Two Tribulations Part 1

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our two tribulations that's the subject we're going to be carrying today a new soundtrack for CDs you know anything that our Father does always ultimately it may seem negative at the time but it always ends up to be positive okay so tribulation to a servant of God can be very good and in the first place when the tribulations happen we're right at the door to the end that's good as far as I'm concerned but our Father never places more on us than we can cut that we can handle as it's written in first Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 there's nothing will ever happen to you that doesn't happen to other people it's pretty common and God will never allow you to be tempted over what you can bear and he will always show you a way out that's his promise when you're even halfway trying God loves you your child and so but one of the very serious things most people only teach one tribulation that can get you in a heap of trouble there are two and if you're not familiar with both of them you can you can get in trouble the first tribulation of course is by the spurious Messiah the second tribulation it won't last but about that long and it's from our Heavenly Father but we have do you have tribulation today well as a Christian sometimes you might hear a snicker in a room if you make us statement concerning father's word that's the times and that's fine that kind of tribulation will not harm you so discussing tribulation and why I can say it can be good for you as a servant of God let's turn to 2nd Corinthians chapter 1 let's pick it up with about verse 3 and let's see what the father has to say about tribulation this is going to be kind of a two-part lecture we'll complete it tomorrow today you kind of will be as a Ellen all Christians tomorrow it will get more personal down to God's elect so chapter 1 verse 3 2nd Corinthians and it reads with that word of wisdom from our Father blessed be God even the father of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of mercies and the God of all comfort how much comfort all comfort do you need comfort you need your father then naturally you know we would be we would have mighty sorry lives if it were not for our father his love mercy means he's used to giving out unmerited favor you may not deserve it but he's there when you ask for it to give you that comfort that love that understanding and quite frankly for the Christian all comfort comes from him or the family okay the mini membered body verse 4 who comforts us in all our tribulation you got that that's very important it I want you to read over it anytime you're in tribulation he knows it and he's going to comfort you you didn't say this tribulation or that tribulation it says all all tribulation your father will comfort you that's why come tribulation to us isn't bad that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God in other words when God comforts you you automatically become a comfort to others you can take care of business the power and the authority that he instills within us you can utilize that power that authority and and that comfort to alleviate pain anxieties you know that's just any kind of any and all tribulation you've got it our Father can take anyone through it doesn't matter he's willing he's able but I would not want you I want to emphasize the more important part of that verse it says we're we ourselves are comforted of God that you may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble that's that's what it's all about is that you are a servant of God that if someone is in trouble you can help them and it's the very presence of God within you his spirit that makes that possible verse go with the next verse verse five for as the sufferings of Christ abound in us so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ the what this says in a way the the more we suffer the more he comforts now you got that don't read over it just this break it back to plain old simple English the more you suffer through tribulation the more he comforts you that's beautiful absolutely beautiful that he does that not hey you have to be willing to open your mind and accept that comfort you why not thank him for it and love him that he brings that comfort to you that you're able to enjoy it and and even as somebody's trying to really lay it on you he's just pouring that love out on you and giving you guiding guidance leadership love comfort you know of course who's a comforter is it's the Spirit of God okay the Holy Spirit the more you suffer the more he helps so tribulation is not bad for God's children it is an exercise in reality of loving in and being a child of God period 4:6 and whether we be afflicted it is for our consolation it's for our best interest in salvation which is effectual it's good good okay in the enduring of the same sufferings which we also suffer or whether we be comforted it is of your consolation or your best interest and salvation he does it you know how is your faith it's can you believe that all you have to do is believe it and it's a fact my friend it's a promise of God and it is as real as reality every morning when you wake up verse 7 and our hope of you is steadfast knowing that as ye are partakers of the sufferings so shall you also be of the consolation your going to be of the if you suffer you're going to be comforted you're going to be partakers of it he's going to help you that is his promise it is written so why should you worry about tribulation the stiffer the tribulation the more helps come in your way and quite frankly it is axiomatic that when you have reached your limit he takes over you know he'll take it from there that's his promise therefore you are always able to cut it that's why you hear me sometimes say when the plowing gets too deep for other people that's about right for God's elect okay we