Ezekiel ~ 8:7 to 9:11

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mr. Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding God's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study are back in our father's word real serious stuff today Ezekiel has been carried before the elders of Judah that means those in charge probably the ones that serve the courses abaya and so forth and he took him up above the sanctuary so he could see what was happening in God's house told him to look to the north which is where God's throne would sit as documentation Isaiah chapter 14 and they had an image there they were worshiping instead of God our Father then let it slip in there and and father's jealous it doesn't like that he doesn't want you to put anything before him not your car not your house not your job not a nothing if God doesn't come first in your life then you're in a heap of hurt his for his blessings are concerned you want to remember that so we've gotten down as he kept showing them the terrible things that were happening that go contrary to the Word of God right in the very sanctuary you might say right in the church itself so we'll pick it up with verse 7 of chapter 8 the great Book of Ezekiel God strengthens you that's what the word Ezekiel means if you listen to his word he will strengthen you verse 7 and it reads with that word of wisdom from our Father and he brought me to the door of the court this is where judgment takes place and when I looked the hole a hole in the wall something secret going on here verse 8 and then said he unto me son of man dig now in the wall and when I had digged in the wall behold the door and naturally this means covered or hidden they don't want you to know about this verse 9 and he said unto me going and behold the wicked abominations that they do here you know this is what happens when you don't pay attention to God's Word chapter by chapter verse by verse then you begin to listen to the traditions of men that if you're not careful they'll make void the Word of God they'll take you down primrose lane and it doesn't yet so always stay with your father's word if you're not pleasing to him you're going nowhere and next verse please verse 10 so I went in and saw and behold every form of creeping things and abominable beasts and all the idols of the house of Israel betrayed upon the wall roundabout I mean there were pigs and creeping unclean things on the wall in the house of God and and certainly you know you might well we don't have anything like that in our church Oh if you don't happened in your school rooms have Eve eating an apple maybe or something like that which is not biblical oh well I should say it is she did eat and no she didn't it's not in God's Word so you see me and kind of add to and men's traditions make void the Word of God verse 11 and there stood before them seventy men of the Ancients of the house of Israel and in the midst of them stood J'son I am the son of shaphan with every man his sensor in his hand they were priests okay and a cloud of incense went up no here's what let's that's to zero in here what has been said jazz and ayah means what heard of y'all heard this about God yes I did and what a show fan me Sakuni it means a rabbit okay like an Easter Bunny hippity hoppity well is that biblical not in God's Word it isn't but it's a heathen practice and they claim they heard it from God they do many things within sands that look but brother don't you know with the incense and the incense going up it looks so religious so holy it may look that way but there's creeping detestable anti godly things in the midst of it let's look deeper verse 12 then said he enemies son of man has now seen what the ancients of the house of Israel do in the dark every man in the chambers of his imagery they did it secretly for they say the Lord seeth us not in reward has forsaken the earth it's not letting happen it's the same yesterday and we were wonder if we even believe in him so we just kind of do whatever we want through and drift off there he goes God's blessings God will never bless anyone with that frame of mind verse 13 and he said also unto me turn thee yet again and thou shalt see greater abominations that they do how can it get any worse well stick around let's look at it and let's compare it to today 14 then he brought me to the door of the gate of the Lord's house right at the church which was toward the north that's right where God's altar is and behold they're set women weeping for Tammuz well know who is this weeping for Tammuz Tammuz and East our cow Moos means proud of life okay she was the little goddess Idol / animal and agricultural life and obscene rights rights her little throne in the forest rolling eggs of fertility and and the little Clooney from the rabbit from up above you see they would change East are being right here in with this an E star is a pagan name that was translated one place in the King James to Easter instead of Pascal which it was supposed to be Passover and here you have all these hedonistic rights that were brought into the very temple the very house of God well I'm sure glad nothing like that goes on in our church you might say Oh what are those little children carrying those baskets for no I know they mean nothing and I know the little children are innocent but I guarantee one thing I'd hate to have to stand in that pastor shoes on Judgment Day because judgment begins at the pulpit and if they're doing along with some news and E star yeah it's real easy to document what I'm saying the word Easter as it is listed in the book of Acts check it out in your manuscripts if you understand the Greek or if you don't understand Greek and get simply a Strong's Concordance check out the word Easter and see what it really is in the Greek tongue it's Pascal which is Passover and who became our Passover first Corinthians chapter 5 verse 6 and 7 Christ became our Passover not some quick like a bunny and not some eggs of fertility from east or early in the spring but the blood on the cross that forgives our sins and brings blessings from Almighty God to defeat Satan and the