Arc on Windows is here. Now what...

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[Music] you never know when it's right to ship a 1.0 and it always feels too soon what's the worst thing that can happen people don't like it we'll find out eventually we better find out [Music] now it's been I think 6 months or less and we're about to be shipping this browser to hundreds of thousands hopefully millions of people oo spicy cheers first question for us the release is very much the beginning and we try to aim for way before we feel like it's done it is like daunting cuz it's a whole other platform like it's and there's so many like way too many users well there's just so many different ways that a Windows app can crash it's controversial we're not a beta anymore the expectations change every time you ship 1.0 is a is the first chapter in a story [Music] you want to say it together yes okay when on Windows 10 okay soon soon we hear you guys we're just a small team and we started with Windows 11 I mean like you go deep on the subreddit it's it's already out there like people people have figured out how to run it on Windows 10 so like you know we can do it too unofficially on Windows 10 this is not a recommendation don't do that we will be bringing it to you in an official capacity all right next question is there a timeline for Ark for Mac feature parody I've seen bcny show off so many cool new arc features only always to realize it's just for the Mac version it's a great question uh parody can mean a lot of different things uh parody in the context of Arcon windows and arc on Mac is going to come through the form of both beefing up the arc on Windows app and also pairing down the arc on Mac app we're a prototype team we have a prototype culture but as a result of that there are a few things in the Mac App that have maybe no place in it anymore it's about finding the balance between what's arc on Windows what's arc on Mac and then what's what's Arc yeah it's so nice having everybody here so this brainstorm the purpose is going to be to figure out what are we doing after G what's up next I had easel on here deflate the networking stack and feature flag generation and interaction and uh we or I should fix the switch CH reps we have a lot to do we've gotten Windows to a point where we're like ready to show it to the world and this was our first chance to be like well what about after that yeah I know what's next yeah okay this isn't really a question it's more of a statement I want all the AI features well us two us two and they're coming soon we're about to we're about to work on them and I think the question is in what order and which ones yeah there was a big big cluster of sticky notes that said arcmax on them so yeah it's coming I know I really miss uh like ask on page I I miss that one too right do you use it in slack use it on Wikipedia when Taylor Swift's new album came out of course I was deep on her Wikipedia figuring out her entire life history and Wikipedia only can tell you so much right you need you need AI to tell you the rest include the one for my dad said it said that's my kid yeah I just saw [Music] that um from our our dear friend Josh Miller hey Josh I bet each of you doubted that we could pull off Swift on WIS uh what do you wish you could have told yourself back then when you had doubts about if this was even possible and worth doing I think maybe what I would have told myself is don't second guess as much back then if we had known that this was going to be the world that we were living in we would have had no doubts as to whether or not Swift on Windows was the right call for us if you have a swift app on Mac you can build something and deploy it on Windows pretty quickly we decided we wanted to add picture and picture to the very first version of archon Windows and we were able to get that entire project end to endend done in 3 days kind of amazing why is this such a big feat not only is this the most fleshed out app in Swift on Windows to put things in perspective uh the next most complicated Swift on Windows out was a calculator we really wanted to find the balance between like what it meant to have arc on Windows but also like not have it feel like we just ported the Mac version over lot of us it's the first time we're all designing on um on on Windows yeah I think the hardest parts we're probably just like figuring out what we do with the top bar um I can show you different versions of what that almost looked like if if we just brought over like the Mac top bar like how bad would that feel if we added like a little glassy version of it if we minimized it and just had like smaller little little bits on the left and the right um we had a right sidebar uh which we we tried we explored briefly I really like this blurry material that just kind of like embraced the top but also didn't like focus on it so much yeah we tried one where it like kind of tucks into the top I mean I I still think there's like tons of room to iterate and tons of room to grow from where we're at there's tons of energy internally and externally to try to make that top bar as invisible as [Music] possible a happy M how are performance improvements taken care of super high priority this is I think one of the biggest things on our minds right now the great thing and the complicated thing about Windows is the diversity of Hardware you can have all kinds of different machines with different specs there different Performance challenges but yeah we have amazing people working in performance my job is to make sure that AR run fast and that it's efficient and and stable do a good job Matthew he's fantastic we have three different verticals that we're working on this Milestone which all ultimately tie back to how fast can you use the internet I think there's one more yeah we're talking about this lunch when Android uh soon I'm personally very excited about Android I we have a slack channel uh uh for Android uh where some preliminary stuff is happening I check it every day and if you are a talented Android engineer we'd love to hire [Music] you arc on Windows is the most simple set of features that we felt we needed to put together to bring Arc to Windows and now we get to look ahead and get creative about what we want to follow up with next excited to get plenty of feedback I'm sure it'll be all kinds of feedback it's it's nice to see how much people care Tuesday forward this is a live build we want a gesture towards the future of act two a browser that is deeply personalized to you that browses for you does things things on your behalf so anything that doesn't fall into that category of work is not going to be on our plate for this [Music] Milestone it's uh we are not done it's like just me beginning day coming yes it is there's a new day coming a new day
Channel: The Browser Company
Views: 86,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arc, arc browser, the browser company, browser
Id: OfvkfnAQ3JQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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