can cut it we can handle it not because we're really something but because our Father is when we suffer he reaches down he takes care He pours the comfort on he pours on the understanding verse 8 for we would not brethren have you ignorant of our trouble which came to us in Asia that we were pressed out of measure out of our minds almost above strings we were at the end of the rope in so much that we'd aspired for even of life we didn't think we were going to make it we thought we were going to die it looked that away now this is a great lesson and I want you to understand Paul is taking this to the ultimate he's saying when we were down in Asia I mean hit it looked bad they were around us they were threatening it looked like we were going to die verse nine but we had the sentence of death in ourselves the answer that we should not trust in ourselves there was no way we could handle it by ourselves but in God which raiseth the dead we were forced absolutely forced to put it in God's hands now that's kind of when you can begin to really get something done just when you are forced to put things in God's hand and kind of kind of follow his instructions as he has taught you in this letter he has written to you assuring you even as he does here in this chapter one of second Corinthians I'll take care of you I'll comfort you when they lay it on you when you're doing my work don't you worry I'll take care of business and this is what Paul is saying when it looked like we were finished there's nothing else we could do we put it in God's hands instead of ours verse 10 who delivered us from so great a death and death deliver in whom we trust that he will yet deliver us in other words the probably there let's just translate it into common English he does it again and again again God will deliver you comfort you over and over and over what did we learn earlier the more you suffer the more he will comfort the deeper you get into something doing his work or in your life as a Christian he's going to comfort you and he will not do it just one time not just one day but in your life over and over again what a father we have and sometimes it is just difficult for his mercy unmerited favor and love that He pours out upon us that you can't worship Him even more and don't ever ever ever forget to tell him you love him he's always faithful you can count on him verse 11 ye also helping together by prayer for us that for the gift bestowed upon us by the means of many persons thanks may be given by many on our behalf that's what prayer is about that's what you know God loves his children and when his children prayer is just talking to him I mean when you get bogged down don't don't say father I need help say father I'm bogged down here I mean communicate let him know what the problem is he already knows what's in your mind you're not hiding anything from him he knows our very thoughts verse 12 for our rejoicing is this now listen carefully our rejoicing is this the testimony of our conscience that in simplicity and godly sincerity that means to be perfectly totally honest not with fleshly wisdom that's to say the cunning that fleshly wisdom ways of the world can do but by the grace of God the love of God we have had our conversation in the world I mean this world age and and in the ways of the world we've been there we know it we were threatened we had tribulation and more abundantly to you word dealings in the dealings with you of course what he's saying is we experienced all this you know this is quite a testimony coming from Paul Paul who as we discussed recently how he persecuted the church how he brought tribulation upon the church and yet God would choose him and use him in this capacity to bring such ever an important message forward about what happens when you're under tribulation you're going to have more and closer contact with your father over and over and over again and again and and this is why I have very I have great difficulty with people that will say now that world just always picks on me well they intend to so what are you going to do about it but a stop to it get in your father's will and way take his comfort and he'll fix it he fixes it real good but Christians are not second-class citizens we're not welcoming mats for anyone we don't lose ground we take ground and Christians have really gone to sleep at the switch by allowing people to remove the name of God from about everything except well I won't go there but anyway it's come to an end we're going to take ground I'm tired of this politically correctness letting one little fruitcake you know what a fruit was you're calling names of fruitcake No you know why a fruitcake is they're delicious but they're nutty okay and that's what their problem is is to try to have one little unbeliever sway a whole group and it's not going to happen we're tired of it we're going to put people in office that will straighten things out and take care of business okay verse thirteen to complete God comforts his own and takes care of business he's with us and we're within 13 here we come 13 for we write none other things unto you then what you read or acknowledge what you understand that's all the simplicity in which Christ teaches and I trust you shall acknowledge even to the end that you in other words let me let me translate this from the Greek where you can understand we're going to teach this in a way that you don't have to read between the lines you suffer tribulation and God's going to help you there's no great mystery or non secret to it that's the pure simplicity in which Christ teaches and that is the truth so why would you worry about tribulation and then God in I mean from the beginning in the Old Testament we're going to go there in a moment he has taught us to not worry about tribulation you know you take in it and it all points toward the last days it's for the lesson of this generation of the fig tree