FACE REVEAL After Confronting Hacker! (24 Hours Letting Subscribers Control What We Do For a Day)

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- Gonna let my subscribers decide what I do for 24 hours. Time to sneak inside. That's because I do a great job. Face reveal, three. - [All] Two, one. - Hey Zam Fam, it's Rebecca Zamolo and right now I am hiding because there is a hacker in my backyard and Matt just went to go lock up our secret tunnel so he can't escape. I'm gonna try to sneak out right now and see where he is. Okay Zam Fam, there's the hacker. He's searching for me, he cannot find me. Hopefully Matt locked the tunnel. - The tunnel is locked now. Also I put the keys right over here. Don't tell anybody but they're inside this Hide-A-Rock again. They didn't see us put it in here in the first place, so this is the perfect spot to hide it. I need to go find my wife. She's hiding on the side of the house. - Matt. - Hey, Rebecca. - There's Matt, it looks like he locked the tunnel up. Now he needs to get over here so we can come up with a plan so we can trap the hacker. Matt. - Q's right there. - Matt, come here. - Okay. I'm gonna go right there. I need to wait until Q turns around and I'll sneak over to that next spot. There he goes, three, two, one, let's go. What's going on? - Matt. - I need to distract him somehow. There's two rocks here, throw a rock. Three, two, one. Okay, I'm going, I'm going. - Did you lock up the tunnel? - Yeah, tunnel's locked up. Everything's good over there. - Okay, so the hacker can't escape. We need to come up with a plan. - Yeah, I'm gonna go confront him right now. - No, no, no, no, no, I think we need to trap him. - No, we need to figure out exactly why he's at our house. - Okay, but I think we need to trap him first so we're safe. You know what, that's why we have the Zam Fam. Zam Fam, we need to ask you guys but I don't have my phone, I need to get my phone, Matt. He has my phone. - Take this right now. I'll be right back. - What? Matt, what if he traps you? - He's not gonna trap me. - What are you gonna do? - Battle Royale. Hide in the tunnel right now, I'm gonna get your phone. - My phone? - Yep. - Okay Zam Fam, if Matt gets my phone back, I'm gonna let my subscribers decide what I do for 24 hours. Oh no. Zam Fam, Matt is doing a Battle Royale against the hacker. Do you think Matt's gonna win? Oh no, Matt, oh no, Matt's down. - I feel like I've been here for 24 hours. I miss my Maddie. - Agent R, man up, stop. We need to find a way out of here, okay? We need to look, maybe we get through a duct, maybe we can find a tunnel. - Okay. - Try the tunnel again. - Oh, yeah, yeah. - My phone. He grabbed my phone, he's running. Okay, I gotta get into the tunnel, I gotta get in. Okay Zam Fam, Matt said to hide in here. Oh Matt, hey, hey. - Here's your phone, just hide and meet me on the side of the house in two minutes. - Two minutes? - Yep. - Okay. - Okay, ope. Hacker's coming, wait, hacker's coming. Follow me hacker, hacker, right here, right here. Come on, over here. - Okay Zam Fam, so Matt said to meet him on the side of the house in two minutes. It looks like it's turned into a chase. - In here, in here, yep, yep, yep. - Today I'm gonna need your help. I'm gonna let my subscribers decide what I do for 24 hours. I'm gonna go on my Instagram Stories. The first thing I want you guys to vote on is I want you to vote, should we trap the hacker or confront him? So let me put that on my Stories right now and you guys are going to decided. - Come over here, over here, yeah, yeah, yeah. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Quadrant, Mr. Quadrant. Okay, okay, okay. - The Stories are up. If you aren't on my Instagram, it's right here. I'm gonna go to the side of the house and see what you guys decide. Confronting or trapping the hacker. Let's get to the side of the house where Matt is. - Gotta hide, gotta hide. Here's under this table. It's a good hiding spot. - [Hacker] Oh, Matt. - No, no. - [Hacker] Come out, come out wherever you are. - Okay Zam Fam, so it's almost two minutes and Matt should be out here at any point. I'm looking at my Instagram Stories and based on the polls, it looks like you guys want me to confront the hacker. I mean we need to figure out why he took the devices and why he doesn't want us to get into the tunnel. Zam Fam, you guys know that in the music video, Daniel said that the secret is in the locked room. Maybe the hacker knows something about what's inside the locked room. So it has been over two minutes, Matt's still not here. Do you think he's safe or do you think he's in trouble? - No, no, no. - I'm gonna ask you guys right now on my Instagram, should I go in and spy or should I look through the window? I mean I could just spy