Crash Fest Redemption | Wreckfest | NASCAR Legends

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what's going on everybody eddie sound head mac once again you would sound entertainment back in rec fest once again here today as we return to the fairfield a mud pit after our last trip out in rec fest it did not go so well for us we were driving this exact car the lightning McQueen car which is back here once again today and we're out for a little bit of redemption today cuz we got absolutely decimated last time we showed up here and it was just destruction by everybody on us I mean our wheels were falling off left and right we were getting pancake turning the motorcycles you named it if you missed that one you really ought to go see it and this is the follow up to it so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna try and get a little sort of redemption here like I said this is a much longer demolition derby this is actually the longest one that I've ever done this is 20 minutes so we got to get it done and try to survive I've tweaked the settings a little bit so I think we'll have a little bit better a competitive shot this time around but we'll see and we'll see how it you know so without further ado let's go ahead and jump into it right now get this thing underway so you can see facing up against the nascar legends once again and we're off and just hope for the best dear folks yep that was an explosive start you knew there had to be one all right so now it gets interesting oh and by the way in case you didn't know we got the pin ball and moon gravity mods enabled as well so can't forget those those key ingredients to this insanity and I'm going on a rocket ride already here we go hidden invisible walls out here I think I'm out of the park well we land sometime within the next five minutes who knows if it's gonna be interesting to see can they stick the landing is it gonna be an ugly landing am I gonna get reset by the game oh so on the side and that's where it's gonna stay alright let's get back to the track how about we could lollygag in this through the atmosphere and get back on it as we got some takedowns to get making here is or we can just get slapped across the arena floor and in the defense about as hard as you can't watch out safety workers talk about taking your lives in your own hands standing that close to the fence I wouldn't be anywhere near this event if I were you those fans - that is a bad spot to be sad and yeah oh I just got torpedoed from above I just got like a corkscrew there's not have a name for that I just got a free takedown watch out the fans all the game reset me just in time before I went on a killing spree of the fans oh we are in a bad way here the man lighting the Queens having a tough time that's why I love this they having this car out every now and then it's just watching it get absolutely pummeled it's like a commentary of some kind that I cannot define but it's there so if you find it let me know by all you got the 24 Jeff Gordon's going for a ride he's gone he's in there he's been just transferred into another dimension he's gone forget about a Jeff Gordon we hardly knew you let's see I got Terry Labonte lined up they're not even gonna get close to him because somebody else is gonna get in the way her out the bag and Neil Bonnett over here with a sliver of health Oh somebody I think we just came from real close to killing some fans right there - we might have even done it let's see who's going here we got Jeff Gordon in another car so we got somebody else in Jeff Gordon's car and Jeff Gordon in the 10 car it looked like and I'm out of the park again Oh big t-bones right off the start let me get a chance oh and it's not done yet by the way and we've got one health and we are dead just like that so good then we get respawns here well somebody's already got four to one kills tell you what this is not gonna be easy Oh God yep there it is that is they never even give you a chance to catch a breath here constant wipeouts getting knocked around hits midair hits pretty sure I just saw somebody get killed in the middle of the air awesome got Neil Bonnett over there running up against while I'm looking for weak ones here I'm kind of scouting out who's who's ready to die basically it's like Rage to style gotta love you some Andrew W K right there's a reference oh no I don't know that's that's more pop culture now I would say since they just had that whole III thing last year if people don't get that I'm gonna be really Santa anyway moving on 40-yard leaves open that's really what that means we're getting knocked around a spin cycle I'm going incredibly off-topic when it comes to this event and we're down in 13th and positioning so we gotta we got to step it up here as this is this is getting ugly fast so let's see just just like the day I was born feels bad okay let's let's try and spin cycle into somebody how did I do all that Oh Oh No Oh God Oh Oh feels bad I'm like managing to miss all these cars that I want to hit and hitting all the ones I don't want to hit it's truly an art form really when you think about it I'm doing a slow roll over there but I am in a quarter of the way into this it's like I'm this gonna be like a marathon again oh my god I'm getting I'm getting shunts for days yeah I'm like the Robot Wars house arena bar there's another reference for you reward came back again no so again I think that's more pop culture now that's not as obscure as it once was feels