Ezra ~ 7:1 to 7:28

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray wisdom is understanding God's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Dennis Murray good day to you god bless you welcome to shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our ready to get back into our father's word here at the chapel the book of Ezra we're gonna pick it up today in chapter 7 verse 1 in Israel if you translate it rather than transliterated it means help and the people of Judah Benjamin and Levi needed a considerable amount of help in starting from scratch as they returned after the Babylonian captivity and to rebuild Jerusalem and to rebuild the temple the house of God which was basically destroyed by the Babylonians Nebuchadnezzar and his armies in our last lecture we saw that the house of God the temple was completed in the sixth year of Darius the king of Persia and the people of Judah being the tribes of Judah Benjamin and Levi dedication of the temple and it was quite a time a joyous time and you know when you do things that are pleasing to God you're gonna have joy in your life you're going to be happy for the most part not to say you're not gonna have troubles from time to time and God didn't promise us a rose garden but basically the old adage that if you do things God's Way you receive His blessings if you don't do things his way things don't always go so well then they celebrated the Passover again a very joyous time among the people that we saw this group that is a rubber Bell led out of Babylon which I'll remind you means confusion and it took them some 15 years that the house of God was delayed while they were building their own houses now we have a second group that's going to come out of Babylon this group will be led by Ezra he who pinned this book probably the book and the book of Nehemiah and says in the manuscripts Nehemiah and Ezra are one book probably the book of Esther also the books of chronicles in the King James Version Bible he was called as dress which is the Greek version of the same man his name in the first two books of the Apocrypha in second esdras so ezra is getting ready to lead a group out of Babylon and we pray that God will bring you out of Babylon out of confusion as well we asked that word of wisdom and Yeshua's precious name as always father we ask you to open eyes open ears this day as we pick it up ezra chapter 7 verse 1 and it reads now after these things in the reign of our taxer sees king of persia ezra the son of Sariah the son of Azariah the son of Hilkiah now seraya the father of ezra was a high priest of israel at one time it's written in jeremiah 52 verse 24 in the following verses that he was killed by Nebuchadnezzar's captain Nebu sara dan at rib law as quite yet that I'm of the the Babylonian captivity began now what we're going to see here is there's a lot of people claiming to be of this tribe or that tribe after the Babylonian captivity imagine the confusion the lost records if you will after 70 years in captivity to the Babylonians now Ezra is claiming to be a Levitical priest and he's going to back it up with his seed line all the way back to Aaron the first high priest of Israel appointed of course by Yahoo vapors to the son of Shalem the son of Zadok the son of a high tub again this is father to son father to son father to son all the way back to Aaron verse 3 the son of a Moriah the son of Azariah the son of Moriah and all of these are certainly Levitical names mostly they're also priestly names this genealogy all the way back to Aaron and he's documenting it verse 4 the son of Sarai hyah the son of Ozzy the son of Buki verse 5 the son of ABBA schewe the son of Finney Hass the son of Eleazar the son of Aaron the chief priests all the way back to Aaron the first High Priest appointed by our Heavenly Father no Aaron had two older sons than Eleazar they were neighed AB and Abby who they offered strange fire before the Lord and it made God angry God struck them dead as they approached the altar with a plain unclean fire if you will in their sensors now the priesthood the high priesthood all sons are descendants of Aaron were priests whether it was Eleazar or any of his other sons that survived which would be basically etham are the younger brother to Eleazar but the high priesthood was to be from the the the family of Eleazar why well his son finis Hass at a time when the Moabites were seducing the people of Israel into worshipping their gods small G they were offering in a plague that came across and it was killing literally thousands of the people of Israel at that time the son of Eleazar finis Hass witnessed a Moabite s a female Moabite and a male Israelite going into a tent and they went into the sleeping quarters the Moabites weren't only seducing the children of Israel into worshipping their gods this mob I test was seducing the man of Israel for intercourse finis Haas took a javelin went into where they were and in the very act of intercourse he ran them both through with the javelin and killed them that stopped the plague and it pleased God that finis Haas was so zealous for the Lord and for that reason the high priesthood was to stay in the house of El Azar's name were six this Ezra went up from Babylon which means confusion and he was a ready scribe in the law of Moses this means he was skillful in the Word of God which the Lord God of Israel had given and the King granted him all his requests the king being Darius his topsis who was called our taxes in verse 1 according to the hand of the Lord his God upon him God at work God in control and this chapter in