- Q the Hacker is heading to the tunnel! - He can't unlock it and he doesn't know where the keys are at! - He just went in, we need to stop him! Come on!
- Go, go. What about the challenge
we're supposed to do today? - If he escapes from the
tunnel, there is no challenge, we can't get the backpack. Come on, Matt, hurry! Hey! Q, you can't take the keys, you didn't win the challenges,
that's not what we agreed on! Ah! - [Matt] Oh, Rebecca, hey,
that's my wife, what are you-- Oh! - Matt, he's getting out! Get up! He's gonna escape!
- Stop him. - [Q] Looks like I'm not
gonna do any more challenges to get my keys back. - You're wrong. This tunnel is in
lockdown, you can't leave. - It's RZ Twin! - I'm gonna help her!
- Okay. - The backpack! Go, go, go, go! - Oh no, the Quadrant just took out Matt! I have the backpack! What are you doing? - Give me the backpack! - I'll give you the backpack but you have to give me
the keys to the tunnel. - [Q] I'll get the backpack later, I already have the keys. - You mean, these keys? - RZ Twin's here! - Battle royale! - Stay back. - [Q] Give me the keys, RZ Twin. - You shouldn't have taken them. - She took him down! - She handcuffed him! - [RZ Twin] Don't mess with RZ Twin. - [Q] How did you get here so fast? - That's for you to not worry about. - He did it!
- What's going on? I heard a noise. - Somehow the Hacker found
the keys to the back tunnel. - Yeah, well, luckily, RZ
Twin came and saved us. - Are you ready to do the next
challenge, Twin Telepathy? - [Q] How did you know that? - Twin telepathy. - Okay, okay, it just looks like the Q is a little riled up right now, why don't we just focus on the challenges to open the tunnel? - The agents cannot be trusted. They're the ones who told Q
about the keys for the tunnel. Lock them up! - Oh, come on! Yeah, you're going back
in the tiny house, guys. Full lockdown! - This is ridiculous. - [Matt] Lock it on this side, babe. Bring back here. - Now, let's get back in the house and start this Twin Telepathy challenge. - [Q] But Rebecca's best
friend, Zoe, isn't here yet. - Zoe won't be challenging you, I will. RZ Twin said we can't trust the
agents, I trust RZ Twin, we need to get inside and do
this Twin Telepathy Challenge. - RZ Twin, why don't you go ahead and let Q sit on this side
and you sit on the other side and let him out of the handcuffs! - [Q] Thank you, Matt. - Fine, I still don't trust you. - [Q] And I don't trust you. Hey, ZamFam, it's Rebecca Zamola and it looks like today's challenge is a Twin Telepathy Challenge
with RZ Twin and the Hacker. You guys know he won the last challenge and he cannot win the next one or-- What was that? - What was that? - I can't believe RZ Twin
ratted us out like that. - I know, I'm honestly
getting sick and tired of pretending to like them. - Just stick to the plan,
we have to get in the tunnel and we will own more than this tiny house. - ZamFam, did you hear that? Matt! - I need to go with Rebecca. RZ Twin, make sure the
Hacker doesn't go anywhere. - [Rebecca] Come on! - [Matt] It sounded like a boom. Oh! The secret room! - ZamFam, look, there's something like... - [Matt] Coming out the bottom. - [Rebecca] Oozing from the door. - [Matt] Maybe the door's unlocked. - Hello? - [Matt] Hello? - I don't hear anything. - I feel like it's coming from up there. - Oh, it's on your shoulder! - [Matt] Oh no, oh no, oh no. It's wanted stuff! - Grab the ladder! - [Matt] Here's the ladder. I got it! - [Q] What is that noise? - Sounds like the noise
of someone getting ready to lose the next challenge. - [Q] We'll see, RZ Twin. - It kind of feels slimy. - [Matt] It looks just like slime. - Like a clear slime. ZamFam, comment below what
kind of slime you think this is and do you think it came from the tunnel or from the secret room? - [Matt] We gotta get up
there, what is that noise? - We heard a boom, I'm not sure if it came from the secret room or the tunnel. We're about to go up to the
tunnel to see what is up there. - [Matt] Careful. You don't know what it is. The sound's getting louder. - [Matt] Yeah, I can hear it. - I think it's coming from the tunnel! - [Matt] You see anything? - Matt, the tunnel's shaking,
you need to get up here! Whoa. - [Matt] I can hear it, oh my god. - It's shaking. - [Matt] There's more
of that stuff up here! - Maybe I can open it. - [Matt] Yes, yes. - Maybe we don't even have
to win the challenges. - [Matt] It looks like it's
coming up a little bit. - You wanna try?
