AI Generated a NEW F1 Track and I RACED ON IT

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Matt Amos a video creator who regularly posts Formula One content one year ago put out a very eye-catching video and in that video Matt somehow got AI to convert Bird pictures into Formula One tracks uh yeah just I don't know so after he successfully turned a bird into a track layout he ended a video on this note I think I would love to actually write this in real life maybe there's a way that we can recreate this track on like a simulator or something and we could have like a makeshift Formula One race who knows I do hey Dimitri so if I were to create this track would you be down for a race sure no problem [Music] so right away I took the track from Matt's video and exported it as a BNG layout and after importing it into a 3D modeling software I started tracing it with a basic Road mesh I also made some custom matte Amy's barriers and then apply them onto the track and yeah these animations do make it look easy but it actually took about two hours to finish so here we are at the track driving for the first time pretty excited I just want to see how the track behaves it's so far so good sorry Matt so after crashing into Matt's face a dozen of times I came to this conclusion but yeah the track is good but right now the track is a bit too flat and I think it's the perfect time to create some elevation see in my previous video I made a giant Loop which you decided to name the loop of death oh rightfully so and even that still wasn't enough to satisfy your elevation needs so I asked the AI to generate a grayscale Terrain image which I then turned into a displacement map in other words we will use this image as black and white data to create 3D terrain now that example was a bit exaggerated but I think this will do just fine yeah now we're talking also this huge ramp here at the start should be very interesting I mean just looking at this is kind of scary let's give this a go and just as I suspected the elevator elevations just a bit too much but maybe this is good because like you have to break and then the people who don't break will fly off but I still decided to test drive the track just for the heck what is this what is this oh my God so yeah as you can see the track is not exactly 100 formula car ready but luckily there is an easy fix to it which is to basically cut the terrain scale in half and make the elevation just a bit less drag so right away from the start you can see that the incline now looks much less scary but let's go ahead and see if the car flies when you drive over it no it doesn't okay yay let's go right so with only a few things to fix now okay next up was texturing the terrain to make it appear more realistic and also connected to the road because right now you can just sort of go under the trash so I deleted the original terrain and started modeling one by hand then textured it with gradients of red green and blue this is called an RGB mask and it looks very weird at frizz but when you put it in a 3D 3D software and tell it that red means grass green means stirred and blue means gravel you can get some pretty nice results with it and I think it looks pretty nice you know compared to some of our previous track designs I mean even this guy's just silently judging my track making skills okay let's go touch some grass no but I actually wanted to take photos of safety barriers and then after finding some and doing a photo shoot I uploaded them to my PC and chose only the best ones which were then cut out compiled and turned into a 3D model I also made some other assets including entire wall a couple of bridges and then after finding an image of a truck I converted it to a usable texture and then I made a model out of it in a couple of variations as well so finally after making a bunch of props it was the right time to start applying them all to the track yes including a portable toilet wait Daniel Ricardo it's real sweat I'm a high performance athlete athlete sweat sweat baby well at least he has a seat now I'm just kidding Daniel I love you yeah it's cool thanks so now that we made our mess with Daniel we can continue building the track with a clean Consciousness I think it's also cool how this time around the track actually has a tunnel for entering and leaving the tunnel is fake but wait Daniel we're not doing this again next up I made this camera Reagan just to go a step further I added a damp track constrained and linked it to Matt's character here in other words then I made some Tech Pro barriers which don't contribute to safety whatsoever but you know they they look nice I wanted to make an old abandoned Village somewhere in the track so I made a few house variations and then spread them across an empty field near the road I was also lazy to model bushes so I just took the trees and ah shut up no one will know so I'm just looking at this final turn and thinking that maybe we missed a chicane here on the inside but you know what let's make it interesting and just leave it like that I then model the big audience stand smaller audience then and then the smallest audience stand now the process of modeling all the props and building the track may be a tedious one but it is an essential part of creating a great track so with all the props modeled and the track taking shape it's time for everyone's favorite tech drawing all the patrons names on the track so I actually asked all of them by a post where they would like their names to be written on the track and a few individual have responded so let's make their wishes come true and draw them a nice graffiti style name if you want your name on the Future track or just want to download this track with the rest of the tracks I made and drive on it you can do so by supporting me on patreon the link is in the description check it out speaking of random drawings on the track there's a few notable ones here that I want to mention so we have Tomo who has been nothing but supportive about my channel ever since he found out about it check out um Diamond's Channel by the way you're a genius mate you are a genius absolutely and obviously Matt Amy since without him this entire video wouldn't exist finally I created the pit Lane and pit boxes which are essential for any racing track to function properly on the previous track we have experienced some pit stop issues this time everything went smoothly to finally complete this project I used the same texturing techniques on the road as I did for the terrain which adds a great deal of realism it sets this track apart from others I have built but now after literal hundreds of hours of hard work the track is finally 100 finished and it's time to put it to a test welcome everyone to the