UK-Supplied Eurofighter Typhoon vs Su-57 Felon: BVR Missile Battle | DCS

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hello valued viewers I hope you're all doing very well it's late February 2023 and the big political decision to be made at the moment in the country where I live the UK is do we send a couple of squadrons of our eurofighter typhoons over to Ukraine for them to have and to use that's what's happening at the moment about the half of the political figures say yes and about half say no the argument against it is that the UK we only have 100 serviceable eurofighters and 30 serviceable f-35b so that is a maximum and that's everything 130 warplanes for UK to use and we don't just have to defend our kind of territory here we have overseas territories like the Falklands so it's a real problem to get less than 130 aircraft and we'll let the politicians make the decision we don't do geopolitics here we're not that kind of YouTube channel what we do is we fight them against each other to look at the technical benefits so today we are fighting a Euro Fighter versus Russia's new fifth gen Fighter the su-57 fell on first details this is the most important thing the skill of these fights is setting the aircraft up and getting the figures right if you don't do that these fights don't actually mean anything you're a fighter we are using the luxurious [ __ ] Space mod and we've converted it to gr version 8. with a radar cross section of 1.5 meters squared meaning that it can be seen at about 80 to 90 Miles by an Airborne Acer radar it has a graser radar its main missile today is the meteor let me get the slide up here is the dimetial maximum range about 108 nautical miles maximum speed Mach 4 and it has a partial air breathing engine the within visual range missile for the eurofighter will be the azram the aim132 maximum range about 20 miles very fast at Mark 3. the flight model is the standard one and the Damage model is the standard one note we've upgraded recently to the latest Negros model which has the pirate rst system so it's the first time we've used this version su-57 base mod Cuban Ace converted to gr version V6 radar cross section 0.12 meter squared this is not true stealth this is low observability it can be seen in our tests by an aesa radar Airborne at about 47 miles plus or minus 5 miles for environmental conditions it has our grae user radar and it's beyond visual range missile is the r77m modernized adder here it is range about the same in the meteor slightly faster a Mach 4.5 it's a non-air breathing Engine with exactly the same weight and pretty much the same Warhead it's within visual range missile is this the r74m range 22 nautical miles Mark 2.5 flight model and damage model are not kubernetes uh we've done our own actually we've done our own flight model and we've put our own damage model in there guys so Loadout for the eurofighter this is a fourth gen aircraft that carries all of its missiles on exterior pylons hence it is not stealth and it's not really low observability therefore we've loaded it up to the max of 8 meteors and two as Rams also internal gun su-57 we're keeping it as stealthy as possible if we start putting exterior mounted missiles we'll have to up the radar cross section remember we set all of these figures up before the fight so it's maximum stealthy payload of 4 or 77 M's and two are 74 M so only half of the missiles of the eurofighter in terms of Weaponry the eurofighter has it the meteor is better than an r77- M because of its air breathing capacity and the fact it can speed up later on during its flights also it's got a slight bit of range and it's got twice as many missiles but it can't see the Felon at a long distance it can only see it well actually it can see it because you can see it through a wax but it can only fire on it at sub 50 miles whereas this guy here can fire on the eurofighter and double that maybe nearly a hundred miles so do you think the one where the weapons is going to win or the one with the low observability is going to win one more very important thing guys today because this is sort of based on real life there is no scenery to hide behind we are fighting in Ukraine which is just flat Fields basically so it's going to be literally air superiority can I have some guesses slash predictions guys I think the advantage is with the Felon the lobes of ability is going to make it very difficult for the typhoon to get the shots in before they get shot down themselves I'm actually going to disagree uh the reason being is there's far less missiles on the su-57 and the last time we flew it it was actually quite short on fuel as well so as long as the typhoon can keep them busy we've done this fight before kind of we've done felons before with a low observability versus US fourth gen Jets at 15s f-16s it was the same kind of idea as this and the US actually won because they were list of trucks some of them carried 14 missiles you just far enough missiles at something you'll take it down the other thing about the that previous fight Camp was that we had terrain to hide and we don't have yeah fair point I mean I of course needs to be on your federal side but good fuel economy so means we could stay very long and burner could give yet to buy waxes one about 50 miles away one about 100 miles away to keep us safe guys stand by for battle one round one Euro Fighter Simba Matrix cap fly