- Yeah. Here we go.
- Come on, Matt. - Maybe if I try to twist
or something like that? Why is it making so much noise? - [Rebecca] Maybe it's trying to get open. - Do you think the green
ooze is coming from up here downstairs into the secret room? - I think it means that the
tunnel might be connected to the secret room. What do you guys think? - Rebecca, I'm bringing some of this. - We just can't let Q know
at all what's going on, I mean, we might be
able to open the tunnel without winning the challenges. This might be our advantage,
you guys, let's get down. Hopefully RZ Twin is keeping
the Quadrant distracted. - [Matt] Close it! - Oh, my phone. It's Daniel.
- Oh! Pick it up! - Hey, Daniel. - Hey, I saw RZ Twin is there? - Yeah, yeah, she's
helping us win a challenge. - It's not safe for her at the Lake of Secrets or at your house. She shouldn't be there. - Okay, well, I'll tell her to leave as soon as she helps us win
this Twin Telepathy Challenge. - Nothing better happen to her or-- - Daniel?
- Daniel! What happened?
- The phone cut out. We cannot let Q know that the
rumbling is the secret tunnel. - [Matt] We can just
say it's a bad AC unit. - Let's get back. - [Q] RZ Twin, I'm surprised
you actually showed up here. Considering it's not safe for you. - I'm not afraid of you or anyone. - Wait, Matt. Before we go down, I forgot to tell you, the ZamFam said in my dollhouse
video there was a glitch and a message came on and it said, "Q's magnet is the key
to the backyard secret." - Yeah, I saw a ton of comments like that. - He has this magnet thing that he used to trap the agents for 24
hours up in the tiny room. I thinking that might be it. - Is it circular and has a little round metal thing in the middle? - Yeah, that's it. - I think I saw that in the
front side of his hoodie in the pocket! - If you saw it, you need to try to sneak and get it out during this challenge. - I can do that but what
do you think it does? What do you think it unlocks? - It might have something
to do with the tiny hatches. ZamFam, comment below what you
think that magnet can open. I think we need to get down,
though, back to the challenge. - Looks like they're coming back. - Sorry about that, RZ Twin and Quadrant but now I'm ready to do the
Twin Telepathy Challenge. How do we do this? - [Q] Read the card. - So, ZamFam, this is the
Twin Telepathy Challenge. There will be three rounds, whoever has the most connections with me at the end of three rounds wins. If RZ Twin wins, we win
one of the three numbers to the lock on Q's backpack but if Q wins, he will win another key. Q is definitely going to win. What? - Oh, come on!
- No, that's no. ZamFam, smash the thumbs up button if you think RZ Twin
and I are going to win this Twin Telepathy Challenge and let's get started. Okay, so we have RZ Twin on one side, the Quadrant Hacker on the other side for this Twin Telepathy Challenge. RZ Twin, are you ready? - I'm ready to win. - And Q, are you ready? - [Q] Of course. - Let's get started. Round one is trivia and
my first question is why did I turn my safe house into a giant Barbie Dream House? ZamFam, you guys can play along too, comment it below if you know the answer. It looks like RZ Twin knows the answer, she's writing really fast. The Quadrant's writing fast too, though. It looks like he might know too. Time is up, reveal your answers. - [Q] It was a prank. - No, it wasn't, she only
said that to the agents because she didn't want
to reveal she was moving. - RZ Twin is right, I did it so that I could convince Matt
to get me my dream home! Question number two is
what onesie did I wear during my Bored At Home music video? ZamFam, if you guys know
it, comment it below. Go ahead and write your answers. Wait, RZ Twin looks like she's struggling, I hope she knows this answer. - [Q] Nervous over here, RZ Twin? - I'm never nervous. - Reveal your answers in three, two, one! The SpongeBob Squarepants movie, that's definitely not it. The Quadrant got it right. It was a unicorn onesie. The winner on that goes to Quadrant. - That doesn't make sense. - We are tied right now, one to one, whoever wins this last and final question will win Round One, here is the question. What message was Zoe
trying to reveal to me in the Best Friend Song
Challenge in my old apartment? I really hope RZ Twin gets this because if she does,
she will win Round One and she only needs to win two rounds so that we can get a digit
for the lock on his backpack. Okay, are you guys ready? Reveal your answers in three, two, one! RZ Twin, you're right,
it was to reveal that hidden cameras were all over our house. - Of course I won. - Sorry, Quadrant,
peanut butter sandwiches are definitely not the best. - RZ Twin won Round One, she only has to win one more round and then we're gonna get
a digit for the backpack. - She's doing awesome! - You said the magnet's in his hoodie. You need to try to get it in this round, Round Two is objects, so
