How to Clone yourself in Davinci Resolve 16 - EASY Tutorial

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what's good guys nick here back with a another video and today we're going to be looking at how to clone yourself in davinci resolve 16 kind of like this video here [Music] so cloning is a really simple technique and i've been seeing it crop up a fair bit on youtube and instagram lately so i figured i'd give you my two cents and hopefully you guys can sort of watch this video and a few other tutorials and sort of come away with your own methods on how to do it this is definitely a more basic version of cloning and how you can just have a video of yourself in the same frame just like we just showed you if you want to do something more technical where you are sort of talking to yourself or interacting with yourself that's definitely a little bit more advanced and if that's something you want to see make sure you drop a comment down below and i can go into that because that'll go into not just the post side of it in davinci resolve 16 but also sort of like how to film that kind of a scene because obviously it's hard to interact with yourself when well there's only one of you but let's start with the basics let's jump into venture resolve 16 and show you how to make pretty much what we just did before and hopefully you learned something from it alright so here we are in davinci resolve first things first let's drag our clips down onto the timeline now for the purpose of this video we don't need the audio but if you need the audio just keep it there but i'm going to delete the audio for this one so delete and next we want to do is we kind of want to line up the videos in just the editor before we jump into fusion and make this work so what we're going to do is we're going to just put one on top of the other and with that top one selected we're going to go to the inspector and lower the opacity just to 50 just so we can kind of see you know what's going on this is where you would play back and you can kind of watch it happen in real time now and we can kind of retime it so i'm gonna just i use so i don't need that bit there so i'm just gonna command b and delete and command b the bottom one and i'm just gonna ripple delete those now because this clip you know i'm not talking or anything or interacting really there's not real the any point in sort of like adjusting them and making sure they fit perfectly but and so on this one i'm just gonna end it here command b and again ripple delete so i've got the two clips there and they are more or less in sync not too bad cool all right so we're going to bump the opacity back to the top and then we're going to select both those clips right click and we are going to go new fusion clip awesome and with the playhead over that we're going to jump across to fusion all right so now we are here we are in fusion what we're going to do just quickly is we're going to display each media into different viewers so we're gonna go media one and just hit the one number one display in the viewer there and media two viewer two just so we can see them and to keep it nice and organized right click and rename them so i'm gonna rename this one left nick just so i know exactly what i'm working on and rename this one right nick perfect you don't have to do this this is just so that i can keep track of it now it's important to understand which one is in the foreground because that's the one we're going to work on so we're going to move right next to the top and just left nick there green is foreground you can see that if you hover over it it'll tell you it's the foreground and the reason why we want to edit this one is because it's the video that clip that's on top so the edits that we make to this one by masking it out will be visible in the final version so what we're going to do is we're going to put right nick into viewer 1 so we can work on it there and media out so the final clip we're going to put into viewer 2. so now what we're going to do is we're going to drag a rectangle mask and we're going to drag that down and connect it into there and we can kind of see what's going on already all we're going to want to do is we're going to move this mask over until it's covering the person on the right hand side there and then we can just sort of grab the tops and bottom here make them a bit bigger and basically you just want it to intersect not super close obviously because it's going to start cutting off that other person there and there is obviously with the couch obviously because i'm sitting on it so we'll kind of want it far enough over where there isn't any real effects going on and that should be fine there and the next thing we're going to want to do is just because if we have a look at the media too if we zoom in there you can see there is that line there it's not super visible but it's there so what we're going to do is with that rectangle selected we're just going to soften the edge we don't need to do it a lot and we can kind of see what's going on here so we just kind of want to do it just a little bit so now when we have a look at the media out we can't really see what's going on cool and then if we go on over to the edit page now we can play that back there you go guys that's really how simple it is so there you go guys hopefully you enjoyed that little tutorial again drop a comment down below if you want to see the more advanced version of it and i'll go through and do that because we're gonna if we do that we'll start fiddling around with some very advanced tools infusion but i think it'd definitely be worth it so i might just do it anyway but leave a comment if you want to see that make sure you hit that thumbs up button if you enjoyed this video and yeah subscribe to the channel if you want to see more content see ya [Music]
Channel: That Modern Dude
Views: 48,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to clone yourself in a video, how to clone yourself in davinci resolve, how to clone yourself in davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve cloning tutorial, easy cloning video editing tutorial, davinci resolve easy fusion tutorial, how to copy yourself in, how to copy yourself in davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve 16 tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve 16 tutorial, davinci resolve 16 editing tutorial, davinci resolve 16 fusion tutorial
Id: ulDQ2JOMsdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 36sec (336 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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