when the three Hebrew children Shadrach Meshach and Abednego refused to bow to an image that was sixty by six which you know that that doesn't take too much to know we've got the mark of the man basically they refused to worship it and then the King Nebuchadnezzar who really loved them he did he hated to do it but he told him you got it you got to do it so they threw him in a fiery furnace heated seven times hotter than necessary I mean you have here the symbolic though it was real symbolically telling you that there is Ajay mean hate when you're throwing in a furnace that's seven times hotter than necessary that's tribulation my friend that's hot stuff okay do you know what the King looked into that roaring fire and he said how many did you throw in there and they said three and he said well I see four I see those three and I see the son of God walking with them God takes care of his own that's why that happened to document when they came out of that fire their clothes weren't singed nor even their hair God comforts in tribulation you don't have to worry about it what a loving father we have all right then Old Testament a little lesson I want you to learn way back in the book of Deuteronomy Deuteronomy chapter 4 we're going to excuse me we're going to cover this rather quickly but I think it's important that you know that tribulation isn't a new thing it started in the garden okay it's been with us ever since and God's children don't think all that much about it because of his comfort Deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 15 let's go with it take you there for good heed unto yourselves and you be careful to your soul for you saw no manner of similar to Don the day that the Lord spake unto you and Horeb out of the midst of the fire in other words he said I literally was in a bush and I spoke to you out of that fire and I didn't harm that bush you got it God doesn't harm anything but what he intends to lest you corrupt yourselves and make you a graven image the Simla tude of any figure the likeness of male or female I don't don't ever worship man okay I'm gonna tell you what man is man and that's it woman's woman that's it God's Word is God's Word okay so and and there are good men and they're good women don't misunderstand what I'm saying but don't ever worship one love them yes worship them no 17 the likeness of any beast that is on the earth the likeness of any winged fowl that fly in the air who are you supposed to worship our Heavenly Father of course why he comforts you in tribulation the likeness of anything that creepeth on the ground the likeness of any fish that is in the waters beneath the earth don't worship idols don't worship you know you many might say well who would ever worship a fish well there was a people that worship Dogon we know the people of Nineveh worship the fish God but you can be a modern-day commercial fisherman and worship your catch and money more than you do God verse 19 unless thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven I mean when thou see us the Sun in the moon in the Stars even all the host of the heaven it's magnificent should it be driven to worship them and serve them which the LORD thy God hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven he created them and appointed them for us all of us don't worship them he made them to created them to suit himself worship rather they create or instead of that that is created but the LORD hath taken you and brought you forth out of the iron furnace even out of Egypt to be unto Him a people of inheritance as you are this day a people that would inherit eternity a people that would inherit the goodness that's it this Christ child would come through the this people this Bentley I said did he say you escaped it I brought you out of the iron furnace 21 furthermore the Lord was angry with me for your sakes this is Moses speaking and swear that I should not go over Jordan and he didn't and that I should not go in and to that good land which the LORD thy God giveth the foreign inheritance he struck the stone twice okay but I must die in this land I must not go over Jordan but you shall go over and possess that good land you're gonna go to that Promised Land - beloved if you love him if you trust him these things happened as an example to us whereby we would know what would befall us at the end verse 23 take heed unto yourselves lest you forget the Covenant of the Lord your God which he made with you and make you a graven image or the likeness of anything which the LORD thy God hath forbidden the don't ever forget God's covenants that's a marriage contract even if you want to put it that way 24 for the LORD thy God is a consuming fire even a jealous God he's jealous you go messin around this is why Satan wants you to love him it makes God jealous really makes him jealous why because he loved you you're his child he's your soul belongs to him and here you're out here flitting around in the ways of the world worshiping many cars a job a profession and cutting God out of the equation and never saying father I love you and thank you for the knowledge and wisdom you've given me thank you for the comfort he let me let me just let you in on a little secret God can get along without you real good he would love to have you in his camp because you're his child but he can make it just fine without you and all others that fall short in that consuming fire and it's important that you know that he is it's a different kind of fire didn't bother the bush didn't harm it it can burn in your heart and be nothing but a comfort to others it's called the Holy Spirit of God the consuming fire but at the same time on Judgment Day those that do not align those that are his enemy that same consuming fire will be do exactly what its entitled what's the title of it consuming gone blot it out never to be again or it can be warm and loving toasty to comfort and