Ezra ~ 8:1 to 9:1

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray wisdom is understanding God's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Dennis Murray good day to you god bless you welcome to shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our ready to get back into our father's word here at the chapel the book of Ezra we invite you to get your Bible and join us if you care to we'd love to have you we're gonna pick it up today with Ezra chapter 8 verse 1 and we were just introduced to as rrah in chapter 7 and he was led a group a second group of people from Judah the Benjamites and the the Levites out of Babylon 0bo Bell brought the first batch which were covered beginning in Chapter 1 of Ezra now Ezra is getting a second group together and Darius the king of Persia gave a lot of authority and and power to Ezra he said I want you to go back to Jerusalem and I want you to set up judges and magistrates that will judge the people according to the law of the God of heaven yah of a in other words and that's that's quite a bit right there you see he was giving these people the authority to govern themselves basically even gave Israa the right to appoint judges who could judge someone to death if that's what the law of God called for he also opened up his pocketbook quite wide and gave a substantial amount of silver food stuffs the wheat corn oil that the people might need to reestablish the worship of Jehovah and why would that be important to a heathen king well you see he recognized and revered the God of heaven and and I think he that which is not unusual for a king of Persia he would have a god of this a God of that the God of this and a God of that so but he wanted to seek the favor of the Lord and that's basically what his stake in all this was was to seek the favor of the Lord just as Cyrus the king of Persia that allowed as a rubble Bell and his group to leave but we're getting ready to leave these got the letter in hand Ezra has a letter in hand from Darius with the decree from Darius saying all of these things that I just summarized for you we're gonna ask that word of wisdom in Yeshua's precious name and you know God chose a good one in Ezra we learned in chapter 7 that that Ezra was a ready scribe meaning that he was skillful in the Word of God and if you want to bring somebody out of confusion you want somebody who's skilled in the Word of God to do it you seek truth dispels confusion truth dispels darkness let's ask that word of wisdom as we always do here at the chapel father ask you to open eyes open ears bring your children out of confusion today ezra chapter 8 verse 1 and it reads these are now the chief of their fathers are the heads of families and this is the genealogy of them that went up with me from Babylon in the reign of our taxer sees the king and this would it be in the seventh year of Darius as range our tax or cease don't let that throw you it's a an applet of like Pharaoh all kings of Egypt were called Pharaoh they had another name just as Darius and Cyrus have other names but our taxer cease means the great king we're not going to cover this list of genealogy it's quite lengthy and you can read it as well as I can read it to you I do want to cover a first name of a couple of the names in verse two and then we'll talk about it of the sons of finis Hoss Gershon and the sons of etham are Daniel of the sons of David ha to Chien when you see sons it means descendants it might very well be a grandson or a great-grandson but we recognize these names for you we should Fanny Hoss was the son of Eleazar the son of Aaron so we're talking priests here at the Mawr there's only one person in all of God's word that disdained etham are he also was a son of Aaron so we saw in in chapter 2 we saw the Neth anims already trying to say they were of the priesthood but they couldn't prove their genealogy and I think here we got people saying there of Finney house and it Lamar we're going to see when they got outside of where they started their journey from they weren't of the priesthood so with that skip with me to verse 18 and we'll pick it up there and I this is Ezra speaking gathered them together to the river that runneth - ah ha ha ah ha vazha not all in the name of a river it's also the name of the city and their abode we are pitched we better probably translated in tents three days and I viewed the people and the priest and found there none of the sons of Levi wait a minute now Ezra realizes he has a problem you see he's been commissioned to lead this group of people back to Israel Judah Jerusalem and to teach them God's Word he's gonna need some help he's gonna need some pre which was part of their function the ones who performed their responsibilities were teachers he doesn't have one Levite which means he doesn't have one priest because you have to be a Levite to be a priest what he's got is a bunch of Nathan um's and I was quick to point out in our first lecture the netha names play a big part in the book of Ezra they they were came about at the time of Solomon and they were basically prisoners of war that were given the very name Nathan em means given they were given to the priests and the Levites to help with the menial labor in and around the temple chopping wood for the altar fires hauling water to wash the for the priests to wash themselves in to wash the sacrifices in etc but over the years the priests and the Levites became lazy they didn't want to leave their possessions in Babylon they didn't want to come out of confusion they were too comfortable there and when you have people getting too comfortable they become fat dumb and sassy and the netha gnam saw an opportunity okay well the priests and the Levites don't want to assume those responsibilities we