you need to think of a way to trick him and sneak in
so you can grab it, Matt. - I got this. - ZamFam, while Matt is
setting up for Round Two, I want to talk to you
guys about Houseparty. In case you guys missed it on
the Matt and Rebecca Channel, Matt and I both have Houseparty, these are our usernames, I couldn't get my real name
because someone took it but we are playing with you guys. If you guys wanna play with us, make sure to download my link
which is in the description. Houseparty is a super-fun app where you can video
chat with your friends, family, me and even play
games like Heads Up. It's available on iOS,
Android, macOS and Chrome. So, thank you Epic Games
for sponsoring this video. Again, you guys, if you
want to play along with me, make sure to download the link, the link is in the description. Okay, back to Twin Telepathy. - Agent R, there has to be
a way to get out of here. No ceiling... - Is there any other hidden passages? - RZ Twin, you did it, you won! - I should have won all of them. But something was blocking me. - What does that mean? - I mean, I wasn't able
to use my twin telepathy. - Okay, well, you won the first round, all you have to do is win one more round and then we can get into his backpack and then into the tunnel. - Yes, the devices will help you unlock the secret tunnel inside your house. - Okay, so you got this, RZ Twin. I trust you. - I'll keep playing. - Now, we have moved onto Round Two which is the objects round. So, three items will be placed
and you guys have to decide which item, I, Rebecca Zamolo, would pick. I hope you guys are ready for this. - There's no way you can win
this Twin Telepathy Challenge. I'm RZ Twin. - Round One is candy, there is
a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, Peeps and a Cadbury Egg. Which one would I choose
as my favorite candy? You guys know I love all of these candies and normally, I'd pick Peeps but for some reason, I feel
like I'm gonna choose Reese's so hopefully RZ Twin gets it. Reveal your answers in three, two, one! Oh, no, RZ Twin picked Peeps. The Quadrant picked Reese's! The Quadrant is correct
because I chose the Reese's! - [Q] Yeah! - RZ Twin picked Peeps. Did I just mess up RZ Twin, I was doing this and I thought
with the twin telepathy, she'd be able to figure
out that I chose this. - [Q] Sweating over there, RZ Twin? - I don't know what you're
up to but I'll find out. - The Quadrant can not
win any more of these. The next round has a stick,
a magnet with a string and a blacklight on the
table and the question is when I was trapped in
the backyard with Matt and we were handcuffed, what item did we use to get the key so we could unlock ourselves? Comment below what you think the answer is and if you watched that video. Show your item in three, two, one! - [Q] I should know this, I'm
the one that put them there. - No, it wasn't a magnet with a string. Quadrant got it right. - [Q] You must be feeling
kinda sad, RZ Twin. Losing a Twin Telepathy Challenge? - I'm not mad at all. - The Quadrant gets a point. This isn't going so well. Now's your chance, Matt,
try to get the item while the spy gadgets
are still on the table. - Okay, I gotta get it. Q, man, you're doing a lot better than I thought you were going to. - [Q] Feeling pretty confident. - Ooh, spy gadgets, have you
seen these spy gadgets here? Look at, blacklight, you can do, shine it in face, there's
like a blacklight stretch, you just go like this and you just, yeah, exactly, you can just, yeah, you can just do this. Try this right here. Try to stretch up as
high as you can, like, you can just, hold on. Oh, I dropped a paper. Grab that paper, yeah, yeah, great, great. - [Q] What are you doing? - No, I was just making
sure everything was good for Twin Telepathy round but now I... - [Q] What are you doing? - Good luck on the
round, don't do too good. - [Q] Weirdo. - I didn't get it, I failed! - I know and you knocked off
his paper too, you made a mess! Well, we still need to figure out a way, especially by the time this video's done so we can open the tiny hatch. These are the last objects for Round Two. Q has already won two, but there's still a chance
RZ Twin could win this. The items are ZamFam lip gloss, a ZamFam pop socket and a ZamFam bracelet. I want to shout out you guys in the ZamFam that got my merch and
tagged me on Instagram. Also, you guys, we have
all of these items, including the new bracelet on
my site, rebeccazamola.com, so make sure to go and check it out! Reveal your answers in three, two, one! - [Q] The new ZamFam bracelet. The same thing that
Rebecca's wearing right now. - It's so cute and so dainty. ZamFam, this is not good,
RZ Twin won Round One but Q won Round Two
which means they're tied and it's all gonna come down to the third and final round. - Rebecca, can I please
speak to you in private? - Yeah, we can talk in private. I'll meet you. - [Q] What is this? - RZ Twin. What's going on?
