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ladies and gentlemen welcome to an eye tracker test but to judge me today I am joined with Talia yeah I'm gonna be using the eye tracker this is gonna be awful I'm not so if you guys don't know how an eye tracker works basically it does that yes you can see the screen right now I'm looking at the zombies head so yeah you can see the circle I am looking at so this should be fun this video is called eye tracking challenge hot twitch streamers edition so I might be in it that was your cue say I might be in it you might be in it all right ready she has nice eyes too nice English see an English I'm looking at tape what's mad what what um ah there is an interface to look at right now I'm looking at the her face even she's looking at the other girls but I had to understand your opinion you know yeah cuz you said you know I'd look so you know yeah there isn't even a face on screen right now you want me to look you owe me a look that you can it wherever you want nice Christmas tree that is that bad that's a nice Christmas tree that is that is a beautiful violet that where are my men to look I'm looking at the dog you didn't even notice that was dog did you know exactly I was checking out the Hat and the the the Goku Vegeta character in the background how are you doing this why is every once what what's that what what's the drawing what's the drawing I must look at that direction oops I accidentally oh the issue is right the issue is when she turns around I can't even pay attention to her without it being like oh you're looking at her booty you know I'm a my I've stared at this Vegeta character what do you mean whatever I would look if I trying to set me up you are trying to set me up this is hard you know take me like what a dear friend's girl that's right just checking out hi nose you know looking at the weights she said this thing like she she was asking people to look but what she's talking she pointed I are you are you for real are you I need to look at her form you're not meant to be encouraging me to lie you're telling me to look at this point what is oh she knows I wouldn't know I wouldn't know I don't know what she is the streamer I meant to be paying attention to her but she's lying around I'm like rolling around she's fine easy dunes get these go where I'm at blight where there is she just kept going up I started here and then she went off camera and I'm wearing this dispensary machine behind her bra her face did a perfect flip come on now there's no face lay my girl's head it's getting hot this girl's but I'm struggling here I don't know it Britney Spears well I'll look around and tell you hopefully wait how I sleep is not a good to us I don't know where I'm looking anymore I've ran out of room like places to look alright you know what you sit here I'm gonna get men actually you know what feel a lot more at women all right I'm gonna go me encourage you am I meant to try and not look okay your men to respect women let's see will you do them in the booty you Norman - look my eyes our bed right hey hey why you haven't no static I'm not trying I'm appreciating the female form Wow eyebrows are amazing looking at haha you were looking at her but again I'm and again I'm a giant iron form I can't look her for me well she's not wearing gymnastic I didn't mention that you guys skis I like her swimsuit to know what you mean I could wear that I could wear that you say I call by that I don't want you doing that I got Nick come on whoa she's pretty pretty odd to me I find you looking directly into myself oh hey hey I saw that I forgot you went from boob to boat I saw you are checking our bottle too much she's incredible and she works hard for us she works hard for it not so you can ogle her hey I saw that hey stop it hey no no face to boo I will show you how to respect women women that they are nice jeans those are some nice jeans I'm you said you were great glasses great great hat she has a great hairline oh that's a great ladder as well yeah great ladder yeah great nice nice water night great me she has an unbelievable me Wow jeez three lights and they're not even on mad Oh brilliant dance look at the hand up there yeah I'm not gonna lie barely notice that those girls on screen I'm trying to look at anything else that's cool that's cool I'm gonna balance not to me she was literally just some arms and legs my arms and feet is my main question for all of these is what are they like what are they doing I think it's just burst dropping in my arm huh well ain't working without respect one yo is too easy it's too easy I see that where's you disgusting looked everything treated all these women like pieces of meat you're just she's disgusting damn que si give me some cares i video is right well that is it for the eye tracker challenge guys have really mad thumbnail what I is quite mad they're really mad focusing on it I was just you know I'm looking at every thumbnail thank you guys watching even like you enjoyed eating Italian the description down below and yeah I'll see you guys soon for another main Channel video please [Music] [Music]
Channel: Miniminter
Views: 7,825,092
Rating: 4.9470124 out of 5
Keywords: simon, sidemen, miniminter, mm7games, random, vlog, eye, tracker
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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