very head of K Moo's which would that those rights that turn away from the God's Word and make God's Word by these traditions of men I know that may have Penn's son but it's better for you to be a little offended now than on Judgment Day God is not happy with such carryings own verse 15 then said he unto me has seen this O son of man turn the yet again and thou shalt see greater abominations than these again I would say how can it get any worse verse 16 and he brought me into the inner Court of the Lord's house nothing write down where it's supposed to be and behold the door of the temple of the Lord between the porch and the altar that were poor Zacharias his life was taken we're about five and twenty men and with their backs their what their backs toward the Temple of the Lord they got their backs turned on Lord and their faces toward the east and they worshiped the Sun toward the east Sun worshipers instead of worshiping God well thank goodness we don't do that in our church oh well some people have these sunrise worship services where did it start how old dear God I don't know well you'd better be finding out you know what you could you could really get a pretty good look at it if you went back to 2nd Kings chapter 23 verse 5 you're not going to have it but make a note of it I'll say it again 2nd Kings chapter 23 verse 5 listen to it and he put down the idolatrous priest whom the kings of Judah had ordained to burn incense in the high places in the cities of Judah and in the places round about Jerusalem them also they burned incense unto bale to the Sun and to the moon and to the planets and to all the hosts of heaven the worst God not God they didn't and he brought out the Grove from the house of the Lord that's where the rituals took place timber worship without Jerusalem unto the brook kidron and burned it in the brook kidron and stamped it small to powder and cast the powder there out of the pond the graves of the children of Israel ked run is the little valley that runs between the Mount of Olives and these gate and there is a cemetery there God's not happy with that he won't accept it and he break down the houses of the sodomites that were about the house of the Lord where the women role reigns for the Grove tanta Moo's and God won't just not like sudden me he will bless no city he will bless no people as a matter of fact he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and he has destroyed people's Benjamites by the drope who practiced it and he brought all the priests out of the cities of Judah and defiled that and defiled the high places where the priest had burnt incense unto Eber it from better Shabbat and break down the high places of the gates that were in the in the end of the gate of Joshua the governor of the city which were on a man's left hand at the gate of the city so there you got it nothing new Under the Sun and people continue making the same mistake over and over and over but brother we don't want to offend anyone then you know something if you don't want to offend Satan you're probably going to hell if you don't want to offend anyone you're probably not gonna you're gonna lose the blessings of God if you make a covenant with the devil himself and that's what you're doing when you go along with a lot of the political correctness that you've got in the world today with sodomy running a bliss and all just let some christians say something against sodomy and i mean they would try to crucify you but it won't do any good because god's on the throne he's the one that ends up hands out the blessings and he blesses those who go against those things that offend our Heavenly Father so we don't have to sweat it our fathers in charge he's in control but you want to know where it started that's where it started and it continues even to this day that kind of goes by different names but you just look and you can see these same events change the name and all they're so happy with it and the this Sun worship toward the east father calls it shemesh and you worship something beside God and then you want him to bless you oh dear God take care of my little children forget it you either are with God or you're against him verse 17 then he said unto me cuz I've seen this O son of man is it a light theme to the house of Judah that they commit the abominations which they commit here for they have filled the land with violence and have returned to provoke me to anger and lo they put the bridge to their nose do you know what they do they took the Acura to their nose they turn their nose up to God and they make light of the branch that is coming from Virgo the very Virgin herself the branch is the Lord Jesus Christ and they snuff and turning their nose up at truth they'd rather go along with what is politically correct hey if you don't want the blessings of God bye-bye that's your choice God leaves it open for his children to love him to receive him and obey Him but you start making your own little religions and thumb your nose with arrogance at the Living God and see what it gets you it's a one-way ticket and I think you know where to it gets hot there hope that Dhoni won't even hold it alight that's the Valley of Hinnom that's where Christ would describe hell in gana verse 18 therefore will I also deal in fury mine I shall not spare neither will I have pity that is in the book of Hosea Louisville Houma not going to be any pity and though they cry in mine ears with a loud voice yet will I not hear them if you want God if you think God doesn't hear you just practice some of those things just go ahead make him jealous he said jealous father why he loves you he absolutely sent the son in his name Emmanuel God with us died on the cross whereby you can be cleansed with that blood of the Lamb over you who by that that is evil must pass over your house he is our Passover and rather than that you would participate in Tammuz and Ishtar and the ways of the world sodomy and Gomorrah that's your choice you can either be blessed or cursed verse 9 chapter 9 rather in this great Book of Ezekiel he cried also in 9 years with a loud voice saying caused them that