F-35B Lightning II vs Eurofighter Typhoon: BVR Battle & Dogfight | DCS

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hello valued viewers I hope you're all doing very well you guys have asked us to do a British Grudge Match two war planes that Britain run currently or the UK I should say are the Euro Fighter typhoon the fourth gen aircraft and the very new American built f-35b and you want to see which one is better so we've got them here modeled as best we can in DCS some quick statistics typhoon by the El Negros guys converted to Grim Reaper's version 11. commonly set to a radar cross-section of 1.5 square meters which we think is probably about right with the weapon load meaning it can be seen by an Airborne acerator at about 70 nautical miles it's beyond the visual range air-to-air missile is a meteor with a range of about 110 miles within visual range missile asram the flight model is our own the f-35b by vsn converted to Grim Reaper's version 12 radar cross section obviously very important for this aircraft of 0.002 square meters that's the best source we can find meaning it can be seen by an Airborne Acer radar at a maximum of 19 nautical miles so a fully stealth aircraft it's got the same missiles meteors and as Rams and it's our own flight model for today loadouts are going to be very different the typhoon has no real need to be stealthy it's going to be seen at about 70 miles anyway so we're going for a full Loadout or six meteors and four as Rams the F-35 is in full stealth configuration today the only problem with the B variant of the lightning is it can only carry four missiles if it's going to be completely stealthy with no exterior pylons so I'm open to different suggestions from my guys but for the time being I've put three meteors in its internal bait and one as RAM as RAM visually is going to be out on the pylon here but we're going to attend it's in the bay in reality it probably carries its azram's on pylons but that will absolutely affect the radar cross section today so we're going to be in full still configuration in terms of the situation there is no point in doing this over open land obviously one is a fifth gen stealth for aircraft that can see the other 70 miles the other is a fourth gen aircraft that can only see the stealth aircraft within 20 miles it will get absolutely smoked so we're going to use some terrain which helps the 4th gen aircraft we're in the absolute peak of the caucuses mountains here with mountains up to 20 000 feet see if that evens up the match a bit it's our simple bvr match with 90 miles between starting Points each aircraft starts at 26 000 feet we'll split the teams equally with equal skill level and change over and we're just gonna see who does best guys we've not had a practice yet but does anyone think that they can get the Euro Fighters to win this because obviously apart from ammo load everything detection wise is going to be stacked against them uh I disagree I think if you're using Earth's in the Euro Fighter you're not going to give off an rwr signal and if you're caging the match to inside of 90 miles in all mountains then the F-35 has no Advantage with its stealth and radar because you're putting it into a small box I think the issue for the eurofighter is the problem is you can detect the stealth fighter on IR but then you've got to get your radar missile if you're launching a decent range to detect right because that works on radar so that may be the weak point that's a really good point by matrix yeah so like Simba said you could use your irst your pirate system to find the lightning but it will not allow guidance of the meteors here to do that we'll need to get a radar lock so that will indeed cause a problem we can fire that as RAM on the pirate lock which is why I've given them four as Rams today but yeah that's a possible weak point kinematically the eurofighter is better as with what it set up we will be re-looking at the F-35 flight model at some point with new data coming from real life and adding helmet mounted display but that's going to be later my prediction is it's got to be the fifth gen fighter if flowing well fifth gen as we always find is just so dominating but let's see standby welcome in viewers round one Euro Fighters Simba Strider dark myself push Matrix cannibal bird or f-35bs guys we've got more than twice the amount of missiles but obviously they've got full stealth we do have pirate irst system and we're going to see how that works out my suggestion would be obviously not being up high because they will just shoot us at 70 miles I suggest we go down low in the mountains and just try and get them into dogfighters where we will beat them kinematically at least with the current setup using our irst to look up and try and find them I concur you might throw them meteor out at them just to scare them down today the map is set to data link which means we can see anything on the map that our Coalition data link can see there's no airwax today so it's just fighter to fighter data link right down we go we are in firing range pretty much to begin with so uh get straight down in those Canyons we've made our own flight model for the uh Euro Fighter viewers it's pretty janky you probably won't want it yourself but it does give us very high maneuverability as per the real aircraft so we'll probably stick with it by one of you today is going to be lots of doppling obviously viewers like I said in the briefing in case you missed it if we use flattering obviously the F-35 is going to win every time because you can see us tens of miles away but no one wants to see that it's gonna be incredibly boring so we