Eyes On. Ears On.

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today in the next several weeks this is gonna be intense this is second Peter chapter two all I can say is Wow on this this is hard stuff it's hard stuff to teach and yet I trust that I'll sense the Holy Spirit in my heart and in my mouth like first service where we're going today in the next several weeks it's not it's not the portion of Scripture that causes church growth let's put it that way but it does induce church health we're looking at a message today starting and now for the next few weeks eyes on ears on that's a combat special ops address or announcement eyes on response back eyes on right ears on ears on means we're ready to go we're watching we're listening and we're doing this because second peter is all about combat faith and so I'll read 2nd Peter chapter 2 verse 1 and 3 if you would read responsively verse 2 we're reading of the New King James Version Bible if you don't have it it'll be on the screens here right now 2nd Peter chapter 2 beginning here but there were also false prophets among the people even as there will be false teachers among you who will secretly bring in destructive heresies even denying the Lord who bought them and bring on themselves Swift destruction verse 3 by covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words for a long time their judgement has not been idle and their destruction does not slumber Father we pray I pray Lord that you would be the deliverer of your word to your people today father that you would move by your Holy Spirit's invitation because our Bibles are open your Holy Spirit has been pledged and promised that whenever the Lord Jesus Christ is exalted the Spirit of God will be there and we pray Lord that you would reveal to us greater and greater light greater and greater truth that we might walk in these end times these last days on the straight and narrow true believers effective believers spirit filled believers until the end and Lord as we've just read already that even among us in this second service of today whole new church this morning at second service that if there would be those that are not of us that today father that your word would either convert them or drive them far from here we receive this morning the seriousness of your word and in the late hour of your church on the earth and we ask you Father God that you would be with us as we continue to worship you now in spirit and in truth and all of God's people said amen you could be seated eyes on ears on the challenge the call church remember when we talked about the Bible we're reading what was written 21 centuries ago two thousand years ago Peter is writing these now you know this he's now elderly this is old teeth Peter this is no longer a big bold loud Peter this is now senior Peter this is Peter is a great hair or gray beard and weathered not just weathered by the Sun as a fisherman and by the elements and hard work and what working all night would be as a fisherman on the Galilee but most importantly he's weathered as a senior fellow in the ministry of Jesus Christ he's advanced in age now he has seen a lot and these closing arguments found in second Peter as it shifts into the theme of combat faith he's telling them the things that are most dear to him and beneficial to them the reader the first century church that was dispersed throughout that region of the Roman Empire and it's vital it's important and those letters by the way would have gone out by way of manuscripts letters so second Peter was written and sent out this is the wonderful thing about your Bible that when something was written be it Paul writing to the Corinthians are John writing his gospel it's copied so hypothetically if if Peter wrote second Peter to the Saints in Los Angeles the believers would have copied it down and would it's and would have sent out in the exact replica are you with me to the Saints in Albuquerque and Chicago so late New York are you with me and by this doing by the way the Word of God went out and covered the known world to the point that as we sit here today there are nearly 14,000 manuscripts of the Bible that exists today in other words you can you can look at the Bible and know for a fact that what you're reading from Scripture has the longevity of the last 2,000 years and if you have any doubt then you need to remember that in 1947 the Dead Sea Scrolls were on earth in Qumran and those various caves that many of us have been there and out of those pots those clay jars they pulled out those ancient manuscripts and if you have an old King James Version Bible the Israeli archaeologists they got the Bible out of those pots and they opened up the old King James Version Bible and verbatim verbatim was the Word of God present I believe that not only did God give the Bible but I believe that God preserves the Bible and I'm excited by the way this is a side note has nothing new with our study exactly but I'm excited about right now what's happening mind folks going off going off going off because of what's happened in Iran right now the people are protesting and demanding that their leadership step down and there are groups that try to burn the American flag and a bunch of young people came in and rescued the American flag and and I'm not here to talk about the Americans way what I'm saying is they're there looking for freedom and you know what we ought to do as a people as a as a judeo-christian worldview person is pray and do our part maybe the door will open to get Bibles into Iran could you imagine with all the news that's going on that the next thing is that we I mean this