How Far Could A Stealth B-21 & F-22 Raid Penetrate Into Iran? (WarGames 215) | DCS

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refueling a raptor in a turn while going through the clouds there's not much we can't really make this any harder guys unless someone wants to start gunning him hello valued viewers I hope you're all doing very well today's viewer request is from Stuart Hey cap I have an idea you know that 1965 Mission you did 12 days ago with all b52s bombing an Airfield in North Vietnam anyway a couple of ideas for you to do with gr the base similar scenario 1965 arkite B52 bombing raid scenario bombing a new military base located in Iran right so he wants a modernized AR like bombing raid with modern aircraft time Dawn or dusk aircraft options 28 B21 Raiders or B2 spirits being The B-52s I suppose escort Fighters for ask f35s Airfield is protected by anti-aircraft fire and Sam's kind regards stew as ever I reserve the right to change it up a bit to create the coolest Mission I can so it is a 400m fifth gen stealth deep strike into Iran so first Iran the southern area of it I had to set it out so I've allowed seven radar guided Sams I've chosen the cad 3 type as far as I can see this is the most modern and capable Sam they have in Mass service I'm aware they do have a sad 4 and a sad 4B with better credentials but as far as I can see it's not in Mass deployment yet so today CAD 3 with about 150 km range you can see those range rings in red seven of them and this is the first technical feature we must talk about today guys so this is very important these range Rings will be on your Tac map although the S does have the range of 75 odd miles that is only against a Target it can see I.E a fourth gen fighter or earlier we are ful fifth gen today full stealth aircraft so the 75 miles does not apply instead we've got two other Rings a yellow ring and a purple ring the yellow ring is at 50 m radius that is the range at which we predict the Sam radar will see our aircraft and that's important today because we've scripted it so that if you do fly within a yellow ring you will be seen you will become visible if you fly outside again then you will become essentially invisible again and then there's the purple 25 M radius the range at which we predict it can not only see you but also fire at you and become obviously lethal now I can't actually make the sad or R version of the cad today shoot at you at that range so instead I've had to script in some geographical triggers so if any of you fly within a purple Zone today you will magically blow up and that simulating you flying within a lethal range and that's you out of the mission and that's the best I can do to simulate their modern sad now as well as longrange radar guided missiles like sad they have hundreds of ir guided Sams some low range and some medium range I've not simulated them today and that's because these Sams can be mitigated fairly easily to mitigate them we are flying on a day when it's massively overcast so very low and full cloud cover which will block their Optical sensors and partially block their IR sensors as well as that will be flying theoretically at night as all stealth mission would be done now I'm not actually going to make you fly at night because it will make a terrible video and the viewers will have no idea what's going on so we'll be flying in the day today but for roleplay we're at night and that's how we're mitigating the IR Sams as well as that part of the Air Force will be in today they'll have 14 f-14a modernized Tomcats six of them in three pairs will be airborne uh they will be set to veteran skill level because well we always do and have a time period weapons they will be trolling basically at random any ingresses we may use to get to the Target and we'll talk about the Target in a minute it's very important to notice guys that their radar can detect a fully fifth gen aircraft at well it's kind of debatable but a maximum of 20 mi um I did a bit of testing sometimes it's all the way down to 7 mil but for safety go with 20 mi so they can see us at 20 mi as well as the sixth Airborne there will be eight uh at this base here close to the Target their role play is once the Target or if we hit the target these will take off and come and chase after us okay guys um so the target is here the roleplay is that obviously there's a conflict starting up between Iran and Israel at the moment and Iran are continuing their uranium enrichment program and this is their main plant and we want to fully take it out needless to say we need to infiltrate based on the Sam and aircraft rules we talked about take out the site and get out ideally without fighting anyone and then us today we have three B21 Raiders it's a slightly futuristic Mission and we have a question mark amount of raptors uh seven today hello boys hello hello hello hello I've changed the F35 over for the F22 it just works better in DCS and basically does the same thing uh viewers Stuart asked for 28 b2s now the reality is real life Ark light raids in Vietnam we're not done in huge formations like we often simulate they were actually done in three ship formations and so we're going to do three ship uh to be a bit more similar to the actual Ark likee raids that happened uh there will be three b2s obviously AI flown they will be each carrying uh the I guess modernized variant of what the original AR light raids would have carried uh we've got GPS ins