Ezekiel ~ 1:1 to 2:4

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wisdom is understanding God's Word Pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our we're gonna start a new book today The Book of Ezekiel Ezekiel in the Hebrew tongue means my God is el but I would prefer to translate it el strengthens me our God our Father strengthens us if you wouldn't know where strength comes from that's what the word Ezekiel means is God will strengthen you as a matter of fact there are many things that can strengthen you for a short period of time God will strengthen you forever even for the eternity if you come into his territory into his wonderful house Ezekiel took place about 484 BC you might take note of that and and this is with the hundred and ten year correction that you will find in your companion Bibles in the chronological chart but and that would be the actual time he was sent during the captivity but God saw that you will find more concerning the millennium in this Book of Ezekiel than you will in all of the New Testament put together so it's very rewarding in that it informs us and Ezekiel is the book that God saw fit himself not just the holy spirit not the son of God that God Himself came visited us gave us a direct message in this book of Ezekiel I mean even brought the very altar of God with him that's pretty impressive when you stop and think about it why did he do that to strengthen us to give us hope whereby we see that that he provides for us and how precious it is Ezekiel's reign will last about twenty-one years that's three times seven spirit completeness three sevens being 21 and what a fascinating book let's go with it chapter one first one the great Book of Ezekiel God strengthens us verse one reads now it came to pass in the thirtieth year of the fourth month in the fifth day of the month as I was among the captives by the river Kiba that means a leaf like a length of time you might take it that the heavens were open and I saw visions of God I mean he saw him directly that that is so very unusual but verse 2 in the fifth day of the month which was the fifth year of king Jehovah Ken's captivity now many people get Jehovah Ken mixed up with Georgia Hoek in Jehovah ken was this was the offspring he would be later his name would be changed as you will remember to jeconiah and then when he was so disloyal to Almighty God they would take away God's name and he simply called him Konya which is to say whom yah has appointed they would take the Yahweh and just simply say appointed because he was appointed to something other than leadership but his reign was only three months so it was pretty short-lived anyway yeah but that's what it's dated from and that confuses some people because this would be CH I in and they confused it with K I M being the final letters of Joachim rather than Ken verse three the word of the lord came expressly I mean just especially unto Ezekiel the priest the son of those I'm in the land of the Chaldeans by the river keyboard and the hand of the Lord was there upon him and I mean in person that what an awesome thing you know people's talking like I talked to God today I you never forget when God speaks to you it's not something you just frivolously plas off you may pray but when God appears in touches it's an awesome awesome experience verse four and I look listen carefully I looked what did he see and we hold a whirlwind came out of the north a great cloud and a fire infolding itself and a brightness about it and out of the midst thereof was the color of amber out of the midst of the fire you know this was a vehicle you're going to find out and we're going to have to do a little bit of translating with this view with the Strong's Concordance says I want you to document it what I say the word color there's no such word in the Hebrew language as color the word in the manuscripts is alien which is looks much like our old but it means the eye I mean you see this is what I see but now the color amber that that one cut it in other words it almost takes away the real truth of color like if you see something hambar if it was the Shekinah glory alone you may not see anything but there was an actual object here not just amber it was an object I want to call the word up in Hebrew for you on the screen in your Strong's Concordance it's the word 28:30 it's cash man - mal uncertain trivia nation rather probably bronze or polish spectrum metal in love words it was highly polished bronze it was translated as amber that just doesn't cut it I mean he saw a vehicle it was whirling and it was highly polished bronze there's a kind of glory shining off of it what an awesome experience done here you got Ezekiel he's probably never seen a wheel other than on a cart an ox cart or a cart and those wheels roll right along on the ground well now he's seeing wheels here that are in the air they're flying and they're highly polished bronze do you see what the difference and you see how much difference this makes that you're not just seeing a vision of color there's an object there and it's highly polished bronze verse five also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures these are the Zoi could the same zoom that you find in the New Testament what do they do they guard the altar of God they're the cherubims and this was their appearance they had the likeness of a man in other words they had the shape of a man well what is cherub in the hebrew tongue it's krb and even in english krb is keep and grab and grasp and guard this this was their duty anymore they are the altar of God is so let that take away any doubts you might have that the physical actual Ark of God was in this vehicle this highly polished bronze vehicle because