Hacker Face Reveal After Escaping Trap! (24 Hour Challenge Inside Extreme Bunker Tunnel)

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- Guys? Okay, hopefully you guys are seeing this. If you are, hopefully it stays up. This video has been taken down two times. We think a hacker's done it. I don't know who did but there's something obviously in this video that someone doesn't want you guys to see so keep your eyes out and just hopefully this stays up. Watch it all the way through and let us know if you see anything. - No, no, no, no, no, no no, no, no, okay, okay. Hold on, hold on, hold on, please don't lock me in here. Why are you doing this? - [Q] I want the keys to the tunnel. - I know where the keys are at. - [Q] I'm listening. - If you let me go, I'll tell you exactly where they're at. - [Q] Where are they? - It's in the blue bag by the stairs. - [Q] I'll be right back. - [Matt] Wait, let me out, let me out, you said-- - [Q] Nope. - [Matt] You said you'd let me out, no come on. - [Q] I lied. - Guys I think I'm in trouble. It's not in the blue bag by the stairs. I don't know what he's gonna find in there. I have no idea what's in there. What if there's like a clue or something? - [Q] It was not in the blue bag. - Oh you're right, it's not in the blue bag. I knew that. Today is Sunday. It's not in there today. It's in my recording studio. - [Q] You are dumber than you look, Matt. - Come on let me out. I'm not dumber than I look because it's not in the recording studio and I got free. I need to figure out a way to get out of here. Welcome back to the Matt and Rebecca channel, right now I'm trapped inside my closet. I hope I'm not in here for 24 hours. But as you guys saw Q just handcuffed us and trapped us in the backyard, which we were able to get out of but for some reason he's putting us through all of these tests with the Red Hood, Mr. X, I haven't seen the Gamemaster but I feel like he was next. Oh, and the Shiny, what was that all about? Did the Red Hood find love? Is that right? Once we finally escaped I had to go get my wife's phone back but I had to do a battle royale with Q which I won, it was awesome. Then he trapped me in here and now I've been in this closet. I'm trying to figure out a way to get out of here. All I have to do is protect those keys, make sure my wife is okay and get into that tunnel and the secret room. All right, you know what? There has to be another way out of here. As you guys know there are tunnels all over the place in this house. I had no idea that we had like a secret hiding house but we do. I have an idea. Look at this, secret tunnel right here, three, two, one. Oh, it's just my laundry. It's gonna be in one of these doors, maybe it's like a false wall inside the closet. Let me look through all this stuff. No, it's just my merch. By the way, I have new merch. Look at this guys. Shout out to you guys that bought it from rebeccazamolo.com and posted it on the internet. If you guys wanna get a shout out just go purchase it and tag me on it. It's pretty good too, look at that, Slays. Matt, slays. I'm wondering what Rebecca's doing right now. - [Rebecca] Housekeeping. Who are you? - [Q] I'm the maintenance guy. - [Rebecca] Oh, well what maintenance are you doing in the merch store? - [Q] I'm making sure the shelves are sturdy. - [Rebecca] Okay, well don't mind me. I'm just cleaning up in here. - Feeling like I'm pretty close right now. Maybe it's here. Going in. Oh, oh, oh, guys I found it, I found it. - Tunnel's back in here. Also, I need to figure out a way to get back out to that tunnel. We need to make sure that thing stays locked. He can't find the keys cause if he gets the keys we are all in big trouble. There's no way that he's gonna get inside of that tunnel. Comment down below what you think Q's plans are. Why is he back here? He used to be my best friend but now he betrayed me. So I'm gonna escape through this tunnel right now and track the hacker in another location. I wonder what he's gonna think when he comes back here and realizes that I'm missing. I'm gonna trap the hacker. I am coming after you. Let's go inside this tunnel. Here we go, three, two, one. - [Rebecca] I'm just trying to. Oh, oh, oh, oh. - [Q] How long have you been a maid? - [Rebecca] How long have you been a maintenance worker? - [Q] Very long time. - [Rebecca] Same. - Whoa, I'm in a whole secret tunnel inside my closet. How many secret tunnels do you think we have in our house? My gosh, is this how Q has been getting through our house? Okay, keep on going here. Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on, hold on. What is this? You know what? I think I know what this is. Hold on, let me see. Here I'm gonna try this out, three, two, one. - [Q] Where'd he go? - Hello. No, this is Q's voice changer. You guys remember when Daniel found one of these and we thought he was the Gamemaster? - I am not the Gamemaster. - Your voice. - Look at this. Matt, I am betraying you. I knew it. This is what Q has been using to disguise his voice. Just keep on going through this tunnel. Guys, hold on, I see an opening. Here we go. - [Q] Such a cute pup. - You need to give me back my dog Peanut. That's not yours. - [Q] Well maybe we can make a trade. - A trade? - The backpack for the dog. - No way, I'm in the hacker room. Are you kidding me? This is awesome. I did not expect this right now. This is part of the tunnel system? Daniel didn't say anything about that but this is it. Look it, all these hacker wires right here. Look at that. Why are there different colors in here? Daniel wouldn't do that. - [Rebecca] I don't trust you. - What is that? It's like something's in the walls. It's my wife Rebecca. - [Rebecca] Trust you, put Peanut down first. - Peanut? Peanut? Whoa, whoa, look at this. Yes. It's my handy dandy headlight flashlight. This is perfect. I'm going back in the tunnel right now and figure out exactly what's going on. But now I can at least see. I just hope that Rebecca and Peanut are okay, especially Peanut. I gotta keep on moving. Back in the tunnel. Still got the trap and net just in case I see the hacker again I'm gonna trap him. Did you hear that? Sounds like the agents. - Help me, help yourself. - Uh oh, I think I'm stuck. - [Agent] What do you mean you're stuck? - I think I'm stuck. - No, they're supposed to be in the tiny house. They're inside our walls now. Are the agents inside our walls right now? Are they hacking our house? I don't trust them just like I don't trust Zoe. The only people I trust right now, Daniel, Rebecca, and my mom. - And I'd really like you to tell him that I adopted you and that you guys are actually brothers. - Kinda not my mom now. Maybe that is the agents. I mean they weren't in the tiny house. Maybe Q trapped them too. I think they're working with Q. I think that's what's going on. Okay, let's keep on going guys. Hold on, here we go, another door, another door. What? I'm in the garage. I don't need this anymore now. You know what? This net, I thought I was gonna trap the hacker but this seems more like a nuisance. Why am I carrying this around? I don't need it anymore. You know what I do need? This is actually really good right now. Look at this, right up here, I had this up here, oh whoa, full sweats, gloves, the Q mask. You guys remember when I pranked my wife being Q? - Aahh, help, somebody help. Matt? - It's totally me. It was awesome, I found this in the tunnel too so Q's actually leaving this stuff behind or somebody else is. Comment down below, who you think is behind all this? Is it Q or is it somebody else? What is this? That note again. That same note. It was great seeing you, come visit me again soon. It's our little secret, B. Who's B and who is this note to? Is that my wife? My wife wouldn't do that. My wife's the best but I'm gonna bring that up. I need to talk to her about it. So if you wanna learn how I got the nickname, Matt slays, give this video a thumbs up and if we get 50000 thumbs up in less than 24 hours, I will tell you how. Let me actually get out of this though. Also, look at that, glasses on glasses, boom, boom. So let's recap what happened. So far, I was up in my closet, I escaped there. It was like an escape room in real life. Then from the hacker room I was able to find another tunnel into the garage. Where else does this thing go? I have no idea, comment down below. Do you think we should map this thing out? I need to know more about the tunnel system. Let me go ahead and get this on. You're gonna love this because I'm gonna become Q. I'm gonna become a hacker for 24 hours. And maybe this way Q will think that I'm like one of them and I'm super convincible and he's gonna be like I need a new partner. I need a new best friend. Why don't you be my best friend, then we'll come into the garage and do Kung Fu. It's gonna be so awesome, like this. I'm gonna battle royale in real life, boom. You know what? Let's get back in the tunnel and figure out exactly where this goes. All right, let's see where this thing goes. Oh my god, all right, going back in the tunnel. Oh new path. Hold on, I'm trying to remember where I went through this tunnel. I went in through the closet. I took a left and then I came straight down here and I landed in the control room and then I went back through another one and took a right this time and then I went into the garage and now I'm going back, there's this other direction, maybe. I'll just go straight ahead and figure out where this goes. Here we go. Whoa, hold on, what is this? What? Blueprints, whoa, wait a second. This is blueprints to our house. You know what? This makes a lot more sense. Maybe this is gonna like guide me