guided bombs 500 20 each 60 bombs uh to hit pretty much 60 targets they will fly a steer Point chain starting at steer point one that will be where a tanker is they will not refuel because they don't need to but we will and we'll come back to us they will then Traverse a steer Point chain all the way dodging through the Sams because they would know where the Sams are bomb the Target and then come back operating pretty much at their maximum speed at all points their radar cross-section is 0.05 Square met today the same as an F35 or near to an F35 it's fully stealth it's all we care about and then as us guys we are raptors and we all know about Raptors today there's going to be seven of us and we are trying out some new liveries provided to us by our friend uh Tim each of us will have six am Rams D3 variant max range about 100 Mil two modernized Sidewinders guys we will take off fly 180 mes North uh to the tanker top off our tanks because we'll need to obviously meet up with the b2s escort the b2s all the way to and from Iranian territory once we get past the Bish Island here I will terminate the b2s and consider that mission complete if it all goes well we won't need to fire a missile guys which is great um it all depends on I guess what the Tom Cats do will they bump into us will they detect us there's no way of knowing um we just have to see what happens and hope for the best if you do get jumped then obviously we will go Radar's war and we'll have to adapt welcom in viewers to a horrible day in the UAE guys canopy down and uh take off at will simol will be leaving a sound on a Northerly heading get above this gas be riding as soon as possible all right rolling it's one of the uh few planes we can do that's fully loaded with pretty much go straight up viewers without stalling oh I'm going up through holes in the clouds on a heading of uh do North oh somehow I managed to get lost in the clouds with a raptor how did I do that I am so D oh my God sorry viewers that's how dangerous it can be just I don't know lost concentration anyway I'm coming back up guys um sending out uh last pupp be players yes please here's a did thing on a serious note think how many Pilots IFR conditions might must have killed lot all right leveling out at 30k Roger I've actually done it right this time and I've gone upwards instead of downwards um are you on a what vory you on Simba uh 0 or 360 you I will catch you up I'm just managed to put myself 10 miles behind but don't worry you guys can maintain about transonic I'll super Cruise my way over to you guys yep I'm going to go up push you up to 34 so you can see the Contra a little easier over the clouds I've blown a couple of real planes viewers not long and obviously with an instructor um and I've been in IFR once kind of by accident went through a cloud and it's horrible had a massive well not massive panic but I was not a happy bunny all right viewers we we've got 100 200 miles to do like this I'll probably cut it out and we'll meet up again in the tanker welcome back viewers I did catch the boys up in the end um and we've also just spotted over there the B21 is coming in so are going to make contact with the tanker now tanker intend to rep yo one visual he's ahead of us a few th000 ft Below guys I'll meet you at the tanker proceed to pre at 20,000 at 29 welcome back to you as we have Tracked Down the tanker we are with him uh we're at about 70% fuel but we might as well refuse Mission time is 11:27 uh we started at 11: so 27 minutes in door open huh PS are going to make this interesting right guys can guide me visually I always need any every bit of help I can get doing this ready contact clear contact moving in this is going to be dramatic 10 ft oh my God seeing the lights is remind me which one's which Simba I've gotten already left is up to down right is front to back thank you you're in spot contct yeah I did a weird thing I don't know I did that resolve it so contact return free contact contact you're taking fuel have time when you get Sonic boomed nothing like stuff like a sonic boom make sure you've got your Radars off guys we're doing a Ste Mission remember he's turning you kidding me this is hard enough already no not the cloud not the cloud please [Music] pleas radar off whoever you are Roger this thing ever end well you know when you go in the full burner and do Max climbs Off The Runway yes indeed right that was about as much fun as it always is which is not very fun Simba I guess it's up to you uh do a thing it's really freaking hard but is all as you can probably see least he left his lights on contact you're taking fuel well that looks bloody amazing refueling a raptor in a turn while going through the clouds there's not much we can't really make this any harder guys unless someone wants to start gunning him but just saying here you're kidding me all excited huh check ad Mission time I don't think there's clock in here viewers I have to quickly you make such an expensive plane I don't b a clock in it 32 minutes past 11 it flows at high rate 6,000 per minute I think viewers so it refills a raptor quickly transfer complete Sim you Jammy swine you didn't full that once right next guy dropping out so that you watch me all right viewers uh everyone's ref fueled apart from one guy who's having Tech problems but here I have enough fuel for the mission so that's it Simba please take us up 6,000 ft and find the b2s which should be orbiting uh around us