are using some harsh Terrain probably some harsh language dealers which is your favorite the uh you're a father typhoon or the F-35 and why picking up emissions anyone got working rwr because mine is absolutely not working nope not working all right mws will call out stuff oh I see I've got another Optical signal yep make sure you uh check it before you tap it guys right we can't see any oh we've had to meet you well they're probably still 50 60 miles away and they're probably staying High I imagine uh it went up emitted radar signature to get them looking at me now I'm diving down silently notes guys when you go to ACM mode it still has the meteor selected so you'll have to manually change you to asram which I would suggest is a better missile for closing oh uh comms zero eight zero high or is that an outgoing missile it's an outgoing missile let's move on me oh wow I'm gonna go give them you don't see it on rwr cap box three Mad Dog strider's nearest Bullseye mini meteors going out if they won't track them or they won't kill them viewers but what they may do is scare them upset their missile warning for distance oh right man down all right we'll check that and attack you cap spike it will happen he's gone he's on map 41 000 feet yep yep yep yep yep just in front of December correctly that direction don't turn anymore he's got his uh jet engine pointed towards us as well that might be an opportunity yes all right I'm not doing anything I've got a cat I found I found one but I'm in trouble gotta get the trap out of it it's immediately right if you need to get a visual representation of Bullseye is that massive Mountain please God damn it it's a lot for me ditching it I'm down two down it overshot you and hit and picks me up yeah I knew how at this we knew how hard this was going to be guys never mind we're not down yet and remember guys they've only got four missiles each and they run out of missiles they're in dogfight and they're gonna lose the dog fight nothing on data link Australia's at balls this will help looking for you you are 10 miles ahead of me right just itchy did you ditch it looks on you yep yep yeah oh I'll see it I see it no you don't you no no bollocks so I almost did I'm going to cheat mode but I won't cheat oh my God they have got their s squared together guys look what they're doing viewers look at their attitude look at their placement that's how you use a lightness yeah we're gonna have to apply so well to beat these Lightnings guys all right you're a fighter fans you've got four to beat you probably guess the kind of altitudes that they'll be at you probably realize that on your own but there's not much you can do about it obviously you're also lugging around an empty fuel tank difference viewers look at that I see smoke in the air from your copper FYI good try good try oh Australia you are circling below them you were literally below them but they managed to find you brilliant play from the f-85s there that did not go well I mean we flew as best we could we did occasional pop-ups and we stuck to the valleys but otherwise we just wanted to work our way towards you wow someone found in azeram at 90 miles that is ambitious now look at you guys you guys really had your s squared away and the plan was to Flink 90 degrees north and south as pears set up chainsaws north and south and just stay out of range high altitude just pick you off you've been practicing your bvr haven't you yeah we put Mad Dogs up obviously but you know before you shot that media at me I saw him for just a second oh how about that was that on your pirate yes yeah look at that thing home I hate fighting meteors they're so hard to beat and they just burn for minutes it's horrible I'm like then I had one on me and I beat it and then Simba had one on him look at that look how it just and it's not cheating per se if you do go behind a mountain obviously it can't go through the mountain but it has a horrible habit of reacquiring you it's always been like that with a meeting for some reason did any of the Euro Fighters get to fire at a Target yes I did who was that it was destroyed a fight at an F-35 there yeah that that meteor chased me around for a while wow fair play Stride I don't know how you managed that but well done was that when you're a pirate yes it was I'm looking at a snipe from Matrix on me about 50 miles over the big mountain lofted over the big mountain and just dropped right I saw it coming towards me down on my little Noggin the problem is with valleys they're not steep sided enough to Shield you from a lofted missile you need to be under a cliff basically also if you're down the radial of the valley the valley doesn't help and a lot of us fell into that and look at Stride Australia got underneath bird here I really wanted to cheat and tell him it was above him but obviously I couldn't there's no way he would know I probably wouldn't know anyway I don't think the dash is that good on the eurovia uh Perfect Clean sheet from F-35 let's reverse sides uh reverse sides uh so we're in the F35 now sorry about the cockpit it doesn't have a cockpit yet in game guys should we just copy what they did right I mean that's the perfect solution some go north some go south stay at forty thousand feet for God's sake above cons put your big Acer radar on and snipe them from long range or has anyone got another idea yeah and just have somebody play GCI three two one go I'm going south going up radar Zone I guess there's no point to playing it POI as it were don't forget to sleeve your Radars down quite a lot also we've got to go back on so someone reporting where cons ends [Music] knowing my luck I'm