velocity Valley circuit the length of the track is five kilometers and it features three DRS zones with the third being the longest measuring almost one kilometer now because the entire track was made by the AI we can expect some interesting results like the hill on the first trade with the elevation of seven meters which is way more drastic than it sounds we also have some Modern Art structures on the track such as this piece that was created by none other than AI but let's start talking stats sector 1 dominates with wide Corners so any sort of understeer can and will lose you a lot of time in contrast to sector 1 sector 2 is made out of tight corners and a lot of small elevation changes so you better watch out for the bump on the turn 8 is going Full Throttle over it will send your car into the barriers coming down to the final part of the circuit sector 3 has the longest raid on the track and to get the most out of it you need a great exit out of turn 11. now coming to the undoubtedly the trickiest turn on the track turned 13 with no chicane on the insideable heard a lot of drivers who try cutting the grass to gain some time so overall an interesting and risky track to race on but enough talking and let's get our tires sturdy welcome everyone to the velocity Valley Grand Prix 2023. [Music] so qualifying started and we thought only 15 minutes on the clock everyone rushed out to get their best times on the table except this guy made a Euro formula F3 champion who started his career in cards in eye racing and then in just two years went to become an F4 Champion cam decided that he's gonna start from the bottom of the group which I think is gonna give us all a little more fair advantage over him but I still think he's gonna win the race there we go Matt showing the server it's time to see where he stands all right let's check this out welcome to my name is trying to learn an F1 track that he sort of designed with an AI and then Dimitri actually builds it but instead of learning the track and putting times on the table Matt was too busy looking at the AI generated brand logos not Rolex but Roxy DCC love that Pharrell very nice flannel this is so cool mate this is so cool qualifying over oh my God I mean you're laughing I'm literally at the back of the grid shall I send it I might just try and send it 20 seconds till the lights out and I'm feeling excited I don't know about you excited nervous every single emotion is going through me right now five lights are on lights out and away we go washed up come on let's turn on the dearest right away and we had actually a very good start here just make sure the turn one we're going easy and nobody acts oh someone's fun he's going oh no I'm going into him that's right we carry on we move we move a lot of punching uh we're off track and while I was off track Cameron and Matt already had a battle on their hands [Music] foreign [Music] oh there's a lot of crashing going on it's glad I'm not one of those guys the tires are still cold so we gotta take it easy send nope that did not work sorry with the race just starting Cameron was already gaining places he started from 18th and he already made up 10 places in just a single lap [Music] physics whatsoever which puts us up to third position actually but despite our great results Cameron was slowly closing the Gap this is stressful starting to get used to the Circuit now though this is circle [Music] oh don't go up the circuit just keep it clean perfectly safe rejoined but fear not this race Matt was not the only one who was making mistakes reverse reverse reverse reverse reverse I it up so badly that costed us a lot of positions that mistake right there so let's see if we can gain it back I'm just hoping there's more accidents up ahead so I can try and catch up because I feel like everyone's been practicing here for quite a while and I haven't still in the top ten that's a we still get a point [Music] I think we're now in P9 because someone disconnected [Music] dude what's going on with me in the throttle Alexa it's just throttle control but I can't seem to get it right right we might have to make a move going into the chicane of death [Music] oh no expanding this again yeah that's the game it's not a chicane it's very much a right-hand turn it's still fun though [Music] I try and do saving some time I might just try and cut the chicane what's happened no let's take some water God damn it I thought I found a little loophole there I thought I'd give it a good little sheet it's completely straight line it's so hard to stop for that corner oh look at that pass this is gonna be interesting so with only four left stick up any last position from that crash and I couldn't afford any mistakes so that didn't stop me to go all in wheel to wheel because at the end only one car will come out at the top sucker there we go he just left the game because of my little Excursion from the racetrack I'm now p12 yellow flag oh he's fun oh someone else is fun as well can we get back into the top ten I think we might yes come on let's go oh he's gone off oh he's gone the way I've got to my position at the moment is just from people going off and not me with any racing Talent whatsoever and speaking of racing Talent with only a few laps to go next to his incredible peace and consistency Cameron was fighting for the second position but he wasn't going to stop there because just two laps later and with two laps to go he was catching up to the leader of the race oh blue flags oh my come on really the man was not the only one who was being waved blue flags this white car was also given a blue flag but that didn't stop him from putting up a fight with the leaders of the race with just half the lap to go and well something happened [Music] so there we go Cameron snatched the podium and became the first ever driver to finish the velocity Valley grand prix with me finishing in fourth dude and that finishing in eighth position it is p8 there we go wow I think that's really really fun yeah Dimitri you've done a really really good job of this and like hats off to you here's some guys some doing some donuts squirrel joining uh [Music] I've got someone to meet this is Lando hi Dimitrius Lando [Music]
Channel: DiME
Views: 1,821,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: assetto corsa, formula 1, f1, track, circuit, wtf1, blender, modeling, 3D, tommo, formula one, f1 circuit, f1 track, josh revell, aldas, best f1 tracks, dream f1 track, serbia, cranky yankee, lewis, hamilton, matt amys, cameron das, ai, A.i, chat gpt, artificial intelligence, dalle, lewis hamilton dream track, dime, lando norris, quadrant
Id: ZJF7Tx79tkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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