somewhere welcome in viewers uh we found them and they are now triggered and they are on their way to do the mission if everything works fine guys good time to set up our Jets uh Master arm no that's not master arm yes it is Master arm um sort our FCS is out uh Fire Control radar but don't turn it on intercept mode um get your ra dubs on and that's it uh viewers we will be ra is tight today because if we turn our radar on they will detect it and they will come and shoot us down now I noticed on the previous missions we've done like this you guys have complained saying hang on a minute a raptor a real Raptor or an F35 can have their radar turned on and not be found and that's because in real life they have LPI Radars low probability of intercept Radars which means that they can use their radar without being detected uh my understanding is the reason for that is because a a radar that these use is essentially not a single radar it's a whole series of hundreds of mini Radars in one aircraft those mini Radars are constantly modulating or hopping onto different frequencies therefore they're never transmitting on a single frequency for a uh length of time therefore they're almost impossible to detect and pinpoint now the problem is in DCS we do not have the function of an LPI radar ours function with A continuous frequency so we can be detected so we got got to be Radars tight um that said I personally like it like this my reasoning is that in Warfare driven technology as soon as someone develops a new weapon then as we know through history the other guy a few years later develops the counter for that technology so I wouldn't be at all surprised if if China or Russia or or America have RWS radar warning receivers now that can detect LPI Radars that listen for the The Telltale modulation of an AA radar um I mean there might be there might be not I don't know but that's why I kind of like the idea of still having to have our radar off just in case I would think emissions can be detected so yeah it sounds reason missions can always be detected yeah yeah just classifying it as a raptor I suppose it's the important thing uh let's talk about these b2s we've got uh black one a stripy one and a spotted one in fact we've got loads of time before we get to run oh God nothing don't do that I'll going and have a look at the liveries uh all liveries painted today by our friend Tim which is nice of him and his friends got that one there you're about to get rammed up the BT but Roger watching I'm going to call that spotty that one there's stripy and that one there's black simber is in um real life Raptor colors the rest of us are in funky gr colors got sand we've got some teal we've got black we've got gray we got strikey somewhere right I'm going to flick onto the Tactical map standby wow already entering a r Tom Cats North East and interestingly they're not coming up on my rwr and they should be so I guess they're Radar's TI just everybody uh be advised DCS bomber pilots fly like quer Pilots first sads just uh I'm online just a reminder guys yellow ring means you'll be spotted and possibly coordinated on uh purple ring means you'll blow up okay F14 is now break 60 M away and heading right for us which is bad I'm going a rapor I'm just looking for things to shoot yes well yeah that is is the Raptor way isn't it will it ever actually shoot anything down I mean anything Prof there's the Tom Cat radar whoa all of a sudden everything just lit up viewers they must have detected something because that is not scripted they just they all decided to turn their Radars on don't worry they won't see us everything's tested and checked the rang is all work as I've specified so everyone just keep nice and calm guys our biggest uh threat at the moment is running into each other which is a real threat uh but we need to stay together viewers because if we don't if if we space out everywhere someone's going to get spotted keep tucked in like this it's going to have his uses now you guys say fing to together increases your overall redar cross-section it probably does in real life in game it doesn't so we don't worry about that again we're pretending this is at night so visibility doesn't matter time is 10 12 so we've been here for an hour and 10 minutes flying together groups us together we are like the size of seven bees instead of one right we're seven bees just migrating guys at break 350 knots following Mama B following Mama be yeah three big mama bees actually right we are 100% inside of R viewers just imagine this could be done this really could be done I've had a good thing about the senses and stuff as long as it's done at night over Cloud I don't see why this couldn't be done Cloud doesn't stop radar but it will also reduce the effectiveness of Radars heavy cloud and one big thing in this area actually viewers and this was used in the a lot in the 19 80 to 1988 war was sand storms you get well not you get a lot of sand kicked up and sand in the air smashes Radars the effectiveness goes right down so we could wait for a high sand time and that would really reduce any Radars uh already they're 30 Mi away and looking hungry they're flying slow because obviously they're conserving fuel they're under Patrol they know something's about to happen in the role play they've made their enrichment plant they know the enrichment plant's going to be targeted but they need to conserve their fuel so they will go slow right guys I'm going