getting a hit by a Mad Dog bringing meteor Captain simmer in the South dark and uh stride it in the north come on Fat Amy get high I'm I'm even in a dive and it's struggling to accelerate like 39 500 stocks 39 500. all right outcomes yep 40 000 feet maintaining 200 knots great picking up Radars and rwr cap turning in for a hot leg up Target radar right I see him it's bird I'll run at 70 262 for 71. yeah he's just disappeared guys Roger nothing on data link yep Target did you fire him you fire him all right I'm Gonna Leave it to you then 70 miles I've got a minute heading up where was bro uh well let's see if it uh keeps on Guiding the fingers crossed a little meteor there is a meteor out there somewhere though I don't have them on radar though so we'll see how it goes I'm just gonna play just to make sure they're not trying something weird those purifiers will go over 60 000 feet no no one's doing anything weird as well sorry yep I see him I see him uh oh we got him well done whoever said he crashed I would ask a him problem yeah I've lost that blip guys meteor is dead by the looks of it well you know what this right they're just gonna crash into mountains so uh I'm on a cold leg now um I need my guy I think Simba um we need an all-new flight model for this soon with more maneuverability uh we're gonna put the Das in as best we can it won't be like the real one but it'll be something uh you want to turn around you spit burner on when you're in town guys I'm gonna head back past you they're being a bit more patient than we were in the Euro Fighters but that's fine they'll run out of fuel down there we're burning no fuel up here viewers and uh zero two five for seventy one shot he dipped back down I guess we're gonna get small glances of them and that's it right I'm running cold again my viewers just the update we're doing exactly what they did because it was a perfect plan and um they've already lost one flying low has its dangers playing uh pretty far north to turn around and get a different aspect yeah that you can look down some of those valleys uh push is on data link in front of somebody nautical miles yeah they're being very patient guys in fact they're not even coming towards us at all because the moment they cross the uh the top of the mountains we have all the low terrain you know what we're not gonna run out of fuel they will so um yesterday they're just hiding back at their base um yep I've still got him I'm just waiting the fire all right I'm turning cold cap all right I'm on the Hot Legs operator I'll cover the hot lug for a while guys we have a new meteor out they're popping their head out every now and then but they're probably trying to drain our missiles and getting some dog bites which is probably what we should have done it's just a very boring way of fighting two on scanners now but again they're they're being very sorry about it wow they've even turn the Radars on you that's a good missile you'll miss awesome and it's tracking you'll miss us tracking I just locked him up again nice right so that means I will reacquire viewers spending is doing something uh there's two more I see all three on Raider yep for another and he was turning off so expect one to be fired cap ah suck it baby dogs feathersin then Strider than me Timber you can turn hot you're plenty far away oh yep guard's down he's killed him yep yeah suck it Bird good shot oh this is easy two down two to go far far it must be your post for you yeah he's out of parameters two of them on radar I got missiles still tracking down his Valley about 40 miles shoot damn it box everybody lost lock as soon as I fired oh I don't have another missile it's problematic example what do you see Cannonball was notching from your left to right push is two four nine for 42. 2.92 Roger this one might be okay still alive he's on the cold aspect I'm not picking him up yet right there's only two left and they must build on the drags of fuel now boost isn't the best they were like 60 70 oh there's 40 miles out in front of me one heading away from me yeah that's Cannonball there might be a meteor tracking him you know tracking him oh yep got him he's stupid on him we're pushing them out to see yes we are jumping dark about a freaking ass around it dark we're gonna range about three miles stop firing him at 70 miles right well I've still got them locked for you we're um yep keep locking I was wrong we've boxed them in they're both in the same Canyon oh who would want to be a Euro Fighter right now you're at perfect shot down their Canyon it's just a shame you're gonna be freaking I'm not gonna fire until I get a perfect Kill Shot guys guys if you can line yourself up with the radial of that Canyon they're both right in front of you Dark Turn cold turn cold turn cold your danger close yeah stay alive it's the best thing you do right now cap box three and a real good kill Sean push oh baby I am hiding up here I think I can go after him but we'll stay alive he wanted his party that party you're fighting you duck smoking yeah [Music] they must be swearing in their little puppets now some of you are taking over the bbr role on our wing yep just trying to get a lot yeah they'll they'll they'll show themselves this will go into space what about me it's a missile problem come on God damn it push managed to dodge son of a b they are right on the edge of the map now viewers so they ain't going far Fox through 15. 