bottom here beneath this entire thing we're just going to add boom we're going to drop that down right there and now you have quick easy way of capturing a new note whenever it arises and capturing a new action whenever it arises right so quick capturing very nice little thing to have now let's hope that notion is going to be nice to us and allow us to actually select now you see over here all of sudden it does it now why is it not doing it here now it there we go okay I have no clue why that took so long so what we're going to do here is we're just going to make a nice little navigation bar for ourselves right we just have to make this once so I'm just going to call this yellow I'm going to say this links to the inside Zone going to make this one going to say let's make that orange and Su you can see I color coded these in a way that they're almost the same hex codes as the notion colors so it's very easy to recognize which zone is which color we're going to say knowledge knowledge Zone we're going to say refu purple refu Zone we're going to say reflection is the blue blue reflection Zone and lately lately lastly rather the database collection Zone and I'm going to make these ones great because I think it looks better should have done this before but hey you know what you going to do set it up once that is really my Mantra right you set it up once you do it properly if you set a system up properly maintain it properly you set it up once and it's going to serve you well right the risk with things like notion um the the Trap that a lot of people fall into is continually building new things new dashboard new things we just want to set this up once right we just want to have a system that works for us and then we can just use it right we want to use the system and not be continuously building the system so right over here FL we're going to grab this little nav bar and just like that we can just paste it into all all these different pages paste These snaf Bars in floop full width full width right creating these dashboards boom execution Zone full width refuse on full width and just like that we can now navigate through our system also by using this um bad boy over here let me actually also add that here full width boom okay so there we have the basics of the dashboards set up um so now let's actually set up the specific dashboards so the first one we are going to set up is the inside Zone and this is also the only dashboard where we're going to add something new which is going to be um do I have that in here I did not put that in here okay so I'm just going to say by question I'm going to say filter we're going to say reflection questions contains and we're going to do this this one we're going to do it manually so there is going to be some exercises that I'm going to add to this system and as this system is growing I'm going to turn this into a full course I'm going to add these exercises and these are really um the deepest possible exercises that you can do to get to know yourself better right these are long exercises and that really can make an impact on your life and they're based on um proper psychological research spiritual research um let me just see these are methods and exercises that work really really well so I'm going to show you an example of one of these exercises we're going to delete this going to delete this I'm going to delete this we're going to delete this I'm going to call this one exercises so for example one of these exercises eulogy at my funeral so Steven kovi in his book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People talks about this one idea that we always want to start with the end in mind and one of the exercises that he proposes is to um write a eulogy that you want your close friends and family to read at your funeral so when you pass away what are the people that are most dear to you most important to you what do they say about you once you passed away what do you want them to say about you right that's a deep exercise I'm getting the Shivers just talking about it that's a really deep exercise um we could do something like this during a yearly review but also during any other period where we feel like having that reflection um we will make separate templates for these exercises and that's something we're not going to do in this video because this is going to be you know every exercise is going to be its own template um but then in this template we can write down this exercise and down at the bottom then we can create a linked instance of our core insights database and we can add a new insight based on this exercise right so if I did that exercise maybe a new core value arises maybe a new principle arises and we can then add that and that is kind of the catalyzer from um just something random we start this exercise and that's becomes the input for this entire circle of growth right so that is going to be the first one core core exercises to our humanhood personal being let just make this one a bit bigger then the second thing we want is our core values right here boom then we want to have our core principles boom we want to have our core affirmations and you see because we already made many of these views it's quite easy to set this entire thing up we want to have our six life areas we're going to do the gallery let me just say make that one tiny bit no I'm actually going to keep it at medium this looks perfectly fine I'm going to hide all these titles live okay now I hope you can also see how a dashboard like this is then coming together right so I'll just add in the last one here Vision goals there we go Vision goals and let's say we only want to see the unarchived ones and we want to sort them by the generative uh ability right so we can see okay this Vision goal has that much generative ability this one has that much generative ability I'm going to unwrap all these columns and let me just rename that one I think it should just fit on this screen no it does not okay I really dislike it when it doesn't fit like this so I'm just going to call this one values instead of values statement so we have it all yeah there we