can do that give us some priestly robes give us some paper and pencil and we'll ride out instructions for the people not taking into light the Word of God among these Nathan amma's you had no doubt some Kenites Kenites as early as first chronicles chapter 2 verse 55 had already worked their way in as scribes they said give us some paper and pencil and we'll write up the history of the tribe of Judah you see when you have people preparing the pasture that's God's word for the Sheep you want to make sure that you have someone who is doing it according to God's Way not man's way Nathan Em's have a tendency to give you the traditions of men jesus said himself in Matthew chapter 23 verse 2 the scribes and Pharisees sit in the seat of Moses who was Moses Moses was the law Giver he gave us the Word of God and instead of hearing the Word of God from the writings of Moses you're hearing what the scribes and Pharisees have to say which was be compared probably what you would get in a court early today written by man instead of God verse 16 then sent I again Ezra speaking for a laser for aerial for shamaya these are all Levitical names and for El Nathan and Forge our rib and for El Nathan obviously a second man by the name of El Nathan there'll be a third and for Nathan and for Zechariah and former shulam chief men also for joy a rib and for El Nathan men of understandings joy a rib and El Nathan men of understanding that means that they are wise and prudent especially when it comes to teaching again Ezra realized when he looked around he said how many of you are Levites and none of them were Levites meaning none of them were priests he knew he was that he was going to have what the teaching all on himself he was capable teacher but a little help would be go a long ways verse 17 and I sent them with commandment unto I doe the chief of the place Caixa feh and I told them what they should say unto i do' and to his brethren the netha names at the place casa fea that they should bring unto us ministers for the house of our God now this verse is a little confusing I do the way this reads and to his brethren the Neth anims one might be led to believe that i do' was of the nether my don't think so i think i do' was a Levite and what this is meaning the brethren doesn't mean brethren of the womb such as Levites or arenites more specifically of the priesthood but it's brethren in a wider sense such as fellow servants in the temple anyone working in the temple would be in that Brotherhood verse 18 and by the good hand of our God upon us they brought us a man of understanding of the sons of Molli the son of levi the son of Israel and she reaps excuse me Cherie bhaiyya and his sons and his brethren 18 and 18 in Biblical numerix is bondage and Judah is coming out of bondage to the Babylonians at this time and we have again some names that that we know are Levites Molly the son he was actually the grandson of Levi his father was Murari one of the three major families of the Levites so we got to Molly and Sherri bhaiyya and 18 we've got a total of 20 Levites so far verse 19 and hash abaya and with him Josiah thus of the sons of Merari his brethren and their sons 20 so 20 in verse 18 we 20 Levites and verse 19 we've got a total of 40 Levites who have now come out of Babylon and are going to return to Jerusalem with Ezra to re-establish the worship of Yahweh 40 and Biblical numerix is probation I think the Levites are on probation with God at this point in time you see none of them were quick to come out of Babylon with Ezra again probably too comfortable with what properties possessions they had in Babylon they didn't want to leave that to return to their homeland to reestablish the worship of the Lord verse 20 also of the Neth anims whom David and the princes had appointed for the service of the Levites two hundred and twenty netha NEMS all of them were expressed by name we've got with the first group that came out of Babylon with as a rubble Bell and this group that came out with Ezra we have 612 Nathan m's and that's a lot more netha names than what they had Levites and priests verse 21 then I proclaimed a fast there at the river Ahava that we might afflict or humble you could think of this ourselves before our God to seek Him a right way for us and for our little ones and for our substance make make the way the journey from Babylon to Judah easy for us in other words make it where our children and our substance are protected it's not only a long journey it's gonna be some four months that they're traveling from Babylon to Judah it's a dangerous route as well you see there are lots of marauding bands that make a living stealing from people who are trying to across this piece of property that they're going to be traversing and what this right way for us what he's asking is God make a straight way for us and you know God can do the same for you in your life he can kick the rocks out of the road of your life or he can allow Satan to throw bricks at you it all depends on you or the weather you're trying to be pleasing to God whether you're trying to do things his way he can make your life the road straight or he can make the road difficult verse 22 for I was ashamed to require of the king a band of soldiers and horsemen to help us against the enemy in the way because we had spoken unto the king this is Darius the king of Persia saying the hand of our God is upon all them for good that seek him but his power and his wrath is against all them that forsake him what Ezra's saying is that we were ashamed to ask for soldiers from Darius after we were more or less boasting that God is his hand is over and on the righteous and against his wrath is against them that for sake him we thought that that would appear like a a lack of faith on