exactly where to go. You guys know that I found blueprints up by the tunnel. Wait a second, what are these? Maybe this has something to do with that? I have no idea. Let's figure out exactly where straight goes. Maybe this is gonna lead me back to the spot I need to find my wife. I'm supposed to be meeting her on the side but that was like an hour ago. Okay, keep on going. This is a little different, hold on. Guys, I'm trying to figure out exactly where this tunnel goes in three, two, one. Get this door open, hold on. No. Outside? Wait a second, now way. I'm in the barbecue grill? Okay, just in case Q sees me I'm gonna get into the quadrant mask. Maybe there's like multiple people. If I only had a map. I feel like I could map out all the tunnels and figure out exactly where they go cause I'm super confused. Let me do this real quick. We'll put this back on, check this out. Hold on, let me activate the voice changer. Hi, I'm Q. This is awesome. I'm Q, I'm Q, Q, Q. - Is that him by the barbecue? Why is he at the barbecue? I have to tell him to come in. He has to follow me. I'll say hey hacker, this is where Rebecca's at. - [Matt] He's never gonna know that I-- Hold on. Agent S. - Hey hacker, hacker, if you want Rebecca, follow me. This way. - [Matt] All right guys. - This way, is he coming? Oh no, he's coming. - [Matt] We are gonna go figure out exactly what's going on right now. Is everything okay? - [Agent S] Come here. - [Matt] Okay, what's the matter? - [Agent S] Come here. - [Matt] I'm coming, here. - She's in the movie theater room. Right in there, go. - Oh geez, okay I've got you hacker. Okay, we got him. - [Agent] Set him down. - Quadrant, where is the backpack? - [Matt] I don't have the backpack. - Liar. Okay, we are getting ready to do a face reveal of the hacker, three, two, one. - What? - Matt. - Guys, can you guys just get the keys off me? - Yeah, doing it now. - Matt, what's wrong with your voice? - Voice changer. - Voice changer? - You guys handcuffed me. - Wait, what if it's Matt's clone? - Hold on, hold on, hold on. Okay, I'm back, okay? - [Agents] Oh. - Matt. - The voice changer, I found this in the tunnel. - You're the quadrant? - Why are you dressed up like a hacker? - Why did you guys trap me in here? - What happened to the real hacker? What happened to Q? - He's still out there guys, we need to trap him. - Wait, where have you been? I haven't seen you since he trapped you. - Oh you guys check this out. This might sound weird but I've been in the tunnels all day today. - In the tunnels? - Yeah, they go everywhere. Like completely everywhere. The barbecue grill. - What? - The barbecue grill is a tunnel. - Oh, I saw that kind of clear when I was hiding there. I thought you were trapped. Where did the hacker trap you? - We're right here, just saying. - Okay, the hacker trapped me up in my closet. But I found a tunnel in the closet. - What tunnel? - No, nothing, nothing. - We were in a tunnel. I mean I think it was an air duct. - Okay, okay. - There's a tunnel in the air duct? How did you get in there? - The air duct is a tunnel. Oh my god. - We were trapped in the crawl space and then we found like this thing-- - That was you guys. You're in our walls. I was like, I hear you guys. Okay, hold on, hold on. I'm just gonna show everybody right now. I don't think I have a choice. I found this in the tunnel system. Look at this. It's complete blueprints I think. It maps out some of the tunnels in our house. - Why are you showing this to everyone right now? - Okay, okay, no, no, no. No copies guys. Back to the mission at hand. We need to trap the hacker. - Yes, yes, and we need to confront him. - Okay, where's the backpack? - I thought we already did that. - Did you guys get the backpack? - So I might have traded him the backpack because he had Peanut. - Oh come on. - I had to though, it was for Peanut. - Well, while I was in the garage, there's a tunnel in the garage by the way. - There's another tunnel? - There's so many tunnels in our house. - I found some keys in there and I feel like we could do something like hot potato. Huddle up, okay. We are gonna play a game of hot potato. It's gonna be a hot potato challenge. Have you guys ever played that before? - Uh no. - Not for a while. It's like you don't wanna hold it so you pass it, right? - So this is the way I see it working. I have these fake keys right here that I found in the garage. I'm gonna toss them to Rebecca, once Q sees that Rebecca has the keys, she's gonna run outside. We are gonna toss it back and forth to each other until we trap him in the tiny house. That's the only place without a tunnel, okay? So you guys are gonna lose your tiny house for a little bit but it's gonna be a prison. The tiny house prison. - Oh, that's perfect. That way we can keep track of the hacker so he can't come into our