to tuck in a bit cuz I'm awfully worried about this Tom Cat now so just tucking in at the front right keep your discipline guys don't lose your nerve don't be that weird religious guy that loses his nerve at the last minute don't be that guy looking at you dark looking at you saber keep those big balls pinned down guys 24 miles I don't like it I could probably don't do this but I could probably look right and see them I can't see them urg to turn radar on climbing 21 mil they are 1 mile out from possibly being being able to detect us huh I think I can see them they are not conning come on right n oh my goodness why they got to dodge through the Sams now their rwr sets and their uh listening devices on those b2s are listening to the Sam's radiation or the Radar's radiation viewers so they can actually plot away around these Sams that is realistic to a certain extent plus Intel would just know where the Sams are anyway whoever's right one was just about inside my cockpit there oh yes close as could be they got within half a mile of us we'll know if they see us because we'll get spiked they will they'll Spike us they're right there somewhere viewers I I see them if you can see them that's there somewhere another day in the F22 office I like this office yeah it's nice place to be actually apart from the freaking obog system that poisons you or whatever the hell it was no one likes that and Su and CIA around my house and usap around my house and Simba around my house at least CIS I was can say the last one's probably the worst one right we just escaped I reckon their Radars are now pointing that way viewers they're no longer a threat oh please don't turn please don't be turning please they are turning towards us let's just hold nerves guys remember don't be that weird religious guy I suppose that's me actually isn't it just keep swimming just keep swimming no they not old reference they're not turning thanks I'm going to have that in my head the entire flight huh you know how I said don't fall to the back I'm literally doing that now speeding up fuel is 80% we're fine I mean we are in stealth cap so you just got to have faith to Faith to Faith uh what is that George Michael yep rip baby oh Tom Cats Tom Cats 2:00 it's not Spike it's a nail so we're okay nail good Spike bad they are closing at 50 Mi leave us alone what we want to do is Bomb your freaking nuclear enrichment plant uh this is a real thing obviously viewers Israel have bombed an Iraqi nuclear enrichment plant and I they've also bombed an Iranian one as well that's all a long time ago but this thing that happened one was called Operation God I've forgotten not Overlord operation damn it Opera I think one against Iraq was Operation Opera they have a history so we could kind of be pseudo Israelis here in our donated f-22s bombing yet another enrichment BL and demonetized and Shadow bledy Dawn right there you go we have reenacted both of them twice I think you was they were exciting missions very exciting missions operation Opera because they flew over Jordan to get to Iraq obviously king of Jordan was sailing on his yacht and spotted the f-16s at low level with bombs going to bomb Iraq I don't think he warned Saddam I mean he was on his yacht if you were on a yacht doing yacht things would you stop doing He he'll be like I'm I'm off work I'm on holiday I'll leave it right here plus I'd love to know more about I never get to any time anymore as anyone who has children out there would agree with me with this you never get any time to do anything I'd love to know more about the relationship with the countries in the Middle East how friendly is Jordan and Iraq I know it's all changed now anyway how friendly is Saudi Arabia and Jordan it's interesting stuff it's all kind of critical but I don't know any of it when my baby's 18 I'll be able to read the comments again and find out I bet check stop gabbing for once oh my God a thing happened 25th miles it was me gabbing away right whatever happens don't look right because you're going to panic but there are definitely not two TR cats Barling towards us just over the that brown one there just glad I don't know the difference between right and left yeah right yeah now is not the time to learn drop right checking on map viewers 20.5 miles just going to turn that rwr off real quick yeah turn the rwr off I see them right I you probably can't see them they're there I'm left oh God this say terrible things with my blood pressure my doctor says not to do that just don't acknowledge they exist and they don't exist right pretty much how I'm liveing my life wow look at that you're right they are basically F22 pilots in actually I think they're a little more well behaved today is it genu nerve-wracking these missions we do viewers because if it goes wrong that's it we only get one chance record these missions per day if someone screws up that's it they've ruined the mission for us and you we have to put the video out like that the uh yes Sim did you train these AI Pilots cuz they are uh doing formations like we do oh my God they really have got closed haven't they that was not intentional that was just lazy Mission making is what that was I'm going to check the map ah 21 miles we have escaped right yet another threat coming 37 miles viewers these and these a lot of turning North but I doubt they've seen us hey Cannonball last time we had a mission like this didn't I run into you um oh I'm sure we've come