Ezekiel ~ 13:1 to 13:23

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in God's Word Pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our back in our father's word what a fantastic chapter we've got before us today the 13th chapter of Ezekiel Ezekiel in the Hebrew tongue meaning God strengthens us if he want real strength strength that will stay with you from the Word of God that's where it comes this thirteenth chapter is written to both male and female this profits and prophetess that's men preachers and women preachers and it's basically headed at fakes okay false doctrines and our Father comes down on him pretty good as a matter of fact he knocks the rapture doctrine totally out of the park whereby if anyone believed in it after covering this chapter they'd been a they would be in a heap of hurt because God is against it you don't want to go somewhere that God is against because basically most people that go against God he end up in hell not a good place to be chapter 13 the great Book of Ezekiel verse 1 and it reads and the word of the Lord came to me saying straight from our Father now son of man prophesy against and I want to repeat that not for prophesy against the prophets of Israel that prophesy and save Allen to them that prophesy out of their own hearts that's their own lines-- hear ye the word of the Lord in other words when when you don't hear it from God you better keep your mouth shut as far as repeating what God might have to say that's a dangerous thing that's why judgment begins at the pulpit verse 3 thus saith the Lord God won't unto the foolish prophets that follow their own spirit and have seen nothing in other words not the Holy Spirit they don't follow the spirit nor even seek it it's their own spirit ego trips got their own little ministries only the father has the ministry everyone else is an under Shepherd verse 4 o Israel thy prophets are like the foxes in the desert now that would lose you if you weren't familiar with the greatest love story ever told the songs of Solomon chapter 2 verse 15 it has to do with Israel being the vineyard and Christ is the vine and when those vines begin to have those tender little blossoms on them then the little foxes which are the Kenites the sons of Cain run amongst the vines and knock off the little flowering buds whereby there is no fruit he said that's what false prophets do that's what fake teachers do to you they knock off the little blossom when you're never going to have any fruit from God and naturally in that great - Song of Solomon chapter 2 verse 15 chemicals in some of your Bibles is the name of the book then meaning the same thing then certainly you have the reason that the influx of Kenites destroys it bleeds off into false preachers verse 5 you have not gone up into the gaps now they're made up the hedge of the house of Israel to stand in the battle in the day of the Lord now this lets you have a time sequence here as to win this is really addressing the day of the Lord is when well how long is the day with the Lord it's a thousand years well what's a thousand years it's the Millennium and the Millennium is coming that's the great change at the second Advent that you you haven't you know Israel is supposed to have a wall around her it's a hedge usually a thorn hedge as it goes around you haven't you've got these holes where the foxes and they're infiltrators false teachers preachers they've got holes in the wall and you let them in you don't cut them out you don't get rid of them you don't and you allow them in and here we have this great battle of the Lord's Day coming before us meaning Antichrist is coming to deceive this world but as you'll learn here and he'll say all you can do is teach him to fly to save their souls and I am the Saviour that's what he means our Father is not a happy camper with false preachers verse 6 they have seen vanity that means hot air emptiness vanity nothing and lying definition that means lying about something that's supposed to be divined saying the Lord sayeth and the LORD hath not sent them and they have made others to hope that they would confirm the word for people go to church and they expect to be taught god's word chapter by chapter verse by verse whereby they know what Almighty God has to say and you get some false prophet that will only read one verse and then pop hot divine here for an hour what good is that God didn't send them and God doesn't like it you're on God's time spreading lies can anybody imagine how that could possibly make God happy it doesn't it angers him verse six I'm sorry verse seven to continue have you not seen a vain vision I didn't send it you're lying to yourself that's what he's saying and have you not spoken a line given nation where as you say the Lord say of it albeit I have not spoken you know you have these ministers of the Bela talk to the Lord or did you let me tell you something when the Lord speaks to you you won't be probably sharing it with anyone right away you'll do what he says that you should do and you will be very humble about it well he told me where to park my car let me tell you something if you're too stupid to know where to park your car God's not going to help you God doesn't like wimps poor me babies he likes men and women that have a spirit and a soul that is akin to the Holy Spirit and gets it done verse 8 therefore thus saith the Lord God this is how it's going to be because you have spoken vanity hot air and seeing lies claiming therefore behold I am against you saith the Lord God you know if the father is against you you're in a heap of hurt you have drifted away from the truth and you're just seeing and listening to a bunch of lies and you have no conception of truth or how to identify truth when it's so simple well what do you mean dear brother what is so simple the Word of God that's why he wrote this letter to you so that you wouldn't be taken