particular proves that if we're willing to do the work that God will provide the bricks to get his work done now I mentioned our tax receipts so that I don't confuse anyone our tax er sees is an applet of which means it's a common noun a good example of it would be Pharaoh all kings of Egypt were called Pharaoh a common noun our tax or cease was a common noun that applied to all the kings of Persia when we began the book of Ezra Cyrus was the king of Persia he's called our taxer sees this our taxer sees is Darius has stopped --ss and this was in the seventh year of his reign verse seven and there went up some of the children of Israel and of the priests and the Levites and the singers these would be the Levitical musicians and the porters doorkeeper security and the netherlands unto jerusalem in the seventh year of our tax or seize the king the king of persia the king of persia defeated the king of babylon and the king of Assyria and the Persians and the Medes were very much in control and powerful at this time now it states that there were priests and Levites and Levitical singers and Levitical porters and netha gnam with Ezra when he came out of Babylon when we get to chapter 2 there they may have been with him when he arrived in Jerusalem but they weren't with him when they first departed from Babylon when we get to chapter 8 that came to a place a town and a river by the name of a haba and esra hashed how many of you are Levites come to find out he didn't have one Levite with him what he had were only Nathan him and we covered at length in a previous lecture in Ezra about the net ennum if you miss that the net em were given that's what the name actually means and originally that the in the time of Solomon they existed even there were prisoners of war basically conquered peoples and they were given thus the name Nathan em to the priests to help with the menial labor chopping wood for the altar fires carrying water for the for the vases and the basins that they washed the sacrifices in so but when he got there they had these people with them not when they left we'll cover that when we get to chapter 8 verse 8 and he came to Jerusalem in the fifth month which was in the seventh year of the King the seventh year of Darius verse 9 for upon the first day of the first month began he to go up from Babylon and on the first day of the fifth month came he to Jerusalem according to the good hand of his God upon him God was certainly with Ezra and those who were leading the people of Judah back to their homeland now if a little bit of quick math if they left on the first day of the first month and they arrived on the first day of the fifth month how long did it take it took four months to get from Babylon back to Judea and it was a hard journey if you were in good physical shape you've walked the whole distance they used their animals of burdens and donkeys camels to hold the goods and we'll see that they had a lot of good that they were bringing with them a lot of precious metals that they were bringing with them on the second group coming out of Babylon verse 10 for Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the law of the Lord and to do it and to teach in Israel statutes and judgments for that verse is packed you know there's one thing to be a hear of God's Word it's quite another to be a doer of God's Word and it's written in James chapter 1 verse 22 that if you're just a hearer of God's Word and I hear or only not a doer in other words you're deceiving yourself and you know if you go to church once a week on Sunday and you och occupy place in the pew for one hour and then you go back into the ways of the world that afternoon or the next day and what you've become is a one hour a week Christian that's not what God expects God expects Christians who are everyday Christians and if you if you don't if you're not a doer of the word you are deceiving yourself why because God can read your mind he knows your heart and he knows if you are trying to fake your way through and bluff your way through by showing up in church for one hour a week that's not what he expects from his children I like this too that he was going to teach in Israel statutes and judgments I hope you have a teacher who is able to explain to you the difference between law statutes and ordinances all too many churches today tried to teach people that Jesus Christ is coming and crucifixion on the cross did away with the law and does that seem eight to you well it didn't seem right to Jesus Christ in Matthew chapter 5 verses 16 and the following verses Jesus himself says I didn't come to change one jot or tittle of the law that's the smallest letter or the little mark that changes the sound of a letter you need a teacher that knows the difference between law statutes and ordinances some of the ordinances were done away with with Christ Colossians chapter 2 the blood ordinances the sacrifice of animals the circumcision were done away with they were nailed to the cross verse 11 now this is the copy of the letter that the King our taxer C's gave unto Ezra the priest the scribe even a scribe in the manuscripts this should be a perfect scribe of the words of the commandments of the Lord and of his statutes to Israel now verses 12 through verse 26 in this chapter 7 we switch from the Hebrew language in the original manuscripts to sirak which of course was the language of Darius also known as our tack Circe's verse 12 this is the letter that King Darius gave to Ezra our taxer sees King of Kings unto Ezra the priest a scribe of the law of the God of heaven perfect peace and such a time in