and fire other boys are push drop sock Cannibal and bird we're starting 135 miles apart there are a-waxes and we have this F10 option here which despite some commenters is not cheating and this information would be given to these fighters in the form of the sa screens we don't have sa screens modeled in these mods here so we have this right guys um we've got to be what is probably a superior aircraft let's face it um because he can see us more than twice as far away and we can see him or at least fire on us we can see them our airbags will see them but we can't Farm in them what do you want to do my suggestion would be to go in notches because if we go in constant notches it will drag them in I was thinking too north to south for a pincer and set the bait up high in the middle right you're happy with that Cap's going south who's coming with me fire I'll go South all right guys viewers win the latest version of this mod here by these guys here we now have the pirate Iris T system here good luck everyone oh engines allowed right I'm heading one six zero 34 000 feet and I'm gonna dive a bit a little too high for my liking hey viewers the problem we've got is these guys we can see them online we can see two of them here they come they're being picked up on the air box now we can see them on a wax but we can't see them on our radar which means and we need to be able to do that to fire the missiles a box will guide the missiles and they're blipping in and out of uh a wax coverage and that's because for their low observability they will be able to see us very easily so what we're going to do viewers foreign sidewards as compared to them that halves or even more than halves the effective range of their missiles and pretty much their radar distance between fly and sock who's at 50 000 feet oh 72 miles he will almost certainly have missiles in a year how did you get that lock fly what a freaking hero no just uh pit bull I will send them out without a lock and he can do that because we've got twice as many as many missiles viewers so that's the thing you can turn a bit more right if it's coming fire yes sir I'm left here right North pack and reengage let's have a look at the meteor as they're breathing it uses the oxygen it sucks in to fuel the rocket oh look I got an enemy gotta look on something Spike Matrix watching left yeah I met your mic track temp that would be a great kill if that locks Simba staying hot you fight it without a lock viewers it's very unlikely to track it would have to be in a basket and it's a very small basket no it's not going to track him right soccer super close now you might be able to see me do radar flight it's 40 miles going to high PR rep and you might pick it up I have him already locked cab uh fire I'm heading down because you might have a missile levels yeah I I press yes sir all right it's coming for you flight me and my boys I'm turning in five we're turning I can't see him three turning cold here he is oh that's one over me yeah you emerge can't unlock game is too far away right I see the plate I can't lock him I'm gonna try hard cap meteor and down meteor and down First Blood right careful fly because I got me I'm gonna turn him back up a few merge it's at your own peril good shooting you two in the north trying to support this missile a wax will probably support it but it's gonna be look at them shooting each other come on it'll meet you at slow it's a slow ass thing missile three o'clock turn called fire cap looks like earwax has a push coming in uh off our nose about zero 100 do you want to dispatch him I'm gonna carry on after um I'll work it that way I'm gonna carry them off the dam Matrix re-engaging how's it going fly he's heading to the deck yep we're going after push missile out on me going defensive Roger I'm putting currently I'm going up to push where the heck is he oh all right I'm recommitting lunch authorized Miss Island put a feature on pouch suck it douche I'll meet you or maybe tracking damp oh this will be friggin sweet sweet victory distract them come on put a man down just avoided it yeah go down oh [ __ ] that's that's when I get my footstool that [ __ ] someone hit me away very fast all right four tons of fuel alrighty then oh we are losing we are really losing Simba down Matrix down fly down cover me uh missile warning on me all right gonna have to go cold I'm gonna play around with these missiles yeah right guys I'm gonna turn around and put one on bird and coat paprika meaning um you can GCI legally uh fly I need a brass for the guys in the Easter I'm gonna get out yeah I got missile 12 o'clock low on me as well I'm just gonna keep draining them got the chop out ahead yeah they will run our missiles guys half when you do a splash too much impossible I'm cold I'm West ons for fuel okay you can recommit recommitted from the north you're off the map Simba where out of Duty is he fine um please Wesley suckers Turkish 087 40 miles on the deck Roger I've done the shop [Music] 45 miles Angels less than one nose hops can't put them on a 4G on this thing why why have I got a g restricted it's a piece of [ __ ] they've really [ __ ] me yeah Spike from My three o'clock go and call maximum speed ah bless it I can't get a radar I can't even pick him up on the radar one two eight for 30 miles Angel's twelve flanking right two and a half tons of fuel come on meteor chase him today Birds coming in but I reckon