the guards thereof were also present verse 6 and everyone each of these for every one of these faces have had every and and every one had four faces and every one had four wings no don't understand here we have a man that sees this highly polished object it's flying everything he has ever no one that flies has got to have a wings okay so it's up there and he's calling them wings verse seven and their feet were straight that means unjoin ting feet and the sole of their feet were likened to the soul of a calf's foot and they sparkled like the color a varnished brass why because they were brought brass what was this that let down and they landed on it it was their landing gear you know it's real easy for us to visualize that today it was difficult for them at that time a straight leg with a pad on the end of it like a hoof to set down and initially support the vehicle no problem there all you have to do is add a few years to what we know today and through the eyes of Ezekiel I think he did a fantastic job of describing this appearance of the Living God verse 8 and they had the hands of a man under their wings on their four sides and they four had their faces and their wings now this is going to sound a little strange to you but hang on hang on for a moment verse nine their wings were joined one to another they turned not when they went and they went everyone straight forward they were in perfect formation as they flew yeah they look not where they went again have you ever ridden a horse a donkey an ox where you go you're going to turn the head of the animal and it's going to look where you're going and you're going to turn that these things didn't have a head they didn't have to look where they went they just simply went where they wanted to why they were perfectly a perfect circle he did a fantastic job of pulling that straight so that you can see an imperfect formation as they moved again for this to be 484 BC I think Ezekiel did a fantastic job delivering the description of this appearance next verse please verse 10 as for the lightness of their faces they four had the face of a man and the face of a lion on the right side they had for they forehead the face of an ox and on the left side they four also had the face of an eagle now if you know evening about the nation Israel you know this is God's Way of saying I've come to talk to my people Israel because this is the actual formation of the nation Israel in the habitation in which God placed them to the north Dan is the eagle and to the east is the Lion of Judah this is where the tribe the way the tribes protected each other at encampment and to the south was a man which was the tribe Reuben and to the west of course was an ox and that was always a friend so there's no big deal in that if you if you want biblical proof read the second chapter of read numbers chapter 2 verse 10 and and forward and you'll you see that for God that you know what these faces mean what these people mean in their encampment and in their privilege so here we see the very zoom or the representatives of the house of Israel you know many people always to the east was Tjuta this is one of the reasons that I could translate the back Creek stone so easily because in the first string of letters at the beginning of the string of letters I should say was a rash which rather than pointing West pointed East which if you put yourself in the position of those that wrote it which were priests buried there you have to think as a priest so a lethal rash relief is the Lion of the tribe of Judah then any any scholar knows that so it made it quite easy to pick up and begin translating the string of letters in the back Creek stone perfect Hebrew okay so here you have the description and you recognize the fact that God is coming to his people his message will be for everyone because through this people comes Christ to whomsoever of whatever race nationality or language can have salvation verse 11 thus were their faces and their wings were stretched upward two wings of everyone were join one to another and two covered their bodies and they were in folded you know they don't use we use fossil fuel to propel most any aircraft or thing that flies that we have today and I assure you this vehicle does not use fossil fuel it has energy sales that are so very bright and that they team within and with power and might within here to add to it the Shekinah glory what does she kind of mean means that God is there therefore we see the beauty and the very bow itself of the prism of colors around our heavenly father verse 12 and they went everyone straight forward they were information whether the Spirit was to go they went and they turned not when they win and everything look were they they just kind of went all together in formation and where the vehicle went those people went also well now wouldn't it stop and think if you're in a car and the car turns the people better turn to or you got a problem if you're in an airplane and the airplane turns the people better turn with it that's the spirits okay verse 13 as for the likeness of the living creatures these four zoom their appearance was like burning coals of fire and like the appearance of lamps up and down among the living creatures in the fire was bright and out of the fire went forth lightning this is the soy and of course the presence of God and the Shekinah glory it's the light is amazing that Shekinah GUI that lets you know the presence of God awesome 14 and the living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of a flash of lightning they were quick Zuzu 15 now as I beheld the living creatures behold one wheel upon the earth by the living creatures with his four faces I saw one of them actually