such a time as salutation and dated much as we would write a letter dear mr. Smith and put the date on it now the law of the God of heaven don't let this make you think that Darius had been converted to worshipping yave the king of the Hebrews the king of heaven the God of heaven as he called him here and him alone it wouldn't be a problem for Cyrus or Darius kings of Persia to have more than one God they they did have more than one God they had a God of this and a God of that so it's no big deal that they would also reverence the God of Israel the God of heaven as he's called here verse 13 I Darius speaking make a decree that all they of the people of Israel and of his priests and Levites in my realm which are minded of their own free will to go up to Jerusalem go with thee no no he didn't require the people the priests the Levites the the residents or former residents those who were older who lived in in Judea he didn't require them to go he's giving them permission to go of their own free will believe it or not there will be some of Judah Benjamin and Levi who don't return to their land you see it was a hard journey number one number two they didn't have the amenities that that at the time of David and Solomon when Jerusalem was a thriving city it was pretty much wiped out by the Babylonians so many of them found it way too comfortable just to stay in Babylon to stay in confusion if you will rather than to come out of Babylon verse 14 and Darius continues for as much as thou art sent of the king and of his seven counselors to inquire concerning Judah and Jerusalem according to the law of thy God which is in thine hand Ezra had a copy of the law in hand the Torah if you will Ezra is being given a lot of a thought given a lot of responsibility but he's also being given authority by our taxer seized now these seven councilors if you've studied the book of Esther and Esther chapter 1 verse 14 there are seven princes of Persia and media listed by name there and I think those are these seven counselors you could compare them to today what we would refer to as our Supreme Court I think would be a good comparison verse 15 and to carry the silver and gold which the King and his counselors have freely offered unto the God of Israel whose habitation is in Jerusalem these are gifts and freewill offerings again it would be not uncommon for the king of Persia to want to be pleasing to as many gods as he could so as to avoid the wrath of that God and to gain his favor in other words but here you see the people who are letting them leave giving them silver and gold they're not finished verse 16 and all the silver and gold that thou canst find in all the province of Babylon with the free will offering of the people and of the priests the priests of Israel who chose to remain in Babylon offering willingly for the house of their God which is in Jerusalem all God always provides and you don't have to force people you don't have to browbeat people to make offerings you don't have to beg if you do God's work God will provide and this ministry is a good example of that we we don't have to have telephones every other word out of the pastor's mouth isn't send money or else we're going to not be here on the air tomorrow you don't hear any of that from shepherd's chapel God doesn't like beggars he doesn't send out beggars and if you know preachers who are begging they're not true men of God you can't serve God and Mammon verse 17 that thou mayst by speedily with this money Bullock's Rams lambs with their meat offerings and their drink offerings and offer them upon the altar of the house of your God which is in Jerusalem now this is indicates that Darius is somewhat familiar with the sacrifices that were made by Israel at this time Judah and not to confuse you and whether they had come the people of Judah had communicated that to Darius it's not written but if this makes it obvious that Darius knows that which animals are acceptable for offering in other words they have to be clean according to Leviticus chapter 11 verse 18 and whatsoever shall seem good to thee and to thy brethren meaning the priests Levites or Ezra's priests if you will to do with the rest of the silver and the gold that do after the will of your God in other words the free will offerings that were given to purchase the animals that would be utilized to reestablish the worship of Yahweh whatever money was left and this indicates that he thought there would be a sufficient and money left over Darius speaking that then they would place whatever was left over in the Treasuries of the house of God to be used wherever needed verse 19 the vessels also that are given thee for the service of the house of thy God those deliver thou before the God of Jerusalem and you may recall in chapter one the how the items of the house of God that Nebuchadnezzar had taken were given to zero bubele at that time so this evidently was other vessels utensils that were utilized in the house of God that were stolen by the Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonians when they ransacked Jerusalem verse 20 and whatsoever more shall be needful for the house of thy God which thou shalt have occasion to bestow bestow it out of the Kings treasure house now that's kind of giving them a blank check heed Darius is saying now we're gonna take up freewill offerings of the people of Babylon those of Judah who choose not to leave Babylon we're gonna buy animals for you for sacrifice and if that's not enough whatever else you need take it out of the Kings Treasury take it out of his own funds is what Darius is saying where's 