He Betrayed Us! Lie Detector Test and Face Reveal of Mystery Spy RHS Member Outside of Roblox!

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spike on our balcony all right oh no you guys the red hood spine they're coming down should we do this yes obviously we want to know who this red hood spy is okay you can do a face reveal okay good spot you're doing it man three two robbie rob you're a traitor move away i can explain that's not the real daniel we know you all thought you could escape get them do it i can't let you get away with this daniel are they twins i need that button i'll go after him guess you're not zamfam strong huh rebecca waiting a long time to do that here we go oh mercy twin i can't let you leave are you sure about that one press of this and you're gone for good why don't you just get the door for me then huh huh see you later it's not over we must have scared him thank you daniel has escaped the clone deactivation button i need to get back to d2 he might have information to help us stop him uh okay is he twin oh and rebecca's laying on the floor she might need help what happened to her let's go let's go in the house go go go go go [Music] are you okay rebecca you're good rebecca oh she's giving up oh where's daniel aussie twin told us he escaped rz twin let him escape why but what happened to you i think daniel took me out when i was running here he was by the motherboard he has to clone the activation button you guys he can build an army with that clone deactivation maddie go give him some water okay i'm fine i won't have to take you to the hospital wait how did the whole house get cleaned up from home alone here drink some water i'll be rob you're right rebecca robbie robbed you're a red hood spy no no i was working with daniel but i didn't know if he was bad necessarily maddie minded can you stay with rebecca for a second just make sure she's okay okay yeah robbie rob you're coming with me at the tiny house uh yeah right now to the tiny house get out there get out there okay let's try standing up i'm still yeah i'm just still in a dollhouse dress it's coming back to me so we did the face reveal of ravi rob robbie rob is the one that jumped off the roof yeah is your memory okay yeah no no it is so why did robbie rob do that i don't know he said he's been working with daniel this whole time daniel's been betraying us this whole time why would robbie rob be working with him i thought he wanted to be a part of the game master network i have no clue and why is daniel against us now i thought he was on our side i can't believe he betrayed us keep on going come on robbie you can stop pushing me i'm going all right i'm just saying it's not what it looks like well it doesn't look good right now i know i know that now like looking back right we're upstate here i'm going to change right now yeah i don't want elsa outfit of course how do you like that no you probably like it i gotta go do you remember during the family music video when we did the face reveal of bbi yeah i had the twin telepathy with rztwin and i told you she talked to me but she warned me she told me not to tell anyone else but she said that someone went bad during ninja turtles she was talking about daniel wait why didn't you tell us this earlier i didn't know it was daniel i didn't know who to trust and she told me not to tell anyone but this all makes sense now and when he said he was hit by mr x's cane i remember when i was hit by his cane in the stomach but maybe he was hit somewhere else was he hitting the head i have no clue i wasn't there zampium go back to ninja turtles see where daniel exactly was hit maybe wherever he he was hit has something to do with how we can make him better again oh like it's reversible you think okay well we need to get to the tiny house and get all the information we can from robbie ross trust him all right robbie rob i am changed now i feel a lot better yeah if you look i know i know i'm having a bad hair date but we have two ways that we can do this right now you can tell the truth of course uh yeah that's or i can get a lie detector mixture and i'll make you tell the truth no i'll tell the truth i'm an open book tell me something that you're not mind about right now um i'm wearing red suit tell me your darkest secret this one time in fifth grade um i really had to go to the bathroom and you know i couldn't get an excuse and then i peed my pants when he was in a chair and then i left and another kid sat in the chair and i said whoa timmy just peed his pants and uh i kind of regretted doing that wow rob rob that's a terrible story why would you say that right now but you just asked me what my demon secret was i mean that's terrible why would you do that to somebody i regret it i mean it's so embarrassing yeah i know it's embarrassing one last question before the girls get out here yeah do you still think you have a shot with maddie listen it's not up to me it's more of a mad thing what is that supposed to mean what is that supposed to mean look the girls hey guys yeah there's no way that's ever going to happen wow yeah we don't know what's going to happen nothing nothing all right robbie rob now that the girls are here it's time to play a little truth or dare where we're just going to do truth because you're going to be telling the truth all day yeah i said so fantastic okay robbie rob when did you start working with daniel right after i lost the competition to bbi to join the gmn well yeah you were going to give us up to the red hood spies i got out of fear technically okay but back on track i was on break from domino's and he approached me and said will you do whatever it takes to join the gmn and of course i said yes so he said i have a secret mission for you you can't tell the others but i'll get you into the gmn and it works okay so basically you're just saying that you're willing to do anything even betraying the gamemaster network to join