lovingly that we bomb Iran with Bibles that we fly over at 40,000 feet and drop pallets of Bibles would it be tremendous truth the Word of God gets out you can't hold it back China Bills of all God steps over the wall there's an Iron Curtain God walked right through it the Word of God is available but just know this what you are holding in your hand is the most authenticated document information system known to mankind right now right here in your Bible and it from its inception I say inception and from its release in print Old Testament two new continues to change the world Colossians chapter 1 by the way this is all introduction to where we're going we're not going to get far today this big stuff we're gonna be talking about deception how do we have our ears on or eyes on all that stuff but listen Colossians chapter 1 verse 6 tells us regarding the going forth of the Word of God and people come into Christ it says which has come to you the gospel the teaching of the word that's come to you as it has into all the world my goodness and bringing forth fruits as it is also among you since the day you what heard and knew the grace of God in truth ears on eyes on John's Gospel John echoes that same dynamic power in John chapter 21 John's now wrapping up his gospel I believe if you've never read John's Gospel maybe you're a new believer or maybe you're not a believer at all you ought to read John's Gospel first and in John 21 he's just about done and verse 25 John says this and there are also many other things that Jesus did which if they were written one by one I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written the Ministry of God the manifestation of the Word of God Jesus Christ into the world now church setting up chapter 2 verse chapter 2 verse 1 to verse 3 look down look back in your Bible just look a little bit to the left and look at first Peter 1:19 would you that has to be looked at before we launch first Peter 1:19 begins Peter says and so we have the prophetic word confirmed notice it's past tense the revelation of the word of God has been confirmed which you do well to heed to as a light that shines in a dark place until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts that's the coming of Christ look at verse 20 knowing this first priority one eminently so is this understanding that no prophecy or revelation of Scripture is of any private interpretation meaning you can't make it up for your own self you can't take the Bible and bend it to meet your interpretation or your view no the Bible changes your view the Bible tells you what's right you don't tell it what's right the Word of God speaks the truth verse 21 for prophecy or the revelation of Scripture never came by the will of man I like that that's a mic drop moment boo well didn't man write the Bible yes and no look at the answer prophecy never came by the will of man but holy men of God spoke as they were possessed moved activated if I can put it this way enthusiast enthusiast God dwelt within them and so moved them as they were moved by the Holy Spirit that's a huge claim because the Bible is without error in the original languages man cannot do that God did that the validity and the strength of God's Word if you think nations are attacking nations those are just the wars that you see with your naked eye the greatest ongoing attack from the beginning of time is the attack that Satan and his cohorts have against the Bible to pollute it dilute it misrepresent it to change it and if you can't beat it which he cannot beat it what he does is he joins it and we all know that when Jesus was tempted in the wilderness after 40 days of fasting and he was nigh unto death then Satan appeared to him and what did he use against Jesus the very Bible scripture he did exactly what Peter warned against private interpretation and so we come to this portion church were gonna be looking at our first argument in this about eyes on and ears on as believers and it's found in verse one and how far we'll get I should probably give this disclaimer I am at a loss this morning at giving this teaching and I thought it was just me and then I started reading a whole lot of commentaries from writers from a whole long time ago and they were kind of having a hard time so then I went back to my pastor I went back to Pastor Chuck and I clicked on to see what he had to say about this 25 years ago and he gave his argument but to me it just didn't seem like was adequate enough and I thought I need more and I went looking around seeing what other Bible teachers that I respect and love had to say and I was still left a little empty to be honest with you and I felt odd about that and I thought Lord what am I going to say I've read the ancients and that's awesome what they have to say the meaning of the words those are obvious the history got it the theology of it I get it but the application of it is where I'm struggling and I wish I could snap my finger all of a sudden and I'm in the side love you don't take this the wrong way and I'm not saying this to throw a blessing back at God but this just happens to be second service and this is one this is one church of three that meet every Sunday morning here at this address and there's a part of me that where we're going on this I wish that this was a church of about 50 people now it might be 50 people after this series but I have this faith in God it'd be 50 healthy believers and you're gonna see why here in a moment because it's alarming what you're gonna learn I guarantee you this you can go down to the Christian bookstore and you can buy the little memory verse cards that you memorize you