close to each other before yeah well down for no one running into each other all the bombers and you just changed it yeah said we don't have time to rerun this s so pressure's good the pressure makes the boys perform do you want another song stuck in your head cuz I'm thinking of one right now the obligatory huh yep how about that you'll be unhappy to know I'm back in type formation yes you will for some reason this middle B21 makes me think of baby shark what's Baby Shot do it no demonetized no no no no no demonetized demonetized what are you demonetized right I got you the map 30 mil 30 mil and all is well distance to Target 40 mil that was that could have been worse sorry I was going to say cap if you need me to shoot somebody down for getting you demonetized but then you turned around and did it yourself right yeah right more Nails more Nails more Nails no Spike wondering what all that stuff is that's the various Sam Radars viewers that's the F14 radar that's the E3 sentury and so on they're going to the Target 25 M behind us but we are out running them so I think we'll be okay we're about 20 mi from targets guys hope don't see the bombers when they open the doors in real life you could argue maybe they would obviously they weren't in game Operation Allied Force 1999 of course a um f117 was shut down for opening it bom day bay doors for too long sure you remember that shut down by 1960s Sam interesting yeah there's a bit more to that story though ah uh we'll elabor we flying the same routes every M every night and a bunch of things like that Roger yeah that's that that's how a lot of b52s were lost and Thunder Chiefs were lost in Rolling Thunder they kept flying the same damn routs I think we're clear onto Target now ones at the base have not spawned in yet we are 15 mi from Target right we're clear through to the Target that's the good news guys okay then right thing careful of each other guys lose the form if you have to right that's IP that was IP we waiting for oh my God I'm below them and they're at a bomb don't be there doors are opening oh oh go up viers If This Were works there they go jams 60 of them 500b GPS ion ESG guided bombs absolutely stunning look how they fall they fall a bit like missiles rather than bombs 60 bombs out guys brilliant right your job is to keep with the B1 b2s I need to try and film these bombs fuel 60% oh or 70% almost dropping down by my face 60 out at a cost of $1.32 million to the US taxpayer which is nothing I think we've burnt more fuel than that in this Mission 16,000 ft and I got to get back to myself there's the enrichment plant don't lose your enrichment or some Ary quote bers are coming left oh oh it's going to get laggy get ready that is what a modern version of a 1960s Ark light raid can perform viewers that was magic if you're into the stuff blowing up right I've got to get my S back in the game 100% we've destroyed it now where the hell are you guys oh see you right discipline discipline discipline remember our orders are to get out of here without combat if we can so get with the bombers one of the bombers went off on his own mission oh there he comes yep say that all right he's flying like a sper again is he still roughly with us yeah no no he's forming back up all as well it was body I believe slightly worried about these f14s now South uh they are they're still 30 Mi away just looks like we're going to cross over some f14s on our nose don't be tempted to go old Maverick now I know what you're going to save VI as the f14s would be alerted but the things just been bombed as you can see down there and they absolutely would but I've given us 3 minutes 3 minutes leeway because it takes time for people to realize what's happened and pass it up the chain of command well done for the bombs are they still 0.91 guys Yep they're about the smaller footprint we make the easier it's going to be to threat oh my God I see a tom cat see that viewers that's a tom cat huh right I've got to go check them out 2:00 huh um they're not fighting us they're not fighting us would as well kind of uh they are spreading as if they're making turns a bomb's going high I'm listening yeah I'm worried about that too it got upset someone run in front of it which I'm aware is difficult stay with it ster it shouldn't upset him massively he should come back down guys going to worry about the f14s 3:00 now 3:00 this them there viewers I got to check they're not aggressing and they're not we would know this detail we would know this uh information viewers we would have a daying fed by the E3 so we would know exactly what they were doing where they are what their angle was blah blah blah blah blah Conta off the nose okay it's all nails so far so nail nail nail three nail three sets of nails oh the eight have spawned at the uh Runway they' been ordered to take off which they are doing that's going to be Troublesome we're passing some by our Sid there they are well they've obviously not spotted us so that's good news guys oh they're coming around they're not after burning so I don't think they've seen us suppose that is cheating we wouldn't know if they're after burning or not would we maybe we would we would see that increases in velocity 5:00 coming around behind us these ones on the runway taking it off as we speak okay they're coming stick with the plan guys the plan is good the plan is solid don't question the plan right I need to check in front of us now okay two on the