out of missiles are you being chased by a missile fire I was yes can you chase bird one two zero of course one two zero first engaging he's at twenty thousand feet which is Altitude 28 miles Angel's thirteen twenty thousands now one two zero for you 45 miles should just be within uh this is outrun my friggin meteor yeah I'm running meteors today rocker you're on him now let me know when you've got a track Simba's squeezing from the north which is good cinema 167 for 25 miles Angel's eight flanking right have two tons of fuel hey firm he's turning left I'm coming again episode 82 for 25 miles angels 18. now going cold heading north December 171 for 18 miles Angel's 10. yep bird is cold and heading north God damn it bird trying to find him a bit different PRS okay zero seven eight four twenty five minutes three moose called some of you are eight miles from merge your target is South turning those cold come on assume you've got him yes go on meteor chase him to the end of them no no that's push one meter killed via sorry didn't kill him December your target is 166 12 miles Angels won those cold I broke my lock re-engaging keeping it bro please find out yours is zero eight seven forty two miles Angels three nose cold can both survived because the first meteor killed two Targets zero seven six for 29 miles Angels three to the north and Angel lesson one to the South both in those cold so you've got a man close to you you didn't die that missile failed send me your target one five zero four twelve miles Angels four that's push he's already dead no I'm showing cannibal actually that's allowed on him one four zero for eight miles angels two turning goes pop ladies and gentlemen I'll give you grim reapers and friggin Euro Fighters Simba one eight zero for 22 miles and those hot on you angels too I'm down in the mud guys zero nine zero for 35 miles Angels 1.7 flanking left heading that way I still can't pick him up I had him for a second now I can't get him okay suddenly Target uh zero nine three for 23 miles 087 for 33 miles angels are less than one nose cold me too has a real quiet it's trekking again I gotta meteor on drop totally zero zero seven five for 17 miles uh Angel's less than one flanking North [ __ ] sorry I'm gonna head in I think I'm gonna hit him die bird you're putting 10 miles why when you die two Targets both at level generally East and Westerly one is turning those cold normally one is playing I don't have long range anymore December zero nine four for ten Angels less than one North Carolina a running bird scamming around box two box three shot Birds Down everyone come to my man Captain zero eight zero zero nine zero for twelve flanking North foreign missiles win beat over low observability how about that you know 130 odd miles apart in we go so we used to go straight into Two Notch North Two Notch South to try to lure you into a trap and then we sand uh fly down the middle to act as bait which is what fly does best he sent a couple of Mad Dogs off just to scare you but they were never really going to do anything actual shots coming in from sock there but oh look at track look at that fly look just try you just pick you up again there and Dives down on you just stuck at that for a miss nice missiles out on Matrix and Simba and an amazing early merge between flying stock an r77 um fly but Dodges again miss all the Matrix counting him down like a b Arch geez look at that look at Matrix is missing it turns around there's something strange and where you fighter yeah normally you can pull so much I couldn't get past 4G lose for Speed yeah normally you lose the speed the produce and you get too Speedy in the mod it don't gives you full input anymore so you need to get slow guys I'm right so no damage done has anyone been here uh I got Matrix just sir yeah Matrix just yeah it's these two they're still dancing with each other look yeah so I called out damp a little bit too late to say them but got there in the end yeah finally to get my speed low half an hour and kill them yeah look at that missile I fired it bear the meteor is really good in game at reacquiring Targets and that's what we did here real quiet look I'm real quiet now smack really cool oh and then if I just get shot again fly how do you keep dodging these missiles oh you don't that'll be why then yeah I don't snap by an advanced Adder uh I'm trading with push me to your for our for advanced Adder bird starts to chime in as well yeah at this point uh symbol is off the map for us so I started vectoring towards your position that's illegal it's a legal move guys cannibals find twin uh meet uh Simba and simplifies back in my defense are these are 77 to keep pushing me off the map there you go no yeah we knew where you were but cannibal was uh firing on you as well so I thought I'd just uh try and help other guys Simba and Cannonball just sitting there trading missiles drops in the middle being a wild card cap and fired at a chainsaw ring push and bird a chain soaring so at this point it gets the game gets kind of stale because we're just everyone's canceled each other's missiles out which is what happens in combat obviously more exchanges between Cannonball and Simba more exchanges between my boys down the South the one good thing that's happening is we're using a lot of adders up a lot of adders are being fired wow I come real close to being shot but look at that one there I almost got