know those memory scripture memory cards and it's not gonna have second Peter 2 1 2 3 on it you know you're not gonna get that in there instead oh that's just mmm that just really makes me feel good today I go one of the promises of God there's gonna be false teachers and false prophets among us and they're gonna tear a bunch of people up and Peter doesn't care what's in the promise card at the book store he cares about the truth number one mark it down if you would eyes on ears on is the fact we're watching out and listening for false ministries did you know that everybody where to be looking and watching listening for false ministries in verse 1 it says but there were also you got asserted the word also that's not very comforting but there were also false prophets among the people even as there will be false teachers among you boom absolutely statement of fact no apology Peter says all right here's the deal there were false prophets among the Jewish hosts in the wilderness and throughout Israel's existence that's what he's referring to in verse one up at the openings argument there were false prophets among the Jewish people and listen up church there's going to be false teachers among you wherever people are gathered together who love the Lord Jesus Christ and the Bible is open guess what instantly by decree of God we know false brethren fakers wolves will seek to move in you know what's scary about a big church jesus said the kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed listen listen do I have your attention Jesus said the kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that when it's planted in the ground it grows into a shrub and into a great tree mustard seeds don't do that that's abnormal growth that's weird and then he confirmed it and then the birds of the air will lodge in its branches did you know that's a warning you saw man we want our church to grow like a mustard sait no you don't Jesus was warning that as time went on and as the church grew it was going to be compromised because growth does not translate into truth oh there's a lot of people going there that could be good or bad no it's a warning and it's a strong one because we look at verse 1 and what we're learning about eyes on ears on is that they look market they are here they're here they were in the Old Testament and he said look at the strong word he says even as there will be not maybe there will be false teachers among you false teachers strange promise but I'm grateful for it false but false teachers meaning they have listened they have doctrine that's off it's not biblically based doctrine it could be in an area it could be in more areas could be a whole lot and listen I am NOT we are not talking about the run-of-the-mill cult that knocks on your door that is so obvious it's ridiculous we're not talking about them they're so gone he's talking about people that are in our midst and another place Paul's gonna warn us that they're gonna rise up from among our own selves of us with us false believers and they're to be flushed out there to be known and that's the job of the Holy Spirit and that's how he uses the Word of God but we as believers need to be leaning on the Bible with eyes open and ears open so listen to what Paul has to say in Acts chapter 20 this is now Paul the Apostle and he is addressing the leadership of the church in the area of what is Turkey today Acts chapter 20 verse 26 Paul says and puts it this way therefore I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all men Wow don't you wish you could say that I wish I could say that it means Paul told people about Jesus everywhere he went and whoever would listen he would tell them can you say that I can't say that I wish I could say that he went on to say in verse 28 therefore take heed to yourselves into the flock among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers talking to the leaders to Shepherd the Church of God which he purchased with his own blood listen pause right there for a moment if a church leadership group whatever you want to call it team has got some leadership attitude that there's something I don't care if it's an evangelist I don't care if it's a pope I don't care by what name that church or movement goes by if they if they put themselves out in front as being the ones that will tell you the real meaning he's telling you here to watch out how do we know because Jesus bought the church with his own blood there is no priest there is no pastor there's no leader that can say that but one you've been bought by the blood of Jesus Christ at the cross verse 29 of Acts chapter 24 I know this listen to what Paul says I know this that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you not sparing the flock stop right there keep this keep the verse up what I should have done today was showed a video right now of like National Geographic or Smithsonian or what are those Simoes nature programs you know you ever see those programs where they're little water buffalo baby water buffalo he's going down he's going down he's thirsty cute little guy he makes his way right down to the edge of the water you ever see those programs when you're channel surfing or the Gazelle is going right down there and by what my wife can't handle that lisa says when she sees a baby water buffalo near the water and it's on TV she says turn it turn it turn it turn it turn it turn it I don't want to see that I want to see that of course not you know what you know what I'm done that right I should have I should have gone to youtube and put up alligators eat baby gazelle you say oh that's horrible pastured stop shame that's