have charged over the city to draw near even every man with his destroying weapon in his hand and this destroying weapon is exactly that now he's going to pick seven people many people think they were angels but know when but will they have supernatural powers because God gives his elect dreams and it can be almost supernatural when we come to the point where he takes the ink corn and marks the people those that are engaged saw to me those that are against the things that happen in this world when he sets them aside they have special powers as an example don't don't make it complicated when God's elector delivered that before the Antichrist and the Holy Spirit speaks through them nothing can be detained them nothing can prevent them the hand of God is upon them and naturally they have special powers God gives it to them so these are seven which are symbolic of God's elect okay but here we've got a destroying weapon along with it verse 2 and behold six men came from the way of the higher gate which lasts toward the north that's where God's throne is and every man a sword a weapon in his hand and one man among them was clothed with him in and that's fine linen from righteous acts okay with a writer's inkhorn by his side and they went in and stood before the brazen altar we know if you've got six and another shows up for the need corn I mean is that was six and one seven which always means spiritual completeness and and these seven have the seal of God that's what that in corn is about verse three and the glory of the God of Israel that's the Shekinah glory was gone up from the cherub the cherubs that cover at the mercy seat were long he said to the threshold of the house and he called to the man clothed with linen which had the riders in corn by his side in other words he's giving a direct divine order and and it's given from the very mercy seat itself that appeared on those vehicles we heard read of in Chapter one there by the river keyboard which means in the Hebrew tongue a length of time not the length of a river when the time is right it happens verse four and the Lord said unto him go through the midst of the city through the midst of Jerusalem and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that are done in the midst thereof this is real simple you go in and everybody that hates to see this sodomy everybody that hates to see these things that go against the law of God that see this worshipping of Ishtar introduce that hate to see the people mislead you mark them why because it mocking God's elect in other words putting the seal of God in their foreheads it because this destroying weapon that these carry do you know what it is it's the truth it's the Word of God which is a sword and that sword will either bring you into eternal life or you'll be spiritually deader than a hammer we're not talking about a physical death here you know I want to tell you something that is really fascinating in this verse it's real easy for you to check it out the word mark here is a little bit unusual because the word mark is table table which in the ancients and that's what we're talking about is the ancients is the letter T in the Hebrew alphabet not your modern square block Hebrew that came from Syria but the ancient writings were what was the table what did it look like across because it was a t much like it is even to this day you placed the cross on the forehead of all that know the truth that hate to see this sodomy and stuff going on that were to serve the Living God that want to do what's right you placed the seal of God in their forehead do you know what you know what God gave Satan orders when he came as the Antichrist in Revelation chapter 9 verse 4 he said don't you dare touch those that have the seal of God in their forehead that's why they have special powers Satan cannot bother them and then God tells me you can sting all those that are dumb and deceived but don't you dare touch any one of these off limits for you and God prohibits it so this mark this table is very important but you know something it isn't for the men with the ink corn to sink you out you just for the word of God to find you and impress itself in your mind whereby that mark is automatically placed upon you it means Christ man a Christian to do what is right in the bidding of Christ and not the traditions of men that make void the Word of God so here you have the very act of seeding God's elect you want to read about the sealing in a closer manner chapter 7 the great Book of Revelations where they wanted to bring the four winds wanted to bring the end of this time and and God said stop until we see oh god they left in their forehead that's what's going on and that's what we're doing right now when you take that word of God and teach it chapter by chapter and verse by verse and break it back to the original will by those with ears to hear and eyes to seek and see the truth and follow it we're coming up on precious times the wickedness that you have been showing in this chapter you don't have to look very hard for in this world today to witness every bit of that right in the house of God first board to continue the first five rather to continue and to the others he said in nine hearing I could hear him say it go ye after him through the city and smite and let not your I spare neither have you pity you either get that truth out there and if they don't receive it they're spiritually dead they're gonna war after the Antichrist verse six slay utterly old and young both maids and little children and women but come not near any man upon whom here's the mark the table and begin at my sanctuary you began not in the church itself right with the head preacher then they began at the ancient men which set before the house a spiritual death comes to those that will not receive the truth well brother I just wanted to do what's politically correct and I don't want to offend anyone well how about Satan have you ever thought about offending him well what are you are you are you a wimp do you have no pride do you not care that God loves you that he stood for you he paid the price for you he taught you