straighter yeah I'm with it all right two behind us following us kind of 18 miles behind two ahead of us four ahead of us we're okay for the time being stick to the plan all right just in case s does kick off we probably should have a plan in place um can I have two volunteers if s kicks off to turn around and defend us from the rear stride up saber and saber guys if es kicks off you'll be doing a UI because I know there's two behind us and you'll need to take them out there will be close roughly Co altitude the rest of us will punch forward and go with people the bombers obviously don't logh to shoot them down and then come back to us and for God's sake don't go in the sound Rings yeah 100% following us at 20 mi behind us you sons of [ __ ] they haven't seen us though they've been told that there's a likely Ingress or erass route and they're probably being routed to the point I don't fully understand how it works we've seen it before in the Russian covert missions we do viewers just looking back to see if that uh third bombers closing formation so that I can get out of the way I think ours sped up I think with without the extra drag of the bombs ours are going faster 9797 yeah they are going faster right the ones taking off are just punching through the cloud layer and they're going fast 12:00 and 1:00 visual Nails all around us like freaking sucks suck heads Cannonball that's you just off of lead correct negative I'm 20 M ahead we're going to run into them we're going to run into them who's off a lead saber guys we're going to run into them we need to attack radar on radar on attack ahead you rear guard attack we there's no way we can avoid that look at the angle go go go go go I hope I've made the right call fire at will guys all turn around got tra a great job sorting targets all right we got plenty of missiles though we got plenty of missiles I I think it'll be okay right you watch us all fight on the same one g b Fox three okay come on come get him get him get him get him get him get him get yes one down did not know what here Target jamming Target's jamming Roger okay they' gone fully offensive now they know where we are now they literally know our position viewers shoot everything down you see now but obviously try and keep with with the bombers two more targets ahead 20 m 40 Mi I'm on Lefty yeah jamming we have to burn through or home on jams up to you I'm homing on Jam Box three all right fire on the right one box three on Jam Che on the map bement all is well we're all between the relevant layers Strider take your guy out they're firing missiles at you don't take any chances this one someone else on the rear Roger three on there come on snob head down he's down flash both on rear his missile's being defeated right rear guard you can turn around and come to us but stay between the lines rest of you fight fight fight c fox three front left sucker and sucker Das front right down nice nice nice nice nice we have much more modern missiles than them viewers down all right stick with the plan the plan is working beautifully now I got to worry about these guys behind us catching up B still intact they're after burning towards us their wings back now will they catch us up guys I think stick with the bombers until we know they're catching us up if they don't catch us up sorry pretty far out in front so I'm going to pull the 180 yep and support our Trail guys' return right I've got to try and figure out where everything is again right here they come so the Tom Cats are 60 m behind us the bombers have about 100 miles to go I don't want to fight eight Tom Cats I know we can beat them moderately easily but it's it's another thing that can easily go wrong one thing they can do is drag us down into dog fights below the clouds where IR missiles would theoretically shoot us Raptor wants to avoid that at every possible moment I'm doing a 180 as well simp because I've got a head obviously we know there's no all right Strider and saber just super Cruise back to formation uh who is closest to the formation Cannonball all right after me and cap get past Strider and saber we'll call rejoin and the two of you guys break out and pull a 180 and then cover you I mean we'll just kind of do like an old Indian Run until we've all closed back into formation I would say don't fire on Bandits unless they are within 40 mil yep I rejoining is 60% turning 180 drop turning 180 head back towards the bombers right got to check the map I had the Tom Cats roughly 50 mil out yeah when I made my turn they're gone up to 40,000 ft they are still 50 nautical miles all right who are the next to at the front of the Congo line closest to the bombers not me back I'm right behind you all right saber and somebody are up there those missiles out drop missiles out yep they're already evading yep you got a good 40 m spacing and you've sent him Cod well sort of sa Strider you guys can start a hot leg on the bandits and dark and Cannonball feel free to come back to rejoin the bombers and we'll just kind of keep this daisy chain going canonball turning 180 missile out Fox Street watch out all missiles missed duped it's possible that our aax is too far away to track those missiles improperly so we may have guidance problems back there but we'll just have to see none of us are jamming nope none of us are jamming I'm not third missiles missed but again it put on the defensive probably it's struggling with uh awax update uping keep going