our part after we said that God would protect us then that would go against our faith if we then requested soldiers so and I think Ezra knew the Word of God well enough to know that God is his wall of protection he wanted to depend on God to have faith in God to lead them this four months as they journeyed from Babylon to Judah he he suspected that God would be willing to help those who are willing to come out of Babylon to come out of confusion the very name as means help verse 23 so we fasted and besought our God for this and he was entreated of us he saw our faith and he heard our prayers and he gave us a safe journey they haven't left yet verse 24 then I separated twelve of the chief of the priests share abaya hash abaya and they were listed in verses 18 and 19 as Levites but not priests and ten of their brethren with them and this is confusing to a lot of people if you just read the first part of the phrase I separated twelve of the chief of the priests so we got twelve priests then share abaya hash abaya and ten of their brethren yes so you've got twelve priests and twelve Levites is what this verse means and I weighed in to them the silver and the gold and the vessels even the offering of or for the house of our God which the king and his counselors and his Lords and all Israel were present had offered those of Israel who weren't making the journey from Babylon to Israel were encouraged to give freewill offerings as well as the King and his counselors and everyone else that wanted to sins and and this is a good idea keeping good records and anytime church finances are handled you want to have more than one person involved and it's a practice that we have established here at shepherd's chapel and follow to the letter and such as when we're opening mail and there are finances involved with that donation orders for tape CDs Bibles etc and we always have at least two and usually more people than that present when the mail is being opened you keep good records and you make people accountable and responsible for this and when they say weighing what they're talking about that was the way that you determine how much silver you had you didn't count it as how many shekels or whatever but it was by weight and you put it on the scales and that's how much weight you had that's how much silver and then when they get to Jerusalem they're gonna weigh it again to make sure none of it has disappeared along the way 26 I even weighed in to their hands 650 talents of silver that's a lot of silver a talent weighs between a hundred and ten and a hundred and eighty pounds depending on whose measure you go by and silver vessels and hundred talents and have gold a hundred talents verse 27 and also 20 basins or you could think of these as bowls of gold of a thousand rams that's a weight and two vessels of fine copper precious as gold as desirable as gold in other words this fine copper more probably more likely shining brass if you will and all of this weighed so that it could be written down how much there was and then as I said earlier when they get to Jerusalem they'll weigh it again to make sure none of it has disappeared accountability and responsibility verse 28 and I said unto them ye are holy unto the Lord that's these twelve priests and twelve Levites that we were talking about in verse 24 the vessels are holy also and the silver and the gold are a freewill offering unto the Lord God of your father's now anything what this is saying is anything that's offered to the Lord becomes holy that word in the Hebrew tongue is kodesh and of things it's consecrated or dedicated things as far as the priests and the Levites there would not be of course things but anything that's separated to serve the Lord is also considered to be holy verse 29 Watchi and keep them until you weigh them before the chief of the priests in Jerusalem in other words and the Levites and chief of the fathers of Israel at Jerusalem in the chambers of the house of the Lord and this chambers of the house of the Lord from the time of even Solomon's Temple there were two Treasuries established in the house of God and that's what is being referred to here in these chambers but when you get to Jerusalem weigh the gold and silver and the other precious metals the bowls again to make sure everything has arrived you are accountable in other words verse 30 so took the priests and the Levites the weight of the silver and the gold and the vessels to bring them to Jerusalem unto the house of our God responsible for the safe transport of these precious metals and they would need those in the worship of the temple a lot of this bowls were probably stolen by the armies of Nebuchadnezzar during the firt the three sieges against Jerusalem when they first went into captivity to the Babylonians so Ezra has a decree from Darius in his hand giving him authority to establish judges and magistrates they have a lot of gold and silver and other precious metals they've got Levites they've got priests now it's time to make their way from Babylon coming out of confusion to Jerusalem 31 then we departed from the river of Ahava on the 12th day of the first month and that's only two days from Passover I'm gonna guess that they probably skipped the Passover this year in that they were away from their homes trying to get back home but all in all it would take some four months to make this journey to go unto Jerusalem and the hand of our God was upon us and he delivered us from the hand of the enemy and of such as lay in wait by the way in this again there's not just a long journey it was a dangerous journey and they prayed that God would show them the way a safe way and to protect them from the enemy and God did so God protects those who come out of Babylon 32 and we came to Jerusalem