the gamemaster network well i didn't know i was betraying the gamemaster network did you just hear yourself talk yeah isn't daniel in the gms i guess it's a little bit complicated right now anyways what was the first task of this secret mission he gave you that was when we were getting the game master's memories back he texted me to go check out the house which um y'all didn't even realize i left wait while the game master was getting his memories back with the memory ball like literally right here when did he leave zamfam go back to that video on the game master network's channel did robbie rob leave at any point is robbie rob telling the truth how did we miss that i really don't feel like i can trust you right now even though i think you're telling the truth you might be lying about everything right now i'm not so moving on uh he had you do something at our house when we were with the game master and christmas and summer we thought that the game master was sending us all these gifts and it turns out it was daniel did you know that he was tricking us no not all he just told me it was a team event and i needed to come all right well i'm gonna ask the question that everybody's been asking me robin rob is it true that you were wearing my wife's clothes in that video uh yes i knew it yeah yes that was my onesie and it was very tight on you yeah why couldn't you just wear your own clothes it's so weird okay we're telling the truth right i'm just telling the truth okay okay okay so uh maddie is there a question you have were you helping daniel spy on us with that drone oh yeah no but i had a drone spy on me as well on one of my pizza deliveries really yeah what what i have a little secret of my own that i've been keeping i'm gonna tell you the truth right now that was me i was flying that drone that was you yeah all my customers were super freaked out and you followed me for a long time uncomfortably long i thought it was pretty funny i was honestly like wow this guy is really like and then he threw your bag trying to knock down the drone and i mean it didn't work it didn't look like you're trying to knock down the truck just like oh my god okay next question okay so a different drone one was for pranks and one was actually controlled by daniel like he said and that was spine on us next question would have to do with oh brainer the mermaid trainer are you actually a mermaid trainer daniel just tell you to come well i mean a little bit of both i am a phenomenal mermaid trainer agree to disagree well you know i mean you can't teach everyone but yes daniel did tell me to come because he knew my expertise or because he wanted to distract us so we wouldn't go in the house is that why you asked where matt was see if him go back to that mermaid video robbie rob asked if anyone was inside the house it was because daniel needed us to stay out of the house is that true robbie ross technically guess and i don't know if you know i also went into your house wait save him you guys said that he was doing something in the kitchen what was that that you were doing well daniel wanted me to reset the security system in the kitchen to make sure that you were safe wait so you reset our whole security system yeah daniel made it really easy don't you think that's a little weird he's having you keep a secret from us about our own security system no you didn't tell me to keep a secret i thought you knew about that okay we never even saw you go in the house at all when did that happen when you were going underwater for the last competition so that was a setup looking back at it now i guess but he just said it was for your own safety okay zamfam go back to the mermaid video and tell us when robbie rob exactly went in to our house during that challenge wait wait are we trusting robin robert right now he could be lying this whole time i don't know xanthan what do you guys think should we be trusting robbie rob i think he's giving us honest answers i just don't know why he would betray us and think that that was a good idea i did i thought i was helping you the whole time daniel had us open a gift and it had a picture of piper raquel the youtuber do you know what he wants with piper raquel i can only guess he was saying he wanted to bring in other youtubers to the gmn but now i'm starting to think it might have been the rhs rhs that makes sense maddie what you told me yeah i saw a video of piper raquel when she was ding dong ditching us and there's a red hood spy spying on her in the background daniel is trying to recruit other youtubers to join the rhs so we've seen maybe what kind of skills they have oh yeah while piper was at her house by the way we had somebody come and steal a package i've been waiting for that package for a long time did you report it to amazon guess who it was we found out ooh it was a guy called the porch pirate he's dressed like a pirate that is your best friend daniel that you've been working with the goofy guy the pirate that's daniel yeah so that item that the porch pirate took he brought to the water park okay to trade mr nice guy okay do you remember that yeah yeah i remember that for yeah activator right reactivator no but but daniel was with us how can he be two two people they didn't show up at the same exact time daniel came later oh that's right robbie rob he was just in the disguise as the porch pirate do you get it you just put on the disguise okay okay he admitted he's not really a pirate i don't know if he's a pirate but he has a disguise okay it's not that hard well i didn't know that just like max elsa not elsa i just dress up as one sometimes to get information from mr x okay and we're not dating at all i want to tell everybody that i've seen a lot of rumors going we're not eating what no i have a wife super happy with that and i don't like being associated with mr x that's just my jam okay that's how i get down i don't like to do that nobody asked that then