hit by that a lot of adders are being fired and you guys haven't got many many I found another one at push turn code chainsaw fire dad on the cover same is going to come back on the screen Simba start shooting a push by that with an amazing Dodge there look at that Dodge I don't know how he managed that if I'm honest just outrun it the [ __ ] formation with the damn thing yeah Cannibal's fine information now the interesting thing is simplify two meteors and they came together just before they hit fire Cannibal and blew each other up never seen that before almost seven years look at that disappeared amazing and you carried on but the thing is yeah both when that happened I was gonna say when that happened I was like did I get hit should I you know is this one of those damage model things that I should just eject and I can tell you what happened because I watched both rockets and what happened is they both tracked you you pulled up and the first one just smacked into the other because they've like flown information that was amazing went down push just went down yeah I know look at that yeah it looked like uh the media reacquired on me yep so with tables have turned now now we've boxed them in 77 didn't hit you some but oh my God okay I'm rolling you see his plane rolling Keb Keb zoom in yeah that's that's just the techview map but it's 500 feet which is close when it comes to missiles still not enough to set the fuse off but I thought I had you there some but damn it I think at this point Bud was out fueled and I was out beat the Army soft so we were in a bad shape also and what we learn out of that don't let Simba back on my map see my taste bird down cab does drop down I always drop it in was it I didn't know I was chasing him and that's it guys what won it good flying and those having a lot of missiles really helps guys we're learning this time and time again I mean it wouldn't help against a a proper stealth fighter like a rap tour or something but again it's something you can see within 50 miles it really does help having all those missiles dodgingly host on missiles and just firing a plethora of missile Zone nothing else it burns their fuel away right guys we're gonna swap around Simba cap fly fire and sock Russian the others are Ukrainian guys we've got a bit more stealth which is nice but we don't have a lot of missiles how do we win it guys maybe same tactics sure I'll be I'll be distraction this time yeah who's coming uh South with me uh I come off your cap all right cap on heading we are officially super cruising photo just keep your Throttle Down about 50 guys that's all you need in this plane viewers you're turning your radar on ear cap yeah two Euro fighters on scanner so far they are not stealth but they are actually kind of low observability so in certain aspects the a-waxes will struggle to even see the Euro Fighters all right remember guys if I discipline we've only got four big missiles and they're not as good as the meteors either so and as far as I'm aware we don't have a fuel gauge unless I've missed it so what I think in the middle is the ladder gauge it might be a few okay nope the liner gauge is your throttle I'm cruising about 80 distance between sock and his targets are about 80 miles you're probably being where's sock on one of those targets way within was okay tournament in um would you like me to put one in on them if you're in West yep it's a good idea because you can shoot way before they can shoot but they are all coming for you they're just doing a mass charge guys they're doing a mass charge I think I lost three one times all right sock once you got I miss eloff I would be tempted to turn back and drag them into our pincer copy because you're coming back that that that's a data link me so I have one log cab who's heading towards us all right only five if you're really sure you're gonna get him yeah right Matrix is code drop is code cannibal is called push and bird are hot so they've got chainsaw North chainsaw South and a middle guy traditional single rocket motor or single fuel I should say with traditional fins oh it just past the meteor mid-flight there was a meteor coming at you stock it's a legal thing I saw it from your missile fly Fox three all right I got one in Ranger pie all right I'm back I've got him as well you got the lead all right turn code I'm gonna suck them in a little bit more I got eyes on their meteor evading cap your cover yeah yep that's three I'm phasing out ten miles is it going over top my head I took it out there's one coming on Matrix Matrix is gonna get hit well done get my sweet sweet telephone pole all right Cinema's turning cold there's two band that's over there oh my juice is about to get smacked too high Major's out check him out I've got a lock on there uh a wax I'm almost at West Captain America now I got Cannonball locked up right now do you fly all right good work so far guys good work pushing Cannonball or cold socks and push away from us and in range Fox free good good chainsaw sock and fire dad you put your guy on the Run but don't burn your fuel chasing him though because he'll win that fight he's turning back around Angels won Roger both our targets are very low flight so they're gonna be very hard to hit with on missiles at long range all right let's be patient yeah give it three seconds better fox 3 and going cold you've got them both running I'm just under the cons okay