go um so this would then be an example of a completed dashboard right on this dashboard we only interact with databases I am not creating like a regular page anywhere right we're not doing any of that this is all just interacting with databases and then they're layered in a logical order so if you were to go through this process um you can start with an exercise from that exercise arise values and principles from those an affirmation might arise from these also the vision goals and the life areas right we classify these per Life area and then from the life areas we get the vision goals so we have this process of generating insight and that all happens inside the inside Zone um on top of that if we're not in the process but we just want to you know see oh yeah what are all my active principles we can just go into this Zone we can just check it out like hey oh yeah these were the affirmations these were my principles you know um we easily can access all this information all right then we're going to going to go into the planning zone and the planning zone is everything related to action that is going to happen that we're planning to do so the first thing we're going to grab is the due date calendar and on there we can just always see all the action items we have planed for in the future right we got all our action items in here um yeah so this is the Action level planning the next one is going to be the project level planning so we want to have um in setad of active projects I'm going to change this filter and I'm going to say show me the next up projects so these are all the projects that we're planning to do that we're not yet currently working on right so the upcoming projects then we're going to go into the goal level so we're going to open the smart goals and we're going to say uh next up goals so we want to see the goals that we're not working on yet but that are next up and then lastly habits and routines and we're just going to have a master table here of all the habits and routines so we can change them to active inactive if we want going to have them right here actually now that I'm doing this I might I'm wondering might be better to even add this to the ex execution Zone um because it is more execution related but we'll just keep it here for now you can always remove it and just like that we have the planning database right and now you can also see why I use these emojis so diligently um because I know that whenever I click on a tab that has the fire this is an linked instance of the action tracker database this is a linked instance of the project tracker database this is the linked instance of the smart goals database I always know within of a second which database I'm in with very little space right so it's very um compact very essential um yeah and I just really like that you know from here everyone can personalize it from here you can make it as big as fancy as you want I like to keep it minimalist small and then from that we can start building out but the core system it needs to be scalable and it needs to be clean and clear all right moving into the knowledge Zone so in here we are going to have all of our knowledge and the first one is going to be the knowledge the knowledge Ty typo as we can see okay first one's going to be knowledge classification database I'm just going to call these knowledge classes so here we have our most foundational know knowledge topics that we are using um can easily access this bum all the best knowledge I have on physical health and well-being at my fingertips you know whatever this one might be um design digital design including web design graphic design whatever you know design thinking at my fingertips boom I can open that one I have this template here got all my best information all my best information on digital design central place knowledge class we got the relationships over there don't even need those we can just hide those can hide those just make this all the way over there boom our best knowledge right there then we can have some more knowledge databases we can do our external knowledge um by status for example easily access external knowledge by status you know that's something we might want to use if we just want to see okay is there an article that I was planning to read oh yes I was still planning to finish this one or yeah really want to read that book you know someone has a recommendation oh you should really read this book man okay cool just add it to your external knowledge database you can easily access it from here similarly we're just going to add the one by type so we're going to get EK external knowledge by type so if you want to have content specific um and and then we can do EK by rating so it all just depends on which way of knowledge filtering you want you see and here you also see the power we have everything in one Central database and we just few it in different ways we just few it in different uh ways and then the last we want to have our own ideas PK by rating and that does not mean people killing but it means personal knowledge that's a little reference for all the MMO RPG fans out there cool that is our knowledge Zone here we have all our best knowledge um filtered in a nice way so we can easily access it then we go into the execution Zone and this is by far where I spent the most of my time because this is the one we use every single day every single day we are executing the first thing I'm going to create is a Daily Review I'm going to put this on gallery now you can see it shows the page content I'm going to change that to don't show anything about this page make this card size small I'm going to hide that database title and then I'm going to say the date is today boom and just like that we have this button we could we could actually make it bigger you know why not make it a little bit bigger for those fat fingers that I have boom we're going to call this one daily refie and we're going to give this a little Sun now that the sun goes down well there you go what this now does is when at the beginning of my day I create a Daily Review it's automatically going to be assigned