why are you always dressing up like frozen characters that was your choice not ours i mean no no no no we just so happen to have frozen characters at the house it's convenience okay it's not like a request i'm not like gold okay i'm not gonna be like wow wow okay yeah before you know it i'll be a prince or something like that how about that i thought we were like speaking the truth in here yeah or maybe i'm gonna dress up as a snowman yeah maybe next time i will be olaf because dressing up like a snowman i'll make sure that mr x won't hit on me whatsoever and i'll get you guys off my back okay okay okay moving on listen we just need to get information from you robbie rob daniel is obviously bad right now we need to figure out how to make him good and how to stop his plan and maybe some information you have will help us do that if you want to actually help the game master network yeah i do i i i'll supply any information wait a second technically the gift with the game master t-shirt from the game master was actually daniel so i don't um what do you mean you don't know okay if that's not from the game master you technically are still in are still in i said this before the game master would never do a test of a food challenge for somebody to get in the game master network so technically you aren't in the game master network what do you mean not from the game master that must have been a decoy it must have been from daniel so uh you know what guys you probably bought it from my mom what we're gonna need that shirt back well i don't have it on me right now so maybe in the future i'll give it back or maybe not who knows we'll see well you've officially lost your privileges to be on the game master network videos okay okay listen you're saying all of this stuff so now we know why you were working with daniel obviously he tricked you into thinking that you would join the game master network and you were doing good when you obviously weren't but how did you help us today in home alone i was trapped home alone you are ready spies like did you even help us i helped you like in the entire time okay we'll name some things that you did okay well first of all when i realized that daniel was evil on the stairs i was dragging out d2 and rz twins stopped me she told me to get you into a room that had a tunnel ah robbie rob you need to get in there and make sure they get locked up in a room with a tunnel so maddie has access to the hacker room what about daniel i'll take care of you too okay remember that we're gonna bring you into the i don't know maddie's room oh you know maddie's room what don't worry about it is everybody laughing right now anyway so our z twin told you to put us in a room with a tunnel but we were in lockdown so how does that help us right but she knew that maddie could get into a hacker room oh yeah and remember when you came out of that room there was another red hood spy i hit him so he couldn't get you oh can you give us one second robbie rob sure actually on that note i also tried to save matt from facing his biggest fear and i even let him beat me up is that why you grabbed me i was trying to save you from jumping that was the dumbest thing ever yes we needed him to face his biggest fear i didn't know that okay damn fam what do you guys think do you think that robbie rob is actually telling the truth i mean because of him i was able to get to the hack room and take down the lockdown so we could escape yeah you did and you know what girl powwow yeah home alone goals right here two girls in a dollhouse and i'm still wearing the dress okay i don't trust him he said he let me win in the battle royale but i definitely took him out by myself oh brother okay either way though he helped us escape so maybe he is telling the truth maybe he thought that daniel was working with us i mean we all fell for it we didn't know daniel was bad we followed his plan and fell in the trap i mean i was home alone that was their plan probably right rebecca okay all right let's get back to him okay robbie rob well we've talked about it and it seems like you actually are telling the truth and being genuine you didn't know that daniel was evil and you thought you were helping us when in actuality you are well thank you yes that's what i've been trying to say okay but you did help us escape and home alone yes yeah if we're being a hundred percent honest yes we are i was the red hood and the try not to laugh challenge wait that was you yeah where do you make you laugh and you didn't laugh you didn't laugh at anything it was hard you guys are funny okay i reenacted a really cool scene with the game master and mr x i mean that was hilarious zamfam did you guys know that that was robbie robb that redwood spice so daniel had you do that why did he have you do that i think as a distraction now looking back he just said be fun with everyone we can't trust you and you don't have a sense of humor i don't know i was just following words we have a few more questions wait i have something to show you blackjack if you want to see him again you better get inside the house blackjack daniel has left check in the house you guys we have to get inside where is it he's okay wait what's that it says nighty night yeah 99 damn damn no no hey hey daniel daniels [Music] now you
Channel: Matt Slays
Views: 6,301,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: betrayed, us, lie, detector, test, lie detector test, face, reveal, mystery, spy, rhs, member, roblox, 123 go, hacks, embarrassing, troom troom, boyfriend, superhero, mrbeast gaming, jump, minecraft, 10000, flamingo, admin, family, matt and rebecca, rebecca zamolo, zamfam, mrbeast, fall guys, jumping, fun, game, master, lucas and marcus, gadgets, battle royale, lie detector, hack, the labrant fam, norris nuts, ninja, vlog, 2020, crazy
Id: rQdeD0BhmQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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