terrible because you know what happens they had the alligators so fast lunge is out of the water grabs that little gazelle by the head there's a there's running around then the hella Gator starts turning and there's meat and stuff flying everywhere this bone cartilage and fern horrible blood the water's turning red and you go that's exactly what Peter's trying to get the believers to see in the spiritual realm that's exactly what Satan will do he will go about him and his cohorts is demonic hosts of spirit powers and they're looking and just as we watch something get eaten alive by a lion on TV it's worse when something spiritual is beginning to try to devour your soul they prowl they hide they blend in they look alike these kind of wolves though these are not wolves wolves we've all watched wolves wolves are scary enough you go to Wyoming you go to Canada and Alaska the Wolves the wolves they just look they have deadpan face they're just emotional Asst you know they're doing that and their fault they're following the pack of elk or caribou for days they just and then the wanted just one of them maybe it's an old one maybe it's an old elk maybe it's a young baby calf and it just stops and that wolf stops and they're hanging their head down very coy they hang their head down it's like I'm not coming toward you you don't see me coming have you seen this and they get really close and sometimes just with the lunge that you they just get a little nip or sometimes they just go for the throat and hang on and then the rest of the clan pack comes in is it interesting that the Bible equates false past false pastors false teachers false prophets false ministries with wolves you see what miss natural were sheep he calls his sheep yeah it's true the wolves are very uh very brilliant and I think it's a perfect setup for this that he's warning us he tells us in Acts chapter 20 still going on for this verse 29 for I know this that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you not sparing the flock also from here also from among yourselves men will rise up speaking perverse things this doesn't mean they cuss perverse things spiritually perverse things things that are not document ladies and gentlemen church family this is why I feel so inadequate this morning I'm having you for an hour look at the Bible and you and I live in a world that's seven days a week 24 7 365 constant Bob mark bombardment at your fingertips internet you can be deceived in a second and you don't even know that who's doing it on the other end they can they can say any kind of status they can say on the professor of theology at blank and so and and I in this this this and you don't know and it's any and there's a part about it's like whoa that's interesting watch out when something is interesting that's where it begins you see William pestered but I just grew up being dumb no you grow up being very smart read the Bible and let it be the judge of everything you read on the internet everything you hear in the radio everything you watch on TV let the Bible be your guide and you'll never have to worry about wolves in fact wolves will stay away from you because the enemy knows that you know you've got your eyes on you got your ears on you know I find it interesting this is this is this is intimate it's not in the notes but it's it's important you know the Word of God the Word of God is all powerful and what does the Bible refer to itself as being the Word of God the sword of the Spirit you know how you kill a wolf if you live among wolves do you know you're not you kill a wolf you take it you take a knife big one and you dip the knife in like cow blood or goat blood or some whatever blood something blood did you know that you dip it and you let it freeze and then you dip it and you let it freeze until you make a blood popsicle I'm not joking think of the application regarding the Word of God and then you fastened that blood popsicle to a piece of wood something firm and the wolf will come because he smells the blood and he'll lick the popsicle and then he'll keep keep licking the popsicle and he tastes blood because that's a blood popsicle and then his tongue starts getting cut and all he takes his blood he keeps licking the knife until all of the popsicle blood is gone and now it's his blood he's drinking and the wolf will kill itself because he's wrongly handling the Word of God he's wrongly at the wrong end of the sword as a word and without firing a shot and without any sweat that animal will be destroyed because you get my analogy the Word of God the sword is the great power and we want to remember that but according to the Bible there among us false teachers should not here no not mainly here well who is it it's that person right over there and I'm kidding okay so you can make me nervous you were looking at my direction when I went no but you know wherever God look look look don't don't be upset by this Jesus was a pastor of a church of twelve people and one of them was a devil think of it Judas went and performed miracles where is he today wherever God is moving the enemy is going to be moving and the only way that's going to separate you from that from danger into safety is the Bible because the Holy Spirit will use the Word of God first John chapter four verse one are you guys ok everybody alright first John chapter four verse one first John 4:1 beloved do not believe every spirit oh my goodness do not believe every spirit listen Church I was watching her program she's so sweet calm down oh I think he's so funny I turn him on all the time yeah I understand everything but be careful watch out why does he