bad all my references are now mainstream again does that make me like I don't know what kind of hipster that would make me but I'm already disgusted at the thought of me being a hipster so we're just gonna stop it right there and smack some people around and get smacked around I'm hitting everybody and I'm not even trying perhaps totally I got to take that through 17 we got to get this together man this is getting real real bad I expected to be a little bit more competitive than this takedown assist now I'm triggered Mount Ricky I'm Mark Martin's right there and somebody else is gonna kill him this is it yeah there they go thank you Bill Elliott thank you oh my yep Oh Cole trickle is lucky that he was invisible or else we would have just made in Tim Richmond Tim Richmond I got a voice ladies and gentlemen we got and I'm gonna kill the fans oh god I kill the fans yep we did it the fans were dead it only happened first split second before the game was like now I hope we ain't getting hit with the ESRB on that one we're gonna reset you I killed the fans right there I'm gonna kill Christian why man why would a win what a class a win are you kidding me I'm gonna get murdered right here by Darrell Waltrip that is great oh and Michael Walters gonna come in for the double kill it's I've got brother Brothers of Destruction in the Walter boys who needs the cane in the Undertaker the cane Wow there you go Houdini's cane in the Undertaker when he got there on Michael Walter what a killer combination that would be in the wrestling ring come on how much cold it's almost called rusty bubble walls we might need to get my head tested after this one and I'm dead again and we are having a terrible showing we're actually not all that far behind though like we can get back in this the leader has seven takedowns we have four we got the same amount of deaths so we're doing okay I guess in that right I am going in an absolute twister of a move and this is still ongoing like I have any control the fans are dead we are two for two on fan death so far today I've got another takedown assist I've never been quite so triggered in my whole life Matt Kenseth don't you oh my god you have to be kidding me Richard Petty no stop it stop giving yourselves away I need you this is not right this is not a live coal truck Oh Tyler Nicole dripper cart oh how does that not kill you though how are you not dead you got a die from that you got to take that death come on now can we land on the friggin wheels please are elevate you I landed this some time to see absolute death right in front of my eyes come on how was that not a debt how is that out of death I bend my will but that's on a dead Bobby Hillin Jew there we go we got to kill Pilate we're up to five takedowns boys we're up to five I'm gonna get murdered right here watch I'm just gonna get this kid killed oh that's got to feel great that's gotta feel really spectacular Richie petty no no please dog God dang it quit dying we're dying in inopportune places for me oh my it's like a team's it's like somebody was like no help get to plant it right in front of me and then I just get slapped from every other direction I get nowhere near them oh and I'm just getting brutalized now this is this is a Redemption it's not going exactly the plan right now come on we got to get this win 20 minutes of this and we don't win that what a travesty that would be Cal Petty's outside the park I don't think he knows how to get back in there's a reset button Kyle it's in there somewhere all right who wants it Oh somebody just died right maybe I should just quit trying to go around for the weak ones I don't know I feel like that's the winning strategy but I'm sitting in eleventh right now so I'm not winning anything oh that was a brutal hit right in front of me come on somebody just I just want to hit somebody and this is what I get in return for that the exact thought head and I you just give reset upon oblivion okay tiny one Tyler I'm gonna smack you know I'm not pretty I'm gonna getting dick Brooks instead well you know what at least we got somebody in I get a takedown assist which I think means somebody just killed dick Burke's while he was laying there maybe not maybe not come here come here come here takedown got him oh just barely got I thought he was gonna slip away but he did not and now I can beat up on Cole trickle aka Tom Ilan come in come in Oh I've almost got you I've almost got you come on you're almost done where'd you go where'd he go did I kill him let somebody else kill him am i blind oh no he just got reset come here no don't you kick don't you got don't anybody take him from me he's mine I saw him first no no this is not a lot obviously I still see him tiny what I died okay come on tiny lon tiny if I swear to God if I see that freaking car reset somewhere now oh he's right I'm gonna steal Dale Earnhardt it's all right I had to do it I had to do it somebody stole mine I did steal somebody else's oh my god that is tragic you bought it even more tragic but that's just a slam if I'm not happy for that oh I think that was him right there Jeff Gordon applying the reverse all right who can I find who is crying for that debt all we're halfway we just clicked over underneath ten minutes all brutal hit right there by DW alright who's good who's good Jeff Gordon Jeff Gordon can you take the dead taking that t-bone and take me to outer space come on let's land this thing stick the landing Oh what us now ladies and gentlemen we