and abode there three days after a four month journey three days is not an abnormal amount of time to rest the book that follows Ezra Nehemiah will see that Nehemiah and that group that came out of Babylon and went to Judah also rested for three days verse 33 now on the fourth day was the silver and the gold and the vessel weighed in the house of our God by the hand of Mary moth the son of Uriah the priest and with him was Eleazar the son of Finney Haws and with them was Joseph odd the son of Joshua and Noah daya the son of Ben new I Levites and again churches should follow this example keep good records make sure that people are accountable and responsible but after resting for three days they time to call the people to account that were responsible and everything came out just the way it was supposed to by the nut by number and by weight of every one and all the weight was written at that time all present and accounted for now if you have a companion Bible you'll have a note that beginning with verse 35 is the beginning of the fourth Center now let me explain a setter is a prescribed amount of reading in the original manuscripts and what this proves is that this fourth Center begins here in the book of Ezra and ends in Nehemiah chapter 2 verse 10 and in the manuscripts if someone were to take the scroll and read there was a prescribed amount that they were to read they were called cetera --m that's plurals of Center and if the book of Ezra was to be treated separately than the book of Nehemiah you would not have this fourth Center ending in Nehemiah chapter 2 verse 10 it proves that these two books are in the manuscripts are to be treated as one book which we will do in our studies verse 35 also the children of those that had been carried away those that have been carried away to Babylon which were come out of the captivity offered burnt offerings unto the God of Israel twelve bullocks for all Israel remembering even the ten northern tribes who were in captivity to the Assyrian ninety and six Rams seventy and seven lambs twelve he goats for a sin offering all this was a burnt offering unto the Lord and I'll mention once again that for our younger audience God does not want burnt offerings today we learned in Hebrews chapter 9 verses 13 and 14 if the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes of a red heifer could sanctify or make one clean how much more the blood of Jesus Christ today we wash our sins in the blood of Jesus Christ not the blood of goats and bulls verse 36 and they delivered the King's Commission's that's the royal decree the letter that Darius sent with Ezra unto the Kings lieutenants this word lieutenants is a Persian title sits Sauk trop in the sirak language and its title and to the governor's on this side of the river meaning the west side of the Euphrates and they furthered the people in the house of God this word furthered is to lift up as in to support so Ezra's off to a good start here he's got the people coming out of Babylon there's trouble on the horizon though you see a lot of the folks including the priests and Levites had taken strange wives and by strange I don't mean that their behavior was out of the ordinary I mean that they were foreigners they were not of Israel and that is particularly excuse me no no for the priests why because the priesthood that seed line was to be kept pure a Levite man was not allowed to take even a woman of say the tribe of Judah to wife he had to take a daughter of the tribe of Levi to wife we won't get far but let's go ahead and start chapter 9 verse 1 now when these things were done the princes these would be the princes of Israel came to me to ezra saying the people of israel and the priests and the Levites have not separated themselves from the people of the lands the foreign lands doing according to their abominations their idol worship excuse me even of the Canaanites the Hittites the parasites the Jebusites the ammonites the Moabites and the Egyptians excuse me and the amorite now the ammonites and the Moabites it wasn't excuse me it wasn't forbidden for the men of Israel to take wives or vice versa of the ammonites and Moabites you see originally the they are descendants of the nephew of Abraham lot and it wasn't until they started seducing the people of Israel to worshiping their gods small G that God forbade them from taking ammonites and Moabites to wife now the rest of these other than the Egyptians are all Canaanites the Hittites parasites Jebusites amirite Shar all tribes of the Canaanites and most of them especially the parasites had mixed with the Nephilim that's the fallen angels and the giver the Giants were the result of that so we've got a major problem here over the years and the captivity these people have taken strange wives and God's law Exodus chapter 34 verses 12 through 16 Deuteronomy chapter 7 verses one through four make it very clear you know and if you might say well that sounds kind of racist to me that they can't take wives or give their daughters to their sons to marry well then go ahead and call God a racist but that's the way he wanted it and why man Deuteronomy chapter 7 he makes it very clear if you give your daughters to their sons to marry or take their daughters for your sons to marry you're going to start worshipping their gods and God knew and he was exactly right because that's exactly what happened over the course of the years how will Azra handle this news that's being brought to him by the princes of the tribes of Israel don't miss the next lecture and you'll find out we got a short message we'll ask you to listen a moment won't you please Genesis 146 the first six chapters in God's Word the world that was did you realize there was a world age before this one same old world different