come to earth it landed 16 the appearance of the wheels and their work was likened to the color of burrow that's that's to say sapphire and they four had one likeness and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel like I said again the only wheel he ever saw up to this time was on an ox cart and it went by your sight these did not go by their sight they were flying and they were off the ground and it would appear to him there was a wheel in a wheel because of the huge circular movement of this vehicle you might say well one of my God had to have a via it's throne is there this altar it means transportation if and the Spirit of God can go anywhere but God is here in person to Ezekiel to deliver a message to you especially in these end times especially because in this Book of Ezekiel and the message he delivers covers more concerning the Millennium which you're going to have a great deal to do with than any other book in the Bible father wanted you to know so he came himself to see that this message was delivered properly next verse please 17 when they went they went upon their four sides and they turned not when they went again having explained that do you understand it's very difficult if you're used to seeing an old horse up in front of you looking to see where you go to just see something circular just moving whichever object at once never being able to tell which way it's going to go that amazed him 18 as for their rings the outer ring they were so high that they were dreadful and their rings were full of eyes there were windows in them there were portholes there around about them for all four of them had windows that I could see inside 19 and when the living creatures went the wheels went by then and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth the wheels were lifted up because the wheels were lifting the creatures and the creatures was were in them and they moved and he could see through the windows he can see them it's no different than you looking in the window of an aircraft when it's taxi or taking off or if you fly along beside one wherever that airplane goes those people are going to go there's no big deal about that verse 20 whithersoever the spirit was to go they went thither was their spirit to go and the wheels were lifted up over against them for the spirit of the living creature was in the Wheelz meaning being in them naturally it moved with them I'm you know I think again we have a little bit of repetition in this but you've got a man here in 484 BC painting you the picture today when you have all this vast knowledge of aircraft and and missiles and satellites and so on and so forth in this great generation that we live in where many of these things many of us have seen all these things come into be and in in one lifetime but back then to see him describe in such detail what was actually happening I think it's fantastic let's go with the next verse please 21 when those wind these winds and when those stood be stood and when those were lifted up from the earth the wheels were lifted up over against them for the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels again declaring that and and so it is where where it goes they go why it was in perfect formation and do you know what do you don't want you see such perfect formation discipline God in control everything worked smoothly and right to the detail the line because God is giving the instructions God is giving the orders 22 and the lightness of the firmament upon the heads of the living creatures was as the color of terrible crystal you know this word terrible should be translated reverence okay reverence crystal I mean it was beautiful awesome to look at what it really means stretch forth over their heads above what because the Shekinah glory of the Living God was present verse 23 and under the firmament were their wings straight they were level the one toward the other everyone had to which covered on this side and everyone had to which covered on that side of their bodies and he's describing this they were moving you have to human if it's flying it's got to be a wing all right you can understand that 24 and when they went I heard the noise of their wings like the noise of Great Waters as the voice of the Almighty the voice of speech as the noise of an host when they stood they let down their wings they let down their landing gear they settled you know the voice of the Living God is awesome and he comes again as I stated for a message to you today that you can see and understand and enjoy the very presence of God for telling us what is to come for you could didn't understand better why Christ was a in mark 13 Hey behold I foretold you all things and a lot of it is told right in this book whereby you do not have to wonder well are there unidentified objects flying or their undignified flying better-known and God knows where they are they know what they are we just don't unless you're familiar with God's Word then you can kind of piece it together and truth on truth and understanding on understanding well then with all vehicles to be friendly no you know the false Christ is coming back it's it's just like a car it's according to who's driving it but that's really difficult to understand is it no it isn't it's quite simple we know the false messiah comes first he doesn't he may assume he has an altar but he doesn't but he'll make a lot of people think he does and he will also have to have transportation get used to it don't make a religion out of it but understand the Word of God do you do believe God's Word do United vs. 25 to continue and there was a voice from the firmament that was over their heads when they stood and had let down their wings in other words