He Took Off His Mask! (True identity After 24 hour Challenge Face Reveal of Game Master)

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- Welcome back to the Matt and Rebecca channel. We're currently in the closet right now because we think The Quadrant is trying to infiltrate and find the device that's hidden within the safe house right now. Okay, let's see if they're out there. - I think they left. - [Matt] Hold on. - [Rebecca] Hold on, check. - [Matt] Let me see, hold on. - [Rebecca] Shh. - [Matt] They're still there, they're still there. - Oh man. How long are we gonna have to wait? - Daniel, can you hack in to see what's going on out there? It doesn't seem like they're leaving. - Okay, they're in the kitchen. - Okay. - It sounds... I think they're coming closer. - Hey guys, I have an idea. What if I go out there and just say that I've searched the place already? - [Matt] Like a distraction! - Like a distraction, yeah. - [Matt] Good luck! - Be careful, Q. - [Matt] Okay, shut, shut, shut I'm gonna watch from here. - [Matt] You're great. Okay hold on. How long do we stay here? He's gonna see if they're leaving I think right now. Hold on. - [Q] I don't think.. - [Matt] You good? You locked? Okay. Okay. - Good idea - That was awesome. - Yeah, good job. - Q, you're proving yourself a little bit useful. - A little bit. - Yeah. - A lot. Surprisingly. - Yeah. - That's a lot coming from you, Dan. - Well, keeping us safe. - Yeah, you guys know he made slime with the gloves, but I don't think gloves are good to make slime with. - Yeah, no. - You guys know that the game master let me control Q's life for 24 hours but we got a call from Daniel, saying we needed to get back to the safe house to defend it because The Quadrant was trying to find a device inside here. - Right, we don't really know what it looks like, but we're thinking that it might be up in the vent. - [Matt] Yeah, I think the only thing we can do right now is go search in the vent, right? - Yeah. - But there's more than just this vent, right? - [Matt] I think so. Which one do we start with? - Let's start here - [Matt] Okay. - I mean, this is the room that they were using devices in before, so. - Yeah. - So we think it's up in the vent, right? - [Daniel] I think so. - Yeah. - Okay I'm gonna go get a chair. - Zamfam, a ton of you guys said that you thought the mystery device was up there, so thumbs up this video if you agree with that. I think we need to look. Oh good, you have good gloves now. No more slime gloves. - It looks like we need like a flat-bladed screwdriver. - Okay. - [Daniel] Do we have that? - Hold on. - [Daniel] Oh ho ho! - I got one. - [Daniel] He's learning. He's learning from me. He's learning. - Okay here we go. - Wait, is a screwdriver a spy gadget? You guys, comment below. It might be, it might not. I kind of think it's not. - Okay. I got one. - [Rebecca] Okay. - Q can you hold this? - [Q] Yeah. - Thank you. Whoa, what was that? - It sounds like the sound! - [Rebecca and Matt] The cloud! - Come on! We need to run. - Hurry hurry. - Look! - Oh! - [Daniel] It's coming back. - [Rebecca] It's coming back. Hold on. We gotta pull this slime. - [Daniel] Stretch it out, stretch it out. - [Rebecca] We gotta stretch this out. We need to reseal it. You guys know that slime, it changes size and it was fully covered, but now there's now a bunch of holes. - And plus, the people went in and out the door. - [Daniel And Rebecca] You're right. - [Rebecca] Okay, all right. Make sure there's no holes, Matt You gotta seal this. - [Daniel] Looks pretty good guys. - [Matt] Looks pretty good. - [Rebecca] This should buy us a little more time. - [Daniel] We gotta hurry though, right? - Yeah, okay. I mean, where else where could the device be? - [Daniel] There's no more vents, right? - Yeah - Oh, you know we saw one over here. There's one right here. - [Daniel] Oh! - Okay. - Let me go get my spy gadget. - [Daniel] Okay. - Okay, so there's one here and one over there. You guys, let us know which one you think it is in. - I feel like we don't have a lot of time, if we take this one, can you guys do the back one? - [Daniel] Yeah. - Yeah, exactly. - [Daniel] Here ya go - Okay, all right Zamfam, so we are going to go and try to see what's inside this vent. They're gonna check the back one. - Give us a thumbs up right now if you think it's up here in the vent. Okay, I got one screw. - [Rebecca] Okay. Perfect All right you guys. What do you think the device is, Matt? - I don't know, we need to get it though. - [Rebecca] I mean, The Quadrant was looking all over for it. - Okay. I think I almost got this. - [Rebecca] Okay. All right. - It's really kinda