21 and I even I are taxer sees the king this is for emphasis emphasis I even I our taxer sees the King do make a decree to all the treasures which are beyond the river that whatsoever as of the priests the scribe of the law of God of heaven shall inquire of you it be done speedily don't slow down the work of God you distribute the funds entirely as needed and as required now these treasures would be those who Darius had a sign to collect taxes on the west side of the Euphrates River and so rather than you taking the funds and sending them to me Darius the king of Persia just give them directly to Azra this is the heathen King that we're talking about verse 22 on two and hundred talents of silver in other words up to a hundred talents of silver talent weighs a hundred and ten to a hundred and eighty pounds depending on whose measure you go by that's a lot of silver and to an hundred measures of wheat and to an hundred baths of wine and to an hundred baths of oil and salt without prescribing how much and this means salt without measure and at the time of this writing every major city had what was known as a salt house and salt was utilized to trade quite commonly it was used to barter with why was salt valuable at this time well the heat and the arid weather if if one did not consume sufficient quantities of salt they would become what's known as salted and you could get in trouble in a hurry once you become salted heatstroke is soon to follow so salt very important verse 23 still to this day whatsoever is commanded by the God of heaven let it be diligently this means quickly and exactly done for the house of the God of heaven for Why should there be wrath against the realm of the king and his sons in other words darius looking to gain favor from Yahweh and this indicates - that he Revere's the Lord Jehovah but again this doesn't mean that he didn't worship other gods he undoubtedly did he was a heathen there's this does not indicate that there was a conversion the people of Judah is written in the book of Josephus and the antiquities the Book of Antiquities that the the people of Judah even had a day specified each year that they would pray for the king and his sons as it's written here the sons of course being the princes the heirs to the throne 24 also we certify or we notify you that touching or concerning any of the priests and levites singers porters Nathan M or ministers of this house of God it shall not be lawful to impose toll tribute or custom upon them Wow now see what he's doing there is anyone that serves in and around the temple it's going to be illegal to tax them you don't collect toll or tax from the priest or the singers or the porters anyone who ministers in the house of God I guess this was the first non profit tax free organization mentioned in God's Word 25 and thou israa after the wisdom of thy God that is in thine hand and understood by you as implied sent magistrates and judges which may judge all the people that are beyond the river all such as know the laws of thy God and teaching them that know them not the preacher is supposed to teach the people Ezra was capable of teaching the people why because he was ready scribe in the law of Moses that we read in verse 6 he was skillful in applying God's Word you know I wish we had judges today that were skillful in applying God's law unfortunately it seems that we have courts that are ruled by precedent today more and more rather than by the original form of the law God's Word just doesn't seem right to me that for example a state of the United States of America that a majority of the people can vote to make it a law that a marriage is between a man and a woman and that passes and becomes law then liberal judges get a hold of it and before you know it they've done away with the will of the people and they've made it legal for same-sex partners to become Wed to be married I wish we had judges that went by the Word of God but Ezra has given a lot of authority here a lot more than the rubble Bell received when he brought the first group how to Babylon out of captivity and we're going to see even more in the next verse and whosoever will not do the law of thy God and the law of the King in other words to disobey this decree this letter let judgment be executed speedily upon him whether it be unto death or to banishment or to confiscation of goods or to imprisonment giving him full authority to judge and not only to judge but to punish the people you know at the time of Christ only the Romans had the authority to judge and execute someone so this is quite a bit of authority that the Ezra is being given here verse 27 blessed be the Lord God of our fathers by the way verse 26 was the end of Darius's letter the manuscripts picked back up with the Hebrew language and this is Ezra thanking God for this letter that Darius has have given to him blessed be the Lord God of Our Fathers which hath put such a thing as this in the Kings heart or the Kings mind to beautify the house of the Lord which is in Jerusalem only God could have accomplished this you know God is is able to change people's minds I've seen it time and time again that one of God's elect when someone comes against one of God's elect you wait three months six months down the road things are going to happen to that person that's going to change their mind and their ways verse 28 to conclude the chapter and hath extended mercy mercy is loving-kindness you can think of it too is grace or unmerited favor none of us deserve it but God gives it unto me before the king that's Darius and his counselors and before all the Kings mighty