through the window and see if I see Matt. Okay, let me put the poll up now. Okay Zam Fam, so it looks like most of you guys are saying that I should spy through the window first. So I'm gonna spy through the window. I don't know if I'll see Matt but hopefully I do. Hopefully he's okay, maybe it's just a hide and seek chase with the hacker. - Agent Scales, focus. Maddie is important but not right now. We need to get out so you can see Maddie, you see the goal? You see the goal? - I see it. - Here we go, ready? - [Both] One, two, three. - [Hacker] Plans have changed. - [Rebecca] That's Matt. - [Hacker] We're gonna have to challenge them to get what we want. - Oh my gosh, Zam Fam, Matt has a rope over him. The hacker must have trapped Matt. Should I rescue him or should I stay outside? Okay Zam Fam, I'm gonna put up the poll right now for you guys to decide what I should do. Wait, he's saying something to me, what? What, Matt? - [Hacker] Got it. - Okay Zam Fam, I know that you guys want me to confront the hacker and I will do that. You guys also voted that you want me to go get Matt first. So it looks like we need to take a little bit of a detour so we can rescue Matt first. But then we are gonna confront the hacker. We need to figure out why he's here and why he took the devices. Oh, and Zam Fam, after I confront the hacker, I'm gonna be announcing who the winner of the Song Challenge is. You guys voted and now I have the results, so stay tuned. Time to sneak inside. - Maybe twist, ready, one, two, three. There has to be another way out of here. Look in the back, I'm gonna look over here. - Okay. - Okay? - What are you doing, why did you trap me in here? We used to be best friends. - [Hacker] Don't think so much Matt, let's go. - [Matt] What, what, what? No, no, no. - Come on. - The chair. - Here, here. - What's in your backpack, where's the devices? Escaping, escaping, escaping. - [Hacker] Get over here. Don't worry about the devices. That's for me to know and you to find out. - I need those devices. - [Hacker] I need those keys. - Okay Zam Fam, so Matt is around the corner over by the motherboard with the hacker. You guys said you want me to rescue him, so I'm gonna go spy on them and figure out a plan on how I can rescue Matt from the hacker. It's really quiet right now, you guys. Okay, so I'm gonna rescue Matt and then we're gonna confront the hacker to get information. They're right around this corner, shh. - What is this? Wait, wait, wait, wait. I can tell you where the keys are at. I know where one of the keys are at. - Where? - Just untie me in here and let me out, I'll tell you right where it's at. - [Matt] Tell me where the key is first and then I'll untie you. - It's in a blue bag by the stairs. Oh wait, wait, wait, don't leave me here, no, come on. - If you were Maddie, what would you do? How do I get out of here, I need to channel-- - Agent R. - What? - Focus, we need to find a way out of here. - What is that? - I don't know. I found a glove down here. - Oh, gross. - Zam Fam, Matt is not here. The hacker must have taken him somewhere. Okay, let me see if there's like any clues that Matt left for me. There's foam. I need to search for Matt. Should I search upstairs or downstairs? Zam Fam, I'm gonna put a poll right now. Make sure to vote on my Instagram Stories, should I go downstairs into the movie theater? Maybe he's in there. Or should I go upstairs maybe in our bedroom or one of the rooms up there? Okay Zam Fam, so we need-- Did you hear that? The dog's barking. Do you think Matt's upstairs? I'm thinking is that I'm gonna need to trap the hacker. I know you guys want me to confront him but I don't think he's gonna come willingly. So I need to trap him. Zam Fam, I'm asking you right now, should I use a tripwire and handcuffs or should I use a rope and a net? I want you guys to vote. I feel like the handcuffs might stay on longer but I don't really know, you guys. It's up to you, you need to decide. - Okay, I'm looking, okay, what is this? This has like a coffee, careful when hot which means I've gotta be careful. - Agent R, I just found this manual. Maybe you could read it and we could find a way out of here. - Okay, yeah, I can do, I'm gonna read this. Hey Zam Fam, when did you learn how to read? I'm asking for a friend obviously. - Oh no, looks like you guys want me to go upstairs. You think Matt might be up there. Zam Fam, I think you guys might be right. We're gonna go upstairs right now. I'm gonna rescue Matt so we can confront the hacker because we need answers. The next polls that I put out, you guys, is I asked you where you thought Matt might be. Do you think the hacker has him in my bedroom or do you think it's in the hidden room above our house? - Do you see my name on this, I see an