Fighting Stealth | United Kingdom F-35B Lightning Vs Su-27 Flanker | Digital Combat Simulator | DCS

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today we have modernized r77-1's heat seeking ETS as you can hear we have an a wax and we're trying to take on an F-35 [Music] foreign read a little article about how the UK with their f-35bs they were working on fitting meteor missiles into the F-35 I don't know if they've done it but supposedly it's something they're working on so I got curious of what it would be like to fight this thing once it had meteors in it as you can see we have the Russian rwr the signal strength is about half that's that yellow ring that you saw that light at the bottom there tells me it's Airborne Target and that it's right off the nose 12 o'clock so the Russian rwr can actually be somewhat useful in maybe finding Airborne targets even if your radar can't necessarily see them it'll show you primary threats so even if he shoots meteors at me it'll switch over to the meteor and it'll show me that as a signal strength of that meteor so I can actually tell how far the missile is it's quite interesting I actually have nothing on datalink either so my a-wax also doesn't see him you have his a-wax on my data link but that's kind of useless he has Patriot missiles too by the way so if I push to try to kill his a-wax his Patriots will open up on me I have s300s here protecting me and my a-wax so I don't think my aoax will have any issues hopefully although those meteors do have a really nice uh ability to reach out and touch things from a very long distance so again we're looking at the rwr you can see signal strength increasing in the yellow bar down there look at this this is the a-wax you see how it's four lines that tells me it's a large Target so I know it's the a-wax a fighter would be displayed with just two dashes we should probably head over to the mountains over here so his signal strength is actually the three-fourths full which makes me think we should start thinking about defending it's getting pretty full actually although no more Airborne threat it's now showing me an a-wax threat so that means he might have gone cold so I'm just going to start reducing altitude here foreign he was over in that direction there oh yeah there we go great okay dumping the chaff as we defend here so he probably shot at me a while ago that meteor is just reaching me now we're gonna go cold although I don't know how effective that's going to be we might already be in the No Escape Zone of a meteor uh we seem all right we're good we survived that somehow it must have been like a max range meteor shot he was trying to embarrass me that's gender snipe me with a meteor from like a hundred miles out or something or at least a very long range shot okay I'm pointing the nose at him once again we're using the rwr to locate him I'm trying to put the it says Airborne threat right there with that light there and now it's right off my nose I'm just gonna shoot up a Mad Dog r77 there it goes no luck I'm just hoping that that missile goes out there and finds him see something I'm actually going to give them some more give it another one over here let's do a low altitude one there we go let's do another one over here we go he's got to be somewhere over there that's what the rwr says is that stupid yeah kinda but I don't want to die with missiles on my wings still you know I better use them than lose them I guess let's defend down here I'm also carrying uh r27 ETS which are long range Fox twos that flankers carry it'll be very useful if I can pick this uh F-35 up on Electro Optical and I can shoot them with one of these Fox twos that would be ideal because you don't need a radar lock for that so that's why I have those and he won't know so I can launch them and like theoretically go fly right into them which will be pretty cool he tried to embarrass me so I should try to embarrass him right make him just fly into a fox too all right so we're at these very low Hills here I'm going to turn in now see if I can find them we have a little bit of cover here just a little [Music] uh I've switched over to Electra Optical turned off the radar and look at this I can see something right here about a 50 kilometers away pretty far and it looks like look at data link it looks like it's going after my a-wax possibly but the S 300s don't seem like they're engaging him and it seems like he doesn't need to get too close because of his meteors so I just got to shoot something Adam to push them off here Fox three get them away from my a-wax hopefully he hasn't launched already but I can pick him up at about 50 kilometers on Electro Optical so [Music] okay as we're climbing here I'm gonna give him one of those uh 27 et's there it goes Fox 2 let's fire the second one here he's got a meteor out on me Fox 2 so his meteor launch kind of messed me up I fired that second Fox 2 without a lock unfortunately I didn't realize that it dropped luck but if it sees anything it should still try to hit it I think dropping shaft to try to defeat this meteor he might have shot at me or might be the old one I honestly can't even tell if he fired another missile at me or if it was an old meteor reacquiringly just because I defeated it so easily that it seemed like you know it couldn't have been a new meteor I'm kind of not sure what's going on right now although a-wax is gone [Music] but that wasn't supposed to happen and my a-wax was supposed to be protected by the s300s but evidently stealth plus a meteor missile cause dead a wax but I'm going to go ahead and just come in in this direction once again he's off my nose according to rwr we have an Airborne Target 12 o'clock and uh I gotta go out there and I gotta see if I can find them because I think we're actually pretty close but relatively speaking of course and I think I can use my Electro Optical system and I can get to the merge right now I have radar and Electro Optical on both at the same time to try to find them give me the best chance really and I'm just being sneaky you know the flanker is no stranger to being sneaky and trying to get sneaky kills here and who's to say we can't bag ourselves in F-35 here today I don't know how many meteors he has left at this point but I'm hoping not a lot I'm now over flat terrain but I'm staying low uh okay never mind there's a meteor missile coming at me for sure we're gonna defend coming from that direction according to rwr oh do you see that thing go by foreign okay that was uh that was a close one but I know he's nearby here gonna maybe turn in I think he's in this direction here narrowly escaped that last meteor this is the side that the meter came from should be over there the ground was supposed to confuse his targeting system I don't think it did that I'm trying to stay slow here so I can maybe Notch it if it comes in but I'm so close to him I I know oh there it is okay another one hit the notch here and then we'll turn into him and shot it oh well that hit me really hard uh Punch Out punch up foreign [Music]
Channel: Growling Sidewinder
Views: 213,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world war 2, ww2, DCS, dcs dogfight, dcs world, Military, army, air force, F-16 Viper, F-14 Tomcat, F-15 Eagle, Dogfight, F-22 Raptor, how to, tutorial, guide, F-18 Hornet, BFM, Eagle Dynamics, air combat, war thunder, navy, us military, Mirage, dogfight, f22, f18, hornet, f16, f14, viper, mirage, warthunder, military, f-22 raptor, gripen, mi-24, funny, Eurofighter, ef2000, virtual reality, vr, 3080, world war ii, battle of britain, USA, battlefield 2042, ah64 apache, dcs apache, wwii, f35
Id: rRM_gBigUVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2023
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