in by these falsies so you would know what God was against and what God was for it's that simple a child can understand that if they listen to the simplicity in which God brings forth his word verse 9 and my hand shall be upon the prophets that say vanity oh I know who they are and that divine lies they shall not be in the Assembly of my people neither shall they be written in the writing of the house of Israel neither shall they enter into the land of Israel and ye shall know that I am the Lord God oh my goodness wonder what he's gonna do with them if they're not going to be in the house of Islam they're not written in the book I'll give you one guess they're going to hell that's real simple to figure out you know if you're going against God and if you're harming the children he loves because God is a God of love if you're causing hurt to them by trying to make a name for yourself or claim God said you to do something to you he didn't say whereby you divine up something to get attention for yourself you really heap a hurt friend don't think God isn't keeping score that's what he's talking about here when it comes roll-call you're not going to be there judgment begins at the pulpit verse 10 because even because this is why they have seduced my people saying peace and there was no peace and one built up a wall and lo others dobbed it with some tempered mortar in other words they whitewashed it now how do you think that's going to protect the people if you build a wall with untempered mortar and what's going to happen and and put a little milk stain on it a little whitewash what do you think when the latter rain comes wash it all away and so it will wash away the false teachings of every prophet and every prophetess that live a divine spoke speaker supposedly and their divinity stops way short of a rising to the occasion of the Holy Spirit but their own spirit God is not happy with them I would certainly hate to be in their shoes one way that any pastor can get away from that is rather than teaching traditions of men teach the Word of God and be blessed it's real simple you can break away from it when you Dobb something with untempered mortar that oh and you lie to the people about it's not going to happen it's peace peace peace you use many things we don't have to worry about anything don't even study the book of Revelation but you're going to be gone gone the hell if you're not careful that's what God is talking about here don't listen to their lies verse 11 saying to them which da bit with untempered mortar that it shall fall not maybe not perhaps going down there shall be an overflowing shower of truth and ye o great and Yayo great hailstones shall fall and a stormy wind spirit shall rend it God is going to make certain it falls you can't build a false religion and traditions of men will go down the tube verse 12 lo when the wall is fallen shall it not be said unto you where is the dobbing we're with you have dobbed it in other words where's your protection from the end times a bunch of Lies will not sustain you to sustain you against the false Christ when the Holy Spirit was to speak through you how can the Holy Spirit trust you if you hopped in the sack with the false messiah thinking he is Christ he can't use you my friend because of the false teaching of the prophets preachers preacher s it's a sad sad state of affairs to mislead the children of God the wall of Lies is coming down thirteen therefore thus saith the Lord God I will even rend it with a stormy wind in my fury and there shall be an overflowing shower in my name great hailstones in my fury to consume it that's a promise that's not going to stand I'm going to do it in your way with it 14 so will I break down the wall that you have dogged with untempered mortar and bring it down to the ground so that the foundation the very live from the bottom thereof shall be discovered and it shall fall and you shall be consumed in the midst thereof and you shall know that I am the Lord you don't mess around with our Heavenly Father our Father loves his children but God can't stand a liar especially if he sets himself up as some preacher or a preacher ed and candy won't handle wrath and it's just as good as writing yourself a one-way ticket to hell with no return you don't want to go there my friend you want to teach God's Word what saith the Lord you want to say what God would have me say not what God is against you know something you don't have to be the sharpest knife in the drawer to understand that you don't have to be the brightest bulb in the box - no don't go against God verse 15 thus will I accomplish my wrath upon the wall and upon them that have dobbed it with unclipping mortar and will say unto you the wall is no more neither they that dobbed whoa well where did they go I'll give you one guess it shouldn't be too difficult judgment begins at the pulpit and if they are lying diviners they're out of here verse 16 listen carefully to wit the prophets of Israel which prophesy concerning Jerusalem and which see visions of peace for her and there is no peace saith the Lord God in other words never before in history well wink and I believe there will be peace in Jerusalem when the Prince of Peace comes that's not difficult at all don't understand there's only one Prince of Peace you know he appeared in Jerusalem at one time and guess what happened to him there they crucified Him he's going to come again at the second Advent it's called the Lord's Day the Millennium and you don't want to be in the same house with this group I guarantee you you would be so shocked and so disappointed they'll be taken in by the false Christ anyway because the false Christ says I've come to rapture you out of here and they're gonna jump in his boat thinking it is Christ why they haven't read God's Word when he warned you over and over and over that the false christ comes at the sixth trump