no man's land is 30 to 40 miles guys we're both cold now it's normal again whistle on my face vehicles box three on them I'm turning back in socket chainsaw out dude don't touch my stupid meet you guys can dodge their missile she was chasing me sounds like I'm clean can't get rid of it a special line the fires have been fired on going cold Chase it to the end of the friggin Earth I've had to just go fly still getting chased all right I'm gonna make a turn in I reckon I've beaten it on the deck we'll back to you on flight I am on back to 070 70 on the deck coming to relieve you all right see you guys I haven't missed one on me again Roger I just put the fire is notching to the South go low now run it yeah I'm not in the nuts now I'm coming to relieve you now I've got an overhead I can see it was dead yet which is a freaking amazing thing guys why are you said that Kevin when I suddenly have a missile on me again okay shot and I'm going up for him sorry offensive for a sec die drop die is a big fast sexy Adder we're gonna go viewers that there's the thing he shot me there's the um there's demetriosis yeah we're going down here it's not very good down here 's destroyed wait suck cannibal Engineers be careful and I got a missile Dodge Simba Fox three vote on you boys we're just a better team you're getting pins to get out there fly you've got too close now heading back to the deck here where are my defensive from you are called to the Target sock I know that kept turning off I'm pretty sure it's coming from results you you should then it's all low on the deck on my nose I'm coming to relieve you boy I see um no I'm I'm low on Deck I'm looking for a bird it's going cold somebody off my nose they're heading two two zero let's go make that two three zero he is flowing North I'm going to bed now turning coals we're pushing him pretty hard yeah I I go for drop we lost bird now we come back on me gotta go defensively [ __ ] I fight at the wrong guy I followed the wrong guy there's a guy chasing behind you I did a thing yeah you're not shot me yeah no I'll show you uh cannot get the guy who's chasing you oh there he is right finally I can relieve you probably found him cat box three what's up large three close range like a sucker take our 77. I've only got short ranges left chasing my guy all right guys you've got this tied up I reckon I've got visual because this is hard to freaking Dodge come on that one recommitting so you're a jet you're gonna get him boy okay everybody right behind you yeah oh no we've lost fly right it's three versus two we've got this yeah dropping me training all right I had that stupid Su blackout so I have no idea where this dude's at I do I'm on him yeah one if I knew where he was three zero zero for eight low five two fire two four zero go on go on go on I'm turning towards no no it was just a double Miss he's fighting fight his Fighters fired invaded okay he's got no more missiles I don't think so he's now going to gun you Simba's coming in watch out for friendly fire guys 141 for 52. I've got to watch this come on his tail s I'll just keep him busy we've got missiles coming in right now all right Birds fired at me going cold snapshots hey let's re-engage bird he's coming in from the south Well Done Right you guys you got one more Target for all of you one three zero for fifty go on boys none of my boys have got any weapons one year ago I still have some box threes I just can't get them on radar I got a fox 2 left Trails coming I got eyes on targets the range radar On Target 50 miles he's got a walk on me I've got lock on him I'm recommitting and it's slow missiles are really slow look at that that 500 knots I think with the media viewers you've got to fire 40 000 feet otherwise it's hopeless I keep getting missile lock warnings on me range 20 miles yeah there's a good reason for that oh I'm out of gas as a Target yep I'm holding locks I see the missile I see the missiles going defensive [ __ ] you can still win this you know depending on how many minutes you do it bud don't you kill my men I got eyes on his meteor I got eyes on it I'm holding it with my face I keep dodging him that I lose him I'm so close he's got a second one on me this sucks sucking the meteors up freaking Champion I'm gonna meet your Ben it's hard and God what have I just saw beat that bear in square right okay I got no idea where he's at oh oh oh oh a thing good Dodge sock merge dogfight look low look below Anne I can't say anything I can't say anything uh I can't do a viewers he's turning hard right he's turning hard right Simba can't fight right it's one man versus one man symbolism is limping to the dogfight gunfight good luck boys oh lure him to me lure him to me you find both Fox too so you should be out of missiles right yeah it's about five miles I'm not sure which one's the target I've got them locked I just can't get to them yeah welcome fire good job guys good job well done well done that was just better teamwork better skills going on then these weak arms are heavy sweating Reds two North two south and one down the middle um go kind of wolf eyes and meet you uh sock fires his Adder first of all on a real Target lock the meteor was just done fired another damn fire from bird we can do that they've got plenty of missiles actual firefighters oh poor Matrix oh I tried to dodge a missile 50 000 feet yeah that ain't ever gonna work bang straight into