age the creation itself when were the races created you see all the races were created separately and you'll find that documented in these particular CDs how and what was the sin in the garden it will be discussed in this series also this is a must for the serious Bible scholar for if you do not understand how it was in the beginning you certainly will never understand the end I think you will find this series very rewarding and certainly will answer questions that no doubt you have always wondered about Genesis 146 hey I know you're going to enjoy this series welcome back we're glad you could join back with us let's have the 800 number please eight hundred six four three four six four five that number good throughout Puerto Rico the US and Canada if you have a biblical question that you'd like to pose to possibly be answered on the air feel free to call that 800 number and leave your question I say possibly answered you know this program goes into millions of homes around the world and we get quite a stack of questions and but I know this if the Holy Spirit wants your question to be there it will be there so please don't ask questions about a specific individual denomination or organization by name we teach God's Word in a positive manner throwing out negative about others by name especially our brothers and sisters in Christ serves no purpose we simply won't do it we'll let God's Word do the teaching the correcting and the healing if you're studying via the internet somewhere around the world that's not able to use that 800 number your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address quite alright to mail your questions and being the point got a prayer request you don't need a telephone number we can do away with that your heavenly Father is there for you 24/7 I encourage you to talk to him you know a lot of his kids today his children don't seem to have time for him they just forget about him and he doesn't like that he has emotions and feeling just like we do how do I know we were created in His image we have feelings and emotions our heavenly father has feelings and emotions and it hurts his feelings when his children basically abandon him forget about him talk to your father let him know that you love him let him know that you appreciate the many blessings you don't think you're getting blessings you're taking them for granted friend we do have these prayer requests we come united as one in the name of your son Jesus Christ father we ask you to look upon these you know their needs father we have addictions to drugs alcohol father people need a helping hand father if it is your will we ask a special blessing on each of them and we lift up our military troops or in harm's way around the world father we ask you to watch over God direct touch heal in Jesus precious name Amen and thank you Father all right let's give to some questions and see what's on the mind of folks first up we have Brenda in Mississippi what are the different earth ages does that mean we are reincarnated that's commonly missed thought when people hear about the three earth ages for the first time their mind takes off and they're coming up with reincarnation there's no such thing as reincarnation Hebrews chapter 9 verse 27 states that is appointed to man but once to die the three world ages a little too long of a subject for me to explain when the time I have here in this broadcast I would recommend Brenda that you order CD three zero five zero six entitled three world ages every month when we send out our monthly newsletter on page three you have a list of suggested studies for new students both on CD or cassette tape and we suggest those as a starting place for people who don't really know where to start studying and if you'll study those it'll give you a foundation three world ages is on that list I can tell you this if you don't understand the three world ages there's no way you're going to completely understand the Word of God ken in Illinois who baptized Jesus and where in the bible does it talk about this well you can read about it in one of the Gospels Matthew chapter 3 John the Baptist there reluctantly baptized Jesus he said I'm in need of your baptism you don't need my baptism John initially forbade Jesus saying I have need to be baptized of you jesus answered suffer it now allow twitch means allow it now and the Holy Spirit the Spirit of God descended like a dove and a voice was heard from heaven this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased Lois from West Virginia several years ago a preacher taught that the name Jesus was a name for a false God I know Yeshua is his real name but is Jesus a false name and should we pray to assure instead I want to serve the one and only God so I'm concerned about praying to a false god well the disciples asked Christ in Matthew chapter 6 you know how do we pray teach us how to pray and Jesus taught them there you pray to God our Father who is art in heaven hallowed be thy name is how Jesus started off the prayer now you don't want to repeat that canned prayer written by someone else every time you pray to God he's just showing you the the basics the outline of how you pray to God God wants to hear from your heart from your mind and and he doesn't want to hear a prayer that someone else wrote he'd much rather hear what's on your mind buck from Virginia where in the King James Bible does it say in the end times there will be blood up to the horses bridles you're thinking of Revelation chapter 14 verse 20 when the cup of God's wrath is poured out is what's going on there where does it say Christ came not to change one jot of the law that Christ say the reason I asked that is two people have told me that Christ changes the food laws Jesus came not to change anything