40 miles to it Simba oh my one we're right by him right by him look at it he just lost track views and it didn't never real quiet either cap all right yeah visual no missile it's not I just missed us I can see it but he's probably missing all those viewers but it's going to space missile too well I hope it's not going to December in fact temperatures be advised I'm slightly worried it was also coming towards you more or that's it it's gonna hit Sim battle I'll die just in case him but I'm running nope it's going by me it never stops yeah baby suck my all right we've got them in this little box guys about 20 miles ahead of us dollar can you go south now and have a look at them trying to illuminate them for daily link however they evaded us this far oh got one I've got my data link he oh they've pushed miles away they've gone all the way to gradada 40 miles away let's do the honorable Korean thing track it visually it's going to the dark it's going to dark it's the last whims of a desperate man boys I'm holding lock yeah he's fired everything he's just pressed the fire everything but under all the different angles that visual die boost God's sake oh it died at the last second guys no it's not it's gonna get him it's gonna get him no run out you oh I don't know it just didn't miss nothing else he's gonna be freaking long you got him locked up again all right keep pushing him guys this is not media attractive yes it is where is he I can't see him Raiders got him I don't see him there he is it's about the 44. it's in formation with him he's left his air break out what a Wally yes December no but she's alive he survived the kill he's he's on fire no he's just his engines he's going down hold fire hold fire hold fire he's about to crash 180 knots 170 knots I might just make it but it is food so we make it for this gear out 120 knots no he's not showing up on the F10 anymore he's dead all right guys brilliant brilliant brilliant it dragged out for ages because the blues were being super conservative in fact why don't you talk us through your planned Blues literally just to get low use the cover as much as possible and hope we get an EU eeo signal to um have a pop um we just copy and pasted your idea because it's perfect two South two North forty thousand feet Hot Leg cold leg chainsaw fire missiles Force mistakes himself I got the missile warning did a break shaft trying to get into terrain speaker below 500k and the flight model stops working yeah like I said forced a mistake fired a meteor at him there you go the other guys were being super conservative look how they're not charging Bullseye like we did so they're letting us come to them which is why the game took about I don't know half an hour at least but eventually we started wearing them down darks got some really good shots look at look how how the Canyons run in the caucuses viewers at that angle there Dart got down the radio of that angle so the boys had nowhere to hide and that's why I mean Simba was struggling to lock stuff because we're against the grain of the wearing them down Cannonball push was amazing dodging going on but look how we forced you all the way to the Sea all the missiles are tracking beautifully look at push there two missiles in formation with him and we're all then for a breast yeah and then pushed aside's Mad Dog as well yeah yeah look at that finally finally Simba lands one on him and then you're going to crash now what a brilliant match that was and just a great um you just see the altitude like threw that meter up too wow look at that and that was on a trap yeah he lobbed at 50 000 feet look at that lobbed at 50 000 feet over the mountain uh so beautiful guys well done um right we'll have one more go we'll stop around we're gonna find a way of beating you uh Simba Matrix me Strider uh in Europe fighter other boys F-35 right guys it's not gonna work because yes we can dodge but we're gonna run out of fuel down there I'm gonna wildcard it I'm not suggesting you should all do this but I'm going up to 60 000 feet I'm gonna try and going over the top of them I don't think they're gonna think that I'm stupid enough to do it but I am uh mate so maybe if you guys kind of do the low stuff and I go over the top and if I fail maybe someone else tries going over the top all right viewers you heard it here God say get your Radars off [Music] Spike oh God they found you Matrix do a 360 lose the spike then retry because they'll track you all the way until you're dead I'm gonna still oh no it's a great plain viewers but it's not this great I've got to get some speed oh my god I've been by that all right I'm canceling the plan all right the meteor isn't the fastest biss all in the world so we've got like three minutes before I guess to us I found one oh wow Metro is not one of us oh we can see dark somehow we can oh it doesn't matter I'm going for it again watch me go above their sensors [Music] oh bollocks um guys going high is a bad idea oh well we have to try something viewers it's impossible hold up my my wheels are still there some possible view as you go high they find you you go low and you get worn down what are you gonna do maybe someone could like go miles around the North and try and come up behind them so stupid a and APG 81 it's so good at seeing everything on the moon I've gotten locked up and there's something firing at me I swear Simba uh you figured it out didn't you Simba which way was balls when we started so it's zero nine zeros East so when you go and hide the Dodger missile hide for a good few minutes guys because that missile will reacquire otherwise it just does it someone's got an end in a dogfight somewhere go on to try to go on Strider look Cannibal's wise to it look what he's doing it's getting down that radio look I hate humans they're so damn clever it's made a mistake I can tell you that broken bottles spoiled me gotta go