R in this? Do you know if this is Agent R, is that what I'm reading? Because any time I see any R's, I just assume it's for me. I don't, it says it's not in this. - Are you just rambling? - No, no, no, I'm not. - Who are you talking to? - Maybe I'm talking to Mini Maddie, yeah. - What's that? - Is that a duck? - Like a quack duck? No, no, no, it's duct duct. - Climb through a duct. - You guys voted to explore the secret hidden tunnel. Maybe Matt's somewhere up there. Maybe the hacker put him up there. So we're gonna go right now and find and rescue Matt. I hear something. - What was that? - Do you hear that? - Can you hear someone? Quick. - Zam Fam, I think we did it. I think we're about to rescue Matt. Okay, hold on guys, hold on, Matt. - Wait Rebecca, is that you? - Agents, is that you? - Yeah, it's the Agents, it's us. - And Mini Maddie. - Okay, is Matt inside? - No, no, Matt's not up here. The Quadrant trapped us up here. - The Quadrant trapped you? Okay, it won't open. I can't get it open, it's so weird. Oh no, the hacker's coming. Guys, be quiet, I gotta hide. - No, no, why do we have to be quiet? - Come on, come on, help us. - Quadrant's coming, Quadrant's coming. - I'm gonna hide in the laundry room. - If the Quadrant is coming, I think our only shot is to crawl through the air duct. - Okay. - Are you ready? We're gonna do this. - We can do it. It can work. Okay. - All right. We're going through that duct, I'll go first. - Shh, Zam Fam, he's turning around. Zam Fam, he went into Matt's studio. Okay, so Matt is not up with the Agents. I need to figure out a way to find where Matt is exactly. Wait, do you guys remember when I wore this disguise for Clue in real life? What if I put it on, I pretend to be a maid, like I'm cleaning the house and then I can get information from the hacker. You guys, right now I'm gonna put a poll. Do you guys think that I should try and rescue the Agents right now or do you think I need to go in disguise to talk to the hacker and find out where Matt is and how to get the Agents out? Putting the poll up now, I don't have much time. Hopefully you guys have notifications on my Instagram Stories because literally I need an answer right now. You guys want me to go in disguise, okay. Also I have a wig in the other room. I'm gonna put that on so he does not recognize me at all and I'm gonna get information from the hacker, this is so good. Comment, "This is the best plan!" if you are one of the ones that voted for me to go in disguise. I just hope this works. Okay, I'm gonna get changed. Okay, so I am changed. Now I need to get on a wig because the hacker cannot know that it's me. I'm just really glad I'm still wearing pants 'cause it's cold out. Look at this, so many disguises in here. I think I need to wear a wig with brown hair so he doesn't recognize me at all. Zam Fam, what do you think about this? The hat with a wig. Hopefully he just thinks I'm the cleaning lady. Oh, I need to grab a broom, I need to make this look believable. I have a broom, I have a towel, this is totally believable. I'm just a maid cleaning Rebecca and Matt's house, right? - Agent R, you said there's an entrance, right? - Yeah, absolutely. - Okay. - It's right over here. - Show me. - Back there in that corner. I'd say it's gonna be pretty cold. Do you want to go first here? - Yeah, I could go, I could go first, I got this. I'll let you know when the coast is clear. - Housekeeping. Who are you? - [Hacker] I'm the maintenance guy. - Well, I'm Matt and Rebecca's house cleaner. What are you doing doing maintenance in their merch closet? - [Hacker] I'm fixing the shelves. - Don't mind me, I'm just cleaning up in here. It's really, really dirty. - [Hacker] It looks pretty clean to me. - That's because I do a great job. By the way, you know Matt and Rebecca, right? - [Hacker] Yes. - I had a question for them regarding these, the towels are just dirty, I mean look how dirty they are. I need to talk to Matt, do you know where Matt is? It's really important obviously. - [Hacker] I stay out of his business. - Okay, I'll just be in the bathroom cleaning toilets. - [Hacker] Lot of information for a maid. - Zam Fam, I'm trying to get him to tell me where Matt is and he's not giving me any information. I just had an idea, he's wearing the backpack. What if I tried to steal the backpack from him while he's searching around in that studio? Comment below if you think that's a good idea. I gotta do something though, he's gotta tell me where Matt is. What are you doing over there? Here, let me get that for you. - [Hacker] Oh, it looks clean. - Oh, sorry, sorry. I was trying to get the multipurpose and slipped up into your backpack. Sorry, I was just cleaning over here. But go ahead, if you're looking for something, go