so that you can be a comfort to others that's what's important do you know people get all carried away with the prayer of Jabez you can learn that prayer so godly you missed the whole point the prayer of Jabez was that jay-bez wasn't praying for himself he was praying for our people when you pray for our people so that you can assist then then you're getting down to have your prayer entered and jay-bez has nothing to do with it verse 25 when thou shalt begat children and children's children and you shall have remained long in the land and shall corrupt yourselves and make a graven image or the likeness of anything and shall do evil in the sight of the Lord thy God to provoke him to anger 26 I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day that ye shall soon utterly perish from off the land where until you go over Jordan to possess it you shall not prolong your days upon it but shall utterly be destroyed 27 listen carefully this is where you come in and the Lord shall scatter you among the nation's all the way over the Caucasus Mountains being called Caucasian Europe and then all the way migration to this great nation in the Americas and you shall be left few in number among the heathen neither Lord whether the Lord shall lead you verse 28 and there you shall serve God's the work of men's hands wood and stone with neither which neither see nor hear nor eat nor smell and they sure can't comfort the only way is stick of wood can comfort you if it's a cold day and you set it on fire okay you can worship it all you want to and you're gonna get nothing out of it verse 29 and love your father and you get everything he's a consuming fire that can warm you anytime he is spirit of course 29 but if from thence thou shalt seek the Lord thy God you got that seek your father thou shalt find him not maybe not perhaps thou shalt find him if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul you can't miss he loves you well I'd just like to have him in my life hunt seek find be blessed 30 when thou art in tribulation this is why we came here beloved you're going to have tribulation rest assured you're in the world when thou art in tribulation and all these things are come upon thee even in the latter days that means today if thou turn to the Lord thy God and shall be obedient unto his voice now that that is not difficult instructions that's to you that's why we came here for your in the latter days you're in the generation of the fig tree since the year of our Lord 1948 it's getting a little gray hair on it but I just can't understand God well hunt for him well how do I hear his word read it he wrote the whole letter to you through many pens Minh and percentages read it study it absorb it and love it you know God so loved you that he even sinned the word and it became flesh and walked upon the earth his only begotten Son he didn't say when you're in tribulation if you'll call on me maybe I'll come maybe you'll find me but that you would it's absolute verse 31 before the Lord thy God is a merciful God praise God for that he will not forsake thee don't ever forget that neither destroy thee nor forget the covenant of thy fathers which he sware unto them he will never forget that inheritance covenant 32 for ask now of the days that are passed which are before thee since the day that God created man upon the earth and asked from the one side of the heaven unto the other whether there has been any such thing as this great thing is or hath been heard like it think about it did you have the history you know there isn't there is nothing like it 33 did ever people hear the voice of God speaking out of the midst of a fire as thou hast heard and live did they Moses know and the bush didn't burn and he lived right because God is in a different dimension for those that like the scientific side of it easy explanation always to God's Word 34 or hath God assayed to go and take him a nation from the midst of another nation by temptations by signs by wonders and by war and by a mighty hand and by a stretching out a stretched out arm and by great terrors according to all that the Lord your God did for you in Egypt before your eyes all those miracles performed there the plagues placed upon each a pork you 35 unto thee it was showed that thou mightest know that the Lord he is God don't ever forget that beloved read it over and over if you have to the Lord he is God there is none else beside him not some stick not some religion but your own heavenly father the reality of it the closest relative you will ever have the Living God your father he is ever ever so very very real 36 out of heaven he made thee to hear his voice that he might instruct thee and upon earth he showed the his great fire and thou her dust his words out of the midst of the fire that consuming fire 37 and because he loved thy father's therefore he chose their seed after them and even to this day you to this seed this day and brought the out of his sight which was mighty power with his mighty power out of Egypt he delivered he parted the Red Sea verse 38 to drive out nations from before the greater and mightier than thou art to bring thee in to give thee and to give thee their land for an inheritance as it is this day God always takes care of his own you know it as a promise to this great superpowers that we will always the house of Israel will always control her gates that's why you don't have to worry the Panama Canal will always be open to us 39 to complete this study know therefore this day and consider it in thine heart you put it in your mind and you let it settle there that the Lord he is God in heaven above and upon the earth beneath there is none else what are you worried about you don't have anything to worry about that burning bush is as real today as it was then and that consuming fire is as real today as it was then and he is your father he can consume whom he wishes and he can bless