- I think Q is cheating somehow. - You think Q's cheating,
how is that possible? - We have strong twin telepathy but for some reason, the
signal is getting blocked. - Okay, well, what do we
do, we can't let him win. - I think we need to change locations. I think it might have
something to do with the motherboard interference.
- The motherboard? Okay, I'll figure out a
way to get us to move. - Have you gotten the magnet yet from Q? - No, no, Matt's working on it right now but he hasn't gotten it yet. - That magnet will open the tiny hatch outside by the tunnel. You'll need what's inside. - The tiny hatch. I was right, I knew it would open that. Okay, just stay here for a little bit, I'll figure out a way to get
them to move locations, okay? I got this, RZ Twin.
- You got this. - [Q] What's taking them so long? What are they doing? - I gotta go grab something,
I'll be right back. Just upstairs, I'll be a few minutes. Really quick. RZ Twin thinks that the Quadrant is somehow cheating with the motherboard so we're gonna get him to move. You guys remember my Clue In
Real Life costume as a maid. I'm gonna go down in
disguise and make them move, I hope it works. Matt doesn't know I'm doing this. Hopefully he goes along
with the plan, though. I'm gonna get changed and then
take the tunnel downstairs so they don't know that it's me. - So, Q, when's the last time that you had a peanut butter sandwich? - [Q] It's been too long,
can you make me one? - Probably not, just wanted to ask that. - I am dressed in the disguise. Oh no, I don't have
anything to clean with. I'll use Matt's beanie. Hopefully this works so RZ Twin and I can win this Twin Telepathy Challenge. Wish me luck. - Ninja moves? Are you any good at ninja moves still or barrel rolls or anything like that? - [Q] Do I need to remind you of the time I clotheslined you in a battle royale? - Come on. - You got lucky and it was
a little bit wet outside, I slipped pretty hard. - Cleaning time. I'm so sorry but I need to clean this, it hasn't been cleaned in a while. - [Q] Her again? - [Rebecca] Oh, there, oh, I'm so sorry! - [Matt] Wait, is that my beanie? - I have to use it because all of my rags are dirty right
now, they're in the wash. I'm sure you've heard that noise. The washer's been going this whole time. I think there's something
wrong with our washer. I'm gonna need you guys to move so I can really clean this up, okay? - [Q] No, we can't move. - Okay, so you have my
beanie, who are you? - I'm your house cleaner, you know. - I forgot. You usually come during the week, though. - I had a lot of cleaning to do and I haven't gotten to do this so we need you guys to switch
out of this location. - [Q] No, we're not moving. - What's the matter, Q? Are you scared to move? - [Q] No, I'm not scared. - Well, great, if you're not
scared then go ahead and move, 'cause I've got some cleaning to do. Wow, it's really dusty. - You're right, cleaning lady. I don't think that we
can do this challenge with you in the background so we'll move, Q, are you ready? - [Q] I'll win this challenge regardless and you owe me a peanut butter sandwich. She's a terrible maid! - Looks like I need a new
rag, just whatever you do do not touch this board, it
has a lot of dust coming out. ZamFam, it worked, we got him to move over so he's not by the motherboard. Comment below if you
think the motherboard is doing something during this
Twin Telepathy Challenge. I have no idea but Q
knows a lot of answers so let's just hope he loses. - We need to figure out a way to help him and make sure that he
gets us in that tunnel. - Right, we gotta. - Whoa, what is that? - Q, everything's all set over
here now by the fireplace. - [Q] I still don't
understand why we had to move. - [Matt] I know, I know, I know. Oh, yeah, yeah. - Sorry guys, it took me a
while to get my hair fixed. Whoa, you guys changed locations. - Yeah, the cleaning lady had
to clean the motherboard so we're gonna do it over here, I guess. - I hate when the cleaning lady does that. - Before we start the ninja moves round, I have to show you something. I got it!