and he doesn't return until the seventh child can understand that now this gets real serious now so listen closely 17 likewise our Son of Man set thy face against I want to repeat again against the daughters of thy people this is the proper test which prophesy out of their own heart and prophesy thou against them I don't want you to be for them I want you to be against them well what are they doing which one's am i against right he'll make it real clear for you 18 and say thus saith the Lord God woe to the women that so killers to all armholes and make kerchief upon the head of every stature to hunt souls to do what figured out a way to salvation will you hunt the souls of my people and will you save the souls alive that coming to you do you think man can do that that's what God is saying now listen to me carefully push ah it's what this word pillows is and it means to cover the armhole that means to cover every digit and my out reached fingers and hand of salvation to my children with your lies and your false teaching you cover every knuckle of Almighty God's hands out reaching to save his children whereby they lose their way to salvation because the good daughters are going to tell you how to fly away and save your little soul only it's not biblical it's a lie I know I'm just winning friends and influencing people here but I teach God's Word and I do not apologize for it because I do not want to be guilty of someone ending up with that one-way trip far better to teach what God's emotions are how he does love his children but he said you you worship these little statutes in high places where you you worship what you shouldn't but dear brother you don't have to study God's Word you don't have to understand the book of Revelation this is how they cover the knuckles of God you can fly away even though God says revelation means to unveil to make no one any time you would listen to a man that would tell you you didn't have to understand the book of Revelation / God then you're doomed you're in a heap of hurt when you would listen to man instead of Almighty God your father he wrote this letter to you and again I'll say it whatever language you wish to translate the apocalypse revelation it means to uncover or to make no one not to hide as these false prophets will cover up so and so and so with lies till there's a bit of them to cover every Jew the Hebrew is so specific every knuckle in God's outreaching hands to save his children it's hidden from the sight of the people well just what do they do well let's find out verse 19 and will pollute me among my people four handfuls of barley and four pieces of bread claiming you're a preacher taking a salary to slay the souls that should not die and to save the souls alive that should not live by your lying to my people that hear your lies now people I'm gonna tell you something it's real easy to avoid lies all you have to do is read God's work chapter by chapter and verse by verse and you know right away if somebody's lying to you what is God warning against here verse 20 where for thus saith the Lord God behold I am against and I want to emphasize I want to say it emphatically against your pillows we're with you there hunt the souls to make them fly to rapture and I will tear them from your arms and we'll let the souls go even the souls that you hunt to make them fly now God is so against that and in the Hebrew this is so simple a child can understand it but do you know that one of the most modern versions of the King James Bible that has recently come out in IV you know what some little kid has done here instead of saying souls to make them fly to make the little birds fly you know there is no way as a student of the Hebrew manuscripts that an intelligent person can translate souls to birds it's for the birds all right they made a lie out of the very collection of God against the rapture doctrine why what they didn't want to admit they were wrong you know it's a lot better to admit mistakes in the flesh where you can repent and still be heaven-bound than it is to deceive God's children and go to hell but then after all it's your choice you make it you live with it but what are you seeing here I'm against the pillows to shop I'm against the coverings and the lies that you cover my real out reaching arms that all you have to do is believe and you'll not perish but we want to fly let me ask you a question where you gonna fly to he's coming here where do you want to go God loves his children and he makes it very simple as to where they will go and who will survive and who will not your choice and that cushaw that covering it is a web of lies that are put out for people and teachings of traditions and men that simply made this Word of God and me people say what would you throw the Bible away if it hit they've changed that well what would you do the same Bible if you go to Isaiah chapter 14 where it says in it's speaking of the son of the morning Lucifer they drop out the word Lucifer so a young person doesn't know who it's talking about unless they're pretty sharp well why wouldn't they know because they changed it that's why well why would they change away from Lucifer because they follow him they're his children they love to tinker with God's Word to deceive people they are false prophets and false prophetess that spend the lifetime being higher critics that like to mess with the Word of God well are you judging people nah I'm just telling you the truth and I'm telling you how to prove it or disprove it real easy all you have to do is compare it all you have to do is take that word pillows back to the Hebrew and understand it you would get with companion Bibles it's made real easy for you dr. bullinger lays it out real simple for you and it's easily understood verse 21 your kerchief also while I tear and deliver my people out of your hand and they shall be no more in your hand to be hunted