say this and why do we need to know this by the way first John he's writing to believers he says test the spirits you need to ask yourself the question how do I test the spirits now you do understand he's actually saying you the believer when you're talking to somebody else he's talking about spiritual matters you need to judge what that person's telling you by the Word of God would you love the Bible in other words look past the skin look the hair look past the teeth there's a there's a spirit inside that individual that's what we're talking about it's not the identity of the face it's what's coming out of them because what's coming out of them is something that's embedded within them and what is it is it the Spirit of Truth or is there a different spirit he goes on whether they are of God because many false prophets have gone out into the world by this we know that the Spirit of God every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God by the way quickly that word that statement means exactly what it says without manipulation Jesus the savior of the world Christ the one and only Messiah you say well I've got cults knockin on my door they say that Jesus has come in the flesh yeah but listen people mark this down cults and false believers use the same words you and I do but they don't use the same dictionary their words their Jesus is different their salvation doctrines different we'll see this in a moment and so he says verse 3 and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God and this is the spirit of the Antichrist which you have heard was coming he's amazing they they knew back then that that man was coming but there's a spirit about it and even now as already in the world tremendous so they're here Bible study group at work could be they're small groups something or other could be there anywhere how many of your Christians raise your hand wherever you go there could be a wolf walking a couple of hundred feet away from you right waiting for you to pause waiting for you to spiritually twist your ankle maybe you didn't maybe you're a little angry at God because he didn't give you the lotto numbers or something I don't know maybe you know what you don't understand so you're the some something the guard is down and you're a little weak you're a little weak and they animate the the wolf sees that now look number one if you're a true believer the wolf will try to silence you you can't take your soul can I repeat that right now if you're a born-again believer your soul is safe the enemy can only neutralize you he cannot take you to hell you cannot you you are not going to be lost after you've been found okay you are if you're born again you cannot show me a scripture where your unborn again here's what I want to stress do not be content to just be a believer you must take that belief all the way through to faith in Christ that's something that you've got to find out for you only you can find that out for yourself that's between you and God secondly mark it down eyes on ears on regarding us watching out and listening for false ministries is the fact that they are active oh boy are they ever active they're active because listen first of all the the hierarchy that has created them was created by man number two it will always be a hierarchal group that control its masses of followers and because it's not of God they all its I hope it's so quiet in here right now I hope it's because you're listening and that because you're watching the game right now there their whole thing is to them the grace of God is for is disgusting we love the grace of God to them the law is what you keep to us the law is what points to how unrighteous we are and how much we need the Savior one and only no no they come along and say you need to do these 10 things and you'll get a mark and after you get this from your team leader then you'll move on to the next step and then after you do this for a year you'll get you're gonna get this thing or you need to show up to this place and then this thing happens next and then you then you're going to receive this thing and then we're gonna send you out and you're gonna go do those things and it's all do doo doo doo doo and it's laborious and exhaustive it's legalism and it promises you salvation and you'll never have peace if you're in a cult today you have no peace you never know if you're gonna be good enough there can be a church down the street with a cross on its steeple with Bible open in the pulpit but if it's saying to you you need to keep the law to be saved that is a ministry that is at the very least fallen from grace but when Christ comes in and saves the life he transforms you you say yes to the law it's holy but I can't keep it but I want to God's grace comes in in those moments when we fail salvation is all of Christ all of God and these false ministries I'm going to give you a simple way to identify them some of them peddle up to your house and some of them silently creep up to your house and knock on the door those are the big obvious ones they all deny the deity of Christ and they all offer to you something to read every one of them they're adding to the scriptures adding to the read request of God for you to know him personally they say no notes this way look what it says in verse 1 they will secretly bring in destructive heresies if you have an old King James Bible do you have anybody you have an old King James Bible right now what does that can you can you read that what I just read a moment ago they secretly bring in what old King James damnable heresies is that a pretty strong word that's exactly what it means they bring in false