haven't had landings that good in our monster truck series and Beaman Jean let alone in rec fest that's one of the cleanest landings you'll ever see bookmark it you'll never see a collector quite that clean ever again Jeff Gordon there we go freebies all over the third look at that we just got to back-to-back all the luck might be turning our way boys come on land that thing yes oh we're in now Oh dick works dick Brooks gives us a freebie again oh we're moving on up all Benny Parsons Oh with a decimating hit and I'm gonna get my gonna kill the fans watch out for the fans Oh just missed them just missed giving the fans a lot of headache right there oh man who was that Richard Petty I got him lined up he's in my sights no no no it's not allowed that's illegal yeah yeah let's turn this thing around here let's let's go on the hunt Oh oh my god right in your living room right there I was a bit of a 3d I just gave Jeff Gordon a free take down on somebody by knocking them into them Tim Richmond right here his real weak and I got them it's really hard Oh God absolutely brutalized on the side that I've got a piece of rock does that move rock from when I was up there earlier stuck on the hood I'm watching Jeff Gordon fly out of the park there you have it there you have it got Kurt Busch driving his Alan Kulwicki what a combo and he's down he's down and that puts us a second or maybe we were in second and I just didn't notice until Matt but we're in second boys I'm having a real moment over here as you can see there you go Matt Kenseth no wait this is all right everything I swear the words they're on the pay wall or something now these are my terminators clearly we've hacked the game we've taken dance secrets and I am now the hacker Kyle Petty is still outside the track it's like Michael Waltrip except he's at the right track he's just he's not in it he's outside of it like easy just he's reduced himself to a spectator now and I'm reducing myself to a ballerina instead of a demolition derby dryer because I'm just getting knocked around of doing all kinds of flips twists and circles and I've had about enough of it I want to get back into this thing and they are simply not letting me and it's it's gonna bother me Bobby Hillin jr. Oh Oh two wheel motion we're good come on who's week wants to give me that that take down right now who's trying to give me that take down let me get the lead here Jimmie Johnson oh he's gonna kill the fans Oh God oh I think he can't be real close to killing a couple of fans right there the fans this is uh this is not like the act that the appropriate arena for such amounts of destruction like they need the one from they need some kind of arena like when the Hulk and Thor were were fighting each other on that crazy planet that's what they need there this ain't doing it and look we're just behind we are like one or two kills behind here we can do this we can definitely do this Rusty Wallace I got my eyes on you bud your how are you not gone from that that was such a big hit all this game triggers me sometimes that's shoulda what that that should have been a kill that should have been a major kill right there is that him laying right there like a turtle got him and that puts us in the lead all boy we are in the lead we landed in a racecar the 43 is outside of the track Jeff Gordon got Jeff Gordon getting chased by a Jeff Gordon car and he's dead Ricky rut though come eyes on ricky rudd ricky don't you take yourself out oh he tried to I'm gonna get there first that puts us at Pitt teen takedowns oh we are having a run up for a lifetime right here it started off a little cold but it has gotten quite hot and here comes Tim Richmond I'm gonna put him in the wall and I am currently eating that while I've been a nice little date with the wall I got to be the wall all right Benny Parsons knock him clean out of the way send him on a barrel rolling Sidewinder somebody came a plan behind me Oh terrible wreck at the 11:00 coming back at us or a guy that's got to be terrible did you imagine being in one of these cars during it like any one of these hits even the small ones have to be light fenders gotta be these cars are not ready for this kind of punishment if you're driving in this game you're taking that dad you're taking that death for sure and I'm gonna tell you what we're five minutes old down five minutes left to go here in the demolition derby to end all demolition derbies right here and it's going pretty well here Neil bought it he's real weak he's gonna make me chase him of course cuz that's all he fair I'm gonna get him right there though got a big old hit major hit and another major hit back the other way I'm going over the fence I think I'm gonna hover right above it and plop down on the other side that'll be a reset okay who wants to give me some some insurance now Oh or want to knock me out of the arena and nearly did it but I stuck the landing once again too good for him it can't be stopped at this rate Kurt Busch Oh close call right there with Kurt and possibly a free takedown instead I just get smashed into the wall and the 88 tried to take my life but fails miserably and misses oh and I'm a here we go boys this is where it starts falling apart no we're back in second we're back in second we got to step it up we gotta step it up majorly this is getting kind of close this is getting kind of sweaty I finished second I'm just it's all over for me basically the fans are dead the fans are dead I saw it I saw it