ahead and look. Yeah, just trying to, oh, oh, oh, oh. - [Hacker] How long have you been a maid? - How long have you been a maintenance worker? - [Hacker] A very long time. - Say. Ooh. Oh, oh, I'm so sorry, oh, oh, oh, oh. You're scaring the dog. Oh, sorry about that. Oh, oh, I mean, you seem very busy. Are you sure you don't want your backpack washed? - I'm okay. - Okay, bye bye. Zam Fam, that was close. I really needed to get that backpack and I didn't. Don't worry, I just need to get changed out of this. He can't know that I am the maid, okay. Okay Zam Fam, I'm all changed. Now I need to go find Matt . He's coming, shh. Backpack. Zam Fam, that's the backpack with our devices in it so we can get into the tunnel. There's still a lock on it, we need to figure out that three digit code. Okay Zam Fam, I'm putting on my polls right now, do you think I should try to grab the backpack from him? That way it's easier for me to confront him. Okay, yes or no, you guys. All right, let me see. - It's really dark, do you think there's snakes up here? Didn't Matt say there were snakes? - [Agent R] Maybe, definitely not snakes in attics. - You crawl in after me. - Okay listen, Zam Fam, I need to get out of here before 24 hours because I have a date with Maddie and I have not missed a single date and it's a virtual date. It's a very good date still. Yeah I know, Maddie, okay? But I need to get there. You need to get there, you're not helping anything! I need to, Agent S? - [Hacker] Agents, where are you? - It looks like he has some type of device to open it up. I need to check my phone right now. Okay, this is a quick poll but it asked you guys if I should grab the backpack. Most of you are saying yes, so three, two, one, go! - [Hacker] Where'd those fools go? You. - Zam Fam, we have the backpack. We don't know the code but we have the backpack. We need to rescue Matt, oh no. - How you doing, Agent R? - Agent S, stop, your feet are right in my face, stop it. Okay, it's very tight and this isn't helping. I'm going to bite you if your feet come close to me again. - Don't bite me. - Okay, I won't bite you, too much. Also, where are we going? Because I feel very stuck. I don't know if I can get any farther into this. - I'm sorry that my knee's in your face. The tunnel's tight, I thought you said we'd fit in this. - [Agent R] I know, I thought so too. - How did Rebecca do this, didn't she crawl through this? - [Agent R] Yeah, I think she's a lot smaller than us. - Good point. - I need to figure out some way to prank this hacker to slow him down so I can find Matt. Maybe he has something in his backpack I can use. Skittles, the hacker likes Skittles. What if I throw these on the floor and he comes? He'll fall and hopefully he'll stay down for awhile. I hope this works, smash the thumbs up if you guys think this is going to work. - [Agent S] Now are you okay? - Yeah, I'm trying. Honestly I can't even reach Mini Maddie right now. Mini Maddie is just as stuck as us. Help me, Agent R. I can't even see you, Mini Maddie. Help me, help yourself. - Uh-oh, I think I'm stuck. - [Agent R] What do you mean you're stuck? - I think I'm stuck. - I'm just gonna roll these out right here. Three, two, one. Okay, the prank is set up, hopefully this works. Now I just need to call the hacker. We're gonna tease him with his backpack. Oh hey Q, it looks like I found the three digit code on the backpack. Okay, I gotta go, it worked, it worked. We did it, now we have to set up the trap. Is that Peanut? - [Hacker] Such a cute pup. - You need to give me back my dog Peanut, that's not yours. - [Hacker] Well maybe we can make a trade? - A trade? - [Hacker] The backpack for the dog. - Can I have a second? Okay Zam Fam, this isn't part of the plan. I know we need to trap him but I need to get Peanut back. So I'm gonna trade him, then I'm gonna run so we can set up the trap. What was that? - I don't know. - Did you hear the crack? That felt like a crack. - Oh no. - I don't trust you, put Peanut down first. I need to know Peanut is safe. - [Hacker] Put the backpack down on one, three, two, one. - Let me get my dog. Come here. Okay, so we're good. Peanut, you okay? Everything's good. Agents, Agents. Come on, I need your help. - Let's go. - I need to trap him. Guys, come here, come here. Wait, where did you guys come from? - Beyond the vent, the duct and then-- - Are you okay? - Yeah, no, I'm okay. - I wasn't asking you, Mini Maddie. - Oh my gosh. You guys, this is good, you guys can help me. I don't know where Matt is, he went missing. I'm gonna trap the hacker so I can confront him, okay? This time the Zam Fam's helping me. I put out a poll, they said that I should use between a rope and a net or handcuffs and a tripwire, they said handcuffs and a tripwire. The