Matrix nothing why I went abrasive as soon as I heard we were not sure yeah but like like I didn't did it maybe it's too far from the avex okay it's just one down so we always had the advantage which was nice those meteors were so frustrating they're really hard to dodge because they just chase you forever look how far I'm having to turn around go back and then it reacquires me I'll have to turn around again look look at that I turn around again I hate meteor why won't you I think it was actually originally on fly wow they're so frustrating was it but I have one of those same one of those same evasions coming up here in a little bit cap I can't find you around there you are oh it's called that yeah for sure she's one of the one of you fight on a ray wax and it just dropped out the sky but that was a shot on you damn I think because I fired it and then obviously distract something later on but wait it's a nice uh sensor in on we did we're at the South sewn up then didn't again typhoons great evading fire dance evading I see right around the corner look like I'm getting pinned by two meters Simba's father went off like a sock closed socks operating I don't know how he stayed along live against those meteors well that was a weird thing my meteors I'd come off the rails fly away and then go right into the ground you guys were doing the same thing tomorrow 77s we're not used to operating here you coming um if you can hold your face to them uh there is no way that they'll hit you because you can just watch them coming in as long as you can see them you can dodge a hundred of them if you wanted to look how far we we pushed drop down all the way down to Crimea two distinct battles are going on so it's pushed down he isn't he's just got swarmed who's just got swarmed never got the boys all three going in for cannibal but unfortunately they're all out freaking missiles and the funny thing is the target I was locking was at a couple thousand was higher than me and the missiles just plunk into the ground it wasn't an off the rails and into the ground thing I saw them running what's the benefits and it's you down so it would just be uh here's the dog fight body launch wait look at the media yeah I'm just watching one on me so that was from drop sees me reacquires me chases me around a 180 degree Corner oh hey Medio chases me down I always thought it was coming from the front so I was about to go basically from the front but it came behind God damn it what amateur survival and hounded fire dad down yeah and in the same time me and Rob uh just traded each other I find my missile light and it was the same moment I saw the meteor coming and I was not like fast enough to even turn fight you guys who get to kill one of your guns Cannonball Roger and then another one straight into another dog fight and so what happens here purposes last missiles out sock if he's low all of them pretty much now he'll go after sock which is quite funny to watch and he finally gets hit Panic at that look at that yeah [Music] RAM and it gets hit by the last round meanwhile oh your next your next Bandit is uh off seven miles I was like no there's one behind me he couldn't see it on the F10 map yeah yeah and that's fire chasing trying to same look at him but Simba's got no fuel he's gliding a hundred knots towards you shooting his gun and then finally it's a Kill from fighter that's great guys basically we won on both sides so I think we had slightly better team work on our side now if it came to ask the question guys if your life depended on it which one would you have which is what a real pilot would have to do I would say I would actually prefer the Euro Fighter because having those eight missiles even a low observability plane I can keep him at Bay if I need to I run away so I'm going for I think the Euro fight is slightly slightly better it could hold us so good far away without me to us in the end you don't push in when you're out of missile so that flag has just turned back on problem with the meteor is that you can see it coming in from 50 miles away and you can dodge an infinite number number of them as long as you can see them unrealistic by the way but we've done it because we added the smoke we added this uh elongated smoke effect because it's better for the videos some of those views um I go I go with uh my my take is to take the Euro Fighter because the Euro Fighter is also a low-ish observability and it has a has a great radar it's got great missiles maybe the slight slightly lower RCS of a su-57 maybe an advantage but I don't think it's enough of an advantage to offset the missiles and the range of the hero fighter when we go in like a full real fight with fight but don't push in but if I have a missile to turn home and when you fired your four missiles in the flanker fight it's over back home having more muscles this man the big Advantage I would say most people voted for the eurovita the way we have them set up at the moment viewers I hope you enjoyed that and we'll see you later
Channel: Grim Reapers
Views: 61,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DCS, DCS World, GR, Su-57, Felon, Stealth, 5th Gen, Russia, Ukraine, UK, Eurofighter, Typhoon, Jet, Meteor, Dogfight, Battle
Id: OnKuV6259ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 38sec (2558 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2023
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