house. - Exactly, it's a fool proof plan. - Yeah, I mean, where are we gonna live? - Fantastic, okay guys, everybody hands in. Three, two, one, trap the hacker. - In the tiny house. Yeah, got this. Can you go over it again from the start? I'm a little confused. - Oh come on, are you kidding me? - That makes me so mad. We can't just get rid of our tiny house. - I know, we just won that. - And we won the song challenge. - That's true. - What are we gonna do? - I don't know, I don't wanna live in a park. - No, I don't wanna live in a park either. Do we live inside their house? - Movie theater. Movie theater. - Okay guys, let's go. We don't have that much time. All right guys, I'll be right out there. Here's the blueprints, look at this. - This is crazy. - I know. - I can't believe you let the agents know about this. - I have no idea why I did that. - Where did he trap you? That's impossible. - My closet. - I saw him upstairs though but he was by himself. You guys, go watch my video, see what happened, that makes no sense. - Rebecca, this plan has to work and this might be a really good way to get the tiny house back. - [Rebecca] What are all those red dots? - I didn't even notice those. Guys, comment down below what you think that is. - Wait a second ZamFam, one of the red dots is when I was spying on Q for 24 hours, I saw him. - Wait, wait, Rebecca, no, no, no, no. We have to go do this right now. We don't have time. - Okay, okay, but I think I have an idea of what those might be. - Okay, let's go trap this guy. Here's your mission guys. I need you to go find out exactly where Q's at so we can start this challenge, okay? - Yeah. - Are you okay? Are you scared of Q? - No, I'm definitely not scared of Q. You guys are a little scared of Q. He's intimidating. - Put him away. - Yeah, it's not the time man. Go find Q right now. Go, please. Please go. All right, while they're gone right now. I don't know what happened. I feel like I just reunited with my wife and I'm feeling like the agents separated from her and went on their own mission inside the tiny tunnels and there's a lot of secrets I think inside of there. I can't let them figure it out. Can you go and watch Rebecca's video and see what they found? Report back here what you found. Just put it in the comments section. I don't trust the agents. Is that Q? Agents? - Q? Where are you big bad hacker? Uh, this way. Hi, he's coming, he's coming. - Remember you guys, there are four of us and only one of him. - [Matt] Q, look at this, I have the keys right here. - [Q] Are those the keys to the back tunnel? - [Matt] I don't know, are they? Here we go, oh. - [Agent] Got it. You want them? You want them? You want them? Go. - [Matt] Okay, okay, okay. Go, go, go, go, go. Go guys, go guys, go guys. Oh, I got it. Here's the keys Rebecca, Rebecca. Oh no, in the pool. Okay, okay, I'm gonna throw them in the pool if you don't do this, okay? Hold on. - [Q] Give me the keys. - [Matt] Rebecca, back door, back door. - [Q] No Rebecca. Give me the keys man. - [Agent] I got it, I got it, I got it. - [Matt] Here, Agent S. Okay, here we go, here we go. Here they are, here they are, here they are. - [Rebecca] Go Matt, go, go, go, go, go. - [Matt] He's trapped, he's trapped. We did it, we did it. - We trapped him. - All right you guys we trapped the hacker. This is awesome. Okay, don't forget to turn on notifications, subscribe, shout out to you guys right here that got our merch. - And they tagged us on Insatgram. - Exactly. And also here's some people that commented in the first hour last time and gave us clues for the last video. Don't forget to comment below any clues that you see in this one. Make sure you go and watch the Gamemaster Network video where we're gonna find out exactly what the hacker's doing here. - Yeah, we're finally gonna confront him. - What is he doing now? - [Agent] He's searching for something. He's doing something. - That's fine, he's grabbing paper. He's writing something down. Is he writing a message for us or something? - I think the message is for us. - He's walking towards us. - If you don't let me out soon someone will go missing. Wait, one of us?
Channel: Matt Slays
Views: 3,989,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hacker, face, reveal, escaping, trap, 24 hour, challenge, inside, doomsday, bunker, tunnel, mrbeast, doomsday bunker, spent, norris nuts, cooking, brent rivera, extreme, dares, best friends, vat19, hidden, plain, site, matt and rebecca, rebecca zamolo, matt, rebecca, game master, quadrant, slays, dobre brothers, gymnastics, obstacle course, brianna, last to leave, sssniperwolf, prestonplayz, minecraft, jelly, hiding, mystery, funny, agent s, daniel, agent r, red hood, mr x, gm
Id: t7DYfpLNXq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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