Judges ~ 2:13 to 3:13

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ready to get back into our father's word here at the chapel we invite you to get your Bible and join us we're getting ready to have a old fashioned Bible study here at the chapel we're going to pick it up today chapter 2 verse 13 of the book of Judges and in the last lecture we recorded the death of Joshua and for you deeper students I'll remind you that that the event of Joshua's death is what began the days of Daniel and if you're not familiar with that basically it's through a study of the Book of Daniel and knowing key milestones if you will you're able to determine the birth date of Christ approximate and also when he's going to return at the second Advent and the important thing I want you to take out of that for this lecture hearing judges though is God instructed the people of Israel he said I'll go before you but we're going to cleanse the land the king of the land of the Canaanites and he now basically what the days of Joshua beginning is saying you want the land cleansed you want the temple cleansed cleanse it yourself because I'm not going to cleanse it again until Messiah returns and you may recall in Matthew chapter 24 where the disciples asked Christ what's it going to be like but when you return and Christ said do you see these buildings and these was not one stone will be left upon another because there is no abomination like the abomination that's going to be the result of Antichrist having been in Jerusalem and God will cleanse the temple one more time but he's not going to do it for this group who has refused to cleanse the land they failed his instructions time and time again but all of these things beloved happened it's written in first Corinthians chapter 10 and verse 11 all these things happen for in sample that's an example unto those who are living in the end times and there to serve as an admonition that's a warning have you heeded the warning what is the warning do things God's Way receive His blessings don't do things God's Way and just as he would raise up a judge to deliver Israel when they finally came to their senses and cried out to him and asked for his help return to him if you go the other way he'll raise up an enemy that will spoil you will put you in bondage and when you don't do things his way so but that let's ask that word of wisdom in Yeshua's precious name remind you too that that during the days of Joshua and that generation that that came out of the wilderness that saw the miracles of God they did pretty good in following God's instructions but that generation that followed they completely went against God and as we learned in our last lecture they started serving Balaam the god of the tena nights so with that we'll pick it up today chapter 2 the book of Judges verse 13 and it reads and they the generation we just talked spoke of forsook the Lord and served bail and Ashtaroth and that's written in the book of Hebrews chapter 13 that the Lord will never leave you he will never forsake you but I guarantee you if you forsake him he has the right to forsake you and will forsake you as we'll see in the next several verses Bale one of the gods of the Canaanites Ashtaroth the one that they the male phallic symbol was big part of the Ashtaroth worship they would even go so far as to serve so pillows to cover the male phallic symbols as they took them into the temple a complete abomination I couldn't help but be reminded when we talked about sewing pillows to cover the male failing symbol in Ezekiel chapter 13 God said I'm against those false prophets and false prophet s's who sew pillows to cover my out Street outstretched saving arms the verse 14 is God happy and the anger of the Lord was hot it blazed up and remember he is a consuming fire against Israel and he delivered them into the hands of spoilers that spoiled them and he sold them into the hands of their enemies round about he can either redeem you or he can sell you to the enemy if you're not doing things his way so that they could not any longer stand before their enemies their power taken away from them again do things his way you receive his blessings he he told the people of Israel through Moses and Leviticus chapter 26 the Deuteronomy chapter 28 you have the blessings of God you also have the cursings of God and if you're doing things his way as far as the military is concerned he says one of you will put ten to flight five of you will put a hundreds of flight and a thousand of you will put 10,000 to flight but on the other hand if you don't do things his way he'll make it to where your armies run at the sound of a rustling leaf afraid of every little thing verse fifteen whithersoever they they went out the hand of the Lord was against them for evil or leti as the Lord had said and as the Lord had sworn unto them and they were greatly distressed and if you know his promises and do things his way you can claim those promises but these people had no right to claim the promises of God here they're worshipping the gods of the people that they initially had defeated I never could figure out why anyone would want to start worshipping the gods of a nation they had defeated they weren't able to help the Canaanites why do the Israelites think that they're going to be able to help them were 16 nevertheless the Lord raised up judges which delivered them out of the hand of those that spoiled them when they cried out to him in other words that that in itself has a sign if you will of repentance that they realized that they were doing wrong and they wanted to start doing right they had a change of heart repentance and other words and cried out to the Lord then he would raise up a judge a deliverer if you