the day of today now there's actually another thing that I'm going to do which is I'm going to say um here at template The Daily Review I always want to generate this Daily Review template I'm never going to to create a page in here that is not the daily refie template so I'm just going to set this to default and I say yeah do that for all the fuse in the morning I just click here once boom and there you have it I automatically can start filling in this entire template now there's one last thing that I'm going to do here I'm going to set the filter of the weekly review to this week's review currently we don't have a weekly review going on but suppose right um let me just go into the weekly review suppose we would have added a review for um October 21st till October 27th for example I add these two little arrows for my shelf to show this is the active uh review so suppose the other one would have been October 14th October 20th this is actually a trick I also learned from August br shout out to August Bradley Piller pipelines and vaults very nice notion course also um so I can easily see which is my active one and then inside this execution Zone I have this filter and I've set it to the active weekly review so what this now does is any Daily Review that I generate is automatically linked to this weekly review and then at the end of the week when I'm doing my weekly review I automatically have all these linked up so I don't have to do that manually and if you remember if you've been paying attention and if you've watched this entire monstrosity of video um you can see that in the weekly review we have this little text here which says set Daily Review um template for this week so what we can actually do we can either do that in the template but actually I'm not going to do it in template just going to say set daily review for this week we're going to go into this execution Zone and we're going to copy the link to this particular few then I'm going to link that right over here unknown block perfect and now whatever we do our weekly review at the end we just click here and then we change this filter change it to the current week just like that boom runy boom back out and then the execution zone is set up just like that perfect right so we have to filter bum bum bum and then the beginning of the day we only have to create a new Daily Review I am actually going to put it to small because I think it looks better perfect the next thing we're going to have is our daily actions right this is the daily action list that we're working on day to day and this just has all the knowledge we might need um suppose I am working on a project suppose this is part of the notion System project can easily also navigate into that project if I want simply by clicking here open up that project page so this is really going to be our daily action list so we start the Daily Review then we go into daily actions then over here we have our active habits as a reminder over here we have our active projects project tracker active projects and I'm going to do this one in list few properties um I'm going to say priority and progress bar and then status is not really relevant so we can easily access all of our projects we're going to do the same for goals active goals just give me a list I like lists I think they look nice generally speaking um status is not really necessary we can see our active goals and lastly if you want I personally don't really like the few of this action tracker on mobile so you can add a separate um action tracker which is optimized for mobile and that would look something like um that would look something like this where I'm just going to say properties priority and done that's really all I want yeah so if you want you can add this one for mobile have a little shortcut on your phone so you can easily access it and yeah it's just a bit easier to access that um I mostly spend time in these two and the rest we just have it there um so in our execution Zone we always have everything that we are actively working on right now this is where we execute on the person that we want to be so that is the front part and then we we are going to go of course into the back part in here we're going to create linked views of all the review databases starting with the Daily Review and we want to have the Daily Review just like this um not in a list format because it's nice to see the heat map of the habits it's really uh little up bonus thing of the Daily Review now as I mentioned earlier with the dates you always need to make sure that you order them in the right direction because obviously we want to have them see I would think ascending is right but it's actually descending so descending we get the most recent on the top um there we go 26th suppose that will be 24th you know and usually I name my refuse like this I just give them o 25 o 24 o 22 should be so that's the Daily Review then we are going to grab the weekly review see building these dashboards once you've have everything set up it's really quite easy I'm going to turn this one into list and I'm going to say weekly weekly review properties I want to see the dates span it's already showing me the dates span that's perfect going to add one dates span here to make sure once again that we have the Sorting right because we want to sort it by date descending there we go so now we have the whole list of weekly reviews also in one single place and actually don't even have to add review here we could just call it weekly daily because we know by now what means what okay monthly review we're going to do this Gallery right we'll have the gallery for all the different months it just looks better can easily access each of your months quarterly for the quarterly one we're also going to do the gallery which I see we haven't created in the original database so let's just do that real quick quarterly refie Gallery page cover right there we go boom we got the Q okay apparently not sometimes sometimes the technology doesn't do what you want it to do um you know what I let's see riew covers quarterly review well you get the point we can just add more of