F-22 Raptor Vs 2x F-35 Lightning | Air Superiority | Digital Combat Simulator | DCS |

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thank you hey guys welcome back to another video today we're gonna be putting stealth up to the test to see how this works out we have an F-22 here and we have a patriot site over this Air Base that I'm flying over that's a friendly Patriot and we're going to be taking on two f-35as flight of two oh there's only one F-22 and they also have their own Patriot cover all right so we're gonna climb away from our little base here and we're gonna go find ourselves the F-35 we're gonna find the two f-35s we're gonna kill them and hopefully we don't get shot by a patriot site so the stealth versus stealth of the F-35 versus oh we have 22 we got Patriots side already shooting at something they are fairly close and I am being locked right now but it's the Patriot my own friendly Patriot I'm just in the lock cone it's not actually trying to lock me but there are f-35s in that direction one of them set off the Patriots site took two missiles probably defending now so I know the general direction it might be bait well like one of them might have tried to draw me in I got them locked up right here actually I found them Fox three got to be careful for number two and already lost the lock on that so that's one of the other things with with uh stealth you might see them but you know good luck maintaining a lock long enough to track a missile onto him now I have an M Ram out but I don't know if that'll hit him or not but we're gonna have to defend here [Music] because it looks like I'm actually being unlocked yeah one of those 35s might actually be pushing me pretty hard right now very aggressively uh he was behind me I got two ammrams up but I couldn't keep a lock long enough to you know feel confident that those amrams are going to track onto him we're gonna go ahead and try to turn around and recommit here I got a more flat terrain so if he comes out here the Patriot sites might shoot at him here he is he's Angel's zero right on the deck here 13 miles lost lock again stealth is getting annoying luckily I have some as well okay here he is Angel's four this might be the other guy I might have two f-35s here yeah this guy's way out there he's about six or seven miles behind the first guy part of yours says now two of them are looking at me [Music] shoot an Amazon with that guy just to get him out of here okay I gotta missile out one of the f-35s is actually pushing me here I'm gonna go ahead and try to hit a notch against an incoming amram not sure how effective it'll be but it seems to have worked actually good okay I'm pretty sure we dodged two amrams there I'm gonna go ahead and reverse the turn on him he came in really fast he's on my tail bet he wishes he had a gun okay there he goes right here we'll get the lock Fox 2. all right that guy just ate and 9x and a patriot side missile all right Splash one F-35 he was very aggressive there to come out of cover like that and Russian F-22 is a dangerous thing to do but there is still one more guy out there somewhere he just watched his buddy F-35 get absolutely lit up here now stealth is actually an interesting topic to kind of read up on of course A lot of it is still classified but you know some aircraft are better stealth than others we already know that and some radar systems can see stealth better than others during the Yugoslavia War they actually managed to track an F-117 and shoot it down but a lot of different factors goes into that my point is just that just because you have stealth doesn't mean you're invisible I found the second F-35 here look at this miles fox 3 and I'm gonna defend here looked like he saw me but he has bigger problems now all right and there's the crash site up ahead of the second F-35 splash 2. foreign too much it's of course great at what it does it's a strike aircraft and you know a seed platform that can defend itself in air to air if it needs to the F-22 is an air superiority fighter you know it's just a different thing and that's why I have the F-22 fighting two f-35s here once again uh we got oh here it is look at this I already picked up the F-35 here at like 30 miles and then sometimes I can't see him until he's like 12 miles away so yeah I just lost luck yeah I saw him on radar for like a second there he is again okay got him and also that's the other thing is when you fire missiles it's much much harder to guide an amram onto a stealth F-35 or F-22 than it is to guide it onto like an F-15 or an F-16 or an F-14 that has no stealth I just launched the fox 3 and immediately lost lock so that's cool okay got him locked again 23 miles I'm gonna go ahead and try to get a little bit closer and hope that last amram maybe sees something when it gets in that general area on radar it does look like he's defending something 19 miles now I'm gonna shoot here at 17 miles there's another F-35 to my one o'clock fox 3 on that guy and we'll defend here and RAM out on that guy I'm actually going to give him another one if I can the other F-35 is moving to my three o'clock now I don't think he sees me I'm gonna get high on this guy 13 miles I'm gonna absolutely kill him while he's defending the other amram I am possibly being out flanked by another F-35 though not sure right now 10 miles Fox 3. and that guy will die for sure that's a spicy amram for him eight miles holding a lock to make sure that amram sees him he's too busy defending to shoot back I think yeah look at him he's just twisting and turning over the mountains trying to lose that amram and at these ranges not even stealth is going to save you Splash one F-35 all right there he goes okay now to find the other guy [Music] foreign situational awareness is low I thought he would be around here somewhere but he's not Patriot his Patriot site sees me now though or is at least trying to see me it knows something's out here so I'm gonna actually get out of here before it gives away my position and we're just gonna wait for the stealthy F-35 to show his head from somewhere and he's probably looking for me and I'm looking for him out here I wonder how many stealth Fighters fly right past each other without I'm just kidding I don't think that happens a lot but uh searching for him is kind of ominous because you don't you're like he might actually you might look left and he's like three miles off you know oh there he is you on the he's behind me he's about