will and I'll remind you the name of the judges in the Hebrew language shall fete them which is ruler it's the prime of it a verb shalt thought which means to set things right and rule verse 17 and yet they would not hearken unto their judges for very long in other words especially when one of the judges passed away it was almost like a cycle while the judge was alive and setting things right and ruling everything went pretty well but when the judge died the people who would fall back into their idolatry worshipping other gods and that's what brought on the problems but they went a whoring after other gods wrong word well it's not my word I'll point out it's the Lord's word and that's the way he looked at it he looks at idolatry just like adultery that they people went whoring after the gods of the Canaanites and I'll assure you he's going to look upon those who worship the Antichrist in exactly the same way they'll be whoring after him and bowed themselves unto them this means that they worshiped them they turned quickly out of the way which their fathers walked in obeying the commandments of the Lord but they did not so this verses worded poorly as it's translated what this means is that the generation after Joshua's generation didn't obey the Lord as the generation of Joshua would did they ran to the gods of bale when it says they went quickly out of the way just as unfortunately many in this generation are going to run to the Antichrist verse 18 and when the Lord raised them up judges then the Lord was with the judge and delivered them out of the hand of their enemies all the days of the judge for it repented the Lord or it caused him to pity because of their groanings by reason of them that will press them and vex them I'm sure it was much like a child when they went excuse me a parent when they correct their child it's written in Hebrews chapter 12 that God only Chasen's those that he loves so when he chastens you kissed the paddle say thank you Father and move right along but I know when I was a youngster pastor Arnold Murray didn't have to physically correct me very often but when he did he made it very clear as to why I was being punished number one and also the fact that it was going to hurt him worse than it was going to hurt me I had a hard time believing that when I was young but now that I've got a few years of maturity under my belt I believe that it actually did hurt him worse than it hurt me and and I think it's the same way the point I'm trying to make with our Heavenly Father he didn't want to utilize these foreign nations the Canaanites for example to chastise his children but he also didn't want his children running after the gods of these foreign people these even people if you will so he used these nations to correct his children in hopes that they would be better off for it the same that a parent does with their child and you know I couldn't help but thinking no wonder God compares us to sheep you know here when things are everyone's going wrong all he has to do is raise up one judge one person can make a difference just like a shepherd makes a difference with his sheep or her sheep as the case may be and and you raise up a good shepherd and the sheep all follow and that's just exactly the way it was with Israel you raise up a good judge and he shows the people the right way to go and they start receiving God's blessings I start doing right again they follow the shepherd or the judge is my point 19 we got that and no we didn't and it came to pass when the judge was dead when he passed away that they returned and corrupted themselves more than their fathers they even did worse than the previous generation in following other gods to serve them to bow down and to them they ceased not from their own doings in other words from their idolatrous acts nor from their stubborn way and this word stubborn has been translated obstinate as well and God often referred to his children as being stiff necked and that's another term that means stubborn when things were going well for Israel they oftentimes started looking around and saying look what I did with my two hands and I certainly am worthy of all this good fortune that's come our way but then when things started going bad they were quick to say humph of the Lord why did you do this to me and that's the way it is today as well we often times when things are going well we lose sight of the fact that the blessings from God or what's causing things to go well not what we did with our own two hands verse 20 and the anger of the Lord was hot against Israel and he said because that this people have transgressed my covenant which I commanded their fathers and have not hearkened unto my voice in other words I made a covenant with them but the people broke the covenant so my promises that were based on that covenant are withdrawn all all promises are all 21 I also will not henceforth drive out any from before them of the nations which Joshua left when he died you want the promised land cleansed you want the temple of cleanse cleanse it yourself don't look to me I was going to go before you and take care of it for you but you rebelled against me you forsaken me to worship bail and Ashtaroth don't come running to me with your every little problem 22 that through them in other words through the foreign the heathen nations the Canaanites I may prove Israel or test Israel whether they will keep the way of the Lord to walk therein as their fathers did keep it or not and how do we keep God's way of course first we have to understand it how do we understand his way through the letter he wrote to us and then we not have to be just hearers of the word we have to be doers of the word as well and there is a test that may