his father said it is not talking about food when the Lord let down the sheet 2 Peter am i right you're completely right where Jesus said I came not to change one jot or tittle that's a smallest letter or even the smaller ornamental dot that changes the pronunciation of one letter in Matthew chapter 5 verse 18 many people read Acts chapter 10 and think that the Sheetz lowering down with the unclean animals in them were somehow making it okay for Peter and there for us to eat unclean animals that's not what's going on in Acts chapter 10 and in Acts chapter 10 verse 28 it explains very plainly what all was happening in the previous verses of Acts chapter 10 and Peter said now I understand what God was teaching me and that is to call no man unclean meaning the Gentiles we see Cornelius was a Gentile and he was coming to visit Peter and Peter was being taught you don't put a walk the Gentiles if they're seeking you're the Ave and the Holy Spirit you don't deny them hope that helps Gracie in Michigan I hope you're doing well I would like to know about Passover okay and I'm doing very well thank you for asking if you're referring to my health had another around with cancer last year but praise God he's cleansed me once again we're good to go your questions about Passover what is it well in Exodus chapter 12 the first Passover was when Israel was still in bondage to the Egyptians and the Passover lamb was slain the people of Israel were to take some of the blood of the Passover lamb and placed it on the doorpost of their homes and the death angel would pass over you see that was the night that God took the firstborn of every man every beast in Egypt he was trying to convince Pharaoh to let his people go soon after they did you say who is it and we referenced to Passover today our Passover is Jesus Christ first Corinthians chapter 5 verses 6 and 7 he became his blood is the blood now today that causes the death angel to pass over and give us all the opportunity at eternal life why do we need it well now that you know who it is I don't think I need to answer that question when do we need it we need it every day and I want you all to be everyday Christians not a 1 hour a week Christian who goes and occupies a Pew in a church for one hour a week being every day Christian we need his salvation every day Allan in South Carolina I've had a stroke and I do not think very well there is something that for some reason strikes me and we hope you recover fully from that Allan mark chapter 10 verse 31 Luke 13 31st shall be last the last shall be first first Corinthians 15:45 the first Adam was made a living soul the last Adam was made a quickening spirit is there a connection with these verses and no I don't believe so the first shall be last and the last shall be first is speaking about God's election they were the firstfruits and they serve God in a very special way in the first earth age but they're going to be last in the flesh through this the second earth age why because they're gonna stand for God again and witness against the Antichrist they are the first resurrection they take part in the first resurrection also of Revelation chapter 20 verses 4 & 5 David from Georgia I am writing you to ask did King Ahab go bad be because of his wife jezebel the reason I ask this is because I found a book about her on the front cover she is a very beautiful woman I've sent this question before but I've never heard an answer I hope it makes the program it had did make the program this time David a hab was plenty evil on his own they deserved each other because they were so very evil their children weren't any better athol aya and the son of Ahab and Jezebel who became the king of Israel were pretty rotten people themselves athol aya basically wiped out the seed the king line of David except for one who escaped and if not for that the seed line to Messiah would have been wiped out that's the reason God protected that seed line a hab was plenty rotten on his own he didn't need a lot of help from Jezebel but when you put the two together you really had an evil pair Angela from Tennessee is Saturday the true Sabbath and in the thousand-year reign the ones left will they also have new bodies will their bodies be changed all changed but many will still be spiritually dead I'm speaking of Revelation chapter 20 I just mentioned the elect will take part in the first direct resurrection but the dead shall not be exempt or the that would remain dead for the thousand years of the millennium why and they're not physically dead they're spiritually dead you asked about the Sabbath and we Sabbath every day here at Shepherd's chapel our high Sabbath is Jesus Christ the Passover there is no higher I pray you understand what I'm asking my daughter asked me and I didn't know how to answer again Sabbath means rest Hebrews chapter 4 it tells us that Sabbath our rest is Jesus Christ and again put your rest in him every day not just one day a week Elizabeth in Kentucky now tell God and Jesus you love him and I do many times now I'm confused if we don't love everyone else will God hold it against me I don't hate anyone well some people Elizabeth are impossible to love I don't love Satan certainly God doesn't love Satan and you know there are things that God hates was it proverbs chapter 6 verse 16 in the following verses there you have six things there that God hates and the seventh is an abomination to him so yeah we are to love others as we love ourself that's the golden rule but some people are just impossible to love and you're not required as a Christian to love someone who's sitting there hitting you on the head with the tuba for that that doesn't make any sense LaDonna in Alabama where in the Bible can I find when two or more are gathered in his