the truth or the truth is available he wrote you this letter telling you these things would come to pass you know you either want God to love you and bless you bless your family or you want to go the way of the heathen it's strictly your choice one hundred percent you're not judged by what somebody else might say but about what you say verse seven and he said unto them defile the house and build the courts with the slain and go ye forth and they went forth and slew in the city when they refused that seal when they refused the real truth of God they're spiritually dead I mean they missed the first resurrection okay and and who knows what will happen in the Millennium we're not going to judge them God will but they miss it that's why they're spiritually dead and a spiritual death in this sense is far more serious than a flesh death the flesh death you're already in paradise on one side of the other waiting and believing but a spiritual death here could go from one abomination to the other when the appearance of Antichrist if you're ignorant concerning God's Word and you don't even know who the Messiah is and you end up worshiping and the false one you're in worse shape yet verse 8 and it came to pass while they were slaying them and I was left and I fell upon my face and I cried and I said O Lord God wilt thou destroy all the residue of Israel in the pouring out of thy fury upon Jerusalem all seven vials of God's wrath are going to be poured out and Jerusalem Jerusalem is the city of peace it's supposed to be they cry peace but there's not going to be any until the Prince of Peace returns second Advent verse nine and then he said unto me the iniquity of the house of Israel and Judah is the exceeding great and the land is full of blood and the city full of perverse Ignace sodomy where they say the Lord has forsaken the earth and the Lord seeth not we can do whatever we want to he doesn't care what a what a great error to make and then are the same person would say well he never helps me so I know he doesn't exist I don't blame him I wouldn't help you either if you practice perverse eveness and you're the very filth of the earth get away from me if you hear the truth and you want to rise above it then we'll talk but if you choose that style hey bye it's your choice and you're happy doing it you better have happiness quick because that's all you're ever going to have our Father if you think that he ignores what goes on in this world you are sadly mistaken you know why well my letter is in my church oh no it isn't your church cannot do a thing for you compared to what the book of life has in it and guess who keeps that record in the book of life God does and do you understand that everything you do that is contrary to God's Word it goes in the book it's not waiting for you don't ever think God's ignoring you it's there it's written it's in the book now naturally your good deeds are also in that book and when you repent if you mean it if you truly want to love him and serve Him and you repent it he races it and gives you a clean start just like that he paid the price to be able to do that but that's where your record is so don't ever do like these idiots that say God doesn't see us and God doesn't care and God doesn't know he's keeping score every day every hour the score is kept what you're his child he made you different than anyone else your DNA is different your fingerprints are different he wanted someone just like you you're unique so naturally he pays attention to you if you're no good well the book says it it's written or if you repent it then you can change your colors right away and be blessed of the Living God strictly up to you you can't blame anyone else I would say there is one person that will be blamed heavier than anyone else I would sure hate to be in their shoes and that's the head pastors at a loud junk that allowed little to be mislead you well it's just really I don't want to offend them teaching the truth then you're sorry you're no good because truth is real love and sometimes tough love must be but if you haven't warned them you'll suffer their responsibility for they're seated so the head pastor gets to the closest judging you won't pay attention to the letter you want to pay attention to the book of life and your name is there one of what is written by your name especially if you don't teach truth well I just don't want to offend them then you offend God that's serious stuff the verse 10 and as for me also mine I shall not spare neither will I have pity but I will recompense that way upon their head period verse 11 to complete the chapter and behold the men clothed the man clothed with linen which had the ink worn by his side reported the matter saying I have done as thou has commanded me and that's what we're in the business of is placing that truth in the foreheads of those that will listen those that will hear and that truth must continue to be brought forth and truth is truth and false honest is false in us the choice is yours well how could I tell well by sticking to the scripture by doing your very best to learn those scriptures to have the ability to do a little translating on your own it's quite simple with the tools we recommend whereby you cannot be deceived most of all if you have that mark that Tov that's the cross if you're marked with it God's going to take care of you pretty basically anyway you're blessed what a wonderful thing it is to be blessed of the Living God especially in this generation and be encouraged alright don't miss the next lecture bless your heart you this in a moment won't you please the mark of the beast
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 2,495
Rating: 4.8823528 out of 5
Keywords: Ezekiel, Book of, Pastor, Murray, KJV, Bible, Arnold Murray, Holy Bible, Book of Ezekiel, Shepherds, Chapel, Pastor Murray, Shepherd's Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Shepherds Chapel, Arnold, Shepherd's
Id: PitmtMidTsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 3sec (1983 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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