come as a surprise to many of you are you ready to take the test are you going to pass the test I hope you're able to answer that question yes I am going to be able to pass that test and this wording here just test the people it's much the same intent of the statement that God made in the Book of Numbers when he judged the people to wander in the wilderness for forty years to test the people to see if they'll do things my way or not 23 therefore the Lord left those nations those mentioned in chapter 3 verse 3 the ones we've been talking about the foreign nations without driving them out hastily as long as the people of Israel persisted in idolatry why should God drive them out neither delivered he them into the hand of Joshua you know it was their choice the people of Israel they they could have done things God's Way gone into the Promised Land he would have gone for them and defeated all of their enemies but what did they do they didn't choose to do it that way they chose to worship idols the gods of the Canaanites whom God had promised the the victory and it's much the same today beloved and we're talking physical war here but I want you to keep in mind today we are in a spiritual war and the choice is yours you can do things God's Way and receive His blessings or you can choose to go against your father and suffer the consequences chapter 3 verse 100 TL will become our first judge of Israel that God raises up to deliver his children chapter 3 verse 1 now these are the nations which the Lord left to prove Israel to test Israel by them even as many of Israel as had not known all the wars of Canaan in other words the generation of Joshua they knew war because they went to war against the Canaanites now we've got this younger generation they don't even know how to fight and again the purpose was to cleanse the Land of Israel but the people of Israel failed to totally cleanse the land verse 2 only that the generations of the children of Israel might know to teach them war at the least such as before knew nothing thereof and you know it is God that gives us the victory Satan has intentions for God's children he would like for you to go into the lake of fire right along with him although he thinks he's better than that and he's going to be able to figure a way out of that but I read the back of the I know many of you have as well Satan does go into the lake of fire unfortunately there are going to be some I should say fortunately there are some wicked and evil who will go with him into that lake of fire as well but today what is the way that we teach how to war and again I want you to think spiritually in Ephesians chapter 6 we're taught that there's a gospel armor that that we can put on it if you're one of God's election you better have that gospel on we're on or things are gonna get awfully rough for you why because what is it that that spiritual armor will allow you to do it allows you to stand against the fiery darts of Satan I'll tell you we're not talking about fighting against men or people we're talking about principalities and powers on high meaning in heaven we're talking about Satan himself in his role as Antichrist so be prepared for the war that comes up in the future have that gospel armor on verse three namely five Lords of the Philistines in all the Canaanites and the sidonians and the Hittites that dwelt in Mount Lebanon from amount of al Hermon which means Lord of the multitude unto the entering in of hey Matt hey Matt when you hear that title if you've studied with the chapel any length of time at all sends up red flags hey math what do you associate with hey map Kenites of course you always better know your enemy and you better know where your enemy is verse 4 and they were the nation's just mentioned in verse 3 where to prove or test Israel by them to know whether they would hearken under the commandments of the Lord which he commanded their fathers by the hand of Moses and we have those Commandments right here in his word have you studied for the test are you ready to take the test again I hope you're able to answer yes I am ready and I will pass the test verse five and the children of Israel dwelt among the Canaanites Hittites and amirite sand parasites and Hivites and Jebusites in Deuteronomy chapter 7 God instructed them to exterminate these peoples and what did they do not only did they not exterminated them they moved right into the land they allowed these people to continue living among them and the people of Israel and eventually just like God said they took up the gods of the Canaanites and forsook him for six and they took their daughters to be their wives and gave their daughters to their sons and served their gods just as God had said in Deuteronomy chapter seven exactly what he said don't do if you do allow these people to survive you're going to take their daughters to your sons for wives you're gonna give your daughters to their sons for wives and the seed line is going to become polluted the seed line through which Messiah was to come will become polluted and we've talked a little bit in previous lectures about Satan would love for that to happen because if he could have destroyed Messiah the word if you will the Word of God then might not necessarily come to pass Satan might not have to go into that lake of fire that's his goal of verse seven and the children of Israel did evil especially borden the language and meaning idolatry in the side of the Lord and forget the Lord their God and serve Balaam and their groves these groves were places where they had their fertility orgies if you will heathen practices God's children rolling Easter eggs in the groves and he they forgot him and as a result they can forget any blessings from him