princes and I was strengthened as the hand of the Lord my God was upon me and I gathered together out of Israel chief men these are heads of families or tribe princes to go up with me and you know if God strengthens you nobody can stand against you you see Judah was coming out of Babylon out of confusion they were in a very weakened status in the world but here we have Darius the probably the most powerful man in the world at this time writing such a letter give these people what they need to re-establish the worship of Jehovah and and to rebuild Jerusalem and Judea for that matter well in our next lecture we're going to get just a little bit outside of Babylon and Ezra is going to discover that he doesn't have a single Levite that means he didn't have a single priest with him other than himself what he's got is a bunch of nothing em how will that happen everything's gonna go completely smoothly for Ezra well don't miss the next lecture and we'll find out we got a short message we'll ask you to listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it's getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived Christ said in mark 1323 behold i afore told you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived and pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the telephone call is free the CD is free no shipping and handling just call 864 340 645 to request your one time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also mail your request to shepherd's chapel peel bucks for 16 grab in Arkansas 7 to 7 36 don't be deceived by Satan there we are back again we're glad you could join back with us we we welcome you back let's have the 800 number please 800 six four three four six four five that number good throughout Puerto Rico the United States and Canada if you have a biblical question that you'd like to pose to be answered on the air feel free to call that number and leave your question we do ask that you not ask questions about a specific individual denomination or organization by name we try to teach God's Word in a positive manner throwing out negative about others especially our brothers and sisters in Christ serve no purpose we won't do it we'll let God's Word do the correcting the teaching the correcting and the healing fully capable of all three if you're listening by studying via the internet some around the world that's not able to use that 800 number your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address quite alright to mail your questions in being the point got a prayer request well we can do away with the 800 number you don't need a telephone to talk to your Heavenly Father he came up with this way that you can communicate with him it's called prayer and I encourage you to to talk with your Heavenly Father I really don't think you have a lot of competition these days it seems like everyone is so busy in the ways of the world that they don't have time for God and you know that makes you special if you do make time for him it it makes his day and when you make his day the blessings are going to follow we do have these prayer requests father we come united as one in the name of your son Yeshua Messiah we ask you to look upon these father you know their needs illnesses and Families addictions to alcohol drugs father you know if it is your will a special blessing on each of these today watch over a God direct touch when we lift up our military troops or in harm's way around the world as well father touch watch over guide heal in Jesus precious name Amen and thank you Father all right let's get to some questions and see what's on the mind of folks first up today we have Carl from California and thank you for your kind comments but the King spared Mephibosheth the son of Jonathan the son of Saul because of the Lord's oh then he's quoting here second Samuel 21 7 by the way between David and Jonathan the son of Saul verse 8 but the King took the two sons of rizpah the daughter of AI whom she bare unto Saul AR Moni and mephibosheth and the five sons of mir ab the daughter of Saul and whom she brought up for Adriel the son of Barzillai the Mithila light verse 9 and he delivered them into the hands of the Gibeonites and they hang them in the hill before the Lord and they fell all seven together and they were put to death in the days of harvest in these verses it says that Mephibosheth is spared by King David but then is given to the Gibeonites as part of a seven-person token to be executed by the Gibeonites David spared mephibosheth son of Saul in 2nd Samuel as a tribute to Sol am I missing something does Mephibosheth die along with the others not sure what's going on well you've got more than one Mephibosheth involved here and we'll explain first mephibosheth in verse 7 of that second same of 21 is the son of Jonathan the grandson of Sol the one in verse 8 is the son of Saul and is therefore a completely different person and Karl this is a good example why everyone that studies God's Word should have a copy of the Smith's Bible dictionary if you go to and at this time you see they didn't have last names most people went by first name only and the only way you could keep it straight was who he was the son of in this case mephibosheth the son of Jonathan was quite a different person than Mephibosheth the son of souls and the Smith's Bible dictionary if you take the word Joseph for example the name Joseph it gives you every occurrence and every person in the Bible in chronological order of who they were and that helps you keep separated again keeps you from becoming confused as you did with whether Mephibosheth