Eye Zoom Transition In Davinci Resolve 16 - Fusion Tutorial

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hey guys nick and welcome back to another video today we're going to be jumping into venture resolve and creating an eye mask transition really popular transition you see a lot in like cinematic videos and music videos like this one so we're going to jump in and show you how to do it and this is going to be like a part one and two series so in this video i'm going to show you how to do the zoom in effect and then in another video later on i'll show you how to do the zoom out yes it's more or less the same it's sort of just the same process reverse but i am aware that there are people out there that just sort of struggle with sort of interpreting tutorials and sort of going out on their own so i'm just going to show you how to do both and yeah hopefully you enjoy this tutorial so without further ado let's just jump into it [Music] this is the sort of timeline we have here [Music] and this clip is the one that we've put into fusion so if we go into fusion and have a look at the node tree you can see there's not a whole lot going on we've got two video clips and then we've got a couple of transform nodes and then one mask so it's a pretty easy effect to create not a lot going on so let's create that effect so i'm just going to create a new timeline and i'm going to drag my footage down into it now i don't really need the audio for this so i'm just going to option click and delete that now when bringing video clips into fusion it's always important to only bring what you need otherwise you're going to be putting some unnecessary processing power through your computer so although we're using this whole clip for this scene we only really need like let's say from like here otherwise so probably about here so i'm just going to command b or control b cut that so that we only take this bit of footage into fusion all right so we're going to click that and just jump across into fusion the first thing we're going to do just a bit of organizations we're going to click the media in one node and we're just going to rename it so function f2 i'm just going to call this we'll call it video mask then the first thing we're going to do is add a transform node so i'm going to hit shift space and then type in transform hit enter we're just going to add a transform node like so so the first thing we're going to want to do is animate the zooming in motion and we're going to zoom in around about sort of like around 120 frame mark for this particular video but if you notice if we go to the inspector under the transform node and zoom in it kind of just zooms into the center we don't want that we want it to zoom into the eye so to do that we're going to have to reposition the pivot point which is this little green x here that can be controlled over here in the inspector under the pivot x and y and if we move that you can see that that x moves all around once we can grab it we can literally grab it and move it and we basically just want to position it more or less around the eye and so what we're going to do is we're just going to quickly keyframe that through for the length of this video clip so we're going to start at 99 i'm going to set it we're going to move that x into position i'm going to hit the little diamond here then we're going to go to the end frame so 144 i'm going to move that we're going to move that down more or less there and then we're just going to slowly go through the video clip i'm just going to make sure that this one is more or less in the same position so we're just going to move it there and you're just going to go through until it's more or less in the right spot this doesn't have to be super accurate because at the end of the day the zoom in effect is actually quite quick but near enough is close enough you could also go through and track the eye but i think it's just an unnecessary complication to this effect this just you know doesn't take very long doesn't have to be super neat you know as you can see here i'm just smashing it out really quickly not even really thinking too much about it so yeah so once you've done that now you've got it relatively tracked now if we were to zoom in to the eye you can see that it zooms into the eye which is exactly what we want so now what we're going to do is animate that zoom in effect and we can pick whenever we want to start that so all right so we're going to start this setup frame 120 we're going to set that keyframe for the size i'm going to move forward a little bit to like 127 i'm going to move in a little bit more not a lot i'm going to move a bit further forward to like 133 and we're going to move in a bit more now if you find that your slider stops at 5 you can just manually type in your number there okay so we're going to actually set that to 10 i'm going to go through right to the end and we're going to set it to probably like 50 just so we're fully we can even go a bit more 100 just so we're fully in on that i there and so it comes in and zooms out like so all right so now we can do our rotation if we want so we could start at again probably around here we're going to start the rotation so 1 26 what we're going to do is we're going to keyframe the angle and again we're just going to move forward 144 and we're going to do a 180 degree rotation so just 180 and so now if we were to play this through cool all right so now we're going