the fans are dead you heard you heard it hear you first you saw it here first up my cameras just gone flying off the car cuz I clicked the wrong button again it's all it's all bad out here oh man I came and get to anybody all without what I'm free me what a freebie and we're back in the lead come on get back on your wheels you're killing me here this is opportunity that I could be destroying other race cars with that instead I'm spending my time flying and I'm stuck in another wall can I get out of this one no I can stuck in the wall once again Mark Martin give me that give me that kill you know you wanna oh I just watched somebody die right in front of me and that is we wrecked out and we're back in second this is not good this is not good okay come on we got a we got a real this one back in here it's slipping out of our grasp a little bit we can do better we can do better I know he can trick you run ricky rudd t-bone I needed that takedown somebody's got to give me a takedown here somebody's got to do it we got to get back in this thing I need to not get knocked around as much I'm actually getting a little bit nervous now I'm getting a little sweaty ricky rudd no somebody took out Ricky Brad on me uh that was our closer shot Neil Bonnett I just saw him he's gonna give himself up to somebody right here though watch no no no I saw him he turned the mirror there we go but still in second all right we gotta act fast we gotta act real fast two minutes left me and I almost got actually hold right there Kyle Petty Kyle Petty God pity Kyle Petty it looks like Kyle Petty worked his way back inside the racetrack you got that going for him and I think I just gave a free takedown to somebody else that makes a lot of sense right there why that would happen oh wait no it doesn't oh no this is I'm getting nervous I'm getting nervous I don't want to lose I really don't want to lose oh I really don't want to lose come on come on we need some late event heroics right here oh my I'm just spinning the wheels at a circle it's like come on I keep getting knocked around take down assists are not helping me oh come on a minute almost down to a minute to go being and we were so close guys I don't know if we're gonna do it everybody I keep lining up gets killed right before I can get there and it's really starting to annoy me come on we just need a couple of easy ones how hard can it be everybody keeps dying though hey Ricky Reds hurt again I'm back to third now come on all rusty wallet rusty rusty come here get ready no bill get out of here quit it come on just let me go get this one guy give me a freebie here oh my god and I didn't even kill him this game is broke and then I'm gonna take down assist which means somebody else probably did it for me and then there goes another prime target taken away from me and I just just killed me now just kill me I just want to die kill the fans the fans are dead oh no this is a joke this is an absolutely sick cruel joke with 18 takedowns we're gonna lose I was saying you a couple of last second it's in here nope of course not they get stolen from me right at the end and I get slapped across the sky now that is neat wow we weren't even close Richard Petty with 23 takedowns at a perfect 10,000 score ah damn it I really wanted to win that I really wanted to win that ah to come this far 20 minutes of deathmatch so I'll leave it up to you guys cuz I feel like if I give two 20-minute death matches it's just gonna be a little over the top so I'll give you guys give it to you guys I'm gonna hand you guys the reins here if you want to see us come back and do this again let me know down in the comments below leave a like on this video let me know down below should we do a 30 minute winner-take-all all or nothing final Redemption deathmatch here at the demolition arena it's up to you guys if you guys don't want to see it we'll leave it where we're at but if you guys want to see it it's totally up to you we'll come back half hour straight-up demolition derby same rules same parameters I'm leaving that one up to you guys totally up to you if you want to see that let me know down the comments below anyway guys that'll pretty much do it hopefully you enjoyed this epic demolition derby even though he fell a little bit short like I said if you guys want to see us come back winner-take-all 30 minute demolition derby you let me know down the comments below hit that like button for me subscribe if you haven't already so you don't miss it or miss any of our awesome videos they're gonna be coming out here over the course of the future forever because I'm gonna be here forever doing this cuz I love it so much so thank you guys once again for just being awesome thank you so much for watching and with that I will see you all in the next door booth you
Channel: Soundhead Entertainment
Views: 1,198,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Crash Fest Redemption, the worst wrecks yet, wreckfest, wreckfest game, wreckfest gameplay, wreckfest nascar, wreckfest ps4, wreckfest xbox, next car game, wreckfest multiplayer, nascar legends mod, talladega, figure 8, cars characters, multiplayer, funny moments, crashes and fails, release date, league, hot wheels track, best tracks, soundhead entertainment, ed soundhead, beamng drive, bus, crash, gta online, fail, warehouse run, jets, lawn mower, soft body physics
Id: aHu88yOuEyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2019
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