teaching that condemns you they peddle false doctrine they themselves are condemned they peddle it and it's almost like that wolf licking the blade they get into it they get you into it until you're feverishly committed to trying to get life and it drains you of your own vitality and you eventually die without Christ exhausted worn out jesus said in another place we'll cover it in a few weeks jesus said woe unto you scribes and pharisees you hypocrites you see to it that you travel land and sea to make one convert to your traditions and you make them worse than the children of hell then you are yourselves you are you bar up their chance to go to heaven you yourselves will not make it as well jesus' words false teachers will do this and they're out and about more now I believe I look I'm aware in my humanity I could exaggerate I could lie about it I could go emotional about it I could do what about it so I am aware of that so here it comes after that declaration let me say this in the age that you and I are living in right now in this world with the internet with everything that's out there but the craziness of the hour I believe there's more people walking around with religions that most of us have never ever heard of that have been made up down the street two days ago there's false prophets and false teachers all over the place and how you gonna know the Bible just know your Bible you don't have to study those crazies study your Bible and you'll know secretly the word secret means and I mark this down it means by stealth they will in a stealthy manner bring in the falsehood they will sneak it in the word covert comes from there cloaked what comes your mind when you think of the word cloaked it's cloaked remember it you remember this was like this cloaked with the robe it comes in like that you can't see very subtle oh it's really great really great this little thing off without detection or without early detection Albert Barnes says it powerfully in Old English he says they come with plausible arts and pretenses in other words they have a plan to deceive they know the truth but they go again they don't believe it so what they offer up they know that there's many other offers on the market but they have their own with the intent to deceive a friend of mine just ministry going gangbusters and all for some reason son I don't know why was talked into going I won't mention the name what was talked into a local University in Southern California Christian University Christian University I think in the Pasadena area just just stuff I think it's the 210 right ministering loving God excited God's blessing goes to this university and the professor says welcome to the first day of class I'm professor whatever and you all need to know that I'm a great teacher have all my degrees in this history antiquities this this blah blah blah but I'm not a Christian so don't try to convert me I don't care to be a Christian I'm not a Christian I'm your professor excuse me the problem was he's at a Christian University yeah and so he's thinking up um okay well thanks for the disclaimer and so on on time goes and it affected him that man's Authority that man's wisdom and insight him knowledge was so impressive that it got into my buddy and it changed some of his views he views that's how they do it after last service first service somebody told me that their daughter was attempted to be swept away by a local cult because there are a bunch of young people very excited very happy then they come in and they befriend people they target places like Barnes and Nobles and Starbucks they look for a kid that is studying and they go up and they introduce themselves hey what's going on what do you do what he studying and they begin in introduce and invite them to deception they're not only here they're active you know and they have to be active our salvation is based upon the activity of Christ their salvation is based upon their works you can't have it both ways faith in Christ alone the Bible says saves you and if that's true in your life then you'll have works that come out of your life because you are saved you don't do good works to earn God's smile so that you'll get saved that's a that's cult-like thinking God condemns that thinking they'll secretly bring in destructive heresies bringing in the word bringing in means to have strapped alongside to bring it in by stealth strapped alongside sneak it in nobody knows they've got this spiritual weapon of spiritual deception and they bring it in you can't detect cuz you know what they talk Christianese they talk like we talk they just come in right alongside they look like us talk like us praise the Lord here's what I found and not all of them but some of them maybe you have to their little over the top sometimes yeah I mean by that Oh bless God Oh everything is like really really it's just too much another dead giveaway is how they communicate to you ever so humbly how much more enlightened they are than you are they'll show you the way oh they'll show you the way all right they're very active the word bringing in also hints about the word that we would use of of contaminants or particulates dust you know dust is not a problem until you see it would you agree dust is not a problem until you breathe it do you agree you know we have lighting in here right now that is certain kind of lighting so that it's good for us and it's healthy for us and but you know there's certain like spot light intense lighting that you can see stuff floating in the air you ever seen that happen especially if it happens in your own house let you feel horrible you're in your own home and