whom he wishes or are you blessed and I know some will say well I don't feel like God blesses me then find him seek him he promised you can find me let him touch your heart let him lead you and guide you you've got tribulation ahead my friend you're gonna need him he's the one that sends comfort the rougher the tribulation hey the more he blesses that's his promise I believe it with all my heart mind body and soul I'm known it I know it from living proof have lived it have faced the reality of it the more of the tribulation the more he blesses what a Heavenly Father we have don't ever forget it God is God Yahveh is Jehovah and there isn't another don't miss the next half of this lecture two tribulations it's important all right bless your heart you listen a moment once you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one time one household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 Gravatt Arkansas 77-36 don't be deceived by Satan and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number is good from Porto D'Amico throughout the US Alaska Hawaii all over Canada Newfoundland spirit got moves we've got a question share it ok please never ask a question about a particular individual organization or religion let's don't judge people you know God is the judge and his word is completed judges right down to the core and so we don't have to play God it wouldn't do you any good and it's the greater sin of sins so let's just study his word chapter by chapter verse by verse let the old chips fall wherever they made those of you that listened by shortwave around the world always a pleasure hearing from you your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address now and you got a prayer request we can do away with the number we can do away with the address why he knows what you're thinking right now and you're his child he loves you he may not love what you do all the time but he sure loves your soul why well he created you for his pleasure the documentation for that is the last verse of chapter 4 the great book of Revelation if you give him pleasure he's going to bless you you think about it father around the globe we come we ask that you lead guide direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name Amen okay and we'll get down to some questions here Valerie from Kansas is it God or the devil that who causes sickness neither neither we make our own self sick by polluting everything that man touches practically rather than doing things trol way we poison ourselves with gasses that were hidden under the soil by remains of animals for many years ago called petroleum oil and we boy let that stuff roar out and smoke if you all walked and never drove a car we'd be a lot healthier but that's not gonna happen because we all like our vehicles okay and and walking the distance as we travel now would be a little bit impractical but we poison ourselves and that's why that if you to make a full life it can be but you and I want to give a warning don't ever accuse God of putting a burden on people he doesn't and it makes him angry it's you can document it in the great Book of Jeremiah it makes him angry if you ask well I wonder what burden God's got for me today he doesn't put out burdens he puts out comfort and it hurts his feelings and I guarantee you he'll fix your wagon if you were to say that so don't don't whatever you do don't accuse God of bringing sickness it doesn't happen and as you will note example in mark chapter 4 that diseases and evil spirits are separate they're never the same the Satan can send an evil spirit but he can't send a disease okay Judy from North Carolina we're in the Bible does it talk about the first Earth Age second Peter chapter 3 verse of the chapter 3 the entire chapter speaks of the three earth ages Jeremiah chapter 4 along about verse 18 where he said my children are Saudis that means their just need to be it on the stupid side the ignorant side that they don't know that there was an age before this and he destroyed it then also in the Hebrew manuscripts in the beginning God created the heavens in the earth period they were beautiful because it's written in Isaiah chapter 45 verse 18 he created it to be inhabited not void but it became void because Satan rebelled okay in verse 2 a lot of time went by between Genesis chapter 1 verses 1 & 2 at dueña from Florida you mentioned a herb that was used many years ago to thin the blood can you please tell me the name of it well it's really I don't know if you'd call it an herb or not sassafras tea okay sassafras is kind of a tree and according to what part of the country you're in ah and in Northwest Arkansas sassafras is kind of like what people would call a sapling but there are places I found out in documentaries and from people that it gets to be big trees some places and and I was mentioning you know it's amazing I mentioned once that this elderly Indian lady that could no longer dig and I would dig herbs for her at her just but there are many things that are very healing and I was trying to say if something that grows wild in your yards that is very healing and almost I don't want to call it an antibiotic and mislead someone it's yarrow that's what the Indians always use they they were pretty sharp on herbs okay but sassafras does then the blood Derek from California is the mark of the beast and injectable thing or is it something of knowledge something of knowledge the the mark of the beast is to be I would might say lack of knowledge ignorant that someone does not realize there are two tribulations and would fall in line with the first one and think that was Christ come to fly I'm out of here that's what the first tribulation is is Satan trying to con a bunch of people that haven't done their homework that's why you don't want to miss the next lecture it's what's in your mind the opposite of the mark of the beast is described very clearly