though guys we're out running them hey Strider and saber when you guys fire the missiles call it out and that will let me and cap know to start our Hot Leg to cover copy Sab uh hot and bandits Strider hot and bandits if you can try and get the ones up really high and really fast a couple of them are Mark to up really high saber where's fox 3 go baby huh saber is firing an am39 anti ship asile I've never seen that before sa better disconnect a better um turn C reiring an sh sh there you go viewers rapor special power I guess you can continue stride up that's you can be clear quick Sim starting the hot leg theot leg are 35 miles out from the last attackers are turning in now that's me and Simba fox 3 visual fox 3 all right viewers oh lots of them and yes they are jamming all right yeah you guys are getting a bit close now so saber Buster Strider turn R and Buster I've got a high Target oh I'm waving to you Simba hello 100% about to turn ugly yeah try to get your skates on you got a mark two tomat coming towards you most missiles have tracked and are chasing the hostiles but one is got through the barrage of missiles Fox three on them well done Simba wimba saber Mark 50y old machines very impressive Dodge no not DOD blast done checking sa yes s go on right is that that guy Angel's 40 St has visual I'm almost in Sidewinder range I think I can turn around get him first missile missed he's dodging though Dam Jam shoot shoot cap Fox three I got a fox three on him yeah he's definitely got evasive [ __ ] you got him Sim got him good show right Sim I'm just going to bounce a load of missiles out of those remaining guys be careful where that guy was Simba I've got a missile heading towards him that is a danger danger danger suggest translate left or right bombers are feet wet two Fox threes turn cold evade evade don't K Hur is fine Str is fine Simba is the only threat he's got one missile coming in no he's fine he safe it's safe well on guys cap evaki you need anyone else to turn back I don't think so how about that for teamw work Simba's last barage missiles it's probably kept them cold until they run out of fuel right I'm coming back towards you guys I'm going to Super Cruise now really you're still chasing us you're really still chasing us God damn it leave us alone someone's going to have to turn around not Simba you're too close dark dark leg dark you're firing wrong missiles as well oh God damn it dark's also firing French anti-ship missiles how unfortunate uh someone who's not firing French anti- ship missiles needs to turn around not sim you're too close not saber cuz you're far Cannonball you're up turn back save us I don't know know they can see us cuz they're turning off isn't that interesting saber feet wet but they're still burning those Sy the problem that usually means they're attacking Roger I'm going to wait until they despawn because when they despawn is technically the end of the mission which should be pretty soon dark turn cold I wonder if they run out of fuel I suspect someone's got the wrong version of the B21 installed cly be what it is never mind one's turned hot but he is down low busy dodging a exet missile you know what it's a bit weird Bing French chion ship missiles but they actually sort of working I mean if I was an airplane and in a ship missiles coming at me I would be confused too yeah I might freeze up confusion is important there's one that's still hot but he's down low not super worried about it no I'm I'm pushing 1.8 Cannibal's got good missil so as soon as he starts firing cannibal there's one in front of you but below you at 10,000 ft 30 m here's your priority don't miss heading Z I have two kills with my anti- ship missiles apparently they work that's impressive can Fox three yeah right are they anti ship missiles no they're not no real am Rams I'm a real boy smack I hope I didn't aim at one of you guys no no no you're good you're good everyone's some perfect aiming today perfect discipline you're going to hit him no Tom Cats beating an a120 D3 at that aspect nice that's is done that's is done turning around B21 have despawned that's the end of the mission guys try turn around get feet wet and then I'll can the mission viewers viewers viewers we did it we got three b2s through all fair and square onto Target bomb the target massively had a massive fist fight with 10 f14s and we're still getting chased by load but they're all about to run out fuel in fact most of them are running out Fu as we speak as you see I mean we had some tech problems a couple of guys were firing French an shipment but that happens sometimes uh Tech problems but uh great discipline great leading from Simba get us to destroy the bandits we would have probably got hunted down if we hadn't got a good system in place all around moderately happy which is very rare and he fults uh humanoid woids as we run away that was a good tactic that Tim cap spash one with a French anti sh yeah FR yeah that's what America's been doing wrong I hope you enjoyed that 400 mil strike and bye-bye
Channel: Grim Reapers
Views: 221,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DCS, DCS World, GR, B21, B-21, Raider, F22, F-22, Raptor, 5th, gen, generation, stealth, strike, attack, bombing, Iran, Iranian, Iran's, Irans, Israel
Id: _B7TiDU9zcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 59sec (2759 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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