they had landed 26 and above the firmament that was over their heads was the likeness of a throne as the appearance of a sapphire stone and upon the likeness of the throne was the likeness as the appearance of a man above opponent be your father he didn't send someone he came himself to bring you a message to bring you the truth or about you didn't have to wonder about what tomorrow brings and all these stories about these objects and so on and so forth to give you clarity and understanding and maturity and most of all common sense to understand the Word of God and the prophecies and advance spoken of in this Word of God he came himself you know why because he loves you he wanted you to receive the message verse 27 and I saw as the color of amber there you go again was that what was this color amber highly polished bronze as the appearance of fire around about within within yet from the appearance of his loin even upward and from the appearance of his loins even downward I saw as it were the appearance of fire and it had brightness round about it the Shekinah glory you know if you if when you've seen the Sun you've seen the father have you never read Revelation chapter 1 verse 15 and 16 the appearance of Christ the same thing described basically the same that brilliant that glory that wonderment of seeing the Savior and the father in that in the presence of with that sure with that glory and I'll repeat it again Shekinah glory and again let me remind you again what does the word Shekinah mean a lot of people want to make a religion out of it it just simply means God is there so when God is there you've got that Shekinah glory you can count on it it's always there and how precious it is that our Father loves us enough he strengthens us enough that he came himself to prepare us for what is ahead with this great prophecy in this book of ezekiel l strengthens our father strengthens us with truth and and with the destiny to fulfill our obligation to our Father and loving him and carrying out his commands verse 28 to complete the chapter as the appearance as the appearance of the boat that means the prism of light that is around a rainbow you ever seen one of course you have that beautiful anytime you see that God's altar and you see the presence of God just as it is written in the fourth chapter of the great book of Revelation you see that bow as a matter of fact I'll even go further yet in chapter 5 you see the Antichrist riding on a white horse cheering and he's got a bowl but it's a cheap fabric imitation the word in the Greek is top song but here's the real thing it's your father your father that strengthens you and the beauty of the encirclement of light that prisoner of light the bow that is in the cloud and the day of rain looks just like that soul was the appearance of the brightness round about this was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord and when I saw it I fell on my face and I heard a voice of one that's fake it for him now God never talks to anybody when they're on their face what he's about to do is to say get up from there you know God doesn't particularly care for wimps and it's understandable the presence of God will knock you down but you better get back up and it's just like when God spoke to job in Ezekiel chapter I'm in job chapter 38 he said kid up from there gird yourself and act like a man and so it is God loves men and women that serve Him that face him that love him but here here we have this one and understandably so I mean he's right in the presence but what then happens well let's go just a little bit into chapter 2 here and let's find out what is the message verse 1 chapter 2 and he said unto me son of man stand upon my feet and I will speak unto thee he won't speak to you until you do stand up and act like a man or a woman or a child of God verse 2 and the spirit entered into me when he spake unto me and set me up on my feet and I heard him that spake unto me here comes part of the message there's going to be a lot of it leadership direct verse three and he said unto me son of man I send thee to the children of Israel therefore you have the four phases and the explanation as I explained the encampment of Israel to a rebellious nation that hath rebelled against me they and their fathers have transgressed against me even into this very day and I will add until this day and God sends the same message meaning get your act together God has given us the truth he speaks the truth and the message is coming and it is as timely today as it was at 484 BC when God delivered it to Ezekiel god streaked ins us it will strengthen you today because the message that he brings it's written to those children and what he's what he's about to say they probably won't listen to you but you're going to deliver it anyway verse 4 and they are and they are impotent children and stiff hearted they're stiff necked they won't listen I do send the end to them and thou shalt say unto them thus saith the Lord God and so it is no excuses no ifs no ands God is saying this is the way it's going to be now I don't know do you believe the Word of God then don't miss the next lecture let's see what he has to say all right bless your hearts you listen a moment won't you please
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 8,418
Rating: 4.952096 out of 5
Keywords: Murray, Book of, Arnold, Arnold Murray, Pastor Arnold Murray, Ezekiel, Shepherd's, Chapel, Book of Ezekiel, Shepherds Chapel, Shepherds, Pastor, Bible, Pastor Murray, Holy Bible, Shepherd's Chapel, KJV
Id: -qQTnY03_V8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 22sec (1942 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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