to mask out the eye now we could do it right at the start but the thing is if we're only going to have the mask sort of come into effect around here there's no use animating it for this section so what we're going to do is we're going to bring it into when we kind of want to see the mask so i think i'm going to start around frame 110 i'm going to bring this polygon mask in i'm going to click and drag it into the node tree and just connect it to the video mask now everything disappears and i wouldn't worry about that too much we can just go over to the inspector and hit invert so we can see everything and we zoom in on the eye now you could either mask out the pupil or the iris it's totally up to you for this one let's let's do the pupil so we're going to click and drag and doesn't have to be super accurate just more or less around that like so awesome and if you don't want to see the checker pattern for now you can just hit the solid check mark here so you can't see it we can just see the mask so what we're going to want to do at frame 110 is we're going to want to keyframe the size and the center so that we can reposition it and all we're going to do is we're going to slowly move forward we're just going to reposition this mask so we're going to put it there and put it up there i'm going to move forward a little bit more do the same thing and we're just going to go through this entire animation and keyframe that pupil out so just keep moving forward and keep doing exactly what we're doing now all right so now the longer you spend on that animation the better it's going to look but we've got a pretty pretty decent effect there so what we're going to do now is we're actually going to blur the edges a little bit as you can see it's a little bit harsh so we're going to grab the polygon we're going to soften the edges but not a lot because you see if we do a lot it kind of distorts it a bit so we're going to just a little bit like so so like 0.11.0016 so not a lot and again we can play it through looks pretty good not too bad all right so what we want to do now is we obviously want this to blur in and obviously it's not tracking before frame 110. so what we're actually going to do is we're going to duplicate it with the transform node so select both of them control c and then control v paste and all we're going to want to do is drag the transform node and we're going to drop it onto the other one and then what it's going to do is going to merge it on top in the foreground and we can rename this one just to keep organized we're going to just call it video overlay awesome and now what you can notice is we can't see the mask at all and that's because now this entire normal video clip is sitting on top of it but what we want to do here is we're going to animate what's called the blending so if we go to the merge node you can see that over in the inspector we have this blend option so if we were to go over here and we drag the blend you can see that it blends in between really simple thing to do what we're going to do is we're going to go forward to like frame 110 which or just after frame 110 which is when the atom we started animating our mask i'm going to set a keyframe for the blend at 1 and we're just going to move forward a little bit to like frame 124 not a lot and we're going to blend it in and so now if we were to watch this back the mask blends in and then we zoom in all right awesome now there's a few things a few more things we can do we can add a bit of motion blur which is going to help sell the effects so what we're going to do is we're going to select the transform node on the for the video clip that we've altered the animation for so the one we've rotated we're going to hit motion blur we're going to increase the quality a bit and you can see what this is going to do is it's just going to help sell this effect ever so slightly awesome so the next thing to do is literally going to go to the edit page and we have our video clip here and then it moves in and zooms in and obviously it goes black so to do the overlay all we need to do is drag this one at least onto the second layer and we're just going to chuck whatever clip we want underneath really easy and now it sort of comes in and you zoom in very cool and you know you can just add a bit of a sound effect so let's drop that down a little bit there you go and that's how you create an eye zoom in transition so there you go guys how to create an eye mask transition inside of davinci resolve pretty simple stuff if you have any questions make sure you leave a comment down below and i'll do my best to get back to you also make sure you hit that thumbs up button if you enjoyed the video and subscribe to the channel for more videos like this one and yeah until the next video guys see ya you
Channel: That Modern Dude
Views: 10,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eye zoom transition davinci resolve 16, eye mask transition in fusion, davinci resolve 16 eye zoom, davinci resolve 16 eyes, zoom transition davinci resolve, davinci resolve transition, davinci resolve transitions, davinci resolve 16 tutorial, eye mask transition, davinci resolve transition effects, davinci resolve transitions tutorial, davinci resolve transitions for beginners, davinci resolve transitions spin, Davinci resolve 16 beginner tutorial
Id: J8Wv4dbPazI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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