seven o'clock I think it was gonna go ahead and turn around seems like he was also hanging out by his Patriot site he's too scared to push out I think that's all right we're gonna go find him I have a general direction of where he was from so there he is Angel's 28. here we go 17 miles Fox 3. and we'll defend that mess will definitely look like it's tracking 13 miles 12 miles in the Sun so that makes it kind of hard to see there he is lost lock hold on there we go got him again eight miles he's busy defending I can push him like this fox 3 again four miles [Music] he's gonna eat that amram for sure you almost feel bad for him oh got him it hit him and is he still alive he's smoking over there he got hit [Music] I don't know if he's combat capable but he's still in the air you see this sometimes with f-14s they can eat a couple amrams before they die it's not always one kill three again it's not always one shot one kill that's what I meant there we go hit him again what's going on here oh he's done flying he's just kind of yeah I think it's a dead pilot it's been a dead pilot the whole time maybe from that first amram hit and he's gonna crash on top of the city oh my bad all right guys quick little tack view review just to see how that played out again that's the enemy uh Patriot site friendly Patriot site F 22 2035s and we'll go ahead and fast forward this a little bit so right at the beginning here well it's not at the beginning but once they got a little bit closer to me uh the Patriot side starts to shoot the missiles don't get anywhere near them they don't even really threaten them but they do force them to defend and they do give away their position so now I know based on the Patriot launch site or a trajectory of the missiles that the f-35s are in this general area right so I started heading over there I know I don't need to come this way so I'm already you know I have an advantage I guess you could say uh so I start coming over here looking for these guys I guess I find one I Fox three on him uh looks like the F-35 leader here flown by Peregrine is gonna catch that amram and then I defend this I I think I lost luck on this pretty quickly but it still tried to track but I guess the stealth of the F-35 makes it difficult for those amrams to track watch what happens to his amrams when he shoots them at the F-22 here um so I I come back up here to check out what happens be like oh did I get them did I not get them uh no I'm in a bad position here I have one F-35 from here one of 35 from here luckily for me pretty large separation between the two and uh like if this guy's like seven miles I think this guy's like 22 I think it was right uh let's check the ranges here so they're a little too far to mutually support each other is what I'm saying so this is six miles and this is 18 miles so you can see like you know the idea is good but the the separation is too much um anyway so I start coming here looking for him I don't find them there's a fox 3 launched at me I start defending that amram doesn't even track oh wow that arm has no idea what it's doing immediately goes stupid um F-35 continues to come in he starts flaring because he gets scared right he is about to go to the merge with an F-22 maybe he expects me to turn into him more than away from him but I still didn't have situational awareness as to what was going on here so I dumped the chaff at this point I know where he's coming from I have an amram coming in from this direction so I hit the notch this way against them and I drop all the chaff and the stealth is really what makes this makes it difficult for the seeker of the amram to see me you'll see what this amram does here look at that goes right underneath it's like they can't see it's like they can see you but they can't they can't quite tell what's going on very strange missile goes right by um and at this point I see the F-35 I'm like all right we gotta merge and f-35a no gun I think they need a gun pod I believe or is that the C I'm not sure anyway so we get into this little fight here uh one variant of the F-35 the C I think for sure doesn't have a gun the a might have one I don't know but anyway we get into this uh this little duel here and at this point I'm turned reversing trying to get him to overshoot uh let me get the labels on and he enters this at um I'm Mach One so I'm actually really fast too but he comes in at Mach 1.1 almost Mach 1.2 into the merch and you know I'm absolutely reversing turns coming out of a b trying to bleed that energy so I can get him out in front looks like he's actually kind of trying to do the same um but no way he's gonna get out of that no way he can match the maneuverability of the F-22 and so and at this point I also realize the Patriot site has fired at him as well in the midst of a furball thanks to the Patriots side who fires three missiles into like any one of these could have hit me but I fire a fox 2. missile doesn't track the Patriot site missile [Music] the Patriots I'm going to turn off the labels here the Patriot side missile is the one that hits them first it looks like it does like a proxy fuse on them or something misses explodes in the air looks like it damages him anyway and then he eats the aim9x and dies so Splash that F-35 came with a merge against an F-22 had the advantage but messed it up when he came to the merge you can't merge with an F-22 it's always a bad idea and then I fire that last last fox 3 that ends up hitting this guy and he dies and ejects all right so that's that round uh that's the first round I think we get the idea I just want to drive home the point that the F-22 is amazing just kidding all right guys thanks for watching I'll see you in the next one bye guys [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Growling Sidewinder
Views: 350,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world war 2, ww2, DCS, dcs dogfight, dcs world, Military, army, air force, F-16 Viper, F-14 Tomcat, F-15 Eagle, Dogfight, F-22 Raptor, how to, tutorial, guide, F-18 Hornet, BFM, Eagle Dynamics, air combat, war thunder, navy, us military, Mirage, dogfight, f22, f18, hornet, f16, f14, viper, mirage, warthunder, military, f-22 raptor, gripen, mi-24, funny, Eurofighter, ef2000, virtual reality, vr, 3080, world war ii, battle of britain, USA, battlefield 2042, ah64 apache, dcs apache, wwii, f35, agm-88 harm
Id: CaLJE101z9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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