in Revelation chapter 9 verse 4 it is the seal of God in not own in your forehead that's where your brain is that means to be informed the chronological order of events and how things happen for warned by God through his word Deborah from Tennessee Genesis 3:6 would you explain this the for taking of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil the knowledge the tree of life is who it's Jesus Christ well who is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil it's Satan okay when for every negative there's a positive and when ye for took of that tree the knowledge of good and evil and she saw that it was good and she gave to her husband he predicted the same tree that's all the explanation you need they fell because white it was law God had told them personally the day that you partake of that tree the the Adam you know I can't help taking just a moment on this the etymology of the word just like let's say we've got an old apple tree here and it's not mentioned in Genesis okay the in that chapter is the word ETS and the Hebrew that's but that's not the word that's used in the tree of the knowledge of good and evil it's a tush you know what that is it's the backbone that is the trunk or the tree of the body and these are the limbs and it even means the curvature Tisch of the back this is and an opening of the eyes this is why Satan said in the day you protect there of your eyes will be open in other words you'll know what evil is you know a few things of the world and Eve did after that and so did Adam Terry from Illinois would you please explain Psalms 23 that's that's one of my favorite Psalms it follows 22 which is the crucifixion of Christ Psalms 23 is the Good Shepherd songs the Lord is my shepherd if you're a lamb which God calls us who protects you there's only one protection it's a shepherd he prepares green pastures that means he really feeds us good from his word spiritually speaking to the point that we can walk through the valley of the shadow of death which means all these people that are spiritually dead her than a hammer that we can walk among them and have the inheritance and help son if they allow it and he he provides us the table that runs over our cup even runs over and you got more of everything truth of God's Word and you know that he comes with you that Psalms 23 it has to do with resurrection and into eternal he gives us life it's not just life in the flesh it's life eternal Jeffrey from Pennsylvania we'll each person's memory of the world that was be restored in the millennium absolutely in that flesh body and that spiritual body rather you know everything okay there's no hang-ups Allan from Washington is there any biblical significance to eclipses well we know as it's written in the first chapter of the great book of Genesis that God created the Sun and the moon and for signs and seasons sure there are signs you know any anyone that understands real good Horticultural knows when to plant when not to plant when to plant this and not that by the moon and many men said well that's the silliest thing of or well hey have you ever lived near the ocean now what does the moon do to the water of the ocean how many feet does it raise that hole millions and billions and billions of tons it can raise it five feet in one night just true but what do you think happens out here in the farmland does the water level the moon changes it and if you're gonna plant root crops you better know when to plant if it's kind of a dry year if you want to be successful so it's there for signs but religious signs will possibly doesn't hurt to look at it barbara in luke 9:62 does this mean if someone is a backslider they cannot be forgiven for this I'm confused well you know this is one reason that farm people have an advantage over city people when it comes to understanding God's Word and and it says there if you're plowing and if you look back the spiritual connotation is that if you're doing God's work and you're making headway but if you begin to look back at all you had you know in the world of sin of following Satan that you're kind of lost there's no forgiveness for that but what it means if you are plowing can picture a walking plow it has a wing and it has a the correct name is escaping me it had where the point attaches in there is a blade and man if you lean that it's like little water ski or a jet ski when you lean it it's gone and if you've got those big handles coming up from that point and you turn and look back you can't hardly help but plow crooked your your there's no straightening it out you're lost don't ever look back when you're plowing that's what it means and only in a spiritual sense unfortunately wouldn't it be nice if we were all perfect we're but it thank God that he comforts us and forgives us on repentance Jarrell from Illinois where you taught the way you teach now or were you self-taught thank you and your staff you are so you are so welcome it is natural that you know when you are taught the basics I suppose everyone roughly the basics are close but if you like for example I've taught somewhere over 50 years well naturally if you're a good scholar you're going to be self-taught after a year or two because you're going to go way on past and find your own way that God would lead you and bless you and in that four years of being educated in man's schematic yours probably will take on its own color shape and phone I personally at this time and have for many many years will not read another man's work for this other than God's because other people's schematics can help you from doing creative teaching let me sound that may sound wrong now that I think as I've said it but you want to be influenced by God through the Holy Spirit and utilized the tools that you have to stick to the language that he spoke in and that it was delivered in so that you know for yourself that you're not misleading someone because