- Hide it! After we win this
challenge, let's go outside and open the tiny hatch. - Do you think we're
gonna win this challenge? - We have to and if RZ Twin is
right about the motherboard-- - The motherboard? - I'll explain later but if she is right, then that means that the twin
telepathy will work again and RZ Twin and I will
be on the same page. Let's just do this. - Yeah, stand over there,
I'm gonna get this going. Comment down below who you think is gonna win this last and final round, RZ Twin or the Quadrant. We can't let him get that other key. Also, I'm really excited to see what's inside the tiny hatch! Rebecca, Q, this is the
third and final round. Q, you have to win this if you
want to win this challenge. Rebecca, are you ready to win? - I'm ready to win, I
don't think he's gonna win this Twin Telepathy Challenge, though. - He's just standing there. He looks super focused, Rebecca. First ninja move, Rebecca is
going to think of a ninja move. Q, you have to use your twin telepathy to try to do the same exact move. Three, two, one! That was the same exact move. - You got it, he used twin telepathy, how? - Rebecca, you ready?
- I'm ready. Q, are you, I don't care. Three, two, one! It wasn't the same move! - [Rebecca] Yes! Okay, Rebecca did a cartwheel,
Q did a barrel roll. Q, what happened to your
barrel roll, are you okay? - [Q] There's not enough room. - He didn't do it! So, he got one right but
he didn't get this one, so I guess it comes down
to this last and final one to see how many he gets for this round. I hope RZ Twin beats him. - This is the third ninja move. Three, two, one! - Hi-ya! - Oh no. It was the same exact move. - That didn't go as planned,
I mean, he got two right, that means RZ Twin's gonna
have to get all three right if she wants to win this
Twin Telepathy Challenge! - RZ Twin and Rebecca are both ready. All right, ladies, do your
move in three, two, one! Both got it right! - [Q] How did she get that? - Oh! RZ Twin, we did it! Okay, one down, two more to go and then we can win this
Twin Telepathy Challenge! - Do you think I was right
with the motherboard? Of course I was. - All right, let's see how
good your twin telepathy works on this next move, this
is ninja move number two. Three, two, one! It's the same move. It's the same exact one! - Okay!
- That's a good move. - Two for two! All we have to do is win the
last one, this is so great! - Think of your last and final ninja move, this is the third ninja move. Three, two, one! Whoa! No way! That was a tornado kick, they both did it at the same exact time! - [Q] Ah, the tornado kick! - We did the same one! - We did it, we won the challenge. - We won the challenge, this is it! We get our first digit for the code! Q, get ready! - [Q] This is bad, this
was not supposed to happen! How could I lose? - Yes, yes, yes!
- We did it! We got the first digit so, wait, Q's walking away. Hey, Q! We won that challenge,
we get the first digit of the three-digit code for your backpack. - The first digit to the code is six. - Okay, ZamFam, make
sure to remember that. The first digit is a six, we
just need two more digits, which is definitely gonna happen 'cause we're gonna win the next two challenges.
- That's right! - [Q] I'm gonna win
the next two challenges and get my keys. Real quick, I need a
minute in the bathroom. - Sure. - We have the first digit! - Okay! RZ Twin! - Now's our chance while
Q's in the bathroom where we can open the tiny
hatch and I can escape. Matt, you need to grab your backpack and you guys need to follow me now. - My backpack. - Okay, grab it. RZ Twin's right. It's our chance to now go see
what's inside the tiny hatch. - Exactly. - What do you think is inside of it? - I have no idea. - We need to do this before
Q gets out of the bathroom. - Come on. - RZ Twin, you're running so fast! - You cannot trust the agents but you'll need their help if you wanna unlock the
tunnel inside your house. - [Matt] Work with the agents? - Now, shut this and
lock it after I go down. - We'll lock the tunnel. - Good luck.
- Let's lock it. Lock number one, lock number two, lock number three. - [Matt] Rebecca, we've gotta hurry! Q's in the bathroom! - Let's open the tiny hatch! RZ Twin and you guys said that this will help us unlock this tiny hatch and she said whatever is in
here is very important to us. Shout out to you guys that gave
us clues in the last video, make sure you are subscribed,
with notifications on. I'm gonna put this on
and see what's inside. I think it worked. ZamFam, make sure you are subscribed to the Matt and Rebecca channel, where we're gonna find out
what is inside this tiny hatch! Three, two, one!