stuck up here. - [Rebecca] Yeah. - Guys, how's it going back there? He took off his mask! - [Rebecca] What? - [Matt] Q, what are you doing? - [Rebecca] Did he just do a face reveal to Daniel? - [Matt] Q! Daniel! What just happened? What? - Nothing, nothing, nothing. - [Rebecca] Wait, Q just took off his mask. He just did a face reveal. - He did, he got angry. - [Rebecca] Where is he? - he took off the mask in anger. - [Rebecca] What? What is going on, Daniel? - You know what, we never knew why you left us. You left us up on the roof. - [Rebecca] Yeah. - Like you got in an argument, you've been arguing with him a lot lately - [Rebecca] Yeah, the Zamfam kept saying that you guys were fighting and then you just took off. And then you weren't at Game Master training and you're at the Game Master's safe house. - And then everybody's been asking where you are. Like, people stop me in person. - [Rebecca] Yeah. - Okay, I'm gonna let you guys in. - [Rebecca] What? - On what we know. I'll tell you all the information now. - [Matt] Wait, what we know? - As you know, during E2 it was revealed that the RZ twin was a double agent working with The Quadrant, right? - [Rebecca] Yeah. - Yeah, everybody knows that. - [Rebecca] She saved me. She changed so that I could escape. - So, we needed an inside man to get us into The Quadrant to begin with. - [Rebecca] Yeah - And that person is Q. - What? Wait, he's like a double agent? - Well, that was the plan. He was supposed to stay in The Quadrant, so that he could feed us information, and instead, he decided that he wanted to join the Game Master Network. When I said, and RZ twin said that he should stay there, that it's better for us and better for the Game Master, he went around all of us and went directly to you guys. That's why The Quadrant didn't know what he was doing. - [Rebecca] Oh. - He was trying to escape The Quadrant and come join the Game Master Network, but he needed to stay there. - Daniel doesn't want Q to join the Game Master Network because he wants him to stay part of The Quadrant. - I'll be honest, I feel a little left out. I feel like I'm the only one that's not a double agent. - I'm not a double agent! - But you have RZ twin, like - Okay, well speaking of RZ twin, what's going on between you and her? - Well, that's the problem, that's why I'm so mad at Q. - [Rebecca] Okay. - Q was supposed to stay there to help keep us informed if The Quadrant was getting close, got too close to RZ twin and now she's trapped. - [Matt] RZ twin's trapped. - And now the ZamCam's telling me that the Red Hood made her drink the red potion. - [Matt] No! - Wait, so is she hypnotized now? - I don't know. I mean, she's good, but she could be bad now. I don't know. - Okay Zamfam, if you know any information about the RZ twin, what's going on, let us know in the comment section. I think we need to talk to Q, right? - [Matt] Yeah. I think we need to find this device. - Right. - Yeah. - [Matt] I'm not sure if we have that much time either. Keep on looking in the vent over here, I'm gonna go finish over on this vent. - Okay. - [Rebecca] Hey Q, are you good? - [Matt] Okay, are you making any progress right now? Looks like the screws are off. - [Daniel] Hey, over here! - [Rebecca] What? - [Daniel] I see a string! - [Rebecca] Oh, that's the vent! - I need your screwdriver though - [Matt] Okay. - I need you to like, take the rest of this off. - [Matt] Okay hold on, I got the camera. - This is the vent the Zamfam thought the device might be in, Daniel You said you saw a string? - [Daniel] Yeah, it's in there, but I can't; you gotta get the whole vent off. - Okay. Here we go, here we go, here we go. - [Rebecca] Okay. - [Daniel] Got it, okay. - Here's this. - [Rebecca] Okay. - We're gonna take this off in 3.. 2.. 1 Get it off Q. WHOA! - [Rebecca] Whoa! It's like a; is that a hidden passage or something? It looks like a tunnel. - [Daniel] Can you see anything? - [Rebecca] I can barely see - I can't see. Here let me see the camera real quick. - [Rebecca] Maybe the Zamfam can see something. - [Matt] All right, Zamfam, can you guys see anything up here? - [Rebecca] It looks like red. Like the red hood! - [Matt] It is like the red hood. - [Rebecca] It's probably a secret hiding spot. - [Matt] It looks like there's I can't. - [Rebecca] I hear something. - [Matt] It's just my hand. - [Daniel] Whoa, there's the string see! - [Matt] There is a string. - Whoa! Do you think if we pull this something will be attached? - [Matt] I don't know. Be very careful. It feels like it's pulling something. - [Rebecca] Okay. - [Matt] Oh! There's something coming out. - Whoa! - This must be the device. - [Matt] What? - The