somebody who is awesome flashlight thanks oh great Christmas gift turn it on turn it off I didn't know that was in my house these things are floating by in the beam of light I thought we were breathing air moment ago you've written all this stuff particulates and this these contaminants look people people come to me and and I understand this i pastored that shake my hand give me a hug yeah what's going on did you get that they shake my hand give me a hug and then I say what's what's going on oh I knew I should have stayed home today I've been so sick but I just had to come I want you to pray for me please just pray that God would heal me because I think I have pneumonia and so were you pretty and it's and you this stuff if you could see what's flying that's how the false teacher is it's coming out and those doctrines are looking for a place to land and you know if you don't have a spiritual immune system on you're gonna get it charismatic educated flamboyant fun whatever the enemy will adjust like a is it a chameleon that changes its color to its moment that's what they do destructive heresies second Corinthians second Corinthians chapter 11 verse three listen to this 2nd Corinthians 11 verse 3 Paul writes to the church in Greece sounds like today he says I fear I'm very concerned less somehow as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ mom stop there for a second wait the gospel is what Jesus Christ died in this cross for the sins of all mankind exactly as it said according to the prophets the Bible says that if you confess that he is Lord that you confess that Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose again from the dead you'll be saved that that's it well if you believe what you just said what I'm saying for him to die on the cross for your sins it means that you're a sinner and you need his forgiveness that's all I got to do you know I find amazing about that it's so simple it's so simple a little kid gets it in an instant it's so deep that an older person struggles with it sometimes even to their own destruction because the gospel is so simple it insults your pride and your arrogance give me something to do and then oh I'll make it no believe on Him whom God has sent and you shall be saved did you know it's offensive to people it offends them but Paul goes on to the Corinthians verse 4 he says for he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we've not preached or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received or a different gospel which you have not accepted you may well put up with it Paul is saying to the Corinthians in Greece I'm really concerned you guys know the truth but you're so weak that if somebody comes along and says hey you know you want to know you want to know about this other part of Jesus and this other part of the message oh let me tell you he says you might entertain them why because they didn't have discernment they lacked discernment they're active and they're out and they're about the word destructive and we're gonna we're gonna end with this because it's it's what's because we're out of time the word destructive is as the old King James damnable or condemning it means listen the word means interesting word it means that the false teacher false prophet brings you some teaching and they offer you another choice as humans we like another choice we like that we like our options we like options we're suckers for options but wait there's more this is the commercial ooh honey listen there's more write the number down write the number down if we buy what we could do right and this this destructive it's a word that implies that you're pressured to choose you need we have we have to end with this they you'll be pressured to choose in other words listen Mike I don't mean this and this will be edited for radio or else I'll get shot I'm sure but if you're a Muslim and and you decide to become a Christian are you thinking about it your family will your Muslim family will intervene on you and they will highly encourage you they will pressure you to stay if you're in Mormonism you're not leaving unless is unless that great cost to you why because you're pressured have you noticed in Christianity by the way none of us should ever pressure anyone into making a decision for Jesus right because if I can pressure you into it someone can pressure you out it's not by compulsion if it was by compulsion God would have the whole world saved and yet the Bible says that He desires the whole world to be saved he desires that all would come to him but then he turns right around and says but not all come to me these cults they will pressure you into choosing them it's us or them it's this group or those guys hey look I'm telling you not on my authority that you ought to choose the Bible choose God not that group can I change it up just a little bit it's a scary day when look at the air quotes when some Christian Church says you got to be a member of our church if you're not a member of our church I don't know that's sick are you hearing me were you baptized in our water I don't know if you weren't baptized in our water I don't know we got special water you laugh I'm telling you watch out for that because today's for me anyway just intense it's different for me I wanted to I wrote myself in my notes I'm gonna deliberately Lynde and early so people can ask questions and we can pray I did not end well I did end early it's still 47 46 seconds left and he anyone have a question regarding this portion of Scripture please have a question so I can keep my word anybody seriously buff about false prophets false teachers come on first service