and you shall know that I am the Lord he's going to end it will help will he do that ii had bet he's coming back he told you on the Lord's Day earlier in the chapter who do you listen to do you read God's Word or do you listen to man you see God is warning you against man and woman here that would teach falsely and if you go to one of these places where they'll read one verse and then blow hot air vanity for an hour you may be in a heap of hurt because you're sure not learning what saith the Lord and you're sure not understand you see as it is written in mark 13 Christ makes it very clear behold I have foretold you all things there should be no surprises to you if he has foretold us all things well where does he tell us right here have you read it do you try to understand it it's really quite simple a child can understand this chapter you can pick up pretty quick our father's not happy with false teachers especially those that would say I'll get to save your soul all you got to do is fly and the rapture doctrine you need that's it boy that's deep in me if you want to be saved you will love your father and do as he says you will stand you put on the gospel armor and stand not with Satan but against the fiery darts of Satan Ephesians chapter six and you will put on the Girt that will hold your britches up it's called the Word of God and when you're familiar with the Word of God you won't be losing your britches that's putting it pretty plain but that's what happens when you lose your Gert and the Gert is the Word of God it's your belt so I don't know traditions of men make void the Word of God and if you ever had a chapter that makes that any simpler this is it but you know how man and woman teachers will mislead you but it sounded so holy if God didn't say it it's not holy it's devilish if it isn't true it's devilish I don't care how good he good it might sound you're dealing with Souls eternal life that's a very serious subject and God doesn't like people to hanky around with the souls of the children that he loves so you know when people change things and even down as God would say you you you even hide the knuckles or the joints of my hand his hands love us he wants to protect us with them and when somebody covers the real truth over of God's plan and his saving grace by lying and it sounded so precious that doesn't cut it is it does it agree with God's Word thus saith the Lord because God didn't send them if it doesn't and you're hearing a lie and that's dangerous I'm not saying this to frighten meaning one but the child knows what is wicked and what is right it is wicked to listen to traditions that go against our loving father and so it is God is going to deliver his people you can try to put anything you want over his loving hands he will rip it and tear it and throw it and cast it and save the people that love him do you or do you listen to the traditions of men that make void the Word of God it's your choice it's your ship and you sail it don't go on the rocks verse 22 to continue because with lies you have made the heart of the righteous sad and it is sad I have not made sad and strengthen the hands of the wicked you make it so easy for them that he should not return from his wicked way by promising him life you don't have to study God's Word you're going to be gone isn't that sad it truly is and you know something there are people listening to my voice right now that I've heard that over and over I times think the reason so-called preachers don't want to explain the book of Revelation is they don't understand it themselves therefore why should they risk their reputation by saying I don't know and it should never embarrass any pastor to be asked a question and for him to say I don't know live but let's find out let's search it out let's dig in God's Word because God's Word is complete our Father is not happy about this and when you pick a church and I'm not judging churches but it isn't very difficult you can walk in and listen five minutes and know whether you're going to hear the word of God or a bunch of you know why it's real simple it's either the Word of God or it isn't and quite frankly why would you go to church somewhere when in church is supposed to be God's house and what is important God's on the throne it's going to happen the way he says it will and the way it will go down the way he says it will so why would you listen to man rather than God is that simple verse 23 to complete the chapter therefore you shall see no more vanity nor divine divination for I will deliver my people out of your hand and you shall know that I am the Lord he is able I mean it's no problem for him and during the Lord's Day which it mentioned earlier in this chapter it's going to happen God's elect will reign with Christ for a thousand years as Revelation chapter 20 verse 5 stipulates and a lot of correction will be done there you might say well are you saying some people may have a second chance hey if there's nothing but false preachers and prophetess then they didn't have a chance coming out the gate did they I know that sad but it is true our Father loves his children and he gets a little direct sometimes and you know something in this generation especially it's needed directness honesty and truth truth saves lies will send you to hell alright bless your hearts don't miss the next lecture listen a moment won't you please
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 3,203
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Keywords: Book of, Pastor, Murray, KJV, Arnold Murray, Holy Bible, Shepherd's, Book of Ezekiel, Chapel, Ezekiel, Shepherd's Chapel, Shepherds, Pastor Arnold Murray, Arnold, Shepherds Chapel, Bible, Pastor Murray
Id: 1s7eyYz84sI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 33sec (1953 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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