was killed or was Mephibosheth spared one was killed one was spared is the right answer David from Georgia I am writing to ask does God think I'm a wimp for not being able to expound the Word of God to someone and for not being able to understands God's Word when I study by myself I enjoy your teaching because you explained the Scriptures I also try to love and help other people when I can I even fall short on that bastard Ennis I love God very much and love you as well you and God's Word helps me a lot well I'm glad that God's Word helps you and I'm glad I have a small part in that as well let's give God all the credit for that though God knows your gifts and abilities David how does he know your gifts and abilities because he's the one who gave them to him and you're doing fine whom God has given much he expects much to those he's given little he doesn't expect so much of them but again he knows what your abilities are and he blesses you with those David and Georgia's might be the same now it's different writing when the Antichrist finally arrives it will start the final countdown to Armageddon but is there any sign or events we should be looking for that will bring in the Antichrist such as the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem spoken of in the Book of Daniel please explain okay well the temple today David is the many membered body of Jesus Christ there doesn't have to be a temple rebuilt in Jerusalem we don't need a red heifer to be born that that's all Old Testament the events that are leading up to the return of Jesus Christ and therefore also leading up to the appearance of Antichrist you'll find in math you chapter 24 mark 13 and Luke chapter 21 Pastor Arnold Murray did a special study entitled Matthew 24 mark 13 I'd suggest you order that CD Gloria from North Carolina I just want to say I continue to watch your program I am learning more than I ever thought I could I purchased your Study Bible and it is very helpful she's speaking of the companion Bible there are a lot of there is a lot of information in the appendices in the companion Bible about Jehovah why do most Bibles omit using the name Jehovah thank you and your ministry well actually Jehovah is a transliteration not a translation and it's not a very good transliteration because you see in the Hebrew language there are no J's there's not a letter equivalent to the English letter J so Jehovah would be impossible to pronounce in the Hebrew language because there is no letter J the sacred name of our Lord and bollinger recognizes that as well is Yahweh and you have appendices in your companion Bible that proved that bollinger was aware of the sacred name being Yahweh because he points out the places in in God's Word where it appears in acrostics which are simply it means in the original language and the Hebrew in the Old Testament five times in the book of Esther I believe it's one time in the Book of Psalms you have the name you have a given in acrostic form Sylvia from Virginia please help me understand why people call humans angels when I read in Psalms God created man a little lower than angels the Bible doesn't call humans angels Psalm 8 verse 5 for thou has made him a little lower than the Angels and has crowned him with glory and honor this is referring to Jesus Christ while he was here in the earth the son of man as he was called which indicates Jesus Christ while he was here in the flesh on earth and while he was here in flesh on the earth he was a little lower than the Angels nowhere in God's Word does it say men are angels though most quite to the contrary are evil not righteous Nonnie I believe it is in North Carolina who is Eli am the father of Bathsheba was he and Hittite seeing she was married to Uriah or was she of the house of Israel well Uriah was a Hittite by geographical location only Uriah was one of David's thirty captains one of his brave captains that served him well Bathsheba was the granddaughter of a hit the fell a hit the fell was a native of guy lo which was a town in the mountainous region of Judah so that's where Bathsheba was of was on her father's side was of Judah a hit the fell of course was the counselor to King David and when he saw that someone else's counsel was taken over his own he killed himself Nicole in Georgia dude the Kenites know that they are Kenites I'd say for the most part no they do not Catherine from Georgia if there is war in heaven how are there no tears and peace in heaven this is very confusing well you're not rightly dividing the word of God Catherine you see there are different periods of time that we talk about in earth ages and heaven ages there will be war in heaven during this age the Second Earth age the second heaven age why we read about it in Revelation chapter 12 verses 6 and the following verses that Michael the Archangel wars with the angels that with Satan and his angels so there is war in heaven but it's in this age the time you're talking about when there will be no tears you're quoting paraphrasing from Revelation chapter 21 where it states that there will be no more death God will wipe away the tears of the children there'll be no more sorrow that's in the third earth and third heaven age you have to rightly divide the word or you're going to be confused Richard in Kansas what happened to Noah's wife please answer this question thank you Noah's wife is not mentioned by name and her death is not mentioned either it isn't written addy from North Carolina how does one know if they are of the kings and queens of the ethnos well first of all you'd have to be a person of ethnicity and you