hidden device that they've been looking for. The Quadrant. - [Matt] That's a good point. - I mean, they tried to take over our safe house before, they could do it again. - [Matt] Yeah. It's becoming the not safe house. - [Matt] Yeah, it's in my hood. - [Matt] Thank you Daniel, good training. - [Matt] Boy, you're just ripping it up. You're unboxing it. - Thumbs up if you think this is the right device we're looking for. Whoa! - [Matt] What is that? - [Rebecca] It looks like - [Daniel] It's a controller. - A controller and like hacker wires, Daniel. - Yeah. - What are these for? - Well this looks like it's like for playing like video games. - [Matt] Here, can I look at it? What is this? Okay, it looks like it's a video game controller. I don't know, can you see; I can't tell like what it's for though. I mean, there's a bunch of buttons on here. You know what, there's like a big power button here. The hacker wires, what are they doing though. - [Rebecca] Is there any code or anything? - I mean, I don't see anything. It just says XYBA - [Daniel] Nothing on the top there? - I don't think there's-- - [Rebecca] It's just all black. - All right guys, let us know in the comment section down below what you think this is used for. And why is this; why would this be up in the vent? Is it like, the new pause challenge? - You guys, that up there was red, so I think the Red Hood had something to do with that device. Maybe she needs that device for something. If you guys have any idea why the Red Hood would want that, like let us know. - Oh! Look at this. Can you see that? - [Daniel] It's like it's kinda lit up. - [Matt] The button. - [Daniel] Oh yeah. - Oh, now it's flashing. Is that a code? - [Daniel] I don't know, maybe. You gonna press the button? - I guess so. All right, here we go. 3.. 2.. 1 - [Daniel] What's that? What's that sound? - [Rebecca] What is it? I don't know. - [Daniel] What's that sound? - [Rebecca] It's like - [Daniel] It's from the remote. Matt. - [Rebecca] Matt. Wait. Hey Matt! Matt! Matt! What are you doing? Matt. Is he hypnotized again? Daniel? I thought you de-hypnotized him? - [Daniel] I thought I did too! - He did all that stuff. Matt! But it was a different sound. - Daniel, when did we get this couch? - [Daniel] Oh, yeah, Amazon - You ordered all this? - [Daniel] What, I gotta be comf-- That doesn't matter. Look at Matt. What's happening with Matt? - This doesn't make any sense, Daniel, you de-hypnotized him. - [Daniel] I thought I did. I don't know why. - Yeah, so how is this happening? - [Rebecca] What do you mean Q? - [Rebecca] What did you give him? - [Daniel] What? - What was it? - The red mixture? - [Daniel] No! - Daniel, that's what Kurt took. - [Daniel] Yeah. - He was playing the piano for E2 and - [Daniel] And what RZ twin took too - Daniel, we can't just leave Matt here like this. Okay, I don't know what we're gonna do though. He's like not even answering me. Matt! Matt! Matt! - [Daniel] Yeah, I don't know - This is so weird. - [Daniel] What? - Oh! I guess this kind of a interesting time to do this, but um, I had to control your life for 24 hours and your phone has been dying all the time. It's got a cracked screen. I decided to get you an iPhone. - [Daniel] Whoa! - [Q] Thanks Zamfam! - Yeah, I was gonna give it to you in my video, but then we were trapped and I couldn't get it, but we had ordered this while we were at Digicon, so you need to go figure out how to de-hypnotize Matt now. - Okay. - Rebecca, I was gonna have this as a backup plan, but I think I know a place that we can take Matt to help him out. - Okay, well will it de-hypnotize him? - It might, but he's gonna need to be there for 24 hours while we figure it out. - Okay you guys, comment below if you think we should take Matt to that location for the next 24 hours. If you want to get a shout-out in the next video, comment 'Matt is hypnotized' in the comment section. Check out the video right here. Make sure you are subscribed and as soon as Matt gets de-hypnotized, we will be announcing the giveaway winners, so we need to do this quick!
Channel: Matt Slays
Views: 4,241,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mask, face reveal, defeat, 24 hour challenge, quadrant, game master, true identity, gamemaster, lucas and marcus, sister, morgz, escape room, hacker, faze rug, wins, 123 go, relatable, rebecca zamolo, matt and rebecca, safe house, battle royale, fun, mystery, game, in real life, family friendly, puzzles, detective challenge, clues, 10000, rz twin, cwc, vy qwaint
Id: 85hX7ZvDOSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2019
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