those that mislead people are in dire danger and when God blesses a person or a ministry with a platform the size of ours that goes all the way around the world in millions and millions of homes to miss teach would be a great sin so you have to do your own homework to know you're right okay Christy from Nebraska would you please explain the Angels born of woman I don't understand why I don't either there are no angels born of woman okay that was if well now maybe I know what you're talking about they're not called angels anymore though okay they're all of when God said the Hebrew word is L to him to to the LA hem let us create man in our image with God and his children that's what L ahem means plural and that's exactly what he did he created he created us in his own image but the and I don't know if you're trying to say the fallen angel you can read of that in Genesis chapter 6 and maybe found this a little more there were G BIR not angels born to them they were hybrids and that's why God brought about the flood to destroy them all Andy from Ohio what book study best describes that angels don't have wings and what do you tell someone who has talked to a person who claims that they are a prophet well I don't know there are not any prophets walking the earth today unless unless you want to translate the word prophet to be teacher okay God sent us to the prophets and you have teachers of the prophets I'm a teacher of the prophets that is to say I teach what Isaiah taught the Prophet I teach what Ezekiel the Prophet taught I teach what Jeremiah the Prophet taught I try my best to but jesus said in mark 13 when he warned us of the two tribulations he said behold I have poor told you all things that means this word is complete and when God gives you option then so it is know when what proof do you need in the Bible other than what I quoted just a moment ago now I as an individual I was created the image of God and the angels okay myself the soul that was there know if to be created in the exact same image do you see any wings on me I mean do you have you ever known a human being that had wings now I've got a set out in the hangar okay but I love to fly love those wings but they're not attached to me okay no that's why if it is a strange thing that God appeared in a vehicle that was circular and had windows and you could see people inside there and when that thing turned those people turned 2 and that a good thing otherwise that it went sonken right out on their heads okay Ezekiel described this and he had never seen anything but an ox cart with wheels on it and he did a pretty good job but when it let his landing gear down then how would you describe something that was flying if all you ever knew that could fly was a bird because it had wings okay so it was said that the cherubims had wings because they were flying but it was a vehicle that was flying him not winged wings Ruth from Indiana when we die do we go straight to paradise or do we stay in the ground until the Lord comes back well I see you have two bodies one goes in the ground and it stays forever it goes back to dirt and that's it that's all it is is dirt and the other is your spiritual body instantly steps forward and returns to the father that gave it and you're happy as can be flesh is not all that it's fantastic I don't want to say that because God created these bodies and it's really kind of amazing when you get you know you got fingerprints here and a lot of people think that's because God wanted to identify you to the police that's not the reason it so you can pick up a piece of paper without it sliding out of your hand like that and and then you know you put these little hairs back here that's so if I were to open this desk and I reach in there and that's closing on my hand those hairs warned you you're getting in a tight place move okay Oh God created and and it's just like an old cowboy that picks up a hot horse you don't take him long to say drop it turn it loose it's hot okay he made for these old bodies pretty good but when we're done with them we're done with them and we had that beautiful buddy that returns to heaven so the answer is Ecclesiastes chapter 9 he explains what happens to your flesh body in Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verses 6 & 7 document what happens to your spiritual body it returns to the Father and thank God for it we're out of time hey don't miss the next lecture about the two tribulations it's extremely important in this generation we I love you because you enjoy studying God's Word you know what's more important he loves you for it you know something it makes his day when you pick up the letter he's written to you you know if you write a letter to a loved one don't you feel good knowing they're gonna read it do you know how many people he's written that letter to and they've never picked it up think about it it makes his day when you especially study it and when you make his day he's going to make yours brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you help us keep coming to you the most important this hey you stay in his word every day and it's a good day even with trouble do you know why because Jesus is the living word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study they tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas seven two seven three six once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box four one six grab it Arkansas seven two seven three six we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 2,410
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Keywords: Pastor Murray, Shepherds, Study Bible, Chapel, Arnold Murray, Holy Bible, Shepherd's, Shepherds Chapel, Arnold, Bible, Shepherd's Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, KJV, Pastor, Murray
Id: L7s5EYQsU-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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