to work all right I've got I can see two of them wow fair play I don't know how Fox three you got plenty of fox threes guys just need to get a lot well that missiles turned around and it's kind of coming backwards that's interesting viewers oh and you're still tracking that I've never seen before and I've been doing this for a long time a long long time it went all the way around Bullseye came around here rear found this a Target back on the data link but it is down to 500 knots that would be the best skill I've ever seen in this game but it's not good man that's gonna look good on tag for you oh Strider what happened crashed ah damn wow Simba that is an interesting partner uh well I got up here and yep the flight model broke down so I'm just gonna get popped out of the sky nothing I can do in the airplane just doesn't do anything there he is how much work foreign basically chasing all of their 35s away we're gonna love watching this in the replay Simba I can tell you that F-35 is recommitting symbol's got to do another one of his mad dashes to the ground oh thanks Matrix sorry just Matrix he's got the impossible oh it's reacquired however I know it's really quite Simba's body and that's an interesting yeah look at that oh this flight model simmer dies twice all right Matrix do something incredibly special the vultures are converging guys oh you saw the freaking missile from that film and never gives up it just never ever gives up good Dodge Matrix but I don't rate your chances no no do I I think we sabotage it cap and Becker Matrix swords where we spawn and then on account we just all spawn and turn our Radars on and just all right we know we're going to lose anyway so I mean it's a long way away you know he's not gonna make it if I was a slow but they're downhill so that's Supersonic and they know which Canyon is and you get you've got to hop a canyon somehow Matrix all right Matrix you force them into a dog fight I don't know how you've done it but if you can high do vertical screen mode look at them being predators being in a left orbit we'll catch something yeah yeah Smash It Down Matrix three more at left orbit keep that left orbit left everything would be to your left in an orbit in that vertical scan mode you will catch them well done they were all on you like friggin vultures sons of bees all right it's another thing with the pirate it's you can't iff we knew we couldn't do this we can hide from your missiles for the end of time but we'll run out of fuel before you so what's the point so we tried different things me and Simba tried going up to 60 000 feet we just couldn't get our Jets up there and when I finally did I got hit by missile which basically went low and then high so there you go um so we were just trying different things basically um we did better than last time just our weird kookiness what happened there I hit the ground and here's a really really interesting shot guys if you watch this being shot by dark here where my mouse is watch where it goes to Bullseye round the mountain 180 turn back it found a new contact on data link lost it again found it again yeah I was picking up straighter up for 180. that's the power of the meteor viewers that was pretty that was really good so as soon as he whenever he was on data link it could turn back in and it messed him and then he died in so it's four versus three Simba amazingly it goes up really high it gets to 50 000 feet jet stores out get shot by dark somehow gets down in time and Dodges the missile then goes over and now watch what the red guys do they all just run away from zimba and he's just chasing them but you can't get a lock for obvious reasons finally bird turns around shoots at him friendly fire it happens uh and then it's uh Matrix does some great evasion look at that zap right in his face guess what an ACM shoots him down but obviously it's three versus one guys I think that was really good with some good modeling some great flying all round it's just not possible great as a Euro Fighter is it's a generation out and the pirate was great and you can see them but some of you saw some at 35 some like 50 miles away with a pirate but it's not as good as a giant Acer radar and almost invisibility as we saw again if you're using it right which we were so I think that was the Pinnacle of bvr action with how we've got stuff set up I think you're right it was unfair obviously but life isn't fair sorry go ahead so how many Euro Fighters would it take to take on a couple of months at 35s we won't do that today but we did a similar thing on rap tour versus su-35s a very similar like hc35 has irst 4th gen aircraft versus Raptors which is more or less the equivalent of f-35s and we even went down to two Raptors Force versus six so three to one ratio and the Raptor still one one got shot down but they're Raptor's still one it it's so op in terms of its modern tech it's modern radar and stability to hide so as simple says there's a reason why everyone buys f-35s now and if anything our version is undermodled as we found we could barely keep it 40 000 feet it's got an old flight model and it's not very powerful but still haven't mounted display anyway viewers um yeah that's what you wanted uh go and buy Lightnings bye-bye
Channel: Grim Reapers
Views: 37,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DCS, DCS World, GR, Eurofighter, F35, F-35, F-35B, Lightning, II, Typhoon, 5th, gen, generation, Stealth, Meteor, Missile, ASRAAM, Dogfight
Id: Js4IP-Bfs3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 8sec (2048 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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