would have to know that the Antichrist comes first and you would have to work to educate your people as to that fact so that they're not deceived the you read about the Queen kings of the ethnos in Revelation chapter 21 verse 20 or what's so special about them well they'll be have a right to go in the presence of the temple of the Eternity that means God Himself they'll be able to go in his presence just as God's election will they have the same rights and privileges as God's election Marion Oregon thank you for your ministry I love watching your show thank you very much I'm glad you enjoyed the program question did Adam have sex with Satan as Eve did I'd say the answer to that is likely yes he did you know it's possible that Eve seduced Adam and he protect of the same fruit as she did but what was the fruit the fruit was the serpent himself so I lean toward the position that Satan seduced Adam just as he seduced Eve then you say can Cain be saved and go to heaven that's entirely up to God Satan is the only one who is judged to the lake of fire by name at this point in time so if Cain repents I know I can tell you that descendants of Cain which arcanite can repent and and believe upon Jesus Christ and there are no longer Kenites they're children of the Living God David in Arkansas I would like to know what happened to all the wars from the Old Testament to the New Testament and I'm not sure what you're talking about I can tell you this in Matthew 24 verse 6 it states there that and you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars see that you be not troubled for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet what does that mean that means when you hear peace peace he's your ears should be perking up and you should know that we're we're in and we're nearing the end of this dispensation of time does that mean the world is coming to an end no far from it what happens when one period of time ends and another begins that's that's what we're talking about another period of time begins Pam from Alabama when your flesh body dies and your spirit body goes to heaven does the spirit body remember the ones they loved on earth I'm certain of it I can't document it but I'm certain of it I pray that he knows that I miss him so much and that I will always love him and Pam obviously lost her spouse were sorry for your loss and again I'm certain that that he knows that you miss him and love him but you know Pam you you will see your spouse again this period of time in the flesh is but the blink of an eye compared to the Eternity and I know it's hard now and it it seems like it's a long time that you're separated from your husband but you will see him again but you can be assured he misses you and loves you just as you miss and love him Everett in Florida what was job's wife's name which one you see the first one told Jobe why don't you just curse God and die there is a second wife who gave job seven sons and three daughters you can read about her in job chapter 42 verse 13 the first one job chapter 2 verse 9 D in Alabama where in the bible does it say don't teach my people to fly you can read about it in ezekiel chapter 13 ezekiel chapter 13 is addressed to false prophets and false prophet tenses God didn't think much of them any states in verse 20 I'm against your pillows we're with you there hunt the souls to make them fly I will let the souls go even the souls that you hunt to make them fly I think that has to do with the those false prophet s's Mary McDonald for example who in 1830 had a evil dream and came up with the rapture theory there were two preachers standing close by and heard the nonsense she was speaking and said oh this is a good security blanket for the church we're not gonna have to worry about the coming of Antichrist we're going to be gone not happening it's not biblical mark and Tennessee we're in Revelation does it talk about Enoch you won't find Enoch named in the book of Revelation you'll find Enoch mentioned in the book of Genesis of course but also the next of the last book in the Bible the book of Jude chapter 1 verse 14 Kathleen and Michigan the ones who died in Christ before Anti Christ arrived do they stay with father while the Millennium period takes place where are they and father here on earth they will be with father and those who died in Christ are in the Millennium I'm out of time I want you to know that I love you a great deal and we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you help us keep coming to you and reach out to others who are lost in this world of darkness most important this though and and I want you to understand that that God loves you because you enjoy studying his word most of his children don't have time for him every day in your father's word is a good day even with trouble do you know why I mean really serious trouble because Jesus is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast CD our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a CD catalogue and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 once again that's shepherd's chapel geobox 416 Gravette Arkansas 7 2 7 36 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and God bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 1,618
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Shepherds, Shepherd's Chapel, Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray, Book of Ezra, Murray, Shepherds Chapel, Ezra, Pastor Arnold Murray, Pastor, Book of, Shepherd's, Arnold, Chapel
Id: 6wCU7s2vIiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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