name he will be there Matthew chapter 18 verse 20 where two or more are gathered in my name there am I in the midst of them and you know we're gathered together in his name as we do this program we're studying the the letter then Jesus is the Living Word so we are gathered together in his name for this program Anthony from Oklahoma many people in black community churches not understanding 1st Thessalonians 4 6 Dean believed that when Christ returns the graves will open up and give up the dead they go by the resurrection of Christ the body was not found they disregard the statement by Paul in first Corinthians 15:44 that we have two bodies but in black community churches they teach that the spirit body reunites reunites with the flesh body it's not just in black community churches that people don't understand 6 second Corinthians chapter five verses 1 through 8 which again Paul teaches us that we have two bodies and to be absent from the flesh body is to be present with the Lord Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verses 6 and 7 when we die the flesh returns to the earth from which it came the spirit returns to the father from whence it came so and I know you're trying Anthony - to help the people of that church understand the truth but it's important that you understand that your responsibility ends at planting the seed and from there it's up to God whether that seed germinates and grows into a plant that's capable of producing fruit think spiritually and or whether it won't so yeah once you planted that seed you've done your job Gilbert in Texas where in the bible does it say what Jesus did during the three days after he was crucified immediately after his flesh died the veil of the temple was rent from top to bottom you see what the veil was in the temple prevented people from going into the Holy of Holies which is where God resided when it was here on earth the Ark of the Covenant was here on earth and dwelling with man but what that means is that Christ rent the veil from heaven to earth that prevents us from entering into the presence of God you have the right now because Christ rent that veil to go right on in to that holy of Holy's you have the right to approach God in prayer also during that period of time he went to the spirits in prison to preach the gospel the good news first Peter chapter 3 verses 18 and 19 you see it wouldn't have been fair for God to judge all the people who had died since the time of Noah for example who were living under the law equally with those who now live under the dispensation period of time of grace meaning all we have to do is say we're sorry and mean it and asked for forgiveness and our sins are washed away so Jesus went to those who had died before he paid the price on the cross and preached the gospel many believed as it's written in 1st Peter chapter 3 excuse me 1st Peter chapter 4 Ryan in Tennessee heard you say God hated Esau I don't believe God hated him I thought we are supposed to love everyone Bible doesn't say hate boy you are biblically illiterate Ryan Malachi chapter 1 verse 3 makes it very clear that God loved the Jacob and hated Esau Romans chapter 9 verse 13 is the second witness to that God loved Jacob and he hated Esau you say the word hate doesn't appear in the Bible and you need to read proverbs chapter 6 verse 16 I mentioned that in a previous question there are six things that God hates listed there you need to get your cracking and by that I mean get cracking the pages of your Bible open so you're not so biblically illiterate Diana from Missouri on your program you said not to wish everyone good day or say God bless if they aren't a believer would it be okay to say may God bless you if it's God's will that's that's okay if anything that you wish in God's will is okay and what Diana is talking about second epistle of John verses 1 excuse me chapter 1 verses 9 and 10 it states there that if any come to you that have not this doctrine meaning the doctrine of Jesus Christ don't wish them Godspeed which is a salutation such as have a nice day Allison Michigan is the mark of the beast put on us as a literal chip or a mark no it is in your forehead meaning in your mind it sits in your thoughts it's not something that people you know if you have a tattoo put on your arm it doesn't change what you think in your head you need to order the mark of the beast the phone call is free the we don't even ask for the postage for the shipping the CD is free and you need to order that because it's getting late in the game and I'm fear too many are going to be deceived order the free mark of the beast I'm out of time I love you all a great deal why because you do enjoy studying the Word of God you're gonna have the seal of God in your mind not the mark of the beast in your mind and you know we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you help us keep coming to you and to reach out to others who are lost in this world of darkness most important this you stay in this word every day every day and father's word is a good day even with trouble do you know why it's because Jesus Yeshua is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast CD our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a CD catalogue and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 once again that shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and God bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 1,527
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Arnold Murray, Shepherds, Shepherds Chapel, Chapel, Arnold, Shepherd's, Book of Ezra, Pastor, Shepherd's Chapel, Ezra, Book of, Pastor Murray, Murray, Arnold Murray
Id: 92pq8MbtmSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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