these all the documents are in the description you can just add these property we will remove the name and yeah similar to that you can then add here the quarterly review Gallery quarterly review Gallery there we go boom quarterly refie Gallery then we're going to add the yearly review this one's going to be very empty you know you can add a banner here if you want um you know this is going to literally take years before you fill this one up so we're just going to leave it like this for now yearly reviews and then we want to have our finished projects and our finished goals here so this is going to be all the projects that we have ever finished so they all are going to be in one central place completed or terminated right this is the review section we want to be able to review all the things that we did all the processes that we have and I'm going to say completed and terminated goals also so that's the review Zone here we have all our review information at our fingertips and then the last one is going to be the reflection Zone and inside of this reflection Zone whoops we can start adding all these Reflections that we created earlier have the Daily Reflections we're going to have the weekly Reflections now this thing glitches sometimes sometimes all of a sudden like a whole bunch of questions just pop up into this view I have no clue why this happens I'm pretty sure it's a bug in notion I'm afraid afraid they won't fix it anytime soon because this is an incredibly Niche mechanic um yeah but just be aware of that if that happens just hide the um questions instead of deleting them and I think that should solve the issue yeah so we're just going to have quarterly um we're just going to have yearly yearly right projects see right for example it's doing it here now it's just adding these random questions that have absolutely no business being here so we're just going to hide them instead of deleting them here similar you know we're just going to hide them see now all of a sudden this one just bounces into this is just just a strange thing I don't know why this happens um yeah I'll just delete that one for now it's a bug not a feature that's I can tell you as much yearly hide hide hide hide hide hide we're missing a whole bunch of these yearly questions well this is something I'll have to figure out at a later Point uh I don't know why it does this it shouldn't be doing this but we'll just finish this one up smart goals and vision goals and this is also why we created the central um Reflections database right because now as time progresses as we are going to write all these Daily Reflections all these weekly Reflections all these monthly Reflections right little drops every time we had a little drop little drop little drop but as our system grows with us right and this is where this database structure is so valuable as it grows with us as it skills with us we start collecting super powerful patterns of information right I can see how I answered this particular question for the past two years let's say and you know have I been using my time wisely in the past month and if I can see my pattern over the past two years all of a sudden it becomes clear to me that every time that I am working from home I am not using my time wisely or um every time I'm not putting enough effort into my relationships it's causing me a lot of suffering we can start seeing all these patterns in the different domains of our lives in the projects in our day-to-day life in the longer periods and that really really really gives us powerful insight and from that Insight we can then start working again right so one more time exercise leads to core insights linked to life areas leads to Vision goals Vision goals leads to smart goals which then leads to habits and projects projects lead to action items action items are executed um which leads to generation of knowledge but also generation of Reflections which are all captured inside the daily reviews then the daily reviews lead into weekly reviews lead into monthly reviews lead into quarterly lead into yearly reviews with their Associated Reflections and those Reflections and reviews then once again result into new insights and that is how we get this circle of growth to work we keep improving our entire system we keep impr improving our Insight we keep improving our goals our knowledge our execution everything just keeps improving we keep getting better as time progresses and that is then also how this entire system is going cool okay that is one big ass video I hope that this master class was of value to you I really enjoyed making it please let me know if you have feedback this is the first time for me to really record something this big this special um approximately nine months of work went into crafting this system I took a lot of inspiration from August Bradley pillar pipelines and vaults Thiago Forte building a second brain um getting things done by David Ellen seminar book uh I also took a lot of inspiration from K Newport deep work um yeah uh lots of people I thank them all for inspiring me over the past years um this is really my biggest project up to date I really poured my heart and soul into this there will be a second iteration of this product I'm actually going to turn this into a proper e-learning course um including videos uh um cheat sheet articles and also the complete template that you can just download and integrate so I'm going to optimize this system one more time yeah but I hope this was valuable to you you can find all the resources down in the description down below all the assets the covers the icons yeah and if anything is missing just let me know I will edit thank you so much if you made it to the end you are an absolute Legend and yeah have a wonderful day and befriend yourself this good friend and use it use it wisely because this can really lead to a lot of good things thank you
Channel: Fran Palokaj
Views: 6,314
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Id: wB7izn1N4bc
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Length: 416min 20sec (24980 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.