hacker won't be able to get out of the handcuffs, he'll fall, it'll be perfect. I need help setting up though, okay? - Great, yeah, we're great at that, Agents, woo. - We're gonna go into the movie theater. - Wait, Rebecca, what is this? Do you need the rope and the net? - I don't know, they could've voted, I don't know why that's on the floor. But it's okay, anyways, let's go. - Peanut, come on. - Come on. Okay, so here is the plan, Agents. Agent R, I need you to block the tunnel so that Q cannot get through the tunnel and he cannot escape again. Hold Peanut, protect her, make sure she's safe. Agent S, I need you to go out there and do whatever it takes to bring the hacker back in. I am gonna be setting up a tripwire with a string and then I'm gonna put the handcuffs on him, okay? - All right, hold on, you want me to go fishing right now? - Yes, yes. - I got this. - Also, I have a timer, you guys, that will zap him when he falls so I'll have more time to put on the handcuffs. But it only goes for one minute, so you need to bring him back in one minute. Zam Fam, smash the thumbs up button. This is the idea you guys had so that we can trick the hacker and confront him. I have so many questions, comment below with some questions. Okay, gotta set up, okay. - Agent R, I am going, one minute, I'll be back. - Less than a minute. Less than a minute, go, go. - Rebecca just sent me out to find the hacker. Let's see if we see him. - Okay Zam Fam, so I'm putting the wire across here and I think it will be secure enough in this armchair. I'm gonna have the handcuffs all ready to go so we can finally trap the hacker and confront him and I have this which as soon as I connect to the string will activate and we will have one minute. - Hey, do we have any snacks or anything? - No, you doing okay, man? Okay, great. - I don't know-- - Okay, you're fine . Okay you guys, the time has started. Hopefully Agent S brings the hacker in soon. - Is that him by the barbecue, why is he at the barbecue? I have to tell him to come in and he has to follow me. I'll say "Hey hacker, this is where Rebecca's at." - All right Zam Fam, everything is set up. I'm gonna hide right here and then I'm gonna jump out and put the handcuffs on the hacker. - Hey hacker, hacker, if you want Rebecca, follow me. This way, this way. Is he coming? Oh no, he's coming. If you want Rebecca, she's in the movie theater room. In the movie theater room. He's coming, he's coming. - Okay, I got you, I've got you, hacker. We did it, we did it in time, hurry, hurry, get him. I've got him, we got him. Stand up. We've got you. - Sit down right there. - Zam Fam, we did it, thank you guys so much. You guys controlled what we did for 24 hours and we are about to confront the hacker. Quadrant, where is the backpack? - I don't have the backpack. - Liar. I traded you for Peanut. You did have the backpack, you put it somewhere. Where do you live? - I live here. - What? - How long have you been here? - [Hacker] As long as you have, Rebecca. - Do you know what, why are you doing this? - [Hacker] Because I have to. - You know what, forget it. We are going to confront him with more questions. Zam Fam, you guys have a ton of questions but first we are about to do a face reveal. - [Hacker] No, you know who I am. - Doesn't matter, we're still doing a face reveal. - Yeah, you ready? - Quadrant. - Yeah. - Wait. Before we do a face reveal, who won the Song Challenge? - Okay, Zam Fam . - Are you okay? - Okay yeah, no, I'm good. - Quadrant did it, don't trip her. - We tallied up the votes, it was very close. You all voted but unfortunately you guys won. - Wait, GMI won? - Oh, we on. - Zam Fam, why didn't you vote for our songs more? - Thank you for voting. ♪ Money, power, money, power, money, power ♪ - Zam Fam, okay, okay. Shout out to you guys that got my merch on Instagram and shout out to you guys that gave us clues and let us know that the Agents were the reason that all those people were coming through the secret tunnel. - [Agents] Wait, what? - Anyway, face reveal, are you ready? - Here we go. - Zam Fam, three. - [All] Two, one. - Show your face, Q.
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 5,949,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rebecca zamolo, game master, challenge, diy, how to, escape room, face, reveal, after, confronting, hacker, 24 hours, letting, subscribers, control, what, we, do, for, day, sis vs bro, baby, familia diamond, emotional, heartbreaking, pawzam dogs, easter, azzyland, unique, body, fv family, spying, target, drone, matt and rebecca, rebecca, zamolo, tik tok, zamfam, lucas and marcus, mystery, vlog, movie, funny
Id: hrRnHZI6d4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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