unless they repent and turn back to them they were faithless he was always faithful when they finally came to their senses and turned back to him our first judge about to be risen up there for the anger of the Lord was hot against Israel and he sold them into the hand of kou-san Risha damn king of Mesopotamia and the children of Israel served Kushan reshipped am 8 years now Mesopotamia the very word means between the two rivers what rivers are we talking about here we're talking about the Tigris and the Euphrates of course the land that we are talking about here today is known as Iraq but just as God would raise up judges to deliver them when they didn't do things his way he would raise up a powerful enemy such as crucian Risha tham to subject the people to his will rather than their own verse 9 and when the children of Israel cried unto the Lord the Lord raised up a deliverer to the children of Israel who delivered them even oath niall the son of kinas Caleb's younger brother now this is worded a little bit better than the verse we saw in chapter 1 which pointed out even the Smiths Bible dictionary incorrectly states that both neil is Caleb's younger brother oath Niall was the son of ken has it's not the case with Caleb Caleb's father's name was Jeff na which is easily documented in numbers chapter 13 verse 6 Kenna's was actually Caleb Lee brother therefore oath nee L was the nephew nephew of Caleb but here we see God raising up a deliverer and and that often times well that's that's cover verse 10 or do talk about a little bit more verse 10 and the Spirit of the Lord came upon him victory just around the corner and he judged Israel to set things right and rule and went out to war and the Lord delivered Kushan riseth am king of mesopotamia delivered Kushan reshipped a.m. into his hand and his hand prevailed against Kushan rich a Fame and the Spirit of the Lord when it came upon a person oftentimes in God's Word we saw several gifts that were bestowed upon the person the ability to prophesy comes to mind Deborah certainly was a prophetess even the Kings when saw the first man king of Israel when when the Spirit of the Lord came upon him Saul prophesied you may recall so the gift of prophecy the first the second thing that we often see when the Spirit of God came upon a judge or anyone else for that manner was the power to work miracles and to perform deeds above what would normally be the courage and the strength of a normal person and thirdly wisdom was bestowed upon whomever the Spirit of God came upon wisdom to lead the people away from idolatry and to put idolatry down verse 11 and the land had rest 40 years 40 in biblical numerix probation will the people of Israel passed the test and oath niall the son of kena has died not much written about the judgeship of both niall other than the Spirit of God came upon him therefore he was appointed by God God raised this one up to deliver Israel from the oppression of Kushan enriched at them and the Mesopotamians verse 12 and the children of Israel did evil again in the sight of the Lord here we go again time after time after time raise up a strong leader the sheep would follow the shepherd but as soon as the shepherd was no longer there the Sheep go straying off after strange gods and in the sight of the Lord and the Lord here we go verse 12 and the children at Israel did evil again in the sight of the Lord and the Lord strengthen Eglon the king of Moab against Israel because they had done evil in the sight of the Lord he can raise up a judge to deliver he can raise up an enemy to spoil and that's what's happening here Moab most of you know these are Adamic people's descendants of Abraham's nephew lot Moab the the son of lot and his eldest daughter Amnon the descendant of lot and his younger daughter Eglon by the way off I'll mention means calf Pike and as a young cow calf like and we'll see not in this lecture but our next he was a rather large fellow indeed verse 13 and he thus being Eglon gathered unto him the children of Ammon and Amalek and went and smote Israel and possess the city of palm trees the city of palm trees of course is Jericho him on again the brother of Moab the sons of lot Amalek now we're talking about descendants of Esau Amalek was a grandson of Esau so taking in allies to defeat Israel I mentioned - they possess the city of Jericho Jericho of course is the location where Israel just after they had crossed the Jordan when Joshua led them into the Promised Land you may recall Jericho was one of the first cities that they encountered and God instructed Joshua and the people as to what to do and the walls of Jericho came tumbling down you may recall the song that has that phrase in it but there was also there in Deuteronomy chapter 34 verse 3 Joshua after God delivered Jericho the city of the palms into the hands of Israel also placed a curse on that location at Jericho and that being that anyone who would refortified re inhabit or try to rebuild Jericho would be cursed indeed so here we have another enemy raised up when the people come to their senses and cry out to the Lord for a deliverer he will raise up another judge we'll cover that in our next lecture we have a short message we'll ask you to listen a moment won't you please
Channel: YHVH Savior
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Keywords: Arnold, Pastor Murray, Shepherd's, Judges, Chapel, Shepherds Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Pastor, Shepherds, Book of, Arnold Murray, Murray, Book of Judges, Shepherd's Chapel
Id: gTX99x_7ook
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Length: 32min 10sec (1930 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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