had questions yes every angle every angle so the bombardment come in from every angle this well listen she says that stuff's coming in from every angle it's gonna come in from every angle this is the only way that you're this is the plumb line I think it's the Book of Amos that talks about the vision of the plumb line this is the plumb line okay can I actually do this hopefully this works see how well these guys made this Bible see that see that this is the plumb line the Word of God this tells you what's leading right left this way that way this does this this this is what makes the decision for you God is so good you don't have to study all the other stuff your time out it's impossible impossible you need to know this next question quick come on come on yes thank you great perfect he said jesus said my sheep will only hear my voice they won't follow a stranger thank you for saying that that's exactly right on Jesus said regarding his people his sheep they will not listen to the voice of a stranger a stranger they will not follow my sheep hear my voice and they follow me did you know that did you know that's a statement of fact by the Messiah himself I want to end with this anybody might remember maybe not dr. Walter Martin years ago if you if you don't know what I'm talking about it's gonna come across a little rough he was a profound theologian I used to at least and I used to go to his classes and he had an amazing ability to teach but he had a sarcasm I think he was very Pauline like I think Paul was very much like that where he talked with a sarcasm and one of his things I'll never forget him saying this I saw it in real time it affected me and it's never left me he was teaching he's the author by the way of the book kingdom of the cults he should by dr. Walter Martin in fact you guys can stand we're all done for real so well Walter Martin said I thank God for the cult down the street from our church and I went and he said because all those people have religious yearnings and hunger to be religious but they have no hunger for the truth you give them the Bible they almost throw up it's like smelling salts to them oh but they're very religious they want to be religious and they're very involved highly involved in the cult down the street but they want nothing to do with the truth but they're very religious and Walter Martin said I'm glad they're down there because if they weren't in that building down there altogether they would be in your church here no and I never forgot that but look Peter's words to us he's warning us that men here men you know people will grow up or come up rise up in the midst of us so church listen we're a family if somebody you knows walking around this campus saying stuff that's not true biblically we need to know that's what that's what pastors do we go after wolves and they come all the time sometimes look there's been times your car you know you're in here safe and sound your poor cars out there in the parking lot and and cult people come and put stuff in your windshield now we've got guys out there shooters better I mean I mean we have spotters so look I know that next week they're maybe half the size of the church here at second service I just want you to know that's a good thing father we thank you Lord in Jesus name that the Church of God has never been called to a popularity contest you never said that one of the prophecies of the last days is that the church would have a Facebook account you never told us to wait for Twitter to arrive and you you never were ever dependent upon YouTube Father we praise and thank you that you're the God that when China built a wall you stepped right over it when the iron curtain went up you went through and even today in our America that says we have freedom of speech it's a perception but the Holy Spirit obeys no ungodly laws so lord I pray that you'd bless every one of these that's in this building today that you'd empower them by your Holy Spirit that you'd send them out into this world with truth light and love and father God that if there's anyone here among us right now that is honestly ignorant light like Apollo's was before meeting up with Ananias with priscilla and aquila that can be fixed there could be a real believer whose doctrinally off and they'd because they just don't know that can be fixed but if there's a man or a woman in this place that is willfully known to have rejected your truth to infiltrate and to deceive then we invite you Holy Spirit to cleanse and to prepare and to purge this church Lord from false believers that seek to deceive this is your church you bought it with your blood we belong to you okay thanks for watching real life youtube channel and if this message has been a blessing to you then just click the subscribe button because we'd love to keep you up to date on what we're teaching on and what's coming next and if you'd like to help us increase our reach and getting out these messages to a greater audience then you can help support us by becoming a partner by simply clicking on the link in the description box below so listen we want to thank you for helping us get the Word of God out to the ends of the earth
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 69,345
Rating: 4.9346766 out of 5
Keywords: jack hibbs, jack hibbs donald trump, jack hibbs faith initiative team, real life with jack hibbs, jack hibbs calvary chapel, jack hibbs 2 peter, jack hibbs combat faith, eyes on ears on, study 2 peter
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 3sec (3663 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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